What if the found phone is dreaming. Why dream of a new phone, iPhone. Why dream of a broken phone

Sometimes in a dream we see objects that we are used to using every day. Not every dream book will be able to interpret the phone, because it useful device appeared much later than most of them were written. Why dream of a mobile or landline phone? Remember the dream the slightest detail and find its interpretation in a suitable dream book. At the same time, in order for the picture to develop, do not get hung up on one meaning, study various dream books.

A phone in a dream can mean communication, news, an attempt to talk or express what has accumulated, and modern smartphones often indicate imminent success in work.

Dreams have a certain meaning in our life. Depending on whether it was a pleasant dream or a nightmare, a mood is created for the whole day. Some sensitive natures perceive too emotionally the meaning of each night vision. Skeptics, on the contrary, refute the theory that dreams can have at least some interpretation. After all, interpretations of the same plot are often diverse and contradictory. But most often the interpretation of any image has many meanings due to the many options plot.

Have you seen a modern mobile phone

Today, almost everyone has a mobile phone. We spend a lot of time communicating over it or using it for certain purposes. The smartphone has become an indispensable tool, and it's hard to imagine modern life without him. As the dream book says, a mobile phone can be interpreted in different ways depending on its condition:

  • An old, broken or unusual mobile phone calls to reconsider your life, start doing what you have been planning for a long time: sports, study, dancing, drawing, etc. Otherwise, you will face stressful situation and feel dissatisfied in life.
  • A new, stylish, modern mobile phone portends a financial boom or an expensive gift. This will bring you greater confidence and set you up to achieve even grander goals.

If you dreamed of an old push-button device

An old phone in a dream often means that you want to say something to someone, but you are postponing this moment.

Seeing an old rotary telephone in a dream means a non-developing course of events. You are worried about some problem, the solution of which you constantly put off. The thought of this causes anxiety. Take control of the situation and make a list of things that need to be addressed in this period.

Turning over the numbers in a dream on a rotary phone indicates that soon you will have a profitable opportunity, using which you can improve your financial affairs.

An old push-button telephone warns of the intention to deceive you. It can be work colleagues, neighbors, acquaintances who weave intrigues behind your back. Reconsider your surroundings and beware of deception. Don't trust people if you doubt their reliability. Don't lend money to strangers.

If in a dream the phone is on the bedside table, you will finally make contact with the person with whom you have been trying to negotiate for a long time. If there are other items on the nightstand nearby, you have to do important choice, which will further influence the course of events. You will have to make the choice yourself, without taking into account the advice of other people. This may be a change of job, the end of a love relationship, moving to new country, admission to educational institution and etc.

The dream, in which the phone was on a broken bedside table, is dreaming of a new business. You will start doing things that you were not interested in before. And this activity will bring you pleasure, you will be able to realize your full potential in it and achieve high results.

If in a dream you were in a telephone booth - wait for advice, news or a letter (mobile message). If you were not alone inside, this portends gatherings in a narrow family circle. We saw a telephone booth from the side - expect a pleasant meeting or a romantic date. A broken booth means disappointment in a person who does not live up to your expectations. An unusual or non-standard telephone booth portends a new major purchase, it can be a car, an apartment, a summer house or something else.

If in a dream you called someone or received a call

Why dream of talking on the phone in a dream? A conversation can have several meanings depending on the emotions experienced during this:

  • The call caused anxiety, worries - a difficult period is ahead, you will be surrounded by gossip, quarrels and negative emotions;
  • The call caused joy - expect good news, pleasant events and resolution of protracted issues;
  • You could not answer the call - in reality you need to be more careful and control your affairs, otherwise you may make a mistake that will bring you trouble;
  • If you made an effort to hear the interlocutor, this portends a quarrel with a loved one due to false rumors. Do not trust gossip and give loved ones the opportunity to explain themselves if a quarrel has arisen.
  • Read also:.

If in a dream you have a new phone

Why dream new phone- you lack communication or you experience a feeling of loneliness and longing. Make an appointment with friends, call family or find a new interlocutor in in social networks. This will get rid of unpleasant thoughts.

Also, as the dream book says, a new phone portends a friendly meeting, communication with friends, an easy, relaxed conversation. It can be a party, birthday, corporate or other event.

If you received a phone as a gift, expect a serious conversation that will bring unpleasant emotions and frustration. And if you yourself handed such a present to someone, the emotions will be positive: you will find out good news or hear a good offer.

Why dream of finding a phone in a dream - a joyful event is ahead: promotion at work, receiving a bonus, a long-awaited trip, meeting with loved ones. If the found phone is in poor condition or with a broken screen, then a joyful event will be accompanied by minor setbacks: perhaps something will not go according to plan and not the way you wanted. However, everything will end well.

And vice versa, you lost your device

Why dream of losing your phone in a dream - you will be deceived and surrounded by gossip. Be attentive to all the information that others share with you, and try to intuitively filter what you can believe and what not. If in a dream you still managed to find a phone, wait for the betrayal to be exposed. You will be able to bypass the deception and find out who your ill-wisher is.

The dreamer portends a quarrel, resentment, misunderstanding in love relationship. Possible betrayal or separation between lovers. You should be careful when communicating with the opposite sex: choose Right words, restrain sharp criticism and prevent domestic skirmishes. If in a dream the phone was broken not by you, but by another person, this means that soon an unexpected meeting awaits you, which will bring excitement and awe.

If your phone breaks in a dream, then wait for a showdown, and with anyone: with a boyfriend or girlfriend, brother or sister, colleague, teacher. You will participate in a dispute or discussion, vehemently proving your point of view. Be careful with words, do not say too much and in disputes do not go over to the personality of the interlocutor. This will allow you to avoid stress and unnecessary trouble in the future.

We continue to study the dream book, the phone was stolen - expect meanness from loved one. Among the people around you there is someone who is trying in every possible way to ruin your life, plotting intrigues behind your back. If you returned the stolen phone, then the conflict with this person will be resolved. You will find out the relationship and come to an understanding. If a phone was stolen in a dream and it was not found, then disappointment and betrayal await you.

If you dreamed of someone's number

Why dream of calling and dialing someone's number - this portends a performance in front of an audience that will bring you success in career growth. If you received a call from an unfamiliar number, then you will be in the role of a listener or spectator: a meeting at work, a trip to the theater or cinema, a seminar, a lecture, a training.

The phone number consists of a combination of numbers. The numbers seen in a dream have a certain meaning. They can indicate age, the date of an upcoming or past event, the amount of something, or have their own separate meaning.

  • The number zero symbolizes integrity, a new period in life is possible. A change of environment awaits you, which will bring satisfaction and open up new opportunities for realizing your potential.
  • The unit says it's time to start achieving your goals. All conditions have been created for this. You just need to start taking action.
  • The number two signifies relationship and partnership. Soon you will find a lucrative contract at work or meeting interesting people.
  • The number three is harmony in all areas of life, getting what you want. You will be able to enjoy life, travel and give joy to loved ones.
  • Four means stability and calmness. You will stagnate in place without experiencing discomfort. Just such a measured period when there is time to think about your life.
  • To see the number five in a dream - freedom, adventure, new emotions. You will have a trip to distant countries, new acquaintances, passion, quivering experiences, independence.
  • Six is family well-being, union, marriage, love. You will feel the joy of family troubles and peace in love relationships.
  • seven means spiritual development which you can get by reading good book or having communicated with a person enlightened in spiritual matters.
  • Eight portends success and financial independence. Your standard of living will rise sharply, and you will be able to afford what you previously refused due to lack of funds.
  • And the number nine is for the public good. This may be participation in charity, voluntary work, social programs.

If you failed to remember the numbers, do not worry. To see numbers in a dream as a whole means the arrival of inspiration that will set you up for creativity or work. You will come up with brilliant ideas that you can implement in your projects. If the phone number seen in a dream caused pleasant feelings, expect good news from loved ones. If the number caused an unpleasant feeling, then you will have to make a mistake that will bring a bad mood and an unpleasant conversation.

An unfamiliar phone number dreams of a new acquaintance and interesting communication. Your life will be filled with new colors. You will feel that there is a native person next to you who supports you. Be open to new acquaintances.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

So is it worth believing in dreams? When looking for interpretation in dream books, it should be remembered that all our dreams are subjective, and can often mean the state of mind of a particular person. However, dream books are not created from scratch, but the dreams of many people are studied in different life circumstances. Therefore, everyone can draw a conclusion for themselves, believe it or not. It all depends on how close your way of thinking is to that of the majority.

Miller's dream book - a pleasant surprise will happen

The dream in which you are given a new phone portends happy event or business success. For a woman to receive such a gift means the opportunity to marry a wealthy person who is close in spirit. If the phone was presented for a birthday, a dream portends good luck. If you yourself present such a present to someone, expect criticism from loved ones that will upset you.

If you received a phone as a gift from a person who had previously used it, then soon your wishes will come true. You will be praised or rewarded for a job well done.

If your phone is broken, broken or stolen by someone, this portends a conflict with an unpleasant person, as a result of which you will fail. If you yourself caused damage to your phone, this is a dangerous job that can bring adverse consequences to your health.

Wangi's dream book - work with your emotions

Someone broke your phone - you are afraid of a certain person. Think about who around you causes this feeling. Maybe you should talk to him or look for the cause of fear. You break the phone yourself - in reality you are also overwhelmed with anger and you need to give it an outlet. Remember why you broke the phone in a dream, perhaps it is the source of your aggression in life.

You saw your own photos on a mobile phone - in life you do not experience joy. Review your life, do not let it pass aimlessly. Set goals and achieve them. Then everything will change for the better. You see a photo of a loved one on your phone - you are very worried about him. Call or visit him, make sure everything is fine with him.

Freud's dream book - you will succeed

A mobile phone in a dream, according to most dream books, means success in business.

A friendly conversation in a dream with a familiar person on the phone portends success in business. You will finally be heard and your wishes will be taken into account. If the conversation was raised, you will become an object of humiliation or will participate in a dispute. When proving your point, be careful with your words so as not to offend the interlocutor and not create a conflict.

If during the conversation you feel awkward, you will soon become a participant in a forbidden affair that will bring trouble. To avoid this, do not break the rules and do everything legally. Repairing a phone in a dream - your work will be completed, and you will be respected for it. Such a dream also speaks of the realization of a conceived idea.

Modern dream book - do not trust anyone

  • If you dreamed of a phone, expect a meeting with a person who will confuse you. Be aware of your surroundings. Stick to your life principles and do not go on about someone. Otherwise, you will have to experience a feeling of disappointment due to the wrong path.
  • If a woman dreams that she does not hear well when talking on the phone, there is a chance of losing her lover. Understand your relationship, and if they are truly dear to you, hold on to them, do not let everything take its course.
  • If you talked with a person you know in reality, he has an impact on your life. This may be a person for whom you are in love, but you cannot confess to him for any reason.
  • Ask for forgiveness on the phone - worry about upcoming business. But they will not bring you trouble, but on the contrary, everything will turn out in a favorable way.
  • Feeling annoyed when talking on the phone portends the trouble that ill-wishers will create around you. But you will successfully cope with them, putting your enemies in their place.
  • If in a dream you broke off relations on the phone, this portends a senseless quarrel. Arrange yourself a rest, put your thoughts in order. Do not let your emotions rule your life, be careful in conversations.
  • An argument in a dream means that you will have problems with the people around you. Be more attentive to your loved ones. And don't do things you'll regret.
  • The message that came to your phone promises changes in any business. If you send a message to someone, there is a possibility of getting into an unpleasant situation.


If you suddenly dream of a phone, look at the interpretation of this dream. And decide whether to rejoice at the upcoming event or take measures to prevent it. Or maybe you just recently bought a new device or lost your favorite? Or waited all day for an important call? In this case, sleep should not be taken into account, it serves only as a reflection of daily events. And if you work on the phone, and you start dreaming about work at night, this means that it's time for you to go on vacation.

Video "Why is the Phone dreaming"

Neither Freud nor Jung said anything about mobile phones. And in our time, cell phones have already become an integral part of life, and therefore our dreams. Having become a symbol of reliability, mobile phones have ceased to be an indicator of social status. We feel connected to the whole world when a mobile phone is at hand. If in a dream you see a phone, then this indicates a reliable connection with additional features(or at least your desire for it).

One of the possible explanations for the appearance of this image in a dream is a desire to increase social status to motivate the need to use a mobile phone. Try to remember who and under what circumstances you called, because cellular telephone can also symbolize security.

What is the phone for you - part of the social image or an indispensable means of communication?

Does your cell phone annoy you by constantly ringing and preventing you from enjoying the silence?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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Why dream of losing your phone? The dream interpretation indicates: there are troubles ahead, difficulties with others, failures due to one's own mistakes. Such a plot in a dream promises obstacles in business, difficulties at work, or obstacles to a career.

Interference in the implementation of the plan

The dreamed vision portends: certain events can confuse the dreamer's plans, distract from the usual affairs.

Did you see in a dream how you lost your phone? In reality, people will appear who will prevent the implementation of the plan.

Why dream of forgetting a new mobile somewhere? The dream interpretation explains: the sleeper will make a mistake and lose the opportunity to learn important information.

For a woman, the loss of a mobile phone in a dream promises changes, the cessation of the usual pastime of chatting with friends. The dreamer will do something important, she will not have time to talk.

Be attentive to those around you

Had a dream that they dropped a mobile gadget from a height, and then did not find it below? The dream interpretation claims: the romance will end at the initiative of the boyfriend (girlfriend), although you will blame yourself for this.

To dream about how a cell phone was dropped somewhere, but it disappeared without a trace, means: your environment will soon change. But you need to be attentive to people, not to allow gossip and envious people into your social circle.

Difficulties in relationships

Why dream of losing a cell phone in a crowded place? You yourself will ruin your relationship with someone by being rude or inattentive. Try to make amends, ask for forgiveness.

Did you dream of dropping your cell phone and walking through without noticing it, and when you realized it, the search turned out to be fruitless? The dream interpretation tells you: you do not pay attention to the changed situation, but this is not in the best way affects relationships with others.

Difficulties, disappointments, obstacles

Lost your phone and wallet in a dream? In reality, you can miss an important trifle, which can turn into considerable difficulties.

Did your cell phone and wallet get stolen? The dream book says: there will be disappointment. Someone you know will commit an act that will not hurt you, but will be very outraged.

Lost your phone and money? The interpretation of sleep is unfavorable: due to your indiscretion, there will be obstacles in business.

A dream about the loss of a gadget and money warns: competitors will find out some information and will definitely use it. This will negatively affect your career.

Where did it happen?

Remember where it was dropped:

  • on the street - misunderstanding of others will hurt you, try to improve relations;
  • at work - problems in the team will begin;
  • at the station - get false information;
  • in an unfamiliar place - cardinal life changes.

Meaning according to the modern dream book

Why dream of losing your phone? The dreamer is very afraid of losing a relationship with someone, a connection, but he himself can become the culprit of this.

AT modern world we, people, are strongly accustomed to all sorts of benefits that make our life easier, give comfort and help to live easily.

The telephone has become an integral, essential part of the everyday life of every modern person. And even children now cannot imagine their day without this “toy”.

Every day we have to repeatedly make or receive calls, talk and write messages - these actions have become commonplace. But what if this device was dreamed of at night - is it worth attaching importance to such dreams, or is it just a vision that came into a dream, because it constantly flashes before my eyes in reality?

No doubt it's worth it. You will be surprised, but the telephone, although it is not in the ancient dream books, is a serious symbol today. This sign can not only promise important events, but also to hint that the state of affairs should be changed.

How can a puzzled dreamer understand what the phone is dreaming of - even new and ultra fashionable, even cellular or old? Phone call or long conversation? Yes, and a lot of other different “telephone” dreams can take place - you can lose it, find it, break it, and even sadder if it was stolen!

But this is a dream - and such events have their own meaning, very metaphorical. What exactly will the dream book say, and how to choose the right interpretation? It's simple, but you should carefully recall the nuances and events and sleep. And they can be like this:

  • You just saw a telephone in a dream.
  • Cell phone in dreams.
  • The device is broken in a dream.
  • A new pipe in a dream.
  • Antique, obsolete, rare device.
  • In a dream, it was stolen from you.
  • Phone call but poor connection.
  • A loud call is heard.
  • It rings, but you do not pick up the phone in a dream.
  • Hang up in hearts.
  • Can't call anyone.
  • Phone conversation in a dream.
  • A conversation in which you can hardly hear the interlocutor.
  • Call someone in a dream.
  • Dreaming of being called.
  • You found a mobile in a dream.

In general, such dreams are ordinary, there is nothing fantastic in them. All these actions are familiar to everyone. But do not underestimate them - they always portend something important.

So it is important not to miss the details, and carefully interpret what the phone is dreaming of - the sign is ambiguous and difficult.

See from the side

It is not necessary that the dreamer called or spoke in dreams - often we only have to see the symbol without taking any action. If that was the case, then what is the dream of a phone seen from the side, what to expect from such daydreams?

1. As the dream book says, the most common phone, seen from the side, is a symbol of the fact that they are trying to confuse you in reality, confuse your plans, and disrupt them.

Be careful, do not be afraid of ill-wishers, but do not let us confuse you. Do not deviate from your goals, go to them, without looking at anything.

2. I could also dream of a cellular, modern device. Modern dream book answers what the mobile phone is dreaming of. If you believe him, then your life is quite good and successful, but it has lost its taste.

Maybe you should find an interesting occupation, start showing your talents, get carried away with something? In addition, new acquaintances will brighten up life, but, of course, with worthy people.

3. A broken phone in a dream is not bad sign, and it does not bode trouble. In fact, the interpreter says that a broken apparatus is a symbol of your fear, and you are afraid of losing something. Or someone?

Fear makes you weaker and more vulnerable, but it is of no use. If you are afraid of losing, then hold on tight, and take reasonable measures in order to avoid this. And empty fear will not lead to anything good, just the opposite.

4. A very promising dream if you saw a new phone in it. This portends you a new connection, a promising and very promising acquaintance - do not miss the chance! Maybe you will find a good, worthy friend, or maybe love will appear. The dream interpretation does not specify, time will tell!

5. Such a dream, in which the phone was old, even antique, suggests that in reality you are very timid in your relationship, conservative and even old-fashioned. This is not bad, on the contrary, but everything is good in moderation, and perhaps it is worth being a little bolder.

My phone rang...

This does not surprise anyone. Agree, calls occur daily, and we ourselves have to call often. On an important issue, or just for the sake of a pleasant conversation with a girlfriend.

But besides its direct purpose, many other things can happen to this object both in reality and in dreams - for example, it was stolen, or you found, bought, broke the pipe ... You never know what else!

In any case, you should carefully and accurately remember your actions. They will help to interpret what they see without errors.

1. If a mobile was stolen from you in your dreams, it is unpleasant, but still, this is just a dream, although it does not bode well for the dreamer. This means that there is a risk of getting considerable disappointment from a loved one. You will be upset by someone's act, and perhaps your friend will act or behave very ugly, in a way that you do not expect at all.

Moreover, this act will not apply to you directly, but will upset you, and this man will fall in your eyes. If your phone was stolen in a dream, be prepared for such a nuisance. But show wisdom, relationships with a person can be saved by understanding the situation.

2. Communication problems in a dream are a symbol of the fact that you should take great care of your relationship with your lover. To maintain a valuable relationship, you should be wiser, not do rash acts.

3. Hearing a phone call in dreams is a sign of imminent news! Good and amazing news.

4. As the dream book says, a phone that rings in a dream, but you do not answer, is a serious sign. In reality, you do not want to notice difficulties, or you do not want to think about problems.

But think - this is not an option, problems will not disappear if you simply turn away from them. You should not be afraid of difficulties - they are not as scary as you think. You can do it! And if you do not notice them, then the situation will become neglected, and then it will be more difficult.

5. Hanging up in hearts, in emotions is a symbol of imminent turmoil, possibly in the family, with loved ones. But nothing bad will happen.

One has only to remember that relationships are worth protecting, so be tolerant of loved ones, difficulties only test us - and you should not do rash acts, succumbing to emotions. Then you will regret.

6. If you couldn’t get through in your dreams, this is advice. The interpreter says that not everything is lost, everything will be fine - you should only be able to wait, be patient. Believe me, everything will work out, the desired will come true - just do not rush things!

7. A telephone conversation in dreams is a symbol that you have envious people. They are not dangerous, but you should just be aware of this, do not run into trouble, be more careful and prudent, do not mess with unworthy, unkind people.

8. Talking in dreams on the phone, but hearing the interlocutor badly is an important sign. You should be more attentive to your loved ones. You do not notice their problems and feelings, give them not enough love and care.

Of course, your problems and difficulties are important, they have swallowed you up. But you can find a little time for sincere participation in the fate of your loved ones.

9. Calling someone, dialing a number is good dream! It means that in reality you can safely count on the support of others, no matter what happens. You are not alone, do not turn down valuable outside help.

10. If they called you, you will probably soon have to participate in solving someone else's problems. If you need it and you sincerely want to help good man that you care about - that's wonderful. But do not let anyone take advantage of you just like that, appreciate yourself.

11. In dreams, finding a mobile is a wonderful sign. This is a big surprise!

This is such a sign - unusual, deep, multifaceted. Whatever the phone portends in a dream, the interpreter does not skimp on the meanings.

Find the right one for you and use it the right way. Let the dream book help you make the right decision, avoid difficulties and bring your luck closer! Author: Vasilina Serova

    In ancient times, communication was carried out through numerous messengers. They transmitted messages orally, or various signs, bonfires, torches. Then letters came, and then radio communications. Telecommunications now provide services to half of the world's population.

    Symbolism of dreams

    The telephone is an unprecedented opportunity to transfer all sorts of information. Its current role is difficult to overestimate. It is not only a means of communication. This is an archive of ideas and thoughts, anniversaries, an assistant for those who value their time. To lose it means to block access to the necessary information. The message of dreams, where it happened to lose the phone, we learn from dream books.

    Alternative interpretation

    Classical dream books do not consider particular situations with this means of communication, but interpret the reason for the appearance of this object directly in dreams. A logical completion of reflections leave to do the reader.

    If you can't answer the call

    A well-known healer indicates that a phone call that you do not want to answer, or cannot answer, because the device is lost, means the existence of any information. For some reason, you are afraid to stir up this information. The dream book also interprets that it is quite possible for people in front of whom you have a fear of communication.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zim

    Writers publish books about Nostradamus. Much regarding the decoding of dreams is taken from his prophecies and supplemented by his own interpretations.

    Writers believe that a dream where a telephone is dreaming indicates a state of expectation of something.

    Why dream of a telephone conversation? This may indicate alienation between loved ones.

    The inability to get through or the loss of the device, they call for a conversation with a loved one. Otherwise, there will be a serious disagreement.

    Other dream books

    There are many publications various dream books without a specific author. These are collections that reflect the interpretation of dreams depending on the context of the female, male psyche, different psychotypes, etc.

    Women's dream book

    Losing your phone means getting rid of an obsessive rival.

    If during a conversation you cannot hear the one who is on the other end of the wire, then there is a high probability of losing your betrothed. Moreover, dirty rumors will resume.

    Modern universal dream book

    I dreamed that the dreamer lost her mobile, which means she lost access to confidential information, the degree of secrecy of which is not small. You yourself are to blame, because you spread this information to strangers.

    Plots of dreams

    For the most part, telephone dreams portend receiving news, long-awaited, or interesting messages. Scenarios of such dreams can be very diverse. But we will specifically consider dreams, in the scenario of which the loss, loss, discovery of these devices was laid. The difference from a stationary device, the interpretation of what the mobile is dreaming of, is associated with both communication and movement. Why dream of the inability to make a call, or vice versa, the opportunity to do this, if:

    • find;
    • stolen;
    • lose.

    The dream where you managed to find a mobile promises good decision protracted problem, the key to which was in the hands of your good friend.

    Why dream of a plot where you were lucky enough to find someone else's mobile, and you want to return the thing to the owner. The dream testifies to your desire to be at the helm. You know how to influence the course of events. But remember that an idea is good as long as it's fresh.

    If you dreamed about how you had to look for a mobile phone, this means that you are busy looking for either an idea for a new project or a sex partner. When the result of the search is a find, then in reality you are lucky.

    If you find a lost phone

    What does it mean to find several telephones in a dream that were in standby mode? This indicates your excessive participation in the lives of others. You are forgetting about yourself.

    The dream calls to become self-sufficient, so as not to find yourself next to a broken trough.

    Finding broken devices in a dream means the failure of the project. The reason for this is the intrigues of envious people.

    Why did you dream that the mobile was stolen from the owner of the dream? This warns of impending disappointment in a person who could not be thought badly. He will do an act that will not touch your personal feelings, but will outrage you a lot.

    Why did you dream that you were unable to make calls due to the loss of your mobile? This is a call for the waking dreamer to start rearranging frames in his environment. Apparently among colleagues, there are those who are deeply jealous of you. And by failing to communicate the information needed in the work, they are trying to do harm, spoil the reputation, spoil relations with others.

    Could dream of missing a mobile in public place. This warns of receiving inaccurate information. It is not excluded a collision with flattering, insincere, vile people who can set up the dreamer very large. Therefore, the dream calls to always be on the alert.

    Why did you dream that the loss was discovered at the moment of the desire to make a call? What was lost old phone. The dream portends significant changes in your life. They will be so weighty, so large-scale that at first they will cause bewilderment among others.

    Why dream of the loss of a mobile, which, however, was a stranger? This means that in reality a situation will occur, the result of which will be the screening out of insincere friends, although they only called themselves as such.

    Why dream of missing a broken phone? The dream convicts the dreamer of unwillingness to solve problems on his own. He shifts the decision onto the shoulders of people who are not interested in it. Therefore, the promotion of cases is not carried out. The problem is superimposed on one another, and accumulates like a snowball.

    If it is associated with financial matters in business, then continuing to carry out such tactics is not long before bankruptcy.

    If you dreamed that your phone was lost, but a stranger managed to find it, it means that some of your secrets may become public, which you will not be able to prevent. Therefore, the dream advises to insure in advance, to think over options for how to present this information in a favorable light before others try to do it.

    Reader's dream

    Lost is a find

    There is a dream about how the dreamer takes a long time to get to a certain destination by public transport. Having got off at the right stop, it approaches a multi-storey residential complex. Then he makes a call, talks to someone, and at the end of the conversation he forgets the device on the pedestal in an extension near the house. Further, in a dream according to the plot, she again gets on the transport, goes home. And only at home, having discovered the loss, he decides to return to his former place, where, by guesswork, the thing was forgotten. Further in the dream, events develop in this way - from the window of the bus, the dreamer observes a picture when the man who found the thing puts it in his raincoat pocket and hides in the arch between the buildings. In a dream, the sleeping woman nevertheless catches up with the man, asks to return the thing. But he pretends not to understand. However, after the dreamer declares his awareness of where the thing is, the man is embarrassed and gives up his mobile. The owner of the dream discovers that it has already been disabled.