Artemy - the meaning of the name. What does the male name Artemy mean in the life of a boy


The name Artemy comes from the ancient Greek name "Artemios", which translates as "dedicated to Artemis." But the literal translation sounds different. Literally, this name is interpreted as “safe and sound”, or “alive and healthy”. Although in some cultures this name may be interpreted differently.

The male name Artemy is quite popular in Russia and many countries of the European Union. It is considered one of the derivatives of the famous Russian name "Artem". It has a meaning that promises to give mostly rare, but very necessary and important features to the child he named ...

Popularity: Artemy, unlike the synonymous name Artem, occupies a lower position in the ranking of popular male names - 58-61 places. According to statistics, it accounts for no more than 6 boys and 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Artya, Artyomka, Artyomchik, Tyoma

Modern English counterparts: Artemios, Artem, Artemio

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Artemy promises boys named by this name such characteristics as restlessness, activity, strength of mind and will, assertiveness, perseverance, perseverance, goodwill and lightness. Although all these characteristics appear among the bearers of the name Artemy not immediately, not from childhood, but gradually, as they grow older ...

But in general, we can say that Artemy is always friendly. Sociable and very sociable person. This is a man with enough high self-esteem and a big ego, but trying to behave like everyone else, not showing these traits to anyone except those close to him. In public, Artemy always behaves like a common person, tries not to stand out from the crowd and communicates with everyone equally. He does not single out anyone, he treats everyone equally, everyone is equal in his eyes. But the truth is, he has one bad trait - seeing in front of him weak man, he immediately begins to try to dominate him, and does this until he breaks the will of a person and subjugates him.

Advantages and positive features: sociable, honest, talkative and eloquent, positive and optimistic, generous, longs for development and self-improvement, never sits idle, hardworking and has the makings of a leader, respectable.

Artemy treats badly people with too low self-esteem, to those who try to profit from the weaknesses of other people, to persons who are deceitful, unkind, too pompous. And Artemy also tries to avoid communicating with people who have a chance of dominating him.

The name Artemy is clearly associated with the ancient Greek goddess Artemis. She, in turn, is the goddess of the moon, hunting, and wild animals. AT Ancient Greece she was worshiped by hunters and not only ...

The nature of the name Artemy

The nature of the name Artemy, or rather the bearer of this name, is such that he will never allow a man named in this way to act badly against anyone or take advantage of someone's weakness in order to achieve any selfish goals. This is a man who relies solely on himself in everything. Yes, he loves to dominate and "subdue" other people, he loves to be a leader, but he will never use a high position or advantages for his own good in cases where it can harm someone. Such is the nature of all men named after Artemy.

It can also be noted that the character of Artemy will never allow him to betray or lie in the name of self-interest. He, even being in a clearly losing position, will never betray a comrade, friend or colleague, and will be to the last with the person with whom he got into this or that trouble. Yes, and he will not lie. Yes, all people lie sooner or later, but in the case of Artemy, if this happens, then he will not lie for the sake of profit or his own shielding.

And the nature of the name Artemy will never allow its owner to pass silently past a person who is subjected to violence or injustice. He will never pass by a person in trouble, he will never ignore someone else's pain, he will definitely intervene and try to stop justice.

Early childhood

In early childhood, this name makes the child dominate such traits as capriciousness, susceptibility, sensitivity, giftedness, sociability, self-confidence. In general, we can say that this is a rather self-confident and purposeful kid. Artemy is making progress all the time, he cannot sit still, he is always moving forward, developing and trying to embrace as much as possible. He is disgusted by the unknown, he is annoyed when he does not understand something, he wants to know everything, wants to be able to do everything.

Such parents will be endlessly delighted - his successes in everything, without exception, simply cannot but surprise. But having matured a little, he will also begin to bring problems - one of the main ones is frequent skirmishes with peers, especially in kindergarten. The reason lies primarily in his excessive self-confidence. Even educators will find it difficult to tame his impetuosity and arrogance.

But he never gets bored and does not sit still, all the time goes forward, develops, learns the unknown, learns. Diligence will also make itself felt, and by the way, will remain with him until the end of his life, which will affect both career growth and personal life.


Already in adolescence (school) age, brightness, leadership, a desire to rule and be the best will begin to appear. Artemy is a teenager, this is very bright personality, all the time being in the spotlight, attracting people of various stripes. He is purposeful, hardworking, diligent and responsible, never gives up and tries to achieve everything. on your own. Good features.

But in communicating with peers, despite its brightness and popularity, problems can still arise, and not small ones. His excessive self-confidence, uncompromisingness, adherence to principles, perseverance and straightforwardness will start to repel peers and teachers. The bottom line is simple - not quite good relationship in the team, a small number of real faithful comrades, conflicts with teachers and not very good academic performance. Yes, and behavior will be a frequent reason for the appearance of teaching "entries" in the diary.

However, it cannot be said that Artemy is a bad teenager. On the contrary, parents will have something to be proud of, and teachers will eventually see something in his self-confidence and conflict that will make them fall in love with him. In general, Artemov and Artemiev have such an aura that they attract people, enchant them and make them fall in love with themselves, without really doing anything for this.

grown man

More adult Artemy, this is a completely different person. His honesty, justice, leadership, managerial inclinations, cheerful disposition and selflessness make him truly popular. His only huge minus is the inability to accept other people's points of view, to give in and admit his loss. He has his own opinion on everything, and he will never give it up. And he will not follow anyone's lead, will not allow himself to be used, and easily sees self-interest and falsehood in people, if any. You can’t fool this, you can’t circle around your finger.

The matured Artemy is already a stately man who is characterized by gallantry, politeness, tact, logic, prudence, arrogance and integrity. He is popular in society, successful, and usually holds some important position. Fast career secured in 80% of cases. But it is impossible not to notice the fact that Artemy achieves everything in his life on his own, without parental help. And parents should not force him to accept help from them, because once he accepts help, he will sit on his neck and generally stop achieving success without support and help. These are Artemia by nature - once you help this, and that's it, he will need help all his life and depend on support.

The interaction of the character Artemy with the seasons

Spring - a boy named Artemy, who was born under the auspices of the spring season, by the origin of the soul is a unique personality. It has stubbornness, perseverance, curiosity, openness and friendliness. True, there is also inattention, which causes problems in work and study. But as a person, he is simply perfect, he will never deceive or betray.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season endows with a character in which there is calmness, prudence, prudence, regularity, activity and efficiency. The only big minus is the inability to listen to teachings and criticism - it reacts to any even slightly harsh criticism with resentment, and even harshly. It is quite difficult for a powerful woman to get along with such a person, even unrealistic.

Autumn - three autumn months bestow peacefulness, cheerfulness, good nature, charm, charisma, conflict and obsession. In general, he always enjoys life and thinks as optimistically as possible, but by hurting his pride, you can turn this man into a beast that sweeps away everything in its path. Explosive temper and leadership inclinations together form a "nuclear mixture".

Winter - rigidity, hardness and straightness are its main disadvantages. But in it reigns friendliness, and adherence to principles, and sociability, and eloquence, and tact, and fantasy. This is an excellent friend and comrade, devoted and faithful, incapable of betrayal, self-interest, or bad deeds. A wonderful storyteller and listener, with him you can always find mutual language and interests.

The fate of the name Artemy

It is difficult to say what the fate of the bearer of the name Artemy will be in love, relationships and personal life. But one thing can be said with one hundred percent certainty - this guy will definitely be incredibly popular with the ladies. And although women are crazy about him, this does not mean that he will quickly marry. On the contrary, he is attracted to fast, fleeting, stormy and non-binding novels. If it so happens that he becomes a father early, he will become a good dad to the children, and his spouse will turn out to be just excellent.

But at the very beginning, even as a teenager, Artemy can become a real womanizer. Surely he will break more than a dozen women's hearts in his youth, and at the same time he will not feel guilty. For young Artemy, love and fleeting relationships are nothing more than simple routine, standard. Only in maturity will he understand that love is something more than just communication and intimacy.

As for the older Artemia, then it will be his turn to suffer from non-reciprocal and unrequited love. Having become more serious and responsible, he may begin to look for a soul mate, but for sure he will only meet “fifas” that he was used to in his youth, with which nothing serious can be built.

Love and marriage

It is difficult to say how quickly Artemy marries and what kind of husband he will be. But on the other hand, it is known for sure that he is so responsible, constant. A reliable and devoted man simply cannot be bad. Maybe he won’t become an ideal owner, devoting his whole life to everyday life, and he won’t become a gentleman, whom everyone will dream of, either, but just loving, devoted and faithful husband he definitely will.

True, it will not work to persuade Artemy to marry in his youth, because he will try to avoid marriage bonds until maturity. And all because he is too in love with freedom and independence. He does not want someone to encroach on his personal space and freedom, he does not want to feel in chains and be responsible for someone other than himself. He will avoid marriage until the very end, even with that girl. Who will fall head over heels in love.

But if he marries, he will be an exemplary husband and a good gentleman. He will give all his attention to his beloved wife, give her gifts, care for and cherish like the apple of her eye. With such a husband, a girl does not have to worry about money, comfort or prosperity - he organizes both comfort and material wealth and a happy life.

Artemy as Father

Artemia for the most part treat their offspring responsibly. These are great dads, responsible, sensitive, obligatory, and reliable men. Such a father will devote himself entirely to his child and will do everything possible to ensure that the child grows up happy. A child, whether a boy or a girl, will not need anything, will receive everything he wants, and at the same time will always have at hand a reliable and devoted comrade in the face of his father.

With age, Artemy can begin to give less attention to your child, but it will not reach a critically low mark. Artemy will support even an adult son or daughter in any situation. He will always help, listen, try to feel the situation and at least advise the right way out of it. But you can’t sit on the neck of this dad, because he will quickly realize that he is being used, and will stop any support, and possibly even communication.

It is difficult to say which of the children Artemy will love more, son or daughter. But if you believe the astrologers, then Artemy should be especially close to the boy, the son.

Compatibility with female names

Most astrologers are inclined to believe that the best in the name Artemy is compatibility with such female names as Agatha, Alevtina, Praskovya, Tatyana and Elvira. In the case of an alliance with a woman named one of these variations, there are chances for a really strong and happy marriage.

And with such as Augusta, Stephanie, Eleanor and Catherine, the chances of building a strong and lasting marriage are many times less. Although there will be mutual understanding, and feelings, and sincerity - the problem is jealousy and distrust, as well as a mismatch of characters.

Tamila, Stanislava, Valeria and Varvara - in a pair in which the female half belongs to one of these names, there is not much good at all, because there is complete incompatibility. Although, everything can change - it depends on the astrological patronizing symbols.

It means the same as Artem.

Unlike the previous name Artemy sounds a bit dull. Consider the difference between Artem and Artemy.

As a child, Artemias are very persistent, even stubborn. They like to be in the circle of adults more than among their peers. Parents bring them up in severity, almost in a Spartan way. Such boys are very dexterous, mobile and plastic, they make good athletes.

"Winter" - great debaters, they like to pour from empty to empty. They are unlucky in their first marriage, but for the sake of their children, they patiently bear their cross. Very required. They have few friends, they will not call everyone their friend. They think over their actions well and are wary of partners - if suspicion arises regarding the latter, they will diplomatically refuse them. "Summer" - more calm and tolerant of the opinions of others. They take care of the weak, love animals. Not without a poetic gift. They have good intuition. They drive a car well, like to go on business trips, travel. Everything is going well in their hands, starting a business, they will bring it to the end. Outwardly similar to the father, in character - to the mother. Their character is independent, adapting is not in their habits. Some Artemias born in the autumn months become priests.

The meaning of the name Artemy

Name origin Artemy. Name Artemy Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

Synonyms for the name Artemy. Artemios, Artamon, Artemi, Artsem, Artemio, Artem.

Short form of the name Artemy. Artosha, Artemyushka, Artya, Artyomka, Artyomchik, Tyoma, Artyunya, Tyunya, Artyukha, Artyusha, Tyusha, Artyosha, Artyomino.

Name Artemy- this is the church form of the name Artem. Translated from the Greek "artemes" means "dedicated to Artemis", the goddess of the hunt and the moon. There is also a variant of interpretation as “healthy”, “intact”, “perfect health”.

From early childhood, Artemia prefer to communicate not with peers, but with older children. So Artemy always trying to gain the upper hand, so as not to lag behind and not be worse or weaker than others. He tries to cultivate in himself (not without the participation of his parents) a strong will, often this helps him develop physically well, he can even become a professional athlete. His stubbornness (in a good way) and perseverance help him achieve many goals.

Artemy very obliging, thinks through his actions well and does not like to be dependent on anyone. He has a well-developed intuition and imaginative thinking, which helps him to achieve success in business without the participation of partners, but only thanks to his strengths. The owner of the name Artemy everything goes well in his hands, he tries to bring the work he has begun to the end and does it as well as possible. Artemy always tries to get the upper hand, sometimes can argue a lot and often likes to just fray, but prefers not to gossip. The owner of this name is a non-conflict person, his calmness helps to diplomatically resolve the conflict that has arisen.

Artemy patient with other people, but adapting to them is not in his habits. He always has his own opinion. It often happens that his first marriage does not always go well, but for the sake of the children (and this is the only exception), he can save the family. Artemy takes care of the weak, loves animals, travelling.

Name day Artemy

Notable people named Artemy

  • Artemy(abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, one of the ideologists of Russian non-covetousness (died after 1571))
  • Artemy Volynsky (statesman and diplomat (1689–1740))
  • Artemy Antioch ((362) Christian saint, revered in the guise of great martyrs)
  • Artemy Verkolsky (Russian Orthodox saint)
  • Artyom Troitsky (better known as Artemy Trinity; rock journalist, music critic, one of the first propagandists of rock music in the USSR, indie and electronic music in Russia. One of the leading specialists in contemporary music in Russia)
  • Artemy Lebedev (Russian designer, founder, art director and owner of Artemy Lebedev Studio, famous blogger and traveler)
  • Artemy(Harutyun) Ayvazyan (jazz composer, conductor, cellist, leader of one of the most popular orchestras in the Soviet Union. Honored Art Worker Armenian SSR(1939), People's Artist of the Armenian SSR (1964))
  • Artemio Franchi ((1922-1983) Italian football manager)
  • Artemio Iglesias ((1943-2010) Cuban politician)
  • Artemio Paludu ((born 1932) Brazilian politician)
  • Demis Roussos (real name Artemios Venturis Roussos, Greek pop singer (born 1946))

The male name Artemy came into our everyday life from ancient times. There is a version that this was the name of the children in honor of the goddess of hunting, fertility and female chastity Artemis. Sometimes this name is associated with the word "artemes", which in Greek means "healthy" or "intact".

The name Artemy was also common in the Roman Empire. So, one of the prominent political figures of the 4th century was called Mariy Artemy. Later, on behalf of Artemy, the colloquial form Artem was formed, which is now considered independent.

Let's try to find out if Artemy can confirm the "divine" meaning of his name and what fate awaits this person.

Name day Artemy

The name Artemy is not among the common ones. Many young parents are slightly confused by the "church" sound, and they are in no hurry to give it to their baby, stopping at more famous name Artem. There is logic in this, because Orthodox calendar the name Artemy really exists, and it is he who is proposed to be given to Artems at baptism.

In the history of Christianity, there were several saints and great martyrs who were called Artemias. In Russia, the most revered youth Artemy Verkolsky, who lived in the sixteenth century in a small village near Arkhangelsk. According to legend, the boy died from a direct lightning strike during a thunderstorm and was left by his fellow villagers in the forest without burial. After 28 years, his body was found without the slightest sign of decay and transferred to a local church, where the Orthodox began to worship him. Barely touching the relics, people got rid of incurable diseases, the blind regained their sight, and the crippled began to walk again.

The memory of the Orthodox youth Artemy is celebrated on July 6 and November 2. In addition to these dates, the name day of Artemy or Artyom according to church calendar fall on January 17, February 26, May 12, November 12, November 13. One of the dates closest to the present birthday will be the day of the guardian angel or the main name day. The rest are called small and are marked at the request of the owner of the name.

Various forms of the name

For a boy or a man named Artemy, you can use abbreviated versions of Artya or Tema. Such nicknames are often used - Artemyushka, Artyusha, Artemchik, Artyosha. There are other similar names - Artemon and Artamon, which are also suitable as modifications for Artemia.

The name Artemy is found not only in Russian. Here's how it will sound in other countries.

Patronymics formed on behalf of Artemy will be correctly spelled Artemyevich and Artemyevna. They should not be confused with the patronymics Artemovich and Artemovna, which are obtained from the name Artem.

There is a female version - the name Artemia. It is more common than in Russia, found in European countries as Artemisa or Artemisa.

Famous namesakes

Despite the uniqueness of the name, its owners still left a mark on history. It was worn and worn by representatives of various professions.

  1. Artemy Petrovich Volynsky (1689-1740) - Russian diplomat, cabinet minister in the government of Tsaritsa Anna Ioannovna.
  2. Artemy Grigoryevich Zagryazhsky (1675-1754) - Russian military and statesman, governor of Kazan.
  3. Artemy Lukyanovich Vedel (1767-1808) - Ukrainian composer, creator of polyphonic church music, regent.
  4. Artemy Ivanovich Raevsky (d. 1696) - Russian steward, founder of the famous noble family of Raevsky.
  5. Artemy Vladimirovich Artsikhovsky (1902-1978) - Soviet archaeologist and historian, head of the Department of Archeology at Moscow State University.
  6. Artemy Vasilievich Ivanov (1906-1992) - Soviet evolutionary zoologist, doctor of biological sciences.
  7. Artemy (Harutyun) Sergeevich Ayvazyan (1902-1975) - Soviet jazz composer and conductor, creator of the State Variety Orchestra of Armenia.
  8. Artemy Kivovich Troitsky (born 1955) is a Soviet and Russian rock journalist and music critic.
  9. Artemy Andreyevich Lebedev (born 1975) is a Russian designer, businessman, and founder of his own industrial web design studio.
  10. Artemy Sergeevich Panarin (born 1991) is a Russian professional ice hockey player.

From representatives younger generation you can name the actors Artemy Egorov (b. 1990) and Artemy Shaffer (b. 2000). The namesake of our hero includes the Italian actor and stuntman Artemio Antonini (1924-2001), as well as the famous Greek singer Artemios Venturis Roussos (1946-2015), known throughout the world as Demis Roussos.

The nature and fate of Artemia

The owner of the name Artemy is distinguished by a strong and strong-willed character. He stubbornly, and sometimes even headlong, moves towards his goal, not paying attention to the obstacles that fate has prepared for him. To get more Full description his nature, let us turn to the childhood of our hero.


The boy grows up active and nimble. He is constantly on the move, which gives his parents a lot of trouble. Artyusha gets along well with her peers and is always ready to play with them. But he also really likes to be in the company of adults, especially when they are conducting any scientific disputes or discussing interesting events.

Artemka gets acquainted with books early and literally plunges into them, re-reading everything that comes to hand. Therefore, even before school, he is “filled” with a lot of information, and learning to him is not only easy, but sometimes not even very interesting.

The boy loves exercise, so parents need to think about sending the child to sports section. Artyomka is unlikely to become a professional athlete, but he will acquire such qualities as composure, willpower, perseverance, and learn to be more independent.

At school, the boy receives only "good" and "excellent" grades. He is a regular participant in all olympiads, competitions, conferences and scientific debates, and he mostly wins prizes. During this period, the makings of organizing abilities of Artemy are manifested, and he becomes the head of the class or a member of the student council.

The boy begins to think about his future profession. He wants to do something that would distinguish him from the crowd, put him on a pedestal and at the same time bring material well-being. Therefore, Artemka prefers specialties in which he will have the opportunity to make independent decisions and show creative thinking.

Our hero can become a director, journalist or writer. He will also feel good in creative professions - such as a musician, actor or singer. Often, the owner of the name Artemy goes into politics or chooses a career as an analyst. A man will be successful in science, because his perseverance and diligence will help him find a new direction of research or make a discovery.

In any case, while still a schoolboy, Artemy will choose one of the most prestigious universities and will carefully prepare for admission. At the institute, he will also be one of the first, so he will easily find a job to his liking.


The owner of the name Artemy does not feel too good in the role of a performer, therefore he often seeks to open his own business in order to be the sole master of the situation and give orders himself.

Our hero prefers to conduct his business on his own, and if he agrees to partnerships, it will still treat a colleague with distrust and double-check several times. Artemy puts only his own interests at the forefront and will not allow anyone, even the most best friends, encroach on them.

The man approaches the selection of his team very responsibly, carefully and scrupulously checking each candidate for any position, up to service personnel. He requires a clear performance of duties and does not forgive even minor mistakes in work. In communicating with colleagues, he is unnecessarily straightforward and does not hesitate in expressions, which offends many. But, given that the firm of our hero is thriving, and all employees have considerable salaries, no one is in a hurry to quit.

Another feature of a man named Artemy is perseverance, often bordering on stubbornness. On the one hand, this feature makes our hero never give up the work he has begun halfway through and bring all the work to its logical end. But on the other hand, Artemy is very difficult to convince of anything: even realizing that he is wrong, he will still prove that his point of view is the best.

In general, the analytical mindset, wonderful intuition, extraordinary thinking, combined with determination, assertiveness and great hard work help our hero at a fairly young age to reach unprecedented career heights, supported by solid financial support.

Love and family

The owner of the name Artemy is successful among the fair sex and often falls in love himself. But he is in no hurry to start a serious relationship, because his work always comes first, and not his personal life.

Our guy is quite satisfied with short and easy intrigues that do not oblige him to anything. In addition, as his girlfriends, Artemy chooses beauties "a la Barbie" with doll faces and legs "from the ears", not too burdened with intelligence. It happens that a man in his youth even marries one of these girls, but this marriage turns out to be unviable and invariably ends in divorce.

Our hero will begin to seriously think about creating a family after 35 years, when his professional ambitions will be more satisfied and he will finally decide to find time to arrange his personal life. Now he will look for a woman who can make his bachelor house cozy, but will not pretend to be the head of the family.

Artemy loves children, but he treats their upbringing unevenly. He is either overly demanding of them and forbids a lot, then he gives them gifts and looks through his fingers at all their pranks and pranks.

Name Compatibility

Unfortunately, our hero is very rarely happy in his personal life. Not every woman will be satisfied with her husband, who disappears at work for days and nights, and demands unquestioning obedience from his wife. Therefore, it is very important for a man to check the name of his future wife for compatibility before marriage, using the services of an astrologer or our table.

In addition, even having married, Artemy is not going to give up his habit of flirting with every attractive girl. And although the man does not attach to this relationship special significance, his wife is offended by such frivolity, and she herself can file for divorce.

Health and hobbies

Artem gets sick only in early childhood, and then mostly with common colds. In the future, carried away by sports, he becomes stronger and more hardened and forgets about ailments.

In adulthood, Artemy is very attentive to his health. He regularly undergoes medical examinations, performs preventive procedures, does not abuse junk food and alcohol. Even being very busy at work, a man finds time to visit fitness clubs and often organizes gym right in your office.

A man named Artemy has developed a craving for chic things. Having achieved material well-being, he acquires the most expensive cars, watches, clothes, Appliances. Our hero simply does not imagine that one can wear non-haute couture costumes or ride a tram or subway. Often, his passion for buying the most prestigious items turns into a mania when their number is several times higher than necessary for a normal life.

Main character traits

A man named Artemy is obsessed with achieving professional success.

The desire to become a leader in your business brings to the surface all its positive and negative qualities. Which of them prevail can be seen in the table.

The characterization of the owner of the name Artemy is rather contradictory. But it is the combination of all the pluses and minuses that makes this person an extraordinary person, able to achieve a very high position in society and cover himself with glory.

Many languages ​​have similar names, one of which was once a form of the other, but today both variants have equal "rights".

Such, for example, are the male names Artemy and. The meaning of the name Artemy is the original for both names, however, the first in our country is considered more "church", and the second - more "worldly" and more common.

The origin of the name Artemy, researchers lead from Ancient Greece. It is believed that this word means "dedicated to Artemis." This means that the ancient Hellenes called by this name the boys who were to become servants of the goddess hunting art and mysterious moonlight. Others, recognizing the ancient Greek origin of the word "Artemia", translate it differently - "healthy" or "intact".

What are the features of a person who bears the name Artemy?

  • What will be the character of the boy in childhood?
  • What changes will his personality undergo as he grows up?
  • What talents will fate reward him with?
  • How will his personal and family life develop?

If you consistently answer all these questions, you can get a three-dimensional picture of what Artemy will be like, how his relations with others will develop, what his attitude will be.

Straightforwardness and sentimentality

The character of little Tyoma can be called calm and friendly; this child has good relations with peers. At the same time, he likes to spend time in the company of elders and listen to "adult" conversations, especially if they meet his need for knowledge of the world. Despite the craving for conversations on serious topics, Artemy is distinguished by a very high mobility and energy.

If parents are concerned that such activity does not adversely affect the discipline and self-discipline of the child, you can think about regular sports for Artemy. The main thing is to choose "your" sport. With sufficient motor activity, the child becomes not only more calm and reasonable, but also more independent.

At school, Artemy usually studies well, diligence is one of the main properties that distinguishes his character. To this, one can also add hard work and perseverance in achieving the goal set by the teenager.

Often the school curriculum seems boring and not very interesting to him - he needs something more complex in order to feel the pleasure of the process of gaining knowledge: for example, olympiads with complex tasks or additional classes in a subject of interest.

Artemy loves various quizzes and discussions, scientific disputes - that is, those events where you can not only demonstrate high level their knowledge, but also to prove their own point of view. The competitive moment also plays an important role for a teenager and a young man.

Neither young nor adult Artemy can be called a conformist and opportunist. A man named Artemy is more likely one of those people who are accustomed to adapting the environment for themselves than adapting themselves to circumstances. However, he can be sentimental and compassionate, as a rule, he loves animals.

Excessive straightforwardness is one of the few properties in the character of Artemy that needs to be improved. Even in childhood, parents need to make it clear to the child that diplomacy is also necessary in life, sometimes no less than honesty and straightforwardness.

A man can be a very good conversationalist, he can switch the attention of the whole company to his own person, so he often has many good friends, but few close friends. Basically, these are people who can accept the fact that Artemy will never completely agree with anyone, preferring his own point of view.

Business and creativity

The character of Artemy is the character of a leader, and it doesn’t matter what he will do in his professional activity. His analytical skills allow him to do business - in almost any field. Intuition also plays a significant role in Artemy's self-determination and work - it gives a man a fair amount of creativity, which can be successfully applied in creative professions.

If Artemy is engaged in business, then you should not expect unconditional trust from him in his own business partners. It will operate on the principle of "trust but verify". And he can check more than once - the name Artemy endows his owner with criticality and the desire to protect his own interests from any kind of encroachment.

If a man works in creative professions, his professional fate can also be very successful. First of all, professions involving a large share independence and creativity in decision-making: directing, journalism, advertising and design. Artemy the boss may seem despotic, but the team under his leadership achieves great success - both professional and financial.

Of great importance for Artemia is the possibility of self-realization. Without it, life is meaningless for him. Often a man overshadows even personal relationships if something does not go well with him professionally. Despite this feature, there are quite a lot of fans around Artemy, but he himself does not treat his own love interests as something serious.

Often therefore family fate is decided rather late, when the man is already on his feet and turns out to be a professional in his field. Prior to this, the arrangement of the "family nest" Artemy is simply not interested.

But when a man "ripens" to make the decision to "settle down", to become a family man, he follows it to the end. His soul mate will be happy if she gives her husband “the reins of power”, but does not forget that the husband is the head, and the wife is still the neck, and the spouse’s decisions can be influenced gradually, with love and affection. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Such man's name how Artemy often endows his owner with calmness and excellent endurance. These people respect the opinions of others, love to help them and care for animals. The meaning of the name Artemy betrays an addicted nature. The subject often resembles his father in appearance, but there are more maternal traits in his character.

The meaning of the name Artemy for a boy allows us to talk about his mobility, plasticity and incredible dexterity. In most cases, parents have to bring up such a child in severity. In another way, his temper is simply not to cope. Unlike Artem, Artemy is more persistent in achieving his goals. Such perseverance can even develop into stubbornness.

The meaning of the name Artemy for a child allows us to talk about his penchant for sports. Moreover, in this matter he can achieve quite noticeable success. Little Tema loves to spend time in the company of older guys than peers. Moreover, the occupation of adults is not of particular importance to him.

More exact interpretation name depends on the time of year in which Artya was born. If he was born in winter, then great importance for him has proof of his own opinion to others. Evidence may even be accompanied by heated debate.

"Summer" Themes have a much calmer disposition than "winter" ones. These men are loyal to the opinions of others and loved ones. Their special passion is travel and car trips. Artemy, who was born in the summer, will not leave more than one thing unfinished.


Such men from their very youth are distinguished by an increased interest in the opposite sex. This means having a somewhat frivolous attitude towards sexual relations. Theme often tries to marry at a young age, but for the most different reasons marriage is postponed. In a sexual sense, these men are attracted to very well-groomed women, somewhat similar to dolls.