Attic renovation - the most important stages. Attic renovation in a private house from A to Z Attic renovation

Andrey, Volgograd asks a question:

Hi all! I'm in the process of repairing my country house. Almost all the rooms and premises of the house were landscaped, only the attic was left without attention. I would like to ask specialists how to repair an attic with your own hands so that you can use it as an additional living space. Which ones are of high quality and not so good? expensive materials pay attention? I would like to clarify that I am a novice master, but I try to do everything with my own hands. In this regard, I need recommendations for repairs that are easy to implement. Thanks in advance for your answer!

The expert answers:

The attic is attic space of a private residential building, located under the very roof. Most often produced high-quality repairs of the specified premises, and it is used as a living room. You should understand in more detail the question: what you need to pay attention to when repairing an attic.

They usually do it when the renovations in the rest of the house are almost complete. The microclimate inside such a room should be comfortable at any time of the year. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the building materials used during repairs, the main indicators of which should be energy saving and environmental friendliness.

For interior decoration, materials such as wood, plasterboard, decorative brick, gypsum, plaster, etc.

Windows can be replaced with stained glass.

Before repairs, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work, which consists of the following:

  • empty the room of things and garbage;
  • inspect and evaluate the main components of the attic;
  • pick up necessary tools and materials;
  • decide on the style of the room.

In addition, due to the non-standard shapes and designs of the attic, its repair may require additional skills and knowledge.

The main components of the attic that you should pay attention to are:

  • roofing made from natural materials;
  • waterproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • vapor barrier material;
  • interior decoration.

The rafter system and lathing will be used to fasten these elements.

For repairs requiring complete dismantling old design, it is best to turn to the masters of their craft, because... it requires certain dexterity and skills. Such repairs are usually carried out during the warm and dry period of the year due to the opening of the roof.

For self-repair you should stock up:

  • roofing;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing;
  • vapor barrier;
  • construction stapler;
  • tape;
  • hammer with nails;
  • a screwdriver with self-tapping screws;
  • bars for new sheathing (if necessary);
  • antiseptic.

First, the old structure is dismantled. If necessary, the rafters are repaired and treated with antiseptic agents against rotting and fire.

Before laying the vapor barrier, a layer is used additional insulation roofs approximately 5 (cm) thick. The vapor barrier sheets are laid from the eaves to the ridge, overlapping each other, and are first fastened with tape and then wooden blocks. Vapor barrier can be chosen from:

  • from film (Izospan);
  • from membrane (Tvvek).

The roof insulation is laid on top of the vapor barrier, with a tight fit over the entire area. Can be used as insulation basalt wool, glass wool or other modern heat insulator.

Roof waterproofing, represented by diffusion membranes, is mounted on top of the vapor barrier. The high vapor permeability of this material allows you to avoid creating a ventilated gap when performing work. Laying on top of everything roofing prepared material.

After this you need to proceed to execution interior work for finishing, as with the usual renovation of any room. To do this, adhering to the chosen style, the walls, floor, ceiling are finished, doors and windows are inserted.

Thus, by renovating the attic according to all the rules, you can end up with a warm and romantic room throughout the house.

Attic renovation.

The non-standard design and shape of the attic is one of the main difficulties in its reconstruction. For repairs attic floor in a private house Special knowledge and experience are required. It is better to enlist the help of a designer. It will help to more effectively transform the non-standard space under the roof, making it cozy.

Begins renovation of the attic floor in a private house from drawing up the project and choosing materials. The latter are selected depending on style solutions and customer needs. Fits best into the attic floor natural materials. You can choose as the main style Scandinavian direction or Provence.

Having finished the first stage attic renovation, you can proceed to the selection double glazed windows. In addition to the vertical wall of the room, a window can also be placed on an inclined wall, also known as the roof. For the first option, standard double-glazed windows are used, for the second, they are made to order. Carrying out attic renovation it is necessary to take into account the features of its design. Wooden beams are hidden behind additional elements interior or finished in such a way as to become an integral part of the room. Special attention Care should be taken to protect the attic from noise, cold and moisture.

Insulation of the attic floor.

Wind and rain add noise, and low temperatures Thick walls don't help. That's why attic superstructure additionally insulated and insulated. Waterproofing also has great value, because it is the roof that bears the main burden of precipitation and bad weather. Use stone or mineral wool as insulation. Less expensive glass wool and polystyrene foam are also suitable. This material must be covered on both sides with waterproofing to prevent the formation of mold and mildew. More insulation on attic superstructure may serve soundproofing material. Many of them are excellent at blocking out external noise.

Equip attic floor renovation Finishing should always be carried out or changed in stages. Work begins with the installation of plywood, plasterboard sheets or other similar material - they play the role of walls and ceiling. Next, a layer of waterproofing is laid, on top of which insulation is added. On top is another layer of moisture protection, which can be covered with another sheet of plywood.

Conducting renovation of the attic floor, Avoid packing each layer very tightly together. An air cushion is needed to ventilate materials. So as not to think about all the nuances of repair attic space, contact the specialists of our company for help.

Alas, often owners country houses who have an attic roof are faced with problems caused by wear and tear or defects in the roof and roofing “pie”: leaks, freezing of the attic space, abundant formation of ice on the slopes, etc. How such problems can be solved is in our material

Attic roof inspection

A common situation that homeowners face is leaks that lead to stains and streaks in the finish of the attic space. Their reasons may be different. If spots and stains appear after rain, this indicates penetration of external moisture due to defects in the roof and under-roof waterproofing. If leaks occur during a thaw in winter or early spring, then we are talking about water vapor that gets under the roof from the living quarters of the building and turns into condensate in a certain zone. Among other things, condensation leads to moistening of the insulation, which causes its thermal insulation properties to sharply deteriorate.

It also causes wetness and subsequent rotting of the wooden parts of the roof.

The appearance of condensation is most often caused by errors in the design of one or more elements roofing pie– insulation, vapor barrier, ventilation of the roof structure (often the problems are complex).

Other signs may indicate the presence of defects in the pie, in particular serious icing. eaves overhang and valleys, uneven distribution of snow cover on the slope (in some areas the snow is constantly melting). If in winter it blows from sockets, baseboards, walls and corners of the room, corners skylights- this also indicates errors in the installation of vapor barrier and insulation.

To determine what kind of roof defects the homeowner has encountered, it is necessary to carry out an inspection, which can only be performed by a qualified specialist. Note that accurate information about the condition of the roofing pie can be obtained in two ways. The first involves local dismantling of the roof or interior decoration of the attic space (usually in one or two places), after which the expert has access to all layers of the pie. The second method avoids damage to the roof or finishing, but involves the use of special equipment - a thermal imager and a hot-wire anemometer. Using a thermal imager that records the temperature distribution on the surface under study, freezing zones are detected. And with the help of a hot-wire anemometer, which measures the speed of air flows, we can identify places where the tightness of the vapor barrier layer is compromised.

1. Laying step sheathing 2. Flexible tiles are installed quite simply, and therefore are quite suitable for installing a new roof to replace the old one. 3. Dismantling the old roof. 4. Formation of the junction node vertical wall on the roof of flexible tiles. 5. Roof repair.

DIY attic roof repair

Deformation of the roof, resulting in leaks of external moisture, can be caused for various reasons. For example, in case of incorrect calculation of the foundation, errors during its construction or when creating rafter system with low bearing capacity Uneven settlement of the roof may occur, which causes gaps to appear between the rows of the building, etc.). Depending on the situation, this area is either repaired or completely redone.

If the roof is seriously damaged or has lost its attractive appearance, it is necessary to dismantle it and lay a new covering. As a rule, the under-roof insulation is also updated.

In most cases, replacing a roof is not a big deal. The work is carried out sequentially moving from one slope to another. During the period of repair, the roof structure and decoration of residential premises are temporarily protected from precipitation by covering awnings or constructed for this purpose above the slope wooden frame, closed plastic film. After dismantling the old covering, specialists must assess the condition of the rafter system and, if necessary, repair it: for example, remove mold (followed by treating the wood with an antiseptic), replace rafters damaged by fungus, strengthen the roof structure or straighten its geometry.

Thus, often insufficiently strong hanging rafters, supported only by a ridge beam and a mauerlat, over time, under the influence of operational loads, sag in the central part, and then they need to be straightened, in particular, due to intermediate supports.

Let us also note this point: if the rafter system was initially made with high quality, then it will not be necessary to strengthen it when replacing a light roof (for example, metal tiles) with a heavy one (ceramic, cement-sand tiles), since when calculating the rafter structure, the weight of the snow cover is taken into account, characteristic of the region where construction is taking place. In comparison with the calculated weight of the roof, the weight of the roof is, as a rule, insignificant, and therefore there is no need to reinforce the rafters. However, in practice, non-professional roofers often build a rather weak rafter system under metal tiles and other lightweight materials.

And then, when replacing a light covering with a heavy one, you will have to strengthen it: for example, by combining the existing rafter with a new beam using metal bolts(studs), rods (wood caps), etc. Moreover, in order to prevent freezing of the roof, it is necessary to seal the joint of the beams using padding polyester, PSUL (pre-compressed self-expanding sealing tapes), etc. Please note: when repairing the roof, it is usually necessary to reinstall the attic windows, connections to pipes and walls, gutters.

Roofing pie repair

To repair the roofing “pie,” you will have to completely or partially dismantle either the roof or the attic finishing. Most often, homeowners prefer to dismantle the roof in order to prevent construction work in rooms with expensive finishing. The disadvantage of repairs from the street side is that they can only be carried out in warm time year (after all, for some time the roof will remain without insulation), dry weather and when daylight. In addition, partial dismantling of the covering is difficult in the case of a seam or flexible tile roof.

If repair work carried out outside involves replacing the entire “pie,” then you will have to dismantle all its layers down to the old vapor barrier (it remains in the roof structure), and then install new vapor barrier, insulation, hydro-wind protection and roofing. In this case, the new vapor barrier can be constructed in two ways. The first involves the use of standard polyethylene vapor barrier films with high resistance to vapor permeation. The canvases are laid in the space between the rafters in the form of a groove: the edges of the film are brought to a height of about 50-100 mm onto the rafter legs, gluing the joints with double-sided butyl rubber tapes or glue based on artificial rubber or polyurethane. Often the edges are additionally fixed with a wooden strip.

A number of experts do not recommend fastening the film with double-sided tapes or slats alone, since they do not ensure reliable adhesion of the vapor barrier to sawn wood (with a rough surface), from which rafters are usually made.

Moreover, the latter, as a rule, do not have perfectly accurate geometry. Please note: the rafters cannot be completely covered with film, as this will not allow them to pass steam through them, and this can lead to their rotting. Considering that some amount of steam will still penetrate under the roof (through microcracks in the rafters, loose joints of the edges of the vapor barrier with wooden beams), some experts advise using special waterproof and windproof materials in combination with such a vapor barrier - diffusion (vapor-permeable) membranes, on bottom side which have a moisture-absorbing layer: the moisture retained by it is then removed due to diffusion, so the insulation does not get wet.

Other experts believe that the flow of water vapor through the rafters will not be intense, and therefore will not create a risk of excessive wetting of the elements of the pie. This means that you can ignore it and install conventional diffusion membranes.

The second method of constructing a vapor barrier involves the use of special vapor barrier films with variable vapor permeability: when there is excess moisture, they cease to function as a vapor barrier, turning into moisture-removing membranes. Thanks to this property, films can be laid both between and on top of the rafters (that is, wrapping them) without fear of getting wet wooden structures. The higher cost of such films is compensated by lower labor costs during their installation. The joints of the vapor barrier panels, as well as the places where they adjoin the walls of the building, are sealed with special tape, glue, or paste.

Repair of attic roof with outside using standard vapor barrier films:
1. Vapor barrier laid in the form of a “gutter”
between the rafters. 2. Pressure strip.
3. Rafters. 4. Insulation.
5. Water and wind protection, c. Countergrid

Insulation is laid on top of the vapor barrier - usually slabs of stone or glass fiber. It is recommended to install thermal insulation in at least two layers with the seams offset by half the length of the slab in order to bridge possible gaps in the insulation loop. The slabs are installed between the rafters. In order for them to hold securely, their width should be 10-20 mm greater than the distance between the rafters.

A hydro-wind-proof diffusion membrane is laid on top of the insulation: it is secured with staples or nails with a wide head to the rafters, and then the counter-battens are pressed with bars, which form ventilation gap, necessary to remove steam from the under-roof space. To warm air was not sucked out of the insulation into the ventilation gap, it is recommended to glue the overlaps of the hydro-windproof membrane with tapes, adhesives or pastes, thereby achieving an air-tight layer.

The thickness of the counter-lattice bar should be from 30 to 50 mm, otherwise there may be problems with air circulation in the proper volume under the roof, especially in the case of a roof complex shape. A continuous or step lathing is attached to the counter-batten (depending on the type of roofing material chosen), and the roof is attached to it. Sometimes homeowners choose to repair the roofing pie on the living side. For example, when the roof and under-roof insulation They function flawlessly, but require replacement of insulation, vapor barrier and damaged attic finishing. Such repairs are faster and cheaper, because you can work year-round in any weather for 12-14 hours a day. In this case, the trim and pie are dismantled down to the under-roof membrane. If necessary, repair the rafter system.

Then thermal insulation is laid. Please note: the roof insulation loop must connect to the wall insulation loop, where provided, or extend to the edge outer wall when it is not provided.

In this case, you need to install the insulation in the Mauerlat area very carefully so as not to push through the hydraulic windproof membrane, thereby blocking or narrowing the ventilation gap. Another important point: when repairing from the inside, it is usually not possible to thermally insulate the upper end of the gable wall (especially if the rafter leg is located close to the gable). And therefore, installing insulation requires partial dismantling of the roof on the gables. If you neglect the insulation of this zone, there is a risk of the roof freezing. When partial dismantling is impossible, it is recommended to remove the gable overhang lining to carry out the work. But this is a less effective measure.

Let us add that the presence of a cold bridge in the upper part of the gable wall can be detected using a thermal imager.

Repair of roofing pie: The junction points of the vapor barrier are sealed with single- and double-sided tapes and adhesives. pastes. Their choice depends on whether the surface to which the film is attached is smooth or rough Repairing the “pie” using vapor barrier films with variable vapor permeability: they can be laid around the rafters. Insulation is placed in the “trays” formed by the film.

After laying the insulation, a traditional type of vapor barrier film is laid, mechanically fixing it to the ends of the rafter legs. The joints and junctions of the canvases must be glued. Then the substructure for the finishing material and the finishing itself are installed.

Often, deformation of the roof, causing leakage of external moisture, occurs due to the fact that mistakes were made when choosing the type of foundation or during its construction: uneven settlement of the building occurs, and, as a result, the roof is damaged. An insufficiently strong rafter system, which also gives uneven settlement, also leads to leaks. If the homeowner is unable to straighten the foundation or truss structure, then to solve the problem you can replace existing roof two-layer flexible tiles.

Two layers of such tiles are reliably glued together with a bitumen hot-melt strip, but one layer can move relative to the other without compromising the tightness of the roofing, which allows the material to compensate for the settlement of the rafter system. I will add that double-layer shingles can be installed directly on top of a roof made of single-layer flexible tiles (that is, without dismantling them), simply by nailing new shingles on top of the old ones with long nails.


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  • In today's world, even a small piece living space is invaluable and must be used 100%. This especially applies to the room under the roof itself - the attic. Using it as a place to store unnecessary things is a huge mistake. The attic floor can become a magical living space - romantic, comfortable, cozy. The La Primavera studio will help you make it this way. If you need to make global changes in the situation, we will hold major renovation. Is an easy update enough? Suitable for you cosmetic repairs. And we will offer it to discerning clients using the best expensive materials, the latest techniques and exclusive design.

    Attic renovation ideas

    Major, luxury (and often cosmetic) renovation of the attic begins with the development of a design project. Designers, together with customers, draw up technical specifications that describe the main requirements and wishes. First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of the room. Most often, the attic floor is reserved for an adult bedroom or relaxation area. Less often - for a living room, kitchen, bathroom, dressing room. Interesting solution, which every child will be delighted with - a children's room under the very roof. But in this case you need to be especially careful about safety. Main requirements: place for active games should be away from the stairs, and the windows should be childproof.

    Attic renovation: design

    The attic space itself is very atmospheric. When thinking through the design, there is no need to try to disguise the features of the attic: sloping ceilings, wooden beams with open fasteners. There is a special aesthetic to this that should be emphasized. Styles such as loft, country, Provence, Scandinavian style are ideal.

    Typically, attics have rather modest dimensions, so designers place passage areas under the ceiling sections greatest height, carefully consider zoning, strive to visually and functionally expand the space. Our studio implements its own know-how and hidden storage systems. Thanks to the tricks of specialists, the attic becomes like the Tardis ship from the Doctor Who series - more on the inside than on the outside.

    The nuances of converting an attic into an attic

    If the task is to transform an attic that is absolutely unsuitable for living into an attic, it is important to take into account a number of technical points. It is necessary to ensure that the floor can withstand the expected load. The condition of the roof is also of enormous importance. To prevent the sounds of rain hitting the roof from disturbing you, sound insulation is required. From leaks and excess humidity Waterproofing will save you. To protect against winter frosts insulation will be needed. A vapor barrier is also necessary - so the fumes from the bath, shower, or stove will not cause any harm. internal insulation. And in summer heat You can’t do without an air conditioner, because heat often comes from the roof.

    In a private home, only specialists should deal with it, because shortcomings can be too expensive in every sense - from unnecessary costs for alterations to a fire due to the use of unsuitable flammable insulation, soundproofing materials or non-compliance with technology.

    Attic finishing options

    The classic option for finishing the attic floor is wood (timber, blockhouse, lining, MDF, plywood). Cork panels and drywall are also suitable. When finishing with plasterboard or plywood, decorative plaster, wallpaper, paint, and fabric upholstery are additionally used.

    Dormer windows

    The big disadvantage of attics is the lack of light, so several different lighting sources are installed in the room. But even without natural pleasant sun rays can't get by. If possible, windows are added or expanded during attic renovations, and new types of structures are used. For example, they make extensions for ordinary roof windows. Also now very popular are balcony windows that perform double functions. Cornice windows add a significant amount of light. They let in less light, but dormer windows look very impressive. In extreme cases, light tunnels are used.

    Installation of stairs to the attic

    Globally, there are two types of stairs to the attic - external and internal. They are divided into several types. The most popular are standard single-flight stairs or stairs with winder steps, if there is a lot of space, install two-flight stairs to the second floor. The cheapest ones are folding ones. The most compact - spiral staircases. All of them can be wooden or metal. The choice depends on the design style.

    Furniture for the attic

    The attic floor has a complex geometry, so furnishing is often a problem. It is better to buy furniture to order, taking into account the curves of the roof and the presence of beams. Preference is given to built-in options to save space. There should be a minimum of interior items. An experienced designer will help you make a decision and arrange the furniture correctly.

    If you contact us, professionals will develop and carry out everything necessary work turnkey. You won't have to think about anything. Call: +7 495 21 51 948.

    In modern architectural buildings, the attic occupies special place. It can be found in the layout of country houses, cottages, and high-rise apartments. To give this room fashionable look, use various types interior decoration, choose a design with unusual shapes and lines. The design of the attic floor depends on the building design and structural features.

    With the help of a variety of building materials, you can make even a small room under the roof colorful, furnish it with cozy bedroom, nursery or office.

    Features of the room

    An attic is a room occupying the top floor of a building or part of the attic space. Due to huge selection design solutions the room may have an original configuration. The attic layout looks especially beautiful wooden house With sloping roof. Main feature Attic windows are considered to be windows: they are small in size, but fill the space well with light.

    Besides this attic extension characterized by many advantages:

    • Increase in living space. As a result competent organization space on the second floor you can get a full room without spending cash, which may be needed during new construction and expansion of housing.

    • Good thermal insulation Houses. The insulated walls and ceiling of the structure do not allow cold air flows into the remaining living spaces.
    • Aesthetic appearance. The attic floor gives the building a beautiful finished look.

    The main disadvantage of this structure is the small height of the room. Glazing gable roof It is expensive, since a special type of glass is used for installation. Also, installing high-quality hydro- and thermal insulation is required to equip the attic. When designing an attic space, you need to take into account the fact that most of the structure will be in contact with the street. Therefore, the second floor can be overcooled in winter and overheated in summer.

    To avoid this, it is necessary to use SIP panels and special insulation in the decoration of walls and ceilings. In addition, the attic is exposed to external and internal temperature influences. Warm and moist air rises from living rooms home and settles on the interior surfaces of the room.

    When designing a room under a roof, several features should be taken into account:

    • Correct placement of communication systems. Their layout and installation locations must be provided at the first stage of building construction.

    • Shape of the room. The dimensions and geometry of the space directly depend on the design features of the roof.
    • Everyone's interaction engineering systems in the house and attic.

    If this room is to be used as a living room, it must have fully functioning electricity, water and heat supply.

    Selection of finishing material

    The attic is usually built from simple designs. Therefore, its interior decoration requires a special approach and high-quality building materials. As a rule, there is a lot of wood trim inside the attic floor. Therefore, when executing repair work It is not recommended to use wet processing and give preference to finishing surfaces with dry material.

    It is important that the material has several key characteristics:

    • Protecting surfaces from high humidity. To do this, the inside of the room is lined with block house or siding, and the floor is laid with laminate. These building materials come in the form of panels and sheets; they are resistant to moisture and do not require additional drying during installation.
    • Thermal insulation. Interior decoration involves the use of insulating materials that have multilayer structure and significantly increase sound and heat insulation.

    • Fire resistance. For dry finishing, choose raw materials with increased fire resistance.
    • Light weight. Structures made from hollow partitions are lightweight, which reduces the load on the walls.

    Natural materials are often chosen for interior decoration of attics. sheet materials in the form of lining, drywall and fiberboard. In addition, today there are polymer panels on sale, which in terms of quality and appearance no different from natural wood. To simplify installation, they are supplied with special fastenings. Choice decorative elements depends on functional purpose premises. For the attic, it is recommended to install plasterboard slabs, after which they can be wallpapered or painted. A good option for the attic floor would be to finish the surfaces with plywood or wood panels.


    The most economical and simple view The design of an attic is considered to be covering its walls and ceiling with clapboard. This material comes in a variety of colors and allows you to create any style in the room. Sheathing a surface with clapboard will not be difficult: even a novice craftsman can handle it. The disadvantages of the finishing material are its instability to temperature changes and fragility.

    But it is absolutely harmless to human health and fits original into the interior of the room, creating an unusual atmosphere of comfort and homely warmth.


    If the attic renovation needs to be done inexpensively, the right decision its internal lining will be plywood. Typically this material is used to level surfaces, but it can also be used as self-finishing. Plywood is durable, lightweight and easy to install. However, it is recommended to install it in rooms with normal levels of temperature and humidity. Therefore, before we start finishing works You should make sure that the walls and ceiling are well insulated. The ceiling or walls covered with plywood can be decorated with textiles or wallpaper. The material coated with paint and varnish looks beautiful.

    OSB, MDF, chipboard

    Sometimes the layout of the attic floor may include the organization of a work office or home gym in the project. In this case, MDF panels are suitable for finishing the attic. If the room serves as a place for a nursery or bedroom, it is recommended to sheathe it OSB boards, which are originally combined with decorative plaster, wallpaper and painting. This will make the interior not boring and cozy. Chipboard would be a good option for decorating an attic. This material is characterized by excellent heat and sound insulation; its installation does not require preliminary leveling of surfaces. It is inexpensive and can imitate texture natural stone, brick or wood.


    Covering surfaces with plasterboard is very popular among craftsmen. This material has high operational properties, which opens up enormous opportunities for design creativity. In addition, under plasterboard structures it is convenient to hide communication systems that can spoil the appearance of the interior. However, this building material quickly absorbs moisture, so it must be treated with a special compound.

    The main advantages of drywall include:

    • environmental friendliness;
    • good noise and heat insulation;
    • ease of installation.

    When working with this material, you must adhere to special technologies, since the sheets may become deformed.

    PVC panels

    The finishing of the attic should be done not only with beautiful, but also with durable material. That's why good choice PVC panels will be used for decoration. They fasten quickly, withstand various mechanical loads, create a smooth flat surface. The material is produced in standard white colors and original color shades. PVC panels can be used for finishing walls and ceilings.

    They are easy to care for, but are not resistant to ultraviolet rays.

    Imitation of timber

    Unusual decorative material is a false beam. It is a board of small thickness. In terms of quality indicators, the product is in no way inferior to lining. To decorate an attic with imitation timber, you don’t need preliminary preparation base: the material will independently level the surface and eliminate its defects. Artificial timber looks great in the interior of large and small rooms; you can choose the appropriate texture and color of the material for the design of the room.


    Interior decoration of the attic requires proper organization and execution preparatory work. If the design is done with your own hands, it is necessary to insulate the walls, floor and ceiling, check the chimney pipes and the design of the window slopes. Since the attic is a spacious space with a roof irregular shape When installing double-glazed windows, you need to use special models that will harmoniously fit into the design of the room and allow you to ventilate the room. This is important for maintaining constant moisture and temperature inside the building.

    Usually the attic space is equipped in houses with a sloping roof, where one slope is made flat and the other steep. Before finishing begins, the attic will have to be given more functional view, raise its height along the entire perimeter of the building. At the preparation stage, it is important to treat all surfaces of the room with waterproofing solutions and ensure complete sealing of the joints. The base under the floor must be level; it is initially leveled, sound and heat insulation is laid, and then decorative finishing begins. If a bathroom or kitchen is located under the roof, you will have to apply a primer to the surface.

    Checking the roof's readiness

    An important point when arranging the attic, a check is considered attic structure and the condition of the roof, which is often subjected to atmospheric influences, and over time may lose its strength. First, determine the degree of wear of the roof and possible options its repair. To do this, visually inspect all structural parts, their places of fastening and sections. During operation individual elements roofs can be deformed and sag; if such defects are present, they need to be eliminated. It is worth paying attention to the reinforced concrete parts of the roof, looking at the degree of their corrosion and wear. All identified damage must be recorded and an action plan must be drawn up to eliminate it.

    Since the reliability of the attic’s operation will depend on the strength of the roof, it is important to carefully repair it and further strengthen the structure.

    Choosing insulation for floors and ceilings

    An important point when decorating an attic is the installation of high-quality thermal insulation, which will determine temperature regime and humidity. Today the construction market is represented by a chic assortment modern materials, with which you can quickly insulate the attic floor. To do right choice, you need to take into account the thermal conductivity coefficient, ease of installation and price. Let us highlight the main materials in demand for thermal insulation of floors and ceilings.

    Foam plastic

    It is considered an ideal insulation material that has high quality and low cost. The only disadvantage of polystyrene foam is its structure, which does not allow steam to pass through, so dampness can accumulate in the room (additional ventilation will need to be installed).

    Polyurethane foam

    The material is applied by spraying, it holds heat well, but the application process is complex.

    Mineral wool

    Possesses unique properties, thanks to which raw materials can accumulate moisture. Therefore, it is suitable for finishing the attic provided that a vapor barrier is installed.


    Special equipment is required to apply this material. To ensure high-quality insulation, ecowool must be laid correctly, on a previously prepared surface.


    In addition, many craftsmen use materials consisting of layers of foil as thermal insulation. To increase their efficiency, it is necessary to install them in combination with other heat-saving insulation materials.

    Working with floors

    The attic ceiling plays a huge role; it acts as a reliable barrier against mechanical impact and sounds. Therefore, the right solution for him would be to lay a floating floor, the design of which will not depend on the strength of the walls and the base of the floor. First, a layer of thermal insulation no more than 40 mm thick is laid on the ceiling and a dry screed is made. The total thickness of the subfloor should not exceed 2.5 cm.

    As a dry screed, you can use gypsum fiber boards or sheets of plasterboard. If the surface of the coating has significant unevenness and defects, it must be leveled using vermiculite, expanded clay or perlite. In this case, the material is poured in a small layer of 5 cm.

    This produces a good and elastic substrate, the weight of which is usually 25 kg/m2.

    Ceiling insulation

    The attic room must be insulated everywhere, this also applies to the ceiling. The ceiling base is finished with thermal insulation inside and outside the structure. Internal lining It is recommended to make it from plasterboard or wood, then cover all joints with a vapor barrier. It is recommended to choose mineral wool with a density of 50 kg/m2 as insulation. A good option will be the installation of a false ceiling.