Design of a narrow room 18 sq m

A one-room apartment is not a reason to despair and forget about meeting friends. Housing with an area of ​​​​18-19 square meters. m is able to accommodate a full-fledged bedroom and a room for receiving guests, if you correctly zone the space and place accents.

It is important to maintain a single style in the room and visually divide it into sections. In this case, it is not necessary to hide the bed behind a rack or a closed door, let it be visible. The color or texture of the walls can tell the function of the site, as can the floor and the furniture itself.


Where to begin?

Repair of a one-room apartment begins with drawing up a plan for the future room, because even at the first stage it is important to understand what you want and how much you are willing to spend on it. It is important to think over the details in order to install an arch before finishing or combine the room with a balcony in advance, think about the ceiling (hinged or regular), the floor (a single laminate or parquet board) and the color of the walls. If you plan to make a podium for the bed, it must also be created in advance.

If you prefer minimalism and choose a bed, a sofa and a TV (and no tables, chairs), then it is important to think about where the rest of the things will be stored - on the balcony or in the closet in the corridor niche.

Space zoning

Zoning is the division of a room into several functional areas, the use of several colors of wallpaper and textures, partitions, arches, shelving in one room to create areas for work, recreation, games, and so on. Today, zoning is a trend and a working idea that designers do not neglect.

Really and visually divide the room can:

  • Rack;
  • Arch;
  • Partition;
  • Curtains;
  • Podium (where the bed will be located);
  • Gender (color, level, materials);
  • Headboard;
  • The color and texture of the walls.

The design project of an apartment with a shelving or a partition in the middle is the simplest solution available. It is important to choose furniture in the same style and dilute it with brighter textiles - for the living room, a little calmer - for the bedroom. If the space is divided by a wall, then it should be in harmony with the general color of the walls, the rack can “oppose” them and be in contrast.

The arch leading to the sleeping area looks good in a classic interior - it gives the home chic and does not clutter up the space too much, does not take light and generally looks luxurious.

An interesting idea is zoning with a headboard or headboard. Its essence is a high original back (front or back), which will delimit the room and create an accent in it.

The most budgetary way to divide a room is to use curtains. During the day they can be collected and open access to the box, at night close and enjoy solitude.

Vertical zoning is different from the classic division of the room. The idea of ​​vertical zoning will appeal to children and those adults who are tired of clichés. The location of the bed here is unusual - right under the ceiling, the rest of the room is given over to the living room.

Wall color

A small bedroom-living room by default has light walls and this is to our advantage, as they make the space visually wide and free. It is important to zone the room and think in advance where the sleeping area will be and where the living room will be.

Zoning with flowers will help turn one room into several - a separate bedroom and a full-fledged space for guests. The color of the room can be the main one, for example, beige, and this or that space is indicated by wallpaper with a pattern or ornament.

An interesting solution is to use several colors on the walls of one room. The designer highlighted the sleeping area in white, the living room in gray. Even the floor visually divided one room into two.

White and beige are versatile shades that you can play with and transform a space from dull to functional and stylish. When choosing white as a base, focus on decorative wooden or brick-imitating panels (for walls) and ennoble one of the walls or several sections on one or two with them - you get a stylish Scandinavian style or a soft “loft”.

Save bright colors like red, blue and green for accents, but in general, these colors look good in modern modernity.


If the ceiling in the bedroom is low, the following tricks will help make it visually high:

  • Wallpaper with a vertical stripe on one of the walls- they will additionally create one of the zones in the room (bedroom, living room);
  • Use two colors on the ceiling- place white in the middle, darker around the perimeter, for example, beige or yellow;
  • If the ceiling is solid, choose a glossy surface for it;
  • Use mirrors not on the entire ceiling, but on one of its sections or on the wall;
  • Instead of a bulky chandelier choose spot lighting located around the perimeter of the room on the ceiling;
  • Choose light colors for the ceiling- it should be lighter than the walls and floor.


Creating a room design of 18 square meters. m it is important to determine whether you need a full-fledged sleeping bed or you can do without it and sleep on the couch.

If a bedroom without a bed is not a bedroom, place the largest furniture away from the entrance to the room - towards the window.

To protect the recreation area from the reception area will help the rack to the ceiling or almost to it. It is good if it has open shelves and is narrow. as a massive bulky "eat" valuable meters.

A sofa bed is the way out for those who prefer a minimalist design. The corner design occupies a useless corner, while its counterpart, the classic long sofa without corners, allows you to take up window seat with a desk and chair.

Leave chests of drawers, wardrobes, massive tables and closed shelving for the corridor or replace them with a closet, which can be placed in the same niche of the corridor (if any) or along a small wall in the bedroom-living room. The interior of a room with a wardrobe will look good if it is mirrored or glossy - this will create additional visual space.


In a room where the bedroom and living room occupy the same space, it is important to use decor, but this must be done wisely. Do not litter an already modest room with figurines and floor flower pots. It is better and wiser to use the walls and hang pictures \ mirrors \ open and closed shelves on them.


If two zones are connected in one room, then the lighting will have to be divided in two, made pointy and maximum use of lamps and floor lamps. Of course, you can’t do without ceiling lighting, and small lamps along the perimeter of the ceiling will be a good choice.

If you cannot avoid the chandelier, hang it in the living area, and place a couple of floor lamps in the bedroom - this will be enough for reading before bedtime or creating a cozy atmosphere


Apartment 18 sq. m easily turns into a room with an area of ​​​​22-25 squares, if you attach a balcony to it (insulated and in agreement with government agencies). Redevelopment of the apartment sometimes really helps out - in the former balcony area the bed fits well and gives additional space for the living room.

Combining a room and a balcony is quite laborious and costly compared to installing a partition, arch or ordering and buying a rack.

Windows and doors

A large window visually makes the space of the room larger and illuminates it favorably. If the window occupies an entire wall, this is a great opportunity to create an informal interior in the loft style, minimalism. Be sure to have the bed facing him and divide the space with her back.

Doors, as an indispensable part of any interior, can advantageously emphasize the space. Choose light canvases with glass - gloss visually increases the space. Sliding structures (compartments) or swing models that open into the corridor will save space in the room.

The living room combined with the bedroom usually takes up more space. If the room is 19 sq. meters, then for the recreation area you can give about 2/3 of the space and place the bed away from the entrance to the room - by the window.

  • Choose furniture-transformer if you don't like to clutter up the space. An ordinary wardrobe or sofa turns into a double bed in the evening;
  • Stick to one style in the interior of the room- baroque in the bedroom and loft in the living room will look strange and ridiculous;
  • Let the main color of the room be light- white or beige, and the contrast is created by partitions and decor;
  • You can use gray instead of beige- paint the walls with this shade and choose snow-white furniture if interior stamps are already tired.
  • If there is nowhere to store things, install a closet on one of the walls of the room. Let it be as narrow as possible, but wide and invisible to others. You can beat him by placing a sofa or a couple of chairs in front of him;
  • Have a sofa and armchairs in the same room- means to litter it. Give preference to compact soft pouffes and offer them to friends (who do not fit on the sofa). When no one is visiting, frameless furniture can be stored on the balcony.

If you have to repair, know that a room with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. m, you can arrange concisely, simply and very beautifully. It can be a nursery or a bedroom, a dorm room. Ways to design a room 18 sq. m., presented in the photo, as well as our tips will help you competently decorate the available space.

As a rule, a room with such an area is rectangular in shape, which can be narrowed or more like a square. Designers often use room zoning of 18 square meters. m, seeking to achieve maximum functionality of the space.

Furniture must be chosen narrow, placing it along the walls so that it takes up as little free space as possible.

The short walls of a rectangular room are decorated with bright colors or expressive decorative items that attract attention, you can use mirrors.

The floor covering, which has a pattern in the form of stripes running along short walls, will visually enlarge such a room. For the same purpose, sliding wardrobes with mirrored doors can be placed along the wall.

As for lighting, it is best to concentrate it in the center of the room, avoiding placement around the perimeter.

The square shape of the room - bedroom or living room 18 square meters. m. - ideal for interior decoration. Here it is better to use bulky furniture, which is located mainly in the center of the room or along the walls.

Zoning the space, you can use pieces of furniture as delimiting elements. White furniture, satin and gloss in the interior are welcome. The classic recommendation is to place upholstered furniture along the walls around the perimeter.

Bedroom decoration

Bedroom with an area of ​​18 sq. m, allows you to place all the furniture that is needed, and leave a work area or a small corner for relaxation. In a narrow and long room, you can equip a good dressing room about one and a half meters long.

Unusual cabinets and armchairs are suitable to create an original accent, interesting and bright wall decoration will give the room a unique charm and its own style.

The interior of the room is 18 sq. m. it is easy to improvise and embody your ideas, playing with color and focusing on contrasting combinations.

The color scheme is selected in accordance with personal preferences, but still you should not use more than three basic shades. A great idea is to put a color accent on one of the walls.

Avoid cluttering the bedroom with unnecessary items that do not carry a functional load. Let it be dominated by a fairly spacious, comfortable bed with a comfortable headboard.

Small bedside tables or a dressing table next to it are a necessary and quite sufficient attribute. If your bedroom has a balcony attached to it, you might want to consider how to combine it with the room. For example, make it an office or a storage area.

Lighting should be primarily functional, but additional light sources can be provided to create a more romantic stop in the bedroom. Suitable lighting built into the head of the bed, shelves, cabinet doors.

Children's room

Children's room with an area of ​​18 sq. m. can be conditionally divided into zones - for sleeping, playing, studying. The working area is equipped with a table and a chair according to the age of the child. In the play area, it is better to arrange upholstered furniture in the form of armchairs and pouffes, cover the floor for comfort with a fluffy carpet.

If the child loves sports and is active enough, the play area can also be equipped with a Swedish wall, where he can throw out his energy while doing physical exercises.

Traditionally, in the children's room are used: a wardrobe, a bed, a table with a chair, shelves for toys or books. Being engaged in design, think over the convenient arrangement of objects, choose safe furniture, without sharp corners.

Pay attention to the environmental friendliness of materials and their naturalness. Wood is perfect as a floor covering: parquet, cork.

If we talk about colors, then these are, of course, calm, pastel shades. Do not excite the fragile nervous system of a small child with too bright colors.

But you can bring a certain vivacity to the atmosphere by using a little bright colors in decor items, curtains or furniture.

Dorm room

Ideas for planning a dorm room 18 sq. m. should be such as to use the available space as rationally as possible.

This does not require special repair costs. You can easily arrange a room in such a way as to create several comfortable zones in it at once: a bedroom, an office and a living room.

With the help of a competent arrangement of furniture and decorative elements, you can zone the space. To get a studio room, by attaching a kitchen to the living area, combine them in a single style and decorate them in related colors.

Using transforming furniture that moves with the help of guides, the room can be transformed in a matter of seconds.

It's best to ditch conventional floor cabinets - they won't help you save space. You can successfully organize the storage of things using wardrobes, shelves and wall cabinets. Choose light shades for furniture and walls, glossy facades, mirrors.

The most suitable style for decorating a dorm room is minimalism. Let the furniture be as functional as possible, and the decor be discreet and devoid of obtrusiveness. When organizing a comfortable, tidy space for living, use only what is necessary.

Photo room 18 sq. m.

Interior design is often associated with beautiful style and quality furniture. Behind all this beauty is hard work, accurate calculations and a lot of patience. Much depends on the area of ​​​​the apartment or room in which the repair will be performed. Room 18 sq. meters - medium size, which allows you to place in it a lot of interesting solutions.

Room of 18 sq. m is considered typical when it comes to an apartment building.

Features of the design of a room with an area of ​​​​18 square meters. meters

A room of this size is the standard of many apartments. Basically, this is an ordinary square or rectangular room with one window and one doorway. There is a passage room, then there may be two passages. The presence of a loggia or balcony will be a huge plus. The most difficult thing that arises in the repair is the placement of furniture and zoning of the room. It is necessary to clearly distribute the furniture and each corner of the room.

Designers offer many options for the interior of such a home: from classic to minimalism and high-tech.

The room is 18 sq. meters you need the following:

  • Fill the space with a feeling of lightness.
  • Install enough light.
  • Make the visualization of the space bigger, the ceilings higher, and the windows wider.
  • Make style unique
  • Do not overload with unnecessary details

It is necessary to arrange the furniture evenly, highlight each zone separately, but in general, make everything harmonious. Use more light colors, they visually make the room larger.

Layout options 18 sq. m room

To determine the layout in the room, first you need to make a plan for placing all zones in it. Decide where there will be a recreation area, a guest area, a children's and work area, or even a dining area. Furniture should be oversized, moveable and modular. Then it will be easier to change the situation, if necessary. Here are the options.

The use of unusual solutions will help to make the interior fashionable and interesting.

Common room (living room)

If the apartment itself has other rooms and the area is large enough, then a separate hall-living room is allocated for spending time with guests. The most common thing that owners want to see is the presence of a sofa, two armchairs and a coffee table in the middle. To mark the boundaries, choose the desired width of the carpet and lay it. For a more modern look, so as not to be like everyone else, unusual elements are added to the interior. For example, select a wall with a TV. Lay out decorative bricks around the TV. Hang a big clock and stylish pictures. The sofa itself does not have to be placed against the wall, it can be placed in the middle of the room.

The criterion that determines the features of interior design is often the type of room.

Living room + bedroom

It is a common solution. There are several ways to organize a vacation spot:

  • Put not just an ordinary sofa, but a sofa bed. It will serve as a sleeping place and for general use. It's convenient and saves space.
  • Bed with lifting mechanism. Great design solution. When folded, it will be a cabinet that will not take up much space, because. doesn't have much depth. You can decorate it with mirror inserts, this will add a special style to the interior and an additional function. Unfolded classic bed.
  • Sleeping place on the second floor. Even without having a second floor, you can arrange it yourself. Above is a bed, which can be climbed with the help of a ladder. It installs side by side with little effort. A sofa is placed below the bed, thereby a seating area is allocated or a workplace is made.

A room of 18 sq. m can be found in the "Khrushchev", since this footage is considered traditional for living rooms in old houses.

Bedroom combined with an office

This option is suitable for those who have a separate room for the living room. Who spends a lot of time at home, he needs the presence of such a secluded corner. It is not necessary to strongly fence off the zones, you can simply separate the desk with the help of a bookcase. When choosing furniture, you should consider which side is closer in priority. If you stay in a bed, you can add cabinets around the edges, and put floor lamps next to it. If the workplace is more of a priority, then you should choose hanging cabinets above the table for documents and necessarily bright lamps.

A studio apartment and an ordinary room in a small apartment have a similar square footage.

Bedroom combined with a nursery

Each person should have their own place in the house. Children in the house means you should be responsible. There is a lot more space here. The main thing is to divide the room into two parts - children are separated from their parents. You can make a barrier. Or as an option - dividing the room with different wallpapers. You need to choose wallpaper carefully so that they are combined with each other. They can be without a pattern, just for painting or with the same ornament, for a general style. Same thing with the floor. The bedroom can be raised a little, it turns out a podium for the bed. Either divide the floor with different coatings or mark a symmetrical line in the middle. The children's area can be made brighter. Or with smoothly transitioning shades to the bedroom. The design of the room is 18 sq.m., in this version, it is necessary to think carefully.

They try to visually enlarge each of them and make it as functional and comfortable as possible.

Space zoning ideas

When zoning a room, the following solutions are used:

  1. In part, each zone is distinguished by elements of the interior or the furniture itself. For example, a bookcase will fill the room with comfort, while at the same time separating the work area from the bedroom. It should not be huge in the whole room, just define the border a little. Visually, it should look like this - in one corner is a bedroom, for example, and in the other is a living room. But in general, it looks harmonious and should be connected with each other by one style. Not free standing furniture.
  2. Use of multifunctional furniture. Folding table - can be placed anywhere. Make it an extra shelf by hanging it against the wall.
  3. Completely separate a certain area. Make a barrier of one part from another. It is simply installed in a certain place - a partition. They are made of drywall or plastic. Or in general, they attach a real concrete or brick wall.

The choice of furniture in a room of 18 square meters. m

First you need to decide what room will be in the end. Who will live in it. One person or two, or maybe a large family. Note! There are basic rules when choosing furniture. It is desirable that everything is combined with the color of the room itself. If there is transformer furniture, then this is a clear advantage. It includes - folding tables, chair-beds, wardrobe-bed, opening poufs and other furniture.

Partitions, podiums, niches can act as zoning elements.

Start your choice with a closet. You should decide what size it will be and where it will be located. The closet takes up most of the space. If necessary, it can be built into the wall, which will save a lot of space. It can serve as a dressing room, for this it is worth allocating about one and a half meters wide. If you take an ordinary one, then a closet is better. The doors do not open in different directions, do not interfere with other people walking nearby and also saves space.

Such a solution allows to implement many interesting ideas.

The most important piece of furniture is the bed. On it, all people spend most of their lives. Proper sleep is a source of good mood. It is better to make a decision in favor of a quality bed, you should not save on this piece of furniture. Let it be a little more expensive, but it will serve for many years. For a room of 18 square meters. m big bed is not needed. Before you go to the store for the bed, draw a plan of the room, mark out where it will stand, and indicate its dimensions. It may seem small in the store, but when placed in a room, it will be huge. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the actual dimensions. And most importantly, it is better to opt for a lifting mechanism. There will be additional storage space.

The design involves the use of laconic furniture, a minimum of details, lightness of construction and simplicity of decorating the ceiling and floor.

The sofa in the room is better to choose a corner one. It will save space, and for guests, there will be a place to stay. Especially convenient for those who often have guests. You can only use the sofa in the room, no bed. At night - a sleeping place, unfolded. During the day - for any purpose.

If two zones are allocated in the room - a bedroom and a living room, then one or two armchairs and a soft pouffe are enough. The armchair will add coziness and comfort to the room. Putting a small folding table near the sofa is an excellent end to the design of a room of 18 sq.m. Hanging shelves will add fullness to the room.

The recreation area is separated from the rest of the territory by glass partitions, plasterboard or foam block structures, blind curtains.

What if there are two sofas in one room? A design decision that won over many owners. If the room is intended for receiving guests or for a large family, in this case it is perfect! Sofas should be small. Be located close to the center so that everyone can safely walk to the window or to the exit. Sofas can be placed opposite each other or can touch sidewalls. In any case, it will be a unique design decision.

The ceiling for such a room is preferable glossy stretch.

Color solutions

Each person has their own preferences in colors. There is a rule of three colors. It can be only cold shades or only warm combinations. In any case, do not overload with a lot of colors. If you like gray flowers, then a white shade is ideally combined with it. The third color can be chosen from any of the cold palette, for example, purple. He add style and sophistication. A bright shade can be chosen in decorative pillows or paintings. Or choose a sofa in purple. The combination of shades create comfort, have an attractive effect and can even influence the mood. If the room is supposed to have more time to relax, then you should opt for warm colors. They will not strain, but rather soothe after a hard day.

The main thing is to use the rules of minimalism, while maintaining the smoothness of the lines and the uniformity of the decor.

Choosing a style for a room

For a beautiful interior, you need a competent combination of objects. Wall decoration, furniture, adding decor items should be kept in the same style.

Even a small room in an ordinary apartment can be turned into a real work of art, and the interior will not look too pretentious.

Popular types of styles:

  • High tech. Many designers and ordinary people prefer this style. Picking up furniture for him is not difficult. The style is reminiscent of outer space. An open layout and strict geometry are used. Metal and glass are often added. A feature of this style is the correct, interesting lighting. Unusual chandeliers and precisely directed shades to certain areas.

It is possible to use hidden lighting.

  • Classical. It can be called - palace style, without unnecessary luxury. The floor in such an interior is made by laying out elegant tiles or luxurious parquet. The chandelier is usually large, crystal, like in a palace. The presence of a fireplace is not a rare solution in a classic style. The decor in the room is filled with golden handles on the chest of drawers, large floor lamps, upholstered furniture with velvet upholstery.

The colors used are beige, gold and white.

  • Minimalism. The main basis is convenience and nothing more. It is better to take two basic shades. The color of the ceiling and walls should be combined with each other. In this style, you should rationally use the room. It leaves more empty space, a minimum of furniture. Chairs, sofa, tables - have the usual shape. No ornaments or extra details. Often blinds are used instead of curtains.

Suitable for people who like peace and conciseness.

  • Modern. Considered an expensive style. Assumes the presence of a large amount of natural wood. Smooth, curved lines on cabinets and chests of drawers. Mosaic and stained-glass windows are a frequent decoration of the interior. The room resembles an ancient museum, I want to look at every detail.

To create a visual effect of expanding the area, designers use light colors.

To start planning the design of a room of 18 square meters. m., you first need to decide on the style of the interior and what the room will be intended for. Based on this, you can start repairing. Use the help of specialists or do everything yourself - it's up to everyone to decide. The conclusion is this - you should rely on reviews of the materials that will be used in the course of work, observe the general style of the interior and, of course, rely on your preferences!

It is better to opt for pastel colors.

The hall (living room) is the most important room in any house or apartment. Here they relax, invite friends here. Therefore, an atmosphere of coziness and comfort should reign in this room. To achieve this, you need to properly equip it.

Design rules

At the head of the interior design of the hall is 18 sq. m should be simplicity, clarity of lines, conciseness. The best choice is a minimalist or classic style.

The combination of light walls and ceiling visually enlarges the space. The ideal solution would be muted, cold tones.

It is preferable that the surface of the floor covering be glossy. This will give the furniture lightness and airiness.

When choosing furniture, opt for transforming, functional models. Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of furniture products in various price categories.

Make sure the room is well lit. So it will seem more spacious. Place additional lights if natural light is not enough.

Arrangement of a rectangular hall

As you can see from the photo of the rectangular hall, the main design goal in this case is to bring the shape closer to a regular quadrilateral. This can be achieved with:

  • proper placement of furniture;
  • non-classical wall colors;
  • competent installation of the main and additional lighting fixtures.

The combination of light walls and furniture in rich colors looks interesting. Harmony can be achieved using a balanced palette of colors. It acts as a base for bright decorative details.

Important in the design of the interior of the hall 18 square meters. m is given to furniture. When choosing items for a hall set, you need to consider their practicality and functionality.

Don't clutter up the room. Get only the necessary furniture, for example, a set of a small sofa, a corner cabinet and a coffee table.

Today, the use of natural themes is especially relevant. This can be expressed in the application in the design of sand, green and burgundy shades. The role of the basic colors in this case is given to white and gray.

It will add space, airiness and lightness to a monotonous design, especially in light shades.

So that the monotonous design of the hall does not seem too sleepy and boring, dilute the interior with bright accessories.

Decorative elements will make the situation original and add individuality to it. As an example, picturesque cushions in Indian style will be a wonderful decoration for a sofa.

The use of even dark and dim colors is appropriate for a hall of 18 square meters. m. The main thing is to correctly combine them.

Distribute the tone range smoothly throughout the room - from a dark floor to lighter shades, and a snow-white ceiling will add light and prevent dark tones from visually narrowing the room.

A responsible approach requires the selection of furniture. It is preferable to opt for lightweight configuration models. Massive pieces of furniture are best replaced with light shelving.

Nowadays, consumers have the opportunity to choose suitable products from a large number of different models that differ in shape, size, design, price. The ideal option would be high-tech furniture.

You can add airiness to the interior with a set of glass. It can be a glass chest of drawers or a coffee table.

An integral attribute of any room is a sofa. As the photos of the hall show 18 sq. m, in a small living room the corner model will look best. It will save a lot of space.

An interesting solution would be modular upholstered furniture. Remember, the sofa for the hall must meet the following requirements:

  • have a strong upholstery;
  • have a non-branded color;
  • be comfortable;
  • its design must be reliable and strong;
  • its size must be in harmony with the size of the hall;
  • the design of the sofa should be in harmony with the rest of the situation;
  • sofa must be safe.


The ceiling in the hall is 18 square meters. m can be different: simple, multi-level, mirror. The latter option should be used with caution - if the room is narrow, then it can become like a canyon. The preferred color is white.

If you settled on a multi-level ceiling structure, then remember that it must be in harmony with the height of the room as a whole.

Spotlights can be mounted in the ceiling from several levels - this will add style to the atmosphere.

Even a small room can be made comfortable and cozy. You just need to use your own imagination and the recommendations of professional interior stylists.

Photo hall 18 sq. m.

People from all over the world, for various reasons, combine two different spaces in one room. Someone seeks to save space in other parts of the apartment, others want to create more comfort, which is easier to do within modest limits, while others are owners of small apartments, and this makes them look for a way out of the situation.

A room of 18 square meters is a standard solution in many panel houses. In this case, you need a design project to create the perfect renovation for a living room-bedroom of this size. Consider the main nuances of this process.

Layout Features

If you approach the issue of repair correctly, then an area of ​​\u200b\u200b18 square meters. m will be quite enough to connect the living room and bedroom on it, while creating a cozy atmosphere and a multifunctional interior.

First of all, it is important to correctly adjust to the original layout of the room.

As is known, rooms of this area can be square or rectangular. It is believed that it is easier to work with the second option, because it is more convenient to divide it into two spaces. However, a square room can also be converted into a bedroom-living room, observing certain proportions so that neither one nor the other part seems cramped.

There are a huge number of options in the matter of how exactly to divide the room. Previously, people could simply put the closet with the end part against the wall, the length of which is 5-6 meters, and now there are already two different ones in one room. However, with the development of various styles, designers are developing many ideas in the field of zoning the hall and bedroom.

For example, you can install a rack with a height growing towards the wall, it will not steal valuable space at all due to resizing. In addition, you will be able to dispose of a large number of storage areas, and any special design and books placed on the shelves will add coziness to the room.

Perhaps, the easiest way to combine a sleeping place with a common room is to purchase a sofa bed, which during the day plays the role of a place for gathering all household members, and at night becomes a full-fledged bed. This is a pretty good option that does not require large expenses, but it is important to constantly maintain a neat appearance of the room so that the living room does not resemble a bedroom and vice versa.

Many people prefer to build a drywall boundary structure, which is also considered a good option. It is only important to take care of its design so that this new wall looks as natural as possible.

They also use all kinds of racks of different heights, which in the future serve as a place for arranging decorative objects.

You can turn to the help of light curtains or a screen. Much depends on your imagination and the interior itself.

Thanks to modern technologies in the interior of the bedroom-living room, you can turn to the help of a transforming bed. At first glance, this is a simple closet, however, by pulling the right handle, you can transform it into a great bed. The closet literally falls out of the wall, and inside it is already a network of mattresses.

Experienced professionals suggest adhering to several factors in order to create a truly stylish space.

  • As you know, light shades visually expand the space, and this is exactly what we need when combining two zones. Therefore, do not be afraid to use white, milky, beige, light gray shades. Also, you will not lose if you prefer bright colors.
  • Sunlight is equally important when creating a spacious interior. If you have the opportunity, be sure to install large windows.
  • A huge amount of furniture placed throughout the room will not play in your favor. As mentioned above, make a choice in favor of transformer models.
  • The same applies to the dimensions of lighting fixtures - bulky chandeliers take up a lot of space. Choose mini models.
  • Shelving is a great option. They will not only serve as storage areas, but also make the space more “airy”.
  • As for visual effects, you can work with a visual increase in space. For example, use wallpaper with a vertical pattern to "raise" the ceilings.
  • A fairly popular zoning method is the effect of a bright wall. If one of the walls is brighter in color than all the others, it will highlight the bedroom or living room area, depending on your desire.


Style selection

For a bedroom-living room of 18 square meters. m is not suitable for every design. The interior should visually expand the room, make it more spacious, airy, and not create the effect of congestion, bulky forms. Therefore, the choice of style for the future bedroom-living room must be approached very carefully.

  • Classic characterized by the presence of elaborate, exquisite elements, facades with a huge amount of decorations, decor in the form of overall chandeliers, candlesticks, paintings and figurines. Of course, the classics are different, and recently they have ceased to be associated with a certain imperial style. In a small room, it is important not to overdo it with classic elements. Remember that it is better not to use massive chandeliers, stucco moldings on the walls and ceiling, upholstered furniture with decorations. The classic style can be used, but it is important to be very careful.
  • Modern style stands out from the rest with its convenience, minimalism and elegance. Beige tones are usually chosen for walls and ceilings. The furniture is made in warm, caramel, brown colors. There is always plenty of light. It creates a truly cozy atmosphere and at the same time there is simplicity and versatility. According to many designers, Art Nouveau is ideal for decorating a bedroom-living room.
  • High tech- no less successful solution for the design of combined rooms. There is no huge number of details, everything is simple and multifunctional. Shades are used darker, but this does not spoil the overall picture at all, because bright accents dilute it.
  • The bedroom-living room will also look good in scandinavian style, which is distinguished by conciseness, restraint, gratitude to nature. It contains cold shades of natural origin. Yellow, turquoise, blue and black are used as accents. For decor, only those things that create comfort are used: blankets, pillows, flowers in pots.
  • loft style inherent brick walls, concrete, open metal pipes. As for finishing materials, here often calm shades are in harmony with dark saturated colors, for example, blue, burgundy, black. All this creates a very bold, unusual atmosphere. But you need to be careful with the loft style, so as not to create an interior that looks more like a factory floor.


Space zoning

At the first stage of repairing the future bedroom-living room, it is important to consider the further separation of the two spaces, the place of each of them in the common area. It will certainly help you to create a cozy meeting room and relaxation room with a warm atmosphere. There are several ways in which you can create a unique interior for your bedroom-living room.

Many people combine the partition with the head of the bed.

  • Curtains. This method of zoning will give the room the effect of a certain weightlessness, give lightness. Moreover, you get the opportunity to change the situation by moving the curtains or connecting them. During the day, the bedroom and living room can be combined, and at night you can create an intimate atmosphere. Depending on the density of the fabric, the room will play with different colors.

  • Screens. They are made from various materials and come in a wide variety of designs. Screens are an original item in the interior, and since they are portable, you can easily change the interior of the room.

  • Shelving. A great option that will serve you not only as a way of zoning, but also as a storage for a lot of things, because a shelf for books or decor items will never be superfluous. Arranging all sorts of interesting gizmos on the shelves, you will add coziness to the room.

  • Playing with color. Different color schemes can visually divide one room into two rooms. You can do this by using different wallpaper or wall paint, making a smooth transition from one shade to another. You can also separate the two parts using furniture of different colors, or dilute the bedroom with some decor items, and the living room with others.

  • Height difference. An unusual way, which is to create a podium, where both the bedroom and the living room can be located. One of the types of transforming beds is also popular now: during the day, the furniture is hidden in the podium, and at night it slides out and becomes a full-fledged sleeping place.

  • Lighting. The original method of zoning consists in the different brightness of light in different parts of the room, that is, in the bedroom, for example, the appliances work dimly, and in the living room - at full power. You can also install hanging or floor lamps at the demarcation of spaces, which looks unusual, but in material terms is not so expensive.


As mentioned above, when repairing a bedroom-living room of 18 sq. m it is important not to "lose" the space, but to make it as wide and roomy as possible.

Standard shades do an excellent job with this task: beige, milky, light green or blue.

Here, of course, it is important to listen to your own intuition and choose the color according to your feelings, but there are still some basic tips.

  • To dilute the atmosphere of beige, add bright decor elements to the interior. Against a background of neutral beige, any color will look stylish.
  • Red is considered a rather aggressive color, so it is better not to use it for the bedroom area.
  • White will undoubtedly increase the much-needed space, but it is important not to overdo it in order not to turn the home room into a hospital office. Use softer colors: ivory or milky.
  • With the help of purple, you will give the interior a certain mystery. Darker shades are best used in the living room, and light ones are better for the bedroom. Thus, you will use the color zoning method.
  • Blue will look great in both the living room and the bedroom. Against the background of standard beige shades, it will sparkle with new colors.
  • Orange and yellow are quite active colors, so for their base it is better to use more restrained shades, for example, gray. In the bedroom, you can add only elements of decor in bright colors, and in the living room, pay more attention to unusual colors.