New business ideas. Concierge service

Recently I was connected to the concierge service. While I did not use it, because there seemed to be no need, but when I began to tell my friends about it, there was not a single one who knew what it was. Everyone asked the same question "What is it?".
We already know firsthand what a cleaning service is. This is when, instead of keeping a cleaning lady in the office, professional cleaners with equipment come there and clean the premises.
a little less people know what a catering service is. This is when office employees do not bring food from home, do not heat it up in the microwave and do not run to a nearby grocery or fast food, and a car with a hot lunch comes to them at lunchtime and feeds all the company's employees. This is beneficial both for employees who receive good meals and for company management, which does not have to think about how to provide employees with food or bother organizing their own kitchen.
And now we come to what concierge services are. They can be completely different, both for individuals and for organizations. Today we will touch on individuals.
Frankly, I have already heard about one concierge service, to which clients of one large bank are connected for free when opening an account there. But to become a client of this concierge service, you need to deposit at least 2 million rubles in the bank. =)
It is clear that not everyone has that kind of money, so I perceived the concierge service as something elite, inaccessible to ordinary people.
But it turned out that there are much more affordable concierge services.
So what is a concierge service? In a very primitive way, this is a cross between a very super developed 09 and a personal assistant assistant.
That is, in the concierge service they will tell you everything: where there is the right medicine, when some organization is working, they will make an appointment for you, buy tickets for you, order pizza for you and much more.

Well, in order not to guess, I will now just reprint a list of what one of these IQ Service concierge services does, what they tell people there:
film review and screening times,
score of sports competitions,
food order,
weather forecast,
traffic jams on your way,
ordering plane tickets and much more.

Example: You arrived in an unfamiliar city and want to have a bite to eat in some good but not expensive restaurant, no more than 10 minutes walk, with Italian cuisine, where there would also be empty seats and there would be a smoking room. And also, so that in an hour a taxi would arrive at the restaurant and take you to the station. Where you would have already booked tickets for the next train, in the compartment car, on the bottom shelf.
That's how many conditions we set! =)
Now you don't need to surf the Internet from your mobile phone, you don't need to ask passers-by, you don't need to download your local friends (if they are there at all). It is not necessary to rush about, thinking about what to grab onto and how to be in time. It is enough to call the concierge service, and they will immediately tell you where you need to go, call a taxi, book tickets (of course, if they are available, and if there are no tickets for the desired train, they will offer an alternative). And there are many such examples!

I will write some examples of very real requests made by people through this service:

A car wheel was punctured not far from 18 Ivana Franko Street. You need to find the nearest tire shop.
The nearest tire shop is located 800 meters along Ivana Franko Street. Reported address, phone number and cost of tire fitting - 900 rubles.

The client needs to urgently get from Moscow to Nyagan. There are no direct flights for the requested date. The client reported on the option he found with a transplant. Asks if there is a better option.
A more profitable route with 1 transfer was selected. The savings for the client amounted to more than 18,000 rubles. The tickets were booked and delivered.

The client wants to fly to Thailand on vacation for 1 week. He asks you to choose the cheapest option.
With the help of our partner, an option was found for a trip to Thailand to the resort of Pattaya at the Fortuna 3 * hotel, breakfast, 7 nights for $ 399. Arranged booking and purchase.

That's what a concierge service is. Now know and don't say what you haven't heard!
By the way, on the site that I gave for the sample, there is now a promotion - you can connect this service for free for one week, so that each of you can now try it.

Concierge service is a good opportunity for clients to entrust the implementation of diverse tasks to bank employees. Premium-class cardholders can count on fast round-the-clock information support and assistance in obtaining goods and services. The article discusses the features of this proposal in various organizations.

Concierge service: what is it

Typically, bank concierge service is offered to premium card holders. Sometimes a list of cards is established that allow you to use this program.

As part of the offer, you can get round-the-clock access to various information(restaurants, transport, hotels, resorts, entertainment places, etc.). You can, for example, find out where the required organization is located, what its pricing policy, menu, list of services provided, how to get to your destination, contact numbers, etc. It also implies the ability to book any service, purchase a ticket.

Some banks provide a separate cost for the concierge service, others include all costs in the service price bank card. connects this service automatically at the time of issuing the card. If you do not want to use the concierge service, check with the bank about the possibility of deactivating it. But if the product is provided free of charge, it makes no sense to refuse the concierge service.

To order a specific service, you need to call the hotline number indicated on the official website of the financial institution.

Basic services within the concierge service

By connecting the concierge service, you can:

  • get versatile information in any sphere of life;
  • book a product (service);
  • pay for goods (services);
  • order the delivery of the purchased item to the desired address.

This service covers a wide range of industries.

1. Travel:

  • Timetable various kinds transport, selection of connecting flights, reservation and redemption of tickets;
  • organization of car rental, informing about the classes of cars offered for rental;
  • medical support abroad;
  • hotel data, hotel reservations in the specified price range, in the desired area (worldwide);
  • list of documents for obtaining a visa, foreign passport and etc.;
  • information about public catering organizations, table reservations;
  • information about events of various kinds (sports, cultural, entertainment, health), purchase of tickets;
  • selection of tourist excursions (in right time, on a specific date, at a specific price);
  • data on the schedule of films in cinemas;
  • information for organizing celebrations, events (entertainment programs, selection of premises, hosts, etc.).

Courier services:

  • delivery of gifts;
  • buying food;
  • purchase of medicines.

3. Current issues:

  • health, beauty;
  • search for a tutor;
  • organization of sports activities;
  • orientation on the ground;
  • urgent care;
  • ordering goods on the Internet;
  • search for the necessary agencies, specialists;
  • taxi ordering;
  • evacuation of vehicles;
  • pet care;
  • kit service personnel;
  • information about various goods and services.

4. Solving business problems:

  • assistance in organizing work;
  • search for contacts;
  • organization of seminars.

Features of top banks within the concierge service

Each bank sets its own terms of service, the list of services provided and their cost. Therefore, the basic features can be supplemented by separate offers.

Sberbank concierge service offers:

  • information about traffic jams;
  • search for optimal parking (including free parking);
  • translation services;
  • data on currency quotes, on stock indices.

In Raiffeisen Bank, the concierge service does not imply an additional commission. The cost of the product is included in the tariff for using the card. Here you can get the following services:

  • selection of agencies;
  • preparation of the necessary thematic literature.

VTB concierge service offers the following additional services:

  • written translation of documentation;
  • individual travel coordination;
  • assistance in connection with the loss of documents;
  • road repairs;
  • organization of cleaning in the premises;
  • call an electrician, plumber, plumber.

Gazprombank offers its customers a choice of several cards, according to which the concierge service is provided free of charge. In addition to the main features:

  • a list of necessary vaccinations for a trip abroad;
  • assistance in renting office equipment;
  • advice on the rules of business ethics in a particular region;
  • data on currency quotes, stock indices;
  • assistance in recovering lost documents;
  • broadcast urgent messages relatives in case of emergency;
  • auto repair on the road;
  • call to the specified address of the household master;
  • a description of the features of the country to which the trip is planned (traffic, cultural characteristics, weather forecast, etc.).

Otkritie Bank offers the following additional services:

  • translation services;
  • trip coordination, weather tracking;
  • repair of vehicles on the way;
  • assistance in everyday life (cleaning, plumbing and plumbing work, etc.).

Alfa-Bank offers a concierge service to legal entities and entrepreneurs. The first month the service is provided free of charge, in the future its cost is 1,500 rubles per month. The number of requests to the bank is not limited. As part of the basic concierge service, the bank offers to receive.

Ideal assistants who can be entrusted with absolutely any business exist and are called concierge managers. These wizards work in agencies, and you can use their services day and night, being completely sure that everything will be done quickly and without any questions.

Service difference

Now the market offers us two types of concierge services: banking and lifestyle. They have one basis - the fulfillment of customer orders at any time of the day and anywhere in the world. But the principles of work are different. Lifestyle service is an affordable service provided for relatively little money. The Lifestyle Manager takes care of literally everything from ordering coffee every morning to arranging a mortgage and arranging mushroom picking in the Austrian Alps. If you are a client of such a company, you need to warn about your movements and create a list of tasks, the managers take care of the rest.

Banking concierge service is a standardized service available to holders of Gold and Platinum premium cards. The list of services includes a more formal list of functions performed, which, in big company are the duties of the Personal Assistant to the CEO.

If the lifestyle service is widespread in the USA and Asia, then the banking concierge service is a priority for the CIS countries. In Europe, there are both types of services, but the scale is much more modest, people are more accustomed to the fact that instead of a client, his manager can come to the parent meeting.

Lifestyle service is a solution to everyday and general life issues, and banking service is a service aimed at saving the client's money and increasing his income.

Tickets, rental, delivery

Banks provide concierge services exclusively to VIP clients. Typically, the service is a bonus to the cardholder, and its price is included in the cost of servicing payment cards.

In Alfa-Bank, for example, the VIP status of a client is determined by membership in the A-Club. Membership in this elite club is possible if the client's current account or deposit has an amount of at least $250,000 and a Visa Gold or Visa Infinite card is opened.

Depending on which card the client owns, he can receive a different set of services. AT standard version these are information and consulting services and booking, in the extended - organization and planning of the client's personal time, the purchase of gifts for the family on a business trip, delivery pet to the vet.

There are more extensive lists, including translation services, booking tickets (from a hotel to an invitation to Fashion Week or a rocket launch in New Mexico), recruiting service personnel (governesses, gardeners, administrators), a sober chauffeur service, renting yachts and villas, ordering and delivering flowers and gifts, representing at auctions, organizing cleaning services, installing alarms and selecting security structures, planning routes and trips with constant online support, searching for conference rooms, providing stock reports with analyst comments, searching for investors, ordering parts for car, emergency opening of doors, calling a doctor, organizing treatment in a foreign clinic,

Banks organize either their own services or work with special concierge companies.

Run All

To get a job in the concierge service, you need to pass almost the same selection as in the bank security service.

“If you want to create problems for a competitor, then poach his concierge manager,” jokes Karl Zbenek, head of the concierge division of the Austrian Raiffeisen Bank International.

According to Karl, very unusual requests are sometimes received, but they are carried out at the discretion of the bank manager: “If the client’s task is not related to breaking the law, infringing on someone’s rights and freedoms, then usually it is carried out, despite the absurdity or complexity.”

Anna Gore, an employee of the Business & Privat Concierge agency (Berlin, Germany), says: “We work in three shifts, each shift lasts 8 hours, but I am in touch almost around the clock. Clients handle a variety of assignments, from walking a pet to arranging the transportation of equipment from a station in Alaska, for example, to Milan (Italy). We work with partner companies in other countries, as well as with contractors. Our agency has no permanent staff outside of Germany. Business trips are very rare, most often we solve all problems online. If the manager says that you need to go somewhere and personally follow something, then we serve a very important client.”

In California (USA) there is a free lifestyle service Candela Concierge, which performs household tasks: setting up the Internet, connecting TV, changing phone numbers and paying bills, installing alarms and personal protection. Customers pay only for the work of subcontractors, but at minimum rates, because Candela Concierge has partnership agreements with many services in all cities of the state.

Loyalty test

Despite the low awareness of people about the possibility of using concierge services, the demand for the service is gradually growing. According to statistics for 2014, clients contacted the concierge managers of leading banks about 10 thousand times with a variety of instructions (statistics of VIP clients). For the most part, the tasks concerned solving problems in foreign trips.

Concierge managers solve absolutely all problems. There is no such task that they could not perform. Since last year, banks began to pay Special attention to the work of their service departments, because this is a very significant part of the loyalty program. If the customer is satisfied with the service, he is loyal. Loyalty is deposits, investments and expanding the scope of cooperation, which automatically means an influx Money to the bank.

Aleksey Samoilenko, a client of Alfa-Bank, Moscow, shares his impressions: “I recently became the owner of a Visa gold card from Alfa-Bank. When processing the documents, the manager separately drew my attention to the fact that now I have a personal assistant to whom I can entrust the execution of a whole list of tasks (the list turned out to be 2 A4 sheets). At first, I didn’t even think about calling someone and asking them to do something. When my secretary couldn't connect flights properly and I was stuck at the NYC airport with an overstay, the concierge solved the problem in 45 minutes. Then I understood what it means to be a premium client. Now I use the concierge more often, handle the usual tasks that an assistant used to perform. Comfortable. Assistant busy important work, and the concierge manager now handles hotel tickets and visas.”

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The relevance of this study lies in the fact that one of the main tasks of the hotel business is to increase profits. Getting and increasing profits implies, first of all, the presence and increase in the number of regular customers.

An integral link in this important process is today the concierge service. Customers can be attracted and retained if they are interested in receiving services from this company, and the service must also correspond to the quality of the services offered by the hotel company. The sale and promotion of a hotel service will be effective only if the goals and needs of the client are first determined, and then an affordable product or service is created and offered. concierge service employee

Achieving the goal of the concierge service is the development of a product and service in exact accordance with the requirements of the buyer. That is why this topic is relevant at the present time.

On the present stage competitive relations in market conditions, the sale of products begins to play an important role in successful activity any hotel business.

The purpose of this work is to consider the technology of the concierge service in the hotel.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks have been set:

Consider the concept and essence of the concierge service;

Explore Key Features organizational structure and service standards of this service in the hotel.

Analyze the organization of the concierge service at the Iset Hotel

The object of the study is the concierge service of the Iset hotel.

The subject of the study is the specifics of the functioning of the concierge service in hotels.


1.1 Understanding the Concierge Service

Concierge - employees of high category hotels. The service is able to fulfill any instructions of the client, if they do not contradict the law and morality. This can be assistance in solving everyday issues (organizing cleaning of the apartment, food delivery, paying bills, etc.), the so-called lifestyle services (booking tables in restaurants, delivering flowers, gifts, ordering tickets for various events), organizing travel and trips , children's leisure, as well as the implementation of exclusive requests. “At any time, the client can contact them with a request to organize a trip or a wedding celebration, purchase jewelry from a limited series or invite a world-famous star to perform at a birthday party. A concierge company is a kind of intermediary in solving a variety of issues. According to statistics, about 70% of requests are related to the organization of trips and flights. The remaining 30% are lifestyle queries.

In order for the hotel to bring in as much income as possible, the client needs to be informed about additional services hotels. Unobtrusively offer the guest a trip to the pool, Finnish bath or the restaurant can have a concierge service. These people provide the necessary information and fulfill almost any request of the guest, without looking into job responsibilities. The task of the concierge is to do everything to make the guest feel comfortable and comfortable in the hotel. The concierge must be able to start a conversation and competently support the conversation, and even more importantly, the ability to listen and hear the client. His job is to anticipate the client's wishes, to work ahead of the curve. Where to find a professional capital letter? How to become such an omniscient and sensitive employee? Read about it in our article.

The functions of the concierge in the hotel also include training and supervision of workers from the guest assistance service: porters, porters, etc. Often, concierges know a lot about the tastes of regular customers: their habits, tastes, preferences - ranging from their favorite brand of tea to information about their families. The attentive attitude of the concierge service to the guests is the key to their desire to use the services of hotels again and again.

1.2 Tasks of the concierge officer

The task of this employee is to provide the guest with the necessary information about the city, about restaurants or shops around, order a transfer or call a taxi, schedule excursions and find a suitable guide, send a letter, buy flowers or a gift, hire a nanny, and much, much more. In addition to performing their duties, concierges usually coordinate the work of porters, porters, drivers. Usually concierges work in two shifts - after all, there should always be an employee behind the counter. This rule must not be violated - the guest may need help at any time. The better the hotel, the more expensive the room, the crazier the requests that the concierge receives. Order three hundred yellow tulips, fill a bathtub with ice, buy front row tickets for tonight's premiere (where all tickets have already been sold out a month ago), urgently find a white piano and put it in the guest's room, get candles of a certain brand that are sold only in Paris ... Sometimes work concierge reminds the work of a personal assistant - to give maximum attention, time and effort to a single guest, so that he gets what he wants. Of course, it’s hard to perform miracles alone, so four or five star hotels have entire teams of concierges under the leadership of the Chief Concierge. A good concierge is good luck for a hotel, an ideal concierge is a rare bird in Russian latitudes. Wage The number of concierges in Russia is low, they are mainly kept at this position by tips. An honest, friendly and enterprising concierge will create the right atmosphere and will be able to make sure that a guest from an accidental becomes a permanent one.

The importance of the services performed by concierges is evidenced by the creation of the International Professional Association of Concierges - Union Proffessionalle des Portiers des Grand Hotels (UPPGH), known under the name "golden keys", which includes more than 4 thousand concierges from 36 countries of the world. Concierges with golden key badges have five years of experience in a five-star hotel, including at least three years as a concierge.

1.3 Basic operating principles

There are several schemes for organizing the work of concierge services. One of them is a club. The client pays an annual membership fee in accordance with the program chosen by him, becomes a member of the club, receives name card, a personal assistant (if provided by the selected tariff) and after that has the opportunity to use the services of the concierge service. Another scheme - the customer chooses a program (tariff, card) in the concierge company that meets his needs. Concierge services can also work according to the depository system, when the client deposits funds into the account and at the end of each month receives a detailed statement listing the services rendered to him. For regular customers, crediting or installment payments are provided. Another option - concierge services are offered to VIP clients of banks, such as holders of premium American Express cards. The client pays for the annual service credit card, which includes the right to use concierge services. Concierge services work with both individual and corporate clients - special cooperation programs have been created for both. In addition, there are family programs where the company's services can be used by members of the client's family.

“It is important to note that the services themselves are provided to our clients free of charge, they only pay for the purchased product (airplane rental, anniversary gift for a spouse, etc.)


2.1 The client should be aware of this

The main task of a person who decides to use such services for the first time is to choose a professional concierge service that he can trust. Then you should thoroughly study the conditions of interaction with the company and choose from the offered programs the one that meets your wishes and needs, get acquainted with the personal assistant. “Concierge companies, as a rule, do not impose their service, they provide an opportunity to make right choice", - says the head of the VIP-client service department of the Comilfo-Moscow company. "Clients who are new to our services sometimes have to be taught how to interact with their personal assistant: to teach him to entrust him with part of the daily affairs, and most importantly, to trust his assistant," says Elena Filipchenkov.

The cost of a standard service is communicated to the client immediately or, “as in the case of organizing holidays and large-scale events, after approval detailed plan and budgeting. If a client asks for a non-standard service that the firm encounters for the first time, then “the unusual service is broken down into “usual” components, and their cost is known to us.

2.2 The price of wish fulfillment

The cost of programs and club cards is different and depends on their type (individual, corporate, family), as well as on the degree of privilege of membership or program. “The annual maintenance fee for the most prestigious black American Express Centurion Card issued by Russian Standard Bank is $3,000. The Centurion Card is issued at the invitation of the bank and provides an opportunity to receive the highest level of personal service and exclusive offers from our partners around the world. The American Express Platinum Card is more affordable with an annual fee of $500, but the card also provides a concierge service and special travel and travel arrangements,” says Evgeny Bagdasarov.

“Payment for a one-time service does not apply to us. The cost of the annual premium to the Prime club is €3,000 for an individual membership, €5,000 for a family membership (for two family members),” says Elena Filipchenkova.

A distinctive feature of the Quintessentially company is the same cost of club cards all over the world: in London, Moscow, New York and Cape Town. “This is a rare occurrence for goods and services premium class, which in Russia, as a rule, are two to three times more expensive than in Europe, not to mention the United States, - Andrey Chernyshov notes. “Our main types of annual cards are Dedicated for 2.5 thousand pounds, Elite Bespoke for 10 thousand pounds (Global Elite level for 24 thousand pounds is available by invitation for some clients).” According to Dmitry Ksenofontov, the annual service in the company will cost an average of 150-300 thousand rubles, and the client has the opportunity to connect his family to the service without paying extra for it.

2.3 The main rule of the concierge service

It is not uncommon for certain problems to arise during the execution of an order. No concierge service will hide them from the client. Moreover, some are proactive, that is, even the possibility of any difficulties is reported. “This approach allows both parties to act promptly: the client - to adjust his planning, because every minute of it, both working time and rest, is worth something. “The main rule of any service is to keep the client informed about the implementation of his order,” Evgeny Bagdasarov believes. - Regardless of the result, we always regularly report the status of the order and the timing of its implementation. If problems suddenly appear, the client has the right to know about them so that we can decide together how it is more convenient to eliminate them and complete the order.”

The most valuable thing in the work of the concierge service is time: “We try to save this resource for our clients as much as possible. And by hiding the facts, you can only drag out the situation, losing chances to resolve the issue positively with every minute.

However problem situation serves as a check not only for the company, but also for the customer. “In difficult moments, you can distinguish the “right” client from the “wrong” one by his reaction, Kirill Levadny believes.

2.4 Components of successful work

For the successful operation of the concierge service, it is necessary to comply with fairly a large number conditions: highly professional management, an extensive database, long-term cooperation with service providers, strict adherence to confidentiality, provision of round-the-clock service and, of course, employees who, according to Elena Filipchenkova, “should not only have experience in various fields, but also an irresistible desire to become an expert in the subject they take on.

“Every little detail matters to our business. But the basis of the foundations is people and a partner base. The more professional and customer-oriented the employees are, the more successful the business will be. The partner base and well-established connections play a decisive role, as they allow us to fulfill any customer orders,” emphasizes Evgeny Bagdasarov.

The work is very specific and requires many qualities: stress resistance, good erudition, flexible mind and, most importantly, curiosity, the desire to constantly learn something new.

2.5 Situation in the Russian market

Experts disagree on how many concierge services are currently operating in the Russian market. And this is due to the fact that, as in many other areas of activity, there are companies that call themselves concierge services, but in fact they are not. “At some point, it seemed to enterprising people that it was very attractive and profitable business. However big number firms do not have the infrastructure, sufficient number of qualified personnel and know-how to solve problems. Therefore, I would say that there are no more than three real companies,” Kirill Levadny, managing partner of Apple Concierge, assesses the situation on the market. The head of the department for organizing travel and lifestyle services for American Express cardholders, the honorary president of Les Clefs d "Or Russia, Evgeny Bagdasarov, gives other figures: "Currently, about five to seven well-known companies operate in our market."

“Today there are only two large concierge services on the market. Their closest competitors have dozens of times fewer customers. I know about six more companies in Moscow. There are probably about 10 in total.

According to experts, there are all prerequisites for the fact that this area of ​​activity will be actively developed in our country. If we talk about specific prospects, Elena Filipchenkova believes that in the near future concierge services will become popular as a bonus product for company management - in this way, company owners will free managers from time-consuming chores so that they can devote personal time resolving business issues.

2.6 Public functions

The concierge monitors the maintenance of order in the areas common use residential building, he monitors the cleanliness and technical condition stairs, hallways, garages. The concierge can also receive and sort mail for residents, monitor the green area inside and outside the house. Often the concierge has a set of spare keys to the apartments and the entrance.

AT Western Europe the concierge usually lives in the same building, occupying an apartment on the ground floor, so he can be available to residents literally around the clock.

Residents of the house do not have to communicate with representatives technical services, for example, with locksmiths, plumbers, a janitor, etc., since this is also handled by the concierge.

Personal Functions

daily errands (delivery of flowers and gifts, ordering a taxi, delivery of tickets, restaurant reservations, grocery delivery, catering, hotel reservations)

business assignments (finding information, translating text, typing, receiving phone calls, calling, organizing presentations and other events)

Household errands (dog walking, house care, child care, courier services, clothing care, staff recruitment, rent and rental)

Concierge at the hotel

The functions of the concierge in the hotel also include training and guidance of workers from the guest assistance service: porters, porters, etc.

Often, concierges know a lot about the tastes of regular customers: their habits, tastes, addictions - from their favorite brand of tea to information about their families. The attentive attitude of the concierge service to the guests is the key to their desire to use the services of hotels again and again.


In this term paper the main aspects of the functioning of the concierge service are considered, the degree of significance and features of the accommodation service as a whole are established.

Nowadays, the hotel industry is a highly competitive industry. Increasingly, we are witnessing the opening of a new restaurant or hotel. New concepts are created to meet the needs of certain consumer groups as fully as possible. Enterprises are created, and after a while some of them cannot withstand competition and go out of business. In the hotel industry, the word "service" means a system of measures that ensure high level comfort, satisfying a wide variety of everyday, economic and cultural needs of guests. And every year these requests and requirements for services are increasing. And the higher the culture and quality of guest service, the higher the image of the hotel, the more attractive it is for customers and, which is no less important today, the more successful the material prosperity of the hotel.

An important responsible task for hotels is to create a reputation as an enterprise of high quality service. High quality guest service is provided by the collective efforts of employees of all hotel services, constant and effective control on the part of the administration, carrying out work to improve the forms and methods of service, the study and implementation of best practices, new technology and technology, expanding the range and improving the quality of services provided. The ongoing transition to a market economy, the search for the best management solutions in order to improve the quality of hotel services makes the top management of hotels turn to the problem of the quality of service for each of the hotel services.

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    The concept and essence of personnel management. Principles and purpose of the work of the personnel management department at the enterprise. Analysis of work efficiency, development of ways and directions for improving the activities of the personnel service in trading network"Coin".