Minutes of the general meeting of employees of the labor collective. Rules for compiling the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective recognized as one of main organizational and administrative documents of the meeting. How and for what purpose is it compiled? In this article, we will answer these and some other questions in detail.

What is a general meeting of the labor collective?

The general meeting of the labor collective is convened to resolve the most important issues of the life of the organization.

According to Russian law, there are two types of such meetings.

They are differentiated depending on the number of employees present c, necessary for the recognition of the meeting as competent:

  • general a meeting of employees is legally valid if more than 1/2 of the employees of the organization are present at it;
  • The employees' conference has legal force if it is attended by at least 2/3 of the delegates elected by employees.

Labor legislation establishes issues, the resolution of which is the exclusive authority of the general meeting (conference) of employees. These include:

  • election of a representative for collective bargaining;
  • election of employees' representatives to the commission on labor disputes;
  • adoption of a decision on the formation of a commission on labor disputes in the structural unit of the organization;
  • statement, presentation in the proper form and sending to the employer of the requirements workers;
  • decision to go on strike.

However a general meeting of the labor collective may be convened to resolve other issues at its discretion if these problems are not referred by law to the exclusive competence of another body or official.

The meeting of the labor collective allows to solve many problems. If the question was about a violation of the charter or abuse of authority, then it may be necessary which you can find in the link.

Voting at the meeting is open. Other issues related to the procedure for convening and the activities of the meeting are not regulated by law, which means that their resolution is referred to the competence of the general meeting itself.

What is the protocol for?

The minutes of the general meeting of employees reflect the sequence of discussion of issues considered at a particular meeting, records the decisions made and set deadlines for their implementation.

This document is legally binding. In other words, if any decision taken at the general meeting is not recorded in the minutes, this decision is recognized as non-existent and is not binding.

Protocol preparation procedure

It is advisable to consider the order of keeping the protocol in relation to three stages:

  1. Preparatory actions;
  2. Drawing up a protocol;
  3. Familiarization with the protocol of interested parties.

Preparatory actions

The person responsible for the preparation of the record general meeting of the labor collective, is the secretary.

In practice, the secretary (along with the chairman) is usually elected by the employees before the meeting or during the meeting as part of one of the items on the agenda.

Before making a protocol the secretary should carry out preparatory work, consisting of several stages:

  1. The secretary must clarify the issues to be discussed and coordinate them with management. In addition, it is necessary establish rules for the consideration of each issue individually and holding the meeting as a whole;
  2. The second stage is made notification of the labor collective about the holding of a collective meeting;
  3. Further the secretary establishes the sequence of consideration of issues taking into account approved regulations by putting the most important questions at the beginning;
  4. The next step is familiarization with the agenda of all participants of the meeting, as well as persons invited as observers;
  5. Then the secretary prepares the registration sheet(a document required to enter the number of participants in the general meeting into the minutes);
  6. Further it is necessary to distribute among the participants the abstracts of the reports of the speakers and other necessary materials;
  7. Finally, directly before the meeting, the secretary copies documents related to the general meeting and distribute them to everyone present.

Drawing up a protocol

During the meeting the secretary keeps a full and detailed record of the progress of the discussions, after which he is obliged to draw up a protocol as soon as possible and submit it for review and approval to the chairman.

In addition to the secretary and chairman, the minutes must be signed by all participants.

To make this process easier, a kind of “registration sheet” can be prepared before the meeting.

Each participant, upon entering the meeting room (or leaving it), will enter his surname, initials and signature in this document. Such a registration the sheet is subsequently attached to the protocol.

When preparing the protocol, it may be necessary logbook work books, you can see the sample and download it.

It is important to note that the protocol is drawn up precisely on the letterhead of the organization in A4 format, in which each page is numbered. The document must be laced and kept throughout the entire activity of the organization.

Acquaintance with the Protocol of Stakeholders

After signing it is necessary to familiarize all employees of the organization, as well as other interested parties, with the protocol. This introduction can take two forms:

  1. Sending a copy of the protocol. In this case, the secretary makes copies of the protocol and sends it to all interested parties by mail, facsimile, Email or hand over the protocol personally.
  2. Placing an extract from the protocol on the information stand organizations. An extract from the protocol is a copy of a fragment of the text of the original document relevant to the issue with which it is necessary to familiarize interested parties.

The indispensable elements of the extract are recognized required details minutes of the meeting, introductory part, one of the items on the agenda, the process of its discussion and decision. The signature of the secretary of the meeting is sufficient to give legal significance to the extract.

Structure and outline of the protocol

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective, includes an introductory and main part. The dissenting opinion of an individual participant can also be a constituent element of the protocol.

In contrast to this opinion, the mandatory details of the protocol are parts of the document, without which it has no legal force.

Required details

Mandatory details of any protocol general meeting of the labor collective are:

  • full name of the organization;
  • type of document (in our case it is protocol);
  • meeting date ( if the meeting took place over several days, the start and end dates are indicated separated by a dash);
  • registration number;
  • place of compilation;
  • title to text requisite of the document, briefly setting out its content);
  • signatures of the secretary and chairman assembly.


The elements of the introductory part of the protocol are:

  • Full name of the secretary and chairman;
  • Name of meeting participants. Provided that their number is more than 15 people, only their number is recorded, a full list participants with their names and initials is attached to the protocol. Besides, the total number of employees of the organization;
  • Name of invited persons, if any, along with the position and place of work;
  • Agenda. Agenda items are arranged in decreasing order of their importance.. In addition to the questions it is necessary to note the speakers for each of them.

Full information about each employee is in the employment contract. How to lead sample - see the link.

Main body and extract

The main part of the protocol consists of sections. The content of each section should correspond to the agenda items ( the first section is devoted to the first item on the agenda, and so on.). The partition plan includes the following elements:

  • the first structural element begins with the word "Listened: ...". AT it indicates the name of the speaker and, as a rule, the title of the report. Himself the report is attached to the minutes. However, the text of the report may be placed directly in this part of the protocol;
  • the second element is introduced by the word "Speaked: ...". This reflects the names of persons who asked questions to the speaker or otherwise participated in the discussion on the issue. In addition, the essence of these questions and speeches is formulated.;
  • the last part is introduced by the word "Decided: ...". It states the decision taken. Under him the number of those who voted "for", "against", as well as those who abstained from voting is indicated.

In addition, a list of persons who did not vote must be attached. A decision on one issue may consist of more than one item.

In this case they are placed in descending order of importance.The dissenting opinion of an individual participant is noted in the minutes after the decision to which it relates.

Many issues are resolved by the accounting policy of the organization. Read about what it is.

Minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective on the conclusion of a collective agreement (sample)

One of the common reasons for holding a general meeting of employees of an organization is the conclusion or changes collective agreement. It should be noted that in this case the minutes of the general meeting have their own characteristics.

So, in the introductory part, in addition to the details already indicated, they should representatives of employees and the employer should be marked.

If you decide to open own business and you can’t decide, then the article on the link will help you figure it out.

Most often, the primary trade union organization (a trade union that unites more than half of the employer's employees) acts as a representative of workers. But in the absence of such an organization, representatives of employees are elected by the general meeting (conference) of employees.

The agenda in such a protocol must necessarily include the issue, which can be formulated as follows: "On the conclusion of a collective agreement."

The decision specifies the period for which the collective agreement is concluded.. The text of the treaty itself is attached to the protocol.

You can download a sample protocol of the general meeting of the labor collective.

If on certain aspects of the collective agreement the representatives of the employees and the employer did not come to an agreement, then the agreement is concluded on the terms that were agreed upon, and both the concluded agreement and the protocol of disagreements are attached to the protocol.

The protocol of disagreements can subsequently be submitted for resolution to the commission on labor disputes or the court.

A separate clause in the decision may contain a provision on granting the right to representatives of employees and the employer to sign the contract.

Thus, as we found out, the protocol of the general meeting of the labor collective (general meeting of employees or conference of employees) is a document that gives legally binding force to the decision of the meeting.

For in order to properly draw up the protocol, the secretary must do a tremendous job both at the stage of preparation, and in the process, as well as after the meeting.

A positive reference from the workplace can drastically change your future career, detailed information – .

The protocol is a strictly formal document having a fixed structure: introductory and main part. Generally the purpose of this document is to provide timely and rigorous execution decisions of the general meeting labor collective.

Sometimes it is necessary to hold a meeting not only of the labor collective, but also of the LLC participants, how to do it correctly, see here:

Office work at any enterprise (organization) provides for the creation, correct design and accounting required documents. This function is usually assigned to or one of the employees. personnel service. Among other papers, the protocol is considered one of the most important organizational and administrative documents. How and why is it compiled? These questions must be answered step by step.

Organization of the meeting and preparation of minutes

In practice, the protocol (of a meeting, conference, seminar) is a document that reflects the sequence of discussion of the issues under consideration, fixes the decisions made and determines the deadlines for their implementation. the labor collective is usually led by the secretary of the meeting. He then draws it up accordingly and submits it to the chairman for signature. The mechanism of the entire procedure for organizing and holding a meeting is quite simple. To get started, you need to preparatory work. This is what the secretary does. He must:

  1. Coordinate the agenda with management. There are usually several questions for discussion. The secretary determines the sequence of their discussion, taking into account the approved regulations. Then it is necessary to familiarize all participants of the meeting and invited persons with the agenda.
  2. Prepare a registration sheet. The secretary draws up this document in order to subsequently enter the number of participants in the minutes.
  3. Distribute among the participants abstracts of speeches and reference literature (graphs, tables, economic calculations). The secretary should replicate the available documents and distribute them to all those present.
  4. Keep a detailed record of the meeting.
  5. Appropriately draw up at the end of the meeting of the labor collective and transfer it for review and approval to the chairman (head of the enterprise).

Such a document is drawn up in accordance with a certain GOST. The protocol of the meeting of the labor collective, like any other, consists of several parts:

1. Header. It contains:

  • name of the organization (JSC "Khimplast");
  • type (name) of the document ("Protocol");
  • date and number;
  • place of the meeting (drawing up the minutes);
  • title ("Meetings of the labor collective").

2. Introduction. It is indicated here: full name of the chairman of the meeting, his secretary, as well as those present and invited persons. For example:

Chairman - Mikhailov S.M.

Secretary - Ivanov I.I.

Present: Sidorov A.R., Koshkin S.T.

Invitees: director of LLC "Rus" Petrov N.K., Commercial Director company "Color" Semenov T. D.

If the number of employees present in the hall is more than 15 people, then only their total number is recorded on the basis of the registration sheet.

3. Main. It must contain 3 components:

  • who "Listened";
  • at the "Speaked" meeting;
  • that in the end "Decided" ("Decided").

4. Registration. The protocol of the meeting of the labor collective ends with the signatures of the chairman and secretary indicating the full name and position.

It usually takes some time to process all entries, but no more than 5 days. After signing, the protocol of the meeting of the labor collective takes full legal force. Then it must be brought to the attention of all members of the team. To do this, make a copy of it and transfer it to the employees along with the familiarization sheet.

Different variants

When compiling the minutes of the meeting of the labor collective, the secretary chooses a sample independently. If the agenda includes questions about the creation of various commissions and the approval of their composition, then it would be more correct to modify the main part a little. A more logical and understandable option would consist of the following parts:

  • "offered to elect";
  • “voted: for__, against__, abstained__”;
  • "The decision was made".

In this form, the essence of the elections and the procedure for discussing candidates will be more clear. The remaining components of the document can be left unchanged.

In a narrow circle

You can consider an example of the protocol of a meeting of the labor collective, which is attended exclusively by employees of the enterprise. In this case, there is no need to indicate the "invited" persons, and this item is simply abolished. And if only one issue is considered at such a meeting, then the document is executed in a simplified version. There is no need to distribute copies to everyone present for review. In this case, the task can be simplified. The secretary can make an extract from the minutes and post it on the bulletin board. There, all interested members of the team can see the results of the meeting, including those who could not attend it in person. Such paper will be a complete copy of the original document, except for the signature of the chairman. Instead, there will be a confirmation inscription made by the secretary.

The protocol of a meeting of a work collective is one of the types of organizational and administrative documents that reflects information about the course of discussion of some managerial issues, fixing the course of discussion of issues and decision-making at meetings. Contain an operative part, used to document permanent meetings.

The protocol of the meeting of the labor collective must necessarily include: the name of the institution (organization of the enterprise), the type of document (minutes), the places for putting down the document index, the date, the place where the protocol was drawn up (geographical point), the heading to the text. So the header looks like:

Limited Liability Company “________________”


Also, in the introductory part of the protocol, after the heading, the names and initials of the chairman and secretary of the meeting are indicated, the title of the position may not be indicated.

Coming from newline type the word “Attended:” and list in alphabetical order surnames and initials of the permanent participants of the meeting, members of the commission and other employees of this organization (structural unit) without indicating positions. If officials from outside organizations are present at the meeting, the word “Invited:” is printed in the minutes from a new line, as well as the names, initials and positions indicating the organization of those invited to the meeting.

When drawing up the minutes of an extended meeting, the names of the participants are not listed, but their total number is indicated by a figure.

The minutes are drawn up on the basis of records that were kept at the meeting by the secretary or a specially selected or appointed person performing his functions, manually or using a voice recorder. The secretary of the meeting must use the documents that have arisen during its preparation - the agenda, lists of participants, texts of reports or speeches, draft decisions.

The date of the minutes is the date of the meeting! If the meeting of the labor collective lasted several days, then the date of the protocol includes the start and end dates, for example: September 21–24, 2000 or September 21–24, 2000. The protocol number (registration index) is the sequence number of the meeting. The protocols are numbered within the calendar year or the term of office of the collegial body.

The next paragraph indicates a list of issues to be discussed. It begins with the words "Agenda". The agenda contains a list of issues that are discussed at the meeting, and fixes the sequence of their discussion and the names of speakers (speakers).

The agenda of the meeting of the labor collective, as a rule, is drawn up in advance and should include optimal amount issues that can be considered and discussed at the meeting. A properly drawn up agenda allows you to correctly plan the meeting, to achieve the greatest efficiency from this type of activity. The inclusion of several large issues (or a large number of small ones) on the agenda leads to a delay in the meeting, loss of time for its participants, and a decrease in the quality of decisions made. Based on this, it is not recommended to include the item “Miscellaneous” on the agenda, the discussion of which may require considerable time.

The main part of the minutes of the meeting consists of several sections, each of which refers to the corresponding item on the agenda. Each section consists of three parts: “LISTENED”, “SPEAKED”, “DECIDED” (or “DECIDED”), in each of these parts there is a recording of the speech of the main speaker, participants in the discussion of the issue and the operative part, formulating the decision of the meeting. Each speaker's surname and initials are printed on a new line from a paragraph in nominative case. Questions to the speaker or speakers are entered into the minutes in the order they are received, each question is printed from the red line. Surnames are allowed not to be indicated.

Decisions developed at the meeting are entered into the minutes after the word “RESOLVED” (or “DECIDED”). The decision is made collectively, which often involves the vote of the participants. However, in management practice, voting results are usually not reflected in the protocols. If such a need arises, then the voting results are indicated separately for each item of the decision. For example, "Unanimously" or "For - 14, against - 1, abstained - 3".

The minutes are drawn up by the secretary of the meeting, reprinting the text, editing it and agreeing with the chairman of the meeting or the head of the structural unit. The protocol acquires legal force only if there are two signatures - the chairman and the secretary.

The first copy of the protocol is signed, which is filed by the secretary in the case and kept in accordance with the period determined by the nomenclature of cases. However, there are often cases when an employee needs to be presented to another organization (or structural subdivision) decision. In this case, an extract from the protocol is issued.

An extract from the protocol is an exact copy of the part of the text of the original protocol related to the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared. At the same time, all the details of the form, the introductory part of the text, the agenda item on which the extract is being prepared, and the text reflecting the discussion of the issue and the decision taken are reproduced. The header looks like:

Limited Liability Company “_______________”
work team meetings
07.02.2011 ________________________________________________ № 1

An extract from the protocol is signed only by the secretary, he also draws up an attestation. It consists of the word “True”, an indication of the position of the person who certifies the copy (extract), personal signature, surname, initials and date. If an extract is given for submission to another organization, then it is certified by a seal.






1. On the establishment of new official salaries.

2. On the fulfillment by employees of the requirements of fire, electrical safety, labor protection at the workplace.

3. On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9

1. Listened:

On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9

The head of MADOU No. 9 familiarized the team with the Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination of MADOU No. 9.


1. Senior educator - Romashkina L.V. put forward the issue of approving the Regulations on the procedure for the preparation and organization of self-examination MADOU No. 9 for voting.

"For" - 37 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Approve from 12.01.15. Regulations on the procedure for preparing and organizing self-examination MADOU No. 9

2. Listened:

On the establishment of new salaries.

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted the staff with the Resolution of the Board of Administration Kemerovo region dated December 29, 2014 No. 528 On amendments to the resolution of the Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo region dated 25.03.11. No. 120 "On maintaining new system wages for employees of state industry organizations of the Kemerovo region, created by an educational institution from 01/01/2015.


1. Install from 01/01/2015. new salaries for employees.


On the fulfillment by employees of the requirements of fire-prevention, electrical safety, labor protection at the workplace.

The head of MADOU No. 9 spoke about the organization in the preschool educational institution of work on the safety of employees and pupils. Regularly, once every six months, briefings are held on labor protection at the workplace, according to counter fire safety, electrical safety with workers with 1 tolerance group. Regular monitoring of compliance with labor protection requirements is carried out.


1. Supply manager Zherdeva T.S. raised the issue of the need to inform her in a timely manner of all equipment malfunctions.


1. Comply with the requirements of fire and electrical safety, labor protection at the workplace.

2. Notify the supply manager of all equipment malfunctions in a timely manner.


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool educational institution"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 37 people

Missing: 3 people, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Approval of the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services in MADOU No. 9.

1. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted the staff with the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.


1. Senior educator - Romashkina L.V. raised the issue of approving the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.

"For" - 37 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Approve the Regulations on the provision of additional paid educational services at MADOU No. 9.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".



Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. On making changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.09.2014

2. Listened:

On making changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.09.2014

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. told the team about the need to make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.09.2014 She proposed bonus payments based on the results of work, established to employees based on the results of their activities, according to the evaluation sheets, to be established not for half a year, but quarterly.


Head Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of amending paragraph 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 1, 2014 for voting.

"For" - 38 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of remuneration of MADOU No. 9 dated September 1, 2014.

“Bonus payments based on the results of work are established to employees based on the results of their activities, according to the evaluation sheets on a quarterly basis.”

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 38 people

Missing: 2 people, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher




1. Listened:

Transition and organization of the summer recreational period for pupils of MADOU.

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted those present with the work plan for the summer recreation period, drew attention to the need to pay Special attention on the organization of the regime of pupils, hardening and ensuring a safe stay in kindergarten. She covered the issues of organization of drinking and sanitary-epidemiological regime. She spoke about main task team preschool is to preserve the health of pupils and therefore it is necessary to make efforts of all structures: educators, junior educators, head nurse, labor protection commission.


  1. Senior teacher Romashkina L.V., raised the issue of the need for educational, health and educational work to be carried out in close relationship with parents.
  2. Head Nurse Reichert L.V. spoke about the rules for processing sand in sandboxes, providing the first medical care and prevention of poisoning and intestinal diseases in children and adults.


  1. Ensure the transition to the summer recreational period in accordance with the work plan.
  2. Responsible for educational, educational, recreational work, labor protection and fire safety to monitor the implementation of all tasks.

2. Listened:

Familiarization with the plan of repair work.

The head of MADOU No. 9 acquainted those present with the schedule of repair work, with the plan for repair work by groups. She told the team that everything needed for the repair was purchased.


1. Supply manager Zherdeva T.S., raised the issue of the need to inform her in a timely manner of all malfunctions of gaming equipment.


1. Spend repair work in the period from 06/15/15 to 07/15/15.

2. Notify the supply manager of all malfunctions of the gaming equipment in a timely manner.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 39 people

Missing: 1 person, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Approval of a new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

2. Approval of new evaluation sheets.

3. Approval of the Regulations on the Supervisory Board.

1. Listened:

Approval of a new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. acquainted the staff with the new Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution. She drew attention to the fact that, on the basis of the new Regulations, the following maximum number of points is set for other service personnel - 40 points.


Head Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of approving a new Regulation on the distribution of the stimulating part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution for voting.

"For" - 38 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Cancel from 01.10.2015 effect of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated September 01, 2014.

2. Approve the new Regulation on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of the municipal autonomous preschool educational institution and enter into force from 01.10.2015.

3. Notify all employees present and absent of the changes against signature.

1. Listened:

Approval of new evaluation sheets.

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. spoke about the need to make changes to the evaluation sheets of employees. She offered the team for consideration new evaluation sheets, in which the maximum number of points for other service personnel was changed:

Janitor - 40 points

Watchman - 40 points

Working on current repairs and building maintenance - 40 points

Office cleaner - 40 points

Cook - 40 points

Laundry driver - 40 points

Loader - 40 points

Seamstress - housekeeper - 40 points

Auxiliary worker - 40 points.


Head Izmailova T.G. - put forward the issue of approving new evaluation sheets for voting.

"For" - 39 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Approve new evaluation sheets and put them into effect from 01.10.2015.

2. Notify all employees present and absent of the changes against signature.

2. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the Supervisory Board

1. Head Izmailova T.G., introduced the staff to the Regulations on the Supervisory Board.


1. Chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to approve the Regulations on the Supervisory Board for voting.

"for" -39 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


1. Approve the Regulations on the Supervisory Board

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 36 people


Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. The results of the summer - recreational work.

2. Work plan of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year.

1. Listened:

The results of the summer - recreational work

Head Izmailova T.G. , said that the summer recreational work at MADOU was organized according to the work plan adopted by the pedagogical council and approved by the head.

Target summer work: creating in kindergarten as much as possible effective conditions for the organization of recreational work with children and the development of cognitive interest among pupils in the summer.

During the summer, recreational activities were held with children: a reception on the street, morning exercises on fresh air, long walks, hardening and hygiene measures such as air baths, washing feet after walking before naps, jogging with children senior group. The groups followed the drinking regimen. Throughout the summer, children's menus regularly included fresh vegetables, fruits, juices. Conditions were created to increase the physical activity of children.

At the same time, it was noted that teachers paid little attention to the organization of sunbathing and other summer hardening procedures. Not enough was carried out mobile and sports games, there was no diversity.

During the summer, educational activities were carried out with children in all areas. Organizationally - pedagogical work completed in full. A sports ground is equipped on the territory of the preschool institution.

All the documentation was completed on time, the group and reception rooms are ready for the start of the training.

During the summer period, work was carried out related to the implementation sanitary regulations, the readiness of the institution to work in the autumn - winter period. The caretaker prepared everything in a timely manner heating season and received a certificate of readiness heating system to work in winter conditions.

During the summer period, the administration exercised control over educational activities on groups, performing official duties, labor discipline employees of the institution.

Tatyana Grigorievna noted that the program for summer recreational work was implemented in full.


Senior teacher - Romashkina L.V. made a proposal to recognize the work of summer recreational work at MADOU as satisfactory.

"for" -36 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


The work of the preschool institution during the summer recreational period is considered satisfactory.


MADOU work plan No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year

The head, Tatyana Grigorievna, introduced the tasks of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year:

1. Organize psychological - pedagogical support pupils in the context of the implementation of the Educational Program.

2. Ensure the development of human resources in the process of GEF DO.

Acquainted with the plan administratively - chores for 2016-2017 academic year:

I. Strengthening financially - technical base MADO No. 9:

Adjustment of the cost estimate (budget, parental fee) for 2016-2017;

Acquisition of a host goods, detergents and disinfectants, medicines, stationery, soft inventory.

II. Fire prevention measures:

Recharging fire extinguishers in accordance with the terms;

Conclusion of a contract for maintenance and repair automatic installations firefighting, fire alarm;

Conducting fire drills.

III. Work on the improvement of the territory of the preschool educational institution:

Import of earth, sand;

Sanitary cleaning of the territory, cleaning of lawns.

IV. Measures to repair the preschool educational institution:

Redecorating in groups;

V. Preparation for the heating season:

Flushing and pressure testing of the heating system;

Insulation of windows, doors;

Obtaining a readiness certificate for preschool educational institutions;

Availability and verification of control - measuring instruments, checking manometers.

VI. Ensuring conditions for the safety of the work of employees of preschool educational institutions:

Carry out an inspection report of resistance measurements;

Passing a medical examination of employees of preschool educational institutions;

Conducting a practical lesson on working out an evacuation plan in case of emergencies;

Timely provision of uniforms to employees.

She also spoke about the planned activities for each annual task (seminars, teachers' council, meetings, etc.). during the year, control is planned in all areas of work.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to adopt the work plan of MADOU No. 9 for the 2016-2017 academic year. year

"for" -36 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


Accept the plan without changes.

3. Listened:

Report of the commission on the acceptance of group premises for a new one academic year.

Head Izmailova T.G., introduced the staff to the act of readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new academic year. According to this document, MADOU No. 9 is ready for the 2015-2016 academic year. without comments. It is recommended to install emergency lighting in group rooms, on stairs of blocks 1 and 5. The implementation of this paragraph will be possible only with funding.


Supply manager Zherdeva T.S. offered to take note of the information.

"for" -36 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no



1. Take note of the information. Upon receipt of funding, urgently purchase and install 13 emergency lighting fixtures.

4. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services.

The head of Izmailova T.G., introduced the staff to the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services. She spoke about the features of the accrual wages employees for paid services.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to approve the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services for voting.

"for" -36 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


3. Approve the Regulations on the remuneration of employees of MADOU No. 9 employed in the organization of additional paid services.

4. Familiarize all present and absent employees against signature.

5. Listened:

Approval of the Regulations on the organization baby food in MADOU No. 9.

Art. nurse Reyhert L.V., introduced the team to the Regulations on the organization of baby food in MADOU No. 9


Head Izmailova T.G., made a proposal to approve the Regulations on the organization of baby food in MADOU No. 9 for voting:

"for" -36 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


1. Approve the Regulations on the organization of baby food in MADOU No. 9

2. Familiarize all present and absent employees against signature.

6. Listened:

Approval of the Regulation on the prohibition of smoking.

Head Izmailova T.G., introduced the staff to the Regulations on the ban on smoking in MADOU No. 9.


1. The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to approve the Regulation on the ban on smoking in MADOU No. 9 for voting.

"for" -36 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


1. Approve the Regulation on the prohibition of smoking in MADOU No. 9.

2. Familiarize all present and absent employees against signature.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 42 people

Missing: 4 people, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. On making changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

2. On changing the amount of payments for quality work for the design and updating of the DOW website. clause 3.5.8 of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

1. Listened:

On making changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

Chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. told the team about the need to make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 She proposed bonus payments based on the results of work, established to employees on the basis of the results of their activities, according to the evaluation sheets, to be established not quarterly, but monthly.


Head Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of amending paragraph 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 to the vote.

"For" - 42 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 2.1. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of wages MADOU No. 9 of 01.10. 2015

"Bonus payments based on the results of work are set to employees based on the results of their activities according to the evaluation sheets on a monthly basis."

3. Notify all employees present and absent of the changes against signature.

3. Listened:

On changing the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the DOW website. clause 3.5.8 of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015

In connection with the increase in work on the design and updating of the site of the preschool educational institution, the chairman of the trade union organization Karina M.A. invited the team to make changes to clause 3.5.8. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 and increase from 01.01.16. payment amount up to 996 rubles.


Head Izmailova T.G. - raised the issue of changing the amount of payments for high-quality work on the design and updating of the DOW website. clause 3.5.8 of the Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of the wage fund of a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution dated 01.10. 2015 to vote:

"For" - 42 people;

"Against" - 0 people;

"Abstained" - 0 people.


1. Make changes to clause 3.5.8. Regulations on the distribution of the incentive part of wages MADOU No. 9 of 01.10. 2015 and increase from 01.01. 2016 the amount of payment for high-quality work on the design and updating of the DOW website up to 996 rubles.

2. Notify all employees present and absent of the changes against signature.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova


meetings of the General Meeting of the labor collective of MADOU No. 9

place of the meeting of the general meeting of the labor collective: Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 9".

Present: MADOU team of 38 people

Missing: 3 people, for a good reason.

Secretary– Mingazova G.T., teacher


1. Coordination of the vacation schedule for MADOU employees for 2016.

2. Adoption of the Charter of MADOU No. 9 in a new edition.

3. Briefings on fire safety, anti-terrorism.

1. Listened:

Approval of the vacation schedule for MADOU employees for 2016.

Head Izmailova T.G. introduced the staff to the vacation schedule of employees of MADOU No. 9 for 2016.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to accept the vacation schedule without change

"for" -38 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


1. Leave the vacation schedule of MADOU employees unchanged.

2. Listened:

Adoption of the Charter of MADOU No. 9 in a new edition

Head Izmailova T.G. brought to the attention of the team that in connection with the change in the current legislation, it is necessary to amend the current Charter of MADOU. Acquainted those present with the new edition of the Charter of MADOU No. 9.


The chairman of the trade union, Karina M.A., made a proposal to adopt the Charter in a new edition without changes.

"for" -38 people.

"against" - no

"abstained" - no


1. Accept the Charter of MADOU without changes.

3. Listened:

Fire safety and anti-terrorism briefings

Supply manager Zherdeva T.S. conducted a fire safety briefing with employees and reminded those present of the electrical safety rules that must be observed, especially on days new year holidays and winter holidays. She reminded MADOU employees of their actions in the event of a fire. She brought to the attention of the employees that on the days of the winter holidays, you need to be especially careful when walking around the territory and inspecting the MADOU building.


1. Take note of the information.

Chairman: _________ Izmailova T.G.

Secretary: _________G.T. Mingazova

Minutes of the general meeting of the team

Some production issues at the enterprise can be solved only by gathering the entire team. Workforce meetings are effective measure, with the help of which problems are identified that already exist, and which may soon appear.

The process of discussing production issues, disputes and disagreements, proposed ideas and decisions made should be recorded. This is necessary not only for compilation, but also to improve performance. A good protocol reflects personal and collective opinions and helps to form a strategy for the future.

As such, there is no general opinion about how it should be compiled. If you do not know exactly how to create and draw up the minutes of the general meeting of the labor collective, you can find it in. The network offers a large number of options. Take into account those that meet the following requirements:

  • Have a clear structure;
  • Concise and to the point;
  • Summing up the meeting;
  • Reflect the results of a vote or votes;
  • Allow within a minute to understand the essence of the meeting and the goals achieved by it.

Protocols are filed in a separate folder. With their help, you can draw conclusions about how the team is set up and what you need to create in the enterprise. quality conditions and favorable psychological atmosphere.

Collective meetings are held when problems arise, often they are associated with internal disagreements and dissatisfaction, therefore it is very important that the protocol is not a formality, but a document that 100% reflects the situation in the team. According to, meetings are considered lawful when they are attended by one second to two thirds of the team. Decisions are made by voting and are counted when half of those present have voted, plus one more vote.

The minutes of the team meeting should clearly reflect the essence of the issues being resolved.

How should the document be written?

The very name "protocol" says that it must comply general requirements and have all the standard features of any , that is, it must contain:

  • The date of the,
  • Time,
  • Place,
  • The number of those present and its comparison with total number team members,
  • Information about those who chair the meeting and record it,
  • The essence of the issues discussed and the decisions made,
  • Counting voters, etc.

There is a general rule for all enterprises and companies, according to which all protocols must be drawn up on letterhead.

Meeting minutes

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