Growing ash tree from seed. We grow a ash tree Is it possible to conjure a person like a white ash tree

Name: corresponds to the ancient Greek name of this plant. The meaning of the word is unclear. If, on a hot, sunny day, a lit match is brought to the ash tree, a flame will flare up.

Dyctamnus laciocarpa
Photo Bondareva Olga

Hence the popular name of these plants - "burning bush". May cause skin burns if not handled carefully. Probably, it is the dictamnus that is referred to in the Bible when describing the wanderings of Moses with the Jewish people through the desert on the way from Egypt to the Promised Land. Only there the bushes of the burning bush flared up by themselves, which is also quite possible under the hot desert sun.

Description: 6 species are known to grow in the temperate and subtropical regions of Eurasia. Perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plants up to 90cm tall. The leaves are pinnate, similar to ash leaves, hence its second name. Large, white, pink, reddish, lilac flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. The fruit is a capsule, with black, shiny seeds. They contain a large amount of essential oils that are released during the ripening period of the seeds. In culture, 2 types are common: white and Caucasian. The rest are almost never found in our gardens.

In nature, ash trees most often grow in light forests, on the edges, among shrubs or on rocky and grassy slopes. Plants are very stable in culture, feel good both in full sun and in partial shade, better in dry places and any cultivated soils. They can live in one place for a very long time.

Dictamnus white - Dictamnus albus L.

Homeland - Western and Central Europe.

Perennial plant with a branched rhizome. Stems erect, densely pubescent, up to 90 cm tall. The leaves are dense, on long petioles, basal - whole, stem - pinnate with ovate, pointed at the ends of the leaves, serrated along the edge, pubescent with glandular hairs. The flowers are white, fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, collected in racemose inflorescences up to 20 cm long. Blossoms in June-July 30-35 days. The fruit is a capsule, the seeds are black, shiny, ripen in August-September. In culture since ancient times, from the extreme south to the taiga zone. Known garden forms with pink and dark red flowers.

Photo by Konstantin Alexandrov.

Dictamnus shaggy - Dictamnus dasycarpum Turkish.

Siberia, Far East, Vost. Asia. In meadows along the bottoms of pads and ravines, sometimes in meadow steppes and black birch forests.

Large perennial erect plants 80 cm high. and more. The stems in the lower part are almost bare or glabrous, above sparsely spaced-hairy, in the inflorescence, in addition, are seated with dark warty glands with a short tip at the top. The leaves are large, pinnate. Leaflets, including 3-5 pairs, 2-8 cm long., 1-4 cm wide., oblong, retracted pointed, finely serrated along the edge, on the underside b. m. hairy, rarely naked. The leaf axis is clearly winged. The inflorescence is apical, racemose or paniculate-racemose, up to 35 cm long, its branches along the entire length are densely covered with spaced simple hairs and, in addition, warty glands, sessile on short thick legs, especially abundant in the upper part of the inflorescence. Flowers up to 4 cm long., Somewhat irregular. Sepals 5-6 mm long, lanceolate, short-haired. Petals 2-3.5 cm long., Lilac, lanceolate, drawn in b. m long and narrow nail. Filaments of stamens ca. 3 cm long., From the base to the middle or slightly higher, sparsely hairy, glabrous at the apex, covered with thick warty glands. The style is pubescent-hairy. Boxes on a thick stem 1-4 mm long, with 4-5 lobes. Lobes at the apex on the outer side with straight or bent horns 4-7 mm long, on the inner side the horns are very short, straight.

photo left Konstantin Alexandrov
Photo on the right EDSR.

Dictamnus golostyolbikovy - Dictamnus gymnostylis Stev.

It occurs in the regions of the Middle Dnieper, Lower Volga, Lower Don, in the Crimea, in the North Caucasus and in Western Transcaucasia. Grows in light forests and shrubs.

Perennial. The stem is densely, long, more or less curly-fluffy to the very bottom, 40-80 cm high. The leaves are pinnate, with three to four pairs of large elliptical or elongated-elliptical, less often oblong, usually not drawn, blunt or acuminate at the apex, along the edge of unfolded, serrated, densely long-fluffy leaves below, terminal at the base usually rounded, on narrow-winged petiole. The axis of the leaf is densely long-fluffy, narrow-winged. Inflorescence racemose, rarely paniculate, more or less glandular. Bracts lanceolate, acute, long-haired. Sepals lanceolate, acute, 5-7 mm long. Petals are pinkish, with purple veins, 2.5-3 cm long, oblong, sharp, sharply tapering into a relatively short nail. Ovary and style bare. Blooms in May - June.

It is pollinated by insects, self-pollination is prevented by the movements of the stamens and the style: the flowers are protandric, and the stamens first lie on the petals, rising by the time the pollen ripens, the style is elongated by the time the anthers ripen, but curved down, it straightens after the dusted stamens again fall on the petals. The ash tree is often called the "burning bush", since the plant has a lot of glands that produce essential oils, which are especially intensively released in dry, hot weather; if at this time a lit match is brought to the plant, a flame will flare up around it, but the plant itself remains intact - this is the burning of essential oils. If you touch the plant, you can get burns. Decorative.

Photo Zakutnaya Natalia

Ash-tree narrow-leaved - Dictamnus angustifolius G. Don. (D. albus et fraxinella auct. fl. As. Med. p. p.)

Central Asia, Western Siberia; outside the USSR - Kulja. Meadows and meadow steppes, clearings in the forest belt, especially juniper.

Perennial. Stem 50-100 cm tall, densely downy, often glabrous or shortly downy at the bottom. Leaves pinnate with (3)5-6(7) pairs of leaflets. Leaflets oblong or elongate elliptical, attenuated at the tip, sharp, finely serrate along the edge, from below, mainly along the veins, long downy or glabrous. The leaf axis is fluffy. Inflorescence racemose paniculate or racemose, strongly glandular. Bracts linear-lanceolate, acute, downy. Sepals 7-8 mm long, downy. Petals (2.5) 3.5-4.5 cm long, pale pink, with purple veins, lanceolate or oblong. Filaments of stamens are hairy. Ovary more or less hairy, with horns. The column is naked. Capsules are hairy, with long horns. The intracarp dries up, twists, and when the box is opened, the seeds are scattered. The seeds are shiny. Blooms in May-June; fruiting in July-August.

Economic value. A very poisonous plant. The essential oil secreted by the glands is very volatile and in hot weather at close range causes burns on human skin and the appearance of dark spots. Upon contact with the plant, blisters form on the skin (especially sweaty). Animals, eating raw or dry ash, become poisoned. In culture, when planted by roots in autumn or spring, it blooms the next year. When sowing seeds, seedlings appear in a year or two. Grows slowly.

Location: better development is achieved in open, sunny places, light shading does not have a noticeable effect on their development.

The soil: avoid damp soils, grow well on any cultivated and sufficiently nutritious, containing lime.

Dictamnus albus
Photo Kozhina Elena

Care: ordinary. Weeding, loosening (or better mulching) of the soil, occasional watering and fertilizing (preferably with alkalizing fertilizers). In central Russia, it winters well under the snow without additional shelters.

Reproduction: seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings. Seeds ripen in August, if not followed, the fruits crack, and the seeds scatter within a radius of 3 m. They are sown immediately after harvesting in open ground. When sown in autumn, part of the seeds germinate only after a year. Seedlings dive at a distance of 15 cm, grow for 2-3 years, then planted in a permanent place, bloom for 3-4 years. The division of the bush is carried out in spring or autumn. In the summer, transplanting and dividing lead to the death of the plant. The divided parts are planted 35-40 cm apart and watered abundantly. In one place can grow 8-10 years. Cuttings are cut from young, non-lignified shoots; for better rooting, treatment with heteroauxin is required.

Usage: in single and group plantings, mixborders. Ash trees are good in rockeries, which corresponds to their nature, because in their homeland they settle among the stones. You can also grow them in fertile flower beds, where they will decorate the central part of the flower garden, away from the paths. Often, ash trees are used in prefabricated flower beds from dry-loving plants, such as daylily, geyhera, liatris, kachim, kermek, monarda and the like. In the cut are 3-4 days.

Ash tree white (Dictamnus albus).

Other names: wild star anise, volcano, ash tree.

Description. Perennial plant of the Rutaceae family up to 1-1.2 m in height. It has a highly branched root system. Ash tree stems are erect, pubescent in the upper part and covered with black glands in the form of dots. The lower part of the stem is bare or almost bare.
The leaves are alternate, pinnate, consisting of 7-9 leathery, pubescent leaflets of an elongated-elliptical shape, pointed at the end, finely serrated along the edge. Leaf length 3-7.5 cm, width - 1.2-3.5 cm. Ash flowers are large, bisexual, irregular, collected in loose apical racemes. Petals are pale pink, white, purple with reddish or purple veins. Calyx five-parted, glandular-pubescent. Stamens 10, which are bent down. The flowers have a lemon scent and contain a lot of essential oil.
White ash tree blooms in June-July. Fruit ripening - in August. The fruit is a capsule, when ripe, splits into 5 separate fruitlets, with 3-4 seeds. White ash grows in sunny, dry places, in light deciduous forests, among shrubs, rarely in dense forests.
The plant is distributed in the south of European Russia, in southern Siberia, in the Caucasus, Altai and the Far East, in Central Asia, China, and Mongolia. The ash tree is propagated by seeds, dividing the bush, cuttings.

Collection and preparation of raw materials. For medicinal purposes, the grass and roots of the white ash tree are used and harvested. Ash grass is harvested during the flowering period, and the roots are harvested in the fall, after the fruit has ripened.
When harvesting grass, wear long-sleeved clothing and rubber gloves. Contact of the grass with the skin can cause dermatitis, which develops 10-15 hours after contact with the grass. In some cases, blisters may even appear. In case of contact with grass, the skin should be washed with water for 30 minutes.
The collected grass is dried in the shade in the open air or in a ventilated area. It can also be dried in a dryer at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees. Dried ash grass is stored in a dry place in tightly closed jars. Shelf life 1 year.

Plant composition. The grass and roots of the white ash tree contain alkaloids (dictamnin, fagarin), dictamnolactone, bitter substances, saponins, furocoumarins, bergapten, essential oil. The roots contain sitosterols and fatty acids.

Useful properties, application, treatment.
White ash has diuretic, sedative, anthelmintic properties. Preparations of this plant are considered effective in the treatment of cystitis, pyelonephritis, nephrolithiasis, algomenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, hysteria, insomnia, epilepsy, as an antipyretic.
Ash is also used for gastritis and flatulence. Outwardly, a decoction of the roots is used to treat eczema, lichen, baldness, patchy hair loss, and varicose veins.

Dosage forms and doses.
Herbal infusion. 1 teaspoon of dry chopped white ash grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted for 40 minutes, filtered. Take half a glass 2 r. per day (morning and evening).

Root tincture. Prepare a tincture with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:10. Insist 10 days, filter. Take 40-50 drops in a small amount of water 3 times a day.

Root decoction. 1 teaspoon of dry crushed roots per 400 ml of water, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, remove from heat, filter after cooling. Inside, the decoction is taken in half a glass 3 r. per day 20 minutes before meals. This decoction is also used externally in the form of compresses and washings.

White ash loves to light. In the truest sense of the word. In sunny weather, it can ignite spontaneously! But you should not be afraid of this. It is above the ash bush that the evaporating essential oils flash. It does not harm the plant.

The growth area of ​​star anise is very extensive: mainland Europe, the Near and Middle East, except for the Arabian Peninsula, China, India, Mongolia. In our country, it can be found in Eastern Siberia, the Far East and Altai.

It grows in dry sunny places, among light shrubs, on stone and grassy slopes, as well as in clearings of deciduous forest. But most often it can be found as an ornamental plant in the garden. Which is extremely dangerous. Why? Find out a little below.

white ash bush

White ash is a perennial plant, a shrub. It rarely grows above one meter in height. It has a rather powerful root system, from which numerous erect stems grow. The leaves are covered with many oil glands.

Pink-lilac flowers

Flowering begins in summer - in June-July, and fruit-boxes ripen in July-August. The flowers are small, painted in pinkish-lilac or white. Don't be surprised, but they smell like lemon. The fact is that they and the leaves contain essential oils, which evaporate quite intensively. And on hot sunny days, they flare up above the bush with a blue flame. This does not cause any harm to the plant, since the background of combustion itself is very low.

white flowers

But the white ash tree is known not only for its "pyrotechnic show", but also for painful burns, but not during burning, but when touching the plant. The essential oil secreted by leaves, flowers and especially fruits is poisonous and can cause severe burns on contact. No wonder part of its name is translated from Latin as "punishing" - dictamnus. Therefore, do not approach him without gloves and in no case smell the flowers! Get burns of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx!

Beautiful but dangerous

But that's not all. The catch is that the burn does not appear immediately, but after 12 hours. The skin at the site of contact begins to turn red and blister, which then burst, exposing pieces of meat. Brrrr…., an unpleasant picture. The fact is that these essential oils contain substances of blistering action, like mustard gas. Over time, the burns will disappear, but the scars and marks will remain. This shrub poses a particular danger on sunny days, when there is an intensive release and evaporation of essential oils. On a cloudy day, white behaves more peacefully.

Despite its toxicity, this plant is widely used in folk medicine. Its root is used for skin diseases, a decoction of the root is used as an antihelminthic and anti-febrile agent, for nervous disorders, elimination of bloating, etc. But it is prescribed very rarely, since its use should be treated quite carefully.

Box fruits

Known by the popular nickname "the burning bush", the ash-tree, or dictamnus, is a herbaceous perennial from the category requiring care in handling. It leaves burns on the skin, can flare up in a matter of seconds, is toxic, which imposes significant restrictions on the possibilities of use. But those who replenish their garden ensembles with at least one dictamnus bush will never refuse the luxurious flowering of this dangerous handsome man. After all, a little caution is not such a big price for amazing tenderness and ease of cultivation.


The skittish nature of a non-standard perennial

Ash tree is able to create spectacular thickets. These are upright, but bushy perennials that grow in strength every year. What are these plants just not called! And wild star anises, and ash trees, and burning bushes. And culture has earned each nickname for unique talents. In hot heat, if you bring fire to the plant, it will burst into a bright flame. And on the skin it leaves almost the same burns as the flame. Many associate the biblical legend of the burning bush with dictamnus. And given the ease of ignition of dictamnus, assumptions about the possibility of its self-ignition under the rays of the desert sun are quite logical. But you should not be afraid of a fire: it's all about volatile essential oils, which ignite easily and go out just as quickly, without harming either the plant itself or its neighbors.

Fraxinella (Dictamnus) is a small genus of ornamental Eurasian perennials. Rhizomeous and large, upright, up to 1 m in height, they look most attractive during flowering, but their greenery is very good.


In the genus Dictamnus, 6 plants were previously isolated. But they are all so similar to each other that modern scientists have found the perfect compromise and combined the individual forms into one look - dictamnus white (dictamnus albus). Plants formerly known as Caucasian ash (dictamnus caucasicus), as well as the less popular hairy (dictamnus dasycarpum), hollow columnar (dictamnus gymnostyli s), angustifolia (dictamnus angustifolius) dictamnus today are not even classified as plant forms (all old names are synonyms for white dictamnus).

Dittany (dictamnus albus) - the most famous representative of the genus, and according to scientists, also the only one. This is a spectacular tall perennial growing up to 1 m (during flowering). It has a branched, powerful rhizome and straight shoots covered with a dense edge. They harmonize beautifully with whole basal and unpaired stem leaves, sessile on long petioles. Greenery resembles ash in shape, forms lush clumps, thick, with a cold-gray color. On flower beds, especially at the height of summer, ash trees look fresh, as if they had just been watered. The jagged edge, glandular edge and dense texture of the leaves seem to be specially created by nature in order to profitably reveal the graceful flowering.

Flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter with 6 pointed petals are white or pinkish, stamens are yellow-light green, sometimes colored, graceful. Inflorescences-brushes up to 20 cm long seem lacy, sparse, but very elegant and large. The flowers in them are clearly visible, perceived as massive, veins are visible on the petals, more typical for leaves. The color is complex, as a rule, the veins are contrasting, and large stamens only add grace to the asymmetric flower. Aroma belongs to the absolute advantages of dikmanthus: this plant is very fragrant, and during flowering it is easy to recognize it even from a distance. True, not everyone likes the aroma of ash tree, which is somewhat reminiscent of dry orange peel. After flowering, boxes are formed that hide black shiny seeds.

White ash has separate garden forms - pink and dark red. The color range of dictumnus is generally limited, but not at all uninteresting. The ash tree produces either white or pink flowers, and the pink colors are always surprisingly complex. Against the background of light petals, dark pink veins brightly appear, which makes the whole plant seem graphic and watercolor at the same time. In our country, under the guise of a separate plant, they often continue to sell Caucasian ash - a smaller, pink-colored and elegant dictamnus. The best of the white-flowered varieties 'Albiflorus' seems to be a herbaceous relative of magnolias, very elegant and gentle.

Dictamnus blooms in June and July, flowering is long and equally spectacular for almost a month and a half.


Ash tree requires a special approach

The main characteristic of dictamnus is its aggressiveness. This is a super-toxic handsome man, contact with which leaves severe burns and wounds on the skin. Moreover, the effect of toxins is not immediately felt. Working with dictamnus, its planting and trimming require extreme care and full protection of exposed areas of the skin of the hands. It is also not worth leaning close to the plant, inhaling the aroma of flowers (a chemical burn of the mucous membranes is no less dangerous than an epidermal one). But the myths that it is impossible to approach the plant are unjustified: firstly, the plant leaves serious burns only in sunny weather, and, secondly, even though the healing of irritations takes time, they are not at all irreversible. Like any toxic or poisonous plant, the ash tree simply requires a careful approach and frankness.

But dictamnus will pleasantly surprise not only with beauty, but also with durability, they do not require a transplant for a decade. And if you give them enough space so that there is no need to restrain the plant and limit its distribution, the ash tree can be “planted and almost forgotten” at all.

Ash tree is used in ornamental gardening;

  • as a visual peak, the highest accent on flower beds and flower beds;
  • as a background culture in flower beds and to fill the middle plan of bilateral ridges;
  • single bushes as a decoration of "flat" flower beds and in small groups as a high-flowering decoration of textural flower beds;
  • as one of the most catchy country-style plants;
  • in romantic ensembles with a bet on the original flowering and pink palette;
  • in landscape groups and arrays;
  • in the design of rockeries and rock gardens;
  • in mixborders with flowering relay.

Panayoti Kelaidis

On flower beds and in decorative compositions, dictumnus should be placed away from the paths, so that they are not in the "contact zone". You need to be careful when placing ash in mixborders or near recreation areas: despite the aroma and beauty, the plant is too toxic for careless placement.

The best partners for dictamnus: geykhera, monarda, kermek, daylilies, liatris, gypsophila

Ash growing

One of the main advantages of ash tree is that a place for this plant can be found in every garden. After all, dictamnus grow well in the bright sun, even on the southern sides of rock gardens and rockeries, and in secluded partial shade. True, it is better to avoid strong shading (it negatively affects flowering), but the ash tree practically does not notice light penumbra.

In order for the ash tree to reveal all its decorative talents, it needs to be provided with alkaline or at least slightly calcareous soils. Even on neutral soil, senets bloom weaker. But other characteristics of the soil should also be paid attention to: dictamnus loves gravel and sand, light, stony soils, loose and loose. This plant feels great in rocky gardens and is not too demanding on the nutritional value of the soil (but it grows better on medium-fertile soil than on poor soil). Ash tree does not tolerate wet and marshy soils.

Jessica Bachand

Ash tree planting

This plant can only be planted on cloudy, cool days, only in early spring or September. Seedlings of dictamnus respond better to transplantation, but it is also better to transfer it to a permanent place in a favorable period. Delenki transferred in the heat die: in the summer, any transplant is unacceptable.

Since the ash tree itself is actively growing, it should not be planted too close to neighboring plants. The optimal distance is about 50 cm. Dictamnus are planted in the simplest landing holes, maintaining the same level of penetration. After planting, the plant should be provided with abundant watering and the procedures should be systemic until signs of growth appear (but excessive dampness should not be allowed).

Dictamnus Care

Ash tree is more than an easy plant to care for. Thanks to its drought resistance and hardiness, it is content with really minimal care. Watering for the plant is carried out only during a too long drought during the flowering period, when extreme dryness of the soil can stop flowering earlier.

Feeding dictumnus as such is not needed, but it is better to maintain at least a light nutritional value of the soil and its alkaline characteristics. For this purpose, it is enough to apply a standard dose of alkalizing universal fertilizers 1 time per year, in early spring at depletion).

Ash tree in the flower garden. © Panayoti Kelaidis

Otherwise, caring for ash trees comes down to ordinary procedures - weeding weeds in flower beds and periodically loosening the soil after heavy rainfall. If dictamnus grow in landscape groups, in a large array, in rockeries or rock gardens, then they will not need such care. But in flowerbeds and flower beds, you can save yourself from unnecessary worries by simply mulching the soil.

Dictamnus need pruning, but when to do it is up to you. If you want dry shoots and open ash-tree achenes to brighten up your snow-covered garden, leave pruning for early spring. And those who do not want to add trouble to themselves during the most active gardening season can cut dictumnus at the end of the year, in late autumn.

Wintering ash tree

Dictamnus are completely winter-hardy plants that are not afraid of even the most unexpected changes in winter temperature and do not need any special preparation for the coldest season.

Pest and disease control

In horticultural culture, as in nature, ash practically does not get sick. The only thing that threatens the plant is improper planting.


Dictamnus breeding methods

Dictamnus is a very easy-to-propagate culture. It spreads so actively by self-sowing and grows that you can get new specimens every year.

Reproduction of ash-tree by seeds

Seeds, preferably freshly harvested. In order to prevent the seeds from scattering, you need to constantly monitor the plant in August, because they crack literally in a matter of days. For this crop, sowing immediately after harvesting directly into open soil is more suitable. There are alternative methods - sowing before winter or in the middle of spring, but some of the seeds can germinate only after a year. Dictamnus is sown in seed beds, and not in a permanent place. Seedlings that appear in the spring are dived, leaving 15 cm between plants and grow them with at least rare watering for 2-3 years (dictamnus will bloom only 3-4 years after sowing, so you should not rush to transfer it to a permanent place).

Reproduction of ash tree by dividing the bush

For this method, it is critical to observe the deadlines: if you divide the ash bushes in summer or in hot weather, then you will not be able to save parts of the plant. Therefore, the procedure for separating curtains must be carried out not only by reliably protecting hands with gloves, but also by strictly adhering to a favorable period: in early spring until the third decade of May or in autumn, exclusively in September. In order for the delenki to take root, they must be large, and in a new place the plants will have to be provided with abundant watering.

Propagation of ash-tree by cuttings

In the ash tree, non-lignified, young shoots easily take root, provided that they are treated with growth accelerators after cutting. You can root cuttings under caps in boxes or pots, and in the soil in greenhouses.

Ash tree or burning bush is a plant almost ubiquitous in Russia. It attracts attention and causes quite understandable interest among gardeners due to its impressive appearance and almost absolute unpretentiousness. But in order for the result of growing this plant (due to some of its features) to be only pleasant, you should know everything about the intricacies of planting and caring for ash in the open field. Further details about this (photos and instructions for growing are attached).

Caucasian ash tree: description, features of the plant

Yasenets belongs to the small genus Rutovs. In addition to it, this group of plants includes only a few similar varieties, the habitat of which extends from the Mediterranean to the East. Among the people, the plant is known under other names: wild star anise, bodan, ash-tree, etc. The most famous name of the plant is the burning bush.

Ash tree is a powerful perennial bushy plant with a fairly branched woody root. Ash tree reaches a height of about 0.7-0.8 m, sometimes it can grow up to 1 m. The stems of the plant are very strong, erect, strongly pubescent, sticky.

The leaves look very similar to ash. Ash tree blooms with large long inflorescences (about 40 cm), represented by numerous white, dirty pink or purple flowers with slightly irregular petals.

Attention! Despite its outward charm, the ash-tree is fraught with a serious danger. In sunny weather, its flowers and seed pods should never be touched: they can provoke a severe burn that will appear on the skin only after 12 hours.

At the moment of contact with the flower, pain does not occur. But subsequently, irritation will appear on the skin, which will be replaced by blisters, then ulcers, the temperature will rise and the condition may become critical. By the way, it is also impossible to inhale the aroma of flowers: they can cause allergic shock and burn the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Ash tree is actively used in folk medicine: its root decoction is used for diarrhea, fever, jaundice, epilepsy; seed infusion - as a cosmetic. However, the medicinal properties of this plant are not well understood, so experts recommend using it for treatment with caution.

Landing in open ground

Ash is usually grown by seed, but in order to achieve high germination of seed, it is necessary to keep in mind some subtleties that are known only to professional gardeners:

  • Seeds must be harvested before they are ripe, otherwise they will simply shoot out of the seed pod.
  • Sowing seeds is best done almost immediately after harvest, as they do not store very well. Usually sowing of seed material occurs in the autumn-spring period.
  • Sometimes it happens that seeds sown in autumn will sprout only in spring, so it is necessary to mark the area sown with ash.
  • Densely sprouted seeds must be thinned without fail (the distance between them must be at least 20 cm).

By the way, sometimes the plant is grown by a different method - by dividing the bush. But the result of gardeners is not very impressive: the plant often gets sick and sprouts poorly.

When choosing a site for planting ash, it is not necessary to give preference to sunny or semi-shady places: the plant feels great in any part of the garden. It is more important to carefully select the soil for the ash tree. The best option for him is neutral / alkaline soil (by no means poor).

Advice. The plant is very afraid of wet soil, therefore, with a close occurrence of groundwater, it is imperative to make drainage so that the root system of the ash tree does not get wet.

Sowing seeds is carried out either in a small kolka, or in a greenhouse designed specifically for growing seeds. The distance between individual seeds should be, as mentioned earlier, about 15-20 cm. Since the plant will begin to bloom only by the 4th year of life, transplantation to the main place is carried out 3 years after sowing the seed material.

The subtleties of plant care

The ash tree cannot be called picky, but nevertheless, in order to get a beautiful lush flowering plant as a result, certain care should be taken to follow certain measures for caring for it.

Watering should not be too frequent and plentiful, since excessive moisture is detrimental to ash. It should be provided with water only on especially hot and dry days.

Soil is not a factor to pay special attention to when growing ash, but mulching is a must. A thick straw or peat layer is suitable for these purposes (even grass can be used). Do not forget to periodically loosen the soil around the plants, but with the onset of winter cold, it is better to leave the ash tree alone: ​​it will overwinter well under the snow.

Bodan does not particularly need top dressing, but during the flowering period it is advisable to carry out this procedure a couple of times. Moreover, it is worth giving preference to mineral complexes that can qualitatively alkalize the soil.

Ash is quite often grown not as a single plant, but in the company of other slow-growing crops. Ash will look great next to juniper, any evergreen trees, or even near large decorative stones. The plant is very friendly towards flowers that are not particularly demanding on moisture (daylily, iris, etc.).

When planting a ash tree in open ground, it is important to observe a certain distance between a young plant and “experienced” representatives of the garden: in order for all plants to be comfortable next to a ash tree, plant it at least half a meter from them.

Advice. During the period of active flowering of the ash tree, it is undesirable to be near it if you have flammable objects in your hands, for example, a match. The ash tree is considered a self-igniting plant and when a match is brought up in the air, a flame will break out (by the way, the flower itself will remain safe and sound).

This concludes our acquaintance with such an unusual and little-studied plant as the Caucasian ash-tree. Now you have a complete understanding of how to properly grow it in open ground. Good luck and be careful!

Ash tree in the garden: video