Electronic dictionary Greek Russian for win xp. Russian explanatory dictionary

Many users are increasingly faced with the problem when they need to translate a particular text or a single word. The most common such situation is among Internet users who do not speak foreign languages ​​and visit foreign-language sites, where often not everything is clear. For such users, specialized dictionary programs . Although, on the other hand, such programs will be useful to all those who know a foreign language, but not in full. In particular, this applies to people who work in specialized fields and are faced with the translation of, say, technical texts. In addition, almost all languages ​​have their own idiomatic expressions, which will be difficult to translate without special training. So downloading a dictionary is more of a necessity than a whim. Let's consider some categories of dictionary programs. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups. Firstly, these are stationary and portable programs, and secondly, these are online and offline translators. These two categories can be divided into several more groups, depending on their functionality. Here we are faced with ordinary dictionaries containing only words and sometimes examples of their use, as well as with programs that are entire systems of full-fledged translation of texts. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the thematic dictionaries and thesauri contained in the programs. And here everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. If we talk about the simplest dictionaries, then everything is clear here. You just enter the necessary word and the translation is performed. However, there may be several translation options. After all, even in Russian or English, depending on the situation, the word can have one or another meaning. Here we come to dictionaries, which contain examples of the use of words. Naturally, it is more convenient to assess what it means with an example. Among other things, a word can belong to a specific category, so, most often, preference is given to having several dictionaries on topics, say, technical dictionaries, medical, computer terms, science, etc. On our website you can find dictionaries and download them absolutely free. As for the whole translation systems, then, in general, you will have to pay for such software products. Free programs of this type are less common, although if you try, you can find them. It is clear that such systems allow you to translate entire texts. However, today, the system of machine translation of texts is far from perfect, and it is practically impossible to achieve a normal translation from it that meets all the requirements of a particular language. Basically, the translation is very, very clumsy. And among serious users, such a translation is not welcome. Still, preference is given to people who know the language thoroughly, and even more so, who lived in a particular country with knowledge of all the features of the language. This is where the machine will never really replace a person.

If you are constantly translating texts, you will definitely need various electronic dictionaries designed as programs.
The dictionary allows you to quickly get information about the desired word: its translation, various forms of spelling, interpretation and spelling.

Babylon is a dictionary known in many countries that supports 75 translation directions. The possibilities of the dictionary are simply huge: a detailed interpretation of words, antonyms and synonyms, the function of pronunciation of words, quick access to more than 1300 different encyclopedias and other dictionaries and Internet services. The program integrates into browsers and office programs, providing quick and convenient access to it.

Babylon's features allow you to create your own dictionary and put it on the Internet. It is this feature that has made Babylon so popular all over the world. Thousands of ordinary people, scientists, specialists from different fields have created dictionaries on various topics and posted them on the Internet.

Try the Babylon dictionary in action: PROMT VER-Dict is an electronic dictionary that allows you to receive translation, interpretation and various grammatical and morphological information on the selected word. The PROMT VER-Dict package combines 120 different dictionaries on various topics at once, the total word volume of which exceeds 7 million words.

The dictionary is integrated into the Microsoft Office package and the Internet Explorer browser. You can create your own dictionaries and add new words to existing ones. Words and the result of the translation can be voiced using the voice engine.

- the best-selling dictionary in America. The program contains more than 240,000 interpretations of words, as well as 365,000 antonyms and synonyms. The program is built on the Babylon dictionary.

ProLingo Dictionaries

ProLingo Dictionaries- simple and easy to use: quick search for the desired word, location in the tray, pronunciation of words, query history, the ability to add new words. Supported languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, Deutsch, Portuguese, French, Hindi, Japanese.

- fast translation of words into 60 world languages, hover translation, full-text translation of texts into 15 languages, pronunciation of words and texts, free additional dictionaries.

- fast translation of words into various languages, translation on hover, interpretation of words, antonyms and synonyms, integration into programs, pronunciation of words and texts, a large number of specialized dictionaries.

MultiLex is a multifunctional dictionary that will help you quickly find the description of the desired word. More than 40 dictionaries included in the program package also include dictionary entries, transcriptions, usage and pronunciation examples, grammar information.
Other features of MultiLex: small size, one-click translation, pronunciation of words, the ability to create your own dictionary.

StarDict is a cross-platform multilingual electronic dictionary that allows you to quickly and easily translate selected words in the text, as well as use other functions that all modern electronic dictionary programs have.

The main feature of the dictionary is its open source code and non-commercial purpose of creation. Hundreds of programmers from all over the world are involved in its development and continuous improvement. New additional dictionaries appear daily. If you have programming skills, you can also contribute to the development of this useful vocabulary, customize it in a way that suits you, or even implement some interesting project based on it.

Word Web Dictionary

Lingoes is a free electronic dictionary that allows you to translate words and texts into more than 80 languages ​​of the world. Lingoes is considered to be a very good alternative to paid dictionaries, and is almost as good as them in terms of functionality.

Lingoes will quickly translate the word, provide its detailed interpretation, show its antonyms and synonyms. Among other features of Lingoes: access to online dictionaries and encyclopedias, translation of text under the cursor, translation of texts.

Do not forget to check them with an antivirus after downloading programs!

An electronic dictionary can be useful for you to translate texts. Now you do not need to flip through huge paper dictionaries in search of the right word. A small dictionary program in just a couple of seconds will find you a translation and interpretation of any word, as well as select antonyms and synonyms for the word.

If you study foreign languages, the dictionary program will also be very useful for you. You can quickly find out the interpretation and spelling of the desired word at any time, saving valuable time.

Today, modern electronic dictionaries have the ability to access various online dictionaries and encyclopedias. This significantly expands the functionality of the dictionary, making its possibilities almost limitless.

The best dictionary ever.


Finding an explanatory dictionary for your Android is very easy, but finding a dictionary that would be completely independent of the Internet is a completely different problem that turned out to be completely solvable. Appendix " Russian explanatory dictionary” will be able to please you not only with a very modest weight, but with an impressive database of words, which has more than 150,000 meanings. Surprisingly, all this fits into 40 megabytes of weight and does not require constant connection to the Internet.


Another plus is the interface in Material Design. For some, this may not matter, but for fans of this concept, it will be a very pleasant surprise. The entire interface consists of tabs, between which it is very convenient to navigate with familiar gestures. The first tab contains an alphabetical index, as well as a search string, which in an instant will allow you to find any word, unless, of course, it is in the dictionary. Search "live", i.e. as soon as you start typing something, the result immediately appears on the screen. There are also two search masks, one of which checks the first letters of each word, and the second - the last. Opposite each word there are two special buttons that allow you to add the word to your favorites or bookmarks. There is a difference between these sections, because in bookmarks you can create something like categories. The next tabs correspond to favorite words and bookmarks, and the last one is the history of viewed words. A viewed word is considered only if you opened its card.


There were a lot of settings, but due to the fact that the entire application is completely in Russian, there will be no problems with setting up the application for yourself. To summarize: here is an application “ Russian explanatory dictionary”It’s definitely not a pity to keep it on your phone, especially since you can access it at any time, regardless of the Internet. Happy using!