How to properly plant watermelons in open ground. Planting watermelons in open ground: sowing dates and growing rules. Preparing watermelon seeds for sowing

Originally from Africa, this summer berry was known to the ancient Romans and Egyptians thousands of years ago. It has been popular for its diuretic properties. medicine. Watermelons are grown on adjoining plots, in the country, in the fields and farm enterprises. It is important to know that planting watermelons, like other plants, has different ways: in open soil or in a greenhouse. The process of planting watermelons is unpretentious, it is not difficult to grow a watermelon at home, but negligence and violation of the main agrotechnological rules can destroy the plant even before the flowering stage. How to plant watermelons different ways What mistakes to avoid when planting and caring for watermelon in order to get a rich harvest, read below.

Soil preparation

It is clear that soil preparation is milestone in growing this plant. After all, this is the environment in which the plant will develop until fruiting. But first you need to say a few words about the selection and preparation of seed. Initially, choose the right variety or hybrid that suits your climate. Hybrids are usually already treated with fungicides, so they do not need the seed preparation method described below.

Before sowing, place watermelon seeds in cheesecloth and dip in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. Place this container in a plastic bag and place it in a room at room temperature. Change the solution every day. Seed preparation does not take much time. In a couple of days you will see how the seeds hatch - this is a signal that you can plant them in the ground.

Plant this plant in a warm, well-lit place. Watermelon needs sandy or sandy soil. It’s good if before the watermelon in this area, onions, cabbage, and legumes were previously planted.

As for the soil, its preparation involves the following steps:

  • in autumn it is better to enrich the soil with compost so that next year she was fruitful;
  • before planting in the ground for watermelons, it is worth adding potash, phosphate top dressings and ammonium sulfate in a proportion of 1 m² 20:40:30 g;
  • the earth needs to be loosened and the beds prepared in advance.

seedling method

The method is excellent for growing this plant in areas with short and not very hot summers. For planting watermelons by seedling method, you need to select high-quality seeds early hybrids. Keep in mind that after germination, seedlings cannot be planted for another 25 days. Bones should be sown in April. How to plant seeds for watermelon seedlings? For seedlings of watermelons, special peat or plastic cups are used, in which one seed is planted.

Soil for watermelons can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. To do this, mix humus, peat, sand, earth in equal proportions and add wood ash. By the way, this mixture is suitable for all members of the Pumpkin family. Deepen the seed a couple of centimeters into the moistened earthen mixture. Place the cups under the foil. After the emergence of shoots, the film is no longer needed.

Leave the cups on the windowsill in a room with an air temperature of no more than 22 degrees. Seedlings must be constantly monitored. After 5-7 days, remove weak shoots. One and a half weeks after germination, you can feed the seedlings. Dilute mullein, superphosphate, ammonium nitrate in water and carefully water the plant. Do not get the solution on the sheets.

Before planting watermelons in open ground, stop watering for 3 days and lower the temperature in the room so that the plant is ready for a stressful situation.

Growing from seeds

In the southern regions, the plant is planted in open ground with seeds. How to plant watermelons in this way and when is it usually sown? Planted in advance prepared good seeds into the ground 10 cm deep. When landing, the temperature of the earth should be at least 14 degrees. When planting watermelons in the ground, pay attention to its structure. If it is sandy soil, then seeds can be buried by 8–10 cm, and if they are solid, then by 4–6 cm.

To grow watermelon, prepare the soil: mix upper layer earth with humus and ash and pour it into the hole. Align it all and fill with water. It is recommended to place at least 5 seeds in one hole. This does not mean that 5 individuals will grow from one hole. Just over time, you will need to leave the strongest seedling there.

Landing in open ground

When you see that the seedlings have grown stronger, grown young plants can be transplanted into open ground. The first thing when planting watermelons in open ground is the selection of a place. It is better to choose a well-lit, calm area. If, nevertheless, the place is windy, you can plant watermelons behind a "fence" of corn. Then prepare the ground for the new plant by using organic fertilizers.

People often ask at what distance to plant watermelons? Recommend to adhere the following parameters: between plants there should be a distance not less than a meter. They are usually planted in a checkerboard pattern - standard scheme planting watermelons. Place the seedlings in the holes and tamp down with soil, leaving shoots with leaves on the surface. When all individuals are planted, water each one generously.

Planting and care in the open field include not complicated, but basic actions:

  • periodic weeding and loosening of the earth around the base;
  • regular watering;
  • pinching shoots;
  • weed removal;
  • fertilizer organic matter added to superphosphate and calcium chloride;
  • treatment for diseases and pests.

Store and transport harvested crop also need with right approach whatever the volume. First, you need to understand how resistant your variety is to transportation and storage. Secondly, you must prepare a special place for the watermelon. The room should have a temperature of up to 5 degrees with a humidity of 70-80% and good ventilation system. Cover the bottom with dry moss or sawdust. Constantly monitor watermelons, their condition.

Planting in a greenhouse

How to plant a watermelon at home if the climate is cold? It can be easily grown in a greenhouse. But then the question is: how to plant a watermelon in a greenhouse?

According to this algorithm, you can properly plant watermelons and care for them:

  1. Seeds are planted in containers until the sprout appears. Land for watermelons can be taken specialized.
  2. The soil for transplanting is being prepared known way- adding to the soil organic fertilizers.
  3. Seedlings are placed in pits at a distance of 70–80 cm.
  4. Get a couple of bees in the greenhouse for better pollination.
  5. Cut off excess shoots.
  6. Fertilize with mullein or liquid manure.
  7. July-August is harvest time.

Video "How to grow watermelons"

From this video you will learn how to grow watermelons the right way.

The first thing to do if you really want to grow own harvest watermelons - choose optimal location under landing. The main characteristics of the culture: light-loving, thermophilic and drought-resistant. It is these three factors that should predetermine a suitable site for growing watermelons in open ground.

  • Make sure that the place you choose for planting watermelon is well lit and warms up throughout the day, it should also be ventilated.
  • The predecessors of watermelon can be early cabbage, carrots, onions and garlic. It does not make sense to sow watermelon again after melons: zucchini, pumpkin, melon or the same watermelon.
  • Ideally, if you take care of the proper preparation of the soil in advance on the site for planting watermelon. It is best to sow it with winter wheat in a couple of years, perennial herbs and sweet corn, which are in the stage of young plants, must be dug up, embedded in the soil.

Our advice:

In order for the crushed corn stalks embedded in the soil and the green mass of green manure to quickly turn into organic fertilizer, digging the top layer of soil, add 10-15 g of urea per 1 sq. m.

  • To prevent the development of root rot, do not return the watermelon to its original place for 6 to 8 days.
  • Do not forget that these plants have a fairly branched root system, so in early autumn, when preparing the soil, dig deep into the future bed for watermelons and apply rotted manure. Thanks to this, the watermelon roots will be easier to penetrate into the deeper layers of the soil.
  • The chores of the melon grower do not end with the preparation of the site. During the entire growing period, watermelon crops should be protected from weeds - right up to the end of autumn.

An adult and well-developed watermelon plant occupies more than 10 cubic meters. m of soil.

how prepare the soil for planting watermelons?

A fundamental success factor is also the composition of the soil and the availability of nutrients in it.

Acidic soils (pH below 6.0).

Problem: excess compounds of iron, aluminum and manganese.

Effects: toxic exposure leads to suspension of growth and death of plants for no apparent reason.

Saline soils (pH above 7.5).

Problem: lack of iron, manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc and boron.

Effects: violation of moisture supply, the impossibility of the simultaneous intake of sodium and calcium, necessary for the full growth and development of the fetus. As a result, the fruits crack and rot, due to the cessation of the development of the top.

Solutions for soil preparation for watermelons(for acidic and salty soils):

  • lime, chalk, eggshell, phosphogypsum;
  • selection of the right predecessors
  • green manure cultivation
  • the introduction of organic fertilizers (except for fresh manure in the spring, so as not to attract the bear).

excessive acidic soils can be neutralized wood ash(not less than 0.5 kg per 1 sq. m). It will also provide plants with the necessary calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and other useful trace elements. True, it lacks nitrogen.

Useful tricks:

  • pre-sowing tillage (March - April), including obligatory harrowing (does not allow evaporation of autumn-winter moisture);
  • triple deep loosening (up to 10 cm);
  • shallow "sharovka" soil before sowing.

Thanks to these simple procedures, you will ensure sufficient warming of the soil and stimulate the development of beneficial microflora of fungi of the genus Trichoderma, which protect young plant roots from fusarium and verticiliosis.

It is advisable to stop using herbicides on watermelon beds during the cultivation of watermelons, since their decay products accumulate in the pulp of the fruit.

What prevents you from growing a high yield of watermelons?

Despite the fact that almost all agrotechnical instructions for growing watermelon concern large-scale production in the warmest regions of our country, even in Polissia, gardeners, gardeners and summer residents do not give up hope of growing these juicy berries in their beds. However, even the southerners do not always get the desired result. To save you from disappointment, we will name the main reasons for a low or poor-quality harvest of watermelons.

  • In the southern regions, most often you have to deal with a lack of moisture and damage to plants by melon aphids. "Tired" and depleted soil does not allow the culture to develop fully.
  • In the north and west, respectively, the main negative factors will be the abundance of moisture and the lack of sun. Due to prolonged and cold rains, the emergence of watermelon seedlings is delayed, and excessive moisture leads to the spread of root rot. And most importantly: the fruits will not be sweet due to lack of sunlight, because the accumulation of sugars depends on the intensity of photosynthesis.
  • Weather surprises cannot be predicted in any region. Spring may be too cold, requiring re-sowing. And they, in turn, having lingered at the seedling stage, will develop already with a long light day, because of which, most likely, flowers capable of fertilization will form poorly.

Thanks to modern technologies growing berries and vegetables is no longer a fantasy. To understand how to grow watermelon at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances in advance that will allow you to harvest an ecological and tasty crop after some time.

Not every variety of watermelon can be grown at home. Seeds of delicious watermelon from the market or store are not suitable for this purpose, because this variety is grown in open areas in spring and summer. For the same reasons, they will not suitable varieties, which are grown in summer cottages.

But there are hybrids that are resistant to lack of light, early ripening, they do not require special care. The following varieties are considered excellent: Ogonyok, Kaho, Sibiryak, Volgar, Gift of the Sun. They sprout very well, are tenacious, the fruits have a sweet taste.

After the acquisition, planting material must be selected before growing watermelon at home. Small and damaged seeds are excluded immediately. Large seeds are dipped in a glass container containing a solution of table salt. It is done like this: 5 g of salt per 0.1 liter of water. Seeds that have sunk to the bottom must be removed, washed in water, and dried. It is these seeds that are needed for planting.

Then they are soaked in a solution of humate (0.5 g per 1 liter of water). This is done as follows: gauze is wetted, in which the seeds are left for a day. This will increase germination and reduce stress. You can also leave the seeds in gauze moistened with ordinary water until they begin to hatch.
Then the seeds need to be planted in small plastic cups of 4-5 seeds each, the earth should be a little tamped in them.

Watering should be carried out in such a way that the soil is always moist. For seedlings to appear, the temperature must be around 25 ° C. Then shoots will appear after 1 week. If the temperature is below 13 ° C, then seedlings can not be expected.

Cups should be in a well-lit and warm place. Drafts should not be allowed. After 2-3 weeks, 1 seedling should be left in each cup.

watermelon care

As soon as 3 leaves appear, the plants are transferred to containers, the volume of which is from 5 to 15 liters. They should have a mixture of seedling soil and perlite in a ratio of 2: 1. Water the plant often, but not abundantly so that the water does not stagnate. Every 2 weeks the soil must be fertilized. Liquid fertilizers for vegetables are suitable here. It is necessary to add 1 tsp to 1 liter of water. fertilizers. This solution can only be used for 1 watering.

When 6 leaves grow, pinch the plant over 4 leaves. The plant needs enough light. If there is not enough lighting, then additional LED or energy-saving lamps will be required.

Pollination of the plant and the appearance of fruits

In most cases, watermelons begin to bloom 30-50 days after germination.

Flowers require pollination to produce an ovary.

To do this, you must first find male flowers that have a thin stem. Such flowers will need to be carefully plucked, they need to be pollinated female flowers by touching the pistils with stamens.

After a certain period of time, the withering of the petals and the increase in the peduncle will be noticeable, which after a while will become a fruit. As the lashes grow, they will need to be pinched to stop their growth.

A few weeks before the full ripening of the fruit, watering should be minimized, stimulating the appearance of sugar in the berry. When the grown fruits are ripe, you can harvest.

How to grow watermelons in the country (video)

About the beneficial properties of watermelon

This berry has a lot of sugar (about 12%). It is quite easily absorbed by the body and, unlike refined sugar, benefits.

Watermelon juice has a diuretic effect, so it is able to flush the kidneys and ureters well. Thanks to him, salts dissolve and are washed out of the body. Watermelon juice is considered beneficial for people suffering from kidney disease. Watermelon juice is also useful for people who have diabetes, cystitis, atherosclerosis.

Now you know about growing watermelon at home. wish good harvest!

We plant seedlings of watermelon in open ground (video)

Gallery: watermelon at home (15 photos)

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Watermelon is very healthy, but it is not easy to grow, and seedlings are usually used for this. If it is not possible to grow seedlings or equip a greenhouse, all that remains is to plant the seeds directly in open ground. At the same time, the percentage of seedlings, as a rule, is low, and the yield is poor. How to plant watermelons with seeds, and at the same time get a rich harvest, will be discussed in the article.

What varieties can be planted outdoors?

Varieties are selected according to climatic conditions, landing sites and personal preferences. Each species has its own characteristics: taste, size, color of the crust and pulp. However, the first thing you need to look at before buying is the ripening period.

Suitable for warm areas late varieties or with an average ripening period (Melania F1, Spring, Chill, Icarus). For a long time they will be able to grow quietly without the threat of early frosts.

But the northern middle lane should be preferred early varieties(Crimson Sweet, Start, Light, Sugar Baby, Skorik). They rush into short time- before the first frost. Therefore, summer residents have the opportunity to grow their favorite crop and harvest it before the air temperature drops significantly.

When can you plant watermelons?

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Landing time for all regions is different. But there are several general rules to be observed before planting watermelons with seeds in open ground:

  • it should be quite warm, even at night - without frost;
  • all belated frosts should already be over, because even small frosts will destroy the plant;
  • the earth should dry out from melted snow;
  • the ideal temperature of the earth is from 15 degrees and above.

How to prepare the soil?

To begin with, it is worth noting that it is easiest to plant seeds in open ground in the southern regions. There is a much higher chance of getting a crop without seedlings. In the northern and middle latitudes, to grow watermelon from seeds, you will need to thoroughly prepare the land. So, how to plant watermelons with seeds in open ground?

The place for culture is chosen sunny, not shaded. The shadow will not allow to develop - you need an abundance of sun and heat! The best predecessors of culture are onions, cabbage, legumes.

In autumn, the ground for watermelons is dug up well, and then fertilized with manure. You can use fresh manure, during the winter it will have time to overheat and will not harm the culture. In spring, the soil loosens and warms.

For warming, the earth is poured with boiling water, then a film is applied to the site where the watermelon will grow. It can be lifted on spacers - it will be more effective. A similar method will warm the earth much faster, and plant a crop earlier.

How to prepare seeds for planting?

Before planting watermelons with seeds, they need to be harvested. Since February, they have been transferred to a warm place. To know in advance the volume planting material, you need to fill them warm water, leave for 30 minutes, and then throw away all the floating seeds (high-quality, full ones will go to the bottom).

In order to increase resistance to disease, the day before planting they are soaked in a warm solution of potassium permanganate. They should lie down in it for about 15 minutes. Then they are taken out and transferred to another warm water with the addition of ash. One part ash is two parts water. In the morning, the seeds will change a little - they will swell, it is in this form that they need to be planted in the soil.

How to plant and care for watermelon?

The beds are made wide - 0.5-1 meter due to the branched root system. It is desirable to make a landing site with a comb up to 20 cm high and 50 cm wide. Watermelon seeds are planted at a depth of 5-7 cm and at a distance of 80 cm from each other. In one hole, you can throw 3-5 seeds. And if they all germinate, thin them out. Such a large distance allows the plant to develop freely in different sides.

Care is similar to other plants. It is necessary from time to time to loosen the soil, remove weeds. After 2-3 weeks, the first shoots can be observed. If at this time or earlier the temperature still dropped environment, a simple film can help. It is pulled on sticks or spacers over a bed of watermelons, you can put a saucepan under the film with hot water. The principle is like in a small greenhouse, but since watermelons do not like excess moisture, gauze is pulled under the film.

When 3-4 ovaries and at least 5 leaves appear, pinch the lashes. Regular, plentiful watering is carried out before the appearance of flowers. After that, watering is reduced so that the watermelons do not turn out watery.

Watermelon is delicious and useful berry, which pleases children and adults with its juicy pulp. You can grow watermelon in central Russia. This melon culture is very thermophilic, however, in order to grow large and sweet fruits, you need to observe a lot of nuances. So, let's talk about everything in order.

Where to grow watermelons

A place for growing watermelons must be selected very carefully. It should be a sunny area without trees or shade. Watermelons grow best in sandy and sandy soils, because the roots of watermelon penetrate deep into the soil to be saturated with moisture and filled with sweetness. That is why the soil for growing watermelons should not be clayey and dense. To make the soil more porous, it is first dug (since autumn). The acidity of the soil of the selected area should not exceed 6.5-7 units.

It is best to choose the soil for planting in which crops such as onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beans, wheat grew. You should not grow gourds two years in a row in the same area. The soil is pre-cleaned of weeds, watermelon does not like extraneous vegetation.

When to grow watermelons

If the summer turns out to be cold, no tricks will help grow juicy and sweet fruit. But if there are many sunny and hot days in a year, be prepared for a good harvest. It is best to start planting watermelons at the end of May, when the soil is already sufficiently warmed up by the sun. If you decide to plant seedlings, then the seeds can be planted in cups in early May. However the last word anyway, the weather. If in the first decade of May the heat did not come, you should not rush into landing.

How to prepare seeds for planting watermelons

Consider two main ways of planting watermelons - seedling and seedless.

Watermelon has very dense and hard seeds that must be soaked beforehand. To do this, pour the seeds with warm water and leave for half an hour. Those seeds that have surfaced after the specified time are not suitable for planting - we immediately remove them. After that, you need to cover the container with a plastic bag and leave it in a warm place (under direct sunbeams). It turns out an imitation of a greenhouse. It is best if the temperature in the mini-greenhouse does not fall below 25-30 degrees during the day, and below 20 degrees at night.

When the seeds hatch, they can be planted in a cup. This is usually done in late April or early May. Cups need to be chosen large enough so that the root system is spacious. Watermelon does not tolerate root damage. The soil for planting must be mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers. In the process of growing seedlings, you need to feed the sprouts with fertilizers several more times. Two seeds are usually planted in one cup, with the expectation that suddenly some will not germinate. If both sprouts grow, they are then separated.

Seedlings for planting are ready when the sprout gains at least three healthy leaves. Planting seedlings takes place in loosened soil, fertilized with compost. Watermelon seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. If two sprouts are planted in one hole, you need to rotate them so that they grow in different directions. Seedlings should not be planted too deep into the ground - the recesses should not exceed 10 cm. The leaves of the sprouts must remain on the surface. After planting, the sprouts should be poured with plenty of warm water so that they start better.

A seedless way to plant watermelons
If the days are already warm enough, you can plant watermelons in a seedless way. To do this, they, just as in the previous planting method, must be soaked in warm water and leave the seeds to germinate. When small sprouting sprouts appear, you can bypass the stage of planting sprouts in cups and sow the seeds directly into the soil. I would like to note once again that a reckless method of planting watermelons is feasible only if the long-term weather forecast does not portend cold weather.

Seeds should be planted in holes at a distance of 20-25 cm, 2 seeds per hole. To get a good harvest, you can prepare the following mixture. Mix soil, ash and humus in a ratio of one to one. Add a few tablespoons to the mixture mineral fertilizer nitroamophoska. In each well, before planting the sprouts, lay out one tablespoon of the prepared mixture. Place watermelon seeds on top of the mixture, and then sprinkle with humus. This is done so that the top layer of soil is not covered with a crust. As it was said, watermelon loves loose soil, and the sprout simply cannot break through a thick crust.

Although watermelon is considered a fairly unpretentious crop, in order to get a good harvest, you need to follow some aspects in caring for watermelon.

  1. Imitation of a greenhouse. Until the sprouts have grown stronger, you need to cover them with a covering material. This will allow them to gain strength and bear fruit for several weeks. ahead of schedule. To create such a small greenhouse, stick small sticks on the sides of the beds and cover with a dense plastic wrap. Keep the greenhouse until the end of June. It is better to shoot film on a gloomy day when there is no sun. This will allow the plants to adapt better. If you remove the film on a sunny day, the sprouts can simply burn out.
  2. Watering. Watermelon does not like over watering as it feeds inland waters. It has a powerful root system that takes water from the lower layers of the soil when needed. But the plant should not be overdried, otherwise the fruits will not differ in juiciness. The optimal frequency of watering is once or twice a week.
  3. Fertilizers. A week after planting the seeds, they need to be fed. ammonium nitrate. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 20 grams of the substance in ten liters of water. After the first feeding, watermelons should be fertilized every three weeks, using the usual mineral complex. Along with fertilizers, you need to constantly hill the soil. Watermelon vitally needs loose soil. In general, gardeners advise walking less near the holes and not compacting the ground. Especially, in the intervals between planted sprouts. root system watermelon is quite sprawling, but also quite fragile. Stepping on loose soil near the hole, you can damage the root of the plant.
  4. Molding. This is an important part of caring for a watermelon planting. If the whips are very long, they can be tied to posts or nailed with earth so that they are not damaged by the wind. In a month, ovaries will begin to form. When they become the size of a large plum, you need to leave only the largest - a few pieces. This is called pinching. This procedure is carried out for the following purpose. When a plant has many fruits, it expends its energy on each fruit. Thus, we will get a lot of unripe and small fruits. To get good and tasty fruits, you need to remove a few ovaries at the very beginning of their growth. Usually no more than 5-6 watermelon fruits are left from one bush. Moreover, on one lash there should not be more than two ovaries.

In the second half of summer, when watermelons begin to ripen, they can be carefully turned from one side to the other every 10 days. This will allow them to quickly gain flavor and juice. If the soil under the watermelons rots, you need to put small boards under the fruits to reduce the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontact between the watermelon and the ground.

When to Harvest

Harvested in August. To understand that a watermelon is ripe, you need to carefully consider it. Ripe fruits are distinguished by a shiny skin, as well as a dry tail. Peduncle at ripe watermelon not hairy. If you knock on a watermelon, a ripe fruit gives out a characteristic dull sound, by which experienced gardeners understand - it's time to harvest!

In watermelon-rich years, about 10 plants can be grown from six holes. About 40 fruits grow and ripen from them. different size and weight. At proper care and a sufficient amount of light and moisture, 90% of them ripen completely.

What could be tastier and more enjoyable than enjoying a watermelon grown by yourself? Follow all the rules of planting, care and feeding in order to grow a rich crop of watermelons in your summer cottage!

Video: how to grow a watermelon in the open field