We open an insurance company. Thesis: The business plan of the insurer on the example of JSC State Insurance Company "Yugoriya" in Asbest

The idea of ​​organizing an insurance business requires a careful approach if you want to earn real income. First of all, keep in mind that the business plan of the insurance company should proceed from the fact that you need to conduct a complete analysis of the market for existing insurance services in advance.

Important points of organizing an insurance company:

  • - the authorized capital of the institution legal entity must be at least 120 million rubles;
  • - only a citizen of the Russian Federation who meets certain requirements can manage the company;
  • - insurance activity is allowed only after obtaining a license, in order to obtain permits for the type of activity, insurance rules developed for a particular company will be required;
  • - to obtain permission to carry out activities, it is necessary to have a central office of the company.

Decide what type of insurance you will be engaged in, the amount will depend on this authorized capital. Life insurance will require a capital of 240 million rubles, and for reinsurance at least 480 million rubles.

The main organizational stages.

The Russian market is already crowded with insurance companies. A detailed study of the market will make it possible to find a less filled niche. It would be wiser to choose one of the types of insurance, or services that are only gaining popularity among consumers.

As an idea, you can use, for example, a lightning strike during a thunderstorm or a meteorite fall.

When you have chosen the type of insurance that you will deal with, you should decide on the scale of your company's work: city, region, whole country. This will depend on the formation of the staffing table.

There is another way to define the scope of activity. Choose a specialization, for example, in water transport.

To do without attracting third-party investments, you will not be able to implement your business plan. It is for this reason that such a document should be as detailed and understandable as possible for future co-founders.

Tune in to the fact that registration of a legal entity is a rather lengthy process. You will also need a license from the Ministry of Finance, which can take four to twelve months to obtain.

The most important thing.

In the insurance business an important factor the organizers and their like-minded people have a stable and reasonable motivation to achieve a specific level of sales.

Probably, more important than the authorized captal will be well-chosen personnel, capable of self-motivation and seeing a real perspective before failure. Even in the early stages, pay attention to the psychological aspect.

Your investors should be pre-configured for a long-term placement of their capital and not a quick payback.

For reference.

The number of insurance agencies in Russia has decreased by twenty percent. As of the end of January this year, in a single state. The register of subjects of insurance activity includes 459 insurance agencies, 14 of which are reinsurance agencies.

Moreover, there are 10 mutual storage companies in the unified state register. The leader in this type of business is Rosgosstrakh (registered: Malakhovka settlement, Lyuberetsky district, Moscow region), which occupies more than 12% of the entire share of the Russian insurance market, last year's income in the form of insurance premiums to this company amounted to 97,431,792 ruble.

The insurance business can hardly be called stable and it is almost impossible to predict its profitability or unprofitability. In this area, there are regularly both recessions and sharp jumps, and this is due to economic instability.

However, insurance has long passed the stage of formation and this moment is an for start-up entrepreneurs. This article provides a comprehensive answer to the question that interests many aspiring entrepreneurs: "How to open insurance company?”.

Insurance is conditionally divided into several large-scale industries, having studied them in more detail, you need to decide what exactly you will do.

Insurance industries

  • Entrepreneurial risks (formation of losses, loss of income);
  • Responsibility (duties).
  • Personal (human health, life or ability to work).
  • Social (income level).
  • Property (human material values ​​- cars, crops, animals, houses, etc.).

Insurance - there is a contribution by a legal or natural person Money a company that, in the event of a certain event (insured event), undertakes to pay him compensation.

And if a few years ago, insurance by the people, accustomed to relying on chance, was perceived as a useless, incomprehensible procedure, today, many have already appreciated the benefits of this activity and normally relate to this procedure.

And more enterprising individuals earn money on this, but can anyone who wants to open their own insurance company?

Procedure for opening your own insurance company

To open your own insurance company, you will need to carefully consider what exactly you will insure. After that you need to follow a few steps:

  • and get a license
  • rent and equip an office space;
  • dial
  • attract customers.

Each stage is discussed in more detail below.

Activity registration

For the implementation of insurance activities, you can choose almost any legal form- OJSC, CJSC, LLC. The easiest to design is the last type, namely, for the registration of which you will need to collect a certain package of documents.

Before submitting an application for registration, it is necessary to decide on the name of the company, which must contain In addition to the name of the organization, the circle of founders and the director should already be determined.

You will need to submit to the tax office copies of passports with the originals of all founders and the head, TIN and registration of the latter, Criminal Code, documents on the address of the company, indicate the name of the organization in full and abbreviated form, the size of the authorized capital.

In the process of registration you need to specify the type of activity- insurance with a detailed listing of all its types that you plan to deal with.

Nothing but it needs to be indicated, unless the additional activity is related to the main one, such as evaluation or examination.

Then you need to get a license. The company must meet the following requirements to receive it:

1. Availability of the required amount of authorized capital:

  • from 25,000 minimum wages when carrying out types of insurance other than life insurance;
  • if life insurance is also expected, then from 35,000 minimum wages;
  • from 50,000 minimum wages only for reinsurance.

2. The ratio between the insurance premium and own funds is observed:

  • The maximum responsibility taken on a separate risk does not exceed 1/10 of the total funds of the organization.
  • Registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What documents are required?

To obtain a license, you will need to contact the Department of Insurance Supervision of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and provide them with the following papers:

  • insurance documents (business plan, tariffs and insurance rules),
  • a document confirming the payment of the UK;
  • registration document;
  • in the event that the founder contributes property to the account of the management company, it will be necessary to provide an act of its delivery and acceptance;
  • information about the leader;
  • balance and calculation of the ratio of assets and liabilities;
  • application (indicating the name, address, index, contacts of the company).

Search for an office space

For the office you need to find the area from 200 sq. m. if you wish, you can make it larger (up to 400).

The city center is considered the best place in terms of traffic, however, the high cost of renting premises there makes it necessary to look for an alternative.

These can be busy streets, first floors of business centers, the main thing is that the building is not in a residential area. Finding your company should be easy, the presence of a bus stop nearby Vehicle or subway for sure.

Let it be an old building, the main thing is that it should be clearly visible from the road and people passing by in buses and cars could notice a large sign with the name of your insurance company.

The office of the company is its face, you should not skimp on repairs, the room should be clean, light, modern, spacious. Must be equipped inside utility room, manager's office, customer service room, area for agents.

The presence of coolers and air conditioners in the hall will give the office solidity. Various posters, brochures with information about rates, a book of complaints and suggestions should also be on the premises.

Need to buy office furniture, cabinets, safe, racks, office equipment, stationery, expendable materials, printing and more.


Selecting insurance agents You have to decide whether you want to train them yourself or not. In the first case, it is easier to find those who want to, but you will have to spend money on training, and it will be possible to check the effectiveness of such an employee only after training.

In any case, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the students obliging them to work for you after completing the courses for a certain time, so that the money was not spent in vain.

The second option involves the search for specialists, which can be quite difficult to find. Really good agents will have to be poached from competitors by offering them more flexible schedules and higher percentages of sales.

The minimum staff of the insurance company

  • director;
  • agents about 20 on initial stage(the more of them, the higher the profit);
  • cleaning woman;
  • teacher (if it is planned to train candidates).

Customer acquisition

Printing flyers, hanging banners, ads on television, radio - second step.

Third and main- attracting clients by agents. Suppose you are engaged in car insurance, which means that you need to look for customers in car dealerships, car services, parking lots, etc.

Most of the clients are acquired in this “live” way, and the more convincing the agent’s speech sounds, the more there will be those who want to insure their property in your company.

Insurance company business plan

  • Charter from 20 million rubles.
  • from 30,000 rubles.
  • Rent from 100,000 rubles.
  • Repair, arrangement, purchase of equipment and furniture from 300,000 rubles.
  • from 250,000 rubles.
  • Advertising and website from 80,000 rubles.

At the initial stage, you will need to invest from 20,760,000 rubles.

The profitability of the insurance company

Despite the large initial investment The insurance business is considered to be quite a profitable business. At proper organization, recruiting qualified employees, the insurance company can pay off in less than four years, provided that 10% will remain in the budget from the insurance premium.

Problems encountered in the process of opening and operating an insurance company

In the creation of insurance, there are several main, often encountered difficulties.

1. Lack of start-up capital

This problem can be solved by looking for investors. Before embarking on this business, you need to draw up a successful one that could interest a potential investor and set you apart from the mass of other entrepreneurs.

And you should not forget about favorable conditions for the investor, they should be a little more pleasant and more profitable for him than other similar companies.

2. Lack of quality personnel

Difficulties can also arise at the recruitment stage. There may be many who want to, but those who can really attract customers and raise the company's income are difficult to find. The way out is a search among acquaintances, poaching from competitors, motivation for agents.

3. The probability that many insured events will occur at the same time

It is impossible to predict this moment and only hope remains, that this won't happen. But this fact must be taken into account.

Start your own insurance business quite difficult, but possible having the necessary amount of money or having investors.

To open an insurance company, you will need to obtain a license, and then start looking for employees, paying special attention to their ability to convince and interest. The success of a business, of course, depends on the skill of the manager, but in the insurance business, agents also play an important role.

Do not know how to independently open an insurance company in Russia and what are the features of doing business on the territory of the Russian Federation? Watch the following detailed video:

Opening your own insurance company is one of the most time-consuming and costly types of business. To open a full-fledged company, you need at least 20 million rubles, a general director with a higher specialized education and experience in the insurance industry. In addition, obtaining a license takes about a year. Opening an insurance company is associated with great risks, since the level of competition in the insurance services market is very high.

Fundamentals of the insurance business

An insurance company is one of the subjects of the insurance market that provides services for concluding insurance contracts and organizing the process of insurance payments.

The main types of services that such companies can provide:

  1. Personal – life and health insurance, tourism, accidents.
  2. Property insurance - cars, housing, jewelry.
  3. Liability Insurance – compensation in case of discrepancy between promises and results in the production of goods.
  4. Insurance of specific and financial risks – political risks, non-fulfillment of financial obligations.

The more services a company provides, the higher its income.

What types of insurance are the most beneficial?

When compiling a list of basic services, it is necessary to focus on the demand for certain services. Most popular:

  • OSAGO services.
  • CASCO services.
  • Health insurance.
  • Life insurance.
  • Real estate insurance.

To provide OSAGO and CASCO services, it is necessary to obtain a license in Federal Service on financial markets. The cost of the license is about 120,000 rubles.

Company registration

Suppose you already have an authorized capital, and you are going to open your own insurance company. In this case, you will need a number of documents:

  1. It is necessary to register as a legal entity. In this case, you can choose the following forms of ownership: OJSC, LLC.
  2. Draw up and approve the charter of the organization, which specifies all types of services provided: types of insurance, assessment and expertise in the field of insurance.
  3. documentary evidence of authorized capital.
  4. License issued by the Ministry of Finance. To obtain a license, you must provide the following package of documents: ; insurance documents (rules developed by you, estimated tariffs, actuarial calculations); business plan ().
  5. Documentation CEO: copy of the passport; copy of TIN (); a copy of the diploma of higher special education; copy work book to confirm his qualifications.

5 years experience as General Manager. In addition, the past of the leader is checked - the presence of a criminal record, drives to the police, and so on.

  1. Receipt for payment of state duty.

Within 6-12 months, the process of checking the submitted documents and obtaining a license takes place. Then the company is entered into the Unified State Register of Insurance Organizations. Only then can you start providing insurance services.

Premises selection

An important factor is the choice of premises. At the initial stage, you can get by with one small room area of ​​about 50 sq.m. You can place it both in the center and not far from it, but not on the periphery. It is important to potential clients could get to you quickly.

After your business starts to generate income, you can think about expanding the network of offices. In this case, you will need one large office with an area of ​​about 600 sq. m. downtown. Several Yet small offices in different parts of the city.

Each branch must be in business style. Clients should understand that they have come to a really serious company.

If you want to save on premises, at first you can provide insurance services by visiting the client at home or at his workplace. But at the same time, you should still have a room equipped in which you will store contracts, documents and simply carry out various telephone conversations.

MS Word Volume: 34 pages

Business plan

Reviews (36)

Professional will allow you to pay attention to the obstacles and benefits of this popular destination. Life, property, health insurance is a serious matter, and the competition in this industry is great. You should be puzzled in advance with what exactly your company will be able to attract potential customers. Any insurance organization must clearly calculate in advance the benefits and the ability to provide its customers with insurance payments on time.

The proposed document is also suitable for organizing an insurance broker, will help you navigate the modern legislative framework, as well as articles of the law that are focused on insurance. Also Special attention you should pay attention to attracting customers, that is, a well-thought-out marketing position. Of no small importance is the selection of personnel, because from the ability of a professional to achieve positive result in communication with a potential client, the number of contracts concluded also depends.

Having studied the information on the organization of an insurance agency, you can see that it is sometimes profitable to establish a branch of an insurance company in order to become a subsidiary of an already popular and promoted insurance company, with famous brand. This undertaking is promising, especially if you involve various schemes property, life, business insurance, that is, provide customers with the opportunity to choose the most acceptable options for an insurance contract.

Competition in the insurance business is one of the highest in the service market. But, despite this depressing fact, an entrepreneur who decides to build a business on insurance has every chance of succeeding. The main thing is to choose the right niche for your activity and competently approach the opening of your insurance company. The introduction of new insurance services in this industry, such as insurance of financial risks in shared construction, insurance of ownership of real estate, allow newcomers to this business to rely on successful outcome affairs.

The main difficulty for those who are planning to open an insurance company from scratch is the presence of a solid authorized capital, minimum size which is 20 million rubles. If you expect to provide life insurance services, then this amount should be even higher. It should also be noted that when registering a legal entity, the charter is allowed to indicate only one type of activity - in fact, insurance (or several of its types).

Profits in the insurance company depend on how efficiently your insurance agents will work. Entrepreneurs planning to open an insurance business should remember that the insurance agent is the core of your company. And there should be a lot of such people in your insurance company. During the first year of work, you need to recruit at least a hundred smart employees, and preferably experienced and qualified specialists. It is clear that professionals are not lying on the street, and you will either have to poach them from competing firms or look for them using ads. The last option is to recruit inexperienced employees and actively train them.

There can be any options for the insurance business - you can open your own insurance store or auto insurance company, the main thing is that the level of service in your company is at its best. But in order for your potential customers to know about it, you need to promote the company. For example, if you decide to open your own auto insurance, then you need to promote services among the appropriate audience - in car markets, in car dealerships, in those places where cars are registered. Accordingly, to search for clients who want to issue a financial guarantee, that is, to buy a liability insurance policy, you need to look elsewhere.

The organization of work with clients in an insurance company is also of no small importance. In order to avoid serious proceedings later, it is necessary to develop a competent agency agreement when working in an insurance company. If you want to avoid annoying mistakes and open your own insurance company, a company that will function effectively in the insurance market, be sure to use a professional insurance company business plan. Based on it, you will be able to understand many of the intricacies of doing such a difficult business.

Insurance company business plan reviews (36)

1 2 3 4 5

    Insurance company business plan

    I needed an insurance company business plan to prepare individual assignments for undergraduate students studying in the direction of "Insurance". Students in the discipline "Fundamentals of functioning of a small business" must acquire the skills of drawing up a business plan. From the downloaded example, I used the given proportions to form the revenue and expenditure parts financial plan, as well as setting tariffs and the size of the insurance fund. The students will themselves different regions develop your own version of the business plan. I will provide links to the sources used. Possibly in real life they will apply for a service - preparation of a business plan in BiPlan. Thanks to you that I had an example close enough to real conditions, which is required for practice-oriented learning.

    Natalia, thank you for detailed review! We are pleased that our work helps future entrepreneurs master the science of planning. This is very important for starting your own business. And thank you for working so closely with students, it is very important!

    Insurance company business plan

    Standing on your feet in the face of fierce competition is not an easy task. Your business plan helped me understand how to act in such a situation, due to which I can outperform a competitor and stand out from other companies. I am very grateful to you for all the advice.

    Olga, thank you for your gratitude. Indeed, there is fierce competition in the insurance business, but it is more than realistic to work successfully in this market. We hope that our advice will bring tangible results. I wish you success.

    Insurance company business plan

    An old idea is starting to come true. Your business plan helped me sort out some issues. I hope that I managed to correctly perform all the calculations, I tried to rely on the advice of your specialists. Let's see how events develop further.

    Vyacheslav, we are glad that we could support you. Now a lot depends on you and your diligence, we are sure that you will succeed and realize your idea. Good luck to you.

In stock Insurance company business plan 5 12

6.1. Organization of insurance and characteristics of insurance flows

6.2. Areas, forms and types of insurance. Insurance market

6.1. Organization of insurance and characteristics of insurance flows

The entrepreneurial sphere and human life are constantly associated with risks - natural, entrepreneurial, financial, etc. As a result of a natural disaster or a certain unforeseen event, damage can be caused to individuals and legal entities. At the same time, there is a question about the source of his compensation. Possible two options. The first is that this damage was covered by the financial resources that are in circulation with this subject. However, this means their distraction from their main purpose - ensuring life and production. The consequences of such a distraction depend on the amount of damage and can manifest itself either in a reduction in the growth of production and the scale of life, or in their reduction, or even cessation. Those. this option is very risky. The second option is to create special targeted resources designed to compensate for losses - reserve insurance funds.

The creation of reserve insurance funds, in turn, can be carried out in three forms:

    self-insurance funds;

    centralized insurance coverage;

    collective insurance funds.

self-insurance based on individual responsibility and lies in the fact that each legal and individual forms its own insurance (reserve) funds using its own resources and income. This is an expensive and irrational form.

Centralized insurance provision based on state responsibility and provides for compensation for losses at the expense of national funds. At the same time, part of these funds is allocated to separate funds, for example, the reserve fund of the Cabinet of Ministers. At the same time, the insurance liability of the state is limited to extraordinary events, because public finances are intended to ensure the functions of the state, to which insurance does not belong. The insurance coverage of the current activities of legal entities and individuals is their prerogative and cannot be fully transferred to the state. Creation collective insurance funds, those. insurance based on solidary responsibility of the participants of these funds. The essence of insurance relations lies in the fact that the formation of insurance funds is carried out at the expense of contributions from all participants, and compensation for losses from these funds is carried out for those who have experienced them due to certain events and circumstances.

Insurance is the most expedient, economical, efficient and rational form of creating insurance funds.

Insurance - is a system of exchange and redistribution relations regarding the formation and use collective insurance funds on the basis of joint and several liability.

From the positions of the targeted formation and use of insurancefunds- it is a redistributive relationship between thoseentities that paid insurance premiums, and those who receive compensation for losses. In terms of relationshipsindividual entities with insurance companies-it's a price to avoidrisk (payment for rest), i.e. exchange relations. The placement of insurance funds in the financial market reflects the relationship regarding the trade in temporarily free financial resources, i.e. redistribution of resources between insurance participants and other subjects of financial relations.

The organization of the insurance business is based on the allocation of subjects of insurance and forms of insurance relations.

Main subjects insurance is the insurer, the policyholder and the insured person.

Insurer- a legal entity - an insurance company that operates on the basis of an appropriate license, incurring obligations to create a collective insurance fund and pay out insurance compensation from it. According to the method of financial activity, the insurer is an ordinary business structure that operates on the basis of commercial calculation. According to the subject of activity (financial resources), the insurer is a financial institution.

Policyholder- a legal or natural person who, on the basis of an appropriate agreement with the insurer, pays insurance premiums to the insurance fund.

Insured person- a legal or natural person who owns the insurance indemnity upon the occurrence of an insured event. In addition, such an entity may be singled out as the recipient of insurance compensation in cases where it cannot be received by the insured person.

Relations insurance are quite diverse. As a rule, they are two- or three-sided. Bilateral relations are formed between the insurer and the insured, who at the same time is the insured. Tripartite relations arise between the insurer, the policyholder and the insured person.

In some cases, several insurers may be involved in insurance relations. This is based on two forms of insurance relationships: co-insurance and reinsurance. coinsurance - this is the participation in insurance of several insurers at once. Reinsurance is the transfer of an insurance contract from one insurer to another.

Insurance payments - this is a lump-sum or staged transfer of funds by the insured to the insurer. They are the source of the formation of both the collective insurance fund and the income of insurance companies. Insurance payments are made on the basis of insurance rates- the amount of payment from the unit of the sum insured. The insurance rate consists of two parts - the net rate and the load. The net rate reflects that part of the tariff, which is intended for the payment of insurance compensation. It depends on overall dimensions insurance indemnity (determined on the basis of statistical studies on the number of insured events and the average cost of indemnity per event) and the number of policyholders covered by this type of insurance. The load reflects the costs of the insurer associated with the conduct of insurance, and its profit.

The insurance rate is the price of insurance. This is the main factor of competition in the insurance market. The more insurers are covered, the lower the costs of the insurer, the lower the insurance rate and the greater the opportunities for attracting new customers.

Insurance compensation- this is the payment by the insurer to the insured (or recipient) of the full or partial amount of damage. The amount of insurance indemnity depends on two factors - the sum insured and the insured loss. Sum insured characterizes the scale of this insurance operation, i.e. How much is the property insured for? This amount is determined, on the one hand, by the valuation of the insurance object, and on the other hand, by the capabilities and wishes of the insured. The ratio of the sum insured to the valuation of the object of insurance characterizes insurancesecurity, which cannot exceed 100%. insurance loss represents the value of the losses caused to the insured.

There are different systems for determining the amount of insurance compensation. The main methods are full and proportional liability. If the insurer is fully liable, the insurance indemnity is paid in the amount of the damage caused, but not more than the sum insured. With a proportional system, liability is distributed between the insurer and the insured in proportion, which reflects the ratio between the sum insured and the value of the insurance object. For example, if the sum insured is half of the value of the insurance object, then the insured person will be paid an insurance indemnity in the amount of 50% of the amount of damage caused.

Reinsurance, as a rule, it is not accompanied by cash flows associated with the movement of funds of the insurance fund between two insurers. In the relationship between the insurer and the reinsurer, there are cash flows that characterize the financial relationship between them regarding the purchase and sale of insurance contracts. As a rule, they are carried out in the form of a commission fee. These relationships do not apply to insurance cash flows, since they do not characterize the movement of insurance funds.

Relationship with the financial market characterize the placement of temporarily free funds of insurance funds on it and the receipt of income from this. These revenues are divided into two parts. One of them forms the income of insurance companies and represents a certain part of their profits. The second part goes directly to the formation of insurance funds. It characterizes the reduction in the cost of insurance for policyholders through the use of their funds (insurance payments) in the financial market. This is an important component of the rational and efficient use of the financial resources of the country as a whole.

Insurance relations between the subjects of insurance and cash flows are regulated by the relevant agreements between the insurer and the insured, which have legal force. The document that certifies the fact of insurance is called insurance policy (certificate). It is issued by the insurer after paying the insurance premium (one-time or first). The insurance policy specifies the object and type of insurance, the terms of the contract and insured events. Distinguish between the terms "insurable event" and "insurable event". Insurancehappening- This possible event, the occurrence of which may cause damage. It characterizes a certain risk against which insurance is carried out. insurance event represents an event that actually happened. It must be officially registered. Those. an insured event is a possible event, and an insured event is something that has taken place.