Do not place mirrors in corners according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui mirror: attracting positive energy into the house. Features of placement and care

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a window? How to properly place mirrors in the house so as not to interfere with the free flow of positive energy? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

At all times, a mirror was considered a special magical object. Almost no fortune telling or ritual could be done without it. With its help, you can find out your destiny, predict the future; the mirror served as a talisman against evil forces and witchcraft rituals.

Today, a mirror is an indispensable element of the interior, without which it is simply impossible to imagine a modern home. But do not forget that this magical item can have a strong impact on your destiny. And its influence can be both positive and fatal if it suddenly turns out to be out of place. Therefore, before you start decorating the room, you need to find out in what places you can place mirrors according to Feng Shui.

Energy of the mirror

Feng Shui pays special attention to the energy of the mirror. It is believed that it is capable of reflecting and attracting energy, changing the properties of space, and redistributing energy flows. The mirror reflects rays of Qi energy that enter the house from different angles. Thanks to this, the situation in the house develops in a certain way, various events occur. And few people would think that the reason for this is a mirror located in a certain place.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the vital energy Qi enters the home through the front door and rushes to the source of running water. If there is a bathroom opposite the door, then all the positive energy will be “flushed” down the toilet. To avoid this, 2 small round mirrors will help, which should be placed on the door from the inside and outside.

Favorable places for placing mirrors in the house according to Feng Shui?

In what places should a mirror be hung so as not to interfere with the free flow of Qi energy? The most favorable places for placing a mirror according to Feng Shui are:


But what if your hallway is too cramped and small? A mirror will come to the rescue - it can visually enlarge the hallway area and add volume to it. Hang a human-sized mirror in the hallway, and the room will immediately look more spacious. Just don't place it in front of the front door.

Oddly enough, the hallway is the main distributor of vital energy in the house. After all, incoming flows of Qi energy enter through the door into the hallway, and then are distributed throughout the rest of the rooms. If you hang a mirror in the hallway, this energy will be reflected and spread freely throughout the house.

You should not place the mirror opposite the gas stove and work surfaces, otherwise the housewife may have more worries in the kitchen.

The living room is also a very good place for a mirror. This room has a very positive and soulful energy, because the whole family gathers here in the evenings and guests are received here. A mirror hung in this place will bring joy and good mood to your home, give you health and prosperity.


To prevent this from happening, the mirror can be placed only in those areas of the bedroom in which the bed and the people sleeping on it will not be reflected. It is also not recommended to install a mirrored ceiling in the bedroom, because this is contrary to Feng Shui. It is best to place a dressing table in the bedroom that can be closed at night.

In the room where the child sleeps, the placement of mirrors should be treated with extreme caution. According to Feng Shui, the number of mirrors in a nursery should be minimal so as not to interfere with the child’s restful sleep. Here you can hang one small mirror, which will reflect the opposite wall.

Is it possible to hang a mirror opposite a window?

According to Feng Shui, placing a mirror in front of a window is strictly prohibited, otherwise positive energy will not be able to linger in your home and will simply evaporate out the window. To avoid interfering with the proper circulation of energy, hang the mirror on the side wall near the window.

Do not hang mirrors one opposite the other under any circumstances. This helps create a magical mirror corridor into which various entities from the other world can penetrate.

To ensure that the mirror only brings you benefits, listen to these tips:

  • The attribute must have a frame - this will help concentrate the Chi energy.
  • The mirror should not reflect any negativity - cracked tiles, clutter in things, peeled wallpaper. It turns out that the mirror magnifies all this disgrace twice. Following this principle, avoid having your desk reflected in the mirror. Otherwise, you may have more work to do with it.
  • A cracked mirror should not be in your home, because it will collect all the negativity.
  • Try to avoid using mirror tiles in room decor. According to Feng Shui, this disrupts harmony and destroys your happiness.
  • The mirror should always be clean. You remember that mirrors multiply all negativity by two? A dirty mirror, even hanging in the right place, can cause scandals, conflicts, problems and illnesses in your family. Therefore, try to wash away all the negativity accumulated in the mirror more often.
  • After breaking a mirror, carefully wash the pieces to remove information about your family. Next, put them in an opaque bag and take them to the trash container.

Try to follow these simple rules. In this case, the mirror will bring only joy, health and prosperity to your home, and all negativity will leave your home forever.

Feng Shui mirror is a symbol family well-being, health and wealth. Residents of eastern countries firmly believe that by strictly following the canons of the ancient teachings about the influence of mysterious earthly forces on human life, one can quickly reach the apogee of success and happiness. Therefore, the multi-billion people of the Celestial Empire attach special importance to mirror location according to Feng Shui in the apartment.

Do you want to become rich, but luck does not want to smile on you? Do you want to be happy, but something constantly bothers you? Perhaps the whole reason is the incorrect placement of mirrors in the house, which direct all the positive Qi energy in the opposite direction from you. WESTWING will correct this issue, improve your life as much as possible, and tell you about feng shui philosophy and rules for choosing ideal places to place mirrors in the apartment.

Mysteries of Feng Shui: the magical abilities of mirrors

For a long time, psychics have used mirrors to predict people's destinies. During the Christmas holidays, girls carefully peered deep into the mirror surfaces, looking out for their betrothed grooms. Magicians made talismans from mirrors, which they recommended wearing to everyone who wanted to protect themselves from the negative energy of the environment. The Chinese have always used this magical item as home amulet, capable of charging with positive energy, strengthening the bonds of marriage, increasing income, and healing from various ailments.

The magnetic attraction of all good things coming from people, objects, natural elements, landscapes, animals is the main ability of mirror objects in Feng Shui. The position of the mirrors should be such that the positive Qi energy did not escape out the window, door, or sewer drain, but rushed towards the head of the family, the keeper of the hearth, heirs and other household members. Therefore, in no case should you place mirrors in front of doors, stairs, restrooms or bathrooms, if you strictly follow the rules of Feng Shui. Mirrors in the apartment are a store of negative and positive energy. Therefore, after the arrival of guests, be sure to wipe this decorative item. In this way, you will protect both yourself and your family from the negative message of unfriendly people.

Feng Shui canons: choosing the ideal place in the hallway to place a mirror

It is difficult to imagine a hallway without a dressing table, a hanger and a mirror. This is where the final touches of makeup are applied, the look is complemented with various accessories, and the process of collecting things is completed before going out. Therefore, it is so important to see the reflection in full growth, to be able to notice any shortcomings in mirror image Your appearance.

The philosophical science of the great balance of Feng Shui says: the most suitable place to place such a vital item as a mirror is one of the parallel walls of the hallway. The main thing is that the opposite wall is visible in its reflection. Thus, the Qi energy will be in a hopeless dead end, drawing an influx of all the good things from the street, constantly charging you with a great mood, chastity, health and luck.

The lion's share of the population of China, Singapore, and Hong Kong lives in abundance and does not need anything. You may be surprised, but most of these lucky ones are not the darlings of fate. They not only follow the tenets of the ancient science of home improvement, but also build houses according to Feng Shui. The mirror in the hallway, the bed in the bedroom, the dining table in the kitchen are located strictly according to the rules established by this science. The only exception may be the choice of place to place a family portrait.

Feng Shui postulates: choosing a place to place a mirror in the bedroom

All feng shui fans know that the bedroom is home shrine. New lives are born here, energy costs are replenished, so this room must be dominated by peaceful environment. No stranger should set foot here, so you should not invite anyone other than your husband or beloved guy with whom you have a close and trusting relationship into the bedroom.

Most adherents of the ancient teachings do not hang a mirror in the bedroom. Feng Shui does not welcome suspended ceilings and mirrored objects in the intimate area of ​​the rest room. If you still want to arrange a boudoir in one of the corners of the bedroom, place a console table in a duet with a mirror, then you need to do this in such a way that the bed is not visible in the reflection. If this cannot be done, then you should sew a cape for the glass sheet, which should be worn after completing the process of applying or washing off makeup.

Neglecting this feng shui canon can lead to betrayal and separation of the strongest family. Therefore, if you value your relationship with your loved one, then listen to the philosophy founded by the ancient Chinese sages.

Feng Shui taboo: prohibition of using old mirrors

If you want to increase the family budget, expel negative energy from your home that affects the well-being of your children, relationships with your lover, then remember the basic rule of Feng Shui: mirrors should be new and have no sharp corners. These are powerful accumulators of negative and positive aura, they can tell about the life of previous owners, influence the surrounding atmosphere, cool the warmth of the home and mercilessly eliminate the cozy atmosphere in the house. Therefore, you should not decorate the apartment antiques in the form of vintage mirrors.

WESTWING recommends an alternative way to decorate the interior in vintage or empire style: decorate mirror surfaces yourself, artificially creating an antique effect and the patina of time. You can choose an antique frame or baguette made of precious metal for your new mirror. But under no circumstances should you decorate your home with rare decorative items, even if they are a family heirloom. Otherwise, there is a high probability of repeating the fate of the previous owners.

If you accidentally break a mirror, you need to carefully collect the fragments, trying not to look at the reflection of your image in them. Then wipe them with a damp sponge, wrap them in cloth and dispose of them. Also, both dishes and mirrors fight for happiness. Therefore, you should not be upset if your favorite piece of interior decor suddenly becomes unsuitable for further use. In the WESTWING catalog you can easily find a worthy replacement, which can fully eliminate the grief of losing a broken mirror sheet.

Fancy shapes, original design, chic frames, elegant coasters, bright lighting - all these are unique features of the model range of mirrors presented in our catalog. At any time you can clearly see all kinds of options for floor, wall, table mirrors, among which it is easy to find the ideal model for a specific room interior.

Everything that is reflected in the mirror can increase a hundredfold in size if you manage to organize it in your monastery positive energy cycle Qi. To do this you need:

  • avoid placing mirrors opposite doors and windows;
  • choose the size of the model, where the full-length reflection of a person will be visible;
  • place mirrors in the dressing room and bathroom on parallel walls;
  • use octagonal glass canvas to decorate the living room and the room where you spend most of your free time.

Choosing a mirror according to Feng Shui should happen at a moment when your soul is happy and you are in a great mood, surrounded by your beloved household members. It's difficult to get the whole family together to organize a shopping trip and buy a model that can please the tastes of all family members, isn't it? Agree, it is much easier after a family dinner to open the WESTWING page and jointly choose mirrors for each room. You can appreciate the convenience of such shopping if you walk around at least once. virtual spaces our international web resource. Many residents of 15 European countries have already appreciated the comfort of this type of shopping, which can significantly reduce time and financial costs due to regularly held promotions.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror is a keeper of the family hearth, a totalizer of financial well-being, amulet, protecting housing from negativity and evil. Perhaps, until now, you have not attached much importance to this integral attribute of the bathroom, hallway and bedroom, but if you want to change your life, starting all over again, the first thing you need to do is update the mirrors in your home and hang them according to the rules of Feng Shui. WESTWING is confident that after this all your dreams will come true and you will live a long and happy life. Believe in the best! Then all adversity will pass you by, and luck will follow you everywhere like a shadow.

One of the most effective means of neutralizing negative energy (sha) is a feng shui mirror. With its help, you can fill the missing bagua sector and adjust the shape of the room. Also, a mirror allows you to remove the negative zone from your field of view, create the appearance of a favorable location of doors, windows or walls, and visually expand the space.

Feng Shui mirror shape and size

According to Feng Shui, the shape of the mirror does not play a big role. But if you like a rectangular or square option, choose one with rounded corners, because sharp corners in the house interfere with the movement of positive energy (chi).

Round and oval models are especially favorable. They accumulate qi energy, the flow of which circulates freely and evenly along their rounded edges. By the way, frames help preserve positive energy in the mirror surface.

Alexander Lesnitsky/Pixabay

It is important to have at least one mirror in the house that reflects the full height of the tallest member of the family. Moreover, in the reflection above the head there should be free space - it symbolizes spiritual and personal growth. According to Feng Shui, the mirror should not “cut off” the top of the head. It can even cause severe and frequent migraines.

Avoid using mirror tiles in your interior! She “cuts” into pieces everything that she reflects, thereby symbolically destroying.

Emile Guillemot/Unsplash

Where to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui?

If, due to the layout of the room, any of the eight bagua zones is missing or curtailed, hang a mirror in this zone. It will visually fill the missing sector and eliminate negativity.

Since a feng shui mirror doubles positive and negative energies, it should reflect something pleasant that pleases the eye. For example, it could be a painting or panel, an elegant figurine or a vase. It is very favorable when in the mirror you can see a family gathering at a beautifully set table. This symbolically doubles the abundance and prosperity in the home.

If the window offers a scenic view, position the mirror so that it reflects the street at an angle. But don't place the mirror directly in front of the window. Otherwise, it will prevent the flow of positive qi energy. For the same reason, the mirror is not placed opposite the door or stairs.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in which a bed is visible, especially if it is a marital bed, is taboo. The mirror surface doubles everything that it reflects, and in this case symbolizes the presence of a third person in your relationship. If it is impossible to remove or rearrange the mirror, cover it with a thick cloth at night. It is highly undesirable to hang mirrors in the room where you sleep. But if you can’t imagine your bedroom without this piece of furniture, give preference to round or oval-shaped models.


According to Feng Shui, a mirror is an effective means of attracting good luck in any area. So, if you want to receive more money, place an object on the dressing table that you associate with prosperity. It could be an expensive box, an antique lamp, a beautiful piggy bank, a figurine or a vase.

Rebecca Matthews/Pixabay

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in an apartment should not reflect you when you are sitting at your desk. Otherwise, you will have twice as much work (remember that a mirror doubles everything it reflects), while the level of income will remain the same. Also, do not allow one mirror to even partially reflect another. Otherwise, positive energy, entering the formed corridor, will disappear without a trace.

According to Feng Shui, a mirror is a symbol of family well-being, health and wealth. Residents of eastern countries firmly believe that by strictly following the canons of the ancient teachings about the influence of mysterious earthly forces on human life, one can quickly reach the apogee of success and happiness. Therefore, the multi-billion people of the Celestial Empire attach special importance to the location of the mirror according to Feng Shui in the apartment. But if you don’t know the rules for using a mirror, you can seriously harm yourself and your loved ones. To prevent this from happening, learn the secrets of properly handling this magical item in this article.

The magic of mirrors

The magic of mirrors lies in their ability to reflect and double objects, as well as accumulate the energy of their owners. These properties of mirrors have long been used in their practice by magicians, healers, and clairvoyants.

According to archaeologists, mirrors appeared in the Bronze Age. They were cast from copper, bronze and silver, and only with the advent of glassblowing did the first glass mirrors appear.

Venetian masters were considered the most skilled in the production of mirrors. They added gold and bronze to the composition, thanks to which the reflection in the mirror became even better than in reality.

Such mirrors were incredibly expensive, so only rich aristocrats or royal nobility could purchase them. For example, in Versailles under Louis XIV, who went down in history as the “Sun King,” there were 306 huge mirrors, striking guests with extraordinary brilliance and radiance

And the office of the French queen Marie de Medici was decorated with 119 expensive Venetian mirrors. One of these mirrors, decorated with precious stones, is now kept in the Louvre.
Year after year, the technology for producing mirrors improved, they became cheaper and began to appear in the homes of city residents, becoming an integral part of the interior. And so, gradually, mirrors turned from a luxury item into a necessity.

There are many legends and fairy tales about mirrors; they are assigned magical positive and negative properties. Feng Shui masters also draw attention to the fact that mirrors can bring both harm and benefit: it all depends on the location and methods of their use.

What does science say?

Even modern scientific approaches do not refute the fact that a mirror can give people higher knowledge. From a scientific point of view, everything is explained simply. If you create appropriate conditions, low lighting and various accompanying factors, inhibition of the cerebral cortex occurs. What happens is what is called self-hypnosis.

A person is immersed in a special state, which is caused by appropriate conditions. As a result, various phenomena can be observed, popularly called visions. In them, informative messages come to people in an allegorical or direct form, which, with appropriate interpretation, take on a certain form.

Here are some tips on what you should and shouldn’t do with a mirror according to the science of Feng Shui. For example, a mirror opposite the toilet according to Feng Shui helps to dispel negative Qi and prevent all good thoughts from flowing down the drain.

Mysteries of Feng Shui: the magical abilities of mirrors

For a long time, psychics have used mirrors to predict people's destinies. During the Christmas holidays, girls carefully peered deep into the mirror surfaces, looking out for their betrothed grooms. Magicians made talismans from mirrors, which they recommended wearing to everyone who wanted to protect themselves from the negative energy of the environment. The Chinese have always used this magical item as a home talisman, capable of charging with positive energy, strengthening marriage bonds, increasing income, and healing from various ailments.

The magnetic attraction of all good things coming from people, objects, natural elements, landscapes, animals is the main ability of mirror objects in Feng Shui. The location of the mirrors should be such that the positive energy of Qi does not escape through the window, door, or sewer drain, but rushes towards the head of the family, the keeper of the hearth, heirs and other household members. Therefore, in no case should you place mirrors in front of doors, stairs, restrooms or bathrooms, if you strictly follow the rules of Feng Shui. Mirrors in an apartment are a store of negative and positive energy. Therefore, after the arrival of guests, be sure to wipe this decorative item. In this way, you will protect both yourself and your family from the negative message of unfriendly people.

Feng Shui mirror shape

Mirrors play an important role in decorating a house or apartment according to Feng Shui. It is known that the well-being of a family living under one roof, even the health of its members and harmony in their relationships depends on the flow of favorable energy Qi. This invisible living energy passes through the entire house, so it is necessary to ensure that its flow is powerful and penetrates into every room and into every corner of the home.

In this case, absolutely all troubles, failures and lack of money will bypass your home, and you yourself will forever forget about any illnesses or illnesses. Harmony and tranquility will reign in the house. In order to correctly direct flows Qi, and also close negative flows Sha, and we need mirrors.

The shape of the mirror can be absolutely any: round, rectangular, square. Of course, greater preference is given to those models that have rounded corners or even a round or oval shape.

Flows of energy Qi, as you know, they do not like sharp corners in any of their manifestations, this applies not only to reflective surfaces.

Feng Shui round mirror Shu- reflects energy very well, while being positive Qi does not dissipate, but circulates along the rounded edge of such a mirror, remaining and accumulating in it and concentrating its power.

It is important to note that the presence of a frame on the mirror will also have a positive effect on the quality of transmission Qi. A border or frame is a powerful barrier for any energy, thereby allowing it to be stored inside the mirror surface and sealed.

An excellent example, combining both a rounded shape and a frame, is a mirror in the shape of the Sun. Such a thing can fully saturate with energy Qi even the largest room , but at the same time she herself is of modest size. You will certainly be surprised when you see how your room will change after the appearance of this item in it.

What you should definitely pay attention to is the presence in the house of at least one large mirror, such that it can accommodate the largest member of your family at full height.

A prerequisite is that there should still be room above the head; this is necessary for future growth, both physically and spiritually. If the house has at least one such mirror in any room, then small mirrors are allowed in all other rooms.

Bagua mirror shape

Separately, it is necessary to mention the Bagua mirror. Feng Shui highly values ​​this symbol as it is one of the most powerful. This type of mirror reflects and neutralizes negative energy Sha.

Bagua is an octagon made of wood, in the center of which there is a mirror. Eight trigrams are written around the reflective surface. These ancient symbols protect absolutely all areas of human life, from financial well-being to health.

There are two types of Bagua: precelestial(Yin) and post-heavenly(Yanskoe). The first designates the place of the male owner in the house, and the second - the female owner. These symbols also differ in the shape of the mirrors used in them. The convex Bagua mirror reflects the entire Sha away from itself, concave - absorbs all negative energy inward, flat - has a neutral effect.

It is very important to follow the rules for placing the Bagua, as these mirrors have a powerful negative effect. The fact is that by directing this mirror, for example, at your neighbors’ home, you rid your home of the negative Sha energy, but transfer it to their home, so use this symbol with great caution!

Do not place such a protective mirror against your neighbors, it is best to direct the reflection in a neutral direction, where no one lives so that its surface reflects nature or emptiness.

Feng Shui canons: choosing the ideal place in the hallway to place a mirror

It is difficult to imagine a hallway without a dressing table, a hanger and a mirror. This is where the final touches of makeup are applied, the look is complemented with various accessories, and the process of collecting things is completed before going out. Therefore, it is so important to see the reflection in full height, to be able to notice any shortcomings in the mirror image of your appearance.

The philosophical science of the great balance of Feng Shui says: the most suitable place to place such a vital item as a mirror is one of the parallel walls of the hallway. The main thing is that the opposite wall is visible in its reflection. Thus, the Qi energy will be in a hopeless dead end, drawing an influx of all the good things from the street, constantly charging you with excellent mood, chastity, health and good luck.

The lion's share of the population of China, Singapore, and Hong Kong lives in abundance and does not need anything. You may be surprised, but most of these lucky ones are not the darlings of fate.

They not only follow the tenets of the ancient science of home improvement, but also build houses according to Feng Shui. The mirror in the hallway, the bed in the bedroom, the dining table in the kitchen are located strictly according to the rules established by this science. The only exception may be the choice of place to place a family portrait.

Feng Shui postulates: choosing a place to place a mirror in the bedroom

All feng shui fans know that the bedroom is a home shrine. New lives are born here, energy costs are replenished, so a peaceful atmosphere must dominate in this room. No stranger should set foot here, so you should not invite anyone other than your husband or beloved guy with whom you have a close and trusting relationship into the bedroom.

Most adherents of the ancient teachings do not hang a mirror in the bedroom. Feng Shui does not welcome suspended ceilings and mirrored objects in the intimate area of ​​the rest room. If you still want to arrange a boudoir in one of the corners of the bedroom, place a console table in a duet with a mirror, then you need to do this in such a way that the bed is not visible in the reflection. If this cannot be done, then you should sew a cape for the glass sheet, which should be worn after completing the process of applying or washing off makeup.

Neglecting this feng shui canon can lead to betrayal and separation of the strongest family. Therefore, if you value your relationship with your loved one, then listen to the philosophy founded by the ancient Chinese sages.

Where to hang a mirror according to feng shui

The main task of mirrors is to direct the flow Qi and make sure that this current is very powerful, and also prevent it from being accidentally blocked. Below we will look at good places for placing reflective surfaces, for example, the placement of a mirror in the hallway according to Feng Shui or in the living room, and we will also note those places in the house where weighing mirrors is strictly prohibited or simply not recommended.

Feng Shui mirror in the hallway

According to Feng Shui, a mirror in the hallway is almost always mandatory. The layout of most apartments and houses is designed in such a way that the main entrance, through which the energy itself Qi and enters the home, is located either around the corner, or is aimed only at a specific room.

Imagine, for example, an apartment in which the front door is located opposite the children's room, and the remaining rooms, kitchen and bathroom are located on either side of it. Of course, the children's room will always be filled with energy Qi, the flow of force entering the house through the front door will be very powerful. However, all other rooms of such an apartment will be completely empty and devoid of favorable flows. Qi. In such a situation, a mirror in the hallway is exactly what is needed.

The mirror surface located opposite the corridor will bifurcate the flow Qi, which breaks out of the front door.

The energy will enter those rooms and spaces where the mirror will be directed. In addition, the flow will receive an impulse and become more powerful and concentrated.

To more easily understand how this works, imagine a powerful river. It carries its waters along a certain channel and does not spread to the sides. In order to saturate any area on the side of the river with water, we need to dig a trench and make a diversion. It is in the role of such outlets that mirrors act.

Remember that the corridor is the beginning of the path Qi in your home, so this place should be given close attention. It is best to place the largest mirror in the apartment in the hallway, since it is from here that the energy of all other rooms will be saturated with energy.

Feng Shui bathroom mirror

The bathroom and toilet are considered a place where energy disappears. It is in these places that sewer drains are located, which are very often used by humans and through which positive energy flows.

The main task when arranging these rooms with mirrors is to prevent people from getting into them. Qi, or protect the rest of the house from negative Sha, all coming from the same drains.

Experts recommend hanging a mirror on either side of the door leading to the bathroom, while the door itself should always be tightly closed. Also, do not forget to close the toilet lid tightly. If we talk about the restroom, then Feng Shui allows you to hang a mirror in the toilet on the door on one or the other side, while its size does not matter significantly.

There are no special prohibitions inside the plumbing unit itself. You can hang a mirror as large as you like in the bathroom, that’s even good.

The only thing that is not advisable to do is use mirror tiles. Crushing the reflection with regular polyhedra always has a negative effect on a person’s internal Qi and can even change its charge to negative.

Feng Shui mirror in the bedroom

A mirror in the bedroom is not desirable according to Feng Shui, but can still be present

The bedroom is a place where people relax and gain strength, and success in any area of ​​activity directly depends on the comfort and duration of rest. According to Feng Shui, it is not recommended to place a mirror here or in guest rooms, given how vulnerable a person is during sleep.

It is necessary to ensure that the bed and people sleeping there are not reflected in the mirror.

If you cannot refuse mirror attributes in the bedroom, then pay attention to round or oval models of modest sizes. Do not place a mirror opposite the beds, and also hang dressing doors with reflective surfaces.

You cannot place a mirror on wardrobes if the bed is visible in them.

Important. Do not keep cracked and broken mirrors at home, otherwise the energy flows necessary for harmony and health will “leave” the house. The symbolic death of a looking-glass double when the integrity of the surface is violated can bring negative consequences to the life of a real person. There are similar warnings in the customs of the Slavic peoples: reflection in the fragments promises many years of failure and illness.

The mirror on the dressing table should be large enough and preferably oval or round

We find a hint about what will help negate the possible negativity of such an unpleasant event in the traditions of Feng Shui. You need to carefully collect all the fragments and rinse under cold running water. Such actions symbolize cleansing of accumulated energy, after which everything can be thrown away without fear of unpleasant consequences.

Feng Shui kitchen mirror

In the kitchen, the presence of mirrors is permissible only in two places: where the dining table is reflected, and near the stove

The placement of mirrors in the dining room will be a big plus. This creates a favorable atmosphere and a feeling of spaciousness. In addition, ladies will be able to evaluate their figure during a meal and, as a result, will not forget to reduce (increase) the portion.

A mirror that reflects what is on the table visually doubles your food and symbolically multiplies your wealth

A mirror opposite the work surface in the kitchen is still undesirable. The appearance of unnecessary troubles for the housewife can spoil the mood, which can cause the taste of culinary delights to deteriorate.

Important! In addition to location, the size of the mirror also matters. Experts in Feng Shui traditions note that in a living space it is necessary to hang at least one such decorative item in full human height. A kind of foundation for spiritual growth and increase in material wealth will be obtained if there is free space in the reflection above your head.

Floor mirrors in full human height for spiritual and material growth

The exact opposite effect will be created by using mosaic fragments with mirror surfaces to decorate walls, kitchen splashbacks and ceilings in the interior. Being in such a room, over time, one may get the impression of turmoil and the need to solve several things at the same time. In order not to get caught up in the cycle of everyday problems, stop using small fragments of mirrors that crush the reflection of people, pets, and objects. In such cases, the sages of the Celestial Empire predicted a violation of harmony, both spiritually and materially.

Please note that it is important not only to hang mirrors correctly, following all the recommendations of the teachings of the Chinese sages, but also to wash and wipe them in a timely manner. Dirty mirror surfaces often become a kind of storage of negativity. The emergence of quarrels and intrigues will be a completely natural consequence.

Mirror in the living room according to feng shui

The mirror will fit perfectly in the living room. This is one of those places in the house where it cannot cause any harm and brings only benefit. It will be great if the mirror reflects a beautiful painting on the wall that pleases your eye, or a luxurious vase, a beautiful living flower.

The reflection of the breathtaking landscape outside the window will have a very good effect on the energy in the house. But if you don’t see a beautiful landscape in your window, then it would be better to hang the mirror somewhere else. Remember that the mirror carries exactly what is reflected in it, and if it is positive energy, then you yourself will notice how your home will be transformed.

Use this clever and simple trick to double your positive energy and increase your grace.

Feng Shui mirror in the office

We have looked at the rules for placing mirrors for all rooms in a living space, but how to properly hang a mirror according to Feng Shui in an office? Experts generally do not recommend using such strong guides for energy flows as mirrors in office spaces. There are too many different circulating forces in such places, and in such energetic chaos the mirror is more likely to strengthen the negative Sha rather than help strengthen Qi.

If you still need a mirror at work, then place it inside the closet or use a pocket mirror that can be easily stored in a drawer or worn in clothes. A really bad idea would be if you placed a reflective surface in front of your workspace. The reflection of the workplace doubles your work, and you get tired faster, and the amount of work increases. It's also a bad move for anyone who craves more career recognition or increased earnings.

The best place to install a mirror in the office is the break room or any other place where you and your colleagues relax and do not work.

The mirror surface will improve the recovery function of your body and speed it up. You will replenish your full reserve of strength in much less time and do it better. Also, a mirror in the relaxation room will help relieve nervous tension and neutralize negative energy.

Unfavorable places to place a mirror according to Feng Shui

In this part we will look at the worst places to place a mirror. There are few such places, but if at least one mirror in the house hangs at such a point, then this upsets the energy balance in the entire house and can lead to catastrophic consequences.

If you already have a mirror hanging in any of the listed places, you need to wipe it thoroughly in order to remove any remaining negative energy. Then hang it in one of the most successful areas in the apartment, which we already talked about earlier.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the window

A common mistake that Feng Shui considers unacceptable is a mirror opposite the window. Windows, like doors, are entry points for flow. Qi in the home. By placing a mirror opposite the window, you seem to create a barrier for incoming energy, reflecting it outward.

In turn, negative energy, reflected, enters the house, and then spreads throughout all rooms and premises.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the toilet

Above in the article it was said that it is necessary to hang a small mirror on the door of the restroom on one side or the other. So why doesn't the reflective surface opposite the door work?

The fact is that a mirror installed in this way drives all the positive energy inside the toilet, from where it flows into the sewer. We independently “dig” a trench that carries away our flow of favorable Qi from home.

At the same time, this arrangement of the mirror surface does not cover the negative energy oozing from the sewer, unlike the example when the mirror hangs on the toilet door.

Mirror opposite mirror according to feng shui

Even children know that if you place one mirror opposite another, you can create an endless optical tunnel. Now imagine that such an infinitely long tunnel will receive a stream of favorable Qi. This kind of thing should be avoided most of all.

Even when you accidentally direct Qi into the bathroom or toilet through mirrors, it does not flow there without a trace. Infinity, created by two mirrors, devours all Qi without leaving a drop. Avoid having one mirror surface reflect another (even partially).

Feng Shui mirror opposite the bed

Feng Shui experts believe that if a mirror is installed in the bedroom and a sleeping married couple is reflected in it, then the mirror surface acts as a third partner in their relationship. This certainly entails betrayal, quarrels and discord in any relationship, no matter how strong they are.

The mystery of sleep is a rather sensitive thing, and placing such a powerful conductor of energy as a mirror next to you when you and your spirit are defenseless is not very wise.

If you can’t get rid of the mirror in the bedroom and there is no way to remove it, throw a thick piece of fabric over its reflective surface at night so that it completely covers the entire area.

Feng Shui mirror opposite the front door

A mirror opposite the entrance is strictly prohibited by Feng Shui. It was already said earlier that the entrance door is the mouth of the river Qi in your home. By placing the mirror opposite these energy gates, we simply send all the positive force back out, and the negative Sha penetrates into the home without any difficulty.

The situation is absolutely similar to the case when the mirror hangs opposite the window.

What can you put in front of a mirror according to Feng Shui?

So, the mirror surface enhances both positive and negative flows. Feng Shui pays special attention to this item in the house. What to put in front of the mirror?

In front of the reflective surface there should be only that which brings purely positive emotions to you and your family. Items associated with well-being in any area are also suitable. Like a mirror with a candle next to it, it will illuminate your home with positive currents Qi and will feed its main current.

If you dream of financial well-being, then place in this zone what you strongly associate it with. In the same way, you can double your health, happiness in your home, success in business or creativity.

You should not place talismans and various Feng Shui objects in front of a mirror surface. Symbols and trigrams turned upside down can carry a completely different meaning than before.

How to throw away a mirror correctly according to Feng Shui

We have already figured out how to hang a mirror according to Feng Shui, but what to do if the mirror is cracked or broken and needs to be thrown away?

First, it should be noted that a cracked mirror does not mean the arrival of terrible misfortune in the house. On the contrary, this means that it has already absorbed enough negative energy, and its service life has therefore expired.

In order to safely throw away a broken mirror, you must first collect all its pieces. Rinse them under cold running water to remove all your marks on it. It is very important after this procedure not to look at your reflection and try not to be reflected in the fragments at all, since you will again leave a piece of yourself inside.

Wrap the remaining mirror in a thick cloth and then safely throw it away.

Is it possible to sell a mirror using feng shui?

Selling a mirror is a very risky step, because while it is in the house, it becomes saturated with your energy and the energy of all family members who were reflected in it, so experts do not recommend doing this.

A mirror can be used both against you and against the person who buys it.

If you do decide to sell a mirror from your home, follow the disposal instructions - wash the mirror surface with cold water, and then wrap it in a cloth.

This will at least wash away your energy a little.

As noted above, a mirror opposite the window according to Feng Shui is not the best idea for placing this powerful energetic piece of furniture in the house. Therefore, try to avoid the mirror reflecting the window or door. This rule especially applies to the front door.

It is also important to ensure that other reflective surfaces (for example, tiles or a mirror vase, etc.) follow these rules. It is especially bad if the reflective surface of any object greatly distorts reality, then the negative effect of incorrect placement can be even greater.

Avoid decorating your home with items or decor that are overly reflective or shiny. Traditionally, Feng Shui avoids glossy and mirror surfaces.

A mirror in the hallway is an irreplaceable thing. However, you cannot hang it opposite the entrance doors, since in this case it will interfere with the entry of the life-giving energy of qi into the house. From here, the owners may have problems with money, work and health, and scandals. To prevent this from happening, it is important to find the best place to place the mirrors. According to Feng Shui, this is considered to be the free space to the right or left of the door, on the other wall. In this case, the mirror will multiply what is reflected in it.

If you have a door to the toilet, bathroom or kitchen opposite the entrance to the house, you must hang 2 small mirrors on it - on one side and the other, at the level of the stomach of the older family member. Especially if it is constantly open. Otherwise, the qi energy, passing along the corridor, will enter this room and dissolve into oblivion along with the water. If you decide to hang two mirrors in the hallway, they should be positioned so that they do not reflect on each other.

As for the size of the mirror, it should reflect the household members at full height. In this case, it is desirable that a small space remains above the head of the tallest family member. It will symbolize the possibility of regular replenishment of the family budget and career growth.

How to place a mirror in other rooms?

You should not hang mirrors in the children's room or bedroom. But if you consider it necessary, try to place them so that they do not reflect the bed. A sleepy child may become frightened, and in adults it will take away strength and love energy. In addition, mirrors reflecting a married couple in bed can invite a homewrecker into the house. Do you need it?

Hanging mirrors opposite the front door, as well as in the hallway, is extremely undesirable. But installing them next to the bed on the dressing table is the best solution. In this case, the positive energy in the house will only increase.

In the kitchen, mirrors can be placed only in two places: near the stove and where the kitchen table is. In the bathroom - on the side of the bath, above the cabinet with the sink. The main thing is that it does not reflect the flowing water. Otherwise, the qi energy will flow away along with it. In the living room - so that it displays the beautiful landscape outside the window at an angle, but not in front of the windows.

In the pantry, if there is one in the house, mirrors are not needed.

Now you know how to hang mirrors according to Feng Shui. Good luck to you and prosperity to your home!