Plan-outline of a lesson in teaching literacy (senior group) on the topic: Summary of educational activities in literacy "Sound and letter H" for children of senior preschool age. And here is the letter. Wonderful letter H in a cap

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter H, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of an elementary graphic skill.

  • to introduce the preschooler to the letter H, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • to teach how to write the capital letter H in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning with poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Kettle Turtle Clock Seagull

  • What sound is there in both the word CHAYKI and the word BALL?
  • At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word sound [h] in the word CHAYKA? — BARREL? — KALACH? - DAUGHTER?

When we pronounce the sound [h], the tip of the tongue taps on the "tubercles" behind the upper teeth. Say: Ch! The tip of the tongue taps on the "bumps" and prevents the air from leaving the mouth freely when we pronounce the sound [h].

  1. Vowel or consonant sound [h]?
  2. Is this sound voiced or dull?
  3. Why?

Consider the letter H. We sewed the letter H in the air and once in the notebook carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a sample spelling at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters in their entirety, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy at this stage of training should not be required.

Continue the phrase

Their mustaches are not for beauty -
They show the time
And they are called ... (hours).

When I lay down.
Without opening your mouth
In me, to be honest,
Such emptiness!
Hurry, hurry summer!
And people will put
travel items
Into my big mouth.
I can see from birth
This character is given
That I love movement
That's why I ... (suitcase).

Who is this walking
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
Walks ... (turtle).

A hedgehog came out with a shoe brush,
Got to work ... (clear).

The hare replaces the wolf,
Not all oblique ... (notices).

Along the cobbled street
A watermelon rushes galloping ... (soaked).

And the wave of the river, splashing,
She threw off the foam from ... (shoulder).

Tale about the letter H

Who lives in hours

I know that seagulls live in the sea, shepherds live in the mountains, and teapots live in the kitchen. Turtles live in the sand, worms live in the ground, and a scarecrow lives in the garden. Besides, I know that the siskin lives in the nest, the cricket lives in the attic, and there are mice in the old suitcase. I even know, although I have never seen that some kind of black monster lives in a black closet. I heard how it itches and sneezes from dampness.

But who lives in the clock, I still do not know. No matter how many times I unscrew them, there is nothing there but wheels and screws. Who then ticks there? Miracles!

Riddles for children with the letter H

From the hot well
Water flows through the nose.

I puff, puff, puff,
I don't want to get hot anymore.
The lid rattled loudly.
Drink tea, the water is boiling!”

When we walk, we stand
And we can stand lying down,
Even if we run away.
We don't move either.

We walk at night, we walk during the day
But we're not going anywhere.
We strike regularly every hour,
And you, friends, do not beat us.

There are no legs, but I walk, there is no mouth, but I will say,
When to sleep, when to wake up
When to start work.

Go round the clock
Not worth a minute
And all in one place.

My tail is indistinguishable from my head.
You will always find me in the earth.

Proverbs and sayings with the letter H

The unlearned is worse than the unlearned.
Honor your teacher as you would a parent.
Boring day until evening, if there is nothing to do.
Good luck for the student, joy for the teacher.
If you want to eat kalachi, don't sit on the stove.
What you don't want for yourself, don't do it to someone else.
The further into the forest, the more firewood.
The fuller the kick, the less ringing.
What falls into the water is gone.

Funny poems about the letter H for children

They say the clock is on.
They say the clock is running fast.
They say the clock is ticking
But they are a little behind.
Mishka and I watched together
But the clock hangs in place.
(V. Orlov)

Go far to the swamp
Going to the swamp is not easy.
“Here lies a stone by the road,
Let's sit down and stretch our legs."
And the frogs put a bundle on the stone.
“It would be nice to lie down on a stone for an hour!”
Suddenly a stone jumped to its feet
And grabbed them by the feet.
And they cried out in fear:
"What is it!
This is RE!
This is PAHA!
(K. Chukovsky)

For an hour we went
To the turtle.
Turtle filed
Teapot, cups.
Then crawled to a neighbor
For tea.
Something long
We are the hostess
We expect.
(G. Sapgir)

Chechetka Chizh says:
When are you flying south?
- It's our turn for the siskins,
Behind the siskins is our turn,
Behind the siskins is our turn,
(M. Yasnov)

Chizhik was visiting his aunt,
He flew to the tap dance for tea.
Miracle tea in the evening
Yes, bite with a worm
(A. Pudval)

Four Annies
Not tired at all,
The third day is dancing
All under jokes:
Chok-chok, heel,
(E. Blaginina)

Lesson summary:

  1. The pronunciation of new words increases the vocabulary of a preschooler, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop in children ingenuity, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles in teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the overall learning ability increases.

Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy

on the topic: "The sound and the letter H"

(for older children)

Target: introduce children to the sound [h] and the letter Ch.

Educational tasks:

1) to consolidate the ability of children to distinguish the sound [h] from a number of sounds, syllables, words;

2) exercise in determining the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end of a word);

3) to exercise children in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes;

4) to consolidate the concept of "syllable" in the speech of children;

5) improve sound analysis;

6) to acquaint children with the spelling CHA, CHU;

7) improve the skill of reading syllables, words;

Development tasks: develop phonemic hearing, attention.

Educational tasks:develop a positive attitude towards work; to control one's own speech; to form the skill of cooperation, the ability to listen to the interlocutor.


subject pictures (banana, duck, braid, felt boots); plot pictures; ball; sheets with the image of a turtle; subject picture (turtle); a guide for sound analysis; manual "Clock"; notebooks, pens; box; cards with the image of letters (H, A, T, U, C, S).

The course of educational activities

1. Organizational moment:

V-l: Guys, on the way to kindergarten, I met a postman. He gave me a letter. Let's read what it says.

"Dear Guys!

I invite you to make a wonderful journey to the country of Bukvaria, where they live…

And who lives in this country, you have to guess for yourself.

Your new letter

V-l : That's an interesting letter. Well, let's guess who lives in the country of Primer?

Children: Yes.

Show the children a picture of a banana.

V-l: Guys, what is shown in this picture?

Children: This picture shows a banana.

V-l: What is the first sound in the word banana?

Children: In the word banana, the first sound is b.

V-l: Well done boys. (I turn the picture over. The letter B is depicted on the reverse side).

Similar work with pictures: duck, braid, felt boots, letter Y.

V-l: Guys, let's read who lives in Bukvaria?

Children: Letters.

Vl: Right.

Preparatory work

Today our eyes will help us. Let's get them ready to go:

1. Our eyes look and see everything.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Without turning your head, follow the flight of the Bee.

Let's help the tongue become strong and obedient.

Articulation gymnastics "The tongue is going to walk":

I was going to walk my tongue(open mouth)

He washed himself (lick upper lip)

combed my hair ("comb" the tongue with the upper teeth)

Looked at passers-by(lick lips around)

Left, turned right(pull the tongue to the left and right ear alternately),

Down fell (pull tongue forward and down)

climbed up (pull tongue to nose)

Once and in the mouth disappeared(shut mouth)!

I really liked our exercises, he will definitely teach his friends to do the same.

Repetition of the material covered.

Tell me, what two large groups are sounds divided into? (vowels and consonants)

Vowels are those sounds that we can sing and draw, and they do not meet with obstacles.

Consonants are those sounds that we cannot sing and pull.

What are the consonants? (hard and soft). What else? (voiced and deaf).

Learning new material.

Articulation and characterization of sound Ch.

And now, since we are playing with the sound H today, let's tell you,

What are our lips doing when we make this sound? (lips rounded)

Teeth do not close.

Where is the language? (the tongue behind the upper teeth jumps over the tubercles)

Bring your palm to your mouth and feel what kind of air stream (it is short, sharp)

Put your palm on your throat and make the sound Ch. Does the neck ring or not? (no, the sound H is deaf)

In which castle will the sound Ch live? (in the lock of consonants). Why?

Is the sound Ch voiced or deaf? Why?

Remember the sound Ch is always soft (he doesn't have an older hard brother)

And today we will get acquainted with another new letter.

Listen to the tongue twister and say what sound is most often heard in it:« The turtle, not being bored, sits for an hour with a cup of tea.

Children: sound [h].

V-l: Correctly. Today we will get acquainted with the sound and the letter C.

Let's characterize the sound [h]. Say the sound h.

Children: Hhh.

V-l: Can you sing the sound h?

Children: The sound h cannot be sung. He agrees because he met an obstruction in his mouth and is not sung.

V-l: That's right guys. Well done. Now put your hand on the neck and make the sound h. Is our neck sleeping or working?

Children: The neck is sleeping.

V-l: If the neck is sleeping, then what sound is it?

Children: The sound [h] is deaf.

V-l: Well done guys, you're right. And the sound [h] is always soft.

Vika, give a complete description of the sound [h].

Vika: Sound [h] consonant, deaf, always soft.

2. Main body

V-l: Guys, get your hands ready. I will pronounce sounds, syllables, words. You clap your hands when you hear the sound [h], the syllable with the sound [h], the word with the sound [h].

H, S, H, T, H, H, P, K, H



V-l: Well done, everyone was very attentive.

This is the letter C. What does it look like?Guys, I had a lot of photos of the letter h, but someone tore them up, let's collect them. (Children assemble the letter H from parts).

Cheburashka brought you leaves on which the letter H is written, it must be shaded. Let's take a green pencil. (green, because the letter Ch, denotes the sound Ch, and it is always soft, and we denote soft consonants in green).

Let's stretch our fingers first, and then you'll get to work.(Finger gymnastics).

3. Working with handouts

V-l: Guys, look at this picture. Each of you has the same.

Take her, please.

Be careful, see:

Words with sound [h] name

And indicate the place of the sound in the word.

Children: This picture shows the key. In the word key, the sound [h] is at the end of the word.

(similarly with the words: barrel, prince, turtle, Chippolino, garlic, stove).

V-l: Well done. You did this task very well. And now let's play the game “Call it affectionately” (ball game)

Big-small game (ball game)

Cheburashka wants to tell you that our sound Ch is magical. He turns everything big into small. There was a big river, but the sound H came and it turned out to be a small river.

Let's play now, I throw you a ball with a big word, and you turn it into a small one. (words: apple, cup, hand, book, chair, box, flower)

Come out to the circle.

V-l: Chair.

Children: High chair.

(Words: castle, fork, stump, apple, bull, tomato, grandson, pancake, slippers, branch, sofa, loaf, lace).

4. Conversation

V-l: Guys, what is a syllable?

Children : A syllable is a part of a word that necessarily has a vowel sound. How many vowels in a word, so many syllables.


I will drive now

I will speak syllables.

Syllables should be put like this

To get the word.

V-l: SY, CHA

Children: HOURS.



V-l: Well done! Now get up and rest.

Who, tell me, can, children

Repeat these movements?

I will put my hands up.

D: I can do that too.

Right-left I will divorce.

D: I can do that too.

And I'll fly like a bird.

D: I can do that too.

I will turn my head.

D: I can do that too.

And then I'll swear, I'll get up.

D: I can do that too.

And I won't get tired.

D: I can do that too.

I'll jump a little.

D: I can do that too.

And I'll walk on the road.

D: I can do that too.

If need be, I'll run.

D: I can do that too.

Everything in the world I can.

Now the one who will pronounce the pure phrase will sit down:

Cha-cha-cha-give me kalach.

Choo-choo-choo-I want to walk.

Chi-chi-chi-red bricks.

Cho-cho-cho-oh, how hot.

Ah-ah-ah-the doctor came.

Oh-oh-oh-it's almost night.

Uch-uch-uch-I have the key.

Cha-cha-cha-saw a rook.

Choo-choo-choo-hammer knock.

Chi-chi-chi-pies in the oven.

5. Acquaintance with the letter H

V-l: Guys, look what is this?

Children: This is the letter C.

V-l: What does the letter look like H?

Children: on a hanger, on a hook, on the number 4.


Yes, we made the right decision

H we write as 4

Only with numbers, friends

We must not confuse the letters.

Write the letter H in the air.

Now guess the riddle:

What a miracle

That's so miracle.

top dish,

bottom dish,

There is a miracle on the way

The head sticks out and the legs.

Children: This is a turtle.


Correctly. Take the leaves on which the turtle is drawn. Letters written on the turtle's shell H . But they are written correctly and incorrectly. Circle those letters H that are spelled correctly.

(children do the task)


Now open your notebooks and write the letter Ch.

(children work in notebooks)

6. Composing syllables with the letter H

I show a poster with a picture of a clock.


Look at the clock:

They are with one arrow.

The letter H stood on the arrow

And she ran in circles.

She approached the vowels

She named syllables with them.

(children call syllables: CHI, CHA, CHU, CHE)


Guys, there are no vowels Y and Y on the clock, which indicate the softness of consonants. Letter H she is not “friends” with them, because she herself always denotes a soft sound.

Remember: CHA - spelled with A.

CHU - spelled with U.


Guys, take the "traffic lights". Laying out the word scheme WATCH.

(children do the task).


Sasha, go to the board and make a diagram of the word clock. You guys check it out.

The child lays out the word scheme on the board.


Sasha, why did you put the green circle first?

Sasha: The sound h is a soft consonant sound, so we denote it with a green circle.

Similar work with sounds: a, s, s.


Well done! Everyone did a good job with this task. Guys, since we are in the magical land of Bukvaria, a surprise awaits us. This is a magic box, but we will be able to open it only when we complete one more task.

Make a word from letters.



(children do the task at the blackboard).

7. Summing up.

Guys, why are the letters green?

Children: Letter H denotes the sound [h], and it is always soft.


That's right guys. Name the feature again.

Sound [h].

Children: The sound [h] is a consonant, deaf and always soft.


That's right, guys, well done! These letters are for you. Maybe you will come up with words with the sound [h], which we did not talk about today. And if you do, be sure to tell me.

Everyone was doing very well.

Hello my dear readers!

Letter "Ch"

Merry Poems

Yes, you made the right decision: H we write like four.

Only with numbers, friends,

We must not confuse the letters.

V. Stepanov

Whose stream are you?

- Black rooks,

Tap dances, teal,

Chizha, worm,

thicket dense

And the rivers under the steep.

The seagull warmed up the kettle, Invited nine seagulls.

Everyone came for tea.

How many seagulls - answer!

G. Sapgir

Turtle, not bored,

Hour sits for a cup of tea.

Turtle makes everyone laugh

Because it's not in a hurry.

And where to rush to

Who is always in his house?

Turtle! Turtle! The first time she, poor thing,

Found out in the rain.

- Mother! Who is knocking on the house?

"H" with the four confused chizhik

And he read: "Four izhiks."

Tea from the leaves is cut,

Taken from the tea bush.

Tea is useful for a person -

Kettle in the house for a reason.

S. Mosiyash

Chizhik was visiting his aunt,

He flew to the tap dance for tea.

Miracle tea in the evening

Yes, in a bite with a worm


A. Pudval

They say: the clock is standing,

They say the clock is running fast

They say the clock is ticking

But they are a little behind.

Mishka and I watched together

And the clock is in place.

L kicked the ball. H wanted to catch him.

Waiting and waiting. Tired of waiting,

And you can't see the ball.

A. Shibaev

The first letter in the word "reading" -

Letter H my regards!

E. Tarlapan

black night black cat

Jumped into the black chimney.

Blackness in the chimney

Find a cat there!

E. Izmailov

Letter H said: "Yes!" -

Gave honor to someone.

Says the tap dance siskin:

When are you flying south?

- It's our turn for the siskins. Here!

For an hour we went to the turtle.

The turtle gave a teapot, cups.

Then she crawled to a neighbor for tea.

We are waiting for the hostess for a long time.

Tongue Twisters

Clean tongues

Cha-cha-cha - a candle burns in the room.

Choo-choo-choo - I knock with a hammer.

Chi-chi-chi - kalachi puffs in the oven.

Hour-hour-hour - the kids started dancing.

Oh, oh, oh, the night has come.


The game "Who is more?".

Think of words where the sound [ h] is at the end of a word. (Rook, doctor, ball, beam, executioner, oven, night.)

And gr a "The sound got lost."

The game "Complete the sentences."

Complete the sentences with words that include the sound [ h], for example: Chipollino is a wonderful man.

1. Yesterday at four o'clock four girls ...

2. I miss…

3. I want tea, a cup of blueberries and ...

4. Black night black cat ...

5. Garlic drew in black ink ...

6. The watchmaker repairs ...

Answer: 1) mended suitcases, stockings; 2) about a bird, an eccentric lapwing, Cheburashka; 3) a little bird cherry and prunes; 4) scratched himself in the attic; 5) very clear drawing; 6) hand watch.

The game "Syllabic Lotto".

1. Think of words with syllables tea and chu.

2. Think of words with syllables: cha, yes, ku, sy, that, shcha, sha.

Answer: dacha, heap, clock, cloud, thicket, bowl.

The game "Steps of words".

Enter the missing letters.

The game "Syllabic auction".

Continue the words: chi ... (- Zhik) cha… (- shcha), what ... (- Lovek), black ... (- ny), pack ... (- ka), speech ... (- ka), candles ... (- ka).

The game "Pick a couple."

man black drawing wonderful

tea clean watch wormy

teapot honest prunes clear

The game "Add a syllable to the word."

The game "Tell me a word."

She walks calmly, slowly. Let everyone see how good she is. The shirt is comfortable and durable,

In which he walks... (turtle).

Who is this walking

In a stone shirt?

In a stone shirt

Walking… (turtle.)

- Sea, shake it! -

I asked... (gull).

I. Gamazkova

Long unknown to many

He became everyone's friend.

All according to an interesting fairy tale

The onion boy is familiar.

Very simple and short

He is called… (Cipollino).

Their mustaches are not for beauty -

They show the time

And they are called... (watch.)

In a meadow among insects, a commotion arose: Pushed aside the chamomile family

Giant… (thistle.)

Lives calmly, not in a hurry,

He carries a shield just in case.

Under it, not knowing fear,

Walking… (turtle).

V. Serov

He is a friend to animals and children,

He is a living being.

But such in the world

There isn't one more.

Because he is not a bird

Not a kitten, not a puppy

Not a top, not a groundhog,

But filmed for film

And you've known for a long time

This cute muzzle.

And it's called... (Cheburashka).

The hare replaces the wolf,

Not all oblique ... (notices).

And gr and "Conquest of peaks."


1. What vowel is missing?

Answer: hour, cup, cup, Answer: forelock, miracle, stocking,

teapot, clock freaks, grubby

2. The letter "H".

1. A man playing the violin. 2. A person who treats the sick.

3. Stone building for space heating.

4. Late, dark time of the day.

Answer: violinist, doctor, oven, night.

3. The combination of "ChN".

1. A shop that sells bread. 2. Wooden house for birds.

3. A soldier guarding the country's borders.

Answer: bakery, birdhouse, border guard.


A string crawls along the ground. It has no arms or legs. (Worm.) What kind of strange water? Do not wash, do not get drunk! (Ink.)
It boils - steam comes out, And whistles, and blazes with heat,

The lid rattles, knocks.

Sound [h "], letters H, h.


  1. to form in students the ability to distinguish the sound [h?] in words, to introduce them to the letters H, h, denoting the sound [h?];
  2. develop students' phonemic awareness;
  3. nurture curiosity.

Equipment: syllables, Why, a toy hare, sound patterns, a card with the letter H; for a fairy tale: the letters H, A, U, Z, Yu, a house, an image of a tree.

During the classes:

I Org. moment

One, two, blue!

Three, four, arms wide!

Five, six, sit quietly.

II Actualization of basic knowledge.

Pochemuchka came to our lesson and, as always, he has a lot of questions:

What is the speech like? ( Oral and written. )

What does speech consist of?(From suggestions)

What does the offer consist of? (From words.)

What about the word? (From syllables)

Work on the "Sounds" table:

What are the sounds? (Sounds are vowels and consonants, consonants are hard and soft.)

How are vowels and consonants different? (When pronouncing consonants, there are obstacles - lips, teeth, tongue, and vowels are pronounced freely.)

Work on the tape of letters (tape in the form of a house):

Name the vowels we have studied. Why are some of them at the top of the ribbon of letters and others at the bottom? (The letters A, O, U, s do not soften the previous consonant, but the letters I, E, Yu, I, E soften.)

Name the consonants that are at the top of the ribbon of letters. Why do they live on the top floor? (They are sonorous, they can be heard far away, they scream loudly)

Name the consonants that live on the lower floor. Why do they live below? (They are deaf, hard to hear, so they live on the bottom floor of the house)

Name the paired consonants (sisters) that we have studied. ( B-P, D-T, Z-S, G-K, F-W)

Which consonants are always hard?(W, W)

Reading syllables:



Today a bunny came to us. (An image of a bunny is displayed, on it is an apron with a pocket in which he brings us tasks or prizes)

He is hungry and asks for food. Let's see what we can

give him. ( Children complete syllables to words: carrot, apple, pear, grass, bark, cabbage, lettuce, turnip.)

III New theme.

Bunny thank you very much! Look, he has a riddle in his pocket:

They beat him, but he does not cry,

Only higher, higher jumps.

Make a diagram of the word "ball".

You heard: we have another guest! What new sound did you hear?[h?] He's here for the first time, he urgently needs a passport! Let's give him a passport. What will we write in it? ( Consonant, soft, deaf)

The sound [h?] is always soft!

The sound [h?] is denoted by the letter Ch.

The teacher shows a colorful picture of the letter H.

What does the letter H look like? (for number 4)

Yes, you made the right decision:

H we write like four.

Only with numbers, friends,

We must not confuse the letters.

Reading syllables: CHA CHO CHU CHE CHI

The combinations cha, cho, chu are written with vowels that do not soften the consonant, because the sound [ch?] is already soft.

The tale of how the letter H quarreled with the letters I and Yu. (V. Volina)

The tale is illustrated on a flannelgraph or a projector.

Once the letters I, Yu, A and U called the letter H to play hide-and-seek. They counted and it fell out to look for the letter H. The rest ran to hide. Letters sit in secret places, waiting for them to start looking. Here the letter H has already gone around everything, has already found A and U, but I still can’t find Y and Y. I searched, searched, lost my feet, searched until the evening, and now, tired, offended, I decided to go home. The letter H passes by the neighboring house, sees - Yu and I, as if nothing had happened, are sitting, laughing, watching TV, drinking tea with sweets. H was offended and since then they have been friends apart. They never stand together.

- Think you're offended! - said I and Yu. - All the same, without us, she is nowhere. But what about the words CUP, MIRACLE, TEA?

- And here I go! - said C. - The letters A and U will help me.

Since then, CHA and CHU are written only with A and U.

IV Work on the textbook.

"ABC" (Goretsky) S. 128-129.

Read the riddle. Did you guess?

Picture conversation.

What is shown, find the words with the letter C.

Reading text.

What did you read about? What are the hours?

V Outcome of the lesson.

What new did you learn at the lesson today? What letter are you familiar with? Why are combinations of CHA and CHU written with the letters A and U?

Rewarding students who were the most active in the lesson.

Release 28

The Shishkin school continues Russian language classes for preschoolers. This time, the study of the letters of the Russian alphabet will continue. Friends from Shishkino Les came to the lesson: Zubok and Shunya. And the fox Freckles was already waiting for them in the studio. She was just very thoughtful. Freckle thought about why the table was called a table, and the clock was called hours ...

The host of the video lesson Vasilisa came to her aid. She explained that since the Russian language is very ancient, you won’t know all the secrets, but you can understand why the clock was called clock.

Look at what the clock was like before: the pictures show a sundial and a waterdial. Of course, just as today, it was impossible to tell the time from them. In sundials, the shadow from the central hand showed the hours of the day, and in waterdials, a column of water replenished drop by drop moved the hour hand. Since the clock showed time only approximately, neither minutes nor seconds could be determined from them.

And then Shunya guessed why the clock was called clock. Everything turned out to be simple: - they got their name because they told people about how many hours had passed. Freckle correctly determined that “hour” is the root of the word CLOCK. Zubok was delighted: “So, now we can draw a verbal tree that will grow from the root“ hour ”?”. But Vasilisa stopped the students: “We won’t be able to do this, because we haven’t learned one letter in this word yet.” Find a new letter "Che" in the word HOUR. It hides the sound "Ch". You can’t sing it, so “H” is a consonant. But now that we have found and studied the letter "H", we will be able to plant a tree of single-root words.

So, we planted the root HOUR and the same-root words grew out of it: hours, watch, watch, watchmaker. And in each of them you can find the letter "H" - our new friend. Let's play puzzles with this letter. Guess what is encrypted here: CHI100TA? The disciples quickly guessed that the word was CLEAN. At the end of the lesson, all they had to do was find and assemble the parts of the newly learned letter “H” into a whole letter:

"H" is like four.
Our letter - we decided
Because four
We read and sing.