Cell phone according to the dream book. Why dream of finding a phone

A mobile phone is a device that allows two close people to stay in touch. Finding a phone in a dream means finding a connection with a loved one soon, from whom there has been no news for a long time. But still it can be not only a close person. But also just a friend or even a completely random person.

What if you dream of finding a phone?

It is worth preparing in advance for this meeting. It can be both pleasant and not very. A person can bring bad news or offer a bad deal. It is not necessary, because of the joy of the meeting, to immediately agree to the proposal made by this person, no matter how tempting it may turn out to be. Find a phone in a dream - you should expect lies from people around you Everyday life. For women, this sign means the need for communication. There is a lack of communication with close people with whom this moment communication is not supported for various reasons.

If in a dream not only a phone is dreamed, but also a person who is talking on the phone, this means that all the obstacles that will follow in the near future will be overcome with the help of loved ones. If no one answers the phone in a dream, it means you have to deal with everything alone.

Often find a phone in a dream - to gain contact with the right people further. However, the phone means that these people will not personally influence. Most likely this will happen remotely. And the phone will be that means of communication with this person or group of people. It is worth leaving aside current affairs, no matter how important they may seem, and remember about friends and girlfriends. Communication will bring joy and satisfaction, and perhaps soon changes in financial position. But subject to contacts with people who wish good and positive.

What portends?

It is worth waiting for an acquaintance that will change the course of life, or at least - worldview. the right person it will help to find peace of mind, perhaps it will help to understand your personal life without directly affecting it. Personal or confidential information may be entrusted. And there will be a choice either to tell her and gain some benefits, but lose the respect of the person who trusted her, or keep everything a secret, but miss the opportunity to improve her financial situation. Astrologers advise nevertheless to keep the secret, since the person who trusted her will be able to help in future problems.

It is important to distinguish important people from the unimportant. You can't pay attention to everyone. You should be wary of paying too much attention to the wrong person. This may not give the desired results. But still, it is strongly not recommended to ignore people.

But still, finding a phone in a dream is good omen. Despite the possible difficulties in the near future, this sign means after these difficulties a worthy generous reward for all the efforts made. Therefore, do not worry, you should hope for the best.

You won’t be able to find interpretations of what the new phone is dreaming of in old dream books, and it’s understandable, because this invention came to light relatively recently. Therefore, in order to understand what exactly this promises you personally, you should turn to modern interpreters. It would be useful to recall as many details of what you saw as possible.

Gustav Miller's opinion

Explaining what the new phone is dreaming of, this famous interpreter warns the sleeper - soon he will have a lot of enemies and envious people. According to the dream book, the enemies will be able to fight back, but in order not to fall into the set networks, be vigilant and be on your guard.

Interpretations of modern dream books

Why dream of a new, only from the store, smartphone? This dream suggests that the dreamer is torn apart by two strong desires. I want to plunge headlong into new sensations and adventures - after all, life can provide a lot of opportunities. And at the same time, it’s scary to go beyond the comfort zone and change your usual life for the unknown.

But such a dream has another interpretation. He is seen by those who are immersed in work with their heads, not finding a single free minute for themselves. This is the opinion of the Family Interpreter.

dreamed mobile phone? Immediately after waking up, be extremely careful. Any detail, even insignificant at first glance, can be a way to solve a problem or provide the necessary information.

Luck ahead

Did you have a dream in which you got the phone completely unexpectedly? In reality, you will be very lucky. Was the phone in a dream a spontaneous purchase? The solution to some problem lies on the surface, you just need to look at it properly.

According to Erotic dream book if you dreamed of a phone that you always dreamed of, everything is in order with your personal life now.

Stylish and expensive

Dream books also have an explanation of what the iPhone may dream of. This product is not the cheapest, which means it is symbolized not only as a means of communication, but also as a high social status sleeping.

  • Did you see him in a dream? Perhaps evil intrigues are weaving behind your back. But have similar vision and one more interpretation - it portends a quick profit.
  • I dreamed that you were changing old phone on this prestigious gadget? Be as vigilant as possible.
  • Do you use this gadget for work? You have chosen the right path to achieve your goal.
  • Do you play on it? In reality, you will encounter misunderstandings.

  • Unlucky to lose your phone in a dream? In reality, throw something burdensome off your shoulders.
  • Did you see that the device was updated by itself? Expect important news.

But it may also be that this interpretation is much more literal - probably, the sleeper really wants to become the owner of this stylish and expensive little thing.

Buying a phone

The dream books also have an explanation of what the purchase of a new phone may dream of. According to the interpreters, the sleeper is a person who tries to personally control every situation, not allowing it to take its course.

Sometimes similar dream see those who experience difficulties in communication. The reason can be both ordinary shyness, and the inability to personally talk with this or that person.

For those who in a dream pleased themselves with such a purchase, dream books promise good luck in a business plan. All transactions and projects will bring success and solid dividends, and you will hardly have to make any effort to do this.

A few more interpretations

According to Madame Hasse's dream book, what you might dream of buying a phone indicates the collapse of all plans. But you should not be upset ahead of time - the situation will develop in such a way that in the end you will gain more than you will lose.

At Family dream book have an opinion regarding the purchase of a mobile phone. Soon, the sleeping person will have information that can influence some people. How to use it, the dreamer has to decide.

And what does the dream mean in which you bought a phone "from hand to hand"? As the dream book says, you are jealous of those who are more successful. On the advice of the interpreter, do not wallow in envy, but try to achieve what others have already achieved.

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Why dream of a mobile phone? The dream interpretation interprets it as a harbinger of difficulties in relationships, mistakes, the need to restrain one's anger. But also this symbol in a dream promises material independence, attending an event, a new fan.

The subtleties of relationships

Dreamed of a new gadget? Wake up will have worries about one of the relatives, close people.

Seeing in a dream a new mobile phone that was purchased in large salon connections, means: relations with superiors will improve significantly.

Did they give you a new one? The dream interpretation explains: beware of loud conflicts - this can ruin your reputation.

Have you given a cell phone to someone? Ahead of a pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex.

Use your potential, get rid of phobias

Did you dream of holding two in your hands at once? The dream interpretation indicates: the sources of information that you have are not enough for you, you need one more.

Were there many of them in a dream? You are not utilizing your potential. You need to try - then you will achieve more significant results.

Why dream of a broken mobile phone? The dreamer has hidden fears, phobias. Do not get hung up on this, you should try to occupy your thoughts with something positive.

A broken gadget warns of a desire to avoid some problems, says the dream book. But you just need to show determination to solve all the difficulties.

Work on yourself

To see a broken screen of a mobile phone - you are poorly versed in people, poorly understand their feelings. In addition, you lack tact, so you often hurt others with your words. Correct this shortcoming.

Did you dream of a broken, completely broken mobile phone? This is a warning: you should not succumb to outbursts of anger, as the consequences will be very unpleasant.

Mistakes, disappointments

A broken gadget in a dream suggests: in an effort to quickly get rid of the problem that has arisen, you choose a superficial solution. We need to better analyze the situation.

Why dream of selling a red mobile phone? The dream book says: the sleeper himself will refuse something good.

Had a dream that it was stolen? The dreamer is afraid of losing the friendly disposition of an interesting person.

To dream about how a mobile phone was stolen from you means that one of your friends will commit an act that will greatly disappoint you.

False information, breakup

Stealing it in a crowded place suggests: get false information.

To lose your gadget yourself - according to the dream book, your relationship with a good friend will deteriorate through your fault.

Why dream of losing a new phone? For a woman, this means losing the opportunity to learn important information due to her own mistakes. You shouldn't have shared this information with others.

What they were doing?

Remember what happened to him:

  • buying an expensive iPhone - a high salary or income will ensure material independence;
  • lose - the dreamer will get rid of an obsessive rival;
  • break - a quarrel with someone you know;
  • find - lack of communication with friends.

Miller's dream book: beware of gossip

For a woman to talk on the phone in a dream, including on a mobile phone, when she can hardly hear the interlocutor, evil gossips can cause her serious harm.

Dream interpretation new phone

Since ancient times, it has been believed that dreams seen in night scenes are a reflection of the emotions that a person lives in. real life. That is why modern people often dream of the latest innovative technologies. What does the plot in which he saw a new phone portend to the dreamer? In order to correctly decipher the dream you have seen, you need to remember how many more details you saw.

In real life, the phone is a gadget with the help of which people have the opportunity to keep in touch with the outside world. But what does it mean to see him in a dream?

When interpreting a dream, use the dream book. After all, only using this publication, you will get a unique opportunity to accurately decipher even the most confusing dream.

The phone seen in the night story personifies that the dreamer has problems in communicating with others.

Did the phone keep ringing in the night scene? The dream interpretation warns: a person needs to become more careful and avoid provocations in reality.

If you dreamed of a new phone

There is a dream: the dreamer wanted to answer the phone, but did not have time to pick up the phone - the dream book indicates that in reality you will also have an important call. You have to try not to miss it.

Asked for a phone on the street from passers-by? The dream indicates that you need the support of friends and loved ones.

New phone, iPhone

Why dream of a new phone in the night story? To big changes in the real life.

Had a dream in which the dreamer only wanted to buy a phone? The interpretation indicates that the person is planning to do good, but requires detailed consideration.

To come to the store with the desire to buy a new phone, but according to the plot they could not decide which one is needed - the dream book indicates: moderate your ambitions if you do not want to reap mistakes in the near future.

Buying an iPhone means financial independence.

Dreaming about an expensive iPhone in a dream and playing on it - you will spread rumors.


In a dream, a bell rang, but when the phone was picked up, was the subscriber silent at the other end of the wire? The dreamer is closely watched from the side.

Who did you communicate with?

In the night story, did you immediately determine with whom to communicate before the voice of a person sounded? In reality, the dreamer has an attraction with this person, but at the same time they repel each other so much.

Why dream of communicating on it with a person you don’t know? In the near future you will learn news that can radically change your environment.

I dreamed that they tried to call a friend, but the conversation did not take place, as there were problems with communication - relationships with this person may worsen.

If in a dream they talked on the phone

Had a conversation with deceased parents? The dream book advises to listen to their words, since a loved one is a guide in a dream.

Who dreams of a telephone conversation

But it is important to note who exactly was talking on the phone.


Does a woman dream that she is talking on the phone? The dream indicates: although a woman’s thoughts do not always coincide with the words and actions of a loved one, this does not mean that his feelings are insincere.

Did the young girl in the night story happen to see an iPhone and talk on it? In real life, she will be a victim of the envy of others. According to the plot, she did not hear what she was told - to part with her lover.


A phone seen in a dream for a man portends changes in real life.

Talking in a dream with an ex-wife - the subconscious sends a signal that the sleeping person wants to establish relations with her, but is afraid to take the first step.

Mobile phone

Dreamed of a mobile phone? The dream interpretation interprets the plot as follows: the dreamer's life has changed in better side but the person was tired and lost interest. In the plot of a dream, you may receive a hint that will tell you how best to get out of this situation.

Had a dream in which you were looking for a ringing mobile? Be careful, you may miss important news due to communication problems.

There is a dream in which a mobile phone appeared as a signal that a person was tired of loneliness.

It is important to note what shades it was:

  • Light - to positive events and emotions. A dream portends good luck in all endeavors.
  • Gloomy and in dark colors- to troubles at work and to financial difficulties.

see phone number

If you saw a phone number

Dreamed of a phone number? The dream interpretation indicates that it is important to note which figure was seen in the plot:

  • One - in the dreamer's life there will be some kind of struggle. Perhaps the person who saw this dream will have to defend his truth.
  • A deuce dreams in a dream - to gossip in real life.
  • Three - you can count on success in all endeavors.
  • Four - stop! You are living in an illusion.
  • Five - you are lucky. This figure is dreaming of victory over enemies.
  • Six - beware of deception in real life.
  • Seven - also dreams of success in the dreamer's real life.
  • Eight - now stability in the dreamer's life. The situation will not change for now.
  • Nine - a person who sees her in a dream can count on great luck.
  • Zero - dreams of failure.

precious find

Why see in the night story that the dreamer found the phone? The interpretation indicates: luck will accompany a person in real life, it is also worth counting on luck. Fate will be given a chance to find a way out of this difficult situation, and in this you can count on the help of a friend. Finding two phones in the house is a bad sign indicating treason and betrayal loved one. Found someone else's phone? The dreamer will independently ruin relations with others.


Lost your phone? Take a closer look at your friends, perhaps someone is starting an evil plan that will harm your reputation.

The dream interpretation indicates that to see the loss of a gadget in a dream means that in real life your secret will be revealed. Take care of this in advance - prepare the ground, and try to make the situation profitable for the dreamer.

If the phone was broken


What did you dream about in a dream: was the phone stolen? The dream portends disappointment. Your acquaintance will commit a misdemeanor, and this will make you look at him from the other side.


dreaming broken phone? A dream indicates upcoming losses in the dreamer's life. According to the interpretation of the dream book, a dream should be taken as a signal and measures should be taken in a timely manner, only in this way it will be possible to avoid unpleasant situations in life.

Broken - a person tries to hide from life situations. The dream book advises to take courage and resolve all unpleasant situations, because they are actually not as complicated as a person thinks.

Why did you dream of a broken phone screen? The interpretation indicates that you will regret that you cannot read other people's thoughts.

Why dream of trampling your phone in a dream with your feet or breaking it with another object on purpose? Be restrained, otherwise there will be many quarrels in your life and conflict situations, and you will be to blame for this.


If you were given a phone

Absolutely everyone loves to receive a nice and expensive gift. But why does it happen to see in a dream that you were given a phone? night dream portends changes in a person’s life that he cannot influence. The dream book advises if a person has a dream in which they gave him a phone, it means that the dreamer needs to let go of the situation and not interfere in the course of events.

The man was presented with a small phone - which means that the dreamer is worried about the size of his manhood.

The girl has a dream in which she was presented with a new gadget - in real life, an interesting guy will offer her to meet.

Interpretation of modern dream books

Of course, you will not find a transcript of a dream with a telephone starring in old dream books. But how will the plot be deciphered? modern interpreters dreams?

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

  • Why is the phone dreaming? There is a meeting with an insincere person.
  • Hear a call - in real life you will find out unexpected news.
  • To get through to the subscriber - to an unexpected, pleasant meeting with an old acquaintance.
  • For a woman, a dream indicates malicious envious people in her life who seek to harm her.

Miller's dream book

What color was the phone

The phone seen is a symbol of the dreamer's connection with his environment. Perhaps they are trying to mislead a person.

Dream Interpretation Longo

By interpretation this dream book it is important to note what color they saw him in the night scene:

  • White - to the envy of others.
  • Blue - the dreamer has a secret.
  • Red - to the beginning of a new romantic relationship.

Presented? A dream is a dream for new acquaintances.

Why dream that in a dream you managed to find a phone? This means that soon you will gain remarkable self-confidence and even power over events or a certain person. The dream book will tell you what you should pay attention to when deciphering such a plot.

Where to start?

The interpretation of sleep is recommended by the dream book to be based on its main image. So the telephone symbolizes the need for communication and information exchange. It is also an unbearable desire to attract someone's attention or vice versa to get rid of it.

What are you afraid of?

Why dream that you had a chance to find your own phone? The dream book claims that you will get what previously seemed out of reach. For women, a similar plot in a dream means that she will have envious girlfriends.

Did you dream about your phone? The find marks news or information that you do not want to hear or are simply afraid to find out. The vision also indicates a certain society in which you do not really like to appear.

Why else dream that you were lucky enough to find a phone? In fact, your mobile phone makes it clear that you need to get rid of obsessive fears and believe in yourself.

Get ready!

Had a dream that they found someone else's phone? Dream Interpretation suspects that you will receive an invitation to a noble event. This is a sign of rumors or an unexpected visit from a chatty girlfriend.

Did you happen to see someone else's mobile phone in a dream? People or some kind of incident will disrupt all plans and distract you from your usual activities for some time.

Get together!

Why else dream that you had a chance to find a phone? If in a dream you found a cell phone and hastily read all the messages on it, then in real life you will have to make every effort to bring a certain enterprise to the final.

Did you dream that your cell phone was full of messages and unanswered calls? The dream book is sure that you need to quickly navigate the situation in order to find the best way out as soon as possible.

I had to see that you found not one cell phone, but many at once? This is a reflection of the many connections that help achieve what you want.

Interpretation by appearance

The dream book advises further decoding, taking into account the condition of the tube.

  • Whole and working - to new troubles and worries.
  • Completely broken - confusion, inadequacy.
  • Non-working - to discuss someone else's life.
  • Without buttons, screen - selection, waiting, hitches.
  • Dear - a meeting with an important person.

Had a dream that you managed to find a cheap and “old” phone? In a dream, this is an eloquent hint that you are clearly exaggerating the failures that have happened to you.

Miller's Warning

The original dream book of Mr. Miller claims that to see a found mobile in your dreams means that you will receive secret information that you cannot keep in yourself and will ring out to the whole world.


Did you happen to find a phone in a dream? This is sure sign subconscious that you need to listen to someone's advice or your own intuition. The mobile here acts as a natural link between the dream vehicle and the real Ego.

If you dreamed that you found a mobile phone you didn’t know, then try to call it and listen to what they say on the other end of the wire.


Why dream that you happen to find a phone and then lose the device? There are certain rules that limit you and your behavior. The loss of a tube in a dream symbolizes the disclosure of external or internal boundaries.

In general, the dream book believes that finding and then losing a pipe in a dream is best. This is a sign that you can actually get rid of unnecessary problems or at least take a break from them.

comments 9

  • I dreamed that I was in the hospital like many years ago. With 4 girls that were then lying there with me alone. Her bed is opposite the window. She often put on make-up and got sick, well, she told us so. I go to her bed, and there is a white sigma phone. I took it in my hands and sat on my bed. I tried to recruit relatives and ended up in Russia. The phone changed in my hands, became in a golden case and wide. Suddenly, the girl got up from the bed, although she was not there. And some song sounds beautiful about love. About some branches.

  • Now I dreamed that I was walking along the path, I found the phone and at first I didn’t take it. Then he rang, I decided to pick up and answer the call with good intentions. On the other side of the tube, the girl just asked how and where to get there, because she does not know the area. Then, she switched off. The second call came in, in the end I said that I had found the phone and would return it only to the owner. I brought it home and waited for it for a very long time, even put it to charge. But she never came, and I woke up.

  • I dreamed that my mother and I go shopping for shoes and among the shoes I find an expensive smartphone "Huawei", at first I wanted to take it for myself, but then my mother took it and told the cashier that someone's phone was here. Well, I unlocked it, it was without a password and it showed up social network Like. But a girl of 11 years old was standing nearby and the cashier asked: is this not your phone? Then my mother says: yes, suddenly look at yours. And in general, she took him to herself.