Exalted personality type: signs, features, psychological characteristics. Affectively exalted temperament

A person's behavior and his reactions to various events in life depend on the type nervous system(temperament) and the most striking personality traits (accentuations). The scientific community has known about the existence of sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic people since ancient times. But the theory of accentuations is relatively young. The first works in this direction were published in Europe in the 70s of the XX century, and in Russia the names of the authors of the famous Leonhard and Shmishek questionnaire became known only in 1983. As a result of diagnostics based on the new approach, a person can be assigned to one of 10 types of accentuations, each of which is characterized by specific reactions to different types of loads in terms of type and intensity. These include the exalted type, which is pronounced in about 15% of the world's population.

The concept of exaltation in psychology

Exaltation is a personality trait that manifests itself in an unusually intense reaction to any stimuli with a disproportionately bright and strong manifestation of emotions. Such behavior can be episodic, when a person, for example, cries of happiness when meeting after a long separation. In this case, we are talking about an exalted reaction, which manifested itself due to prolonged restrictions, after waiting, feeling anxious and afraid.

In cases where a person tends to always and everywhere react incredibly violently to any events, speech goes already about accentuation - a fixed character trait that is associated with an extreme degree of manifestation of certain aspects of emotional life. This extreme, which has become a model of behavior, is not directly related to the type of nervous system (temperament), and is weakly amenable to correction by means of education and morality.

Exalted personalities inevitably attract attention. They are always in a whirlpool of passions and strong emotions. Mood swings occur instantly, a person in seconds goes from a state of unbridled fun and enthusiasm to the deepest despondency, tragically perceiving what is happening. The reason for such emotional "swings" is any everyday trifle, which, in the prism of perception of an exalted personality, is a significant reason for sobs or laughter.

Exaltation as a fixed model of behavior is the visiting card of many characters in literature and cinema.

There are many exalted personalities among romantic characters who are plunged into a storm of emotions in connection with love experiences (Romeo from Romeo and Juliet, Nikolai Rostov from War and Peace). If we talk about characters closer to us in time, then this is Ruby Rose (TV star from the movie "The Fifth Element") and King Julian (lemur from the cartoon "Madagascar").

The manifestation of this type of accentuation is observed in about 15% of people.. Their behavior is often mistaken for signs of a mental disorder. Affective outbursts of uncontrolled emotions have nothing to do with psychiatric diagnoses. Therefore, exalted individuals in psychology and medicine are considered as people with good mental health.

Signs of an exalted personality

Except sudden changes mood and unusually vivid emotions, the exalted type of accentuation is distinguished by the following features:

  • loud voice;
  • infectious laughter;
  • friendly attitude towards people;
  • openness and trust;
  • willingness to help;
  • good nature;
  • talkativeness;
  • sentimentality.

Such people are happy to participate in mass actions and global events, they like to be in the thick of things, but they do not always specifically strive to be in the spotlight. At first, this happens spontaneously with them - it’s hard not to notice such remarkable characters. Gradually, they get used to being in the forefront and gladly accept signs of attention from others. They are not at all embarrassed by the manifestations of their feelings and are very susceptible to other people's emotions - both positive and negative.

The owners of the exalted accentuation of character themselves are very amorous, they are often importunate in manifestations of their indifference, they create a lot of noise and fuss. In their feelings, they are always absolutely sincere and demonstrate exactly what they feel. People of the exalted type love and appreciate communication, their indefatigable energy requires constant activity, activity, and often the process is much more exciting than the result. If, during work, emotions faded and interest in the matter disappeared, the exalted person will quit what he started and will not return to him again.

These simple-hearted good people never set out to manipulate someone with tears. All their turbulent emotions come from a pure heart, and the off-scale intensity of joy and sadness is a psychological feature that can smooth out or intensify over time.

In the first case, exaltation will gradually fade away and the character of a person will either become more harmonious and mature, or acquire signs of a different accentuation. In the event that the emotional "swing" acquires an even greater scope, we will talk about borderline hysterical psychosis disorder. Unlike accentuation, which is an extreme version of the norm, psychotic disorders require mandatory medical intervention and adequate therapy.

How to determine the type of personality?

Knowledge characteristic features behavior is not enough to assert that a person has an accentuation of character according to an exalted type. For an accurate result, a simple diagnostic procedure is used.

Personality formation by the type of exalted accentuation (as well as by any other) can be determined using a classic diagnostic tool - the Schmishek questionnaire, based on the theory of German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard on accentuations. Initially, a test of 88 questions relating to various aspects of a person's personality was used in psychiatric practice to distinguish between true disorders and borderline conditions. Later found wide application in the work of psychologists with disharmonic personalities. At the end of the 70s. XX century Russian psychiatrist E. A. Lichko created Alternative option diagnostics, which allows a comprehensive assessment of the severity of all possible personality accentuations. The interpretation of the results allows one to obtain detailed description specific character traits inherent in each of the types.

Often, diagnostics show that a person who formally demonstrates signs of an exalted character has a pronounced hysteroid accentuation. Outwardly, it appears very similar - bright emotions, noisy behavior, sudden mood swings. But, unlike exaltation, the hysteroid skillfully imitates emotions and demonstrates them in order to manipulate others. In this sense, an accurate diagnosis of accentuation is very useful: it allows you to reveal the deception and stop believing in the theatrical emotions of the hysteroid.

People who, with their emotional outbursts, resemble an exalted type, according to the results of diagnostics, can be identified as representatives of the paranoid (paranoid) personality type. Their bright fiery speeches, constant presence in the thick of things, a tendency to excessive gestures are similar to exaltation. But all the activity of the paranoid is always associated with imaginary or real dangers, which he is trying with all his might to eliminate.

It is important to understand that the maximum values ​​on the exaltation scale obtained as a result of diagnostics are an alarming signal - such a behavior model has become incredibly strong, a person does not know how to control his emotions and does not always understand the inappropriateness of their intensity. Such a state can be borderline, and after crossing the dangerous line, we will talk about the development of a mental disorder. Therefore, according to the results of diagnostics good specialist will definitely give recommendations that will help to correct the behavior and smooth out the extremely violent manifestations of accentuations.

At what age does exaltation cease to be the norm?

Directly in exaltation there is nothing bad and dangerous. At a certain age, this behavior is a variant of the norm. For preschoolers aged 3-5 years, unrestrained laughter, intense gesticulation, and strong chagrin for reasons that are insignificant for adults are characteristic. It is to this period that affective-exalted reactions belong, when the child laughs or cries so that he cannot stop himself, literally choking on emotions. As the emotional-volitional sphere develops, the child learns to control his emotions and correlate their intensity with the strength of the stimulus.

The next stage, when accentuations of the exalted type are again clearly manifested, is adolescence. Against the background of a hormonal explosion and puberty, a growing child cannot cope with emotions, laughs and cries without apparent reason, not always coping with himself. And again, as the hormones return to normal and the nervous system matures, the adolescent's exaltation fades.

If the nervous system is characterized by increased excitability, social environment or other conditions prevented the strengthening of the nervous system and the emotional-volitional sphere, teenage exaltation is sometimes observed in adults. The state of emotional instability returns at any age in lovers, young parents. Exaltation often becomes an integral part of the life of people in creative professions - artists, poets, musicians, writers, designers. Many masterpieces of art were created in a state of emotional affect. This fact is in perfect agreement with the fact that in psychological terms, many geniuses in a sense forever remain children, capable of directly and vividly responding to the world around them.

Talking about accentuation as a fixed character trait is appropriate only in situations where excessive and too intense emotions are a constant characteristic of the behavior and reactions of an adult.

Emotions are a kind of energy of the human soul. They underlie the so-called reward system - a special mechanism in the psyche that provides motivation as a desire for achievement. But far from always emotional personalities become successful people and achieve great results. Among them there is a category called in a special way. What is such a personality warehouse, in which emotions are particularly bright.

They are different

Do not confuse this type of personality with an outwardly similar hysterical one. Yes, both the first and the second person will show many feelings. But exalted shows sincere and often altruistic. But the hysteroid will only demonstrate sympathy. That is, if resources or efforts are needed for a good deed, an affectively exalted one will help, even if it is not appreciated. And here hysteroid personality does everything for show. Therefore, the biblical commandment about alms done in secret is more likely to be observed by an exalted type of personality.

No change in speed

Sometimes people of the described type are confused with cycloids. Both of them are characterized by a strong reaction to external stimuli. The difference is that in cycloids not only emotions, but also the speed of thinking and other mental processes changes if external circumstances change. Exalted is a person whose general condition does not change under the influence of favorable or unfavorable factors. And even more so because of the internal "emotional cycles".

Whom to work

If we talk about professions, then exalted is often an artist, artist or writer. However, a fairly large percentage of them work with young children. It is they who become sympathetic, kind and beloved educators, from whom children do not want to go home from the nursery or kindergarten. Of course, some people cannot find themselves in life if they have not developed the ability for creative activities. Nevertheless, such personalities are most comfortable where they can give their emotions to people. Of the modern professions, event management, that is, the organization of holidays and other events, can become an alternative.

Communication impression

An exalted person is always a sensitive nature who expresses her emotions beautifully, without violence against herself and anguish, which hysteroids sin with. Exalted personalities are perceived by others as warm, kind, albeit overly emotional people. They are quite comfortable around them, but they cannot become specialists. the highest class if the work does not imply creativity.

Comes from childhood

What if the person close to you is of the described type? Try to protect his material interests, create an atmosphere of protection and love for him. All people need it, but exalted individuals - especially. This will make your loved one happy and confident in the future. You need to be careful with such children - they are very vulnerable, and whether the owner of a sensitive psyche can successfully adapt in society depends on a good attitude towards them.



(lat., from exaltare - to exalt). Enthusiasm, uplifting spirit.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


[lat. exaltatio] - an enthusiastic, excited state; painful vivacity.

Dictionary of foreign words. - Komlev N.G., 2006 .


ecstatic state.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


an extreme degree of enthusiastic feeling, reaching a frenzy.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


lat. exaltatio, from exaltare, to exalt, from altus, high. Enthusiasm.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(lat. exaltation)

1) enthusiastic, excited state; painful animation;

2) physiol. increase in the amplitude of bioelectric potentials under the influence of some. impacts.

New dictionary of foreign words.- by EdwART,, 2009 .


exaltation, pl. no, w. [Latin. exaltatio] (book). Enthusiastic, extremely excited state.

Big Dictionary foreign words.- Publishing house "IDDK", 2007 .


and, pl. No, well. (fr. exaltation lat. exaltātio greatness, pride).
Enthusiastic-excited state, in which a person often brings himself intentionally, flaunting his feelings. Fall into exaltation.
exaltation- pertaining to exaltation.
|| Wed euphoria, ecstasy.

Dictionary foreign words L. P. Krysina.- M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what "EXALTATION" is in other dictionaries:

    - (lat. exaltatio uplift, inspiration) high spirits with a touch of enthusiasm. A highly intensified irritation of the psychic sphere manifests itself either in the form of a dreamy mood or boundless enthusiasm. At ... ... Wikipedia

    Delight, rapture, inspiration, excitement, ecstasy, puppy delight, enthusiasm, admiration, self-forgetfulness Dictionary of Russian synonyms. exaltation, see admiration Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language ... Synonym dictionary

    EXALTATION, exaltations, pl. no, female (lat. exaltatio) (book). Enthusiastic, extremely excited state. Be in exaltation. Painful exaltation. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    exaltation- and, well. exaltation f.lat. exaltatio greatness, pride. 1. outdated. Praise, exaltation. Thank you women: they will give a few beautiful lines of our history. In them, for sure, exaltation of fanaticism was visible. 1827. P. Vyazemsky. // ABT 1 56.… … Historical dictionary gallicisms of the Russian language

    - (from late Latin exaltatio rise) (in physiology) a state of increased excitability that occurs in the nervous tissue after the refractory period ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    EXALTA IJA, and, f. (book). Excited state of mind. Fall into exaltation. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    Lat. admiration, admiration. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (from lat. exaltatio rise, inspiration) eng. exaltation; German Exaltiertheit. 1. Excited, enthusiastic state, morbid vivacity. 2. In physiology, a short period of increased excitability of nervous and muscle tissues, ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    Enthusiasm, admiration, exalted mood Cf. The provincial young ladies of that time ... more ardent, or exalte, as they said then in the provinces, liked to imagine themselves being caught around the waist by the mighty hand of a rider ... or even ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    AND; well. [lat. exaltatio] Book. An extremely agitated or enthusiastic state. Fall into exaltation. To be in exaltation. Youthful e. ◁ Exaltation, oh, oh. * * * exaltation (from late Latin exaltatio rise) (physiol.), a state of increased ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The Treasure of the Signs of the Zodiac or the Veil of Isis, Omelchenko Yu.

Emotions are an integral part of any person's life. People rejoice at certain events, are sad for some reasons, laugh, cry, get angry, and all this is a manifestation of special mechanisms in the psyche that are responsible for spiritual ups and downs.

But it happens that emotions in a certain category of people are so strong and vivid that it is considered a deviation from the norm and in psychology is called exaltation or affective-exalted behavior. What does this concept mean?


Exaltation is a manifestation of intense reactions to a particular external stimulus. The psyche of this type of personality is in an extremely excited state, and the very reason for such a spiritual uplift is usually disproportionate to the violent reaction to it.

It should be understood that it is common for every person to vividly express their emotions, for example, to cry with happiness in connection with some important event. But this behavior appears sporadically.

If a violent reaction becomes part of the personality, that is, a firmly fixed model of behavior, a character trait associated with a vivid expression of emotions, then we are talking about accentuation. This extreme was first considered by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. He described the meaning of the concept of exaltation, calling it "the temperament of anxiety and happiness."

A person with the presence of such an accentuation is able to passionately rejoice at something and in a second mortally yearn, and a sharp change in mood can be caused by just tea spilled on trousers or bad news on TV. This means that from joy to grief (and vice versa) the exalted type of personality has an extremely small emotional distance, so the change of mood occurs in sharp jumps. In other words, it is a kind of cult of emotions.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Interestingly, about fifteen percent of all people have such an accentuation. At the same time, a man with this type of temperament can be found much less frequently than a woman. This is logical, because a woman, in fact, is prone to a greater manifestation of strong emotions.

Signs or symptoms that distinguish the behavior of an exalted person from the rest:

  • The main feature is considered to be sharp emotional jumps from joy to sadness and vice versa. Such a person always weeps over a touching film or book.
  • An exalted personality type usually speaks a lot and loudly, laughs contagiously.
  • Often he gets animals and sincerely touches, looking at them, experiencing the most tender feelings for them.
  • Such a person is friendly to others, he is always ready to help, other people's problems touch him to the core, he has a strong altruistic beginning.
  • But at the same time, there are people for whom such a psychotype experiences extreme hostility, even hatred.
  • Negative features include a tendency to exaggeration, unreasonable panic and dramatization of a particular situation, high anxiety.
  • This category of people, as a rule, often falls in love, while clearly showing their feelings. Exalted personalities are real romantics, their feelings are sincere, but their manifestation can often be annoying and even inappropriate.
  • The emotional state of these people is reflected in the physical well-being, appetite, sleep and ability to work. In a depressed mood, they cannot work, they can quit the work they have started halfway through, while never returning to it. For example, a girl with a similar accentuation, falling in love with a guy, can suffer from insomnia all night long and hardly eat.

  • The ability to perceive oneself and others also depends on the disposition of the spirit. The same person can seem nice and pleasant, and in a minute he will already be boring and repulsive. The same goes for memories. Sometimes exalted individuals see the past in bright colors and sometimes they only remember their failures and failures. They talk about the future either gloomily or joyfully.
  • Such people tend to take part in this or that mass event, sometimes they are even in the foreground, while not specifically trying to be in the spotlight.
  • It is worth noting that these personality types never use their excessive emotionality to manipulate other people. If these are tears, then they are not for the sake of obtaining some kind of benefit for themselves, this is a sincere manifestation of emotions.
  • In general, such people are always friendly, very attached to their family and friends.

Even if a person has similar signs, it is impossible to accurately form a conclusion about his exaltation from them. For the most correct diagnosis, there is a special Shmishek questionnaire, which is based on the theoretical provisions of the psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. This is a kind of testing, in which there are about a hundred questions that require one-word answers "yes" and "no". The final figure obtained reveals the type of accentuation, and it does not necessarily end up being exalted. Such a test exists in children's and adult versions.

If, as a result of diagnosis, a person receives the maximum numbers, then this is an alarming sign that indicates an inability to control their emotions.

That is, such behavior is firmly entrenched in this person, and perhaps he is not even aware of his problem. Based on the results of testing, experts can give recommendations on how to adjust the intensity of expression of emotions.


Exaltation is not a bad or dangerous state. It is even considered the norm in childhood. There is no such child who, at the age of two or four, would not cry loudly or even throw real tantrums to his parents. At the same time, young children are also characterized by an exaggerated joyful mood with unrestrained laughter and intense gesticulation.

Teenagers are also prone to exalted behavior due to hormonal changes in the body. It is difficult for them to control their emotions, their mood is unstable, they become maximalists, not recognizing the golden mean in expressing feelings.

The following stages of manifestation of accentuations can also occur in adulthood, for example, in a person in love or a young parent, when external stimuli have a strong effect on the emotional background. The ability to control one's excitability is called maturity. But people can remain eternal children, which already speaks of exaltation as an integral character trait. Factors that contribute to its strong strengthening in the human psyche:

  • Exaltation is largely due to genetic predisposition. A parent who has one or another accentuated character trait is likely to pass it on to his child.
  • In addition to heredity, similar type personality is also shaped by improper upbringing (for example, excessive guardianship or, conversely, lack of attention from parents).
  • The reason may be incorrect self-esteem (it may be too high or, conversely, underestimated, which is considered an inferiority complex).
  • A person becomes exalted due to the inability to satisfy his basic needs (this applies interpersonal communication, building relationships, feeling safe, etc.).

  • Some people with accentuations simply lack the concept of moral and cultural norms.
  • Another reason is the existence of private conflict situations adolescents with their peers. A similar problem can form an accentuation and "transfer" it into adulthood.
  • If from childhood you often pay attention to well-being and this or that chronic illness, then you can also subsequently become the owner of an exalted temperament.
  • Exaltation depends on professional factors. For example, doctors, military, representatives of creative professions are more prone to vivid manifestations of emotions.

Implementation in the profession

People with exaltations most often prefer creative professions. It is not for nothing that many representatives of the literary or artistic sphere have not lost their childish disposition even in adulthood. Some geniuses were considered "big kids" because of their extreme mood swings and unstable emotional background. Many paintings were written in a state of passion. The same applies to the creation of works of art.

Thus, exalted individuals often have artistic or literary talent.

They try to realize themselves in the creative field, because they are not deprived good taste and sensitivity. Such people produce very touching works and deep pictures. The acting path is another area for a person with accentuations. The ability to vividly express emotions is valued above all. These types of personality are good at acting in films or theater because their impact on the viewer with the help of experiences is enormous.

In addition to creative professions, people with accentuations choose the work of educators. Their sympathy and kindness help to find an approach to any to a small child. But not every person with a similar temperament can be realized in a creative profession (in the absence of talent). Then work, for example, the organizer of holidays, will help to give an outlet to emotions.

Relationships with other psychotypes

Exalted individuals most often have problems interacting with society. It is especially hard for close people. If someone in the family has a similar temperament, then life with such a person resembles a location next to a dormant volcano. It is impossible to predict what emotional impact this or that situation will have an exalted family member.

Society is more trying to avoid such people, hence:

  • frequent conflict situations occur;
  • a person with such an emphasis on work is not given important tasks, usually he does not occupy high positions and it is difficult for him to move up career ladder;

  • A person with such a temperament usually does not have close friends either because of distrust, because it is difficult to trust a person with such an explosive and unpredictable emotional background.

Most often, these individuals, leaving the care of their parents and other relatives, cannot cope with life's tasks, even with domestic problems, so some of these people simply become an inveterate drunkard or even find themselves without a roof over their heads. Usually these psychotypes are lonely. Among famous actors and others creative people there are many examples with a similar fate. Many of them, despite their talent and popularity, died poor and lonely.

Some exalted personality types may consider their behavior quite natural and normal throughout their lives.

But if you understand and realize the problem in time, then with the help of certain techniques you can curb your character to some extent, stabilizing the emotional background.


The treatment of such accentuation is based on the correction of an enhanced character trait that prevents a person from interacting in society. It is impossible to completely change the temperament, but you can get rid of negative manifestations. For this, there are special techniques for working on yourself. This is what psychologists do. The course of treatment depends on the severity of accentuation, it can be three months or even years.

The meaning of the word exaltation is explained by psychologists as a tendency to pronounced outbursts of emotions. These emotions are usually caused by both positive and negative factors, and for other people they may be completely insignificant.

Accentuation of character - exaltation

The pronounced features of an exalted temperament are close to psychopathy. This feeling could be called the temperament of happiness and anxiety and compared with the psychosis of these two feelings, accompanied by sharp mood swings.

But often exaltation manifests itself, without accompanying mental disorders. In this case, one should not talk about it as a disease, rather it is just a character trait.

Emotional exaltation

Exalted people are maximalists, they react to life much more emotionally than others. They are equally easy to enthrall and despair. Minor forms of exaltation are manifested in selfish stimuli and pride. Such a person seems to be the best. He is attached to his loved ones, worries with them for their failures and rejoices in their victories. Most often, an exalted person is carried away. He loves music, art, is interested in religious prescriptions, goes in for sports and self-development.

Another meaning of exaltation is an incredible impressionability and a violent reaction to sad events. Compassion and pity for strangers and sick, abandoned animals sometimes reaches the point of absurdity. They can bring home and give tea to a homeless person and, noticing that some things have disappeared along with his departure, become discouraged. Mild disappointment or failure a common person forgets the very next day, can unsettle an exalted person. Nervous tension can also be read in external manifestations. The feeling of fear and anger that gripped a person causes trembling, sweating, etc.

How do you know if you are prone to exaltation?

You are exalted if:

If you are characterized by exaltation of feelings, there is nothing wrong with that. If it manifests itself to a small extent - it's even good. You see the world in brighter colors than other people. You just need to learn to be more restrained and not do stupid things dictated by your heightened emotionality.