22 final test on the topic arithmetic root. Square root. An exhaustive guide (2019). Topic: "Rational fractions"

Each person evaluates his abilities differently, someone exaggerates them, and someone, on the contrary, underestimates them. It all depends on self-esteem. It is she who stands in the way of success or failure. After all, most people set goals for themselves, but never achieve them, because they do not believe in themselves, or, on the contrary, overestimate the bar, overestimating their own abilities. However, there are those who always get what they want, as they adequately evaluate themselves. After all, if a person knows his shortcomings and advantages, he can always find a job to his liking, bringing, moreover, and material wealth find true friends and a suitable life partner.

If you want to learn how to correctly assess your capabilities and prospects on the way to achieving your goal, then you first need to have adequate self-esteem. Answer the questions of the test “Your level of psychological self-esteem”, and you will find out whether your assessment of yourself is correct and, if it is not, then you can, if you wish, correct your actions with the help of the advice of psychologists who have developed these test questions.

Test questions "Your level of psychological self-esteem"

1. You did a great job that brought not only fame to your company, but also

Each person has certain ideas about himself: how smart, handsome, sociable, courageous and able to achieve results. Personal self-esteem has a great influence on our behavior and decisions, achievements, and, as a result, on our whole life. Therefore, so much attention in psychology is paid to the process of its research.

Psychological tests to determine the level of self-esteem are designed to reveal the objective degree of assessment of oneself as a person as a whole. To date, there are many methods for adjusting self-determination, however, in order to change your image according to these methods, you must first determine at what level a person's self-esteem is.

About self-esteem

It is extremely difficult for a person with a low level of self-esteem to realize himself in life; a large number of complexes and self-doubt. Psychological tests help to identify problems associated with evaluating one's self, which means that in the future these problems can be solved either independently or with the help of psychologists.

It should be noted that a clear level of self-esteem is very difficult to determine, because different situations a person can think and define his state in different ways. Therefore, when passing tests, one should analyze only those situations that are encountered in everyday life.

With this small online test out of 10 questions, you can determine the level of self-esteem: overestimated, normal or low. The result will tell you which of the three self-esteem indices you are closer to and, perhaps, will give an incentive for qualitative changes in your life!

1. How often do you have thoughts that you shouldn't have said or done something?

  • a) very often
  • b) Sometimes

2. If you associate with a brilliant and witty person, you:

  • a) Try to beat him in wit
  • b) You will not get involved in the competition, but give it its due and leave the conversation

3. Choose one of the opinions that is closest to you:

  • a) What many people think is luck is actually the result of hard work
  • b) Success often depends on a happy coincidence
  • c) In a difficult situation, the main thing is not perseverance or luck, but a person who can approve or console

4. You were shown a cartoon or a parody of you. You:

  • a) Laugh and be glad that you have something original
  • b) Also try to find something funny in your partner and make fun of him
  • c) Be offended, but do not pretend

5. Are you always in a hurry, don't have enough time, or do you take on tasks that are beyond the capacity of one person?

  • a) Yes
  • b) No
  • c) I don't know

7. You love to imagine various situations in which you behave completely differently than in real life?

  • a) Yes
  • b) No
  • c) I don't know