Choosing a name by date of birth according to the church. Names according to saints. church calendar

Our ancestors did not have such a problem as choosing a name for a newborn. Today, in some families, this comes to a scandal, since dad wants to name his son Jordan, mom - Apollo, and grandparents dream of Vanechka. But in the old days, everything was decided by the church Orthodox book, which was called "Saints". Parents came to church, and the priest offered a choice of several names of Christian saints, whose memory was honored on the baby's birthday. And if now parents want to make a choice in this way - how to choose a name for a child according to the holy calendar?

How to choose the right name according to the holy calendar?

Birthday, Angel's Day, name day ... Many people confuse these concepts and congratulate them on their birthday on their name day. In fact, a birthday is the day on which a person was born, and name days are the day of memory of the saint in whose honor he was named. The second name of the name day is the day of the Angel or the day of the namesake. Previously, these days almost coincided for everyone, but now - almost none. Despite this, some people began to celebrate the day of the Angel on a par with the birthday.

The Saints contain about 1700 different names. Most of them are for men, moreover, they are mostly out of use. This is not surprising, because many names for modern people seem ridiculous, for example, Popius, Mnasen, Kurduva or Yazdundokta.

If you decide to name the newborn according to the calendar, remember the following:

  1. It is best to choose a name for the baby of the saint who is honored on his birthday. For example, your child was born on February 1st. You are truly lucky, because according to the calendar, the newborn can be called by the following names: Arseny, Gregory, Heinrich, Louise, Euphrasia, Mark, Makar, Meletius, Savva, Theodosia, Fedor or Januarius.
  2. If you have a boy, and on this day there are no names for a male representative, then the modern church usually advises looking a few days ahead. You can do the same if you didn’t like the proposed name (or names) at all.
  3. The name at baptism is given once in a lifetime and does not change anymore (an exception is the name changes when tonsured to monasticism and when changing faith).
  4. AT recent times some parents give their children double names: one is secular, and the second is church. Someone does this on purpose, but someone accidentally - just at birth, the baby is not given orthodox name, and in the church, parents learn that under the name, for example, Stella or Camilla, a child cannot be baptized. In this case, the priest invites parents to choose an Orthodox name for the baby - close or consonant with the "passport".
  5. If the saint, in whose honor you named the baby, is revered several times a year, then the day of the Angel is the next name day after the day birth.

From antiquity to our times

The Orthodox book "Saints" is nothing more than a complete list of all the names of the saints whom Orthodox Church. The second name of this book is “The Book of Months”, since the whole year is painted in it, day by day, by month.

Giving a name to a child according to the holy calendar is an ancient tradition of many peoples. The Slavs were no exception in this. People believed that when a baby receives the name of a saint who is revered on his birthday or baptism, he will have a happy and long life. At the same time, it was not advisable to call the child the name of the great martyr - then he was destined for a hard life, full of hardships and suffering.

If several saints were commemorated on the child's birthday, then the parents could choose a name from several proposed by the priest. If the name was one, then the parents, alas, had no choice. People did not dare to argue with the church. Later, if no saint was commemorated on the birthday of the new little man, or the name really didn’t like it, then the parents began to “increase” the list of names: it was possible to consider the names of saints whose memory is celebrated on the eighth or fortieth day after the birth of the child. The fact is that our ancestors believed that the name of the newborn should be given no earlier than the eighth day, and the sacrament of Baptism had to be performed on the fortieth day.

"Monthly" was used until the revolution of 1917. With the advent of Soviet power, when churches began to be massively exterminated, and religion was prohibited, the tradition of naming children according to the holy calendar was abandoned. At present, parents have begun to turn to the Orthodox calendar much more often in order to choose a name for the child. Many believe that it will make the baby happy, and the saint, after whom he was named, will become an intercessor and guardian angel for the child. And some parents just follow modern fashion, because today an old or unusual name is the “last peep”. So there are children in kindergartens and schools with the names Luka and Akulina, Spiridon and Evdokia, Illarion and Pelagia.

Calendar of names according to the holy calendar for each month

Name day in January

Names in February

Names in March

Names in April

Names in May

Names in June

Modern parents are increasingly approaching the choice of a name for a child responsibly. The question of how to choose the most successful name for a child occupies the minds of young mothers and fathers. After all, the name is our most important companion on the path of life. It is no longer a secret for anyone that it affects the formation of personality and the choice of life purpose.

Choose a name - choose a destiny

Choosing the right name for a baby is not an easy process. By choosing a strange or dissonant name, parents doom their daughter or son to the ridicule of their peers. important and meaning future name, which always has a special energy, thereby purposefully influencing the formation of character.

It is believed that, having given the parents of a child on a certain day, the Lord already says what to name it. The name is the main and very first property of a person, his spiritual component.

How to name a child? Names range from the common to the most unusual. It is argued that the more unique the name, the more chances for its owner to stand out from the crowd. Such people often break stereotypes accepted in society, become leaders, lead a team.

Nowadays, mothers and fathers often name a child by the names of the parents, name a son or daughter in honor of a relative, close friend or deceased loved one. But before you do so, think about it. The child will grow up and learn that he was named after his father's childhood friend. The kid may think that his own personality is not so important. In addition, there is a belief that in this way it is possible to transfer the karma of the deceased to the child.

Why not take a look at the saints?

Among the many choices, an old tradition adopted in Russia is becoming increasingly popular - to choose a name according to the church calendar. It is generally accepted that along with the name, the newborn acquires his own guardian angel, who will take care and protect the ward for life path.

Supporters of choosing a name according to the calendar are usually believers. They believe that the saint, whose name is given to the baby, becomes his personal protector in heaven. That is why the custom adopted in antiquity to choose the name of a child according to the church calendar, where each day has its own patron saint, has a deep meaning.

In the current 2014 year, according to the horoscope, there is a high probability of the birth of a large number of creative extraordinary people. Let's turn to the saints. At first glance, most of the options offered by the church calendar are not very suitable for modern children. Names such as Emelyan, Savva, Prokhor, Gerasim are unlikely to arouse the enthusiasm of parents.

But if you carefully look around and remember all the acquaintances who are in last years got children, you will be surprised how often babies began to be called Russian names. This is truly the fashion of the XXI century.

It is often not clear what motivates parents more - a return to Orthodox roots or an attempt to be original and stand out from the background of peers. Sometimes parents compromise, because elderly relatives often insist on choosing a name according to the church calendar.

How did our ancestors

The tradition of choosing a name according to the holy calendar originated many centuries ago. In those days, parents did not have the right to name the child on their own. church calendar regulated what name a baby born on a certain day can be called. Moreover, the name was chosen only after birth. The parents of the newborn did not think about how to name the child - according to the church calendar or otherwise. They came to church, and the priest offered to choose one of the names of Christian saints.

In the old days, people did not dare to go against the church. If it turned out that only one saint was venerated on the day the child was born, the parents had no choice. Later, these restrictions were no longer so strict. If there was no saint on the specified day or the names were not at all liked, it began to be allowed to take the name of the saint, "falling" on the coming days.

If, according to the parents, there was nothing suitable on the calendar these days, it was possible to choose a name in the next 8-40 days. Thus, the list of acceptable names expanded significantly, and there was no problem how to choose a name for the child.

In the old days, all parents wanted their children to receive the protection of the saints. Everyone wanted to give their son or daughter a heavenly patron who would guide him throughout his life, protect him from evil spirits and help him in everything.

Even under Soviet rule, children managed to be baptized and given church names. Often the sacrament of baptism was performed far from home, for example, in a village with relatives.

What are saints

Saints is a list of names of saints revered in Orthodox world. As a rule, several female and male names were attached to each day of the church calendar. Parents could choose from them they liked.

The Orthodox calendar contains names of Slavic, Greek, Latin, Hebrew origin. Truly church names were previously given only at baptism, over time they acquired a sound more convenient for the Russian ear. Many of them have an Old Slavonic pronunciation (for example, Yuri is the "secular" version of the name George).

According to the dictionary of V. I. Dahl, the calendar is a calendar that indicates the church, as well as the civil meaning of each month and day throughout the year.

Monthly calendar was officially used until the revolution of 1917. Under Soviet rule, with the beginning of the persecution of the church, this tradition was abandoned. New names for children have appeared, often formed from several words - modern concepts. Many of them were artificial and difficult to pronounce, such as Dazdrasen (or Hail November 7th).

But in recent years, parents are increasingly turning to the Orthodox calendar, although for many of them this is just a tribute to modern fashion, according to which the old name is the last peep. Therefore, among modern babies you can often find Lavra, Barbara, Pelageya, Yefim, etc.

Most of the names contained in the calendar are male. That is, the names of boys according to the church calendar are much easier to choose than the names of girls. And there are about 1700 of them in total. Many names have already gone out of use and seem to modern people funny and dissonant.

Saints - who are they?

Who are these saints, whose names are forever included in the Orthodox calendar?

According to legend, they were especially revered different religions for piety, righteousness and wisdom. The phrase "holy martyrs" tells us that the saints were subjected to endless persecution, persecution and torment. It was by steadfastness, unshakable faith, and the ability to endure any trial that these people earned the eternal glory of holy martyrs and were canonized.

So, one of the most revered saints is Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of sailors. The day of his death - December 19 - became the day of St. Nicholas. The tradition of celebrating a saint's day on the day of his death is widespread in Christianity, although there are exceptions.

Naming children according to the holy calendar is a tradition not only of Orthodox Christians, but also of other peoples, and the Slavs are no exception here. People have always believed that, having received the name of a saint, the baby will live a long happy life. At the same time, they tried not to name children by the names of the great martyrs, so as not to doom them to a similar fate.

According to other traditions, the child could be called the name of the saint who was especially revered in the family, or the name of a particularly revered relative. Most often, the names of saints were offered, taken from the next three days from the birth of the baby, according to the testament of Theophan the Recluse, who proclaimed the possibility of naming the child by the name of the saint who was revered in the interval between the bodily birth of the baby and his baptism.

There are certain rules according to which you should choose a name according to the calendar. It would be more correct to consider not the day the baby was born, but the eighth day after birth. Previously, in Orthodox Russia, it was on this day that a child was baptized, naming a certain saint.

If none of these days happened suitable name, do not try to strictly comply with the formalities. It happens that parents with all their hearts are drawn to a certain name. It happens that the name comes to the mother in a dream. Orthodoxy does not at all reject this method of choice, so you may well listen to yourself and your own feelings.

If you still can’t decide, find a special book - the calendar, where all Orthodox names are listed by day and month.

How to name a child according to the church calendar or according to the calendar correctly? You need to purchase a church calendar in advance, where the names of all the saints are listed in order. Such a calendar has more than 1100 names, that is, there are several different names for each day, which simplifies the task for parents.

Choose either the eighth or fortieth day from the date of birth of the child (since baptism in Russia was also allowed on the fortieth day). From the proposed list, it makes sense to choose the names that are most consonant with the patronymic and surname of the baby.

What to consider when choosing a name

Before naming a child according to the church calendar, think carefully. When choosing a name, remember that it will leave a huge mark on his fate and character. Before finally deciding on the choice of a name, study its meaning in all available dictionaries, select the appropriate name for the child by date of birth. Also, do not forget to check it for compatibility with the last name and patronymic, religion and other important circumstances.

Choosing the names of girls according to the church calendar, you should discard the male options. Since ancient times, such a choice has been considered unsuccessful, allegedly imposing a male imprint on the character and fate of the newborn. It is customary to believe that "male" names for a female child (Victoria, Alexandra, Evgenia, Valeria) bring its owner a difficult fate, many difficulties and obstacles. It is also not recommended to choose a name from previous days.

The approval of relatives is important in this matter, so you should consult with them in advance. Of course, it is impossible to please everyone, but it is better if the names for the children chosen by the parents are approved by the majority of the relatives. This will have a beneficial effect on their attitude towards babies in general.

If parents are not particularly enthusiastic about the prospect of naming a child by an old and not always convenient name, but want to make concessions to the older generation, they can choose a name for their son or daughter own will, but during the christening, pick up another, according to the holy calendar.

name day

In the future, the calendar day on which the choice of the name of the newborn fell is considered the day of his angel or the day of the name day. On this day, it is customary to visit the temple and pray for the health of the chosen saint. Many people confuse concepts such as angel day, birthday and name day. Often on a birthday, congratulations on name days and vice versa. In fact, name days mean the day of memory of the saint, whose name the baby bears. Their other name is the day of the angel (or the day of the namesake). Previously, these days most often coincided, now this is rare, however, many celebrate the day of the angel along with the usual birthday.

Name days in ancient times were celebrated by the whole world, but the actual birthday of the child of great importance was not given. Thus, the baptism of a child was considered a more important holiday. The names assigned at baptism do not change throughout life, except in cases of tonsure into monasticism or a change of religion.

The saint becomes the heavenly patron of the baby after the rite of baptism. It is believed that the guardian angel prays to God for his ward and protects from troubles. His prayers are more pleasing to God than the prayers of us sinners.

The name given at baptism accompanies a person throughout life and even after death. This name is used to commemorate the deceased in prayers for the repose of the soul.

Other days of the memory of the saint are called small name days. If a child is called a non-Orthodox name, during the rite of baptism, a consonant Orthodox version is most often chosen.

Name and zodiac sign

Whether you choose the name of the child by date of birth or not, it is worth checking it for compatibility with the sign of the Zodiac, and even better - so that it slightly corrects the effect of this sign. For example, for a boy born under the sign of fire (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo), it is better to choose a name with a predominance of vowels that soften the hard character (for example, Ilya or Pavel).

Representatives water elements(Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) a name is required that encourages decisive action, since these children are often inert and slow.

Earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) sometimes lack creativity. In this case, it is better to choose a name that stimulates creativity.

Air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) are shown names that carry determination and a firm position in life.

Do not choose either too rare or too popular name options. The best choice- a moderately common name. If you need to make adjustments to the character of the child already in the process of life and upbringing, you can use an abbreviated version of the name, which has a harder or, conversely, softened sound (for example, Dmitry - Mitya).

Mistakes of modern parents

Since in Orthodox calendar many saints with the same names, some parents mistakenly celebrate the baby's name day several times a year. Actually this is wrong. Each person has one name day, like a birthday, and they celebrate them only on the day of "their" saint.

In addition, many confuse the concept of a guardian angel and a saint, whose name the child is baptized. According to church canons, a guardian angel is given by God to a newborn on the day of baptism.

Church calendar and modernity

Saints continue to grow to this day. At first glance, the choice of names from the calendar is very monotonous, but this is not so. Although many of the names are obsolete and not suitable for modern life, parents sometimes call the baby the strangest and most dissonant names in order to stand out from the crowd. Thus, they go against the traditions of their ancestors, who tried to avoid strange and unclaimed names.

And the names of girls according to the church calendar, and the names of boys are quite diverse and there is always the opportunity to choose a classic beautiful and harmonious name.

Nowadays, modern parents often give their children a double name - both secular and church. Sometimes they do it on purpose, sometimes it happens by accident. If at birth the baby was given a name that is not Orthodox, parents who came to baptize the child in the church usually find out that the name given to the baby is consonant with the passport Orthodox version.

It is believed that Orthodox Christian must have two names - secular and church.

In any case, the choice of a name for a newborn is a purely personal matter of the parents. The main thing in this business is love for the baby and concern for his future. We are only trying to explain how personal preferences can be combined with deeply meaningful true Orthodox values. Good luck to you, dear parents, happiness and health to your baby!

Reading time: 6 minutes

The birth of a child is a significant event in the life of any family. The birth of a baby is inextricably linked with a responsible task - choosing a suitable name. If a little princess was born to you, then when thinking about how to name a girl, you should take into account that your step will become one of the determining factors in her future fate. How you name your daughter will determine the formation of her attitude to the world around her, her ability to achieve success and her goals.

Names according to the church calendar

The choice of a name for a girl according to the church calendar is associated with the date of birth of the child and the day of memory of the saint, in whose honor the baby will be named. The Orthodox church calendar has a large number of various options, many of which are repeated. In this regard, it is customary to consider the birthday of the saint closest from the date of birth of the child. The Christian church name is given to the baby during the sacrament of baptism. From that moment on, the corresponding saint becomes her heavenly patron and protector.

How to choose a name for a girl by patronymic

How to name a daughter, taking into account all the factors? After all full name should sound harmoniously, combined with the patronymic. Before naming a child, slowly say to yourself or aloud the last name, first name and patronymic of the baby. Listen carefully to how the phrase sounds. It should be coherent, easy to pronounce and harmonious. For this it is worth studying different variants, their meanings.

How can you name a girl

Almost all parents think about how to name a girl even during the mother's pregnancy. The name is one of the most important components of the life of any person, which is able to determine the successful line of his fate or cause a lot of inconvenience. A rich variety of female names, among which, along with popular Russians, there is also an incredible variety of Greek, Tatar, Armenian, Muslim and other options, significantly complicates the choice. For this reason, the question of how to name a daughter should be approached with all responsibility and seriousness.

According to the signs of the zodiac

How to name a daughter born under the sign of Aries? It is recommended to consider options that will help in the future to curb the explosive temperament characteristic of this zodiac sign. Valeria, Alexandra, Alla, Ekaterina, Larisa, Zhanna, Yaroslava, Nadezhda are perfect.

The distinctive features of women born under the sign of Taurus are fidelity, gentleness, femininity. In this case, affectionate names are suitable, such as Victoria, Antonina, Vera, Galina, Diana, Daria, Eva, Maria, Natalya, Polina, Oksana, Tamara.

Geminis are wonderful wives and mothers, executive employees, but only as long as they are interested. To give permanence to their views, you need to call the girls Valeria, Alice, Angelina, Evgenia, Ekaterina, Elena, Xenia, Lika, Christina or Elina.

According to the horoscope, Cancers are distinguished by sensitivity, tenderness and femininity. Girls should choose beautiful names, which will help them become a little harder and stronger. Among these are Lolita, Anita, Elena, Milana, Simona, Olesya, Yana, Florita, Julia.

The fiery temperament of the Leo woman does not prevent her from being an excellent hostess and mother. It is recommended to pay attention to Daria, Alla, Antonina, Angela, Susanna, Lydia, Julia, Christina, Zhanna, Ilona, ​​Elvira, Yana.

Girls born under the sign of Virgo are usually loyal, balanced and accurate. To soften the hard character of the Virgin a little, you need to call her Zoya, Anastasia, Anna, Valentina, Elizabeth, Inessa, Maria, Stela, Tatyana, Regina, Tamila, Lydia, Natalya.

Scales are often characterized by capriciousness and narcissism, fear of loneliness. For girls born under this zodiac sign, options such as Ella, Love, Hope, Sofia, Vera, Lyudmila, Dominika, Carolina, Yesenia, Elena are suitable.

A unique combination of love for power and justice, responsibility and independence are inherent in Scorpio girls. These are perfect for them. unusual names like Iskra, Oktyabrina, Agafya, Alexandra, Martha, Zinaida, Yana, Anastasia, Taisia, Agnes, Tamila.

Independent and often extravagant Sagittarians need restraint. When thinking about how to name a girl born under this sign, pay attention to options such as Muse, Alexandra, Vasilisa, Seraphim, Barbara, Catherine, Tamara.

Female Capricorns are independent and purposeful. To help the Capricorn girl become more feminine and delicate, call her Sofia, Vera, Daria, Zinaida, Ilona, ​​Evgenia, Olga, Ekaterina, Lilia, Zhanna, Alevtina or Svetlana.

Aquarius girls are selfless, incredibly hard-working and uncompromising. When thinking about the question of how to name a girl born under this sign, pay attention to Anna, Alina, Darina, Ilona, ​​Linda, Isolde, Nonna, Irma, Yana, Svetlana, Yulia.

Women born under the auspices of the Pisces sign are soft and flexible. Such a girl should be called Eva, Eugenia, Lolita, Lada, Alina, Irina, Polina, Maria or Natalya.

According to the calendar

The church calendar lists the names of saints, each of which corresponds to a specific date. The tradition of naming a child according to the holy calendar is preserved mainly in believing families. By naming the baby in honor of a revered saint, parents provide the child with spiritual protection and patronage. How to name a girl in accordance with the Orthodox tradition, a special religious calendar will tell you.

By time of year

If a girl was born in winter, it is recommended to call her a beautiful melodious name in order to soften the characteristic severity. Girls born in the spring show flexibility in different situations but need strength of character. A "hard" name will help them give confidence and steadfastness. The girl who was born in the summer has a proud character, she is active, courageous and persistent. To make it more feminine and soft, a soft and melodic name will help. Girls born in autumn often grow up to be staunch realists. They should be called original funny names.

Girl names by month

January: Aglaya, Ulyana, Susanna, Evgenia, Emilia, Nina, Eva, Anastasia.

February: Rimma, Agnia, Anna, Zoya, Inna, Agafia, Valentina, Euphrosyne, Martha, Xenia.

March: Galina, Kira, Antonina, Marianna, Iraida, Vasilisa, Christina, Galina, Marina, Anastasia.

April: Alla, Daria, Alexandra, Nika, Vasilisa, Anna, Lydia, Akulina, Larisa, Svetlana, Irina, Claudia.

May: Tamara, Taisia, Zoya, Martha, Euphrosinia, Evdokia, Pelageya, Faina, Glyceria, Muse, Glafira, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Julia, Claudia.

June: Ulyana, Elena, Euphrosyne, Maria, Antonina, Valeria, Akulina, Kaleria.

July: Agrippina, Angelina, Rimma, Anna, Elena, Evdokia, Valentina, Margarita, Olga, Alevtina, Euphrosyne, Martha.

August: Christina, Praskovya, Maria, Olympias, Nonna, Ulyana, Seraphim, Anfisa.

September: Natalia, Elizabeth, Vasilisa, Pulcheria, Raisa, Lyubov, Rufina, Sofia, Lyudmila, Nadezhda, Vera, Anna.

October: Ariadne, Polyxenia, Irina, Ustinia, Pelagia, Taisia, Praskovya, Zinaida, Iraida, Sofia, Virineya.

November: Neonilla, Elizabeth, Glyceria, Anna, Anastasia, Ulyana, Maria, Euphrosyne, Stepanida, Matryona, Claudia.

December: Zoya, Augusta, Anfisa, Angelina, Cecilia, Ekaterina, Ulyana, Barbara.

How to name a girl by date of birth in 2017-2018

When discussing how to name a girl, many also take into account the principles of numerology. If the birth of a baby is planned for 2017-2018, it is worth considering the old church options, which in our time sound unusual and original. This year, Anastasia, Elizabeth, Eva, Alina will be no less popular. Take advantage special tests to determine the appropriate name, many of which are on various thematic forums.

Among the names suitable for girls whose birth is scheduled for the winter, it is worth highlighting Domna, Melania, Aglaya, Theodora, Vasilisa, Leonidia, Appolinaria, Claudia, Veronica, Agafya, Evdokia, Svetlana, Marfa, Valentina, Xenia, Rimma, Agnia.

It is recommended to name the little princess born in the spring Nalina, Margarita, Marianna, Antonina, Ulyana, Kira, Nika, Vasilisa, Irina, Tamara, Eva, Susanna, Matryona, Akulina, Larisa, Pelageya, Kaleria, Maria, Evdokia, Christina, Glafira, Elizabeth or Faina.

A girl born in the summer should be called Uliana, Christina, Fekla, Maria, Nelly, Antonina, Sophia, Alena, Sarah, Julia, Margarita, Julianna, Elena, Evdokia, Valentina, Rimma, Alevtina, Efimiya, Nonna, Anita, Praskovya, Zhanna , Olga, Magdalena, Olympiad or Svetlana.

They tried to name children in honor of a great, famous, talented, successful person, thereby shifting his fate to his child and already promising a happy life for the baby with one name.

With the advent of Christianity, this task was noticeably simplified, and the process of censure was streamlined. The basis of the foundations was the calendar - the calendar - a calendar in which all data on Orthodox holidays, as well as the days of memory of saints. These days, on which this or that saint was venerated, the Orthodox began to be guided by naming their children.

by saints?

After long repressions, faith is returning to our hearts, and religion is returning to our homes. Even young families tend to "correctly" choose a name for the child and christen him.

Finding a name with the help of a prayer book is quite simple. You can handle this on your own. If you still don’t know how to name a child according to the holy calendar, then look at which saints are revered on the baby’s birthday. Choose the most suitable name you like and get ready for baptism. If there are quite a few names, and most of them are euphonious, arrange a survey among relatives and friends, consult with potential godparents. It may also happen that you were not able to choose the name of the child according to the holy calendar, because on the birthday of the baby, only male saints are revered (or vice versa), or perhaps you just didn’t like the names, and how to name the child according to the holy calendar in this case? The Christian tradition of naming gives you two time lines.

The first is the eighth day after the birth of the child, or the period from the second to the eighth day, when you have the opportunity to choose a name. The second is the fortieth day after birth, if the baby is born strong and healthy, then they could postpone it for such a period.

If after the expiration of all the terms you still could not decide, then you can give the child One - “for the world”, the second - “for the church”, his choice can be entrusted to the clergyman who will baptize the baby. So giving a name to a child according to the calendar will be easier, it will not take you much time and mental strength.

It is very important not to confuse the saint and the great martyr (they are also highly revered in Christianity), do not doom your child to a difficult fate. And the name of the saint will give the baby reliable protection in the person of a powerful patron - a guardian angel.

name day

When planning to celebrate name days in the future, remember that no matter how many memorable days the chosen saint has in a year, your child will have only one name day - the day closest to his birthday.

Faith and Reason

Naming a child according to the calendar, mainly, one should be guided by faith. Study the biography of the saint whose name you have chosen, know the prayers, appeals to him, transfer all this knowledge to your child.

Remember who or what the saint patronized, and raise the child in accordance with this. A person who is shown the path by someone who has already successfully passed it will go much easier and more confidently, it is enough just not to turn off it.

While you are sorting it out, trying to understand, decide how to name the child according to the calendar, go to church, talk to the priest, ask for help and advice. They will certainly tell you everything, explain in detail and help. The name, correctly, with love and attention, chosen according to the calendar, will protect your child from wrong steps and actions, from evil eye and slander, will lead him along the road of life to happiness, success and prosperity!

Saints. Choosing a name according to the calendar (church calendar)

Once upon a time, our ancestors did not think much about what name to choose for a newborn. They came to the temple, and the priest, having opened the holy calendar, offered them several names of the saints, whose memory is honored on the birthday of the baby.

Saints (months) is a church calendar in which all the holidays and memorable days of the saints are indicated.

In the calendar, there are mostly names with Latin, Jewish or Greek roots.

AT modern world parents often argue when choosing a name, because mom, for example, likes the name Apollo, and dad likes the Sun. But choosing a name is a serious matter. It is given to a person once and for all life.

But every year more and more old names began to appear, chosen according to the holy calendar. It depends not only on the desire of parents to name the baby rare name but also by the fact that the number of believers is growing every day. Reborn Orthodox tradition giving a person a name.

When choosing a name according to the calendar, it is better to be guided by the following simple rules:

1) it is best to give the name of the saint whose memory is honored on the birthday of the child. Those. - first day. Most often, the memory of more than one saint is celebrated on one day, and sometimes even a large number;

2) if on the birthday of a boy (girl) the memory of male (female) saints is not celebrated, or none of the names were liked, then you can choose the name of the saint whose memory is celebrated on the 8th day from birth, because on this day in antiquity they gave a name, because the number eight is a symbol of eternity;

3) if they could not choose a name on the first or eighth day, then they look at the period up to 40 days from birth. On this day, it is supposed to bring the child to the temple in order to perform the sacrament of Holy Baptism, and a cleansing prayer is read to the mother, after which she can return to church life again, proceed to confession and communion;

4) name as mentioned above. It is given once at baptism, and does not change again, even if a person changes his name in the passport, which sometimes happens. Exceptions can only be monastic vows or a change of faith;

5) it happens, on purpose or by accident, that a baptized person has two names: worldly and given at baptism. This can happen if the parents gave a name that was not in the calendar, i.e. it is not orthodox. Then the priest selects a name that is close in meaning, consonant with the worldly one. This does not mean at all that now he has two guardian angels;

6) being in the temple, one must remember the Orthodox name;

7) when choosing a name, one should not grieve that this saint was not a reverend, but was a martyr. This does not affect the fate of a person at all;

8) if the memory of a saint is honored several times a year, then Angel Day - Name Day is the closest in date to the birthday, but after it;

9) If somehow it turned out that a non-Orthodox name was given at baptism, then a new, Orthodox, name is chosen, permissive prayers are read, but only after confession and at Communion of the Holy Mysteries. This is when, approaching the Chalice, a person calls a new name, which will become him.