Arseny is a Russian name or not. Arseny is a church name. What does the name Arseny mean?

The name is not an empty phrase, first of all it is a set of vibrations. Each letter in the name has its own meaning, its own vibration and its own sound.

The name, like an expensive decoration, emphasizes the individual traits of a person inherent in him from birth, it can strengthen or weaken some qualities of character, influencing personality and destiny in its own way. Having decided to give the son the name Arseny, it is worth considering in more detail what it means for the child, what is the meaning of the name Arseny, his character and origin.

The name Arseniy is a full male given name of Greek origin. It came to our region at the same time as Orthodoxy. But what does the name Arseny mean - “mature”, “courageous”, sometimes interpreted as “man”.

This name is very interesting for one of its features: the full version sounds soft and melodious, and the abbreviated one - Arsen - is hard and dry. Although in most cases Arsen is perceived as an independent name, and the name Senya is chosen as a short form of Arseny.

This name can often be found throughout the former Soviet Union, as well as in Europe and America. Its sound in different countries is approximately the same - either Arseny or Arsen.

The nature of the name

The meaning of the name Arseny for a boy is ambiguous, character traits will largely depend on the short name that the parents call the child. If Arsen is used more often, the character of the child will become firm and adamant, and if parents use the name Senya, the baby will grow up softer and more kind.

Arsyusha grows up as a docile and sociable boy. The circle of his acquaintances and friends is quite wide, but true friends are few. Most of all, he likes communication with peers, and various games in a large company do not inspire him. He loves animals very much, he can beg a dog from his parents, but he is unlikely to take care of her.

The name Arseny gives the child vulnerability and increased sensitivity to what others say about him. This boy is a dreamer with a developed imagination. But fate awarded Senya not only with these qualities, he has a very well-developed creative streak, which in his later life will help him fully decide on the choice of his path.

During this period, it is important for Senya's parents to teach him to do what is necessary. Otherwise, adult life can greatly disappoint a spoiled boy who is used to doing what "his left leg wants." Decisiveness and firmness of character will also need to be instilled in him from childhood, otherwise he will have to be “kicked” all his life. Mom will do it first, and then the wife.

The origin of all the troubles in the life of an adult Arseny lies in the habit of letting everything take its course. He, like any creative person, often plunges into the world of his dreams - if he is not shaken periodically, he can completely break away from real life.

In adult life, the name Arseny can bring a lot of contradictions to its owner. Everything here depends entirely on the upbringing and readiness of the person himself to develop his not too strong sides of character.

The bearer of this name can be gentle, sensitive and vulnerable at the same time, but for no reason, flare up out of the blue and immediately calm down. Wants to be a leader, but doesn't like to fight. It is also difficult for him to look for his own paths - rather, he will follow the already beaten path.

Men with this name can achieve a lot in life if they only make an effort and manage to organize themselves.. Often they are born speakers, able to convince others of their rightness and the significance of the goal. To achieve the effect, they can slightly lie or understate something to associates, comrades or work colleagues.

The ability to go with the flow, adapt and adapt to circumstances - qualities seem to be negative, but they will serve this person in good stead. He will find the place where the others gave up and could not do anything, but Arseniy can. Perhaps this will be a new round on the way up the career ladder. It is worth noting that the time of year in which a person was born also plays a significant role.

  • Winter ones are bolder and more stubborn than the rest. They can find themselves in sports, especially if their parents push them to do so. They can decide on an act and choose the area of ​​application of their knowledge that they like.
  • Spring - diligence they do not hold, prudence too. Yes, they know how to use people, but they themselves are ready to make considerable efforts.

  • Summer - my mother said - a violin, then a violin, she said - an accountant, then so be it. They are extremely susceptible to parental control and instructions, ready to meekly and unquestioningly follow the will of their parents.
  • Autumn - great lovers of the beaten track. Rather, they will follow in the footsteps of their parents, not bothering with long research on the topic “What do I want to be when I grow up.”

As you can see, Arseny is a very interesting and multifaceted name in terms of interpretations and the origin of certain character traits. Fate endowed the owners of this name with traits that are not characteristic of its meaning (“mature, courageous”). However, with the proper ability to turn his shortcomings into virtues, Arseny will become an outstanding and interesting person.

Childhood daydreaming over the years can turn into predicting the future, and opportunism will become the ability to endure any stress and discomfort at work. The only requirement when choosing a job that Arseniy has is a big salary.

Such professions as a lawyer, architect, designer, designer, teacher, coach, artist, perhaps even a clergyman are suitable for him. Arseniy will cope with everything, if only his work and efforts were appreciated.

Compatibility and name day

To representatives of the opposite sex, Arseny will seem shy and romantic. However, he tends to judge “candy by its wrapper”, and his choice will fall on a girl who is far from being ugly and also has no financial problems.

He knows how to look after very beautifully, he will take his chosen one to theaters, cinemas and restaurants. He can dedicate poems to her, give her flowers, sweets, arrange a date in a romantic setting, but he is in no hurry to take her to the registry office. It all depends on the girl herself: if she decides to marry Arseny, then she will bring him to the registry office herself.

In family life, he prefers to live with a domestic and economic woman, one who is able to lead the whole life without drawing our dreamer into this routine. However, outwardly he wants to always remain the master of the house.

  • A successful marriage with, Valentina, Barbara, Galina,.
  • You should not go down the aisle with Angela, Augusta, Raisa, and Regina.

At baptism, the boy will be given a name according to the holy calendar. In the case of Arseny, you can not change it, but leave it as it is. According to the church calendar, Arseny can celebrate his name day on the same day as the saint in whose honor he was baptized. Author: Anastasia Alekhina


Meaning: The name Arseny has Greek roots and comes from the Greek words "Arsenios" and "Arsen". In translation, it means "courageous", "mature" or "male". Although there are other versions of the origin in other cultures. And by the way, in Greek the name Arseniy is synonymous with the Russian name Andrei ...

The male name Arseniy is Russian Orthodox and has long been in demand in all countries with a predominantly Russian-speaking population. It has strong energy. many pronunciations in different cultures, and goes well with most female Russian names ...

Conversational options: Arsen, Arsenya, Senya

Modern English counterparts: Arsen, Arsenio, Arsen, Arssi

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Arseny promises its bearers such traits as inconsistency, selfishness, imbalance and emotionality, prudence and irascibility, uncompromisingness, adherence to principles, perseverance and obsession, cunning and self-interest. Although this is still an incomplete list of qualities that, by giving, are promised to the bearers of this name.

There is one special drawback that unites all Arsenievs without exception. It lies in the lack of friendliness and poor communication skills. On the one hand, Arsenii easily pour into the trust of people and just as easily gain respect. But on the other hand, not every Arseniy is a supporter of communication, noisy companies and fun. Because of this, there may be problems with the number of friends ...

Advantages and positive features: purposefulness, diligence, readiness to overcome any obstacles in the race for the goal, the ability to adapt to the environment and win the trust of people, prudence and prudence, an analytical mindset ...

Arseniy treats badly too strong morally people, leaders, dominant personalities, stubborn and obsessive, self-serving and two-faced. And he really does not like too sociable people who are ready to chat for hours on end.

At the moment, the name Arseniy is not very popular in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, while its analogue, the name Arsen, is found many times more often and is becoming more and more popular, especially among representatives of the Armenian diaspora.

The nature of the name Arseny

The character of the name Arseny is such that it promises a man named by this name a difficult nature, overflowing with features of different types. The character of Arseny is unpredictable, unstable, it is difficult to predict him, but at the same time he is full of good features. One should not expect deceit, betrayal or lies from such a person, he will never do a bad deed, knowing that this will bring pain and suffering to someone. In addition, his character attracts people - usually Arseniy is a person surrounded by attention and people who love him. True, Arseniy will not be able to trust these people, because of his distrust and fearfulness, but nonetheless.

On the other hand, character largely depends on additional factors, including parental childhood education, and the impact of astrological symbols, for example, the sign of the zodiac, which largely determines the character and its hidden factors, and even the time of year, which determines not only the type of nature, but also compatibility.

But there is one hundred percent point, confirmed by many men already named Arseniy - the character always, in each case, has such an important property as prudence and regularity, which in turn has a positive effect on many life factors.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a boy, for whom his parents at birth decided to choose the male name Arseniy, is usually full of bright moments and good impressions, but this is not a sign of over activity or efficiency, no. The value does not promise him energy, and not activity, on the contrary, Arseny is too calm and peaceful boy, always doing some business, on his own, without too much attention, without requiring help or the presence of one of the adults. Moreover, the value endows the boy. Named in this way, it also has a bunch of virtues, such as curiosity, calmness, obedience, shyness, regularity, kindness, good nature and cheerfulness. The only thing. What he lacks is optimism and trust.

Not only is Arseniy himself too calm, but also the lack of optimism does its job, turning him into an overly peaceful boy. Another important drawback of the little boy who received the name form Arseny is distrust, which was actually mentioned above - Arseny does not know how to choose friends, tries to avoid big companies and does not let anyone close to him, and the only reason is that he hardly trusts children as well as adults. This can lead to loneliness and too much lack of friends. However, the significance of this name is such that in the future it promises him a complete restructuring of his character and, as such, nature - already with the transition to the teenage stage, everything can change.


In a teenage boy, who is patronized by the meaning of the name Arseny, the nature remains similar to the one that was in early childhood, but is already beginning to change. So, he still has shyness, distrust, and calmness, and planning, and obedience, but plus a number of other qualities, including independence, self-confidence, arrogance, self-sufficiency, conflict-free.

There are also disadvantages - in adolescence, Arseny can become too touchy and capricious, which in turn can lead to disagreements in society, isolation, secrecy. The meaning of this name is capable of endowing a boy with the name Arseny with many good characteristics, in addition to those named above, but there is one “but” - whatever he may be, and he will always have many comrades claiming the title of friends. But it will not be easy to get this title - Arseniy, due to his incredulity, hardly selects among his peers worthy of being called friends, and moreover, even at the moment of friendship, he may not begin to trust. In the end, of course, he will begin to trust, but losing his trust is easier than ever - it is only once in something insignificant to deceive him, and distrust will again be reborn in his soul, moreover, for the rest of his life. However, once he reaches maturity, he will change. How to change his worldview ...

grown man

Adult Arseniy still usually experiences the patronage of such a factor as the meaning of the name. Still, this boy, or rather already a man, has distrust, timidity, suspiciousness, and shyness raging in his soul, but many other important qualities appear, including the ability to control his own emotions, preventing them from breaking out, calmness, regularity, prudence , prudence, eloquence, the ability to convince the interlocutor, adherence to principles, assertiveness, perseverance, impetuosity. In fact, this is already a strong man, the value promises him moral strength, which can only be envied. This one will easily achieve success in professional activities, easily climb onto the podium of leaders, and career growth is guaranteed to him - but all only on one condition, provided that there are people next to him who admire him and give him compliments. For self-confidence, he needs to constantly hear compliments and admiration, feel white envy, and have moral support. As for communication, there were some changes here - Arseniy is surrounded in adult life by attention, friends and like-minded people. True, it is very difficult for him to choose among them real friends ...

The interaction of the character of Arseny with the seasons

Spring - the so-named spring newborn boy will grow up open and sociable, despite the factor of both distrust and narcissism. Fate is full of trials, but all will be passed with ease, without overstrain, depression and retreat. He walks easily through life, is loved by the ladies, but strives for convergence with the uncontrollable soul mate.

Winter - born in the power of the meaning of Winter, the bearer of the name Arseny will be smart, resourceful and courageous, which contradicts his stubbornness and sometimes too much laziness. An incredibly wonderful conversationalist, a good friend - but you need to get his respect, which is not easy. He will look for a witty and able to listen soul mate - this will get the heart from the first minutes of communication.

Summer - there will be a lover to talk, but because of the desire for loneliness, this will rarely succeed. Not a leader, not a loser, slow, but confident, purposeful, never gives up - it will be the dream of many ladies, but she will choose a calm and reasonable, homebody, which are few.

Autumn - such a boy will grow up as a lover of logic and prudence. Any step will be pre-weighted, and therefore guaranteed to be correct. Hardworking and accurate by the origin of willpower, cunning and prudent, touchy and kind, has an unpredictable character.

The fate of the name Arseny

The fate of the name Arseny in love, in relationships with representatives of the opposite sex, in marriage and, as such, in personal life, is such that it promises all Arseny many quick, fleeting, but very stormy novels. Senya, this is a serious, obligatory, executive person, but afraid of responsibility for someone, and yet relationships just provide for it.

Another point - fate involves a lot of disappointment in potential passions. The fact is that Arseny himself is distrustful and secretive, but high feelings and love can relax him, make him trust a person who may not even correspond to how Senya himself sees him. This can lead to final disappointment, and consequently, to parting.

On the other hand, Senya's fate is as follows. Which implies the final becoming of his excellent husband and exemplary father. Whatever the wife, and no matter what surprises fate has prepared, Arseny will always remain a responsible father and a man devoted to the family.

Love and marriage

For men named Arseniy, marriage is a really responsible and serious stage in life, so they are in no hurry to marry. It usually takes them a lot of time to comprehend this step and to search for a soul mate. Such a man is looking for his chosen one, guided only by reason, without attaching much importance to the feelings and external data of the future bride.

For Arseny, it is important that he has a deep spiritual intimacy with his wife, trusting, even friendly relations with her. It is very important for him that his wife understands and supports him, believes in his strength. Lack of attention and support from a loved one can lead to serious conflicts or even divorce.

The bearers of the name Arseny are good and caring husbands who protect their family and provide it with everything necessary. True, over time, such men forget that wives also need to be pampered with their attention and manifestations of love.

And although a husband named Arseny is not always charming and generous with compliments, he is a truly faithful spouse.

Arseny as Father

Arseniy simply adores his children, loves to spend a lot of time with them and is not too lazy to devote a lot of effort to their upbringing. He will easily entrust some important matter to his wife, and he himself will spend this time with the children.

Going to the zoo, circus or Luna Park with a child will give Arseny a lot of pleasure. He, unlike most dads, will certainly find a common language with all the parents he meets on the way, discuss with them all the questions of interest to him, and generally show himself from the best side.

Usually the bearer of this name pays great attention to the quality of education of his children and takes an active part in this process. The support and respect of children is also very important to him. He wants his children to idolize him. And therefore, everything possible will be done for this. It is important for him to gain trust, to become a friend, and just to be the most important person in the world for the child.

Horoscope named after Arseny


Arseny, who was born under the influence of the value of Aries, is vulnerable and shy, may be too touchy, but he has the gift of constantly improving his own skills. Confident in motives, closed. He will look for someone who can direct him in the right direction.


Taurus - and here, who received the name Arseny, he is completely sociable and cheerful, dreams of living like no one else lives, which is called "to the fullest." Moreover, he imposes a dream on everyone around him - a humorist, a positive boy, eager to fill the world with good. Search for a companion will be the same as he is.


Gemini - this bearer of the name Arseny is cheerful and boring, angry and kind, responsible and reckless, and all at the same time. Possessing a strange nature, he easily gets along with people, is in demand in society, but compatibility with the opposite sex is not achieved with all zodiacs.


Cancer - born under the auspices of this zodiac, is a born leader in the origin of nature and character, trying to get ahead of everyone. He tries to be the center of attention, loves to beat the leader, tries to succeed in all professions at the same time. He needs a lady who is caring and gentle, so that she can direct his energy in the right direction.

a lion

The lion, as is inherent in this beast, is proud and self-confident. He does not ask and does not accept help, he does everything himself, for which he is adored by people. With the weaker sex, he is courteous, a born protector, but he will be looking for a temperamental wife, able to withstand his character.


Under the zodiac sign of Virgo, a dreamer, dreamer and lover of surprises is usually born. Strives for calmness and measuredness, but at the same time cannot live without adrenaline. Strives for positive - chooses friends and wives who know how to think positively.


But as for Libra, here we are already talking about Arseny, courteous and sociable, eloquent and well-mannered - he loves courting beauties, works for their benefit, tries to please everyone around, charm is used exclusively to satisfy his beloved.


Scorpio is an idealist by nature. Calm, simple, easy, follows a well-defined plan. A family man and a good father, an honorary worker, responsible and obligatory. He is looking for an ideal person as a wife, invented by himself - he may prefer loneliness in the end.


Sagittarius - he has compatibility with everyone without exception. And all because he is a kind, cheerful, cheerful dreamer. A positive person, a good friend and an excellent family man. We respect and honor, caring and good-natured.


A Capricorn-born person will become a commander in adulthood, a person with leadership qualities, able to subdue and lure to his side. Often becomes a lone wolf, and blames for this, solely on his own character. Love only patient and honest.


Aquarius - here, who received the name Arseny, he will grow up as a reasonable, but adventurous guy. Honored in society, appreciates the devotion of relatives and friends, loves smart and unpredictable ladies. Having found the one that will attract him, he will create a strong family - forever.


In fish, compatibility with other zodiacs is observed only when the role of a companion is played by an eccentric and dominant one. He is doubtful and unsure of himself, considers himself worthless, but does not give up, assertive - this assertiveness helps him through life. Able to create a strong family.

Compatibility with female names

The theme of compatibility with female names is very difficult in the interpretation known to us since the Soviet years, but it has several interesting factors, namely ...

It is known that the brightest and most passionate relationships await in relations with Agnia, Evdokia, Nika, Seraphim, Rose and Vera.

An alliance with Bella, Frida, Praskovya, Stella, Dina, Dora, Gloria, Renata and Sarah can eventually turn into a strong and happy marriage.

And an alliance with Nonna, Uliana, Augusta and Veronica will not bring anything good.

The meaning and origin of the name: "Courageous" (Greek)

Name energy and character: Arseny is one of the few names that in a diminutive form - Arsen - sounds much harder than in full, and therefore, to determine the character, it is extremely important to know how exactly the bearer of the name prefers to call himself - Arseny or Arsen? In the first case, Arseniy usually grows up as a rather gentle and good-natured person, he is flexible and somewhat shy. At the same time, his inner energy usually finds expression in daydreaming and a well-developed imagination. Arseny is a creative and very sensitive nature, it doesn’t cost anything to offend him, and far from always he has the determination to stand up for himself in difficult times. However, there are not so many such moments in Arseny's life: after all, most often he prefers to stay in the shadows and live in the world of his own illusions. A similar type of character was well described by one of the representatives of this name - Arseny Tarkovsky, who in the poems dedicated to his childhood has the following line: "He was more ethereal than Moscow thieves ..." Very accurately and, most importantly, unlike those same thieves, it is safe with point of view of the criminal code.

Perhaps Arseny lacks the necessary decisiveness, but his gentleness and sincerity often provide him with a sufficient number of friends, surrounded by whom Arseny wakes up cheerfulness. The rest of the time, he often prefers to go with the flow, not really caring about real existence and somewhat risking drowning in his own dreams and fantasies.

However, the name has another side: after all, in fact, nothing prevents Arseny from one day making up for the shortcomings of the energy of his name, realizing himself no longer as a soft and compliant Arseny, but rather firm and resolute Arsen. In this case, he will have many chances to succeed in life and stand up for himself as needed. Especially if, having well acquired the necessary firmness and perseverance, Arsen will be able to maintain his sincerity.

Secrets of communication: The easiest way to destroy relations with Arseniy is to try to play a trick on him. However, at the same time, he is unlikely to remember the insult for a long time and either closes in on himself, or, especially if he prefers to call himself Arsen, will give a decisive rebuff to the mocker. But, having made friends with him, you will find a reliable devoted friend.

The trace of a name in history:

Arseny Tarkovsky

There is such a popular saying: "Nature rests on the children of geniuses", however, such a statement is true only in relation to some part of geniuses and their families - because otherwise it would be impossible for the existence of so-called family dynasties, in which the son is often more talented than the father, and the grandson, in turn, may be more brilliant than both of them.

The great director Andrei Tarkovsky, who made such wonderful films as "The Mirror", "Solaris", "Stalker", never hid that he owed the formation of his personality to his father, Arseniy Tarkovsky (1907-1989). A poet, translator, a deeply moral person, Arseniy Tarkovsky in his poems tried to reflect his own perception of the universe as the wholeness of all that exists, with a strong interconnection of its individual parts. The poet's thoughts about the transience of life and about what awaits a person on the other side of death, his heightened perception of the world around him could not but be passed on to his son, and eventually turned into a fantastically philosophical extravaganza of Andrei Tarkovsky's films.

Despite the fact that Arseny Tarkovsky is much less famous than his son, his collections of poems, such as "Magic Mountains", "Winter Day", "Before the Snow", "From Youth to Old Age", at one time enjoyed considerable popularity - mainly due to extraordinary atmosphere and deep thoughts of the author.

The meaning of the name Arseny: the name for a boy means "courageous", "resolute", "mature". This affects the character and fate of Arseny.

origin of the name Arseny: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Arsenya, Arsenyushka, Arsyuta, Arsyusha, Senya, Arsya.

What does the name Arseny mean? the name Arseny comes from the ancient Greek name Arsenios, which, in turn, came from "arsen". The name translates as "mature". Another meaning of the name Arseny is "courageous." A man tries to succeed in everything: he has friends everywhere, and from the abundance of ideas there is no time to rest. A very creative person, respects a woman, so he marries once and for life. Closed and silent at times.

Patronymic: Arsenyevich, Arsentievich, Arsenovich, Arsenievna, Arsentievna, Arsenovna.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: Arseny celebrates name days twice a year:

  • May 21 (8) - The Monk Arseny the Great (5th century) was at first the educator of the royal children, then he retired to the Egyptian desert, accepted monasticism and lived there, performing miracles with prayers, for fifty years.
  • 25 (12) nurse - the Monk Arseny Konevsky enlightened Karelia with the faith of Christ.

Signs: If in the morning on Arseny, May 21, a lot of dew is a harbinger of good weather; no dew - to rain. Clear day May 21 - expect an abundance of cucumbers this year.

The meaning of the name for a boy

Arseniy loves music, but he would hardly have made it his profession if his parents had not insisted. This is his trouble - Arseniy cannot always resist circumstances, and therefore very often he does the wrong thing in life, marries the wrong woman, raises children the wrong way ...

In a word, insufficient firmness of character is Senya's misfortune. A guy named Arseniy is vulnerable and sensitive, by nature he is not even a leader at all. He achieves success more often in his imagination, which is so violently developed that sometimes it replaces reality. And yet it happens that, even in his mature years, a guy can turn his life around and confirm the meaning of the name Arseny! However, he will not take revenge on those who subordinated him to their will, for his generosity is enormous. This is generally a property of all people with creative imagination - even failed creators.

Sociable, but Arseniy chooses his friends very carefully. Vulnerable, sensitive, impulsive, can lie and therefore often gets into ridiculous or ambiguous situations. Born in the summer, Senya is not talkative, he prefers to listen to others. Does not seek leadership.

Since childhood, Arseniy has been a vulnerable and sensitive boy. Very kind, he feels sorry for everyone, he tries to help everyone. A man with this name loves animals, feeds the homeless. He likes to read poetry, he performs them well from the school stage.

Adult Arseny is often withdrawn into himself, rather selfish, touchy. There is no firmness and determination in him, it is difficult for him to stand up for himself. He is not a leader and has a hard time moving up the corporate ladder. He attaches great importance to benevolence towards people, but is not capable of a feat for the sake of his neighbor. There are few friends, but he is faithful to them and next to them cheerfulness and optimism wake up in him. If he quarrels, he will not take the first step towards reconciliation, but he does not remember insults for a long time, generously forgiving the offender.

Arseniy is a creative person, he has a rich imagination. Even in his school years, he writes compositions best of all. He can be a writer, but also a designer, architect, veterinarian, lawyer, driver, clergyman.

The nature of the name Arseny

Positive features: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Arseny? The name gives honesty, sociability, responsibility, firmness and perseverance. A man named Arseny knows how to win over people. He loves jokes and pranks. Even in the harshest conditions of life, Arseny knows how to preserve his sincerity.

Negative Traits: The name Arseny brings hot temper, causticity, vulnerability, bravado. It is hard for the name of Senya to restrain his strong emotions. The man Arseniy is naively trying to restore justice and because of this he is deprived of a prestigious job, well-deserved awards and prizes.

Name Arseny in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Arseny promise happiness in love? Senya is more of a good father than a caring husband. He is overly demanding of his wife.

Arseny treats a woman with great respect. With his wife, in addition to sensual, intellectual relationship is important for him. For him, the stability of marriage is of particular importance. Arseny needs to fully trust his wife, to have common attachments with her: to animals, music, books, poems. If this does not happen, the marriage quickly breaks up. A guy with this name can be married twice. The second time, Arseny marries more prudently, and a strong friendly alliance arises. Senya loves children very much, especially daughters.

Compatibility with female names

The union of Arseny with Aida, Bella, Evgenia, Irma, Christina, Leila, Maya, Ninel is favorable. Arseny is also combined with Polina. Difficult relationships with the Arsenievs are likely with Aglaya, Inna, Lydia, Mavra, Elsa.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Subtle nature disposes to creative work. The ability to organize people around you contributes to success in leadership positions. Arseniy is an excellent teacher, coach, prestigious tutor.

Business and career: Arseniy does not seek to earn a lot of money. A man named Arseniy lives in the future, new projects, not really caring about everyday needs.

A man called Arseny makes a career with the help of his parents and their high-ranking friends; "winter" - resourceful, brave, but stubborn and this complicates his life; born in autumn - cunning, prudent, hardworking and accurate, appreciates friendship, but because of Arseny's touchiness and exorbitant pride, he will never take the first step towards reconciliation.

Talismans of Arseny

  • Zodiac - Gemini
  • Planet Arsenia - Mercury
  • Color - blue
  • Auspicious tree - ash
  • Cherished plant Arseny - iris
  • Patron - swallow
  • Arseny's talisman stone - amethyst

The fate of the name Arseny

  1. Arseny Sukhanov - hieromonk, builder of the Trinity-Sergius Epiphany Monastery and cellar of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.
  2. Arseniy Tarkovsky (1907–1980), author of poetry collections In 1980, Arseniy Tarkovsky became a laureate of the USSR State Prize.
  3. Arsenio Martinez-Campos Anton - (1831 - 1900) Spanish statesman and military leader, general.
  4. Arsenie Todirash - (born 1983) Moldavian pop singer, member of the O-Zone group.
  5. Arsenio Campos - (born 1946) a famous Mexican film and TV actor.
  6. Count Arseny Zakrevsky - (1783 - 1865) Russian military and statesman from the Zakrevsky family, Moscow Governor-General (1848-1859).
  7. Arseny Zverev - (1900 - 1969) Soviet statesman. People's Commissar, Minister of Finance of the USSR in 1938-1960, General State Advisor to the Financial Service (1948).
  8. Arseniy Yatsenyuk is a Ukrainian politician, economist and lawyer.
  9. Arseniy the Hardworking - (late XIII - XIV century) monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Saint of the Russian Church, revered as a saint.
  10. Arseniy Naydenov (Rozman) - (1941 - 2010) Soviet football player, midfielder, Honored Coach of the RSFSR (1991). Coached more than a dozen teams from the lower divisions of the USSR.
  11. Arseniy Zhakov - (born 1950) Russian, Soviet, classical guitarist, composer, teacher.
  12. Arseny Elassonsky - (1550 - 1625) in the world - Apostolis; Archbishop of Suzdal and Tarusa.
  13. Arseny Tishkov - (1909 - 1979) Soviet state security figure and diplomat. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (1947), Major General (1965).
  14. Arseny Bibikov - (1873 - 1927) Russian theater and silent film actor, author of poems and stories published in the magazines "Young Russia", "Our Journal".
  15. Metropolitan Arseniy - (1704 - 1770) in the world - Alexei Mogilyansky; Metropolitan of Kyiv and Galicia, preacher of the court of Elizabeth Petrovna.

Name translation

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. Translated in Italian as Arsenio, in Polish: Arseniusz, in Latin: Arsenius, in Spanish: Arsenio, in Ukrainian: Arsen, in Czech: Arsen.

Name health and energy

Health and talents named after Arseny: Arseny can suffer from diseases of the digestive and excretory systems. Possible metabolic disorder.

How the name is inclined by cases

  • Nominative case: Arseniy
  • Genitive case: Arsenia
  • Dative case: Arseny
  • Accusative case: Arsenia
  • Instrumental case: Arseniy
  • Prepositional case: Arsenii

The name Arseny has come to us since ancient Greece. They say that the origin of the name Arseny is connected with the Greek word "Arsen" - courageous, mature. The short form Arsen after some time became an independent name, it is especially common among Armenians, Bashkirs and Tatars. By the way, among these peoples, the meaning of the name Arseny (Arsen) is somewhat different - a fearless, strong person. There is also a female form of the name - Arsen.

Despite the rather courageous meaning of the name Arseny, this young man has a gentle and very kind character. He is shy, calm and flexible, loves to dream.

A man named Arseny has a good imagination, has a well-developed creative imagination.

And like any creative person, it is easy to hurt him with an inappropriate remark. He subtly feels all attacks in his direction and is rarely able to stand up for himself. However, such situations are very rare. All his life he lives in captivity of his own fantasies. However, this does not mean that this will continue for the rest of your life.

A man named Arseny is able to replenish his life with energy and turn into a courageous one. In this case, he will have a much better chance of succeeding in life and standing up for himself and his family. Surprisingly, the sensuality and gentleness of character will not disappear at the same time, it’s just that not everyone can feel it, but only the closest people.

True, such traits of character attract other people. Therefore, Arseny never lonely, there are always many acquaintances and friends around him. In their circle, the young man feels more relaxed and successful. The name Arseny speaks of the diligence, accuracy and sociability of his master. These qualities have been instilled in him since childhood.

If the parents tried and at one time taught him to strive for victory and go to the end, then this will have a positive effect on life. But for this, the owner of the name Arseny will have to overcome his stubbornness and become more flexible.

If you want to end the conversation, give him a rude remark or make a couple of mocking jokes in his direction. In the first two minutes, he will express everything that he thinks about you at the moment, and then disappear from your life. If you cannot avoid further communication, then a guy named Arseny will simply close in on himself and reduce everything to a minimum.

But still we recommend not to do this, because the name Arseniy is carried by the most benevolent people. They make the most faithful friends. They can lie a little, so to speak, give a few bright touches to their story, but without fanaticism. A prudent and cunning guy is able to climb high on the career ladder.

A man named Arseniy seeks to improve his financial situation, but to shine in public is not the main thing for our hero.

Childhood and youth

The name Arseny gives its imprint on the boy's childhood. He grows up as a kind and complaisant child, he always has a lot of ideas and fantasies. Therefore, it is always interesting to play with his peers. Yes, and he wants to play in a team.

  • Senya is a very active and energetic boy, however, this manifests itself more through his imagination than through his strength of character.
  • There are always many friends and acquaintances around a boy named Arseny, however, he does not single out anyone separately.
  • Rarely will do something disinterestedly.
  • Likes animals. Having a pet in the house, parents do not have to worry, Arseniy is able to take care of his pet on his own.

Hobbies and profession

The best work option for Arseny would be creative work. The name Arseny endows his master with a good fantasy.

Arsen Borisovich Gottlieb (Russian film producer)

  • This man does not strive for high positions and high salaries, all his thoughts are focused on a new project.
  • Arsenievs make good leaders, they know how to organize the work of the team.

The most successful professions for a person named Arseny

  • tutor, coach,
  • teacher, writer,
  • designer, architect,
  • veterinarian.


Sena should be careful about her diet and lifestyle. He has a weak digestive system, metabolic disorders are possible. Men named Arseny often complain of poor eyesight and insomnia.


Arseny can be called a romantic nature. He loves women, respects them, and they reciprocate. Despite the quite ordinary appearance, Arseny is always popular with the fair sex. He knows how to win over a woman, knows how to beautifully look after.

Men with the name Arseniy fall in love easily, but they are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. Often they marry only under the influence of the woman they love. Best relationship with:

  • Adoy,
  • Irma,
  • Evgenia.

If the companion's name is Mavra, or Elsa, then difficulties may arise in the union.


Marriage changes Arseniy, now he is not a sensitive romantic hero, but a man who will evade any housework if it does not bring him personal benefit. In his wife, he appreciates the ability to feel and understand. Although family well-being depends, first of all, on himself.

A man named Arseny must learn to trust his wife. It is desirable to find some common activities and hobbies. It can be music, books, love for animals. If the spouses do not have common ground, then the marriage will not last long.

The second time, the owners of the name Arseny enter more deliberately. From Arseniev are obtained great fathers. They love their children, especially daughters. Arseniy will pamper them, play, read books, educate and spend free time with them. He not only does not get tired of this, but also receives a huge boost of energy.

Some more facts

  • Arseny is one of the few names that sounds softer in full form than in diminutive (Arsen).
  • Arseniy Konevsky is the patron saint of all sailors.

Name days: February 1, February 19, February 28, March 13, March 15, May 12, May 21, June 25, July 15, July 25, August 13, September 6, September 10, September 12, November 10, November 19, December 3, December 26