Internet explorer 9 Russian version

Internet Explorer 9 RU - modern version multi-tab browser from Microsoft for Windows 7 operating systems.

The next version of the popular Internet Explorer 9, which has improved significantly compared to previous versions. Decreased launch time and "heaviness". Improved performance with JavaScript. Applied hardware acceleration technologies for loading web pages and accelerators for accessing search services. Accelerated loading of popular sites.

Internet Explorer 9 meets the latest requirements for browsers. It supports not only all current standards, but also standards that are still planned for the future, including the HTML5 standard. At a decent level, and support for HTML5 video encoded in the WebM and H.265 standard (when appropriate codecs are installed in the system). Compatibility mode is supported, which allows you to view any website designed for earlier versions of browsers.

The work of add-ons and toolbars is controlled for stability and impact on the speed of the browser. Simplified navigation management. As with others, some handy extensions are available, although not as many as in or . The address bar also combines the search box. Default search engines can be configured, added, or you can choose which search engine to search with. In the search field, you can enable options to display the query as soon as you type. It is possible to pin the desired web pages and sites to the Windows 7 taskbar. Various options for customizing the arrangement of tabs using Aero-effects (Aero Snap), viewing thumbnails of inactive tabs when hovering the mouse.

Internet Explorer 9 has powerful security and control features. It uses protection against attacks using scripts, the functions of detecting and blocking phishing (fraudulent) sites, such sites are immediately highlighted in the address bar. Protection against malicious code distributed through social networks defines websites that track user activities while browsing the web.

Developer tools are built into the browser: HTML, CSS, JavaScript script editing, profiles, network inspection, as well as rendering web pages by various browser engines to solve problems of page rendering by different browsers.

For the convenience of users, it is possible to simply open accidentally closed tabs and restore failed tabs, or those that have crashed due to a system failure, as well as many other useful features.

After extensive testing, Microsoft Corporation has released the final version of its free Internet browser - 9. This version, thanks to its full integration with Windows 7, allows you to easily and comfortably browse the web. One of the features of this release is a simple and understandable interface that allows the user not to be distracted by various additional panels and fully focus on the content of Internet pages. It is also worth noting the following features of Internet Explorer 9: hardware acceleration for graphics and text, which significantly speeds up the work with Internet content; improved work with tabs; multifunctional address bar; unobtrusive notification bar; download manager; Chakra is a new jvascript processor; full support for HTML5, SVG, CSS3, ECMAScript5 and DOM; developer tools - function F12. And although the number of users using Internet Explorer has recently been declining due to an increase in the audience of users of other browsers - and, perhaps, this version of IE will regain its lost positions.

Main features of Internet Explorer 9:

- Hardware acceleration for graphics and text
Internet Explorer 9 uses hardware acceleration to display text, video, and graphics on web pages, allowing your website to run as fast as a regular Windows application installed directly on your computer, while still playing HD video smoothly, display larger images and make the website overall more responsive to user interaction. A new multi-core javascript engine that can take advantage of today's multi-core processors also improves the speed of Internet Explorer 9, which, together with the powerful graphics capabilities of the Windows 7 operating system, will give you a completely new experience of being on the Web.
- Simple and clear interface
Very often, sites are full-fledged web applications with their own navigation, search functionality, notifications of new content, and it is on these elements, and not browser controls, that users have come to rely on. In this regard, the user interface of Internet Explorer 9 has been simplified and improved, which improves the quality of the experience of websites. Browser web page navigation controls have been simplified and organized based on how often they are used. The back button has become larger, the address bar and search field have been combined into one common address bar, and several menus from previous versions of Internet Explorer have been combined into one menu. The result in the browser window will display only what you need to browse the Internet now.
- Integration with Windows 7
With full integration into the Windows 7 environment, Internet Explorer 9 allows users to get the most out of this OS for a comfortable web browsing experience. So, with the help of the “pinning” function, the user can access their favorite websites directly from the Windows taskbar without opening the browser in advance. In addition to the ability to pin any website to the taskbar, Internet Explorer 9 provides the ability to integrate websites into Windows through jump lists and controls in preview thumbnails. Jump Lists allow you to jump to the sites you visit every day without having to open your browser first. To use this feature, simply right-click the Internet Explorer icon in the taskbar. In the menu that opens, you will see pinned websites, as well as those sites that you visit most often. You can also start an InPrivate browsing session, open an empty browser tab, or close a browser window from this menu.
- New tab page
The new tab page in Internet Explorer 9 now displays the most popular websites and provides instant navigation to them. In addition, a special indicator shows how often the user visited this site. For easy identification, the icon and the main color of the site itself are used. From the New Tab page, you can also reopen recently closed tabs or your last browsing session, reset your traffic indicators, or switch to InPrivate privacy mode.
- Improved tabbed browsing
In Internet Explorer 9, by default, tabs appear to the right of the address bar. To display the tabs separately below the address bar, right-click in the free field to the right of the New tab button and select Show tabs below the address bar. When working with tabs, the user has the ability to move them for grouping, both within the same window and between windows. When you have many tabs open, you can waste a lot of time and effort, especially if you need to go back and find websites that are already open. In Internet Explorer 9, related tabs are shown in a single color, making it easy to keep organized when browsing a large number of web pages. If you need to view multiple web pages at the same time to perform a certain task, you can use roaming tabs with the Snap feature. This is a great way to browse multiple web pages at the same time.
- Multifunctional address bar
Search and navigation functions are combined in Internet Explorer 9 in the form of an address bar called One Box. To search, just enter a query directly into the address bar, and visual cues will appear. At the bottom of the address bar drop-down menu are settings with which you can switch between different Internet search engines or add new ones. To protect confidential information, Internet Explorer provides the ability for the user to choose what information will be transmitted to search engines. In the drop-down menu of the address bar, you can enable or disable the search suggestion feature. If this feature is enabled, text will be transmitted to the Internet search engine as you type.
- Unobtrusive notification bar
All service messages that occur during the operation of Internet Explorer 9 are now displayed in the most unobtrusive form in a specially designated area for them, located at the bottom of the browser window. These messages, such as the question of the need to save a password or download a file, are formulated in extremely clear and simple language. In addition, the user does not need to perform any action in order to continue browsing the site. The notification bar becomes visible only when it is required to attract the user's attention, and in no way interferes with navigation through web pages.
- Download manager
Internet Explorer 9 is equipped with a built-in tool for accessing, monitoring and working with downloaded files - the download manager. This is a single program that allows you to view the status of downloads, display information about their possible potential danger, provide a complete security check of downloaded files, and also show the location of downloaded files.
- Chakra - new jvascript engine
A new jvascript engine called Chakra is optimized to run on multi-core processors. While executing jvascript code in interpretation mode on one processor core, it simultaneously compiles another piece of this code on the second core in the background. After that, Chakra switches to executing the compiled code, which runs much faster. Background compilation and other innovations have resulted in Internet Explorer 9 performing well in popular jvascript benchmarks such as WebKit.
- Full support for HTML5, SVG, CSS3, ECMAScript5 and DOM
Full support for HTML5, SVG, CSS3, ECMAScript5, and DOM provides web developers with a single set of tools to create consistent web pages that will display and function exactly the same in any modern browser. Support for all of these standards is built into the new Internet Explorer 9 browser. Combining the results of all previous work on implementing HTML5 capabilities in , the new version of the browser adds a number of new features to them. For example, support for the new Video and Audio elements allows a web page to play video and audio without using an additional plugin. In other words, a developer can insert a video or audio clip into a web page just as easily as a regular image. Another new element, Canvas, is designed to display dynamic graphics using hardware acceleration through Windows and a video card. Finally, support for programmatic functions for processing selections of text and improved mechanisms for parsing HTML code make it easier to write HTML pages.
- Developer tools - function F12
Internet Explorer 9 includes a built-in developer toolkit that will make it easier to prototype, test, and debug web pages by making changes to their code and viewing the result directly in the browser itself. The new version of Internet Explorer includes user agent switching, a network traffic inspector, an improved jvascript profiler, and built-in support for new web standards. To access this toolkit, just press the F12 key.
Internet Explorer 9 can only be installed on Windows Vista and 7 operating systems. If you need a version for Windows XP, use .

Latest version of Internet Explorer browser from Microsoft. 9 version of IE has changed a lot compared to its predecessors, both in terms of functionality and has undergone changes in appearance.

Internet Explorer 9 is seeing performance gains, and the first thing that catches your eye is the updated browser interface. The new interface in IE 9 is focused on giving as much space as possible for the web page and as little as possible for menus. Now the browser menu includes only the most necessary functions, and everything else is removed in the submenu, while various pop-up windows of information are now displayed at the bottom of the screen. In general, it all comes down to ensuring that the user sees as much as possible on the merits, and is not distracted from the content of the site by the cumbersome menu of the browser itself.

There is a stereotype that in a Windows operating system that has just been installed on a computer, IE is needed only to download another browser, for example, Firefox or any other. Microsoft has done a lot of work to release a truly new product that would be fundamentally different from previous versions and without their shortcomings, thereby returning a positive reputation to their proprietary web browser. Support for new web standards such as CSS3, HTML5, DOM, SVG and others, which are already used in browsers such as , Opera, . Based on the popular Acid3 test (a test of browser support for web standards), IE 9 scored 95 out of 100 possible, which is more than an excellent result. A significant increase in the speed of Internet Explorer 9 is due to hardware acceleration due to the graphics card, as well as an improved caching system and a new JavaScript engine.

It is worth noting that Internet Explorer 9 is not compatible with Windows XP, only Vista and Windows 7, which is explained by Microsoft's reluctance to support the outdated Windows XP, and XP does not have the technologies necessary for the new web browser. Summing up, we can say that in general, the nine Internet Explorer will be a fairly competitive browser, and many users, having got to know it better, will appreciate its simplicity, convenience and speed. All in all, time will tell if IE 9 becomes a browser worthy of its purpose, or remains a downloader for other more worthy web surfing products.

Internet Explorer 9 was released in early 2011 exclusively for Windows Vista. Microsoft at that time continued to develop its own Internet browser, which did not quite successfully compete with analogues from other developers.

Many users preferred other browsers, believing that they were faster and more secure. For the most part, this is true. But IE9 had its merits, the program has improved significantly since the eighth version.

Browser Features

The first difference that immediately catches your eye is the interface. The appearance of the program is greatly simplified when compared with IE8. Elements of interaction are ordered in accordance with the logic, their finding has become more understandable on an intuitive level. For example menu "Service"(it is possible to call it with the keyboard shortcut Alt + X) contains the items for changing the scale of the page, printing and similar functions related to a single theme.

Instead of bookmarks, there is also a system of favorites. Content management is performed in a special panel located in the right block of the screen.

It is possible to pin sites to the taskbar so that they always have quick access. Icons for calling them in this case will be located next to the menu "Start".

Internet Explorer now has the ability to search directly from the address bar.
There is no need to open a special service every time. It is enough just to set the standard search engine in the settings. Initially used msn- a resource from Microsoft. But it can be changed to any other, for example, Yandex, popular in Russia.

From the address bar, you can immediately display the top search results and go directly to the site from the list. A standard method is also available, in which the entire page with the results is loaded.

The user can configure IE in such a way that the program will independently complete the search query. In this case, the predictive input system will work.

Internet Explorer now has a built-in antivirus tool that checks downloaded files on the Internet. If malicious code is found in the downloaded document, the system will warn about it.

Expanded capabilities of the built-in download manager. Now the download process can be paused, resumed, and also stopped.
There is a menu item that opens the folder where the files are located.

Improved work with tabs. One browser window can contain dozens of tabs. In this case, you can open an additional one at any time. This is a handy feature that allows you to separate and organize the information that the user is currently viewing.

IE has notification bar. It displays messages about the status of the browser. For example, a notification about the end of a file download or the presence of malicious code in it.

Previously, the information block was inconvenient. The Internet browser was interrupted until the user confirmed any information. Now notifications come in an unobtrusive mode, do not interfere with a person's work on the Web.

Download browser

By the time the browser came out, full support for XP had ended. Microsoft is actively developing a new version of the operating system - Windows Vista. Therefore, downloading IE9 is only possible for her.

Important information: if you are offered to install it on third-party sites with extended compatibility, do not be fooled. This is a scam, as a result, the computer will be infected with a virus. There is no way to get Internet Explorer 9 for Windows XP. The only option is to update the system to later versions.

Internet Explorer 9 is Microsoft's attempt to catch up with already far-flung competitors. In this version, IE has become similar to such popular browsers as , and . A number of features have been copied from different browsers. Tabbed interface, visual bookmarks, speed dialing of site addresses - all this has finally appeared in IE.

An interesting feature of Internet Explorer 9 is the search for website addresses as the user types them. That is, the search is performed not in the history of visited sites, but on the Internet. As a result, it turns out that the browser often gives you the address even before you write it, and this is convenient. This feature was borrowed from Google Chrome.

There is, however, one feature not found in any of the major popular browsers. This is pinning a bookmark to the Windows taskbar. If you need constant access to a page, you can launch it directly from the taskbar and it will open in Internet Explorer. In IE, there is no way to fix tabs on the tab bar (as in Firefox and Chrome), but there is such an original feature. Which is more convenient is up to you.

Internet Explorer 9 includes protection from malicious sites, graphics hardware acceleration, and support for all the latest standards.

Key features and functions

  • Hardware accelerated text, video and graphics. Internet Explorer 9 includes a cross-site scripting filter that detects and disables malicious scripts. The feature is enabled by default.
  • Domain Name Highlighting: One of the ways to avoid being taken to suspicious sites that an updated browser provides is to highlight a domain name. Internet Explorer 9 lets you see the real web address at a glance by highlighting the domain name in the address bar, making it easier to determine if the sites you visit are safe.

Special Requirements

  • 233 MGy processor or higher (Pentium processor recommended);
  • 32 / 64-bit Windows 7 - 512 MB;
  • 32 / 64-bit Windows Server 2008 - 512 MB;

Despite the fact that Internet Explorer can now be called a modern browser, many users remain distrustful of it. Microsoft has never been a leader in this area, and IE was popular only because it is included with the operating system. And now the situation has not changed. The latest attempt to save the day in version 9 is unlikely to greatly increase the number of IE users. This is already so obvious that even the company itself has talked about the possibility of including not IE, but Firefox in Windows! I don't think there is more to say...