How to fix a crack in the wall: tips for choosing a material, known ways to deal with holes, secrets for beginners. How and how to fix a crack in the brick wall of the house with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions and recommendations How to repair cracks

If cracks have formed in the wall, it is urgent to remove them, because niches in a brick house can lead to its destruction. Cracks indicate the destruction or deformation of the foundation. How to fix a crack in the wall of a brick house? You can prepare the solution yourself or contact a professional master who can fix the crack quickly and efficiently. At the same time, it must be remembered that only a specialist working in the field of construction can find the real cause of the appearance of cracks in the walls.

Why do cracks appear in the walls of houses

It is a well-known fact that after construction, any building needs several years to take a stable position. Up to this point, it can shrink. But the solution based on cement hardens very quickly. This "velocity imbalance" can cause cracks, causing the walls to lose strength. Lime mortar is not so capricious, because its hardening rate is lower. Probably, here lies the secret of the durability of old buildings, which are already over a hundred years old - many of them will give odds to new buildings, decorated with cracks.

The injuries themselves are classified according to various criteria, among them:

  • reasons for the appearance(due to construction, deformation, shrinkage, temperature, wear)
  • direction(cracks horizontally, vertically or diagonally)
  • "pattern" cracks on the walls(straight, curved)
  • damage size(small cracks, developed or large)
  • type of crack(walls can burst, tear, "crush")
  • risk of cracks in the wall(in some cases, damage in the wall of a brick house may not bother the owners of the building for years, in others, an urgent overhaul is needed, otherwise damage that is harmless at first glance, such as cracks, can destroy the structure)

There are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of cracks in brick and other walls. Among the most common of them:

  • ground donkey(in another way, builders call this reason uneven soil settlement). A dense area replaces a weak one, due to which the foundation spreads unevenly, and water gets into the niches. As a result, cracks appear that can extend to the very edges of the walls.
  • the soil was frozen and unsuccessfully thawed. Because of this, the foundation may rise unevenly (usually this occurs when the "bottom" of the foundation is located above the level of the point where the ground has frozen). This kind of damage in masonry is dangerous, especially for a new building under construction. When, on the contrary, the soil thaws in spring, the opposite situation is observed, and the foundation shrinks - as a result, cracks also appear on the walls.
  • built a new building- in this case, problems such as cracks also arise. The soil receives additional stress, which turns into inclined cracks.
  • the load on the foundation part of the building is distributed unevenly, accordingly, the sedimentation of the soil is uneven, which leads to cracks in brick houses
  • digging a pit next to the building- this can also lead to cracks in the wall. A similar deformation occurs if the pit is located close to
  • brick wall is affected by adjacent foundations
  • there are loads on the foundation, and, therefore, on the walls of the building (even if a large number of heavy things are placed on the ground nearby, this can affect the ground and then the wall of the building)
  • there is a sharp mechanical effect on the walls(for example, piles are driven)
  • temperature is affected(sudden jumps from heat to cold and vice versa can greatly affect walls)
  • deformation changes occur due to shrinkage of the new building(they are not dangerous, and often such cracks do not reach the edges of the wall)

Also, cracks at the junction of walls are considered out of danger. One glance from a professional builder will be enough to understand whether urgent assistance is needed for the construction or not. In order to avoid danger for sure, you can order diagnostics of specialists and consultation, and in case of a minor problem, make repairs yourself.

How to close a crack in the wall of the house - ways

It is better to start this process after the building has completely passed the shrinkage period - otherwise, the work on repairing the walls will be simply useless. To control the crack and its movement, you can use a gypsum cup - it is located where damage can develop. If the bubble hasn't burst in a while, the cracks have most likely stopped growing and the walls are safe. In addition, beacons equipped with a special scale are used to control the gap.

So, to remove a crack in the wall of the house will help such methods as:

  • grouting with cement mortar(but it is suitable for small damage, up to five millimeters)
  • using a brick castle(remove the damaged brick and replace it with a new one)
  • metal anchor insert- it is inserted exactly where the crack spreading in the brickwork is observed, for example, if the damage is at the top, the anchor is placed at the top, and vice versa
  • if the building is threatened with complete destruction, stronger methods must be used, for example, install steel rods that will become a kind of cover for a brick wall

How to fix the damage yourself

It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of any building and control the appearance of destruction. The sooner a problem such as a brick crack is noticed, the more chances there will be to save the building. If you decide on an independent repair, then you need to remember that not all methods of restoring masonry are suitable for repairing cracks without special equipment. Most often, amateurs use the simplest way of such repairs - cement mortar. It allows you to get by with improvised means and does not require special professional skills. If it is necessary to repair a crack in a building whose walls are in danger of destruction, you should contact professional craftsmen.

How to make cement mortar

If you nevertheless decide to solve the problem yourself and cover the walls with cement-based mortar, you will need a “recipe” for such a mixture. Most often it looks like this:

  • cement (about 270 kg)
  • sand (about 2.1 thousand kg)
  • water (about 350 l)

The proportions may differ depending on the equipment used to repair the walls. For example, in order to prepare a solution in a concrete mixer, there is another recipe - in liters you will need:

  • cement (33)
  • water (54)
  • sand (206)

Such proportions will allow you to prepare a solution for 200 liters.

How to properly seal cracks in the walls of a brick building

It is better to cover the damaged walls with several layers of mortar, allowing each layer to dry in turn. Special skills, as noted above, are not required. To work, you will need a trowel and a bowl for mixing the solution (or a concrete mixer).

The appearance of cracks in the walls is a problem. Both for multi-storey buildings and for private ones. It contributes to paint shedding, wallpaper peeling off and other troubles that any owner would like to avoid. You should not be especially afraid, just solve the problem as it appears and do not drag it out - anyway, nothing is eternal. The main thing is that a small crack does not lead to serious damage, otherwise you will have to spend more effort, time and money. Here I will tell you how to fix a crack in the wall with your own hands.

Why cracks appear

The causes are quite varied. If you see cracks no more than a millimeter in your house, then there is no reason to panic. Experts call this a perfectly acceptable phenomenon, in which you should not rush to the hardware store and purchase materials for repairs.

The appearance can cause a change in the ground under the house itself plus insufficient bearing capacity of the walls. Such a crack can be decorated with a mirror. But here it is necessary to pay special attention to the material from which the building is made. If brick and concrete are one thing, then a crack in a foam block wall is already a big danger for the entire construction. But the panel house is not too troublesome to repair.

Not the last role is played by swelling and shrinkage - the behavior of the material under humidity and different weather conditions. This also includes the purpose of use of the building and the loads exerted on it.

Constant vibrations, wind, heavy traffic, high temperatures are also important factors that affect the appearance of cracks in one or another element of the house.

Why is a crack dangerous?

The danger appears if the cause of the split is construction defects after a major overhaul or restructuring. To make sure, apply a plaster mark or control strip to the crack. Take a little specially prepared gypsum and apply it to the cracked place, about the width of the palm of your hand. If within three to four weeks the crack does not appear, it is not so scary.

If it appears, wait another eight weeks (experts allow this period to be extended to twelve weeks). When it gets bigger, contact an expert. With it, it will be possible to determine how deep the problem is, and in what way it is best to solve it. You can monitor the changes in the split using special wall beacons. They will help keep track of both vertical and horizontal changes.

Crack in plaster

In order to get rid of such a "guest" in the plaster, you will need the following tools:

  1. brush,
  2. putty knife,
  3. brush,
  4. plaster mortar,
  5. sandpaper.

Repair consists of the following steps:

First of all, thoroughly clean the area from construction debris and dust. If there is, remove the adhesive paint. This is done as follows: the surface is wetted with a brush, and then scraped off with a spatula. Remove dust with a brush, and then thoroughly rinse the place with water.

Make liquid gypsum mortar. Do not forget that the interior walls are suitable for the use of lime mortar plaster. Gently cover the gap with mortar using a spatula.

The filled gap should dry well. Next, use sandpaper and level the wall.

Separately, we will consider how to deal with cracks "cobwebs" that appear in the plaster on the internal and external walls. They may not be so large, but their significant danger lies in the fact that the cobwebs can “spread” all over the wall, justifying their name. The reason for their appearance is usually the broken technology in the process of preparing the solution.

To get rid of them on the interior walls, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • fiberglass mesh or cullet - fiberglass called "spider line";
  • putty knife;
  • brush;
  • sandpaper;
  • putty.

The repair is done like this:

  1. Clean the area where the splits have appeared well;
  2. Prime the surface thoroughly;
  3. Glue the mesh onto the applied layer of putty. Please note that the mesh should cover the entire putty;
  4. Apply putty again on top of the fiberglass mesh and wait until it dries well;
  5. Treat the area with sandpaper;
  6. After that, you can paint the wall or stick wallpaper.

Now let's move on to work with the elimination of "cobwebs" on the outer walls. Usually it is done in private homes. In order to make repairs, you will need:

  • mixture of Ceresit CT-29,
  • reinforced mesh.

Crack in brickwork

Necessary tools, materials:

  1. brush;
  2. putty knife;
  3. sealant;
  4. primer.

Repair steps:

  • Widen a crack in a brick wall (clear and deepen the cracked section of the wall);
  • Carefully apply a layer of primer.

Using a construction gun, seal with seam sealer.

Important! When working with a sealant, pay attention to its composition! If it is a silicone type sealant, then it cannot be used, because it is not suitable for further work with paint and plaster.

  • Remove any excess applied material.

Crack in drywall

You will need:

  1. fiberglass tape;
  2. putty;
  3. putty knife.

Repair steps:

  • Carefully apply a layer of putty to the resulting crack. Treat both angled sides of the split;
  • Apply fiberglass tape to the area treated with putty.
  • The excess part of the tape can be removed;

  • Then, using a spatula, apply an even layer of putty to the tape. Proceed as follows: start from the middle and carefully move towards the edges. It is worth pressing the tapes with a spatula so that a little putty protrudes from under the tape itself.

All of the above is more suitable for small cracks. The big ones are a little more difficult. But since large splits are much more dangerous than small ones, I will tell you how to close them in both internal and external walls.

When sealing a large crack inside, you will need:

  • small spatula;
  • large spatula (will go for decoration);
  • sponge;
  • brush;
  • gypsum mortar;
  • reinforced tape (but gauze is also suitable).

The repair process is as follows:

  1. Clean the area well with a damp sponge.

Make a gypsum grout (exactly as described in the point about small cracks), but add more vinegar or wood glue. These additives will help slow down the setting of the solution.

  1. Use a chisel and hammer to trim the edges of the crack.

Apply a neat layer of putty. It is necessary to make sure that not only the crack is closed, but also part of the wall around it. In this case, you will have a guarantee that cracking will not go further.

  1. After that, cover the treated area with gauze or reinforced tape.

Proceed to putty work. Your goal is to putty so that the glued tape (gauze) is not visible.

  1. Then you can safely glue the wallpaper (paint the walls).

Large splits in the outer walls can also be repaired independently. To do this, prepare:

  • lime-cement mortar;
  • putty knife;
  • plaster.

The work steps are as follows:

  1. Clean the split area well;
  2. Make a lime-cement mortar. Provided that the crack is very large and through, pieces of brick can be added to the mortar;
  3. The finished solution is applied to the crack. Wait for it to dry;
  4. Carefully plaster the repaired area.

It happens that entire sections can move. Then it is necessary to make a screed of steel strips and staples.

Using the methods described above, you can easily and quickly seal the cracks that have arisen in your walls. The main thing is to carefully read the tips and act in stages, then success and a worthy appearance of the walls are guaranteed!

Video “Cracks in the walls of the house. How to avoid it"

Video about the causes of cracks in the walls of the house and methods for their elimination.

Those who first decided to make repairs themselves, with their own hands, may be confused. Cosmetic repairs begin with the preparation of walls and partitions. First of all, you need to repair cracks, potholes, eliminate cavities and other defects. And along the way, figure out how to choose and apply the putty or repair mixture correctly, because the well-being of the fine finish directly depends on this.

When paintings and carpets are removed from the walls and wallpaper is torn off, a sad sight opens up. The plaster (See also the entry: “”) is dotted with cracks, potholes and holes from dowels. Meanwhile, it is possible to perfectly finish the walls only if the walls are even and strong. And if technical wallpaper helps to cope with thin hairline cracks, then large defects or old dowel holes must be sealed with putty or a repair mixture. This will require a set of tools: a plastic container, spatulas, a trowel (trowel), a small chisel and a medium-sized hammer. You will also need self-adhesive tape to reinforce the wall in the cracked area. In some, as the people say, “severe” cases, it may also be required.

If you do not have the necessary tools and materials, they can be purchased at any hardware store or supermarket at very reasonable prices (the total purchase price will not exceed 1200 rubles). To eliminate minor defects, it is better to use ready-made putty in a tube. Large damages are repaired with the help of dry mixtures, from which the putty mass is kneaded on the spot. First of all, it is necessary to determine the scope of work, and then calculate the required amount of repair materials. In this case, the alignment of the restored areas should be taken into account.

We also note that in the course of cosmetic repairs, the electrical network of an apartment or a country house is often modernized. In this case, cable channels are pierced in the walls, or, as they are also called, fines. After laying the wires, the cable channels are also filled with putty.

It remains to add that repair work should be carried out in a well-ventilated area (but without drafts), at room temperature and normal humidity.

So, to work on repairing irregularities and defects in the walls with your own hands, you will need a container, a trowel, a spatula, a hammer, a chisel, a reinforcing tape and a dry putty mixture, and water.

If you decide to eliminate wall defects with the help of building gypsum (alabaster), then before mixing it, dissolve carpentry ("fish") adhesives in water in a ratio of 1:12 - this will prolong the viability of the putty mass


1. A third of the container is filled with water at room temperature.

2. The dry mixture in the proportion indicated on the package is slowly poured into a container (so that there are no lumps).

3. Water should completely cover the mixture. Pause before mixing.

4. Now the solution is mixed with a spatula until a homogeneous pasty mass is obtained. Then you should wait 5-10 minutes and mix the putty again.


1. To remove old plastic dowels from the wall, bolts are screwed into the nick. This is done manually. Then, grabbing the head with wire cutters or tongs, the bolts, together with the old dowels, are pulled out of the wall or partition.

2. The holes are cleaned of dust using an ordinary vacuum cleaner, on the hose of which an appropriate nozzle is put on. If necessary, the inner surface of the hole is irrigated from the spray gun and a primer is applied.

3. The holes are filled with ready-to-use putty mass from a tube. Putty must be squeezed out slowly and carefully so that the hole is completely sealed.

4. When the mass hardens, the remains of the putty are cleaned off the wall with a spatula. At the same time, the tool is carried out along the wall with light pressure several times and in different directions.


1. Thin (hairline) cracks that occur due to internal stresses in the plaster are repaired quickly with their own hands. They are filled with grout (for tiling) or putty mass. It is better to use acrylic-based formulations. Due to the increased elasticity and excellent hiding power, such putties fill small cracks well.

2. The putty seal is treated with a weak solution of detergent and leveled with a finger or a special narrow spatula. Before painting, the repaired sections of the wall must be sanded and primed.

3. If the walls are supposed to be wallpapered, hairline cracks are additionally strengthened with a special self-adhesive tape. Then the treated area is leveled with putty.


1. First, with a sponge, slightly moisten the wall area around the open cable channel (straps), otherwise dry plaster will take moisture from the putty mass, which will lead to cracking and even lagging of the applied layer. The wiring must be in a corrugated plastic pipe.

2. With a small spatula, place the required amount of prepared putty on the trowel (trowel). The use of a trowel simplifies the work with a putty composition of a thick consistency. The putty is taken on a spatula in small portions and the crack is filled to the full depth.

3. The cable channel is filled in sections. Putty is applied from top to bottom and smoothed in a circular motion. Particular attention is paid to the connection to the mounting box for a socket or switch.

4. The filling of the cable channel is carefully sealed. When the entire stroke is completely filled, the resulting seam is passed several times with a wide trowel in order to completely level it with the wall surface.

You can use a sharp kitchen corkscrew or similar construction tool to pry out old wood corks and even plastic dowels.

Do-it-yourself sealing of large cracks on the walls

1. Deep cracks need major repairs. With the help of a small hammer and a sharp steel chisel, they open (reach the base) and widen the crack. This creates a sufficient bonding surface for the putty mass.

2. The opened crack is thoroughly cleaned of dust and moistened with water or an aqueous primer with a sponge. Thus, dehydration and further cracking of the putty is prevented.

3. The treated crack is filled to the full depth with putty. The work is done in layers. A portion of the putty mass is applied to a trowel, with which it is transferred to the wall with a spatula. To compact and level the seal, use a small nelma or spatula.

4. On a still fresh seal, a reinforcing tape is fixed. The material is pressed and slightly recessed into the putty with gentle movements of the trowel. It is important that the tape is slightly concave into the seam

5. At the final stage, a thin leveling layer of putty is applied with a trowel. In this case, the embedding should be brought to the level of the wall surface (as they say, “to zero”). The vertical is controlled by the building level.

According to the materials of the publication for assistance in the repair of "Home". Author Tatyana Gagarina.

Ladymisty 30 ml nail extension, UV gel, polystyrene, builder liquid…

In order to know how to fix it, you first need to find out why it appeared and what material the walls are made of. Cracks can appear for various reasons: violation of the technology of laying bricks, stone, pouring concrete, assembling drywall, incorrectly selected proportion or incorrectly applied plaster, incompatibility of wall materials with finishing materials, sudden temperature changes ... In fact, the factors that cause cracks to appear in the walls quite a lot, so let's look at each case separately.

How to fix a crack in the wall from plaster.

Cracks in - this is the most common problem both inside and outside the building. On cement-sand plaster, they are almost always formed. Basically, these are thin cracks with a thickness of hair, which are located along the entire wall like a cobweb. They are especially visible after priming the plaster. This mainly happens when the proportion of mixing the components of the solution, its improper application, aging and care after plastering is violated. Also, cracks can appear if the plaster is applied at a time and immediately with a thick layer of more than 2-3 cm, which cannot be done, because this is a violation of technology.

Cracks in the plaster will also appear after puttying, painting or, and so that this does not happen, the wall must be reinforced before the finishing putty. To do this, you can use several types of materials: "cobweb", glass fiber or fiberglass mesh. Since glass wall papers are much more expensive than all other materials, we will not dwell on them, we will only say that the principle of gluing them is the same as gluing fiberglass.
The best option for is fiberglass. It is glued on a special glue for glass wallpaper on a dry and primed base. After that, it can be puttyed with a finishing putty or painted without puttying. Fiberglass or glass fiber, due to its structure, reinforces the surface and cracks do not appear through it.

How to fix a crack in a brick wall.

Cracks in a brick wall usually form for several reasons: shrinkage of a new house, lack of reinforcement in the wall, violation of masonry technology and non-compliance with the proportions of masonry mortar. The crack is "embroidered" - it is cleared, deepened and expanded in all directions at an angle of 45 degrees and primed. There are several ways to seal: with the same mortar on which the wall was laid or with some kind of sealant for seams. Sealant is most suitable for this because it becomes rubbery when it dries, and this helps it expand and contract without cracking, which is not possible with ordinary mortar. The sealant is placed into the seam with a construction gun, and the excess is removed with metal or rubber flush with the wall. For this purpose, sealants such as "silicone" cannot be used, since it is greasy and paint, putty, etc. do not stick to it. Sealing cracks with sealant is not a cheap procedure, but justified. When filling cracks in a brick wall with cement mortar, the prepared gap is moistened with water and covered with mortar. Cement mortar can be replaced with a similar one, but based on cement: tile adhesive, cement plaster in bags and the like.

Like drywall.

Cracks in a drywall wall appear at the seams for several reasons. The most basic of them is a violation of the technology for mounting a metal frame and screwing GKL sheets. How to do it right, read our article Installation of plasterboard walls. Another of the most common reasons is a violation of the technology of puttying and sealing drywall joints. But there are other reasons that are quite rare: a sharp temperature drop in the room, dampness or a flood. Upon contact with water, drywall sheets are deformed and, after drying, remain in a curved shape and there is no way to fix this. Therefore, after flooding, drywall walls must be completely replaced.

There are several ways to close a crack in a drywall wall: embroider and cover it with putty for sealing drywall joints or acrylic. Or the same thing, but glue fiberglass over the seam or over the entire plane, putty, sand, paint or. The second method is more costly and time-consuming, but also more reliable. Both methods are applicable only in the situation when the drywall frame does not stagger and is firmly fixed to the wall.

Self-plastering and sealing cracks in the wall

There are two main types of plaster: plaster for exterior and plaster for interior walls. Usually, both are applied with a layer of 15 mm thick. To finish the outer walls, cement mortar plaster is used, and the inner walls are often finished with a softer lime mortar. On a rough and hygroscopic base, plaster is applied, as a rule, in one layer. However, in order for this finish to be more durable, it is sometimes necessary to apply it in two or even three layers.

Special skill requires working with plaster applied by spraying. In this case, the solution (for external walls it is prepared in the following ratio: 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand; for internal walls: 1 part of lime, 4 parts of sand) with a sharp movement of the hand, throw it on the wall so that it fits snugly on it " pancake." If the throw is weak, the solution will fall on the wall in a lump, which will quickly slide off it.

You can also read about the preparation of various mortars here - How to make mortars for masonry and plaster with your own hands. Solution recipes

The plaster thrown on the wall is smoothed out with a wooden float, working with it in lateral directions from the bottom up. Possible defects (recesses) are eliminated with the help of a mason's trowel: the solution is rubbed into the plastered surface with a triangular trowel.

When decorating walls of a large area, so-called “beacons” are attached to them at a distance of about 1.5 m from each other (the easiest way is to use even wooden planks). The work associated with the installation of plaster beacons is perhaps the most responsible. After all, it is their front edges that will determine the position of the surface of the applied plaster, since the tool smoothing the plaster will move along these edges.

In this case, the wall is plastered with sections between the beacons, and after removing the beacons, these sections are sealed and leveled at the joints.

After eliminating the irregularities, the plastered wall is treated with a grater, making spiral movements with it. The applied plaster is allowed to stand for about half an hour and only then they start grouting it - it will be easier this way.

This base layer of plaster can then be applied with a wide variety of plasters. In particular, spray plaster with a brush or a special plaster machine. To get a smooth plastered wall, the layer of finishing plaster is smoothed with a steel trowel or trowel. In addition, gypsum plaster is sometimes also applied to the plaster after smoothing as a covering. Or, on the contrary, you can give the wall a rough rustic look by treating the plaster layer with a bricklayer's trowel.

There are many ways to plaster masonry. But all these works require patience and skill. Before proceeding with any of them, you should first practice at least a little on some section of the wall to be finished.

How to learn to plaster - we plaster the simplest wall ourselves - instructions
A novice plasterer will need the following tools and aids: a mortar tank, large and small wooden floats, a steel trowel, a triangular trowel, a plastering brush, a water bucket, a brush, small trowels for grouting small depressions. You can prepare the plaster mixture yourself. However, ready-made plaster mixtures are also on sale for both internal and external works, which are sufficient to be diluted with water.
Spray plaster is applied with a trowel, throwing it on the wall with a sharp movement of the brush. In order for the plaster to adhere firmly to the wall, it must be of the appropriate consistency.
The plaster applied to the wall is leveled with a large wooden float, slightly leaning on it.
Recesses and cracks are sealed with plaster, smoothing it with a triangular trowel. When finishing a wall section near the outer corner, a board is attached to the adjacent wall as a stop-limiter for plaster.
The plaster applied to the wall is treated with a wooden float, moving it in a spiral and pressing the entire surface against the plaster. It will be easier and easier to work if the plaster is allowed to dry a little.
On a slightly dried plaster with a steel trowel, apply and smooth the finishing layer of the plaster. And here the tool works from the bottom up.
With a brush constantly dipped into the water, the plaster just applied to the wall can be processed under the “rustic””. At the same time, the brush is not driven over the plaster, but only patted on its surface, which gradually takes on the appearance of sprayed plaster.
The plaster machine is filled with a liquid solution. When the brush is rotated, the solution is sprayed onto the surface to be plastered.
On top of the plaster, gypsum plaster is additionally applied to the walls inside the premises as a covering. The latter is applied in a thin layer using a steel trowel. Walls prepared in this way can be painted or wallpapered. However, beforehand, the covering is allowed to dry thoroughly.
You can also read about plastering on our website here and here - How to learn how to properly plaster interior walls

Cracks not only spoil the appearance of plastered walls. If cracked plaster is not repaired in a timely manner, it can cause more serious damage to both the plaster layer and the brickwork. First of all, this applies to external walls, which are more exposed to moisture and low temperatures. Through existing cracks in the plaster, moisture can penetrate the masonry and freeze there. At the same time, the plaster will begin to fall off, and the masonry will collapse. Timely sealing of cracks will not only put the wall in order, but also prevent its further destruction.

Before proceeding with the renovation of the plastered wall, it is necessary to repair all the cracks and chips on it, since neither paint nor wallpaper will completely cover them.

The easiest way to repair plaster with strip and shrinkage microcracks. In this case, it is enough to simply treat the damaged areas with a pound of deep impregnation, which, penetrating into the plaster, strengthens it. Old wallpaper and paint, of course, must be removed before that. After allowing the pound to dry, the cracks are painted over with thick dispersion paint.

Cracks caused by internal stresses, or larger cracks formed during shrinkage of the structure, are sealed. When repairing external walls, only weather-resistant materials should be used.

When repairing concrete walls finished with cement-based plaster, special emulsions (for example, PCI emulsion) have proven themselves well, in which you just need to add cement and mix. The resulting mixture is applied with a brush on cracked plaster.

The most difficult thing is to restore the plaster layer, cracked as a result of uneven settlement of the building, which can occur for various reasons.

Cracks caused by the settlement of the building are sealed. However, these cracks can occur again and again until the process of building settlement stops.

How to fix cracks on the walls yourself - instructions for beginners
Cracked plaster due to static stress and wall shrinkage is repaired as follows. First, the crack is widened.
Then the surfaces of the expanded crack are abundantly moistened with a brush or sponge. After that, the repair compound is rubbed into the crack with a trowel or spatula.
Until the repair compound has seized, a gauze strip or a special sickle tape is placed on top of it and firmly pressed so that its edges extend beyond the edges of the crack.
The seams between structural elements (especially if they are built from different materials) are unlikely to be reliably sealed with plaster. To do this, you need a sealant that remains elastic. But in any case, the seam must first be cleaned of the remnants of the solution.
The construction joint is filled with a special silicone sealant, squeezing it out of the plastic cartridge with a gun so that the sealant penetrates as deep as possible into the joint.
Immediately after filling the seam, the surface of the sealant is smoothed with the thumb, periodically wetting the finger in an aqueous solution of detergent.
Cracks caused by the settlement of a building usually go through the entire thickness of the wall. To accurately determine the nature of the damage, the plaster in the crack area is knocked down with a hammer.

Shaky masonry bricks are strengthened by filling the masonry joints with cement mortar. Of course, the old mortar must first be removed from the cracked seams. A reinforcing wire mesh is applied to the cleared section of the wall and fixed with nails.
First, plaster is applied to the fixed mesh for rough leveling, and then - finishing.
The applied plaster is smoothed with a float wetted in water, making circular movements with it.
After allowing the new plaster to dry, the repaired section of the wall is primed or a suitable protective compound is applied. Such a base is suitable for or pasting it with wallpaper. In any case, a patched crack will not rush into the eyes.

How to close a crack in the wall of a house, repair a crack in a brick, concrete, load-bearing wall

Cracks form for a variety of reasons, but the main cause of cracks in interior walls is building shrinkage. If, during the repair process, chipped plaster or cracks were found, then immediately before pasting with wallpaper, they must be puttied and strengthened. To do this, we recommend using the so-called reinforced tape.

Cracks on the inner walls, if they are not repaired in time, can spread further. They need to be sealed with a margin so as not to endanger the formation of new cracks in adjacent areas of the plaster.

How and with what to close a crack in the wall of the house with your own hands
A few tips on how to fix a crack in the wall with your own hands. First you need to clear the damaged section of the wall, free it from pieces of plaster and vacuum it properly.

Repairing cracks in a wall is a simple matter, provided that you use the advice of professionals. In most cases, the putty should be diluted in the following proportion: two parts of the filler powder to one part of water. The putty mass is applied with a spatula or the so-called trowel with a layer of 1-2 mm. It is necessary to putty not only the crack itself, but also the nearest section of the plaster.

The reinforced tape is laid in the gap itself and puttied until it is no longer visible at all. After 90 minutes, the putty should dry. Then it must be slightly cleaned, and also the wall must be cleaned of dust. After that, the wall can be painted, wallpapered or sheathed with other materials.

If the gap is quite large, before you close the crack in the wall, you must first moisten it with water. To repair cracks with your own hands, in addition to putty, you will need the following materials: scissors, scraper, brush, grinder or grinding block.
Sealing cracks in a brick, concrete wall, repairing cracks in load-bearing walls
Over time, cracks appear in the walls of buildings, which, as a rule, occur as a result of soil settlement. The cracks that appear increase the air permeability and reduce the thermal protection of the fence. Cracks in brick walls less than 5-6 mm are sealed with a cement mortar, which consists of one part of cement and three parts of sand. To eliminate wide cracks, you need to disassemble the old brickwork and arrange a new one.

Sealing a crack in a concrete wall is most often carried out using PVA glue and cement mortar. This is the easiest way to seal a crack in a concrete structure. After cleaning the surface of the crack, apply PVA glue and fill the cavity with cement mortar, and then smooth it with a spatula so that it is flush with the rest of the wall.

The sealing of a crack in load-bearing walls is carried out according to the same technology as in brick walls, but only if the crack is insignificant and does not increase. After all, cracks in load-bearing walls can lead to serious accidents and endanger people's lives. Cracks in partition walls or, more simply, in non-load-bearing walls, can lead to localized and less dangerous collapses. Therefore, if the crack on the load-bearing wall increases noticeably, you should seek help from the appropriate services. Processed

Over time, holes or cracks may appear in any walls. The appearance of such defects is considered commonplace. Very often they can appear during the installation and repair of heating systems, air conditioners, as a result of rearranging furniture and much more. When preparing surfaces for further finishing, it is necessary to beat off old and unnecessary plaster, so fragments may be chipped, which will need to be restored. In addition, cracks appear sooner or later on any concrete during operation.

You can come up with many ways to mask damaged areas: cover with a picture, wallpaper, and much more. But this will not solve the problem itself - the hole will remain. In order to repair defects in the wall, the help of craftsmen is not required, everyone can do all this on their own.

Causes of cracks in the wall

The occurrence of cracks can not only spoil the appearance of the room, but also become a serious problem for the functioning of the entire building. One of the most common causes of defects is uneven shrinkage of the structure. Often this happens when the load on the walls is not properly distributed or the soil is poorly compacted during the construction phase. If the structure is strongly beveled, then the cracks should be repaired only after the causes of such shrinkage have been eliminated and its foundation has been strengthened. With strong displacements, there is a threat of collapse of walls and ceilings.

Climatic conditions can cause cracks: sudden changes in temperature, exposure to sunlight or wind. Joints between internal and external walls on the highest floors of the building and stairwells are especially at risk.

Cracks are eliminated by introducing cement mortar into the open cavity.

Concrete eventually dries out, so it is possible for various defects to appear on it. They can occur both on the facades of the building and inside. Through holes appear most often in reinforced concrete buildings.

Damage restoration methods

There are several ways to repair wall damage. The method and scale of repair depends entirely on the size of the defect. If holes remain after dismantling unnecessary nails or screws, then it will be enough to apply putty or other cement-containing material.

For deep and large cracks, more serious measures are needed. Such holes often occur after replacing heating systems or electrical wires and sockets. Usually, cement or repair plaster has to be used to seal serious defects.

The specifics of work on the restoration of concrete walls depends on the extent of the problem, but the set of tools needed is almost the same for all cases. To clean surfaces, stock up on a dry brush or household vacuum cleaner. When filling cracks with mounting foam, it is necessary to prepare a knife to cut off excess material.

In order to close the hole with putty or cement mortar, you will need narrow and wide spatulas. They are convenient to cover up problem areas. In case of large damage, as well as to give strength, a reinforcing tape is required. It is smeared with cement composition and becomes a full-fledged component of the wall, which will protect it from repeated destruction.

Do not forget about the final stage of the restoration of the walls. For grouting the surface, prepare sandpaper with a fine-grained coating.

Before filling the hole, it is necessary to expand it with a long screwdriver so that the repair mixture penetrates as deep as possible. After it should be cleaned of cement dust. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or any dry brush.


The entire surface is thoroughly wetted with water using a spray gun or foam rubber sponge. Do not neglect this work to prepare the hole. Wetting will not allow the putty mixture to quickly give water to the concrete wall.

Next, put a layer of gauze fabric and stick it on a damp surface. After a few minutes, you need to start puttying the defective area. The solution is applied and carefully rubbed into the hole.

After the mixture dries, everything is cleaned with sandpaper having a fine-grained surface. The final stage of puttying holes is painting the repaired area or wallpapering it.

Serious Damage Repair

The initial stage of this work is generally similar to the preparatory stage of puttying small holes. Previously, the entire damaged surface of the wall is cleaned of stones, dust, sand and wetted with water. Instead of water, the surface is often treated with a sealant. The hole is then filled with bricks or stones, which are mixed with a cement mortar. This design will save the bonding material and strengthen the repaired area.

Concrete work

The concrete mixture is prepared in the following proportions: three parts of fine sand are added to 1 part of cement. Instead, a special repair mixture or gypsum is often used.

This material can be bought at any hardware store. It is a dry cement powder, which should be diluted with water and get to work. Strong and dense in structure, the composition allows you to qualitatively repair large chips in a concrete wall. You should wait until he grabs the concrete.

After the restorative material to eliminate defects hardens and dries, the entire surface is puttied, then rubbed with a spatula. The voids should be carefully covered and leveled. Everything must be left to dry completely. This usually takes up to 12 hours.

After the surface treatment of the walls is carried out. First, the places to be restored are carefully sanded with sandpaper, then facing works are carried out: pasting or painting the treated places.

Sealing deep cracks in the wall

Very often, in the process of formation and shrinkage of the house, the seams between the panels may open or deep cracks appear. The restoration of these damages will not cause serious problems.

The easiest way is to seal them with mounting foam. It is supplied in aerosol cans, which allow you to quickly and easily repair such defects. Foam perfectly fills empty spaces and penetrates deep into the most inaccessible cracks. The material perfectly adheres to various surfaces, expands and hardens in a matter of minutes when interacting with air. When using mounting foam, a good result is guaranteed to eliminate deep holes and cracks.

Preparatory activities

Before starting the restoration, it is imperative to prepare the surface with which further work will be carried out. The gap is cleared of debris, concrete fragments, dust and dirt. Then everything is wetted with water.

Before applying the mounting foam, the container is thoroughly shaken for about a minute so that its contents become homogeneous. During operation, the container should be placed vertically upside down. This is necessary because of the gas inside, it is lighter than foam, and therefore displaces its cylinder.

It is recommended to fill cracks from the bottom up. If the damage is too deep and serious, the mounting foam should be applied in layers, each of which is laid after the previous one has completely dried. This method allows you to qualitatively seal the open cavity and dry the material.

After filling the crack, the raw mounting foam should not be touched by hand. Any touch can affect its structure and slow down the hardening process. You should be patient and wait for the material to dry completely.

The final step will be the removal of excess mounting foam with a regular knife. Then the surface should be sealed with putty. Leveling is done with sandpaper.

Do not worry about the remaining hole or crack in the wall. Any defect, no matter how large it is, is simple and easy to repair with your own hands without outside help.

The most important condition for the quality of the restoration is the strict adherence to all recommendations.