Quality bedroom refurbishment. Bedroom renovation based on the type: technology, design, functionality. Small bedroom can be cozy

Competently and with their own hands to carry out repairs in the bedroom is within the power of almost everyone. Here we need a competent approach, accurate, consistent actions, the main idea and a plan for its implementation. Having all this, as well as at least a little experience, you can safely start renovating your bedroom in a private house or apartment.

The main stages of repairing a bedroom

The first question is where to start the renovation in the bedroom? Even with inexpensive repairs in the bedroom, everything needs to be carefully planned. Yes, the bedroom renovation in the photo always looks chic and beautiful. But a similar result can be achieved on your own if you make an effort. After all, repairing the bedroom with your own hands with a competent approach saves money and allows you to get an excellent result.

Some prefer the Mediterranean style, others choose hi-tech, and still others do the classics. But whether you have chosen a bedroom in a Mediterranean style or any other, the main thing here is to clearly set a goal and formulate a plan of action. Then a beautiful renovation in the Mediterranean-style bedroom will definitely not disappoint you.

When renovating a bedroom inside your own apartment, we recommend that you proceed according to the “top-down” principle. That is, you need to start with upper surfaces and finish with a floor.

There are several main stages of repairing a bedroom:

  • Ceiling repair;
  • Wall decoration;
  • Floor repair;
  • Furnishing and interior design of the bedroom.

Now we will talk about each of the stages of repair separately.

But first, a little about the size of the bedroom. When apartments are being renovated, where the bedroom is 15 sq m, many fear that such a small space will put an end to Napoleonic plans. But any number square meters makes it possible to realize the most daring ideas. Let it be a global renovation or a small simple cosmetic Mediterranean renovation.

We recommend that beginners carefully plan each step and not deviate from the planned plan. Only by taking into account the actual dimensions of the bedroom, you can find a place for each piece of furniture, choose the right shades, etc. Emphasize original ideas from the novelties of 2019 in the interior of bedrooms. Based on your ideas and plan, you will be able to achieve an excellent result. Be sure of it.

Ceiling repair

When planning a do-it-yourself bedroom renovation, it is important to foresee the zero stages for a start. They include replacing windows and doors. This is necessary in order to create in the apartment the necessary conditions for pasting the same wallpaper. You all know that when pasting wallpaper, drafts should not be allowed inside the apartment.

Once the zero stage is completed, proceed to the ceiling surfaces.

There are several options for repair and decoration.

  1. Finishing the ceiling of the apartment with plaster. A time-consuming, but budget option, for which you will need to putty the ceiling, level it and apply a finishing layer of decorative plaster or putty. In the future, such surfaces can be painted or updated by applying new thin layers of plaster.
  2. Ceiling painting. Not the most modern version, which is still in demand in 2019. Repairs are not expensive, and with the help of a varied palette of colors, you can give the room an attractive look. appearance.
  3. Tiles on the ceiling. There are various ceiling tiles from light and not very materials. They are glued on a special glue, they create great design apartments, emphasize the chosen interior style. The downside is that covering the ceiling with such material makes it non-breathable. This negatively affects the microclimate in the apartment. Such solutions are more relevant for the hallway, toilet.
  4. Tension and dropped ceilings. Complex ceiling structures, the installation of which is best entrusted to specialists. There are both single-level and multi-level. Their disadvantage is that the structures take up useful space.

Regardless of the material chosen, try to make sure that the ceiling does not focus on itself much attention, merges with the interior, fits into the design of the bedroom and has a calming effect. That is, no bright and dark colors.

Wall repair

In terms of walls, do-it-yourself bedroom renovation can be done in a variety of ways. But work should always begin with alignment. Especially when it comes to wallpapering.

Considering the trends of 2019, here are some of the most attractive bedroom wall renovation ideas:

  • Wallpaper. Fabric, non-woven, paper, bamboo. At your discretion. Their design is so diverse that it is not possible to classify them somehow. Do not take wallpaper for the bedroom with bright and large, complex patterns. Preference for neat lines, light patterns, geometric shapes;
  • Prints on the wall. In many ways, they are similar to photo wallpapers, only they are made on the basis of the photographs that you provide to the manufacturer. They are made only to order, because this is a great way to show individuality;
  • Paint, textured plaster for walls. In 2019, the demand for these bedroom wall finishes remains high. Choose pastel shades, exclusively natural materials;
  • Tiles on bedroom walls. 2019 clearly showed that ceramic tile- this is not only a lot of bathrooms and kitchens. Small panels or fully tiled bedroom walls can look chic. If you dare to take such a step.

Floor repair

2019 did not bring any special novelties for floor repairs in the bedroom. But why invent something complex and unusual, if there are a number of time-tested options?!

  1. Linoleum. Timeless classic for apartments where they value comfort and are not ready to allocate a large budget for repairs. Fashion Collections linoleum 2019 are able to emphasize your refined taste, create an atmosphere of peace, comfort or intimacy in the bedroom. Everything depends on your needs.
  2. Cork board. Natural, eco-friendly, safe and very warm material that does not require heating.
  3. Parquet. Always in fashion and is unlikely to ever cease to be relevant. Only its price, as before, is high, and the installation should be trusted to specialists.
  4. Laminate. A budget parquet variant that looks similar but costs less. Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation using laminate is not difficult, since this material is assembled according to the principle of a simple puzzle.

Bedroom furniture

It is the furniture purchased for the home that completes the renovation of the bedroom. After all, it allows you to form the final appearance of the premises in the apartment.

Since we are talking about a bedroom in an apartment, here you should take care of buying a basic set of furniture. It includes:

  • Full double bed. None folding sofas. Otherwise, this is no longer a bedroom, but some kind of living room. The exception is one-room apartments, although even there the solutions of 2019 allow you to organize a full-fledged sleeping place;
  • Wardrobe. If you have a separate dressing room in your apartment, you can completely refuse the closet;
  • Bedside tables. Very useful pieces of furniture where they store gadgets, set alarms, table lamps, charging device. Choose nightstands with lockable doors or drawers so as not to store things and not create chaos;
  • Dressing table. When living with a girlfriend or wife, this element is indispensable;
  • Dresser. Certain types chest of drawers can be combined with functions dressing table. Beloved will get a place to store cosmetics and preening, but at the same time you can save space;
  • TV set. Many people think that it is better to abandon the TV in the bedroom and put it in another room in the apartment. But practice shows that everyone puts TVs. Place it on a chest of drawers or hang it on brackets.

Think over the interior at the stage of preparation for repair. So you can stick to a certain style of the bedroom.

Popular Repair Mistakes

We figured out how to make repairs in the bedroom. But in order for the repair to really go well and competently, we advise you to pay attention to common mistakes. Not allowing them in your own apartment, the result will be excellent.

  1. Mirror ceiling and walls. The bedroom is designed for sleeping, and in such an atmosphere it is uncomfortable and uncomfortable to sleep. Feng Shui has a similar position regarding mirrors in the bedroom.
  2. A lot of furniture. Often the repair goes well, and the arrangement of furniture spoils everything. Choose only the most necessary, correctly allocate space after repair.
  3. Too much decor. Need to decorate the bedroom after the repair. But this should be done in moderation. The photo clearly shows how to successfully decorate a room and not oversaturate it.
  4. Bright colors. It looks great at first. But sleeping in a room where the walls are full of bright colors is psychologically difficult. Don't hurt your eyes.
  5. Huge chandeliers. No bulky chandeliers. This is a relic of the past.

Create beautiful with your own hands quality repair in the bedroom of a cream or bright lilac tone is not difficult. Even if the budget is limited. The right approach, sequence of actions and following a clear plan are the basis successful repair. And after the completion of all the work inside your bedroom, the photos will be sent to friends and acquaintances so that they appreciate your work.

The bedroom - although not a public room in the house, in which guests are not invited, where children do not play, due attention should be paid to its repair. Realizing the repair of the bedroom room, you have the opportunity to realize your old ideas and unexpected decisions reflecting the personality of its owner. After all, here we spend an impressive part of our lives, we close ourselves in it when we want to retire and take a break from household chores.

iDezz has prepared a guide for its readers to help you renovate your personal room:

1. We make a design project

The design project should reflect how you want the room to look when completed. construction works. To do this, you can draw a sketch on paper or use a special program on a computer.
When deciding on the design of the room, be sure to consider the size of the room and properly distribute the space. Often allocated for the bedroom private room in home. But if you wish, here you can equip a dressing room or work area. Consider these nuances at the planning stage.

2. We draw up an estimate for the repair of a bedroom in an apartment

So, you have already decided on the design of the room. Now you need to make a list of building materials and calculate the budget. The choice of finishing materials is carried out by the owner independently or instructed by designers. The main thing to be guided by the following principle: combine high quality with reasonable price. And then you get a relatively inexpensive bedroom renovation.

3. Preparing the workplace

Before starting work, you need to remove furniture from the room, remove the chandelier, sockets and switches. If doors and windows remain in place, then cover them with plastic to protect them from scratches and dust.

4. Removing old coatings

Now you have come to the stage where you need to remove the old coatings:

  • Wallpaper
  • Whitewash
  • Paint
  • tile
  • Flooring
  • plinth
  • thresholds

Dismantling is a long procedure that requires some skill and skills.

5. We carry out redevelopment and replacement of structural elements

Do-it-yourself bedroom renovation can begin with redevelopment of the premises, which involves the demolition or construction of partitions. In addition, the process may include such types of work as:

  • Replacement of heating radiators
  • Air conditioner installation
  • Electrical work
  • Replacement of doors and windows

When decorating the bedroom, try to use environmentally clean materials that are safe for human health. Thus, when choosing material for windows, keep in mind that plastic, unlike wood, “does not breathe”. The wrong choice can cause a corresponding reaction in people with allergies. But on the other hand, PVC windows have high performance sound and heat insulation. And caring for them is not as burdensome as for wooden ones.

Approach responsibly to the choice of doors to the bedroom. Consider them not only as an element of protection from prying eyes, but, first of all, as an insulator from extraneous smells and sounds.

How to renovate a small bedroom

If you are the owner of a small home, you are probably interested in the question of how to make the decoration so that the apartment is comfortable, spacious and everything is in its place.

We will show you interesting solutions for small rooms, and tell you how to renovate a bedroom in Khrushchev, increasing the functionality of every detail.

Cabinets and storage

  • Choose compact and functional furniture for a small bedroom.
  • Colors should be in harmony in accordance with the overall stylistic decision of the room. We recommend using light shades, as they visually enlarge the living space.
  • Take a closer look at the wardrobes from floor to ceiling height. They take up little space and are very roomy. Here you can decompose the necessary and unnecessary things.
  • Think over the filling of the closet correctly: shelves and hangers should be arranged in such a way that they place things as compactly as possible.
  • Using mirrors is another way to visually increase the area of ​​​​a small bedroom. However, do not overdo it so that it does not turn out that you will live in the kingdom of mirrors.

  • Rationally use the free space under the bed or sofa, above the door and on the walls. Unnecessary things that are just lying around the room can be attached to a secluded corner. The main rule: do not overload the space, leave as few objects in sight as possible.
  • Use wall shelves without visible fastening to unload bedside tables.

Bed for a small bedroom

A large sleeping bed takes up all the free space. Therefore, in a small bedroom it is advisable to install a French hanging bed, retractable under the ceiling or in a closet.

Some even refuse beds, preferring a sofa as a bed.

If you are renovating a bedroom of 12 square meters, and you have the task of arranging accommodation for several people, then it is appropriate to use bunk beds or loft beds. With them, you will competently dispose of priceless meters.

If you have low ceilings, when choosing a bed, look at low models in Japanese style. Thanks to the low platform, the room will look more spacious.


Whatever options for repairing a bedroom you consider, in any case, you need to pay attention to lighting, and choose it harmoniously. AT small bedroom be sure to provide a variety of light sources:

  • General lighting(chandelier)
  • Decorative light (night lamps, floor lamps)
  • Local lighting (table lamps)

If you don't have enough space for bedside tables, use pendant lamps. Beautiful lamps suspended from the ceiling will bring bright accent into the interior and solve the problem of lighting for each side of the bed in conditions of limited space.

A few tricks for decorating a small room

Surely, you have heard many times that for finishing small room light colors are used. However, do not underestimate dark colors. This is a very effective technique. In a dark room, the corners are hidden, and the boundaries of the room seem to be erased. This creates a surprisingly cozy and intimate atmosphere. What else do you need in a bedroom? For this idea, dark gray, rich blue and brown colors are suitable.

If, when renovating a bedroom, wallpaper dark color you are afraid to glue on all the walls, in this case you can choose one wall that will be contrasting. Thanks to the dark end side, you will make it wider narrow room. A contrasting wall will bring dynamism and depth to the interior.

Successfully used to create contrast bright wallpaper and colorful prints. Thanks to the section of the wall above the bed, pasted over with wallpaper, the interior of the bedroom is enlivened.

Stylish and original photo wallpaper is an excellent technique for a small bedroom. Choose an image of a peaceful forest, mountains or a dynamic metropolis for your bedchamber, and the room will visually become freer.

To divert attention from the area of ​​​​the room, use large paintings and posters. Hang a large, or even rather large picture above the head of the bed, which will become the main focusing element.


In this article, iDezz has provided a guide for DIY bedroom renovations. And also touched upon techniques for increasing the space and functionality of the bedroom. We hope that these recommendations will help you when remodeling your bedroom. Adapt turnkey solutions for your housing, finalize ideas and then you will get a stylish and unusual design of a bedroom with a well-used space.

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In the life of every person, sooner or later there comes a period that scares and makes a lot of nervous - repair. Carrying out repairs throughout the apartment, special attention should be paid to the room intended for relaxation, comfort in which is a prerequisite. It's about the bedroom. It is very important to equip it in such a way that it is pleasant to be in the room, and the atmosphere is conducive to relaxation and a wonderful pastime. After reading this article, you will learn how to make a beautiful repair in the bedroom, spending a minimum of effort, nerves and financial resources on it.


Development of a design project

Before starting the repair of any premises, it is necessary to draw up a competent design project that covers absolutely all aspects of the upcoming actions. Not everyone knows what a design project is, what stages it includes, whether they are necessary.

A design project is a set necessary documentation, design developments and a list of building materials.

To properly plan everything, you must adhere to the following order:

  • Stage 1 - discussion and definition of the budget. At this stage, all available funds that can be invested in the repair of the bedroom are calculated. This stage helps to avoid unreasonable spending.
  • Stage 2 - work with the designer. This stage involves the development of the interior, drawing up plans and drawings, thinking through the smallest details regarding the situation. If finances do not allow, it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of a specialist, you can draw up a plan yourself.
  • Stage 3 - discussion of building materials. After discussing the concept of interior design, it is necessary to decide which construction and Decoration Materials will be used for repairs.
  • Stage 4 - calculation of upcoming expenses. The next step is to count required amount materials, as well as upcoming costs, compiled on the basis of real numbers. After the calculation, the budget can either increase or decrease.

From these main stages, the design project should consist.

Any small additions, equipping the room with accessories and decorative elements, which are not part of the finish, are not prescribed in the design project.

Do-it-yourself repair steps

There is an opinion that repair is easy to start, but impossible to finish - it can only be suspended for a while. However, this opinion is a delusion, since with the competent development of the project (as well as the coverage of absolutely all the details), the repair can be considered fully completed.

Many do not risk starting this process because they underestimate own forces and use the help of third parties, whose wages may be somewhat overstated.

One has only to study in more detail all the stages and complexities of this process, as it becomes clear that repairs with my own hands it's not that hard.

You can slightly update the room by making light cosmetic repairs, affecting only exterior finish walls, ceiling and floor. Light cosmetic repairs will be relevant in a room where there are no serious damages and parts that require immediate replacement.

At cosmetic repairs there is even no need to replace the furniture, so the room remains almost the same as it was before the change of decoration, it just takes on a slightly updated and fresher look. For cardinal changes, a major overhaul is needed - with a complete replacement of furniture.

To make a major European renovation, it is necessary to cover many details. It is worth understanding what is included in the process of this type of repair, which important details must be taken into account.

window replacement

Homes with old wooden frames that have fallen into disrepair, as well as plastic windows that have failed, may need to replace windows. Very often, in the repair process, this stage is skipped because it seems excessively costly, but its absence can lead to quite serious consequences. Old windows can let in drafts, moisture, and freeze unnecessarily in winter.

Do-it-yourself window replacement is not as costly as done by any persons from construction companies.

It is enough to follow some sequence:

  • It is necessary to take measurements from window openings and order the appropriate double-glazed windows in the company or purchase them in specialized stores.
  • Next is the dismantling of the old window frames. Carefully separate them from the window openings, being careful not to damage the walls.
  • Then you need to carefully prepare the window openings for the installation of new double-glazed windows. It is necessary to remove the old materials used to install the windows, as well as repair any damage that occurred during dismantling.
  • After that, it is necessary to install a new window, securing it with special metal pins, without which it simply will not hold.
  • After fixing the window in the opening, it is necessary to close all openings and slots with polyurethane foam.
  • The final stage will be the filling of areas covered with foam, small cracks, as well as painting the slopes.

Replacing windows is carried out in the first place, since it can lead to damage to the wall covering, which is undesirable after decorating them. They may lose their original appearance, and the work will have to be carried out again.



The next step will be the dismantling of all other components of the previous repair, since new finishing materials cannot be applied to the old ones. You need to learn more about the process of dismantling old finishing materials and interior elements, as well as some life hacks that facilitate this process.

At overhaul you will also have to get rid of the doors - you will need to replace them. Dismantling doorways is a very important part of the whole process. First you need to remove yourself from the loops door leaf, carefully dismantle the trim and the door frame itself.

When replacing old doors, it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the doorway, since in some cases it may be necessary to expand or build it.

The process of removing old wallpaper can seem complicated and tedious if you peel off dry canvases from an unprepared wall. There are many life hacks that will help simplify the task.

Here are the most effective ones:

  1. Wallpaper can get wet warm water or soapy water. For convenience, you can use a spray bottle or mop. The canvases should be wet enough so that after a while they can be easily removed from the wall.
  2. If the wallpaper is wet, and the process is not facilitated by this, you can use a water steamer. The hot steam, combined with the moisture already applied, will wonderful way, and the canvas will easily come off the wall.

If there are tiles in the room, it will also be necessary to dismantle it. This process is perhaps the most time-consuming of all, since the tile is attached to a special cement mortar, which is incredibly strong and reliable.

First you have to get rid of the grout - with the help of wetting, a sharp hard object, or a small grinder. Cement-based grout can be quite strong, so some effort will be required.

Since the process of removing old tiles can be somewhat time consuming, you will have to be patient. You can dismantle it with a strong iron spatula and a hammer, but this method can take quite a long time. It will be much faster and more efficient to work with a puncher.

It is necessary to clean both the floor and the ceiling of old finishing materials. Depending on the coating used, the cleaning method will be different. For example, laminate, linoleum and parquet are quite easy to remove, as well as stretch ceiling fabric. But with whitewash and paint you will have to tinker, armed with a spatula and sandpaper.

Wiring the necessary communications

If you want to make the bedroom more comfortable, it may be necessary to separate communications. Can be distinguished existing options how best to do this, as well as communication options that can be carried out to the bedroom.

First of all, it is electricity. Sometimes central lighting located in the central part of the ceiling may not be enough, so you should think about additional points.

To save space, bedside floor lamps can be eliminated by using additional ceiling elements or wall sconces.

You can dilute electricity from the central lighting point, if it is quite powerful, from the electrical panel, if repairs are carried out throughout the apartment, as well as from the nearest outlet. In the bedroom, hidden wiring should be done, for which wall chasing will be required.

In the same way, you can draw lines to create additional electrical access points - sockets.

If the bedroom is next to a bathroom, toilet or kitchen, you can easily run pipes into the room by equipping it with an additional water point.

For this you will need the following:

  • first of all - a sanitary permit obtained at the BTI;
  • well-designed scheme of sanitary piping;
  • pipes for hot and cold water, other plumbing items.

You should not make pipes in the floor, because if leaks occur, it will be extremely difficult to fix them without damaging the flooring. It is best to use the walls for this, fixing the pipes and covering this area with special lockers.

Similarly, the distribution of central heating is carried out.

Rough finish

About to start the process fine finish premises, it is better to take care of the draft. Not everyone knows what a rough finish is, what it is for. After all, not every experienced specialist does it.

Rough finish necessary, because without it it is impossible to make a quality finish. Thanks to the preparation, it is possible to significantly extend the life of the finishing materials, since they will be more securely fixed to the walls of the apartment.

In addition, it is considered that rough finish can even slightly enhance the soundproofing and thermoregulatory properties of the room. It is understandable, because during the rough finish, all small cracks and holes missed during construction will be sealed.

It is worth noting that the rough finish includes both the breeding of communications and the construction of plasterboard structures.

It is necessary to analyze in more detail the main stages of the rough finish, the features of each of them, as well as familiarize yourself with the list of necessary materials.


The most difficult thing is to carry out a rough ceiling finish, since during construction the slabs may not be laid quite evenly, it may be necessary to level the surface. This need is eliminated if a tension or suspension structure is used as a ceiling finish.

If repairs are to be made in new apartment, the premises of which have not been subjected to the rough finishing process, there may be the need to repair gaps between plates ceiling. These gaps can be quite large, so they simply need to be eliminated.

Eliminating gaps is best done with foam. A level ruler, as well as a paint grid and cement mortar, will help to make the ceiling surface more even. All irregularities and differences must be smoothed out, creating a completely smooth ceiling surface.

top layer covering the ceiling, plaster should lie down, which will become the basis for further actions.


Rough wall finishing is done using a primer, plaster and putty.

Primer serves for better adhesion of materials to the surface of the wall.

Via plasters the surface of the walls is corrected, as well as the closure of any seams and smoothing of irregularities.

Putty is the final detail of the rough wall finish. It is necessary for the implementation of further wall decoration.

However, this is not all. As already mentioned, part of the rough wall decoration can be construction of additional partitions and interior structures . If the matter concerns decorative partitions, it is enough to use thin materials, but for serious interior floors, more durable options are needed.

As for decorative partitions, in most cases, plasterboard sheets are used for their construction, fixed on special metal profiles and forming a hollow space. Such a partition does not provide sound insulation and does not retain heat in a separate part of the room.

For the construction of full-fledged interior floors, you will need concrete blocks or ordinary bricks. In addition, foam blocks and cinder blocks are quite popular, durable and practical. The blocks are connected to each other with cement mixture, and the finished structure is covered with a thick layer of plaster and putty.

Floor screed

Another stage of the rough finish is working with the floor, namely, the implementation of the screed. The floor screed is called the intermediate layer floor covering, which separates the foundation laid during construction and decorative trim elements.

Floor screed is a necessity for several reasons:

  • the base, as a rule, is not very even, it has many flaws, so the screed is made to level it;
  • if the distribution of pipes and heating is carried out under the floor, a screed will also be a necessity, since this wiring will need to be hidden;
  • screed is also necessary for competent, safe distribution thermal insulation properties;
  • the screed is also made if there is a need to create any slopes.

Laying the final floor covering without a screed will make the floor ineffective and reduce its thermal and sound insulation properties by several times.

The screed also has a slight soundproofing effect. This is especially true for repairs in a bedroom located in a new building, since the soundproofing properties of such houses, as a rule, are reduced to a minimum.

The rough finish of the walls and the floor screed allows to reduce the noise level.

There are several types of screeds, and each of them has some characteristic features.

Wet screeds are made by combining a dry mixture with an aqueous solution. Screeds of this type exist in two versions: connected and floating (serving to provide the greatest degree of sound insulation, which is provided by laying the mixture on special mats).

Dry screeds placed on the surface with the help of expanded clay and special plates. Surfaces are treated with plaster or cement mortar to hide the resulting seams.

Ceiling and wall primer

After leveling the surface and applying putty, it is necessary to prepare the walls and ceiling for final finishing. To do this, you need to apply a layer of high-quality primer. The primer is a special solution that serves as a kind of adhesive between the surface of the wall or ceiling and the finishing material.

The primer also has protective properties, preventing the loss of moisture by finishing materials. The thing is that concrete has the feature of excessively strong absorption and suction of moisture, which can lead to fairly rapid drying of the material, loss of all elasticity and premature failure.

Primers are divided into several types and are selected in accordance with the surface to be primed. In addition, the choice is influenced by the humidity of the room and the purpose of the material.

One type of primer is designed to serve as a layer between building and finishing materials, while others are needed only to process the base of a wall or ceiling. And still others are completely distinguished by the properties of deep penetration, which is very important for walls made of fragile, bulk material.

The primer may need to be applied in several layers, depending on the type of mortar itself and the surface of the wall to which it is applied.

It is possible to proceed to the final finishing only after the complete drying of all layers of the primer.

To determine if the wall needs additional priming, after the first layer has dried, it is necessary to run your hand over the surface. If dust remains on the palm of the material from which the wall is made, the procedure should be repeated.


After the rough finish and preparation of the walls and ceiling, proceed to finishing. It includes decorating the walls, ceiling and floor with the necessary finishing materials.

Materials must be selected in advance, as the preparation of the walls must be carried out in accordance with the type of finish.

Do not be too smart when choosing materials. Overestimating your strengths, you may simply not be able to cope with the task and not complete the bedroom renovation as you would like (or not complete it at all). However, the choice of material will be discussed a little later, now the main stages of the final finish and their features will be considered.

Fine finishing includes work on the surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors.

The sequence of processing parts of the room that need to be decorated may change, depending on the chosen finishing material.


Ceiling finishing is carried out first of all, if plaster, paint, ceiling tiles, fixed with special glue, are chosen as finishing materials. This stage should be the first, since these materials are quite easily soiled and can damage the decor of the ceiling and floor.

Whitewash and paint must be applied to a primed surface, but to fix the tile decor, you will have to pre-plaster and putty the ceiling, since the glue does not always adhere well to the concrete surface.


First of all, it is produced construction of suspended ceiling structures and niches. Since such elements are made of drywall sheets, the surface will also need to be plastered and putty, after which it is necessary to apply a primer and paint. The process of staining in any case can lead to pollution of the surrounding space.

BUT stretch ceiling installation carried out at the final stage of finishing. It will be very difficult to stick wallpaper under an already stretched canvas, and decorating the walls with plaster will be completely impossible. The stretch ceiling does not affect the cleanliness of the walls and floor in any way, since no liquid adhesives and paints are used for its installation.

For mounting the stretch fabric on the wall (a few centimeters from the ceiling), special fasteners are constructed metal profiles. After that, the canvas is heated with special air guns and stretched around the perimeter of the entire bedroom. The edges of such a web are tucked behind the profiles - and thus fixed.


With the stages of finishing the ceiling, everything is clear, the next step is the decor of the walls.

The most suitable option- depending on the surface of the wall itself, room temperature, humidity level and individual preferences.

If the choice fell on ordinary patterned wallpaper, everything is quite simple here - high-quality glue with the appropriate characteristics is selected, the wallpaper is cut into canvases of the required length, smeared with glue and attached to the wall. If necessary, you can apply glue to the wall itself too.

If the choice fell on wallpaper with a pattern that needs to be joined and adjusted, the canvases should be cut in advance for the entire perimeter of the room - taking into account the creation of a complete picture.


After sticking wallpaper for painting must be dried thoroughly - and only then painted.


It is worth noting that you can paint simply primed walls, and a surface decorated with finishing plaster, with which you can create an interesting textured surface.

rules wall painting do not differ from the process of painting any other elements of the room with something special. First, you need to apply paint with a brush to the edges in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe floor and ceiling, as well as to the corner openings, after which (armed with a roller with an appropriate surface) you will need to paint over the central part of the wall.

If the ceiling has been pre-painted, be careful when applying paint to the top of the wall. No need to touch the surface of the ceiling.



Finishing the floor is the last stage that completes the repair, since the painting of the floor surface is very rare, and indeed, the process of decorating it in a special way does not affect the safety of the walls and ceiling.

What is really worth considering before the process of finishing the entire room is equipping the floor with heating mats (system warm floors, which will be very relevant for the bedroom - especially if the room has a balcony).

Some types of underfloor heating need careful fixing. When laying mats on an already dried screed, they must be fixed special glue or cement mortar. Some particularly powerful elements are even fixed before the surface is screeded.


Special attention should be paid to parquet and parquet boards, since the final stage is the application of a special coating - parquet varnish.

Of course, an important aspect of any repair process is the choice of quality building materials. You need to understand what needs to be considered when choosing, what should be given special attention, and also find out the features of the most popular materials.

It is necessary to analyze the supply market in order to identify the most favorable price variations of the same product. The process of renovating (even one bedroom) requires a lot of investment, so a little savings definitely won’t hurt.

It is worth considering what qualities and characteristics must be considered when choosing a particular material:

  • Any material should not have sharp unpleasant odors. The light smell left after factory products quickly disappears, but the pungent smell characteristic of low-quality cheap materials can persist for quite a long time, having a detrimental effect on a person's well-being.
  • The material must have antistatic properties, preventing the accumulation of static electricity, which can interfere with comfortable living conditions.
  • It is very good if the composition of the material contains antibacterial components., preventing the occurrence of fungi and the reproduction of harmful bacteria, which may also not be the most in the best way affect health.
  • Of course, the material must be beautiful and provide a wonderful holiday. because the bedroom is designed just for this.
  • Any building and finishing materials must be durable and wear-resistant, since the annual renovation of the premises with the help of repairs is overhead and unreasonable.

You can select the most suitable finishing materials for different parts of the room.

For ceiling

For convenience, it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of various ceiling coverings on the example of a comparative table.

Peculiarities Advantages disadvantages
Ceiling whitewash It is done with a sprayer, roller or brush. Ease of execution, neat appearance. Preliminary leveling of the surface, high degree of soiling, fragility.
ceiling painting It is done with the help of water-based or water-dispersion paint. Choice is possible budget materials, ease of implementation. It peels off quickly, needs to be renewed every couple of years, preliminary filling is necessary.
Drywall They are constructed from drywall sheets and metal profiles. With a special technique, you can build a structure of any shape. Such structures "eat up" the free space of the room.
Suspended ceiling structures:
Cassette It consists of thin plates made of aluminum or galvanized materials. Easy to install, easy to clean, hide surface imperfections. Low degree of sound insulation and noise suppression.
Hemmed Installation is carried out using drywall and decorative panels. The ability to use different lighting, retains heat well and muffles noise. Required decorative trim, it is impossible to mount the ceiling wiring of electricity.
Rack Consists of narrow aluminum plates. Various decorative finishes are possible, suitable for rooms without heating. Not suitable for residential areas.
Ceiling wallpaper Dense ceiling wallpaper and the appropriate adhesive. Cleanliness in the process, easy to hide ceiling defects, durability. Cheap wallpapers quickly lose their original appearance and cannot be removed from pollution.
Stretch ceiling They are constructed using metal profiles and a special fabric that stretches when heated. Suitable for rooms with high humidity, retains its original appearance for a long time, it is possible to mount lamps, fireproof, does not require special care. Intolerant to mechanical influences with sharp objects.
Ceiling tiles Tiles are made of expanded polystyrene, size 50x50 cm. Large selection of surfaces and shades, easy care. Labor-intensive work, fragility of tiles, fragility of pecking of the base.

for walls

Best Option for bedroom wall decor non-woven and high quality vinyl wallpaper. It is best to choose meter ones, since they are more convenient to glue, and the whole process will take much less time.

Wallpaper in neutral light shades is suitable, since bright colors are not very appropriate in the bedroom.

For those who want to add color to the interior of the bedroom or create an atmosphere of something unusual fit finish decorative plasters or unusual wallpaper , pasted on one of the central walls.

For floor

There are quite a few options for flooring, you can choose any - in accordance with individual tastes and needs. The easiest to install, for example, is considered linoleum which looks very attractive. In addition, eco-friendly linoleum, with hypoallergenic components in the composition, is a newfangled development.

Similar in terms of ease of installation is considered carpet- carpeting distributed over the entire surface of the floor in the room. Such material can be laid in the bedroom if you are interested in softness and warm floors. The disadvantages include the inconvenience regarding the care of such material. The advantages of carpeting are many.

Laminate is the most common floor covering. It is affordable, practical and will last quite a long time. There are quite a few design solutions: you can lay white, brown, dark or colored laminate on the floor.

It is impossible not to mention parquet board . This coating is better in quality than laminate, but it has one feature - it is necessary to cover the floor with a special parquet varnish.

As a special design move, you can use the construction of the structure two-level floor decorated with different finishing materials. A two-level floor will be the highlight of the bedroom interior.

When carrying out repairs in the bedroom with your own hands, you need to organize everything in such a way that it is cozy, calm and comfortable in it. In addition, in a small room you will have to create conditions not only for relaxation, but also for work. And it is desirable that the created interior be beautiful and inexpensive, so before installation, you should heed the advice of experienced designers.

Before starting the main work, it is worth deciding on the design and functionality of the bedroom. Since most people not only relax in this room, but also prefer to work there, it is important to choose the right style. When the room is planned to be used only for recreation, then you can give preference to the style of minimalism, that is, a minimum of furniture and decor items.

If you need to arrange working area, then it is required to zone the room. This means that you will have to additionally organize lighting, install special screens or partitions. As for furniture, it is better to pay attention to objects that can transform, for example, take a sofa bed or cabinet, which can be quickly expanded into a large dining table.

Even at the planning stage, you need to decide on the style, it all depends on the wishes of the owners. Both glamorous hi-tech and seductive art deco will perfectly fit into such a room, but, as a rule, it is difficult to organize such designs on your own, and such design is quite expensive.

If you plan a simple renovation in the bedroom, then it is better to stay on a calm theme, for example, the Scandinavian style, which is dominated by simplicity and ease of decoration. Good for similar rooms modern classics as well as fusion. But even the usual decoration of wall and ceiling surfaces in a single solution, the purchase of suitable furniture and textiles will bring coziness and comfort to the apartment.

It is also worth noting that any repair work is always a long, laborious and costly project. That is why it needs to be thought out in advance, namely:

  • calculate the total financial costs of material and furniture;
  • fully work out the design of the room;
  • discuss and purchase the necessary building materials.

It is these three stages that will help to realize the planned design project and at the same time avoid unnecessary expenses. In this case, it will turn out to make repairs in the bedroom with your own hands with high quality, stylishly and inexpensively.

Preliminary work

At this stage, it is supposed to create diagrams and drawings of the future room. It is even advisable to draw the proposed option on the sheet so that you can clearly see all the details. Many experienced designers recommend that the owners of the room imagine themselves in such conditions in order to understand whether they will feel comfortable and cozy in such an environment.

After you have decided on the design and scope of work, you can proceed to taking measurements, calculations required material and its cost.

Manufacturers offer wide selection various building materials, so everyone can choose for themselves a really suitable option for any wallet. At the next stage you need to prepare the room: all furniture is taken out of it or objects are simply covered with a special protective film.

If you plan to replace the wiring, then dismantle lighting, switches and sockets. Then the old coatings are removed.

Room decoration

To equip a bedroom, it is desirable to purchase high-quality and natural material, since a person spends almost a third of his life in such a room. Facing, and furniture as a whole, must meet environmental standards, namely, not emit harmful compounds or unpleasant odors. This will not only prevent you from fully resting, but can also cause poor health.

When conducting finishing works should be considered, that the installation is carried out strictly from top to bottom, so you need to act according to the following plan:

  1. If necessary, the old ceiling covering is dismantled. A new construction of plasterboard sheets is installed on the surface, or a more modern one is used. stretch fabric. For these works, the help of specialists will be required, since special equipment is required for installation. Budget option will be the usual whitewashing, painting, wallpapering or using foam tiles as cladding.
  2. Before facing the wall surfaces, they should be prepared, namely, to level and close all existing cracks and gaps. To do this, you can use plaster or install plasterboard structures. When choosing facing material you should not only pay attention to the appearance, but also take into account such qualities as environmental friendliness, accessibility and reasonable cost. If the budget is limited, then it is quite possible to finish the walls with decorative plaster.
  3. On the last step engaged in the arrangement of flooring. Laminate, cork or linoleum is perfect for the bedroom. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that most often the owners walk around the room barefoot, so it is advisable to purchase high-quality and pleasant to the touch material. In this case, you can avoid unnecessary financial costs on rugs and rugs.

Many owners advise installing underfloor heating in the bedroom, so you can think about this option in advance. Actually, in this way, you can make a beautiful repair in the bedroom.

Color design

As for color, then it is necessary to rely on your own preferences and wishes. Decorate the room in colors in which the owner feels more comfortable. Experienced designers are advised to adhere to the following rules:

  • ideally equip the room in one color;
  • small rooms located on the north side are decorated in light colors- they visually increase the area, make it more spacious;
  • for rooms with windows to the south, stylish cold tones are suitable, in this case they will give the necessary coziness and comfort.

The combined finish looks very original when the room is pasted over with two completely different wallpapers. But such a design suits exceptionally creative and bright natures, and an ordinary person can be annoyed.

Bedroom design (25 photos)

Perhaps the most interesting activity during the repair is filling the room with pieces of furniture. Moreover, it is desirable to engage in the choice of everything necessary at the planning stage.

There are several tips from experts that will help you conveniently and functionally arrange furniture:

  • interior items should not take up much space, so it is better to give up everything superfluous;
  • double beds are installed in such a way that they can be approached from both sides;
  • it is advisable to place the bunk so that the legs are not located to the door or window;
  • when choosing a storage cabinet, you should give preference to products with sliding doors equipped with mirrors. This will visually increase the area, and also fulfill its functional role.

As for decorating the bedroom, the main thing in this matter is moderation. It is very important to focus on the main piece of furniture - the bed. Actually, that is why designers recommend not overloading the rooms with additional accessories that can distract attention and interfere with relaxation.

Coziness and tranquility in the room can add textile elements, selected in the same style of curtains, bedspreads, bedside rugs and lampshades. It is these details that make the room home. You can also create a comfortable environment with decorative pillows, photo frames and nightlights.

Often, it is simply necessary to start repairs in an apartment, the reasons can be completely different, but the goal of such repairs is always the same. Small bedroom renovation difficult task, on the solution of which you need to try.

If everything is clear with the kitchen and bathroom, then with the bedroom everything is much, if not sadder, then very vague and serious. Since the bedroom is one of the special rooms in an apartment or house, there should be a special, tactful, thoughtful approach to its repair.

For most specialists, it is no secret that even the most experienced designers often simply cannot make a bedroom design project, since such a place in the house is very difficult not only to repair, but to choose the right design and color scheme. And what can we say about the builders, who simply do not know where to start.

But still, some people think that repairs in a small bedroom should be entrusted exclusively to professionals and specialists in their field, who can competently make not only a design project, but also make the repair itself.

Modern bedroom renovation

However, if for some reason you do not want to invite construction teams, then you yourself, using your theoretical knowledge and some skills, can make a beautiful repair in the bedroom. After all, no one can guarantee that your family budget will be able to pull the services of skilled workers.

In order to start your business, you simply need a positive attitude, a few lessons from familiar experts and, preferably, advice from professionals. If you are new to this business, then it is better to start repairs not alone, but as a team, because knowledgeable people should and are obliged to help you in solving this serious issue. Inexpensive bedroom renovation photo:

So, before starting repairs in a small bedroom, you need to ask yourself a few important questions:

  • How many people will use the bedroom for its intended purpose?
  • Where will the laundry be stored?
  • Will the bedroom perform exclusively its function, or will it combine both an office for work or just a place to relax?
  • Will a single or double bed be in your bedroom?
  • Is there a TV in the bedroom?

After you answer the questions, you can safely begin to deal directly with the organization of the bedroom. Modern bedroom renovation involves arranging an ideal, cozy, spacious and functional room.

Since the bedroom is a place to relax, for starters, you just need to take care of heating in the very first place. If the bedroom is poorly heated, then it is simply necessary to change the radiators and insulate the floor. Since the bedroom simply must be as bright as possible, then take care of new plastic windows. Ideas for inexpensive repairs in the photo of 2018:

It is worth choosing finishing materials that are environmentally friendly and breathable, since a person spends most of his free time from work, while at home, in the bedroom.

It is worth noting that textures and gamuts of colors currently exist in huge quantities. But many experts argue that the most the best option, as a rule, is green color. Inexpensive bedroom renovation photo version of the green bedroom:

If we talk about repairs in a fairly small bedroom, then in no case should there be the use of dark colors, since dark shades visually reduce the space.

When choosing wallpaper, paint, and more, pay attention to what shade you choose. Remember that the lighter your bedroom, the better. Since harmony and comfort are achieved much faster.

If you are thinking about not painting the ceiling, but installing a stretch ceiling, then a white glossy ceiling is more suitable for these purposes. White color will be another plus to visually enlarge this or that space. Beautiful renovation in the bedroom also involves a competent arrangement of mirrors.

Have you ever thought about the fact that in a small room a lift-up bed can fit in very organically? She will save space and in a very original way emphasize the modern renovation of the bedroom of your bedroom. And things can be stored at all convenient ways using a closet for this.

But if you want the bedroom to become more spacious and at the same time more comfortable, it is enough to get rid of the clutter of various things everywhere. Resort to yourself ideal solution- remove all unnecessary things in other rooms, leaving the most necessary and necessary in the bedroom. Inexpensive bedroom renovation ideas are presented in a useful video:

With all responsibility, it is simply necessary to approach the decision of choosing a bed, simply because it is the most basic item in your bedroom. When choosing a bed, pay attention to the materials that were used in its manufacture, and also look for possible customer reviews.

As for the light in the bedroom, then excessive brightness is useless there. One of the most good decisions about the light will be the purchase of luminaires with adjustable lighting. This is due not so much to the creation of romance, but to the economy of light, which will be visible. Beautiful bedroom renovation spot lighting on the stretch ceiling and beautiful lamps at the head of the bed.

Don't forget little tricks like light baseboards, ceiling levels and all the little details. Thus, you can hide those details that should not stand out and visually the room will become more voluminous and large.

Inexpensive repairs in a small bedroom with your own hands can be done in the shortest possible time, while you need a positive attitude and faith in the best. And then you will certainly succeed! I wish you inspiration and success in the repair!