Private square houses without a roof. Projects of houses with a flat roof: the best ideas for construction and decoration. Low maintainability of flat roofs

  • House projects
  • House projects with flat roof

    Country or country houses with a flat roof - these are attractive architectural solutions, which are suitable for customers with different needs and budgets. Despite the fact that pitched roofs for cottages are traditionally very popular in Russia, today the choice is increasingly being made in favor of originality. The flat roof not only looks exclusive and modern, but also perfectly performs its main functions. At correct operation it reliably protects from precipitation and provides good heat and sound insulation. The Proekt-Shop online store offers large selection projects of houses with a flat roof. On the site you can find thoughtful solutions with different layouts. All projects were developed by our experienced specialists.

    Design and operational features of the roof

    A roof can be called flat even if it has a slight slope. This height difference is necessary to drain rain or melt water. If it is missing, drainage of another design is provided (for example, a drainage system). When choosing a cottage project with a flat roof, you must take into account that such houses have a number of operational features. For example, in winter snow may accumulate on them: it must be promptly removed to avoid leaks. In addition, in such houses it is important to ensure that the roof is airtight and the insulation does not get wet.

    Advantages of a flat roof

    Aesthetics. Houses built according to the projects presented in this section are distinguished by their original and stylish appearance. The abundance of flat surfaces, strict forms and conciseness - all this makes them unlike neighboring buildings. Such projects will become excellent choice for those who value uniqueness in the design of the space around them.

    Economical. Total area a flat roof will be significantly smaller than a pitched structure for a similar house. Therefore, when choosing such a project, you can save on materials, and in some cases, on simpler installation.

    Additional area. Projects of houses with a flat roof are suitable for those who want to equip comfortable space for relaxation under open air. Here you can sunbathe, play sports or even receive guests. An additional platform is also suitable for placing solar panels, ventilation elements or other engineering systems.

    Variety of flat roof cottage projects

    In the Proekt-Shop online store you can find a solution for every taste. Our catalog of flat roof house projects presents options for building from different materials. Most often, aerated concrete and foam blocks are used for such buildings; frame buildings. Projects differ from each other in terms of total and living space, number of rooms, and the presence of a garage and terrace. When choosing suitable option the number of family members is taken into account, the need for arrangement of additional premises: work rooms, playrooms, gyms etc. The Proekt-Shop online store offers a large selection of projects one-story houses with a flat roof. As a rule, these are options for compact buildings that are suitable even for small areas. Attics can be used to accommodate additional rooms. The range also includes projects two-story houses with a flat roof.

    Stylistic features of cottages

    Based on 3D models and photos of flat roof house projects, you can evaluate appearance such buildings. Most of them are characterized by the use of straight lines and non-classical shapes. Projects of houses with a flat roof in modern style can be performed in different directions:

    • hi-tech,
    • constructivism,
    • minimalism,
    • cubism, etc.

    This external design buildings is often combined with the use of innovative technologies in the arrangement of engineering systems, such as solar panels. In addition, the design interior spaces houses are also often designed in high-tech style.

    Order a project in Proekt-Shop

    To buy a set of documentation for building your dream home, leave a request on the website. We offer favorable prices for projects from qualified specialists. If necessary ready-made solutions can be modified to suit the customer's needs. Proekt-Shop offices are located in Moscow and St. Petersburg, and we also deliver house designs to other regions of the Russian Federation for free. For additional information, you can contact consultants via online chat or by phone.

    Residents of the post-Soviet space staunchly associate flat roofs with multi-story buildings. standard houses. Modern architectural thought does not stand still, and now there are many solutions for private houses and cottages with a flat roof that look no less interesting than pitched structures.


    The one-story house with a flat roof has a stylish and modern look. Basically, such designs are stylized in a special way, choosing the directions of minimalism or hi-tech. Traditional styles they will not be suitable for buildings with such a roof, since such roofs have only recently been developed properly, therefore, any of the classical trends will look ridiculous here.

    Of particular interest is how exactly the roof will be used: either for its intended purpose, or as an additional open tier-terrace. It is necessary to decide on this issue in advance in order to competently draw up a project plan.


    For the construction of 1-story cottages with a flat roof, they are used various materials, however, it is worth keeping in mind that not all of them are suitable for the Russian climate. In winter, a large amount of snow falls over almost the entire territory of Russia, which greatly increases the load on a flat roof. Therefore, you cannot make walls from light and insufficiently strong materials. In this regard, popular frame buildings will not be suitable, but there is another prefabricated option.

    Materials for floors and walls differ. If almost all durable types are suitable for walls (monolith, brick, wood), then for the roof you will have to choose the type of building material more carefully.

    Reinforced concrete slabs

    Hollow or flat reinforced concrete slabs are used in modern construction for floor coverings. They are strong enough to support the weight of a flat roof.

    Plates have many positive qualities:

    • strength;
    • durability;
    • good sound and heat insulation characteristics;
    • speed of installation;
    • resistance to corrosive phenomena.


    The main disadvantage of the material is that it is produced only in standard sizes, this must be taken into account when creating the project. Reinforced concrete slabs are suitable for floors only in a house that has a reinforced foundation.

    Corrugated sheet

    For floors, a special corrugated sheet is used, which is called load-bearing. Like the previous option, it is perfect for installation as a flat roof. Load-bearing corrugated sheeting is very popular mainly because of its low cost. This material costs significantly less than all the others. However low price did not prevent him from establishing himself as durable and universal material, which has an excellent ability to withstand the heavy loads that a flat roof is subjected to.

    Load-bearing corrugated sheeting weighs much less than reinforced concrete slabs, therefore it is optimally suited for creating flat roofs on average climatic zone with little rainfall in winter.

    Monolithic concrete

    This material is used for floors quite rarely due to the complexity of installation. Here you first need to prepare the mixture, after which you can fill it. Only true professionals in their field can do this. However, it should be noted that monolithic concrete It works well as a flat roof, but only if the manufacturing and installation technology has been fully followed.

    Modern one-story houses with a flat roof are not usually built from traditional materials. For this purpose, modern developments are best suited, which can withstand both harsh winters and summer heat. At the same time, they are easy to work with, and the construction itself does not take much time.

    SIP or sandwich panels

    The catalog of every self-respecting construction agency contains standard projects one-story houses with a flat roof made of SIP panels. Please note that it is best to order cottages made from this material. Construction requires special technology, so it can be difficult for a beginner to work with sandwich panels.

    Speaking of virtues panel houses, one can note their low thermal conductivity and high noise insulation characteristics. Construction costs much less than using brick. At the same time, refusal pitched roof also plays a significant role.

    Flat roof

    We are all accustomed to seeing flat roofs only multi-storey buildings Soviet built. There is an opinion among many that such roofs are boring, and real home should only be equipped with a pitched roof. In the light of recent architectural developments, this belief can be argued, especially if we remember the many advantages of such roofs.

    It is impossible not to make a reservation that one-story houses with a flat roof can only be stylized in a modern direction. The flat roof itself looks futuristic, and you need to use this free space.


    There are many benefits of flat roofs.

    • Easy to install. The construction of a flat roof can be completed in record time.
    • Reliability. If you organize the roof in the right way, she can stand it heavy weight. Moreover, if something happens, repairing such a structure is much easier than repairing the rafter system.
    • Excellent thermal insulation. Regardless of what type of flat roof structure was chosen, it will perfectly retain heat inside the house.

    • Cheapness. Compared to pitched ones, flat structures are much cheaper both in terms of materials and time consumption.
    • Easy to install equipment. Antennas, air conditioners, and various service communications are much easier to locate on a flat surface than on a slope.
    • Interesting view. If the house itself is decorated in the style of “minimalism,” then a laconic roof without a slope will perfectly complement the overall look.
    • Additional area. If desired, the roof can be strengthened and used to organize space for a playground, garden or recreation area. Some even make a swimming pool here.


    There are not many disadvantages, but they still exist.

    • No matter how good the roof is, there is always a chance that it will leak. In the case of a flat structure, the risk increases many times over, because it is susceptible to heavy loads due to the fact that the snow does not slide down.
    • If you plan to use the lid for your needs in winter period, snow and ice will have to be cleared off manually.
    • The construction of a flat roof must be carried out in full compliance with the technology, otherwise there is a risk that it will leak or will not withstand the loads and collapse.


    Pitched roofs are divided according to several criteria, including the method of use and the type of installation of materials. As a rule, the name of each of the characteristics speaks for itself.

    By method of use

    Roofs can be used or unused.

    Used roofs are those that are used not only as roofs, but also as extra space for pastime. Reinforced systems are used here, allowing not only to place heavy equipment on the roof, but even to organize a “green corner” here, planting a lawn, flowers and even trees. Construction equipment similar type costs quite a lot, and it is important to include in the project in advance what weight load the roof will be subjected to.

    Unused roofs are much cheaper due to the fact that they do not need to be additionally reinforced and equipped with waterproofing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the snow loads to which the roof will be exposed in winter.

    By type of installation of materials

    There are classic, inversion and breathable roofs.

    Classic types are usually used when designing unused roofs. This is due to the fact that they have a lower load resistance coefficient. Moisture or mechanical stress can be detrimental to these roofs.

    The layer layout looks like this (from top to bottom):

    • top welding material (waterproofing);
    • bottom welded material (waterproofing);
    • screed (if provided);
    • insulation;
    • vapor barrier layer;
    • overlap

    Thus, an unprotected waterproofing layer quickly becomes unusable.

    The inversion roof looks exactly the opposite, as can be understood from the name:

    • ballast (gravel, crushed stone or other heavy material);
    • vapor barrier;
    • hydrophobic insulation;
    • waterproofing;
    • protective substrate (primer);
    • overlap

    Such flat roofs have a long service life and are optimally suited to the roofs in use.

    Both classic and inversion designs can be breathable. They are equipped with aerators or deflectors to provide additional ventilation, because there is no gap between the flat roof and the house, as is the case with pitched roofs. This leads to insufficient air exchange, so organizing ventilation system so important.


    Making a project one-story house with a flat roof, it is extremely important to pay close attention to the type of roofing. Here the roof is the most important component. Russian companies They have been engaged in similar design for a short time, so contact only trusted agencies.

    Not as popular as pitched ones.

    Most often, their rarity is associated with the climate in middle lane: accumulation of snow on the roof, formation of puddles during rains.

    But the simplicity of constructing such structures and ensuring the decorative appearance of the building can serve as a good help when deciding on the choice of roofing structure.

    Moreover, on such a roof it is possible to arrange additional areas, which are especially summer time will good place for relaxation and pastime.

    Like any constructive solution building elements, straight structures can have positive aspects and disadvantages. If there are roof features, it is important to identify those aspects that will influence the decision to design just such a roof.

    Advantages flat roof are:

    • First of all, such a roof performs quite effectively functions of protecting the building from external influences;
    • does not require much effort or expense(material, physical) for its construction;
    • long service life. The flat system does not require expensive maintenance when correct installation all major and additional elements roofs;
    • the ability to install additional amenities on the roof, including a swimming pool and a garden area and a sauna;
    • good thermal insulation properties.

    Negative factors for arranging a house with a flat roof include:

    • Accumulation of snow or rain puddles on the surface;
    • there is a risk of freezing or clogging of the internal drain;
    • required mechanical cleaning outer layer from snow and leaves;
    • inability to use sheet or piece types;
    • no way to check status roofing pie(in particular insulation) However, drainage and ventilation duct systems are much easier to check.

    Lack of attic floor if available flat design roofing can be an advantage or disadvantage depending on preference.

    Southern house with flat roof

    Types of flat roofing

    Despite the fact that the design of a flat roof is quite simple and does not require special skills to design it, these roofs have variations. They are classified depending on their additional purpose and technical features.

    Types of flat systems include:

    • Exploited. The main requirement for this option is rigidity of the base, in which an important condition is maintaining the integrity of the waterproofing layer. The base can be made of concrete screed or . The requirements include the strength of the material and its resistance to static and dynamic loads. The most common outer covering for a flat design is paving slabs , which is installed on additional stands or sand cushions;
    • unexploited. Considering that a roof of this type is designed to perform exclusively the functions of protecting the building from external factors, then there are no special requirements for the rigidity of the insulating layer or the strength of the base. The installation of such a roof is much simpler than the structure in use.;
    • classic. When settling in classic type A vapor barrier layer is laid on the base in order to protect the insulation (mineral wool or polystyrene foam) from moisture. Waterproofing is provided with bituminous materials;
    • inversion. The structure of the roof covering provides for the location of the waterproofing layer underneath the insulation, which prevents the accumulation of moisture in the insulation. At the same time, temperature changes that destroy waterproofing under the insulation are minimal.

    In order to design a house with a flat roof, you need to think about the covering option in advance.

    Photos of modern one-story projects country houses with flat roof below:

    Frame house with an exploitable roof

    High-tech style house

    Two-story unused house

    Modular house with unused roof

    Inversion roof

    Country house with an inversion roof

    Where to start designing

    The purpose of designing any roof is making the right choice and quantity calculation necessary materials , as well as in a clear expression of what load all elements involved in the structure will bear.

    A project is a plan. The project plan should reflect each stage of work.

    It is most convenient to carry out the project in a special program, which will help not only to display the future structure, but also to help calculate the dimensions of materials and their load.

    Design is carried out step by step:

    • A sketch of the roof is being made. At this stage the color is approved, geometric shape future roof, with indicators of roof dimensions, the load of materials is calculated taking into account regional atmospheric influences. It should be remembered that snow loads on a flat roof are more significant than on pitched structures;
    • calculations are made of the cross-section of beams and lengths of boards rafter system . It is very important to correctly determine the pitch of the sheathing, since it is truss structure withstands the entire load;
    • a schematic drawing of the roof is being made. At this stage, the location of all additional elements of the roof structure is taken into account.

    After completing the roof drawing, we begin to draw up an estimate.- costs for materials, structural elements and tools (if necessary) that are required to complete the work on arranging a flat roof.

    Don't get carried away decorative features of these elements, the most important thing is to pay attention to their functional features.

    Roof project

    Two-story project

    Lightweight flat roof

    A flat, lightweight design system is installed in regions with minimal precipitation.

    The construction of a lightweight roof is very similar to the construction of a classic flat roof structure.

    However, there is some features of its construction:

    • At the installation stage of the support beams, it should be taken into account that they will support the entire structure. They must be secured with through anchors. The cross-section must be calculated taking into account the maximum snow load;
    • the sheathing laid on the beams must be continuous, without gaps, thickness more than 2.5 cm;
    • waterproofing laid on the sheathing is overlapped, which is hot-fastened. The edges of the film should extend beyond the roof line;
    • Solid insulation without gaps is laid on the waterproofing layer. The joints are sealed with polyurethane foam;
    • further lay down OSB boards or waterproof plywood board.

    This is what a lightweight system pie looks like. All layers are fastened with anchors and covered with an outer layer of waterproofing.

    Lightweight roof

    Operable flat roof

    A flat roof that performs additional features, in addition to protecting the building from cold, wind, snow and rain.

    The main advantage of such a roof is the possibility of arrangement free space at your own discretion: install a recreation area, terrace, court, bathhouse and even a swimming pool.

    Such roofs are ideal for both a summer house and a cottage.

    In order to necessary buildings on the roof were securely arranged, it is necessary to take care, first of all, about the strength of the foundation.

    • thermal insulation;
    • Flat usable roof

      Flat roof terrace

      Green roof


      So there are several options. Special attention When erecting a direct structure, attention should be paid to ensuring ventilation and creating conditions in the structure to prevent moisture from entering.

      The originality of a straight roof may lie in the arrangement of additional areas for recreation on it, and this option should be considered during the process of creating the project. If everything is calculated and used correctly quality materials, such a design will be in no way inferior to pitched options.

      Useful video

      In this video you will see one of the projects of a house with a flat roof:

      Non-professionals associate a flat roof with the negative legacy of the Soviet past, when administrative buildings this type had an unsightly, gloomy appearance, and the upper floors of high-rise buildings suffered from constant leaks. Over the past 10-15 years, the production of roofing materials has undergone significant changes, thanks to which it has been possible to create durable, strong and reliable polymer coatings new generation. From that moment on, flat roof house designs began to gain popularity.

      Single storey – traditional architectural form southern coastal towns, resorts and luxury villas in Art Nouveau style, where a mild climate prevails without large quantity precipitation. The main part of the territory of Russia is located in the zone of increased snow load, therefore, this construction technology began to be introduced recently, when modern roofing materials with improved performance characteristics. Over the past ten years, single-story buildings with a flat roof have been tested by the harsh Russian winters and have demonstrated the following advantages compared to pitched analogues:

      1. Space saving. One-story houses with a flat roof, built according to frame technology, due to rational use seats are a compact design that can be placed on a small construction site within the city or in the suburbs. This quality is relevant in conditions constant increase cost of land for development.
      2. Saving materials. A flat roof does not have a slope, so less roofing material is spent on this type of roofing than on pitched analogues. Less wood is used during the construction process rafter frame, which reduces costs. In addition, flat roofs small size You can install it yourself without spending money on hiring professional roofers.
      3. Possibility of expanding the area. A one-story house with a flat roof can become a transitional option until the need and financial opportunity arise to add a second floor. This versatility will additional benefit for young families, the composition of which may soon change.
      4. Wide range of roofing options. If one-story house equipped with a flat usable roof, it can be equipped with additional space to meet a variety of needs: equip sports grounds, recreation areas with barbecues, swimming pools, create lawns, beds or flower beds. For conservation-conscious homeowners natural resources, designs of houses with a flat roof on which solar panels are installed to provide “clean” energy are suitable.

      Pay attention! Roofing materials based on cardboard and bitumen impregnations, used in the past, had a service life of only 5-8 years, were damaged by the action sun rays, cracked when sharp changes temperatures But coatings made from fiberglass and synthetic rubber with polymer resins will protect the house for 50 years. New generation materials are not needed for flooring gas burner, so they are suitable for DIY installation.

      A flat roof is a roof that does not have a slope; it rests on all 4 load-bearing walls of the house. This design is a multi-layer coating of rolled or self-leveling waterproofing materials, laid on a prepared base. Do-it-yourself installation of a flat roof is carried out by layering, pouring or gluing in the following sequence:

      • Base. The first layer of a flat roof is the base of concrete slabs, wooden beams or corrugated sheets, which are prepared in a special way. A primer is applied to it to reduce surface roughness and increase material adsorption.
      • Screed. Screed from cement-sand mortar serves as a leveling layer, with the help of which the roof is sloped, creating a slope in the places where water inlet funnels will be installed.
      • Vapor barrier. This diffuse membrane roofing layer acts as a barrier to water vapor, which penetrate from the heated room into the thickness of the roof, causing the insulation to become damp. To give the membrane strength, it is reinforced with fiberglass.
      • Thermal insulation. To protect a one-story house from cooling and heat loss through a flat roof, they install thermal insulation material. For this purpose they use backfill insulation(expanded clay), glass wool, basalt fiber, slag wool or extruded polystyrene foam.
      • Waterproofing. Waterproofing of modern flat roofs is carried out using polymer rolls or self-leveling materials. Roll coverings laid in several layers to prevent leaks in the connecting seams. Liquid materials(liquid roofing felt, liquid rubber) allow you to waterproof roofs complex configuration, their installation does not require preheating.

      Important! The quality of installation of a flat roof on a one-story house depends on weather conditions. Experienced roofers and manufacturers recommend laying the coating when dry, warm weather when the temperature exceeds 5 degrees. At low temperatures bottom layer bituminous materials It takes longer to heat up, so installation takes longer and gas consumption increases.

      Types of flat roofs

      Single-pitched houses with a flat roof fit organically into the urban landscape and look just as good as a country residence. Abundant glazing, use in decoration natural materials do light construction, filled with light and spacious, despite its small size. Depending on the nature of use and financial developers, projects use following types flat roofs:

      Important! The flat roof around the perimeter is fenced with a parapet, a protective barrier that holds snow masses and rainwater from a spontaneous discharge. On exploited roofs, the parapet acts as a fence that prevents people from falling, so it must have a height of at least 1.2 m.

      Video instructions

      » was perceived extremely negatively - the legacy of Soviet construction was taking its toll, when, due to violations of technology, low quality materials and work execution, the flat roofs of high-rise buildings began to leak within a couple of years.

      Therefore, in private housing construction, preference was given to pitched or hip roofs. The situation changed with the advent modern technologies and roofing materials, which made it possible to ensure durable and reliable waterproofing roofs of a house with a flat roof.

      Flat roofs: advantages and disadvantages

      The main reason for the growing popularity of flat roofing was the popularity of modern design trends - project high-tech houses with a flat roof allows you to match the exterior and interior of the building with the style features. Flat roofing is also often used in modernism and minimalism.

      However, in addition to its spectacular appearance and visual appeal, it has a number of other advantages:

      • speed of roof construction - installation of a flat roof takes less time than a pitched (hipped) roof, including due to the convenience of carrying out work on a horizontal surface
      • availability of maintenance - there is no need to install ladders or involve steeplejacks, all work (cleaning drains, monitoring ventilation ducts, cleaning leaves, etc.) can be done independently
      • obtaining additional space by arranging a usable roof
      • flat roof is ideal for installation and further operation/maintenance of various technological equipment– solar panels, wind generators, heaters, air conditioners, antennas, water collection systems.

      Enough controversial issue– cost of installing a flat roof. On the one hand, the area of ​​such a roof is much smaller than that of a pitched roof, which means that less roofing materials will be required. And the roofing materials themselves used to construct a flat roof are cheaper.

      But, on the other hand, the use reinforced concrete floors(in most cases, especially when creating an exploitable roof) creates a significant load, requiring reinforcement of the foundation and load-bearing walls, especially if these are projects two-story houses with a flat roof. Which, while saving money on roofing, leads to general increase construction estimates.

      The issue of snow accumulating on a flat roof during the winter also remains ambiguous. Some experts tend to consider this a positive point - snow acts as an additional layer of heat insulation, thereby reducing heat loss. Others argue that snow increases the stress on load-bearing elements(and, therefore, this must be provided for in the project), and its subsequent melting can provoke a violation of the tightness and leakage of the roof.

      Types of flat roof

      Projects of houses and cottages with a flat roof can have various types roofs:

      • operated - involves regular presence of people on the roof or the installation of heavy objects. Such a roof requires a rigid base (most often reinforced concrete), and thermal insulation material must withstand severe static and dynamic loads, be strong in compression
      • unexploited – does not provide heavy load, so the rigid (concrete) base can be replaced wooden joists with lathing. To service such roofs, special ladders or bridges are used to reduce the pressure and distribute it evenly over the entire roof area
      • inversion - the insulation layer is located above the waterproofing layer, thereby providing it additional protection from temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation and mechanical influences, the number of freeze/thaw cycles increases. Together, this leads to a significant increase in the service life of the roof. Most often, inversion roofs are used as functional roofs - you can put furniture on such a roof, walk on it, or break it flower beds.

      Operable roof: every square centimeter is in use

      The ever-increasing cost of modern housing forces us to make the most efficient use of all available space, and house designs with a flat usable roof will help with this. In fact, if we consider projects of one-story houses with a flat roof, the owners have at their disposal an additional “seasonal” floor, which makes it possible, for example, to refuse verandas, thereby releasing additional area on the site.

      Decorative garden on a flat roof