The meaning of the name Ilona: origin and history. What awaits a girl named Ilona in life: character, family relationships and fate

Elona, ​​Elona. short form named after Ilona. Ila, Ilusya, Ilka, Ilonka, Ilonushka.

Ilona's name different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 伊洛娜 (Yī luò nà). Japanese: イロナ (Irona). Kannada: ಇಲೋನಾ (Ilōnā). Korean: 일로나 (illona). Ukrainian: Ilona. Yiddish: ילאָנאַ (Ylʼánʼa). English: Ilona (Ilona).

origin of the name Ilona

The female name Ilona is the Hungarian form of the name Elena, although there is such a version that it was formed from the name of Iolanta. Interestingly, in the Hungarian pronunciation, the stress in the name Ilona is placed on the first vowel, while in Russia, where this name can sometimes also be found, it is pronounced with the stress on the second vowel.

The origin of the name Ilona is not completely clear - perhaps Ilona is a variant Greek name Elena, meaning "bright".

There is an emphasis on both the first and second syllables of the name Ilona.

Ilona celebrates name day in different countries in different days. In Latvia - March 18, in Poland - January 27 and August 18, in the Czech Republic - January 20, in Hungary - April 23, July 31, August 18, September 23, in Slovenia - April 15, August 18. In Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, Ilona's name day is celebrated on January 28, June 3, June 8, July 24, November 12, and in these countries, Ilona's name day is celebrated along with Elena's name day. Among Catholics, the name day of Ilona from Hungary is celebrated on November 9th.

The nature of the name Ilona

Ilona is very charming. She may not be beautiful, but no one will deny her charm. She amazes those around her with her large eyes, which seem to contain some kind of secret.

Since childhood, Ilona has been distinguished by a complex character. She is extremely secretive. He does not even trust his secrets best friend. Although outwardly the girl seems very calm, inside she is hot and temperamental, but she knows how to manage her emotions well.

A woman with this name always craves self-affirmation. At every opportunity, she tries to demonstrate her knowledge and abilities. Instantly rushes into battle if someone tries to challenge them. Often, Ilona strives to appear aggressive and nervous. From the help of others, even members of her family, the girl refuses, and then complains about the indifference and hostility of others. A rebellious spirit lives in Ilona, ​​she is outraged by the authorities and the public, hates to obey anyone. The girl makes a great leader. If she decides to open her own business, then it will most likely bring a tangible income.

Astrological features of the name Ilona

Corresponding zodiac sign - .

patron planet- Mars.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- amethyst.

Talisman-color- violet.

Mascot Plant- iris, mulberry.

Animal Mascot- cuckoo.

most successful day- Wednesday.

predisposition to traits such as- energy, independence, diligence, dedication.

The meaning of the name Ilona for life

Ilona is quick-tempered, it is difficult to get along with people, especially with those who were born in winter. Curious, reads a lot, constantly replenishes her knowledge. Has an overestimated self-esteem, self-confident, proud woman. "December" - strongly depends on your mood: it can be kindness itself, and in a minute be rude close person, drive away the beloved. Stubborn, will always find a way to insist on his own. It's hard to convince her of anything. The character is inherited from the father. He studies well, due to his diligence he achieves significant success in life. He has a sharp mind, a logical mindset. Long chooses a profession. Whatever she undertakes, she does in good faith, everything comes easy to her. Materialist by nature, not suspicious, devoid of prejudice. She knows how to surround herself with devoted people who are close to her in spirit. She chooses her future husband for a long time, she is principled, scrupulous, domineering. The first marriage may be unsuccessful due to Ilona's desire to lead her husband. She is a leader by nature, not every man will agree with the role of a subordinate in the family. Divorce Ilona is going through hard, but she knows how to draw conclusions and does not repeat mistakes in her second marriage. The fate of Ilona is not cloudless, she has to overcome many obstacles on the way to her goal. But she successfully, though not quickly, builds a career, and arranges her personal life. Not all Ilonas are ideal housewives. Ilona with patronymics Nikolaevna, Dmitrievna, Anatolyevna and being "December" or "November" - put career first, and then family. It is better for such Elons to live with their parents in order to be able to devote themselves to their favorite work. With children, Ilona is strict in moderation, building relationships with them on complete trust. More often boys are born. Attentive to the family, carefully treats all household members.

The meaning of the name Ilona for sex

Ilona is very sexy and can make love at any time of the day. She is quickly excited, it is not necessary to persuade her for a long time. She herself is the initiator of intimate relationships. Even your favorite job can wait an hour. With a professional partner, she can disappear for a few days and return cheerful, full of new strength to plunge headlong into business.

Compatibility of the name Ilona and patronymic

Ilona Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yurievna - sociable, friendly. Responds to the requests of loved ones, ready to help everyone. Good hostess, clean. He loves order in everything. He loves to cook, knows how to make something unusual out of nothing. She treats her husband with great respect and patience. He does not allow himself to break down, he considers peace in the house above all else. He brings up children in an atmosphere of respect for his father, for all elders. Much attention is paid to their education. More often one child is born - a boy. Caring and considerate mother. Often, Ilona's children are late, so they are addressed increased attention and great love.

Ilona Alexandrovna, Arkadievna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna - emotional, quick-tempered, but kind and sympathetic. Fundamental and direct. She cannot remain silent even when she knows that every word spoken is to the detriment of herself. The hostess is not very skillful, but she tries very hard to be one. He does not like to cook, but when he is waiting for guests, he will do everything in at its best knows how to beautifully set the table. She does it better than cooking. Aesthetics always comes first. In the family - complex, contradictory and unrestrained. However, everyone loves her, forgive her temper because of her extraordinary kindness and desire to help everyone. She does not need to ask for anything, she herself sees everything and is the first to rush to help. In a bad mood, she quarrels with her husband, she may yell at the children because of a trifle. If he does not meet resistance, he quickly calms down and forgets about the cause of quarrels. Jealous, often cannot contain this feeling and arranges a headache for her husband. Does not tolerate criticism in his address, can give a sharp rebuff. Many are afraid of her. More often boys are born.

Ilona Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna has a balanced character, knows how to control herself. Among close people can be emotional, but only shows positive emotions. Compliant, prudent, practical. A thrifty hostess, all summer she prepares food for the winter and does it skillfully. Not a spender, not out of line family budget does not like to lend money. There is always something to put on the table in the house, even if guests come unexpectedly. In the house perfect cleanliness and order. Very hospitable, she invites everyone to her place, the table is bursting with treats. As a husband, he takes a man with good external data, athletic, smart and kind. Not at all interested in him wealth, believing that the two of them will achieve everything. And she does it easily. She treats children depending on her mood - either very affectionate, or irritable for no reason. However, he always lets them know that they are the most loved and dearest creatures in the family. Often, in such Ilona, ​​children grow up with an unbalanced nervous system.

Ilona Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semenovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilov is persistent, principled, overly straightforward. Emotional and unrestrained, can interrupt the interlocutor, ahead of his thought. She likes to be listened to, she does not know how to listen herself. Talkative, annoying. Often talks about nothing, annoying others. This irritates others, only close people can endure it. He takes care of the interior of the house, beautiful and expensive furnishings, dishes, household items. Often moves furniture, looking for variety, change of scenery. He loves works of art in the house, the whole apartment can be hung with paintings. Does not like to cook, can be content with semi-finished products, teaches home to sandwiches, to eat on hastily. She is not too strict with children, she pays a lot of attention to their comprehensive development. Children attend a music school, a dance club, a sports or rhythmic gymnastics. Diverse children are born.

Ilona Alanovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Filimonovna strongly depends on her mood, therefore she is unpredictable. Mysterious, especially for men. She is quick-tempered, takes any unpleasant word addressed to her with hostility, regardless of whether it is fair or not. He may be offended because of a trifle, not talk to the offender for a while, or maybe completely break off relations. A good hostess, she loves good products, she often buys them in the market than in the store. Collects recipes for unusual dishes, likes to surprise guests. In the family, she cannot be herself, she is always constrained, controls herself. She does not always pay due attention to her husband, which is why there are conflicts. As a husband, he takes a man who is calm and picky in everyday life, who will not require much. He tries to subordinate him to his will, to lead in the family. Most often, such Ilona gives birth to girls.

Characteristics of the name Ilona according to B. Khigir

Translated from Hungarian - "bright".

Emotional, but outwardly restrained. The nature is whole, proud, vulnerable, with an innate sense of self-worth, with a developed intuition and very high level adaptation. When very strong excitability never falls into a state of nervousness. For Ilona, ​​there are no authorities among the inner circle; she is always in search of the ideal created by her imagination.

She wants to know the world in all its diversity. Usually, Ilona is full of all sorts of projecting plans that she is not always able to implement. She always takes care of her loved ones. Ilona can achieve great success in any chosen profession, but in order to complete the work she has begun, she must not lose faith in her strength. For her, the norms of generally accepted morality mean a lot. She is always dominated by everyday life.

the womb seeks to establish itself in sex, but behaves reasonably and cautiously. All her life she tries to achieve a balance between love and sex. She marries late, as her claims to the future life partner are very great. If the husband is close to her in sexual relationship, then it is very likely that Ilona will be happy in marriage. She does not really like to do housework, but she is a faithful and devoted wife, a caring mother. Doesn't like to live with mother-in-law.

Pros and cons of the name Ilona

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name of Ilona? On the one hand, this is an unusual, rather rare and interesting-sounding name that goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics. However, the character of Ilona is more of a disadvantage than an advantage of this name, in addition, it is difficult to pick up a harmonious abbreviation and diminutive form for it (the only acceptable option is the reduction of Ilonochka).


Ilona's health is not bad, as a rule, she is a very hardy woman, who has problems with immunity only in old age, and develops.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Ilona shows great, sometimes excessive care for her husband and children. At first, she is quarrelsome, striving to take the place of a leader, so she needs a calm man who does not succumb to her provocations. Later, Ilona's indecision and her natural laziness take over, and she becomes a very good housewife, a gentle mother, a caring wife.

Professional area

AT professional field Ilona is close to work related to creativity or work with hands. She can make a good seamstress, clothing or furniture designer, embroiderer, ceramist, artist, hairdresser, beautician, book illustrator.

Sexuality of the name Ilona

Ilona seeks to establish herself in sex, but behaves reasonably and carefully. All her life she tries to achieve a balance between love and sex. She marries late, as her claims to her future life partner are very great. If the husband is close to her sexually, then it is very likely that Ilona will be happy in marriage.

The influence of the name Ilona on fate

Until the beginning of the 20th century, the name Ilona was given to girls only from noble families. Later it became more widespread.

Since childhood, Ilona has been distinguished by her fighting character, extravagant actions and unwillingness to put up with order and established rules. Ilona is attractive in appearance and she has no shortage of fans. Protective and very energetic. She has no particular interest in learning and the desire to build a career is also usually not observed.

It happens that Ilona does not keep her word, does not come to the appointed meeting on time, forgets about this promise - but all this is forgiven for her irresistible smile. She is neither touchy nor aggressive. Ilona does not envy anyone and does not gossip. She marries out of passionate love, which, unfortunately, is not always happy. After the first serious disappointment, her ardor subsides a bit, and she becomes more serious and reasonable. The second marriage is not so ardent, but more stable and solid.

The key to communication with Ilona

Ilona is characterized by some emotional instability, so you should not cause uncontrollable mood swings in her.

Famous people named Ilona

Ilona Duchinskaya ((1897 - 1978) Hungarian-Austrian revolutionary of Polish-Austro-Hungarian origin, translator, wife of Karl Polanyi)

Ilona Mitresey, sometimes just Ilona ((born 1993) French singer)
Ilona Usovich ((born 1982) Belarusian runner, performing at a distance of 400 meters, multiple winner of the World and European Championships as part of the Belarusian national team in the 4 × 400 m relay)
Ilona Zrini, Elena Zrinska ((1643 - 1703) the actual leader of the Hungarian liberation movement in 1685 - 1703, the mother of Ferenc II Rakoczi and the wife of Imre Tekoly (Imre Tekeya). Countess. Led the defense of the Mukachevo castle from the Austrian troops.)
Anna Ilona Staller or Anna Elena Staller, better known by her stage name Cicciolina ((born 1951) Italian-Hungarian porn star and politician, and the first hardcore porn star to become an MP by winning an election)
Ilona Bronevitskaya ((born 1961) pop singer, actress, TV and radio presenter. Laureate of the All-Union competition of performers "Yalta 88". One of the hosts of the TV program "Morning Mail".)
Ilona Korstin ((born 1980) Russian basketball player, player of the Russian national team. Acts as an attacking defender / small forward. Repeated champion and winner of many international competitions as part of the Russian women's basketball team. In 2006, the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) officially awarded Ilona Korstin title "face women's basketball peace." Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Three-time Euroleague champion with three different teams.)
Ilona Kabosh ((1898 - 1973) Hungarian-British pianist)
Ilona Galitskaya ((born 1995) Ukrainian singer)

Catholic name day of Ilona

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Ilona is suitable for a girl born under zodiac sign Pisces, that is, from February 20 to March 20. In this sign, as in Elon, vital energy either not at all, or there, but nervous. Under the influence of Pisces, the owner of this name will understand everyone except herself, will become very devoted, easily attached, sensitive, creative, prone to experiences, unable to fight and without ambition.

Ilona - rare beautiful name. Previously, it was used exclusively in the aristocratic environment. There are several versions of the origin of this name. Its owner has a difficult character, from childhood she is inclined to do things that she will have to regret in the future. The main features of Ilona are emotionality, irascibility, inconstancy. This is reflected in the choice future profession girls and creating a family.

origin of the name Ilona

The unusual sound of the name Ilona causes a lot of speculation about its origin. There is no consensus among onomasts: some tend to see Finno-Ugric roots in it, others - Baltic, and others - Indo-European.

There are two hypotheses about the origin and meaning of the name Ilona. It is believed that this is a Hungarian form from Elena. In translation, this means "light of the sun, sunny, bright." According to another version, Ilona is a shortened form of the name Iolanthe, which translates as "violet".

The pronunciation of the name is different in different countries. Sometimes the accent is on the first letter. In Russian, the stress is placed on the second syllable. Abbreviated forms: Ila, Ilya, Ilka, Lona, Lonka. For girls, affectionate names are used:

  • Ilonushka.
  • Ilonochka.
  • Ilononka.
  • Ilonul.
  • Ilosenka.
  • Ilos.
  • Lonochka.
  • Loushka.

How to determine if a guy suits a girl - name compatibility in love and marriage

Gemini man - characteristics of the zodiac sign, compatibility

name day

The name Ilona is absent in Orthodox calendars. During the rite of baptism, the child is named differently. Most often, by Orthodox tradition, Ila is called Elena. Therefore, the day of the Angel (name day) is celebrated on the day of remembrance of the saints with the name Elena :

  • 23 September;
  • August 18;
  • April 15;
  • April 23;
  • June 3;
  • November 9;
  • November 12th.

In the Catholic denomination, the name of Ilona is revered on November 9th. The patroness is the holy virgin Ilona of Varneton.

Character and fate

The name leaves its mark on the character of a person, activates his positive and negative qualities. For women with the name Ilona, ​​such features as emotionality, irascibility, inconstancy, secrecy, sociability are inherent. In many ways, Ila is a complex, contradictory person.

As a child, Ila manifests herself as a serious, sensible child. She does not give adults any trouble. He does everything according to the rules and carefully monitors that other children do not indulge and play pranks. Peers sometimes consider Ila a sneak and a bore, because she tells adults about their antics. In fact, Ila simply does not know how to pretend and deceive. This quality of character will accompany her from childhood and throughout life, delivering a lot of trouble.

While studying at school, Ilona may show abilities for the exact sciences. If she overcomes laziness and works hard, then the acquired knowledge will be useful for professional growth. In the character of Ila lies a craving for creativity. Fantasy and creativity will become the basis for choosing a future activity. Ilona prefers such professions as a designer, model, hairdresser, cosmetologist, make-up artist, artist. She tries not only to decorate the environment and people around her, but also to benefit society.

Business projects in which Ila is directly involved are quite successful. AT entrepreneurial activity she is helped by the ability to quickly navigate and make decisions in emergency situations. The main deterrents that negatively affect the fate of Ilona are laziness and the manifestation of aggressiveness. Ila abandons many things because of the inconstancy of her character, she quickly lights up with a new idea and quickly cools down to it.

Slowness and slowness hides the steel character of the owner of the name. It manifests itself fully only in emergency situations. Then Ila takes the reins of government into her own hands and tries to minimal losses get out of a difficult situation. Willpower under the guise of weakness is the secret of the name Ilona.

Charming, independent, contradictory - this is how the bearer is briefly characterized unusual name Ilona.

Marriage and family

One of the priorities in Ilona's life is love for everything new. She likes to change the environment, travel, make new friends. The girl easily gets acquainted with men and immediately begins to seduce them, luring them into her networks. Ilya likes flirting, courtship, but does not strive for a permanent partnership. A man will need to make a lot of efforts to keep the owner of the name.

For Ila, it is preferable to marry a partner who was born in the summer. He will be able to quickly find the right approach to the girl and smooth out the contradictions. "Spring" and "summer" Ilona have an overestimated self-esteem, make many demands on the chosen one. It takes patience and delicacy to create a normal relationship.

Ilona's later marriage is not easy at first. She has been actively fighting for leadership in the family for some time. Paired with a complaisant kind man, he gradually finds peace and ceases to rebel. Children are cared for and taken care of. Sometimes he overprotects and pampers them. Family life positively affects the character of a woman, makes her calm, balanced.

The meaning of the name Ilona: this name for a girl means "bright", "torch", "moon".

Origin of the name Ilona: most likely Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Ila, Ilo, Lona

What does the name Ilona mean? It is possible that this is one of the Hungarian variants of the Greek name Elena, which translates as "bright." As for the stress, you can put it when pronouncing a word, both on the first syllable and on the second - each country has its own customs. The meaning of the name Ilona is charm.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Ilona celebrates name days on different days depending on the country. In Poland, Ilona's name day is January 27 and August 18, in Latvia - March 18, in Hungary - April 23, August 18, July 31, September 23, in the Czech Republic - January 20, in Slovenia - August 18 and April 15, in Russia , Ukraine and Belarus - January 28, June 3, 8, July 24 and November 12. Name days are also celebrated along with the day of the angel Elena. Catholics celebrate name day on November 9th.

Zodiac: A lion.

Characteristics of the name Ilona

Positive features: The charm of Ilona does not hold. A woman named Ilona may not be too beautiful, but she has some incredible attractiveness in her image. People around often notice how beautiful and deep her eyes are.

Negative Traits: The name Ilona gives the spirit of rebellion - she likes to resent everything and everyone, from the weather to the politics of local authorities. As soon as Ilonochka pacifies her aggressiveness, the owner of the name becomes calm, cheerful. attaches great importance to ideas and interesting thoughts.

The nature of the name Ilona: The meaning of the name Ilona is determined by the number 1, which characterizes her as an energetic, active and cheerful person. That's why, commercial activities she is not advised to do so. In addition, she is not characterized by creativity. However, when there is a specific instruction, Ilonka will unconditionally follow other people's advice and do everything as it should.

As for the character, it is quite complex. The translation of the name (“torch”) just says that the bearer of the name quickly lights up and then quickly fades away. And all because often Ilonochka herself tends to seem nervous and aggressive. This is explained by the desire to assert oneself, to demonstrate one's abilities and knowledge. For her has special meaning if anyone tries to challenge her knowledge. Ilonka will immediately begin to defend. From the help of friends, relatives, acquaintances, she always refuses, and then begins to complain about the indifference on the part of others.

Ilona and her personal life

Love and marriage: She has many men in her life, and she seeks to conquer all of them. Having achieved the goal, retreats and loses interest. At the same time, a woman named Ilona has an amazing ability to literally erase all past relationships from her memory and start life from scratch. Ilonka wants to be known as an intellectual and expresses her opinion on any issue. She Ilona often changes men, love and family are different concepts for her.

A girl with this name, of course, gets married late, but this marriage will be deliberate and strong. Although, of course, she will carry her emotionality through her whole life, and her husband has yet to experience all this. Ilonka's behavior will not change even with the birth of children - she will remain the same fickle and quick-tempered. In matters of education with Ilona is also difficult. But in general, if she makes some efforts, she will be able to change her character at least partially. This will help Ilonochka become happier.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: A sociable girl has a complex character, she does not like to obey and therefore seeks to work "for herself." She likes to travel, constantly change the situation.

Business and career: A woman named Ilona makes decisions very quickly in extreme situations. This is good in life, but not quite suitable, for example, for doing business. Household affairs are of little interest to her. A girl named Ilona can neither sew nor knit, sometimes she even cooks with great difficulty.

The fate of Ilona in history

What does the name Ilona mean for women's fate?

  1. Ilona Duchinskaya - Hungarian-Austrian revolutionary, wife of Karl Polanyi, translator.
  2. Ilona Karbosh is a pianist of Hungarian-British origin.
  3. Ilona Usovich, a runner from Belarus, who competed at a distance of 400 meters, is the silver medalist of the European and World Championships.
  4. Ilona Bronevitskaya - actress, singer, TV presenter, radio host. Ilona Bronevitskaya is known to viewers from the Morning Mail program.

Ilona in different languages ​​of the world

Names and their meanings depend not only on the origin, but also on the time of year when the child was born. We recommend reading how the name affects the character and fate and familiarize yourself with the list of names suitable for all signs of the zodiac.

It is important to know what the name means so that it harmoniously combines with its owner - in terms of sound and phonosemantic significance.

Ilona is active, independent and energetic. This woman knows how to navigate in a critical situation. Ilona has a good imagination, but lacks potential. It is easier for her to carry out work according to a known plan. The woman is charming, but her character is complex.

Brief meaning of the name Ilona

Characteristics of the name Ilona, ​​fate, origin nie

She tends to reject any help, even the closest people, and then get angry at their indifference and lack of support. A woman tries to look aggressive only because she wants to appear strong and independent. In a dispute, Ilona uses any arguments and always defends her honor. She tends to be indignant and complain about literally everything. Those who know her calm side saw Ilona as sweet, witty and full of ideas.

The fate of Ilona can develop in different ways. She is a fighter who constantly struggles with difficulties on the way to her goal. Her career develops slowly, but always successfully. Despite the difficult character and the ability to conquer men, Ilona is almost always well satisfied with her personal life. Most of the time, she prioritizes work. Ilona rarely enters the kitchen; she is not attracted to knitting or embroidery. Such a woman wants variety, travel and adventure.

Ilona can continue to live with her parents for a long time. Is not means that she sits on their neck, it's just that it's easier for her to give herself to work. With her children, Ilona is strict, but honest. The man is in charge of the upbringing of the children. Be attentive to your husband. She has a rare gift - to forget about the bad. The choice of Ilona is always deliberate, therefore it is often saved for life. If she can change her character for the sake of the family, then the fate of the woman will turn out well.

The origin of the name Ilona is not fully understood. There is an opinion that the name is ancient Greek and means "torch" or "moon". There is a version that the name is derived from the name Elena with a similar meaning "bright". Both are attributed to the ancient Greeks. According to another version, the name is Hungarian and means "bright".

It is noteworthy, but the name Ilona is pronounced differently in different countries: with an emphasis on the first syllable or on the second.

The meaning of the name Ilona for a girl, a girl and an adult woman

Little Ilona is often mischievous. She tends to get nervous over trifles, in a fit of anger she can hurt her neighbor. hurtful words. At the same time, she has many friends, but she trusts only those closest to her. The girl is so eccentric that it is difficult even for parents. Her mood changes every second, so you need to constantly educate her. Parents can instill in her patience and kindness to make her life easier. Ilona lacks focus. Depending on how diligent the parents are, the baby will grow up like this: self-confident and rational, or nervous and wasting energy in vain. It is not easy to educate her, because Ilona does not like instructions and advice, preferring to decide everything on her own, even in childhood.

Young Ilona is very independent. When all her peers are consumed by idols, Ilona is looking for her individuality. And this independence attracts people, so such a girl always has a lot of pleasant and good friends. She has one good trait - the ability to admit failure and not shift the responsibility for the mistake to others. Ilona is rarely alone and even less often suffers from loneliness. Ilonka has an excellent sense of humor. She is afraid of shame and guards her reputation. This girl is a storehouse of brilliant ideas, but she fails to realize at least a few due to lack of patience. Ilona tends to come up with something for a long time, and when it comes down to it, give up the idea.

Leadership is what the name Ilona means for an adult. She has a strong opinion on all issues, so she rarely listens to other people's opinions. It is impossible to argue with such a woman, because she rejects even the most reasonable arguments. Ilona may have bad habit to collect men. Her temperament attracts many members of the opposite sex. She has male character, which allows her to easily leave men, having achieved her goal. At the same time, no one even guesses that the hunter Ilona is struggling with self-doubt so much. She will never sleep with a man for self-affirmation, and everything ends in flirting. To surrender, she must trust the chosen one. Due to the male character, Ilona thinks about the family later than her peers.

Forms and declension

Full: Ilona.

Diminutives: Ilonushka, Ilonka, Ila, Ilusya, Ilka, Lona.

Case declension:

  • I. Ilona
  • R. Ilona
  • D. Ilone
  • V. Ilona
  • T. Ilona
  • P. Ilone

in the church calendar

As such, the name Ilona is not in church calendar, but it is compared with the name Elena. Thus, name days are celebrated on January 28, March 19, June 3, 8 and 10, July 24, August 10, September 17, November 12. These days they remember the martyrs and rulers who glorified the name Elena (Ilona) with the purity of their faith.

Name Compatibility

Ilona will be happy in alliance with Timur, Anatoly, Pavel, Daniel, Eugene, Leonid, Alexander, Valery, Ignat, Alexei and Vadim. She will be misunderstood in marriage with Oleg, Fedor, Cyril, Vasily, Leo, Anton, Vyacheslav and Yaroslav.

The meaning of the name Ilona spelled

And - romance, sophistication. Self-doubt, alienation. A person manifests aggression as a defensive reaction.

L - artistry and fantasy. The owner of such a letter in the name is lazy and looks for his true purpose for a long time. Strong love to loved ones. Conflict and tactlessness. Desire to live in abundance.

Oh, intuition. Depth of feelings. Setting clear goals. Striving to improve and develop. Desire to realize your full potential. Without work, such people become irritable. In a critical situation, they easily lose their heads. Prone to bad habits.

N - the ability to choose the main thing. Employability. Reluctance to do useless work. The ability to defend your interests.

A is leadership. The desire to create something new. The desire for comfort and prosperity.