Lathing of walls with a lath under plastic. Instructions for interior wall decoration with pvc plastic panels. General requirements for surfaces

How to make a crate for PVC panels in the bathroom? Do I need a crate for mounting plastic panels?

When planning repairs in the bathroom, it is necessary to select materials for finishing that are highly durable and resistant to operating conditions during high humidity.

One of them is PVC panels, which are characterized by low cost, maintaining aesthetics. appearance and ease of installation.

Problems of frameless installation of PVC panels

Installation of PVC panels is possible in two ways: frame and frameless.

At first sight frameless method is simple, but during the installation work it turns out to be the opposite.

This is primarily due to the need to ensure a smooth and durable surface of the walls.

Not every bathroom after renovation remains perfect smooth walls. With significant irregularities, the consumption of leveling compounds will increase significantly.

In addition, the alignment process itself will take a non-specialist a lot of time and will require the use of laser level. If even the smallest errors are made, all inaccuracies will be visible on decorative surface.

Another problem of direct contact of PVC panels with the wall is the impossibility of laying the cable with unhindered access to it in case of non-standard or emergency situations.

The option to install the crate will reduce the cost of leveling the walls, make it possible to hide all the necessary communications, as well as lay several insulating layers.

The presence of a rigid structure will allow the installation of a partition between two bathrooms and ensure sufficient structural strength.

Choice of cladding material

The material for the crate should be chosen based on financial capabilities and the preferred service life.

wooden blocks

For the crate, straight and smooth slats are suitable, without various defects with a cross section of 20x20 mm. During installation, there will be no particular difficulties, since they are easily processed and can be fixed in any suitable way.

Wood must be dry natural way so as not to lead the design.

To prevent mold or fungus from forming on the surface, you need to apply several protective layers: antiseptic and varnish or paint.

The service life of the structure, provided that the optimum level of humidity is maintained, will be up to 5 years.

Metallic profile

Provides high structural strength. All elements have standard sizes and therefore there is no need to adjust them.


  1. The profiles have high protection against moisture and high temperatures, so their service life can be up to 15 years, provided that the outer layer was not damaged during installation.
  2. Products have a significantly lower weight than when using wood, so they do not create critical loads on walls and ceilings during their installation.

The cost of installing metal profiles will be minimal, so this option is optimal in terms of price / quality.

Plastic elements

Such material for the crate appeared relatively recently, so it is not widely used.

Plastic structures have maximum protection:

  • from moisture;
  • from mold;
  • from pests.

Differ extremely simple installation through clip connections. No additional treatments, adjustments or protective layers are required.

Plastic slats are plastic, so they can take the shape of a wall.

However, this does not mean that the installed PVC panels will be installed crooked or skewed, since the advantage of clips is the impossibility of operation with such installation errors.

Plastic rails can be installed on any type of ceilings and walls. The disadvantages include their high cost and relatively low strength.

Calculation of the material and the choice of the design of the crate

Before carrying out work, you need to calculate the required amount of material. Therefore, the first step is to accurately measure the length and width of the surfaces for finishing.

Based on the measured data, a sketch or drawing is created, from which the cost estimate will be determined and found best option in the choice of the material of the crate.

The frequency of the location of the guides should be within 30-40 cm and be selected based on their uniform location along the plane.

When planning, it must be taken into account that if you need to do PVC sheathing panels in a horizontal direction, then the crate should be laid vertically, and if in a vertical direction, then vice versa.

The number of fastenings of the crate to the wall is 30-60 cm, depending on the chosen method of fixing and the strength of the walls or ceilings.

Preparatory work

Preparatory work consist in assessing the evenness of the walls and the need for them partial alignment.

Usually in panel or brick houses quite often there are significant wall defects caused by non-compliance with construction standards or caused by a long period of operation of the facility without carrying out overhaul.

Significant irregularities are most common near floor or ceiling corners bathroom.

You can estimate the size of irregularities using a laser level. If the size of the irregularities is more than 5 mm, then it is recommended to perform leveling by grinding the existing layer or applying a new one.

If there is no laser level, then you can use folk method: attach a flashlight to several points at the junction of the walls, mark the places of shading, and then align them.

There is no need to achieve perfect evenness - it is enough to get deviations of no more than 1-2 mm per running meter wall or ceiling.

To save money, you can not align the walls.

In this case:

  1. You will need to determine the most convex point on the surface using a laser level and take it as the zero level.
  2. Then make marks of the aligned plane on perpendicular walls marker.
  3. During installation, you will have to mount the guides at the zero level.
  4. It is convenient to do this only when installing a metal crate, since elongated steel fastening brackets are provided for it, which are enough to bend to certain sizes.

The disadvantage of this method is the loss of usable bathroom space.

Installation work

Installation of battens in the bathroom PVC installations panels start with markup. They take two guides and fix them in parallel with two opposite sides wall or ceiling.

Then at the attachment points structural elements pull the threads, which will be the reference point of the zero level. If the walls are even, then this stage consists in the usual drawing of lines with a marker on the plane at the locations of the guides.

In the presence of high humidity in the bathroom and in order to prevent the appearance of dampness on the walls, it is recommended to lay a vapor barrier layer before marking.

How to proceed further:

  1. A metal or wooden crate is installed, starting with mounting the rails from left to right along the wall or from the opposite corner from the door.
  2. The first bar is placed in a strictly horizontal or vertical position, depending on the type of construction, and then fixed on both sides with dowels or self-tapping screws.
  3. After that, additional fasteners are screwed with an interval of 30-40 cm.
  4. Then take the next guide and mount in the same way. This method establishes all the elements of the crate.

The plastic crate is attached to a special adhesive tape or to adhesive base. In this case, it is necessary to pre-clean the surface of the wall or ceiling from dirt and grease in order to improve adhesion.

For the convenience of further work for the arrangement of the bathroom is recommended when installing the crate guided by the following rules :

  1. When carrying out a major renovation of the bathroom, you should create a design and interior project. This will allow you to foresee places for fasteners in advance. additional elements interior without damage decorative PVC panels.
  2. The panels are recommended to be placed strictly in a vertical or horizontal position, so that during installation there is no need to adjust them. When choosing one of the directions for laying panels, do not forget that if you make a horizontal placement, the room visually expands and shortens, and if it is vertical, the height of the ceilings increases.
  3. To install a lighting system at the planning stage, you need to consider the installation method and scheme concealed wiring. This will ensure reliable electrical protection and not take usable area walls for laying boxes with cables.

Installation of plastic metal or wooden elements bathroom battens for PVC paneling is a fairly simple process that even a non-specialist can handle.

The main thing is to carry out competent calculations and perform preparatory work. Only with this approach during installation there will be no additional difficulties or problems.

/ How to make a crate for PVC panels and siding?

How to make a crate for PVC panels and siding?

Plastic panels - very convenient finishing material. But in order to fix them on any surface, you will need to build a frame to which the panels themselves will be attached. For these purposes, a special wooden crate is very often used, which is very well suited as a base under.

Which bars to choose

The most important requirement for the wooden components of the frame will be their natural humidity, which should not exceed 20% of the value. Ideally, if this parameter is in the range of 12 - 14%.

wooden blocks more humidity unsuitable. When dried, they can deform, causing a violation outer coating, in our case - discrepancies of the mounted panels.

Parts made from this material can both dry out and swell from moisture. It is this property of theirs that does not allow the use of wooden parts for mounting the frame base during wet rooms. Here it is necessary to use only metal or plastic parts for the bases.

The surface of the selected rails must be even, and all of them must be of the same size. The most "running" sizes are 25 by 40, 40 by 40, 40 by 80 and 30 by 30 millimeters. Which ones are suitable, in each case, you need to choose separately.

What is required from the tools

In addition to the wooden slats themselves, it is necessary to prepare a small list of tools that may be required when installing the crate:

  • Perforator or drill with impact mechanism
  • Pencil for marking
  • Marking cord for the same purposes
  • screwdriver
  • Roulette
  • Construction and hydraulic level
  • A hammer
  • Hacksaw or wood saw
  • Suspensions for fastening base elements to the ceiling

If all of these items and tools are already available, you can start assembling the frame, and if something is missing, you will either have to borrow from friends or purchase it at a building materials store.


In order for the panels to be installed evenly, it is necessary to carefully mark several points on the walls and ceiling where it is supposed to PVC installation slats.

First you need to determine which of the corners of the room is the lowest. This is necessary in order to start the markup from it. In the future, even if the walls are not the same height, all other marks will fit exactly into the geometry of the room.

Finding the right place ceiling it is necessary to retreat about five centimeters. You can make a larger indent, but, usually, five centimeters are enough to place all communications and the upper part of the mortise fixtures in the overhead space. It is not recommended to lower the ceiling below, sat down in the room standard height walls - the ceiling will be too low.

Having applied the first mark, it must be transferred to the other corners of the room. On the walls, you also need to make markings. To do this, you need to connect a straight line marks in opposite ends walls.

Perfect for this, a marking cord, with which it is much easier to draw a straight line. It should be ensured that all lines are strictly horizontal. From this, it will depend on how smooth the ceiling will turn out.

You can go to the surface of the floor slab. Here, it is necessary to draw the points at which the suspensions will be fixed, or the lines along which the rails are to be fixed.

It is important that all lines on the floor slab are directed perpendicular to the location of the PVC strips.

In order to make it easier to navigate later, you can pull a strong thread from corner to corner of the room. On it, you can set the level of the frame parts that will be fixed on the ceiling plate.

Frame assembly

After applying all the marking points and lines, you can begin the installation of the base. Wooden crate will be mounted in the same way for all types of coatings - under PVC panels, under siding, or under other types of finishes, therefore, consider general principles her assembly.

Screwed on first wooden blocks around the room. They will later serve as a guide for mounting the rest of the base, therefore, it is important to ensure that all of them are in the same horizontal plane.

The next step will be the installation of either suspensions or rails, right on concrete base. It all depends on whether their thickness is enough to install the coating at the right level.

With small discrepancies, you can put small linings made of fiberboard or plywood under the slats. If the dimensions of the rails are large, they can be slightly corrected with a planer by removing upper layer wood until the part reaches the desired thickness.

If the difference between the distance from the base ceiling and the thickness of the parts is large, it is required to mount suspensions, to which the bars themselves will be attached with self-tapping screws.

All rails must be fixed in such a way that the plastic parts of the coating are located across their direction. So it will be convenient to attach them later.

When these parts are fixed, it remains to check their location in the same plane, and you can proceed with the installation of the coating parts.


A wooden crate is assembled under PVC panels, even easier than a conventional frame made of metal profiles.

This is quite within the power to do even not the most prepared home master. And fixing the panels is even easier. The reward for work will be beautiful ceiling and saved money.

Finishing material, which is very popular today - plastic panels. They found their wide application and help create modern decor in different rooms. Such material is often used in educational institutions, private apartments, trading floors, on loggias and balconies.


Greater demand for PVC panels can be explained by the following characteristics:

  • affordable price that allows repair work at low cost;
  • ease of installation without the use of special equipment and tools;
  • a variety of texture options, so you can create a unique interior;
  • environmental safety;
  • several size options and low weight;
  • extremely resistant to fungus and moisture.

Plastic panels are durable material, but subject to correct installation and careful care. Any impact of a mechanical nature can damage the finish.


The crate allows the installation of plastic panels in a room with high humidity, constant temperature changes, or in those that are not heated at all. A special mounting process prevents material deformation under the influence of factors environment.

We can distinguish the following types of fastening PVC panels:

  1. without a frame, however, it is used infrequently and only on perfectly flat surfaces;
  2. crate or frame method.

Creating a frame for the subsequent installation of plastic panels is a guarantee of high-quality fixation of the material, regardless of whether Smooth surface or not. Before starting installation, you should decide on the type of frame.

To do this, it is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the height difference on the surface that is being processed, the characteristics of the humidity level in the room, your skills and material security. The purlin is an important part of the structure, thanks to which installation is easy and without special costs for surface leveling. This mounting option will allow you to install panels in any type of room and microclimate, where it will last for many years.


The manufacture of the frame can be based on metal slats, wood beams or plastic slats.

from wood

Wooden slats are an inexpensive and commonly available material in order to make a frame. A feature of the use of this material is that it should not be used in rooms with high humidity. The choice of rails must be responsible and thoughtful. The bars should not be bent, crooked or poorly dried. The advantages of using a wooden crate include its ease of processing, as well as low cost. But it also has significant drawbacks, for example, a tendency to be affected by rodents, rotting and low fire safety. That is why this material should be treated with special substances immediately before installation. If the mounting surface has height differences, then this version of the frame will be the most suitable.

wooden beam quite easy to process, so if necessary, it can be easily adjusted to the desired size. Little weight does not cause wall overload, so it is applicable in rooms for various purposes. But also important is the absolute naturalness of the material and the inability to cause allergic reactions.


The metal profile is a reliable and durable frame. This option can be installed in rooms with any humidity, regardless of temperature regime. The main advantage of such a crate is the possibility of its use on any surface, with any curvature and height differences. AT recent times molding is popular. Thanks to metal structures, you can safely mount built-in lighting equipment in the walls.

These profiles also have significant disadvantages:

  • installation requires special skills;
  • the process is difficult and time-consuming;
  • rather high cost;
  • high consumption of materials.

Installing a metal frame under PVC panels guarantees fire safety, as well as a long service life unlike other materials. Compared with wood, the metal crate retains its geometric and linear parameters for a long time, does not undergo deformation under the influence of the environment, does not rot, does not rust, does not require processing by special means protection.

Made of plastic

This type of crate can be used in rooms with a wide range of humidity levels. Any master can easily create such a design. As for the cost, it is not too expensive. Each element of such a frame has a small thickness, and can be installed in rooms with low ceilings. This is great option crates, but it is not always possible to find it in stores. Plastic construction fixed on surfaces that do not have irregularities and curvatures, or they are insignificant. If there are strong defects, a good work result will not be achieved.

The advantages of plastic include:

  • inability to deform;
  • resistance to the spread of mold and fungus;
  • quick and easy installation possible.

The main disadvantages include susceptibility to defects on the surface, as well as the price, which will turn out to be higher than in the version with wood.

Preparatory work

The preparation stage is present in any work. In some cases, repairs and decoration require a lot of activities, in other situations only minor corrections are needed. Work begins with thinking through all the sequential actions, counting the number required material and his purchases. When the process of acquiring plastic panels takes place, it is better to purchase everything required amount immediately, as the products must be from the same batch. Otherwise, a situation may arise when it will be difficult to find a suitable product to match. It is also better to buy material with a small margin in order to carry out a quick replacement if necessary.

The process of preparing for the installation of the crate includes not only the purchase of material, but also the preparation necessary tools. This is important in order not to stretch the work and not to look for equipment in the process.

In such a procedure, it is difficult to do without such items:

  • drills, screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife;
  • level;
  • roulettes;
  • hammer;
  • pencil
  • consumables;
  • screws, dowels, clips.

To build a proper and stable crate, you need to make a lot of effort and invest money.

Some tips that will contribute to an excellent result of the process.

  1. It is necessary to observe the distance between the slats, it is desirable to adhere to the same. A distance of 30 cm is considered the most suitable, but 50 is also allowed.
  2. The installation of frame rails should be done perpendicular to future plastic panels. The vertical panel is attached to horizontal rails and vice versa.
  3. Due attention should be paid to the placement of planks at the beginning and end of surfaces where work takes place. Openings for windows and doors do not need to be overlooked.

If installation is in progress wooden frame, then the mandatory indicator that is controlled is the humidity in the room and the material itself, for a tree it should be no more than 15 percent. The main rule that must be observed during installation plastic crate, is the installation of plastic strips perpendicular to the PVC panels, only in this way it will be possible to fix the clip.

As for the metal frame, its installation will be much more profitable, if gypsum boards are installed in parallel with it, thus, there is a significant saving in material due to the use of scraps. It is important to remember that only with a properly executed crate will a reliable design with a long useful life be obtained.

Mounting Features

This work process is the most important, so it should be taken with all responsibility. The final result will depend on the correct installation of the crate. It is worth starting the marking of the perimeter from the area that sticks out more than the others, and it will become the basis for an even finishing panel layer. Using chalk, tape measure, slats, it is worth applying the contours along which the frame will be installed. If rails are mounted, then apply electric drill and level. Fasten the elements to each other and to the wall with screws and dowels. The space that forms between the wall and the crate is filled with heaters. They are able to keep heat in the rooms and additionally soundproof.

Wooden crate for PVC panels is done as follows:

  • timber is treated with antiseptics;
  • the slats are fastened along the perimeter of the surface, forming a rack square or rectangular closed perimeter;
  • guides are fixed;
  • jumpers are installed;
  • panels are installed using self-tapping screws.

Stages of making a plastic crate:

  • markings with a step of at least forty centimeters;
  • fasteners plastic elements with the use of dowels;
  • installation of plastic panels using clips that are inserted into special connectors.

For a long time, plastic panels have enjoyed well-deserved popularity. Of course, there are more than modern materials, but each product always finds its buyer. At the same time, panels can be found not only in residential premises, but also in various commercial and office institutions. But this species material requires compliance with certain installation methods. For this, the crate under the PVC panels is most often used.

Ten years ago, PVC panels could be found literally in every house or apartment. Yes, lately interest in them has slightly decreased, but they are still in due demand. What explains this? And the fact that they have many advantages.

Advantages of plastic panels:

  • Affordable price. This is undoubtedly a big plus in their favor. For finishing the premises will not require significant financial costs.
  • Ease of installation. No need to hire craftsmen, all work is done independently. You also don't need any special tools.
  • Variety of invoices. Everyone will be able to choose for themselves the best option that is suitable for the interior of the room.
  • Environmental friendliness. Modern technologies allow the production of PVC panels that meet all safety and fire resistance standards.
  • Light weight and multiple size options. This makes it possible to quickly work with this material - to cover large spaces with it.
  • Resistant to fungus and moisture. Allows you to use them in bathrooms and shower rooms.

On a note! With a strong desire, you can order products on which the selected drawing or photograph will be applied.

Mounting methods

The panels are very durable, but require careful handling. Any mechanical influences may damage them. This must be taken into account when transporting and installing them. There are two main and available types panel fixings. The frameless method is rarely used. It is used only when the surface is sufficiently flat.

The most commonly used method is a crate for PVC panels. Namely, a frame is created on which the finishing material is attached. There are the following varieties, which differ from the material used:

  1. Frame made of wooden blocks and slats. This method is great for rooms made of wood.
  2. Application plastic profiles. It's pretty convenient way, which is suitable for almost all types of structures.
  3. Metallic profile. The same design is used that occurs when working with drywall sheets. It is very convenient when it is required to carry out work on surfaces that have significant flaws.


This stage is present for any finishing work. Somewhere it is required to carry out significant actions or it will be limited to small corrections. In any case, it all starts with drawing up a work plan, counting materials and purchasing them.

Advice! When buying plastic panels, it is better to purchase all the material at once in order to get products from one batch. Otherwise, there is a high probability of running into a different tone. You should also take into account the required margin, which is 5-10%. This will help to replace parts in case of damage or marriage.

To carry out all the work you will need simple tools. It is better to prepare them in advance. A very unpleasant situation is when it turns out that everything is ready, and the work cannot be carried out due to the lack of drills. right size. And also all consumables must be at least two copies.

Before mounting the frame for PVC panels, stock up on additional fasteners and consumables

So, we are preparing:

  • drill (perforator), screwdriver;
  • jigsaw;
  • construction knife;
  • level and tape measure;
  • hammer, mallet;
  • pencil;
  • consumables (drills, bits);
  • screws, dowels and clips.

It all starts with the fact that carefully approach the choice of rails. They must be intact and not damaged in any way. If you do not pay attention to this circumstance, then it may happen that you will have to replace the parts of the crate that have become unusable, and this is very difficult to do.

Installation of a wooden frame under plastic panels looks like this:

  • The prepared timber is treated with an antiseptic. The fact is that this material is inferior in its properties to plastic and metal, that is, it is exposed to moisture and fungi.
  • Now the construction begins. First, fix the slats around the perimeter of the wall. That is, the beam forms a closed square or rectangle (depending on the type of room).
  • Next, begin to fix the guides. Consider that the distance between them should be no more than 30-45 cm.
  • It's time for jumpers.
  • Panels can be installed. For this, self-tapping screws are used. Take into account the required step - 35-40 cm.

A few tips:

  1. Humidity in the room should be at the normal level, the humidity of the timber should not exceed 15%.
  2. All rails are installed using a level. If necessary, align the rail - make a spacer between the wall.
  3. All sections of the crate must be securely fastened to the wall - through dowels, to each other - directly or with the help of corners.

plastic crate

This type of crate has several advantages:

  • it is not subject to deformation;
  • very resistant to mold and fungus;
  • makes it possible pretty quickly.

There are also disadvantages. So, this material is quite susceptible to any surface imperfections. And also its cost is higher than that of wood.

The plastic crate is mounted as follows:

  1. Produce markup. Immediately take into account that the step should be 35-40 cm.
  2. With the help of dowels, plastic strips are attached.
  3. Now you can install the panels. This is done using special clips that are inserted into a special slot on the bar.

It may seem that this is the easiest and fastest way. Probably it is, but it will only be so when the basic rule is observed - all plastic strips must be strictly perpendicular PVC panels. Only then can the clips be fixed.

Metal crate

Such a crate is performed when you need to get very robust design and there are significant surface imperfections. But this material has one significant drawback - high price. It can significantly exceed even the price of plastic panels.

Technology for creating crates for PVC panels from metal profile is:

  • It is immediately worth noting that it literally repeats the construction of a frame for drywall. It all starts with the installation of a U-shaped profile. It is checked with a level. For fasteners use dowels and screws.
  • Guides are installed, they are attached to the wall and to the already installed profile.
  • Make jumpers.
  • Fasten the panels.

A metal crate is usually used if the surface has significant drops and irregularities.

On a note! Often metal carcass it is beneficial when the GCR boards are being installed in parallel. So, it is possible to save a lot and take advantage of profile trimmings that will go into action.

What to remember

  1. Regardless of the choice of crate - the distance between the slats should be from thirty to fifty centimeters.
  2. The rails are fixed perpendicular to the panels.
  3. around windows and doorways structure must be reinforced.

Thus, it becomes clear that only a properly executed crate allows you to create a reliable and durable structure.