Types of fields and their characteristics. Electromagnetic field, its types and classification. How does insulation work?

The possibility of replacing soybean supplies from the United States to China, which were stopped due to trade disputes between the two countries, has increased the attractiveness of the Far East for investors in agriculture. Among them was former Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko, who may begin to develop a crop production project in the region together with Rusagro. Despite the good climatic conditions of the Far East, business there is complicated due to the undeveloped agricultural land market.

The interest of Sergei Shmatko (Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation for international cooperation in the electric power industry) in agriculture became known from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. At the end of October, Far Eastern Agro-Industrial Company LLC was established in Primorye, 99.5% of which belongs to Artpol Holding LLC Mr. Shmatko, 0.5% belongs to the general director of Artpol Holding Oleg Sadchikov. The main activity of the new company is growing grain. In October, Primorskaya Niva LLC was created in the region, where 25% was received by Artpol Anapa Hills LLC (a subsidiary of Artpol Holding), and 75% was received by Vadim Moshkovich’s Rusagro, one of the largest agricultural holdings in the Russian Federation. Primorskaya Niva's specialization is also related to crop production.

The creation of Primorskaya Niva at Rusagro was called insignificant for the company’s activities and results. The group refused to disclose additional information. Oleg Sadchikov did not answer Kommersant’s questions, and it was not possible to contact Mr. Shmatko.

Sergei Shmatko served as Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation in 2008–2012, and at various times was also the chairman of the board of directors of Transneft and Rosseti. His main business is also related to energy. On the HeadHunter portal, Artpol Holding calls itself a leading Russian company in the development of technology in the field of energy efficiency and energy saving. Mr. Shmatko also has interests in pharmaceuticals: since March 2016, Artpol Holding has owned 24% in the drug manufacturer and distributor PharmEco LLC. Its turnover, according to its own data, is more than 14 billion rubles. per year.

A Kommersant source in the industry believes that Rusagro may be interested in the lobbying capabilities of Sergei Shmatko as a federal-level official. Rusagro grows soybeans and corn in Primorye on an area of ​​79 thousand hectares, and also manages the Primorskaya Soya oil and fats plant with a processing capacity of almost 170 thousand tons of soybeans per year. In addition, Rusagro is creating a large pig-breeding complex in the region with a capacity of more than 80 thousand tons of meat per year with a total cost of 27.7 billion rubles.

Sovecon director Andrei Sizov says that the Far East is well suited for growing soybeans and corn: “The region is close to large consumers - the countries of Southeast Asia, China, Korea and Japan.” In addition, he notes, there are good climatic conditions: annual precipitation exceeds the average amount in the European part by about 40–50%.

Now is the right time to start soybean production in the Far East, especially against the backdrop of trade disputes between the United States and China, due to which the supply of American soybeans to the republic has ceased, says Igor Buchatsky, senior adviser at Bain & Company. The United States accounted for about a third of China's 90 million tons of annual soybean imports, and Russia can replace some of these supplies, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday following a meeting with Chinese Premier Li Keqiang. But, Mr. Sizov warns, in the Far East, investors may have difficulties purchasing agricultural land, since a significant part of it is not registered as property. “The market, in fact, began to form only a few years ago - with the arrival of Rusagro in the region,” adds the expert.

The development of the grain market in the Russian Federation today attracts new investors into this business, including from the families of high-ranking officials. Thus, in September it became known that Dynasty CJSC Valentin Manturov, the father of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, together with Rostov businessman Vladislav Ponamarenko established Kolos Kubani LLC on a parity basis for growing grain in the Krasnodar Territory (see Kommersant on September 10 ).

Anatoly Kostyrev

Chinese exports will be assessed by KPMG


The Ministry of Agriculture recognized KPMG JSC, the Russian structure of the auditing company from the “Big Four” KPMG, as the winner in the competition to develop a concept for the development of exports of agricultural products, food and beverages to China until 2024, follows from the materials of the ministry published on the government procurement website. The cost of the contract will be 19.45 million rubles. with an initial price of 20 million rubles. The second number was assigned to the application of the Higher School of Economics, which offered 16.7 million rubles for the contract. It is expected that the concept will reflect the directions, methods and methods of developing Russian exports, as well as the resources necessary to stimulate it. On Wednesday, Russia and China signed protocols on veterinary and sanitary requirements for mutual supplies of frozen poultry meat and dairy products, including cheeses. The process of obtaining export rights took several years. Now the parties must agree on a list of enterprises approved for export. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Patrushev, expects that the first deliveries will begin this year. In accordance with the May presidential decree, the export of Russian agricultural products is planned to increase to $45 billion by 2024, compared to $20.7 billion in 2017.

By definition, the system of rational numbers is a field, so the properties of fields are also properties of rational numbers. Let's consider the basic properties of the field.

  • 4.3.1. Theorem. Let a field (P, +, ) with zero 0 and unit e. For any elements a,b,c,d eR:
  • 1) if i6 = , then i*0 and b = a~
  • 2) (no zero divisors) if ab= 0, then A= 0 or b = 0;
  • 3) (contractibility property for multiplication) if ac = bc And with F 0, then a = b;

4) - = . then and only when ad -os; b d

H A ^ with ad ± bc b d bd

8) if aF 0, then (-) = -;

. „ _ . ac a

9) (the main property of the fraction) - = -.

Proof. 1) Let ab = e. Assuming that a = 0, then we get e = ab = 0 b = 0- came to a contradiction.

Hence, A* 0 and the element exists a~. Multiplying equality ab = e on a~ x, we get b = a~ ( .

  • 2) Let ab = 0. If a = 0, then there is nothing to prove. If A* 0, then the element exists a~ x. Multiplying equality ab = 0 by i -1, we get b = 0.
  • 3) The proof of the property comes down to multiplying this equality by c -1.
  • 4) Let - = -, then ab~ l =cd~ l. Multiplying both sides of the equality

on bd, we get ad=bc. The converse statement is obtained by the same reasoning in reverse order.

The proof of the remaining properties of the relations is left to the reader. ?

Ordered field of rational numbers

Let us introduce the “less than” relation for rational numbers using the “less than” relation for integers. 11In this case we will assume that

for any rational number - denominator b > 0.

4.3.2. Definition. For any - eQ let's put - Then

and only when ad.

It is easy to prove that the system (Q> Q, +, ,

  • 4.3.3. Definition. Ordered field is called the system (P, +, ,
  • 1. (P,+, ) - field;
  • 2. (P is a linearly ordered set;
  • 3. for any jc,>",z€P, if x then x + z (- monotony of addition), and if X 0, then xz(- monotonic multiplication).

Thus, the system (0, +, » is an ordered field of rational numbers.

Consider an arbitrary ordered field (R,+,?,P is closed under addition, we successively obtain: 2 = 1 + 1 eP, 3 = 2 + 1 eP, ... Since 1>0, then 2>0, 3>0, ... Thus, we we find that more and more new natural numbers belong to R. As a result, we are convinced that Nc/ But the field, together with each of its elements, contains its opposite, therefore, -N^P. So,

Z = Nkj(0)^j-NС.Р. But in the field of what w.weZcP and /?*0,

it follows that t, p~ ] eP, whence - = /i-l -1 eP. Thus,

Q= D t,p e Zyti* 0 (cP, that is, any ordered field n

contains an ordered field of rational numbers (figuratively speaking, having grabbed hold of one, we were drawn into R all the multitude Q). Let us prove this statement in a more rigorous form.

4.3.4. Theorem. Every ordered field contains an ordered subfield isomorphic to the ordered field

rational numbers.

Proof. Let an ordered field (P, +, ?,

with one e. Let us denote Q = (- | t,p eZ,n*Q) and define

display ->??, putting (p(-) = - for anyone -eQ.

n n n

Let's prove that is an isomorphism of (??,+,-, onto (Q, +,-,.

1. (p - one-to-one mapping. Let (p(-) = (p(-),

T w. ..,sh h lp. those t, e

let's prove that - = --. From the condition (p(-) = (p(--) we get - = -=-, p sch p l, no more

where those more = t x e ne And tn x e = t x ne. Let's assume that tp x ft x p> let, for example, then t x p-tp x>0, that is t x p-tp x e N And (t ] n-tn 1)e = 0. But in 3.3.15 it was proven that in an ordered ring, and therefore in an ordered field, for any natural number To we have ke> 0 - came to a contradiction. Hence, tp x = t x p, t pi

where - = --. p p x

  • 2. Obviously (p - mapping to Q.
  • 3. Let us prove that (p preserves addition and multiplication operations, and

also the relation "less". For any -€ Q we have:

For multiplication - similarly. Finally, (p maintains attitude t pc _ _

“less than”, since - 0, l, > 0, if and only if, l l,

when /l l, l, l. But this is equivalent to /l, - l-/l-l, e;V, and according to 3.3.15,

It is easy to see that the isomorphic image of an ordered field of rational numbers is an ordered field of rational numbers, therefore, from the proven theorem we obtain the following brief characterization of this number system.

4.3.5. Consequence. System(P, +, -, is an ordered field of rational numbers if and only if it is a minimal ordered field.

If there is no integer between the integers l and l +1, then between any two different rational numbers a new rational number can be found. Let us note this property in the most general form.

4.3.6. Offer. In any ordered field(P, +, -, for any elements a, beР, where a

Proof. You can take, for example, With= a+ e R.

4.3.7. Theorem. The ordered field of rational numbers satisfies Archimedes' axiom: for any positive aeQ and any b&0 there is a natural number n such that na>b.

Proof. Let A= -, where kjneN, And b = - y Where

psZ, qsN. According to Archimedes' axiom for integers, for an integer mq> 0 and integer cr there is a natural number n such that nmq>kp. Using the monotonicity of multiplication, we divide

this is an inequality on kq> 0. We get n- > -, that is na>b. ?

Good afternoon, dear friends! My name is Pavel, at the moment I am the head of our wonderful project Pikap.ru. For those I don’t know personally, I’m sorry, I haven’t had enough time lately, but I’ll try to correct this shortcoming with my interesting letter.

Many people know me as a field support coach, others remember me as a basic course coach. Recently, although I have been conducting consultations for six months now, I have noticed that people who come to us (no matter whether they then study with us or not) do not know banal things. I want to reveal one such topic in this letter. I suggest we talk about the fields and our possibilities of finding girls in them.

5. While on vacation or, for example, on a business trip, we wonder why seduction was easy there, but when we returned to our hometown, that ease disappeared somewhere. It’s simple: when we leave the city, the “tourist” mode turns on, along with it the mood rises, an interest in exploring new places and meeting new people appears. You don’t feel fear or shyness, because your subconscious tells you: “Do what you want, we won’t be here for long.” Upon returning home, this mode is turned off, and you return to your normal lifestyle.

Pros: on vacation you can sleep with such a beautiful girl that you would never approach in normal life.

Cons: unfortunately, vacation is a short-term activity and is available to ordinary people once a year.

4. Internet - dating sites and social networks. The fact of acquaintance is completely blurred. You don't choose girls, they do. The quality of the girls directly depends on the quality of your photographs, appearance, financial status... What do you want, the Internet is a store made only of people, and the girls, like in a market, choose the best offer. Not everything is so sad, of course. Let's say you met someone, picked up the phone, called and agreed on a date. Failure again. If you haven’t had a date or haven’t been on one for a long time, you will be disappointed - you will meet a girl who goes on dates about once a month, starting from the moment her breasts appear, that is, from the age of 13-14. Can you cope without preparation? ;) I’m not talking about the fact that on the Internet the so-called excitement of dating, the feeling of playing or hunting (everyone calls it differently) disappears. I’m not saying that you can’t meet people on the Internet (we ourselves are not without sin), but it’s a fact that you can’t get your roots in there.

3. Night clubs. It would seem that it could be easier to meet people in a place, even the name of which often implies flirting and sexual adventures. The nightclub did its best for you: it caught up with the girls, filtered them by beauty, created the right mood and a little drunken state for them... But it’s not so simple. If you don’t know the rules of behavior, you don’t know how (there will be a term now) to calibrate girls, if you don’t know how to captivate them from the first minute (and all this against the backdrop of fierce competition!), then you will leave the nightclub in a bad mood. So before visiting the establishment, I advise you to acquire strong street practice or undergo special training on dating in nightclubs.

2. The most traditional place for meeting people is right, the library :) In fact, there is some truth in this, since the most common and frequent place for meeting people is communities. Communities are a group of friends, work, courses and studies, hobbies, a gym, these are places or companies that you often visit and there is a certain opinion about you there - social proof (phew, pronounced). If the opinion is good, then the girls come to you on their own, but if not, you are an outsider. For a long time I had a company of like-minded people; I created a good opinion of myself from my first visit to this company. There was a girl organizer who once told me: “Pasha, you are a sly fox. You come rarely, choose the most beautiful chicken and drag it away.” I hope there is no need to decipher this simple jargon :) The disadvantages of the “community” are obvious: if new girls do not join the company, you are doomed to loneliness in this community.

1. Street. We love the street very much, since the street is a clear indicator of how confident a man is. This is a litmus test: if you can come up and get acquainted, it means there are the beginnings of confidence; no - that means there is no smell of confidence. No matter how the world and the situation change, traditional acquaintance was, is and will always be the same: a man approaches a girl and starts talking to her. The easiest and most independent field for this is the street. On the street you don’t have the same high spirits as you do on vacation; you don’t walk around with your autobiography, like on the Internet; The mayor of the city did not filter out the girls specifically for you, like in the club, and the girl has no opinion about you (let me remind you: social proof). You meet people in a natural environment, so we can say with confidence: if you know how to meet and seduce girls on the street, then you know how to do this in all other fields.

In conclusion, I want to talk about the moral aspect of the fields. The last three fields (5, 4, 3) are the so-called fields for one-time acquaintances (I know, there are exceptions). If you met a girl in a nightclub, you are unlikely to tell your parents about it, and you are unlikely to want to show off your acquaintance on the Internet to your friends. I'm not even talking about relaxation - it's not for nothing that there is such a thing as a holiday romance.

The 2nd field is a traditional introduction. They are the most common cases of dating; they are mainly told about to parents, friends, and everyone.

Men don’t just talk about the 1st gender—meeting on the street—they boast about it, because everyone around them understands that you are one of a thousand who knows how to do this, you have the balls to make this kind of acquaintance.

I hope the map of the fields and your capabilities in them is now clear to you. Thank you for reading this article. Go to the fields and meet beautiful girls.

No matter how you twist it or make it up, we have only 5 types of fields:

1) street, 2) communities, 3) nightclubs, 4) internet and 5) recreation.

Each of them has both its pros and cons.

Fields are the basic elements of a database structure. They have properties. Field properties determine which types of data can be entered into a field and which cannot, as well as what can be done with the data contained in the field.

For example, the data contained in the Price field can be summed to determine the final result. Summarizing the data contained in the Phone number field is completely meaningless, even if phone numbers are written in numbers. Obviously, these fields have different properties and belong to different types.

The main property of any field is its length. The field length is expressed in symbols or, what is the same, in signs The length of the field determines how much information can fit in it. We know that symbols are encoded one or two bytes, so we can conventionally assume that the field length is measured in bytes.

The obvious unique property of any field is its Name. Of course, one database cannot have two fields with the same name, since the computer will become confused about their contents. But besides the name, the field also has a property Signature. The caption is the information that appears in the column header. This should not be confused with the field name, although if the label is not specified, the field name is displayed in the header. For example, you can assign the same signature to different fields. This will not interfere with your computer because the fields still have different names. Different field types have different purposes and different properties.

1. Main property text field- size.

2. Numeric field used to enter numeric data. It also has a size, but the numeric fields are different, for example, for entering integers and for input real numbers. In the latter case, in addition to the field size, the size of the decimal part of the number is also specified.

3. Fields for entering dates or times are of the type Date/time. To enter logical data that has only two values ​​(Yes or No; 0 or 1; True or False, etc.), use a special type - Boolean field. It is easy to guess that the length of such a field is always 1 byte, since this is more than enough to express a Boolean value.

4. Special field type - Monetary. From the name it is clear what data is stored in it. Amounts of money can also be stored in a numerical format, but it is more convenient to work with them in a monetary format. In this case, the computer displays numbers together with monetary units, distinguishes between rubles and kopecks, pounds and pence, dollars and cents, and, in general, handles them more elegantly.

5. Modern databases can store not only numbers and letters, but also pictures, music videos and videos. The field for such objects is called OLE object field.

6. The text field has a disadvantage due to the fact that it has a limited size (no more than 256 characters). If you need to insert long text into a field, use a field like MEMO. It can store up to 65,535 characters. The peculiarity of the MEMO field is that this data is actually stored not in the field, but in another place, and only a pointer to where the text is located is stored in the field.

7. Very interesting field Counter. At first glance, this is an ordinary numeric field, but it has the property of automatic growth. If there is such a field in the database, then when you enter a new record, a number is automatically entered into it that is one greater than the value of the same field in the previous record. This field is useful for numbering records.

Lecture 2
Related tables

The examples that we gave above can be considered the simplest databases, but in fact they are not really databases, but only tables. If information were stored in such simple structures, then to work with it it would be possible to do without special database management systems. In practice, we have to deal with more complex structures that are formed from many related tables.

Databases that have related tables are also called relational databases .

Let's consider an example of a small business that rents CDs with computer games. In order to know who took which disk, when it should be returned, and how many disks of each name are left in the warehouse, the enterprise needs a database. But if all the information about customers and disks is stored in one table, then the table will become very inconvenient to work with. It will begin repeating the data. Every time citizen V.P. Novikov takes another disk, he will have to enter his home address, telephone number and passport details. Nobody works like that. It is long, difficult and fraught with numerous mistakes.

It is much more convenient to make several tables. In one, store information about clients with all their passport data, in another - information about issued disks, in order to find out at any time what was issued to the client and when the return period is due, and in the third table - the balance of disks in the warehouse in order to replenish stocks on time. After this, individual table fields tie up. If it is known from the Rental table that the NWP client took disk D001, then the database management system will instantly find all the passport data of this person in the Clients table, and all data about this disk in the Warehouse table.

Dividing the database into related tables is not only convenient, but sometimes necessary. For example, to increase the number of orders, the manager of a CD rental company decided to install a computer in the common room on which each client can view a list of available discs with illustrations from games. If the database consists of only one table, then, along with information about disks, a random visitor will have access to information about other clients of the company. It is unlikely that customers will like this. Such a manager will not only not acquire new clients, but will also lose those he had.

If data in different records begins to repeat, this may indicate that the database has a poor structure. We need to think about whether it is possible to split the table into a group of related tables

If relationships between tables are specified, then you can work with different tables as if they were one single database

In practice, it has been proven that foil-coated insulation (foil thermal insulation) is 25-70% more effective than a conventional thermal insulator, while the difference in cost of the two types of materials is less significant.

Characteristics of foil insulation

In addition to general information, it is necessary to take into account a number of specific advantages that foil thermal insulation has over many modern insulation materials. The list of "pros" includes:

  • High resistance to reflection and no moisture absorption
    Foil thermal insulation is universal in application and can be used to cover any surface, including the floor.
  • High steam, heat and waterproofing characteristics
    Thanks to the metallized coating, reflective thermal insulation is used in the equipment of both residential buildings and industrial enterprises, which have high requirements for reducing energy costs for heating or cooling rooms.
  • Simple and quick installation
    In order to install rolled foil insulation, there is no need to involve specialists or special equipment.

Scope of application of insulation with foil

Foil thermal insulation is widespread in modern construction and today is most often used to provide effective heat and vapor insulation of baths and saunas, and to improve the sound insulation qualities of industrial premises. Foil insulation for floors, which is covered with a screed, is in great demand, and easy-to-use self-adhesive foil insulation has also proven itself to be excellent in multi-storey construction.

by type

  • Thickness 2mm
  • Thickness 3mm
  • Thickness 4 mm
  • Thickness 5mm
  • Thickness 8 mm
  • Thickness 10 mm
  • Thickness 30 mm
  • Thickness 40 mm
  • Thickness 50 mm
  • Thickness 100 mm

Features of installation of foil insulation

Before you buy foil insulation, you need to take measurements. The material is not attached overlapping, like most heat- and waterproofing coatings, but end-to-end, which reduces construction costs. It is worth noting that insulation with aluminum foil (as well as with metallized film) is quite easy to install. Foil insulation for walls must be placed with a reflector inside the room. The thermal insulation and foil are connected to each other with aluminum tape. During installation, it must be taken into account that a distance of at least 12 mm must be maintained between the foil and other surfaces (cladding), which serves as a ventilation gap. For this reason, when calculating estimates, the price of foil insulation often includes the cost of the sheathing.

Foil insulation in rolls and slabs in Sevastopol
Foil insulation in rolls and slabs in Sevastopol In practice, it has been proven that foil-covered insulation (foil thermal insulation) is 25-70% more effective than a conventional heat insulator, with

Moisture-resistant insulation is used at all stages of construction for thermal insulation of the interior and exterior of buildings, communications, and structures. The technology of its manufacture from natural and synthetic raw materials ensures reliability in operation, and its hydrophobic properties ensure durability.

Where moisture-resistant insulation may be needed

Wall insulation is the most profitable way to insulate houses and structures. To achieve a long-lasting effect, it is better to use moisture-resistant materials that are resistant to atmospheric factors.

The use of waterproof insulation in regions where there is a problem of floods and flooding makes it possible to create a waterproofing layer. Fungi and mold do not grow on the surface of hydrophobic insulation. This ensures the longevity of the building and preserves the health of residents.

What materials are not suitable

Among thermal insulation materials, mineral wool is the worst choice. It is not moisture-resistant, intensively absorbs water and slowly releases it. This problem is partially solved by additional waterproofing.

Choosing moisture-resistant material

Waterproof insulation is the least susceptible to moisture. Hygroscopic insulation deteriorates when in contact with condensation, so foam sheets are used for external insulation work.

Moisture-resistant polystyrene foam material practically does not absorb water. Its installation can be carried out in a damp environment with additional vapor barrier. When installing mineral wool fiber boards, two-sided sealing is required.

Foil and traditional insulation with a reflective coating are used for installation in the interior of premises. The positive properties of insulation of this type include vapor barrier, the ability to reflect infrared rays, and additional strengthening of mineral wool slabs, polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene.

Fiberboard slabs are made by drying and pressing wood chips. The binder can be Portland cement or magnesium salts.

The hydrophobic insulation is covered with a protective layer that is resistant to mold, mildew, and insects. It is used in rooms with high humidity. To increase the service life of fiberboard, additional waterproofing is required.

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam belongs to the class of plastics and is relatively recently used in construction. It has high adhesion and is applied to the surface by spraying.

Waterproofing the floor before laying polyurethane foam insulation is carried out using powder, roll and film materials, mastics, and hydrophobic liquids.

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS) is used to insulate any part of buildings for various purposes. The most acceptable option is to insulate the outer part of the load-bearing structures. At the construction stage, expanded polystyrene is laid into the thickness of hollow walls.

EPPS is produced by mixing polymer granules with a composition based on freon or carbon dioxide. From the mixture heated to a high temperature, sheets are formed that hold heat well, have a high coefficient of compressive strength, and are resistant to atmospheric factors.

Waterproofing solution

Waterproofing can be carried out at all stages of construction. The choice of materials depends on the type of structure and its purpose.

To protect the foundation, EPPS is used in combination with bitumen mastic, roofing felt, and sprayed waterproofing. To protect the house from dampness, horizontal wall insulation is used, capillaries are blocked with liquid and impregnated with paint.

To waterproof ceilings in rooms with high humidity, coating and penetrating compounds, powders, and paints are used. Insulating the ceilings additionally provides sound insulation.

For the manufacture of insulation, environmentally friendly raw materials are used that do not contain toxic components. Each thermal insulation material has advantages and disadvantages. When choosing a material, you need to take into account its parameters:

  • resistance to open fire,
  • sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation and organic solvents,
  • tendency to subsidence.

Even the best material will be ineffective without professional installation. Therefore, the selection of insulation, combination of materials and installation should be entrusted to specialists.

Types of moisture-resistant insulation and their application
3 candidates for the role of moisture-resistant insulation. Features of waterproofing. Three interesting conclusions at the end of the article.

What is insulation and how does it work? What kind of thermal insulation is there for different types of work? How do homogeneous types of insulation differ? Is it possible to add insulation to structural elements? Is there an alternative to conventional insulation methods? You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

Heat loss was a stumbling block for builders in earlier times. If they coped with the task of structural strength quickly (even in Ancient Egypt they used an analogue of today’s concrete), then with heat retention the matter was not so simple.

Not having our current technologies, they were forced to build walls of incredible thickness or intensively heat the premises from the inside. About 150 years ago, a compromise was found - a durable structure of small thickness (100–300 mm) plus insulation. And if everything is more or less clear with the structure - brick, wood, concrete, then today there are a great variety of insulation materials. We will talk about them.

How does insulation work?

The best and most accessible heat insulator is air. Strictly speaking, this is a rarefied gas, the molecules of which are relatively far from each other - many times further than those of denser materials (stone, water, wood). Due to this, the ability of air to receive (heat capacity) and transmit (thermal conductivity) heat is very small.

This suggests an “elementary” solution - to insulate the surface with a sealed shell filled with atmospheric air. This method will not even withstand theoretical testing - the cold surface of a denser medium (shell) will create heat exchange between itself and the air in contact with it, air movement in the shell will begin, it will begin to mix and over time the temperature will level out. Plus, condensation forms along the way. And the sealed body of the capsule will become an excellent bridge of cold.

What needs to be done to make the air work

The problem described above is solved by “immobilizing” the air. By dividing the volume of the chamber into separate cells, the researchers achieved increasingly better results. Ultimately, they concluded that the gas was best retained in a loose medium and by fibers. The principle of keeping air stationary is absolutely natural. Nature uses it in animal fur, in tree leaves shed to insulate roots, in a “dome” made from the paws of a spruce tree, covered with snow.

In order to clearly classify modern insulation materials, we will conditionally divide them into four groups: mineral wool (slabs and mats), polymer, backfill and alternative group.

Mineral wool boards and mats

The most common type of insulation today. It has excellent performance properties and manufacturability (ease of use).

How to obtain mineral wool

Mineral (stone) wool was experimentally obtained as a result of heating and blowing rocks of the gabbro-basalt group and marls. When using raw materials with a high silicon content, the wool fibers partially vitrified and the so-called glass wool was obtained - inconvenient to work with and harmful to health. However, its thermal insulation properties were at the proper level. This was a transitional stage in the evolution of technology, which was subsequently improved. To this day, the principle of producing stone wool has not changed, but it has become safer and more convenient to use (due to the combination of raw materials). All stone wool products are non-flammable and vary in density.

Interesting fact. Cotton candy is made in a similar way, only regular sugar is used instead of rock.

Mineral wool mats are fibers formed in the form of a mat 50 or 100 mm thick. Initially they were stitched. Designed for installation on horizontal surfaces with a slope of no more than 45 degrees.

Mineral wool slabs are fibers formed in the form of a slab with a thickness of 50 or 100 mm and dimensions of 500–600x1000–1200 mm. It differs from the mat in its greater density, due to which the slab is more rigid and is not subject to vertical settlement and clumping.

Scope of application: any type of “dry” insulation of residential and industrial buildings. Floors, walls, ceilings, roofing. Ideal insulation for frame houses.

Interesting fact. Why are most mineral wool boards 600mm wide? This type of insulation came to us along with the “Canadian technology” for building frame houses. It provides a distance between wall studs and floor joists of 600 mm - insulation is installed in this space without additional adjustment.

  1. Non-flammability. Cotton wool itself does not burn, but burns out by transferring heat. This requires high temperature (from 600 °C) and constant access of oxygen - conditions for a very strong fire in the wind.
  2. Soundproofing. It is a “bonus” for thermal insulation in all materials.
  3. Light weight. Due to the sparseness of the fibers, as we have already found out, the main material in cotton wool is air.
  4. Possibility of further finishing (for slabs). The slab material is perfectly bonded with cement adhesives, which allows them to be puttied.
  5. Self-supporting slabs. They can be fixed to the walls with dowels.
  6. Non-toxic. Everything that could evaporate was evaporated during production in the hot shop.
  7. Possibility of partial replacement of damaged areas.
  1. It is afraid of moisture and requires steam and water barriers. Even a small amount of water can permanently damage the insulation area and will have to be replaced.
  2. Settlement, compressibility. It does not allow the use of mineral wool for insulating screeds (filling with concrete or mortar).

Price range for insulation made of stone (basalt, mineral) wool depending on the brand and manufacturer:

Artificial or natural insulation: which one to choose
What is insulation and how does it work? What kind of thermal insulation is there for different types of work? How do homogeneous types of insulation differ? Is it possible to add insulation to structural elements? Is there an alternative

When building a house, or rather in the final part of building a good home, its insulation is very important. This ensures comfort in the house and, in addition to this, helps to significantly save on heating costs, as it prevents the house from over-cooling.

The insulation materials that are currently being produced protect the house from hypothermia, both inside and outside. For these purposes, there are specialized insulation materials for the floor, roof and facade. They have the necessary qualities and are focused on performing the task for which they are intended. Many of the high-quality materials also have fire-resistant qualities.

A lot of things are now focused primarily on safety, and therefore the use of insulation materials such as polystyrene foam inside the building was prohibited. It is flammable and, moreover, when ignited, it always releases toxic substances harmful to human health.

Mainly, insulation materials must retain heat in the house, but in addition to this, they are also subject to certain requirements. For example, they must withstand high temperatures, but not melt, in order to keep the rooms warm. In summer, insulation also plays an important role, since it can keep the heat out of the house. Using good insulation, you provide your home with warmth in winter and comfortable temperature in summer.

In addition, high-quality insulation is vapor-permeable, which helps remove excess moisture to the street. It is important to carry out the correct installation and then the yield of the material will be maximum. This increases the service life of the building's load-bearing parts and ensures a favorable microclimate.

Insulation materials are divided according to the structure and characteristics of the material from which they are made. There are organic insulation materials made from reeds, wood or peat, and inorganic insulation materials made from mineral wool, vermiculite, perlite, cellular concrete, thermal insulation ceramics, plastics and insulation materials with asbestos.

When choosing and purchasing insulation for your home, you need to be guided by several parameters: price, quality (it is desirable that the insulation be one that can last about fifty years) and area of ​​application.

Addiction insulation thickness depending on the region of the country, it very much depends on the chosen material.

Several main types of insulation are wool in several forms, backfill and plates made from inorganic materials. But each of them will be discussed in more detail below.

Insulation materials

Mineral wool is a material consisting of fibers of various natural rocks, which are processed by melting. This insulation has environmental qualities, is resistant to harmful influences, retains heat well and has soundproofing qualities. In addition, the material is quite durable and not prone to deformation. Most often, such materials, especially basalt mineral wool, are used to insulate facades. This is an expensive material, but mineral wool has virtually no disadvantages, which is why it has gained great popularity.

Fiberglass is a very elastic and durable material that is made from waste from the glass industry. This material is supplied in rolled rolls, which are straightened during installation. In addition, it can also be produced in the form of slabs, which will have a more rigid surface. This material is also most often used for insulating facades. The material is not suitable for use in conjunction with metal structures, since its ability to retain moisture promotes corrosion of the metal.

Polymer insulation is produced through an extrusion process and is good for use in conditions of high humidity. By insulating the middle layer in building structures, they provide good protection, since polystyrene does not rot and is not susceptible to infection by fungi. As a rule, slabs made of this material are not the main, but an additional layer of protection. The negative qualities of polystyrene insulation are its high fire hazard, as well as toxicity, provided that the insulation is not produced in compliance with sanitary standards.

Polyurethane foam consists of heat-resistant plastic. This is a very environmentally friendly material with a number of advantages. It is resistant to harmful influences, including chemical influences and fungi. It is perfect for insulating floors, walls, windows, pipelines and roofs. Installation is easy and simple - by pouring into special forms. It is a highly flammable material that releases toxic gas during combustion.

Penofol is a fairly light and flexible insulation material. It is well suited for insulating floors, roofs and ceilings. Also good for insulating baths or saunas, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Serves as excellent sound insulation, but is also not resistant to fire.

Foam insulation is made as slabs and crumbs. It is poured into specially prepared cavities during the construction of a building. Thanks to this, the insulation hardens and does not leave seams. Just like the above insulation materials, penoizol resists fungal infection well and is a good sound insulator. Can be used to insulate roofs, walls, ceilings and floors. Fire hazardous.

Types of insulation - mineral wool, penoizol, expanded polystyrene
Types of insulation - mineral wool, penoizol, expanded polystyrene When building a house, or rather in the final part of building a good home, its insulation is very important. This