Universal semi-industrial air conditioners description. Semi-industrial split systems and air conditioners. Additional features of the control system

Here I give an overview of some Internet services and a little theory on how to create them. More specific information is yet to come.

Lyrical digression.

The lion's share of the authors of articles about making money on the Internet talk about how to create an information product and then distribute it on the network. Calling it a business is a stretch. The quality of these same “information goods” leaves much to be desired, and the methods of distribution are more like “selling absolutely useless to everyone and sundry”.

Often, the authors offer an affiliate distribution system for these "super-useful" products. Many beginners who dream of working on the Internet “peck” at colorful “lures” that promise to easily receive fabulous incomes by paying for the goods only once. True, after making an entrance fee to the affiliate system, they understand that it was a veiled financial pyramid and only its organizers themselves will be able to earn in it. After that, many are disappointed in the possibilities of making money on the Internet and they have a strong impression that there are only scammers on the Internet and it is impossible to earn money honestly on the network.

By no means do I want to say that all affiliate programs are a dishonest form of income. On the contrary, it is enough effective method distribution of goods in the network. BUT! I condemn people who produce low-quality information products, trying to sell them for fabulous money. And today, this is a big problem for the network.

Why am I writing about this? In the last few months, I have become especially interested in e-commerce and looking for articles on this topic. To my surprise, more than ninety percent of these articles were about "information goods." And what was especially striking, basically, was the translations of "bourgeois" authors, or the articles of our Internet space figures remade in their own way. I don't think it's worth saying that the American experience should be carefully applied everywhere, including the Internet. After all, no one has yet canceled the cardinal difference between our mentalities. What works "over there" does not work here. But it's not about that.

I was struck by the "narrowness" of the subjects of these articles. After all, online business is as diverse and multifaceted as offline. We need to correct this situation, so in today's issue I will talk about the e-services industry - i.e. about Internet services.


No one will argue with the fact that the “chip of the day” of offline business is services. In addition to being extremely profitable business, it has now spread in almost all areas of activity. The Internet is no exception here and provides unique opportunities to occupy very promising and profitable niches.

The bulk of services on the Internet is represented by services - paid and free. Since we are talking about business in my newsletter, we will only consider paid services here. On the other hand, most free services eventually "dream" to become paid, but at the stage of creation and testing they can be used without payment. And this is quite normal practice.

Service types.

Perhaps, to give a clear classification to all e-services, on this moment does not seem possible. This market is just being formed, and every day there are dozens and hundreds of completely different sites that provide certain services.

Below I will give examples of online services that are quite indicative for those who are thinking about working in this area. The examples are chosen by me absolutely arbitrarily, and this list can continue on their own.

These services are widely distributed on the Internet thanks to their affiliate programs and do not need a special introduction. Most of their services are free, but additional features (moving the profile to the top of the ratings, voice greeting, ...) are activated only after payment.

This strategy has proven to be effective and now dating services are extremely popular.

The system of organizing the affiliate program is also interesting: the partner gets at his disposal a fully customizable site with a database of participants already filled in. The organizer of the service undertakes all work on moderating the database. The partner receives a part of the profit from ordering paid services on his website.

An example of such a site on my Crimean Portal project: www.love.crimea-gu.ru

System of buying and selling links. There are many of them on the net, but for now I want to look at the SAPE project. This is a young but rapidly developing project.

This service provides an opportunity to buy and sell links from all pages of sites in automatic mode. It allows you to quickly select and buy the necessary links for the optimizer, and also quickly sell these links to the site owner.

For their services, service owners receive 10% of the amount of payments. The service has an affiliate program to attract referrals, which made it possible to spread information about it very quickly.

Website address on the Internet: www.sape.ru

Another service for optimizers, this time quite old - 1PS. This service allows you to automatically register a site in 2500+ directories, which greatly facilitates the work of link managers. The system created by the programmers of the project can be quickly supplemented with new directories. At the time of this writing, 351300 sites were registered through 1PS. At the same time, many sites were re-registered through the service, so this figure can be safely multiplied by 2.

And since this service receives money for each site registered in it, it is easy to understand that this is a fairly successful project.

Website address: www.1ps.ru

Here I want to consider the WebMoney payment system. The system does not need to be introduced, because it is used by millions of people around the world.

After registration, the user receives a wallet-account in the system for free. Further, when the wallet owner sends a payment, 0.8% is transferred from the payment amount to the system. This is the main part of WebMoney income.

WebMoney is another example of a successful e-service. The volumes of payments in just one day are $10+ million, and the daily number of registrations is 4000+.

Service address: http://webmoney.ru

Perhaps such an overview list of Internet services is enough to understand that you can earn very decent money on the Internet in the field of e-services. Moreover, this list can be continued for a long time.

Service creation.

Like any type of business, the creation of a service must begin with the formation of an idea, which then must develop into a clearly articulated plan of action. The further success of the project will depend on the quality and prospects of the idea.

There should be no problems with ideas either: they can be educational or consulting services, various service and information portals,… I am ready to discuss your thoughts and idea in the Club of e-businessmen (http://www.crimea-gu.ru/talk/viewforum.php?f=17) you must be well versed and work in it should bring pleasure. Otherwise, the chances of project success drop sharply.

Concerning technical implementation project - then there are options. You can write your own project. But this is the case if there is knowledge and skills in programming. Otherwise, you can hire a programmer or use ready-made solutions, if any. Naturally, what the programmer writes will be much more flexible and close to your requirements, so I recommend leaning towards this option.

That's all for today. This issue turned out to be an overview, but I am ready to discuss this topic in more depth and specialized. Write a letter with your questions. I am ready to discuss any questions and suggestions related to Internet business.

I also remind you that there is a section on the forum, which I called the "Club of e-merchants". After completing a simple registration, you can become a member of this club and receive information and advice from like-minded people. I invite everyone!

Crossbrowser compatibility- the property of the site to be displayed and work in all popular browsers is identical. Identity is understood as the absence of layout breakdowns and the ability to display material with the same degree of readability. The concept of "cross-browser compatibility" is very often confused with pixel-by-pixel correspondence, which are actually different concepts..

There are many different ways check your site in different browsers and in different operating systems. For example, online services, local applications, installing multiple browsers on your computer, etc. There are paid and free services. In this review, we will draw your attention to the most optimal free and paid services for checking your site in different browsers and on different operating systems.

1. Browsershots (Free/Paid)

Browsershots is a web service that takes screenshots of your site in different operating systems and browsers (65 browsers are available in total). This is a convenient, albeit rather slow, way to check your site in many browsers at once. When you enter your site's address into the test field, it is queued for testing. After that, the screenshots will appear on the final page in turn. This may take from 5 minutes to 2 hours. In the free version, everything is pretty slow. In addition, one session (request) can only last 30 minutes.

It should be noted that this site has a multilingual interface (including Russian and Ukrainian.)

However, although this service is advertised as free, it also has paid services. For 29.95 c.u. per month you will receive the so-called "priority processing": screenshots will appear much faster than in the free version, you can get from 30 to 50 screenshots in just 5 minutes. In addition, only you will see your screenshots, while in the free version they are eventually laid out in the general feed.


Until March 2013, Adobe had an excellent free Adobe BrowserLab service for testing the site in different browsers and systems. But now it's closed and presented instead new service Adobe Edge Inspect CC.+

Adobe Edge Inspect CC is a product included in the fundamental new organization Adobe products - to the Adobe Creative Cloud. You can get an account in this cloud using several packages, all of which are paid. The average one costs $49.99. per month. You can try Adobe Creative Cloud for free for 30 days.

3. IE NetRenderer (Free)

IE NetRenderer- free online browser-only service Internet Explorer, which allows you to check your site under the Internet browser Explorer versions: 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.5.

Everything is simple here: enter the address of your site, select the version of IE and immediately get a screenshot.

4. IE Tester (Free)

IETester- it's absolutely crazy paid app only for Internet browser Explorer, which allows you to view the site locally on your computer in different versions of Internet Explorer (versions: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5.5) under operating Windows systems 7, Vista and XP.

To do this, you need to download IE Tester and install it on your computer.

5. BrowserСam (paid)

BrowserCam- a very powerful paid online service for testing sites under any browser and any platform. One of the main "chips" of this service is that it provides remote access(via VNC) to computers with already installed OS and browsers in which you can test your site. In addition, there is such an important option as testing for iPhone OS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Mobile. You can also test emails on different devices, which is very important for mailing companies.

Prices start at $19.95 per day depending on functionality.

6. CrossBrowser Testing (paid)

CrossBrowserTesting- also a very functional paid service, where you can check the site in a few minutes in different browsers, on different operating systems, on different devices (more than 100 verification options are supported, including testing for Android, iPad, iPhone).

The pricing policy is more profitable and flexible than the previous BrowserСam service: base price starts from 29.95 c.u. in Week. In addition, a free trial period of 7 days is given for each of the three packages, although with a somewhat limited quota than in the paid version.

7. Litmus (paid/free)

Litmus- an online service that provides the ability to test the site on different browsers. In addition to providing screenshots, at the same time it checks the validity of html and css code. Its peculiarity is that it is mainly focused on testing e-mails in different browsers and on different devices. It is possible to test the e-mail in 30 different mail clients and other important features such as email analytics.

The paid version of the service involves three packages: basic ($49 per month), plus ($99 per month), premium ($299 per month). The free trial version is valid for 7 days.

8. Cloud Testing (paid)

cloud testing- a paid online service that provides the ability to functionally test the site's cross-browser compatibility. You record a user behavior script with your browser and Selenium IDE, upload it, after which Cloud Testing will execute this script in multiple browsers and operating systems. He then provides screenshots.

Pricing policy starts from 99 c.u. per month.

9. Mogotest (paid)

Mogotest- a paid online service that provides the ability to fully test cross-browser compatibility, including for private pages. An API is provided so integration into existing tools and workflows is possible.

Pricing policy starts from 15 USD. per month for individuals. At the same time, it is possible to test the selected package (trial version) for free for 14 days.

10. Multi-Browser Viewer (paid)

Multi-Browser Viewer- a paid application that works with desktop and mobile browsers and includes 26 virtualized browsers, 5 mobile browsers (including iPhone and iPad) and 61 screenshot browsers (with their help you can see how pages are rendered, but you can not see the result user interaction with the site).

The pricing policy of Multi-Browser Viewer is 139.95 USD. for a single-user license and includes one year of products and updates. In addition, a free trial version of the program (14 days) is available.

11. Sauce Labs (Free/Paid)

Sauce Labs - online service, which provides access to multiple browsers on different operating systems and connects your browser to a configured virtual machine.

The service provides paid packages (prices start from $49 per month), in addition, there is a free testing quota: 200 minutes per month and allows you to create automated testing tests in browsers (using Selenium).

12. Spoon (Free)

Spoon is an online program emulation service. Free launch of Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari for Windows users. Available different versions browsers Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera. Technically, Spoon supports IE virtualization, but this feature has been disabled at the request of Microsoft.

13. Browsera (Free/Paid)

browser is an online service that provides automation of cross-browser testing. It automatically detects differences in how pages are displayed by browsers, thereby simplifying the testing process.

The free version includes a fairly limited number of browsers and a low resolution. Paid packages start from 39 c.u. in 14 days and from 49 c.u. up to 99 c.u. for a monthly subscription.

The SaaS market in Russia is growing slowly. Instead of a service, clients want consulting that will solve all their problems. Now the conversion from the page with the payment form to the actual payment is about 35% - that is, two out of three people who were going to pay do not pay in the end. During the year of Amplifer's life, we discovered several negative features of selling services like ours (analysis of brand promotion in social networks) through electronic payment systems - and in the end we figured out how to solve the problems that arose.

Nobody wants to pay with their own card

Employees in Russia are not ready to pay with their own card for services for the company, because they think: “How is it to spend $10 personal money to the company? Even if this service personally saves them time (by the way, freelancers pay great). They are also not ready to sell your solution to the manager above: “Your service is great, but nothing depends on me, I just passed it on to the boss.” We see the words "boss" and "I don't decide" in the chats of our salespeople quite often. Amplifer has an average check per client per month - $21. It makes no sense for us to engage in such a lead, so we abandon the deal at the moment when it is longer three days we hang in the stage of "understand who exactly pays there." Sometimes these customers come back and buy a subscription. For example, three days ago our service was bought by an agency, although two months ago I tried to sell it myself.

How to decide: you need to understand not only what an employee of the client company needs to do at work (that is, how to improve or simplify the service), but also what will make him talk to his superiors - there is another motivation. And then you need to understand what the boss wants, and sell it again - to the boss. This makes the sale twice as difficult, but does not make it impossible.

Clients do not know what recurring payments are

We recently had a case where a client got indignant How are we already debiting money from her for three months without her knowledge. Such cases happen: users say that they paid only for one month and did not want to actually sign up for the second. But if in the West users often simply write and ask to unroll the last payment because they don’t want to use the service and forgot to turn off the payment, then in Russia the user is usually outraged, immediately rude and threatens with courts.

How to decide: be polite and helpful - prepare a template response with a story about how to use the card and how to protect yourself from such behavior in the future. I leave such comments personally and not only in response to messages to the support service, but wherever I see people who are dissatisfied with our service. Counts good tone return the money - we do this with customers. By the way, it is the first two months in the life of a client that are the most important: at this time there can be a large outflow, including because you scared the client with an automatic write-off. But if you write off money from the client a second time, then he lives and pays for a long time. You can send a letter a couple of days before the payment that it is about to be: so that those who really don’t really want to have time to run away.

Customers regularly do not have money on their cards

I often look into our processing and payment log: very often and a lot of transactions do not go through with the reason “insufficient funds on the card”. This can happen because people connect a special virtual card. But most often these are ordinary Visa / MasterCard cards, not electronic ones. Services in the West have learned to solve this problem simply - you can try to make a re-payment in a few days, several times. And in Russia, people do not have money for ten days in a row, and we are talking about the amount of 800 rubles.

How to decide: I am more and more inclined towards the option of paying for six months or a year in advance with a wild discount (up to 30-40%). Shoot yourself in the foot on revenue, but no churn. What will be the probability of customer retention and resale - we will find out in a year.

Legal entities like to ask for acts once a month

If a legal entity pays by card and even in advance for several months, most likely, their accountant will soon come running to you and ask for acts. The preparation of the act will actually take five minutes in Elba or My Business, but it still needs to be printed, signed, and sent. And you need to build sales, and not pick a routine.

How to decide: If the offer or contract prescribes payment in advance for several months and fixes that closing documents are issued once and for the entire amount, life will become easier. The client company may need to close the payment in a particular quarter or year, then you can issue them an act on the required date. But you don't have to submit multiple acts.

Legal entities do not pay automatically

If individuals have a card attached and every month we try to debit money from it, then legal entities have enough prepayment for several months. It is logical that a legal entity can fall off the service only when there is nothing to pay for the service: you see that the balance has already run out of money, and new account you have not been paid.

How to decide: seeing the date of the next payment, we know in advance when the client will run out of money. In order not to lose legal entities, connect your billing to the CRM system and create a lead for upselling a month before the payment date, for which there may not be enough money. This is how we create a task for ourselves in Pipedrive, send a template letter with an invoice and agree on when the payment will arrive. This scheme is better, compare for yourself: a month before the deadline, you sell from the position “here you use it, you need to renew it”, and not from the position “you used it, but you don’t use it anymore, let’s renew it?”.

Most business executives and advertisers have no idea about the number of sites that can host video content. YouTube is just one of the most famous, but there are dozens of others of various quality levels besides it. What follows is a selection of the top paid video sharing services, listing the main features of each—their content requirements, their pricing, and commercial acceptance data.

Paid and enterprise platforms

Many free platforms don't give you full control over your content. Especially if you are not a regular user, but have a corporate account belonging to your company or your production. It is in such cases that we recommend that you use the services of paid services. The only (but significant) drawback of all such services is their price, which sometimes reaches more than one hundred dollars a month. But at the same time, you get a first-class service and full control over the content, as well as many additional tools.

SproutVideo- perfect solution for hosting corporate videos, which offers various features aimed at business customers. Here we can note security and privacy, the ability to use an SSL channel, already formed white lists of domain names, the ability to download and play HD video, the ability to play videos on mobile devices, edit appearance video player and, of course, the ability to embed video fragments on site pages. The statistics function will clearly display information about the number of video views, where the video was viewed from, you can determine the most popular videos, and also find out where your videos are used on the Internet.

Additional information:

* Cost: from $10 to $750 per month, depending on bandwidth and disk space. It also has a free trial (which, however, will also cost you $1).

Viddler is a video hosting service for businesses, educational institutions and non-profit organizations. The service offers three tariff plans, depending on your requirements (it should also be noted that there is an editable corporate plan). Viddler allows you to post videos in HD format, allows you to embed the player in the pages of your site, and also play videos through mobile devices. It also features an independent ad network that will allow you to generate revenue from your own videos, as well as the ability to sell access to video files, which facilitates the creation of customized mailings - both of these features are available in the Business plan.

Additional information:

* Cost: from $50/month for Pro plan, from $100/month for Business plan (also includes discounts for representatives educational institutions and non-profit organizations).

* Commercial content: allowed

Google Video for Business is part of the Google Apps suite. The tool is optimized for internal corporate networks. The service is a private secure video file exchanger, which greatly facilitates the process of distributing training videos within the company. The service can be accessed from anywhere. It works great on both PC, MAC and Linux.

Additional information:

* Cost: Included with Google Apps, which costs $5/month or $50/year.
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site
* Commercial content: allowed

iPlayerHD is a great business service for hosting high quality videos. There are no ads here, the DRM streaming option is provided here, you can independently determine whether it will be possible to embed this or that video in the pages of websites (or choose the domains on which the video can be embedded). In addition, it is worth noting that the service allows you to download videos of any length. You will also have access to statistics. The service system automatically detects the type of device from which the video is being played, so you do not need to worry about mobile users. Among other things, you can exclude the possibility of transcoding your videos.

Additional information:

* Cost: $30/month or $300/year. A 30 day trial is available.
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site
* Commercial content: allowed

Framesocket is a paid video hosting service for developers. The service offers you an API that can greatly facilitate the download process (as well as the ability to download a downloader for installation on your PC), easily design a video player, edit channels, organize compatibility with mobile devices. API also offers tools for automatic target audience generation. You will be able to "collect" videos from an infinite number of users and sources, and then host or store them securely in the Framesocket system.

Additional information:

* Cost: 25$/month (including 5GB of disk space with the option to buy additional space at a charge of 0.50$/GB)
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site
* Commercial content: allowed

23 Video is a paid video hosting service aimed at corporate commercial content with intensive playback. The plans include 1TB of traffic per month with the option to buy additional. You can upload an unlimited number of videos, register an unlimited number of users, and it is also worth noting the fact that the uploaded video is not limited in length. You will have full control over the appearance of the video player and you can also get your own fully editable video website along with a domain. It also provides powerful statistics tools, as well as many promotional tools (including the ability to create a subscription through Email, podcasting, iTunes or AppleTV). In addition, all uploaded videos can also be automatically posted to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Google Video.

Additional information:

* Cost: 675$/month + 250$ for the redemption of each subsequent TB of traffic
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site
* Commercial content: allowed

Vzaar is a professional, powerful video platform that is extremely easy to use. It includes a video player with the ability to edit colors, borders, overlay logos and texts, add video links, subtitles, and more. Videos are posted in high resolution and are perfectly compatible with the iPhone. You can manage privacy settings, domain settings, and more. The service also allows you to play videos in automatic mode and even loop them. Vzaar also offers eBay integration tools, the ability to get a video embed code (including an HTTPS embed code), and integration with Google Analytics and Mail Chimp.

Additional information:

* Cost: $29 to $499/month depending on bandwidth, number of videos, and optional iOS channels.
* Content restrictions: it is forbidden to post uninteresting content, as well as offensive or obscene content (including pornography)
* Commercial content: allowed

Brightcove offers you an enterprise level video hosting platform that also provides live video streaming, Youtube sync, and other promotional tools. Here you also have the opportunity to monetize your channel, place ads. It is also worth noting the availability of statistics generation tools and integration options. The service provides 15 video player design templates, from which you can choose the most suitable one. In addition, all these templates can be edited. A well-thought-out platform system allows you to play both Flash and HTML5 videos, which eliminates the need for you to use different players and supplement site pages with additional code.

Additional information:

* Cost: from $99 to $499/month
* Content restrictions: It is forbidden to post videos of a pornographic nature, as well as videos containing elements of violence, humiliation, insults, slander and anything that may violate the law.
* Commercial content: allowed

Vimeo Pro is the paid version of the Vimeo service. Videos uploaded under the terms of the Pro plan are not displayed on the regular Vimeo page, and therefore you will be able to upload commercial content. The plan includes 50GB of disk space and unlimited plays on the site, as well as 250,000 plays of embedded videos hosted outside the service (there is an opportunity to buy additional extra space and playback), without limitation on duration and traffic. All videos can be downloaded from the highest quality(Full 1080p) and all of them will play beautifully on mobile devices, tablets and connected TVs. The client of this tariff plan receives Vimeo Universal Player and HTML5 support.

Additional information:

* Cost: $199 per year

* Commercial content: allowed

Oculu offers unlimited commercial video download options, although you may experience some restrictions depending on the plan you choose. The service is incredibly easy to use, as you will be presented with a special settings panel for each individual video. Oculu provides a variety of video embed options (including standard methods embeds, overlays, and video that opens in a separate window with the rest of the content darkened), as well as tools to manage and optimize your video campaigns.

Additional information:

* Cost: from $19 to $245/month
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site.
* Commercial content: allowed

Ooyala greatly simplifies the process of managing video content on most CMS, including WordPress, ExpressionEngine, Drupal and more. The service automatically transcodes your videos to various formats and resolutions, allowing you to play your videos on many different devices and displays. You can design the player according to your own preference. This is achieved through fully editable video player templates that can be manipulated using Silverlight, Flash and HTML5. Ooyala also offers a dedicated API for integrating with 3rd party CMS, as well as for multi-uploading and importing content (including also content from the Youtube video service). The platform works with Flash Access Digital Rights Management and supports custom metadata. Full synchronization with YouTube, Facebook and iTunes, as well as other services is possible.

Additional information:

* Cost: from $500/month
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site.
* Commercial content: allowed

Additional information:

* Cost: not specified, free trial period available.
* Content restrictions: It is forbidden to post videos of a pornographic nature, as well as videos containing elements of violence, humiliation, insults, slander and anything that may violate the law.
* Commercial content: allowed

Limelight Networks brings you the Limelight Video Platform, which provides flexible tools to publish, manage, analyze and monetize your video content. You can control the whole stream of online video through Limelight, or separate parts as needed. The service offers a very convenient method of managing meta-data, integration with an existing CMS, analytics, as well as built-in video search. Also worth noting is the free technical support, subscriptions and more.

Additional information:

* Cost: not specified
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site.
* Commercial content: allowed

GravityLab Multimedia offers you many different tariff plans for hosting video content, which will later allow you to broadcast videos on screens of any device and resolution. All videos play very quickly (except for the need to wait a bit for buffering). The service works with formats Windows Media, Quicktime and MP4, as well as streaming to Flash, with the ability to stop the video or rewind it. The creators do not require annual agreements from you, so you can cancel the services at any time.

Additional information:

* Cost: from $19.99/month to $420/month
* Content Restrictions: There are no instructions on the site.
* Commercial content: allowed

Finally, that day has come, and you are thinking or have already decided to create your own blog. You already have a huge number of topics and ideas in your head, how and what to write about, but you have no idea where to create a blog or start a personal page. Don't be discouraged - these days it's easy and fast. Read on for my recommendations.

What is a blog and the purpose of its creation

An Internet blog is a place where each person can express their thoughts in any accessible form. The blog has become a diary of the twenty-first century, acquiring an electronic form from paper, which greatly expanded the range of human capabilities.

When choosing a place to create a blog, it is very important to consider what it will be intended for.

The main goals of creating a blog:

  • Traditional application or blog "for the soul". Here a person can write whatever comes to his mind on a variety of topics. The most common of them: travel, leisure, personal life, work, home, garden, garden, beauty secrets, cars, fashion and many others. You can share your thoughts, experiences, knowledge with the whole world, while, if you wish, you can remain completely anonymous.
  • earnings and advertising. For example, your blog might be about a particular product or company. Accordingly, it should be designed for the target audience and placed on more relevant sites on this topic, etc. If your goal is to earn as much money as possible, then the main task will be to promote the blog and attract visitors - the more popular it is, the more income it will bring.

Creation Criteria

If the goal is clearly defined, then it's time to set the criteria that are important to you in the course of creating a blog.

One of the most important criteria is payment. There are a million different paid and free features for blogging, so here, as they say, the master is the master. If you don't want to pay, the free blog hosting option is for you, this is LiveJournal and liveinternet and blogger.com from Google. We'll talk more about this below. It's one thing if you decide to just express your thoughts and share your plans and dreams with like-minded people, it's quite another if a blog is created to attract income. If you have serious intentions in terms of work and earnings, then I would recommend that you fork out.

The reasons for the fear of paying for a blog are also different. For example, a person for the first time decided to do this business and is afraid that he will not succeed, or he will get bored in a month, or the fear of transferring money to nowhere. There are quite a lot of different free hostings for you, which are used by thousands of people around the world. Including me too.

What do you need

Hosting is a service that allows you to host a resource on a web server, or provides hosting someone else's web server on your site.

Free services:

Google is one of those companies that provides free blogging services. The most famous of them is blogger.com. Initially, the service did not belong to Google, but was released by Pyra Labs back in 1999. But already in 2003, she became part of Google. Today it is the most famous service with powerful and reliable servers, as well as very easy to use. A blog is created in just three minutes, and the advantage is that its appearance can be easily customized. If you choose it, then be prepared for the fact that your blog will have a third-level domain ending in blogspot.com. This is common for free services.

Another Google product is social network Plus.Google.com. Despite the fact that it is still not a service, it is by no means inferior to them. Although it does not have as many text formatting functions, but the network is created for communication, which will draw attention to you much more of people. By the way, I'm there too, add me to the circles.

The next one of the most famous and popular services is livejournal.com or as it is called simply LJ. You can also buy a paid account here, but even this does not entitle you to a domain. By the way, it will also be no higher than the third step, as in all similar services.

Just as popular is wordpress.com, in which you can conduct both paid and free blogs. Here you can get a second-level domain, but it will already be paid.

LiveInternet.ru- or, as the people say, just a lyre. This is a fairly simple service, known for collecting statistics for sites. Most often, it is used simply as a "diary" in which people share their news and thoughts. You won’t earn much money in it, and the abundance of advertising sometimes generally discourages the desire to go there.

Twitter. Well-known and very popular among young people (as well as celebrities, stars, politicians) microblogging service. The length of messages here is strictly limited.

Well, for those who like to take pictures of themselves, of course instagram.com.

In all these networks I am, go and add me as a friend.

Benefits of free services

  • No fee;
  • A blog is created in minutes;
  • Anyone can use it, even without deep knowledge in programming;
  • Easy to find in search engines.

Cons of free services

  • You won't earn much money here;
  • Hosting puts clear restrictions on the use of your blog, that is, you cannot do whatever you want;
  • The user receives a third-level domain;
  • Outsiders trust sites on free services much less.

Where to start a paid blog

If you decide to spend money and create your own hosting, then there is nothing difficult about it. By the way, do not be afraid of the word "paid", it is not as expensive as you think.

Where can I get a domain and hosting?

No blog can exist without a domain name and hosting. Register the domain in REG.RU. The hostings that I have come across and recommend to everyone is Timeweb.ru for beginners and firstvds when you realize that blogging is yours and traffic will start to grow. You can transfer your sites from hosting, but finding the best hosting for you is not difficult.

Also popular among paid hosting are majordomo.ru and Best-Hoster.com.

Majordomo.ru is a paid hosting provider that is currently developing very rapidly. In Russia, it is already in the top five most popular due to its excellent operational support and its rich functionality. The fee for such hosting can be quite small, from 99 rubles per month, and reach up to 450 rubles. Accordingly, the range of services provided varies slightly from this. The popular hosting Best-Hoster.ru is also designed for different solvency of its customers, the more you are willing to pay, the more disk space you get. Take a look at these options and many more. Those that I personally recommend, I wrote above.

Important features of paid hosting:

  • If you use paid hosting, then you have the opportunity to make yourself a subdomain on the blog.
  • Paid hosting has unlimited traffic.
  • All paid services support PHP and MySQL databases.
  • Paid hosting can provide a client additional functions to improve the work of the blog (various scripts, etc.), so the user does not even need to delve into the intricacies of programming.

When choosing a domain, it is important to consider the audience for which you are going to work. For example, if the audience is Russian, it would be better to choose.ru. Popular in the West are addresses that end in .com and .net. To facilitate the complicated procedure of choosing a domain name for a website, think of it in advance. You will also need to give your passport details and appoint DNS servers your hosting. How to do it and what it is, read my article about it.

What are the best engines to use?

DataLife Engine is a paid engine that is very popular among bloggers. You can just get acquainted with its capabilities and it will immediately become clear whether it is worth using it. It is very convenient that it is possible to create almost any web page on its CMS, and when you figure it out with base level, you can download additional modules.

I had a site about forex on this engine, I didn’t really like DLE.

For beginners, I recommend using WordPress, it's easy to use and literally anyone can figure it out. In this article, read how to make a site on WordPress.

Joomla is the engine used by professionals, despite the fact that it is not the best in terms of functionality, and I personally do not like it either.

Advantages of paid services

  • At competent work you can earn money on them.
  • From your page, you can do anything, both stylistically and functionally.
  • Second level domain.
  • The site does not depend on external resources.

Cons of paid services

  • Long creation time.
  • Payment.
  • Building a website requires some knowledge.
  • In the first months of the development of the site, it will not be in the first place in the search engines.

A beginner can create his own blog both on a paid and free basis, it all depends on what goals he invests in its creation. But remember, the main thing in a blog is what is written in it, and not where it is located.