iPhone not showing up on computer. The computer does not see the iPhone: causes and solutions. Checking Apple Mobile Device Service

It happens that when the iPhone 5/6s plus is connected via USB to a desktop computer, the PC does not see the apple device at all, the communication signal fails, or nothing happens at all. Why do problems happen with iPhone synchronization, and who is to blame?

The reason for desynchronization can be in:

  • iPhone, in this case, the reason for not connecting is in an outdated version of iTunes, a broken connector slot, a clogged one, or, which is extremely rare, a hardware failure of the gadget.
  • On a computer, if the iPhone does not want to connect to the PC, then this version of the operating system is not suitable for these purposes, or the necessary drivers are missing, or the Apple device support version is outdated. The reason for not connecting can be the included antiviruses, and security control programs, existing viruses, or simply a failure in the system.
  • A connector between a PC and an iPhone, in which case the computer does not see the iPhone at all, or the connection is intermittent.

If the problem with the synchronization of the Apple device and the laptop / PC is not solved by rebooting both gadgets and reconnecting, then we try to identify the cause further.

iPhone 5/6s plus cannot connect to PC, what should I do to sync.

  • Try different USB ports, perhaps the reason is just a broken USB slot.
  • Temporarily disable antiviruses and protection system on the laptop/computer.
  • Make sure that the reason for not connecting the iPhone to the PC is not in the connector cable. By the way, it’s better to use only the original cord from Apple, in Chinese counterparts the transfer speed is slightly lower than the latest versions of apple connectors, this is another reason why the iPhone may not work correctly with a PC, and also will not have time to update iTunes through a computer.
  • It is worth updating iTunes to the latest version from the official Apple website.
  • If this helped, and the computer began to see the gadget or the iPhone is at least recharged from the computer, then “Trust this computer?” should appear on the iPhone 5/6s plus screen, select trust, after which synchronization should occur.
  • If the iPhone still cannot connect to the computer: the cable is original, charging is in progress, and the trust request message has been successfully confirmed, then the problem is clearly in the PC: you will have to reinstall the PC Operating System.

Also, it’s worth trying to synchronize with other devices from friends or relatives, sometimes it’s easier to go to a neighbor and upload photos / videos from an iPhone, download music and movies, than spend half a day looking for an answer to the question: why doesn’t the iPhone connect to a laptop? And you can always go to our iFix SC, including with both gadgets, we will quickly solve the problem of not connecting the iPhone to the computer.

iPhone won't connect to computer. Reason - PC

Yes, in most cases it is he who causes connection problems. To exclude them, do the following:

  • First of all, reboot both devices. So to speak, for prevention.
  • We try various USB ports and check, for example, with a USB flash drive, their performance. After all, one of them may burn out or simply not work.
  • We do not use adapters, splitters, extension cords and other devices for USB ports. We stick the cable directly into the system unit.
  • Update iTunes. The ideal option would be to completely uninstall, and then install the latest version from the Apple website.
  • Disable third-party software (antiviruses, firewalls). Don't forget to turn them on after checking!
  • The most radical step - reinstalling the operating system, will most likely help, but it will take time ...

Can't connect iPhone to computer

If the iPhone cannot connect to another computer, then the matter is clearly in the device ... No matter how reliable and stable Apple products are, it can also cause connection delays. Although most often, the owners of these devices are to blame, bringing them to such a state that it becomes surprising how they can still turn on, and not just synchronize. I got distracted :)

Returning to the topic, we try to perform the following steps:

  • After connecting, unlock the phone, it is quite possible that you will see a pop-up window asking: "Trust this computer?". Without an affirmative answer, no synchronization will occur, only charging.
  • Change cable. Even if there is no visible damage, the wire may be defective. Or it is quite possible that it is not original - but in this case, it is possible to make the device work with an "unsupported" accessory.
  • Reset device content and settings. If you decide to take such a desperate step, remember to back up your information (using iCloud or iTunes), otherwise you will lose all your data forever.
  • Jailbreak, or rather the so-called tweaks installed with it, can also contribute to sync problems.
  • Update software. It's always helpful!
  • Clean the connector on the phone (possibly oxidized or dirty). Important! Clean very carefully, ideally entrust to a professional. If you undertake to do it yourself, look for information on the Internet, otherwise you can aggravate the situation.
  • The last point we have is the saddest thing - the connector for charging and synchronization is broken or out of order. There is only one way - to the service center! If possible, contact only the official workshops listed on the company's website.

The computer does not see the iPhone

By the way, there is another win-win option - contact Apple support. And torture them with the question: “Why doesn’t my iPhone connect to the computer using usb?”. To be honest, I have not tried it - but I think I won’t hear anything new from them, and the conversation will take a lot of time.

Contact support

As you can see, in most cases, you can get by with "little blood" and troubleshoot at home. If, however, you have tried all the points given in the article, but the situation has not changed for the better - the iPhone still does not connect to the computer, then describe the situation in the comments - we will figure it out together!

Alexander Grishin

Unfortunately, the interaction of the phone with the PC does not always go smoothly. Some users are faced with the fact that the computer does not recognize the iPhone via USB and does not respond to the connection.

The reason may lie in several factors. To figure out why the computer does not see the iPhone via USB, a list of the most common problems and how to fix them will help. We will tell about them now.

1. Lack of necessary drivers

Most often, the computer does not find the iPhone due to the lack of drivers or their conflict with the operating system. To fix the problem, you will need:

  1. Right-click on " My computer"And select the line" Properties";
  2. Go to section " Device Manager» in the left menu;
  3. Find the Apple Mobile Device driver in the USB Controllers group, right-click on it and select Uninstall;
  4. Agree to be removed by the driver and click "OK";
  5. Download Apple Universal Driver, install it;
  6. Reconnect the device to the computer to update the configuration.

2. Blocking access to the driver

Antivirus programs may see malware in the downloaded Apple driver. Troubleshoot in the following order:

  1. Temporarily disable antivirus;
  2. Disconnect the device from the PC, then reconnect;
  3. Press the key combination "Win" and "R" Call up the window "Run";
  4. Paste the path into the active line:% ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers and click OK;
  5. Right-click on the file usbaapl64.inf (on Windows x64 versions) or usbaapl.inf (on x86 versions), select the line "Install";
  6. Disconnect smartphone, restart PC and re-insert USB.

3. iTunes settings failure

Apple's proprietary program is simply indispensable for owners of "apple" devices. It helps not only manage your smartphone, but also install drivers the first time you connect it. iTunes problems occur in several cases: when updating Windows, when restoring the OS, and also when cleaning the system disk. The problem is solved by reinstalling the program from the official site.

4. iPhone failure to communicate with PC

Each time you connect to a new computer, the Smartphone screen displays the “ Trust this computer". To give a PC access to an iPhone, you need to unlock it and click " Trust". If a negative option was previously selected, and the PC does not see the iPhone via USB, you should restart the device and connect it again.

5. Technical malfunctions

This category covers three main problems: problems with the USB cable, broken USB connectors on a computer, and microUSB on a smartphone. The first problem can be solved by visiting any electronics store and buying a new wire. Only technical specialists of service centers can cope with other malfunctions.

Problems with iPhone recognition can occur on a personal computer for various reasons. It is problematic to accurately determine the nature of the malfunction, so you should comprehensively examine the smartphone and check it for each of the problems indicated above.

We are often approached by readers with various questions about solving any problems related to mobile devices and software. One of the most popular: iTunes does not see iPhone, what should I do?".

In contact with

You can find a working way out of this situation on the Internet, but you have to make your way through the mountains of various information. In this article, we decided to combine all possible solutions and figure out why, after all " iTunes does not see iPhone«.

iTunes often intimidates iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users. The program seems confusing, complicated, and extremely inconvenient. So he also throws out various pearls. Either the music is not synchronized correctly, or the applications have disappeared somewhere, or even iTunes cannot detect the iPhone (iPad or iPod Touch).

You should not despair (and switch to Android), there are always solutions to the problem. If iTunes does not see the iPhone, check if it works:

  • Software. Reinstall iTunes by downloading the latest version.
  • cable. Try using a different cable.
  • computer. iTunes does not see the iPhone due to a malfunction of the Apple Mobile Device. Another computer may help resolve the issue.
  • USB ports. Often it is the USB port that is the problem. Try using the connector on the back of the system unit.

If all the standard methods did not help, then it's time to take on heavy artillery.

Can't see because he doesn't trust

The iPhone or iPad are completely self-sufficient, stand-alone devices, but they still need to be connected to a computer from time to time to transfer large amounts of data, install software, and so on. In this case, sometimes there is a problem of synchronization of devices, which can often be solved by the methods described below.


We will talk about trusted computers, or rather, the operating systems installed on them. When connecting an iPhone or iPad to a new computer for the first time (or after reinstalling the OS on an old one), the user is prompted to "Trust this computer?" and must answer yes to it in order to access the settings and content on the mobile device.

If you decline the request, then a synchronization problem may occur in the future., and in order to solve it, you will need to use the instructions below.

On Mac

So, in order to get a second request and "start to trust" your Mac computer, you need to select " Transition -> Navigate to a folder” (or use the keyboard shortcut “ ⌘Cmd + ⇧Shift + G«),

and then go to /var/db/lockdown and delete all certificates in this directory.

On Windows XP, 7, 8, 10

In the case of Windows, you will also need to delete the contents of the Lockdown directory. To do this, you need to enable the display of hidden folders and files ( Start -> Control Panel -> Folders settings),

and then go to C:\ProgramData\Apple\Lockdown(for Windows 7, 8, 10) or C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Apple\Lockdown

If removing certificates from a Windows PC did not solve the problem, you will have to use a more complicated method:

1 . Right click on the shortcut " A computer", select " Properties" and find " Device Manager«;

2 . In chapter " USB controllers» right-click to open the context menu of the item « Apple Mobile Device USB Driver» and press « Update Drivers...«;

4 . In the window that appears, click " Review» and go to the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple\Mobile Device Support\Drivers, where we are interested in a file called " usbaapl", which you want to install.

If none of the methods described above helped to solve the problem, then the problem is probably not in obtaining a trusted status for this computer. Try the following:

iTunes does not see iPhone or other Apple device in Microsoft Windows XP

1 . Close iTunes after disconnecting your device;
2 . Go to Start -> Run and enter in the window that appears services.msc or open Services In chapter Administration Control panels;
3 . Find an item Apple Mobile Device and in the next window click on Stop;
4 . After stopping in the same window, click on Run;
5 . After restarting the service, iTunes will be ready to work with your device.

Despite the fact that all Apple products are of fairly high quality, they still cannot always and everywhere function correctly, without failures and errors. There are several options why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB. Let's look at them, and also analyze the methods for eliminating such a problem.

So, the device was connected to the PC using a cable, but the iPhone did not connect to the computer? This could happen for several reasons.

  • You may have an older version of iTunes installed on your home computer. In this case, it is not at all surprising that she does not see the connected device.
  • Another problem is a non-working wire with which the phone connects to the computer.
  • There could also be a malfunction in the PC software or, conversely, in the operation of the iPhone itself.
  • An equally common reason why the device may not be recognized is the work of security and antivirus programs installed on the computer, as well as Jailbreak on the phone.

Methods for Solving Common Problems

In order to fix an error, you must first identify what exactly caused it. This is possible only after some manipulations.

And note that the connection should only occur with the original cable. The copy will not be able to provide stable performance.

  • Be sure to connect your phone via USB cable to your home PC.
  • After that, download the latest version of iTunes. This is really necessary, otherwise the manufacturer would not release updates.
  • Open the program, go to the "Help" section, and then to "Updates". If there are available, then iTunes will find them on its own, all that remains is to click on the "Update" button.

If downloading updates did not fix the situation, then you should try restarting your computer. This will be very relevant in the event of a failure in the Windows operating system, since it is quite often unstable.

If this does not help, inspect the cable itself.

  • Check the USB you are using, for example, plug it into another device to make sure it is good. The charging option will not work, because there are several thin wires inside the cable, but completely different ones are responsible for file transfer and voltage. It turns out that the charge on the phone can go, but on the PC the device will not be recognized.
  • Do not forget to look at the ports on the iPhone. If the phone was not bought yesterday, then it is not at all surprising if it suddenly turns out that dust or dirt has accumulated at the cable connection point, which prevent the two devices from connecting normally. Use a thin needle or cotton swab to remove excess. The same is recommended to be done with PC connectors, because they tend to clog.

It happens that various antiviruses and “protectors” of the operating system from malware block the connection of other devices to the computer.

It is necessary to temporarily disable their work, connect to the iPhone via a cable, and after all the manipulations with the smartphone are completed, turn them on again. You should not leave your PC for a long time without protection - there are a lot of programs on the Internet that adversely affect software.

In some way, the Jailbreak program is also a protector application, which allows you to download almost any application to your phone for free. It may well prohibit the phone from connecting to the PC.

What to do if the above did not help solve the problem, and the connection was never established? First of all, you need to use another computer. This is done to understand what exactly is the reason - in the PC or in the phone. If the smartphone is not found on another device, then most likely you will have to carry it to the service.

When to Call a Service Center

The iPhone should be taken to a service center for diagnostics by professionals when all independent steps have been taken to fix the problem.

In most cases (with the exception of a maximum of 5%), the inability to connect the phone to the PC is due precisely to the problems described above.

The other five percent is due to the breakdown of the internal parts of the smartphone, which is almost impossible to fix without the help of service center employees.

How to connect iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to really connect your iPhone to your PC properly, then first of all, download the latest version of iTunes. Only with this program, the phone is guaranteed to work stably. In addition, it greatly simplifies the process of synchronizing and downloading various content, and also eliminates many unnecessary actions.

  1. After the program is installed, connect the PC and phone using the original Apple product cable.
  2. Open iTunes, make sure it recognizes the device and it is now available.
  3. Everything, it became possible to transfer various files between devices using iTunes.

Of course, a PC connected by a cable to a smartphone without using a program will still recognize the connection to a new device. You can find it in the list of all drives in the "My Computer" menu.

In this case, it is possible to open a new drive and view the images on the iPhone, and even transfer them to the PC desktop. But that's all. You cannot delete or, conversely, download something to your phone. That is why it is worth installing iTunes, because this is the manufacturer's program, and therefore it is the best option when you need to recognize an iPhone.

To sync iPhone data with another computer or iOS device, iTunes is required. Sometimes errors may appear in the process, and the device does not appear in the list of available ones. Next, we will explain in detail why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB and what to do to fix the problem.

Possible problems

If, after connecting an iPhone to a computer (Windows, macOS), the smartphone does not appear in iTunes or the list of devices, then there may be several reasons for this. Consider the main problems and how to fix them:

  • An old version of iTunes is installed on the computer. Try downloading updates through the settings or completely reinstall the program (the distribution kit is available on the official website).
  • The version of the operating system installed on the computer does not meet the requirements of the program. If you are using OS X, then check for updates, download them if necessary. Keep in mind that iTunes is only available for Windows and macOS.
  • Lack of drivers. If charging is in progress, then the smartphone is detected by the device, but cannot be synchronized with the program. Make sure your PC or Mac has all the necessary drivers installed (Apple Mobile Device and others). They download automatically the first time you connect iPhone to your computer. If necessary, download them from the official Apple website.
  • Faulty connector, cable. If the computer has stopped seeing the smartphone, then the reason may be a clogged or faulty USB connector on the PC or iPhone. Try using a different cable (original only).
  • The presence of viruses on a computer or smartphone. Perform a full system scan and eliminate possible threats. After that, try to reconnect your iPhone to the PC.

Sometimes an affiliate is invisible to the computer due to installed antivirus software or other security control programs blocking the connection. Try temporarily disabling them and only then try again to synchronize data.

Connect iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to view files stored on your iPhone from your computer, create a backup copy, or perform other actions, connect it to your computer via USB. Procedure:

  1. Take the original cable from the iPhone and use it to connect the device and PC.
  2. Wait for the automatic installation of the drivers. If necessary, download them from the official website or using third-party software.
  3. Launch iTunes. If you do not have the program, then download the distribution kit (available for Windows and macOS).
  4. Wait until the iPhone icon appears in iTunes and the device appears in the list of available ones. After that, a green check mark will appear in the tray.
  5. Click the "Overview" tab to get detailed information about the smartphone.

After that, you can create backups, reset the device to factory settings, and perform other actions. After connecting the iPhone via USB, you can synchronize data via Wi-Fi.

For normal data synchronization between a computer and a smartphone, download and install iOS updates on time. You can check the availability of available ones through the settings.

Reinstalling drivers

If you are sure of the integrity of the cable and connector, and the computer does not detect the connected device, then the synchronization problem is most likely a driver malfunction. Disconnect all iOS devices from your PC and follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. On a Windows computer. Open "Device Manager" and find "Portable Devices" in the list. A list of available drivers will appear. Right-click on "Apple Mobile Device Driver" and select "Update". If this does not help, then completely remove the driver.
  2. On a Macbook. Connect your iPhone and unlock your device. On your computer, go to the Apple menu. Here, find the "System Information" section. In the left part of the window that opens, find the item "USB". After that, available third-party software will be displayed on the right. Delete it.

The drivers for the iPhone will be automatically installed on the computer again using iTunes. If this does not help, then you can do it through third-party software. For example, copytrans drivers installer.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB, but it is charging

If when you connect your iPhone to a computer, the smartphone charges, but does not appear in iTunes or the list of available devices, then try the following steps:

  1. Turn off the device and reinstall the drivers. To do this, completely remove all Apple programs from your computer (including iTunes). You can do this through the Add/Remove Programs utility. After that, download them from the official website.
  2. Delete Apple Mobile Device temporary files from Roaming and AppData folders.
  3. Try connecting your iPhone through a different USB connector, use a different cable (only original).

Sometimes the problem can be a clogged or faulty connector. Try to gently clean it with a brush or blow it with air.

iPhone won't charge from computer USB

If the computer does not recognize the device and the iPhone does not charge, then the problem is most likely a faulty USB cable. Try using a different cord or connect your smartphone with it to another Windows PC or MacBook. Other recommendations:

  1. Make sure the computer is in a working state, not in sleep or hibernation.
  2. Try connecting the device to another computer, laptop, or use the USB 3.0 connector.
  3. If an error message appears with the text “Device not supported”, then the problem may be in a faulty smartphone cable. Then it will not be possible to eliminate it programmatically.

If the device is not recognized by the computer even when using other USB cables, then try contacting the service center. Most likely, the iPhone needs to be replaced with a cable or other defective component.

Unleash the potential of the legendary Apple-devices will help synchronization with a PC. With the help of a computer, iPhone can be equipped with many useful applications, download music, games, books and other content. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that apple devices are not detected through the USB port.

Why does the iPhone not see USB?

  • the synchronization cable is faulty (broken, contains obvious mechanical damage to adapters or wires).

Diagnosing the problem: connect the smartphone to the PC using a different USB cable.

Solution: Replace the cable.

  • contamination of contacts (ingress of foreign particles, moisture and further oxidation of metal parts).

Diagnosing the problem: a detailed inspection of the iPhone and USB device connectors.

Solution: clean oxidized contacts with an eraser or brush, gently remove blockages with cotton swabs or a needle.

  • connection port failure.

Diagnosing the problem: try connecting another device to the port.

Solution: connect iPhone via another USB channel, check the connection of additional ports on the PC in the settings.

  • the USB output in the smartphone is faulty (the microcircuit burned out, the connector is torn out or loosened).

Diagnosis of the problem: visual inspection, examination of the breakdown by a specialist.

Solution: contact the service center to replace the part.

  • charge controller defect.

Diagnosis of the problem: a message that the cable is not connected, although the plug is in the device connector.

Solution: replace the controller.

  • iPhone software bugs.
iOS Recovery

Solution: flashing or restoring the operating system.

  • iTunes software crashes on PC.

Solution: reinstall the program, roll back to the previous version or update to the current version.

  • inappropriate current level (when connecting a smartphone to a computer via extension cords).

Solution: sync your phone directly without unnecessary connectors and wires.

It is necessary to carefully study the settings, perhaps it is in them that the exchange of information with the computer is prohibited. The above aspects are universal methods for solving incorrect identification of iphone 4s, 5 or 5s, 6 via USB channel.

"USB device not recognized" error

If the OS on the computer, when connecting the gadget, displays the message “USB device not recognized”, you need to change the connection port, reinstall the driver, reconfigure the settings in the registry, remove and reinstall the device in the Device Manager. An effective method is to disconnect the PC from the main power board, and not the usual shutdown, but unplugging the power cable for a few minutes. These manipulations allow you to get rid of the residual current in the system, which sometimes leads to minor circuit errors, as a result of which some PC functions are disabled and a message appears that the USB device cannot be recognized.

To automatically fix USB identification problems, you can use the Windows troubleshooter - Diagnose and fix Windows USB problems automatically. Suitable for Windows Vista, 7, XP.

Possible problems

1. Controller failure

Solution: remove and reinstall all controllers, thus restoring the USB port.

  • Start button -> Run menu item -> devmgmt.msc command -> OK button -> Device Manager -> USB Controllers -> apply the Delete function to all controllers in order;
  • restart PC. The reinstallation of the controllers will be carried out automatically by the Windows operating system, after which you can safely try to connect the iPhone to the system.

2. Damage to the iPhone driver, Windows identifies the smartphone as an "Unknown Device".

Solution: Update the driver. Right-click to select "Properties" in the context menu of the device -> tab "Driver" -> "Update" or download the appropriate program from the Apple website.

3. Incorrect USB controller settings.

Solution: "Device Manager" -> right-click context menu -> "Properties" -> "Power Management" -> uncheck "Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power" -> "OK" -> restart PC.

Advanced settings for USB ports

4. Failure of the USB controller integrated into the motherboard.

Solution: Have the part replaced at a service center or purchase an external USB controller. Connect this board through the PCI port to the motherboard, after disabling the existing USB controller in the PC BIOS.

When diagnosing why the iPhone is not detected by the computer via USB, it is worth working through all the possible reasons, starting with the simplest ones and moving up. Hardware failures of equipment should be eliminated by specialists, and intervention in the BIOS of a computer can only be carried out by experienced users.

You may also be interested in What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone through the USB port. We explain why the computer does not see the iPhone via usb and how to fix it. iTunes application does not notice iPhone, or Software problems What to do if the computer does not see the iPhone through the USB port. We explain why the computer does not see the iPhone via usb and how to fix it. iTunes Doesn't Recognize iPhone, or Software Problems

We are often approached by readers with various questions about solving any problems related to mobile devices and software. One of the most popular: “iTunes does not see...

To sync iPhone data with another computer or iOS device, iTunes is required. Sometimes errors may appear in the process, and the device does not appear in the list of available ones. Next, we will explain in detail why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB and what to do to fix the problem.

Possible problems

If, after connecting an iPhone to a computer (Windows, macOS), the smartphone does not appear in iTunes or the list of devices, then there may be several reasons for this. Consider the main problems and how to fix them:

  • An old version of iTunes is installed on the computer. Try downloading updates through the settings or completely reinstall the program (the distribution kit is available on the official website).
  • The version of the operating system installed on the computer does not meet the requirements of the program. If you are using OS X, then check for updates, download them if necessary. Keep in mind that iTunes is only available for Windows and macOS.
  • Lack of drivers. If charging is in progress, then the smartphone is detected by the device, but cannot be synchronized with the program. Make sure your PC or Mac has all the necessary drivers installed (Apple Mobile Device and others). They download automatically the first time you connect iPhone to your computer. If necessary, download them from the official Apple website.
  • Faulty connector, cable. If the computer has stopped seeing the smartphone, then the reason may be a clogged or faulty USB connector on the PC or iPhone. Try using a different cable (original only).
  • The presence of viruses on a computer or smartphone. Perform a full system scan and eliminate possible threats. After that, try to reconnect your iPhone to the PC.

Sometimes an affiliate is invisible to the computer due to installed antivirus software or other security control programs blocking the connection. Try temporarily disabling them and only then try again to synchronize data.

Connect iPhone to computer via USB

If you want to view files stored on your iPhone from your computer, create a backup copy, or perform other actions, connect it to your computer via USB. Procedure:

  1. Take the original cable from the iPhone and use it to connect the device and PC.
  2. Wait for the automatic installation of the drivers. If necessary, download them from the official website or using third-party software.
  3. Launch iTunes. If you do not have the program, then download the distribution kit (available for Windows and macOS).
  4. Wait until the iPhone icon appears in iTunes and the device appears in the list of available ones. After that, a green check mark will appear in the tray.
  5. Click the "Overview" tab to get detailed information about the smartphone.

After that, you can create backups, reset the device to factory settings, and perform other actions. After connecting the iPhone via USB, you can synchronize data via Wi-Fi.

For normal data synchronization between a computer and a smartphone, download and install iOS updates on time. You can check the availability of available ones through the settings.

Reinstalling drivers

If you are sure of the integrity of the cable and connector, and the computer does not detect the connected device, then the synchronization problem is most likely a driver malfunction. Disconnect all iOS devices from your PC and follow these steps to reinstall them:

  1. On a Windows computer. Open "Device Manager" and find "Portable Devices" in the list. A list of available drivers will appear. Right-click on "Apple Mobile Device Driver" and select "Update". If this does not help, then completely remove the driver.
  2. On a Macbook. Connect your iPhone and unlock your device. On your computer, go to the Apple menu. Here, find the "System Information" section. In the left part of the window that opens, find the item "USB". After that, available third-party software will be displayed on the right. Delete it.

The drivers for the iPhone will be automatically installed on the computer again using iTunes. If this does not help, then you can do it through third-party software. For example, copytrans drivers installer.

The computer does not see the iPhone via USB, but it is charging

If when you connect your iPhone to a computer, the smartphone charges, but does not appear in iTunes or the list of available devices, then try the following steps:

  1. Turn off the device and reinstall the drivers. To do this, completely remove all Apple programs from your computer (including iTunes). You can do this through the Add/Remove Programs utility. After that, download them from the official website.
  2. Delete Apple Mobile Device temporary files from Roaming and AppData folders.
  3. Try connecting your iPhone through a different USB connector, use a different cable (only original).

Sometimes the problem can be a clogged or faulty connector. Try to gently clean it with a brush or blow it with air.

iPhone won't charge from computer USB

If the computer does not recognize the device and the iPhone does not charge, then the problem is most likely a faulty USB cable. Try using a different cord or connect your smartphone with it to another Windows PC or MacBook. Other recommendations:

  1. Make sure the computer is in a working state, not in sleep or hibernation.
  2. Try connecting the device to another computer, laptop, or use the USB 3.0 connector.
  3. If an error message appears with the text “Device not supported”, then the problem may be in a faulty smartphone cable. Then it will not be possible to eliminate it programmatically.

If the device is not recognized by the computer even when using other USB cables, then try contacting the service center. Most likely, the iPhone needs to be replaced with a cable or other defective component.

Probably, everyone who has ever dealt with Apple technology knows that it is possible to fully use the functionality of an i-smartphone only after mastering the iTunes program. It allows you to exchange between "apple" devices and a PC, as well as a number of other useful manipulations, and therefore if the computer suddenly does not see the iPhone, this turns into a real problem.

Unfortunately, the statistics of user requests are not comforting - the computer does not see the iPhone 5, does not recognize the iPhone 5S via USB, the laptop does not display my iPhone 6 - thousands of owners daily google similar queries in the hope of solving the problem on their own.

However, in most cases, it is possible to solve it and, however, you can do it yourself without the help of professionals. In this article, we will analyze the reasons - why the computer does not see the iPhone, and also tell you what to do if this situation occurs. The recommendations below will help users of all models of i-smartphones - and iPhone 6, and 4S, and any others.

In fact, to the question - why does the iPhone not connect to a personal computer - there are only 4 answers. Here they are:

  • There is a problem with the USB ports
  • The functionality of the connecting cable is broken
  • A software conflict has occurred
  • Broken iPhone

However, each of these situations may arise for different reasons and the options for solving the problem in one case or another will be different. So further we will take a closer look at each of the above reasons and tell you how to fix this or that problem with the synchronization of the i-device and PC.

Problems with USB ports

A problem with USB ports is one of the most common reasons why the computer does not see your iPhone. Especially if your PC, as they say, is not the first freshness. USB ports are not the most reliable part of a computer, and therefore often after 3-4 years of operation, when trying to connect one or another device to them, various problems appear - from a banal freeze to a complete failure to recognize the device.

How to understand that you are dealing with problematic ports? First, try connecting your iPhone to a different USB port - it often happens that one is already out of order, and the second is still working properly. No visible progress when connecting to a different port? Okay, let's explore the problem further - connect the i-gadget with another PC. Is he not around? Then we go the other way - we connect any other device to the PC via USB. It's like the iPhone is not displayed? Then, well, the answer is found - you have a problem with ports. Sometimes, by the way, you can revive them with a simple cleaning - take alcohol and a cotton swab and responsibly remove all dirt and dust. Perhaps this step will make the ports work and the synchronization will be successful. If that doesn't help, restart your PC. Also unsuccessful? Then, most likely, you will have to change ports.

The functionality of the connecting cable is broken

If USB ports are not the most reliable part of a PC, then the connecting cable for charging and connecting to a computer is not the most reliable part of the iPhone. Users have been scolding the "apple" giant for this problem for more than a year, and not unreasonably. The "native" cable is not cheap, but at the same time it quickly becomes unusable, while the Chinese one does not always "know how" to interact with iTunes. That is, it will charge the smartphone, but it will not establish a connection between the PC and the iPhone.

So if the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB, and you have already checked the ports and they are working, it's time to start diagnosing the cable. Many people check the cable like this - they connect the iPhone to the charger and if the battery starts charging, they consider it to be in good condition, but such a diagnosis is not entirely correct. You see, the peculiarity of the structure of the iPhone cable is such that for connecting a PC and an i-device, the serviceability of all contacts is required, but not for charging.

The only way to check if the cable is the problem is to connect the iPhone to the computer in a different way. ORIGINAL cable through which another "apple" is perfectly recognized on your PC. And only after the success of this operation, we can definitely say that it is the cable that is to blame.

By the way, sometimes cleaning the contacts helps to make the connecting cable work, as is the case with USB ports. But in most cases it needs to be replaced.

Software conflict

Both the cable and the ports are working, but the iPhone does not connect to the computer? Consider the next problem - software conflict. Under this terrible heading, very banal reasons are hidden why it is not possible to connect an iPhone to a PC.

Firstly, it may be that iTunes has not been updated for a long time, in which case you just need to go to the official Apple website and download the current version.

Secondly, there is a possibility that the computer does not see the device due to an incorrectly configured antivirus or firewall. Perhaps the security program classified the iPhone as an unsafe device, or found it suspicious that iTunes tried to contact Apple servers to identify the i-gadget. To check the relevance of this communication problem, you need to disable the antivirus and / or firewall for a while and see if the situation changes. iPhone is showing up? This means that the point is precisely in security programs and they need to be reconfigured in such a way that they do not consider the activities of iTunes and iPhone suspicious.

Another software-related reason why the connected iPhone cannot be seen is the incorrectly functioning Apple Mobile Device Service. To solve the problem with it, restart it. Click the Start menu, go to Control Panel, then Services. In this section, find the Apple Mobile Device Service and double-click on it. A new window will open, in it click "Stop" and then "Start". And also check the "Startup type" parameter, it should be automatic. After the adjustments made, we restart the PC and check if our problem has been resolved.

Broken iPhone

And finally, about the saddest thing - all the ports are working and the cable too, iTunes is the latest, security programs are disabled, the AMDS service is working properly, but iPhone and PC synchronization still fails? Then the problem is in the i-smartphone itself. Perhaps a software failure and a simple restart of the iPhone will help - do it and try to sync with the computer again. Did not help? Then it’s already a matter of problems with the hardware, and in such a situation we recommend not to engage in self-diagnosis, the best solution is to take the iPhone to a service where they are guaranteed to find the problem and help fix it, and the device itself will not suffer.

Why does the computer not see my iPhone as a flash drive?

Beginners of the "apple" world often look online for the answer to the question: "Why does the computer not see the iPhone 5 (any smartphone model can be here at all) as a removable disk?" And if you have the same question, we hasten to please you - everything is in order with your device. The fact is that iOS - the platform on which all i-gadgets work - is closed, which significantly increases the security of "apples", but often negatively affects their ease of use.

In particular, the computer does not really see the iPhone as a USB flash drive - in Windows Explorer it is displayed as a portable device or is generally defined in the "Other devices" category. If you double-click on the iPhone icon, a folder with photos taken on the device will open and all the user can do is transfer them to a PC, and even the reverse operation will not be available. If you want to record a photo on an i-smartphone, welcome to iTunes.

Emphasize! This state of affairs is relevant for all PC operating systems and for all iPhone models - neither Windows 7 nor Windows 10 sees the iPhone as a removable drive - this is a feature of iOS. If on some portal you are given recommendations that supposedly will help you see the iPhone as a USB flash drive, you should not trust them!

Let's summarize

There are a lot of reasons why the PC does not see the iPhone 4 or any other, but in most cases the user can independently diagnose the problem and solve it. We hope this article will be of great help to you in this matter! However, do not overestimate your strength - if the matter is in the hardware of the iPhone itself, you are unlikely to be able to independently identify the cause of the problem and fix it. Of course, you can say - why can't I disassemble my device myself? You can, but what will it give you? Even if you see a damaged chip, would you dare to remove it yourself and install a new one? Not sure? Then there is no need to get inside such a complex device as the iPhone, it is better to trust the pros! However, we hope it doesn't come to that!