Gel from cockroaches - why the novelty deserves attention and whether they should be trusted. How does cockroach gel work? Syringe trap from cockroaches

The chemical industry produces a large number of cockroach preparations that help destroy pests in a short time. The toxic substances contained in the products paralyze the work of all systems, the arthropod dies. The cockroach syringe is popular, it is a new development, but it has already gained preference among people. The drug does not have toxic elements, therefore it is approved for use in residential premises.

A roach repellent in the form of a syringe contains a gel-like substance inside the tube, which is a bait for pests. Its peculiarity is that it contains aromatic components that attract insects to a poisonous preparation. After eating the gel, poison enters the body of the beetle, its action begins after a short period of time. Bitterness is often found among the elements, it is added so that a person or animal is not poisoned if the drug enters the body.

Gel from cockroaches in a syringe consists of:

  • Base (presented in the form of fat, it retains its consistency after application, retains moisture, contributes to the activity of the drug for several months);
  • Poison (presented as a certain type of insecticide, the content is only 2%, this amount is due to the fact that when ingested, the individual manages to get to his relatives, infect them, only then get poisoned);
  • Dyes (they color the gel in different colors, most often brown, it attracts arthropods, they are happy to find the bait).

Insecticides are distributed in such a way that some of them enter through the digestive tract, paralyze the work of the intestines, some penetrate through the chitinous cover, thereby affecting the nervous system.

How the syringe works:

  • The cockroach eats the bait, carries a small part of it on its paws;
  • After a short period of time, the poisoned beetle dies, it is eaten by other relatives;
  • Poisoned particles get to them in the body, paralysis of systems begins;
  • Other individuals die.

It turns out that the poison gives a chain reaction. One beetle contributes to the infection of others, as a result, the whole population dies.

Varieties of poisonous gels in syringes

Gel in the form of a syringe from cockroaches is produced by different manufacturers. They contain insecticides that differ in properties and effectiveness.

Popular means:

  • Cuts Zindan.
    It has a white-red package, the volume of the drug is 30 ml. It is characterized by a sweetish aroma, the composition contains 25% chocolate. Differs in high efficiency.
  • Absolute.
    It contains a strong poison - chlorpyrifos, which has a paralytic effect. Destroys adults and larvae. Volume 125 ml.
  • Combat.
    It contains two types of insecticides - fipronil and hydramethylnon, due to which the development of immunity to the drug is reduced in arthropods. It enters the body through the digestive tract and chitinous membrane.
  • Dohlox.
    The active element is fipronil, which is safe for humans. When used, it does not emit toxic and harmful substances, the use of a syringe is allowed in children's institutions.
  • Clean house.
    The poisonous substance - chlorpyrifos, has a paralytic effect on the organ systems of the insect. Destroys cockroaches, all kinds of ants. When used, it does not have a strong odor.
  • Storm.
    It is considered a real trap from cockroaches. Contains two insecticides - diazinon and cypermethrin, have a different chemical nature. They enter the body through the digestive tract and chitinous cover, and they act in different ways, thereby enhancing the effect.
  • Global.
    The active substance is chlorpyrifos. It has a sweet smell, attracts insects with a chocolate flavor. Deals with pests in an area of ​​50 sq. m. It is characterized by intestinal action.
  • Brownie Proshka.
    A popular gel in a syringe from cockroaches, the poisonous substance is fipronil. Copes with individuals quickly, destroys the entire population of beetles. Affects the intestines, paralyzes the nervous system.

Advantages and disadvantages of gels

The cockroach killer has the following benefits:

  • The packaging provides convenient use due to the sharp tip, which is shaped like a cone or a cylinder. Due to this, the application of the drug is possible in hard-to-reach places.
  • Economical use, the substance is applied not in a continuous strip, but pointwise. This prevents the drug from flowing out.
  • The active poisonous component acts for 2 weeks, destroys all relatives who have settled in a residential area.
  • Does not leave marks on the surface, does not damage furniture, fabrics and delicate interior items.
  • Sold in a hardware store;
  • Low cost.

Gels have a large number of positive aspects, unlike other drugs. But, despite this, there are still disadvantages:

  • The effectiveness of cockroach gels allows it to be used with a small population;
  • The drug does not give an instant result, it takes time for the action of the toxic component;
  • Not all agents destroy arthropod larvae.

In the description of the gel-like preparation in the form of a syringe, it is indicated that for a greater effect it is better to supplement with other insecticidal agents.

Rules for treating the premises with a remedy for cockroaches in a syringe

The gel in the syringe must be used correctly in order to achieve a high result:

  • Clean the room, remove all crumbs and food debris;
  • Close the windows, check that there is no access of air masses to the room;
  • Make sure that there is no access to water, as well as open sources, since moisture is the main factor that creates comfortable conditions for pests.
  • It is first necessary to apply the preparation on hard-to-reach places, in cracks, joints of surfaces, closed surfaces of furniture;
  • Treat all areas in the kitchen, pay special attention to places under the sink, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe trash can, on table legs, and the ventilation duct.
  • An attack on insects should also be carried out in the bathroom, around the toilet, pipelines, in places where moisture accumulates.

The glue is applied pointwise, the distance between the drops is 2–3 cm. The distance can be reduced if a small number of individuals are observed in the room. In places of large accumulation, the application should be in the form of thin strips.

Cockroach insecticide is considered one of the most effective ways to get rid of insects. It is conveniently applied to the surface, it is practically odorless, has low toxicity to humans and has a fairly long period of action.

It is also important that the gel base provides strong adhesion to the surface, preventing the spread of the poisonous substance throughout the room, and it will not be difficult to remove the remnants of the drug with an ordinary damp cloth.

How does it work?

Despite the fact that now on store shelves you can find a huge number of a wide variety of gel-based drugs, their composition and principle of action do not differ much from each other. Which of them will be the most effective against the mustachioed invaders? To understand this issue, consider the main ingredients included in the insecticidal gel.

Gel composition

Any cockroach gel has the following approximate composition:

  • insecticide;
  • fatty substance;
  • bait.

The main active ingredient is a contact or intestinal insecticide. This can be chlorpyrifos, hydramethylnon, fipronil, lambdacyhalothrin, or any other chemical drug that has insect poison properties. In the total composition, it occupies no more than 2% of all components of the gel. In this case, the stronger the poison, the less it is used. For example, Brownie contains 0.5% chlorpyrifos, and Cleanbeit gel contains 2% hydramethylnon. It is also often practiced to combine two insecticides in one tube. Thus, a higher efficiency of the drug is achieved.

The liquid consistency of the gel is provided by the fatty substance present in its composition. It also prevents the drug from drying out after application, which ensures a long life of the poison and its attractiveness to insects.

Bait is an essential ingredient in any insecticidal gel. With its help, it is possible to attract an insect. Often they are aromatic substances - attractants.

Depending on the manufacturer, additional elements may also be included in the gel. For example, a bitter substance that prevents a child or pet from eating it.

Interesting fact! Despite the fact that cockroaches are equipped with sufficiently powerful jaws that can gnaw off a piece from a dried crust of bread, they still prefer food of a liquid consistency. Such preferences were taken into account in the development of insecticidal gels.

Operating principle

The principle of action of the insecticidal gel is based on the spread of poison among the colony of insects. The cockroach, which came to the smell of the bait, eats the drug and goes to its nest, carrying particles of a poisonous substance on its paws. This is how the insecticide spreads. After its death, the insect becomes food for fellow tribesmen, poisoning them.

Gels can be called means of prolonged action, since you will not expect a quick effect from them. However, this property provides a stable result, since the insecticidal substance slowly but surely spreads to the entire colony, including newly hatched larvae. The duration of such a drug is 1.5-2 months. after application to the surface. Insects begin to die within 1-2 days after eating the poisoned bait.

Compared to aerosol and powder preparations, the gel base has the following advantages:
  • long-term effect;
  • attractive to insects;
  • low toxicity;
  • ease of application to the surface.

Advice! In order to apply the gel on the vertical surfaces of walls and furniture without staining them, you can use masking tape. At the end of the validity period, it is simply deleted.

Mode of application

Cockroach gel is produced, as a rule, in a container shaped like a syringe with a thin long spout. Such packaging provides the convenience of applying the drug to any, even the most inaccessible places. Some gel-like products can also be produced in tubes, for example, Global Gel-paste. We talked about its application in a separate article:.

Squeezing out the contents of the syringe, the gel is applied in dotted lines to the baseboards around the perimeter of the apartment, as well as around the places where insects are likely to live. You can also apply the drug on vertical surfaces and walls, after protecting them with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. The distance between the drops of the gel should be no more than 1 cm. However, it can be increased to save up to 4 cm with a small contamination of the apartment.

The gel retains its activity for 2 months. After this period, processing can be repeated. You should not use one drug more than twice, as cockroaches may get used to it. You also need to be careful when applying to avoid possible contact of the toxic substance in the intestines and on the skin.

Interesting fact! Cockroaches can go without food for about a month. They endure the lack of water more severely and die within a week. Therefore, in order for the effect of the gel to be more complete, it is necessary to block access to water for insects.

Overview of the most effective means

On the shelves of stores you can find gel preparations from a variety of manufacturers. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

Gel "Brownie"

Gel Brownie from cockroaches contains chlorpyrifos. It is an insecticide of a contact-intestinal type of action that causes paralysis of insects when it enters their integuments or is ingested through the alimentary tract. The composition of the drug also contains a gel-forming base, preservative additives and bait.

In appearance, the gel is a colorless viscous mass, practically odorless. The drug is produced in tubes with a dispenser of 30 ml. Such a syringe is enough to process about 50 m 2 of area. The cost of one package does not exceed 40 rubles. Despite its more than affordable price, Brownie gets rid of cockroaches quite effectively. It begins to show its effect already in the first day after application. After a week, you can notice a significant reduction in the population, and after a month you can forget about cockroaches. The drug has a residual effect for 2 months. After this period, the processing is repeated if necessary.

Gel "Absolute"

The absolute gel from cockroaches also contains chlorpyrifos as a poisonous substance, however, it has a more significant packaging of 125 ml in a tube. This amount is enough for 150 m 2 of the treated surface area. The color of the preparation may vary from colorless to light brown. The consistency is viscous, able to maintain its structure for quite a long time. The cost of one package is from 80 to 130 rubles, depending on the region.

The drug is applied with a dotted line of 2 cm, alternating it with sections of the untreated surface of the same length. Cockroaches die 1-3 days after eating the bait, the gel retains its residual effect for at least 2 months.

According to the degree of danger, Absolute-gel belongs to the 4th class of toxic substances. It is allowed to be used in children's and medical institutions. However, as with all toxic substances, care must be taken when handling it and ensure that it is not accidentally swallowed by children and pets. To do this, the drug is applied to surfaces in hard-to-reach places, cracks, cracks and under skirting boards. You can also squeeze the gel onto pieces of paper and spread them around the room overnight.

Gel "Clean House"

Gel Clean house from cockroaches and ants can be purchased for 40 rubles. It is sold in a 35 ml tube. This amount is enough to process an apartment of 40 m 2. With a large contamination of the premises, the consumption of funds is doubled.

The effect of the drug becomes noticeable 2-3 days after application. At this time, you can see the corpses of dead insects and cockroaches, stunned by the poison, crawling out of their shelters. An important point is that it is necessary to block access to water for arthropods so that the effect of the drug is as effective as possible. Re-processing may be required when. It is carried out no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the first.

Clean House is the most controversial cockroach remedy on the internet. He helps someone, someone writes about his uselessness. However, if you look at its composition, you can see that the active substance is still the same chlorpyrifos. And this is a fairly powerful insecticide that has proven itself over the years. The gel is produced in an easy-to-use syringe with a dispenser-spout. It is convenient to apply and easy to use.

Review of the Clean House gel:

Cockroach gel is considered the safest and most effective insecticidal drug. It is rightfully considered the most successful invention of modern developers.

Advantages and disadvantages of insecticidal gels

Cockroach gels have many advantages:

  • High efficiency - if the aerosol is able to destroy only those cockroaches that have fallen under the scope, the dust will lie for days and wait for insects, then everything is different with the gel. Here the result is 100%! Moreover, the processing does not have to be repeated;
  • Safety - insecticidal pastes have a low degree of toxicity (the amount of poison is 2% of the total mass), are odorless, do not dissolve in the air and contain a special bitter substance designed to prevent animals and children from eating the gel;
  • Profitability. The drug is applied in small drops, so one package is more than enough for an apartment of 45 square meters. m., but only under the condition of a slight infection. Otherwise, the rate of funds will have to be increased;
  • Availability – Most gels are reasonably priced and available at any hardware store.

As for the shortcomings, there will be very few of them. These are not even cons, but small nuances:

  • Gels do not act immediately - the extinction of insects occurs gradually;
  • The larvae also do not die during disinfection - this will happen only after they are born.

The composition of the gels

The composition of pastes from cockroaches includes several substances:

1. Insecticide. The best brands contain the following insecticides:

  • fipronil;
  • diflobenzuron
  • Hydramethylnon;
  • Chlorpyrifos;
  • Diazinon;
  • Deltamethrin;
  • Cypermethrin.

Some brands contain 2-3 chemicals, which immediately increases the effectiveness of the drug. But do not forget that two- or three-component gels are more toxic.

2. Fat base - prevents the product from drying out quickly, keeps the gel in working condition for several months, allows you to accurately dose portions.

3. Attractants - attract insects with an appetizing aroma. These substances are carried throughout the colony and lead to its death within 7 days.

How to apply the drug?

There are two main ways to apply insect repellant paste.

Method 1. Squeeze out small drops of the product from the syringe and spread them where cockroaches run - on the back walls of furniture, plumbing, baseboards, door jambs, sewers and ventilation pipes. The distance between the droplets is 5-10 cm, the size of one drop should not exceed 5 mm.

The cost of the product depends on the degree of infestation and the size of the room.

When using insecticidal gels, the following rules must be observed:

  • If insect control occurs regularly, the remedy is changed every time. Each new preparation will have to contain other insecticides.
  • During pest control, block all access to water by insects - this will significantly increase the speed of getting rid of uninvited guests.
  • For reliability, combine the gel with any other drug. The main thing is that its composition is completely different.
  • The paste must be applied with rubber gloves - they will not allow the poison to get on the skin of the hands.

  • If the poison gets on the mucous membranes, they should be washed well. If the gel gets into your mouth, rinse it with water and drink activated charcoal.
Advice! The active ingredients of insect paste are highly sensitive to sunlight and bright light, so you need to store the tube only closed and at the temperature indicated on the package.

List of the best brands

We offer a list of modern drugs that will allow you to choose the best cockroach gel.

a great warrior


"Global Gel" from cockroaches is one of the most reliable and common means. The form of its release is a 75 ml tube with a sharp tip that provides convenient and economical application. The paste has a subtle chocolate aroma and a light brown color. It is provided by cocoa butter, which acts as a fat base. "Global" has a complex component composition, and therefore has a rather high price - from 150 to 200 rubles. The main active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, which acts remotely (that is, it is carried by insect legs over long distances). According to the German manufacturer, the product is absolutely safe. In addition, it contains bitterness. But even if some amount of paste enters the stomach, it will not cause severe poisoning.

Gel from cockroaches Globol is the most effective means against insects

Advice! Since the tube is large enough, the drug will certainly remain. Do not rush to throw it away, but close the lid tightly - Globol can be stored for a long time without fear that it will lose its properties.



"Raptor" is a popular enteric contact gel with a light aroma of vanilla and apricot. Packaged in soft tubes with a thin spout (volume - 75 gr.). One tube is enough to disinfect 40 square meters. m. area. The gel is on sale and costs quite a bit - up to 130 rubles. The manufacturer guarantees at least 8 months of active work. Removes easily without leaving marks.

Svetlana: “I bought a Raptor in a nearby store, but I couldn’t even think that it would give such an amazing result! Before that, for many years we fought cockroaches with a variety of means, only none of them managed to help us. At first, the insects disappeared, but after a couple of weeks they returned again. Only with the use of the Raptor were we able to forget about this terrible problem. This is the best remedy for cockroaches - I recommend it to everyone!

Clean house

"Clean House" is considered a universal drug, as it allows you to get rid of all known types of domestic insects. Is issued in packings on 20 and 35 gr. A large package is designed for pest control of 25 square meters. m. with a small infection and 50 square meters. m with a significant number of individuals. The first victims appear on the 3rd day after application.

Tatyana: “When the neighbors started poisoning cockroaches, I also bought Clean House gel - I didn’t want them to move into my apartment. But I didn’t have time to use it, so the insects still crawled into all the cracks. Then I urgently anointed the baseboards, ventilation and furniture. True, the product is quite liquid, so instead of a dotted line, I got solid stripes. But the effect came very quickly, and this is the main thing. The cockroaches disappeared in just 2 weeks. And what is also very important, we didn’t even have to leave the apartment during the processing.”


"Absolute" - an effective paste based on chlorpyrifos. This is the best option for disinfecting a large area. A tube of 125 grams is enough to process 150 square meters. m. The results can be seen on the second day. The complete destruction of the population will occur within one month. The cost of the gel is about 130 rubles.

Lisa: “Personally, I was attracted to Absolute by its price. The tool is absolutely inexpensive and accessible to most. In terms of effectiveness, this is the best drug I have ever used. After using it, I did not notice a single Prussian again. Now I recommend it to everyone!


Vera: “In the war with cockroaches, we managed to try almost all famous brands - the walls of the apartment were covered with Mashenka, and the floor was strewn with crumbs of boric acid. Having bought Dohlox, we no longer hoped for a result, but this gel worked just fine! They applied it with a dotted line and began to wait. Literally a couple of days later, the insects began to disappear - they became less and less. Now we regularly use this tool for prevention. Thanks to Dohlox, there have been no cockroaches in our apartment for 5 years.”


Gel "Domovoy" is one of the most affordable drugs. Its main substance is fipronil. For disinfection 50 sq. m. you will need 1 syringe with a volume of 30 grams. The composition of the product includes insect bait and special bitterness. The duration of active action is about 2 months. The first results can be seen within a day. The only drawback of this gel "Proshka Brownie" is the rapid addiction of cockroaches to its components.

Victoria: “A child from a summer camp brought us cockroaches. At first we did not even notice them, since we live in a private house and have never encountered this before. Friends advised me to buy a syringe with Brownie gel. Used it only once - it was enough in full. The cockroaches disappeared and have not reappeared since.”


"Combat" is an excellent means of the company "Henkel", in which the bait is goose liver. Its huge popularity among buyers was not prevented even by the high cost - about 150 rubles. "Combat" contains hydramethylnon - an insecticidal substance that is not addictive. It is it that ensures the mass destruction of insects. It is non-toxic to animals and humans.

Irina: “We live in a hostel for young families. The residents in it are very different, they are also not the most clean, so getting rid of cockroaches is incredibly difficult. What we just did not try, but there was not much improvement! It seems that the cockroaches are gone, but they are coming back again. Combat was advised on the market - they said that with him we will forever forget about insects. And so it happened! The good news is that this tool is very easy to use. We put it on pieces of paper and laid it out along the skirting boards. Every morning they found dead cockroaches, and then they completely disappeared. Try Kombat yourself!


Effective novelty in the market of insecticides. A tube with a volume of 20 grams allows you to get rid of insects on an area of ​​​​60 square meters. m. The main active ingredient is hydromethylnon, the strongest insecticide that kills not only cockroaches, but also ants. "Cleanbait" has a 4 degree of toxicity (the lowest). The first victims can be seen on the 2nd day after its application. The residual effect lasts 1.5-2 months.

Cleanbeit cockroach gel is also harmful to other crawling insects, such as ants.

Margarita: “I am very afraid of cockroaches, because they are carriers of various infections. As soon as these mustachioed insects began to walk around the kitchen floor, I immediately rushed to the market to buy the best remedy. Advised to take Klinbayt. I want to say that this gel literally saved my nerve cells. Dead cockroaches after him and poured! Now I'm sure they won't show up again.

Fas and Kapkan

Preparations "Fas gel" and "Kapkan" are almost identical. These are jelly-like products of beige or cream color, containing 2 enteric-contact insecticides - cypermethrin and diazinon. Both paralyze the NS of insects (both adults and larvae) and ensure the complete destruction of cockroaches. A tube of 75 grams is designed for 90 square meters. m. The period of residual action is 2 months. The cost is about 30 rubles.

Daria: “When cockroaches appeared in the apartment, at first I didn’t pay much attention to them. But their numbers began to increase rapidly, so I had to go to the store. At first I took a piece of chalk - nothing helped, although I processed the whole apartment with it. The second time the seller advised the Kapkan gel. With him, the process went faster. We used up about a third of the package, but that was enough. My choice is only Kapkan.

destructive force

Pasta "Deadly Force" contains in its composition the insecticide fiproil. One syringe with a volume of 75 grams is enough for a double disinfestation of a room with an area of ​​40 square meters. m. The residual effect lasts up to 10 months. The death of cockroaches occurs approximately 3 as after contact with the gel. At the same time, he manages to bring poison into the nest and infect the others, thereby starting a chain reaction. The product has no color or odor.

Ekaterina: “We came to the dacha in the summer, and there are a lot of cockroaches! For a long time we puzzled over how to get rid of them. We decided to focus on the most powerful tool - Lethal Force gel. And they never regretted their choice! The power is truly lethal. After using this product, not a single cockroach appeared in the country. I recommend him to everyone."


Yuri: “Legion is a new, but very good tool. It was recommended to me by a friend who works at SES. This gel helped to remove cockroaches in just a couple of days without leaving the apartment. Inflicted, waited, swept away dead insects. Nothing else needs to be done. Thanks to the developers for such a powerful tool!”


This drug is quite difficult to wash off the surface. To avoid stains, apply it to inconspicuous areas.

We are confident that this detailed review and reviews of the drugs will help you make a choice.

The filler in such preparations are fatty masses - they provide a long-term effect and protect the gel from drying out. Attractants are added to the composition of the preparation, these are fragrant ingredients, thanks to which it seems to the cockroaches that the poison is very tasty, and they eagerly absorb it or carry it on their paws to the nest.

It should be understood that gel tubes, unlike aerosols, will not help destroy cockroach egg laying, but are dangerous only for adults. Their eggs are packed in special ootheca capsules (30 pieces each). The capsule is filled with protein that hatched cockroaches feed on. Ooteka withstands low temperatures and the action of strong poisons, therefore, gel treatment must be carried out 2-3 times, so that after the death of adults, the new generation that has appeared will die without having time to lay a new clutch.

How to use the gel against cockroaches?

The cockroach gel is packaged in a syringe or tube with an elongated spout for ease of use. Thanks to this form, the gel can be applied even in hard-to-reach places, such as under the battery or under the stove. You can apply the gel as a continuous or dotted line, or droplets.

Squeezing out the contents of the syringe, the gel is applied in dotted lines to the baseboards around the perimeter of the apartment, as well as around the places where insects are likely to live. You can also apply the drug on vertical surfaces and walls, after protecting them with adhesive tape or adhesive tape. The distance between the drops of the gel should be no more than 1 cm. However, it can be increased to save up to 4 cm with a small contamination of the apartment.

The gel retains its activity for 2 months. After this period, processing can be repeated. You should not use one drug more than twice, as cockroaches may get used to it. You also need to be careful when applying to avoid possible contact of the toxic substance in the intestines and on the skin.

Rules of application and safety measures

Since the Great Warrior insect repellent contains potent poisons, you must be especially careful when working with it and follow all the safety rules provided for this remedy for cockroaches.

It is important to ensure that this drug does not come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes. In case of contact with harmful substances on the skin, thoroughly wash the affected area with water, then wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

The drug in the form of a gel from cockroaches should be used only for its intended purpose. After the treatment, the syringe from under the product is thrown into the garbage chute. This cockroach medicine should be stored in a cool, dark and dry place, away from food. It is important that the poison is out of the reach of pets, although for those who have four-legged pets, it is difficult to find such a secluded corner.

It should be remembered that before treating the apartment with gel, pets and children must be taken out of the room. Also, before disinfection, it is necessary to wear personal protective equipment - a mask, a respirator, as well as clothing that protects the skin from exposure to poison. Before processing the premises, food products should be placed in containers, this must be done so that the drug does not accidentally get on them and animals or people are not poisoned.

Gel "Global" (Globol)

The composition of the drug includes chlorpyrifos, which is one of the latest achievements of chemists in the field of contact insecticides. Special additives allow it to retain moisture for a long time and not dry out, remaining active. The duration of the poison is quite long - over 35 days, the trap drops will carry their deadly effect to cockroaches. The drug has no unpleasant odor.

Average cost: 350 rub.

Gel "Forsyth"

The Forsyth manufacturer presents its product as the most environmentally friendly: this product has little contact with the air in the room and almost does not produce fumes that are inhaled by people. Forsythe destroys adult cockroaches, but does not harm their nests. The action of the chemical lasts up to six months. The active substance of Forsyth is cypermethrin. All gels containing cypermethrin belong to the group of contact-intestinal insecticides. They paralyze the nervous system of pest larvae and adults. The gel is in a syringe, the capacity of which is 30 g. Before use, read the instructions. Cockroaches die within a few days after pest control.

  • there is no unpleasant odor;
  • safety for others;
  • inexpensive price.

Cons: Not the most convenient way to use.

Average cost: 80 rub.

Gel "Brownie"

Average cost: 75 rub.

Gel "Absolute"

This gel is a low-toxic agent. It can be used in public canteens, municipal offices, schools and hospitals. The action of the "Absolute" is based on the principle of transferring poisonous particles from one cockroach to another. Poisonous components are actively digested and disperse throughout the body of the cockroach. Therefore, "Absolute" is one of the most effective insecticides.

Average cost: 270 rub.

Gel "Medilis Anticockroach"

A novelty that has already proven itself on the positive side of buyers. As the manufacturer explains, when developing the gel formula, the latest discoveries in scientific disciplines that are in contact with pest control were used. The release form is a syringe with a volume of 30 ml.

The duration of the gel is up to two months. The new ingredient (DV) is zeta-cypermethrin. Non-toxic and can be used in schools, gardens, hospitals.

Average cost: 90 rub.

Gel "Raptor"

Average cost: 300 rub.

Gel "Combat"

The advantage of "Combat Supergel", used to combat cockroaches, is its antibacterial and antifungal action (unsanitary conditions and pathogenic fungi are companions of cockroaches). With one drug you kill two problems.

Average cost: 300 rub.

Gel "Clean House"

The gel in the Clean House syringe is effective against domestic cockroaches and ants, the result is achieved in 3 days. The duration of action of the substance reaches 3-4 months. The infected insect dies within two days, having managed to infect the rest of the individuals.

Average cost: 100 rub.

There is one form that allows you to effectively and without inhaling terrible odors to destroy household parasites. Buying a syringe from cockroaches, applying its contents to insect habitats is easy, and the poison used does not pose a danger to people and animals.

Operating principle

The action of the cockroach gel in the syringe is based on the principle of the "poisoned bait". The substances contained in the gel - attractants, attract insects with their taste and aroma, causing them to desire to eat the proposed substance. After eating the insecticide, the poison penetrates through the digestive organs, is absorbed through the blood and then negatively affects the nervous system of the pest. The result of poisoning is convulsive muscle contractions, which leads to complete paralysis.

He brings gel particles stuck on his paws to his colony, after which other members of the cockroach community that have appeared in the nest can eat the poison.

On a note!

Due to the fact that the gel from the syringe has a soft texture and contains moisture, it is more attractive to insects. As it dries, its effect against cockroaches decreases, so you should regularly update the layer using another syringe.

gel syringe

The speed of action of the poison depends on the amount of poison contained in the gel and the speed of its consumption by pests. On average, a poisoned cockroach dies within 1-2 hours after its consumption.

The composition of the gels of different companies includes the following insecticides:

  • - a paralyzing poison that has a contact-intestinal effect;
  • chlorpyrifos - poisons the insect through the intestines;
  • diazinon is an analogue of chlorpyrifos, but in recent years cockroaches have developed immunity to it;
  • avermectins - a group of toxic substances with a powerful insecticidal effect, are highly toxic to humans, which requires their careful use in everyday life;
  • pyrethroids are safer for humans, but toxic to domestic cats (may cause poisoning).

The composition of the gels also includes excipients:

  • thickeners that give the desired consistency;
  • dyes - for color;
  • attractants - attract insects with the help of aroma;
  • preservatives and stabilizers that slow down drying, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

Advantages of using the product in a syringe for the destruction of cockroaches:

On a note!

Modern and popular among the population syringes for cockroaches with insecticidal substances:

The drying speed of the gel is different for different preparations: Absolut dries up within 4 weeks, Dohlox needs to be changed every 2 weeks. It depends on the climatic conditions in the room (the drier the air and the higher the temperature, the faster the drying process).

Many are afraid that the use of the gel can leave indelible stains on the furniture, however, modern products practically do not leave marks after use, they can be easily wiped off with an ordinary damp cloth.