He put up a new sign gate. Why it is impossible to pass between two pillars: the reason for superstition, where did it come from? rational explanation. dark color fence

When the Page of Wands of Tarot falls during divination, the value of the positive aspect of this card can please people who love adventure. This card promises vivid impressions, but warns that you will have to take risks.

In the article:

Page of Wands Tarot - meaning in layouts

Page of Wands Tarot in upright position predicts some kind of challenge, test or test for the inner core. Your business is worth the risk. The fortuneteller needs to show perseverance and prove that he is worthy of the reward. In addition, the Page of Wands indicates the need for sports exercises. Now is the time right time in order to try to get involved in any sport.

This card denotes a person who is in the thick of things. He wants to do something great and dreams that his deeds will be remembered by descendants. The Page of Wands is distinguished by courage, enthusiasm, vigor and talent for what he loves.

Another part of the meaning of the Page of Tarot Staves is good news from relatives or friends. You will receive an email or phone call shortly. Profitable and interesting offers will come from other people. Now the best time to approve new ideas. The period is well suited to start work on any project.

There is a high probability that new opportunities will appear that may interest you. Most likely, they will be associated with going beyond the usual limits of interests, some kind of competition or competition, adventure or travel. It will be a bright event that you can remember for a lifetime, but it requires courage. The fortuneteller will have to take risks in order to get new impressions and test his abilities, but the risk is justified.

inverted tarot card Page of Staves promises adverse circumstances blocking the path to the goal. They can come as natural disasters or unexpected illness. In addition, unpleasant news from friends or relatives is promised, as well as unpleasant communication maybe annoyance due to being too dry or formal. Someone says unpleasant things about you behind your back and does not take you seriously. There is a high probability of deception by an unfamiliar person.

An inverted card gives a special warning regarding haste. A decision made without careful thought may turn out to be the wrong one. The consequences of a mistake will be serious. The fortuneteller or his close people behave like impatient children. Think carefully about your decisions so you don't fall prey to impatience. At the same time, indecision should be avoided, especially at work. Avoid boasting, now it can not be called appropriate.

What personalities does the Page of Wands Tarot represent?

The meaning of the Page of Wands Tarot is a hyperactive and very quick-witted child, or a young individual of either sex, full of energy. With highly likely this person is dancing or has chosen acting, writing, or another creative profession. However, he may well be a teacher, coach or athlete, politician, salesman or preacher.

This person loves to travel and often goes to places where he has not yet been. There is a tendency to narcissism and even narcissism. With a high probability, the person referred to belongs to the fire sign of the Zodiac - Leo, Sagittarius or Aries, and has dark hair.

Map upright means a person who will bring you good news. This is an optimist who is almost always in a good mood. This person has the makings of a leader, he is bold and energetic. With a high probability, the Page of Wands means your beloved.

Flipped over The Page of Wands represents someone who once broke your heart. It is also possible that this is any other person who is hungry for attention, speaks negatively about the fortuneteller and tries to suppress him. He cannot be trusted, he is superficial, boastful and unreliable. You are dealing with a gossip, a frivolous person who does not know how to keep secrets. Anything you tell him will be made public. Perhaps this card represents a person who will bring bad news.

Page of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The Page of Wands in the layout of love and personal life speaks of some exciting and exciting event. This applies to those who have been married for a long time, and to single people. The last card promises the appearance of a new partner. Regarding already existing relationships, some interesting event will enrich them and make them more intense and vibrant, wake up old feelings and get rid of the routine of family life.

In addition, some kind of adventure may happen in your personal life. It will be related to something you have never experienced before. Probably, the form of the relationship that the future promises you will be extremely unusual. Serious changes are also possible in existing relationships. With a high probability, they will be associated with the physical side of love, and the impressions will not disappoint you. It is also likely to receive news from a loved one or a love message.

In spite of positive value the direct position of the card, it still reminds you that you must take responsibility for the future of your union. Significance in the relationship of the Page of Tarot Wands, if the card turned out to be upside down- a certain conflict, disagreement, cooling of feelings. The reason for this will be the carelessness of the fortuneteller. Also, the card means turmoil in the sexual sphere.

Page of Staffs Tarot - meaning for self-development

The meaning of the Jack of Wands The Tarot advises the questioner to keep a close eye on the messengers and messengers. Soon you will meet a person who will change something in your worldview or give interesting idea. Don't shut yourself off from other people's offers to help. Get ready for something new and exciting.

The card promises some discoveries that will significantly expand your horizons. It could be a book, a film, a lecture, or a seminar, other than the highly likely conversation with a messenger. You will notice things that you have never paid attention to before, and new opportunities and ideas will seriously interest you.

In addition, the Page of Staves may indicate household chores that you will have to deal with in the near future. They will not be boring, but the result will be some ideas that will come in the process of fulfilling these duties.

Jack of Wands Tarot - meaning in divination for business and work

In the layout for work, the meaning of the Tarot card of the Page of Wands portends the receipt of an interesting offer. You will be glad to see him, new perspectives will undoubtedly arouse considerable interest.

The offer will be associated with a non-standard task. It may not fit with the position you hold or the normal rhythm of your work. Probably getting a new position or job. It may also turn out that this offer will be related to a trip abroad.

In general, they will offer you something unusual and quite attractive, in your understanding. The consequences of the completed task will be professional growth and a possible promotion through the ranks. Even if it seems difficult, it is better to accept the offer. You will be pleased with both the process of completing the task and its results, but on the way to success you will have to overtake all competitors.

If you're expecting a call about an interview or a new position, it's coming soon. In search of a job, a fortuneteller will succeed, despite a strict selection among many applicants. In terms of education, now is a very good time to start a new course or admission.

inverted the card speaks of indecision and lack vital energy. It affects your work. You should get rid of what takes your energy and does not allow you to restore strength. There is a high probability of rejection for representatives of creative professions.

Princess of Wands in Tarot Thoth

According to the descriptions, the Princess of Wands represents the earthly aspect of the fire element, the fuel for the Great Fire. It symbolizes the unstoppable attraction between combustible matter and fire, as well as freedom from fear, new opportunities and beginnings, and an optimistic view of the world.

The Princess of Wands is depicted naked and defenseless, but she still managed to defeat the tiger, which symbolizes fears and troubles. The feathers painted on the head symbolize the developed craving for justice and the perception that appears in those who have triumphed over fears. The wand of the Princess has a solar symbol.

The meaning of the Princess of Wands Tarot is victory over fears. you found yours strengths and you can use them with success. After defeating fear, you can decide on the next important life step towards the goal. In addition, the card recommends studying the state of trance and ecstatic types of meditation.

The Meaning of the Page of Wands Tarot Card in Combination with Other Cards

If the Page of Wands appears next to the Hermit card, this indicates that the offer must be rejected. Perhaps the prediction will be somewhat different - your offer will not interest a person you know.

The meaning of the page of wands in the upright position

Travel, trip, good news. Love for freedom, adventure, risk, travel, discovery. Education, wisdom, a keen sense of justice. The card speaks of new beginnings that can lead to great things. Act now and in the future achieve everything you aspire to.

The Page of Wands of the Tarot indicates news from a young friend, as well as information that will positively affect your enterprise. It can mean love and sympathy for a loved one.

  • indicates active young man who may have come with unexpected and good news, beloved
  • an attractive person, possibly a lover, may also indicate a messenger, well-wisher, confidant
  • energy, loyalty, new beginnings, ambition, intelligence, generosity

The Page of Wands Tarot is characterized by great energy, intelligence, resourcefulness and fidelity. These qualities are usually associated with a young man. The card predicts good news (either from some young man or about him), most likely unexpected. The Page of Wands also speaks of new plans, in particular, the energetic start of a new project.

The Page of Wands Tarot card portends possible help or moral support from a sensible young friend or relative. In addition, if you need evidence in your favor (in business or family affairs), then that person will give or may have already given it. Faithful friend, beloved. Expect news. Possible treaty will be favorable.

Reversed Page of Wands Meaning

Fear of the future, apathy, instability, deceit, bad news. The situation is extremely dangerous. Most likely, you have an enemy that can do some pretty serious damage to you. Do not lose vigilance, now you can trust only the closest people.

A cruel and limited person. Deception on his part is only a matter of time. You are advised not to have anything to do with him.

  • tyranny, bad news, misunderstanding, indecisiveness, fickleness
  • heart breaking event

The Page of Wands of the Tarot in an inverted position means a despotic warehouse of character, narrow-mindedness, ambition. These qualities can confuse any young person who has such a card in the layout. In addition, the reversed Page of Wands promises bad news for the Client or a belated onset of better times.

If the Page of Wands is a person, then he is greedy for what you have or want to receive, and therefore not trustworthy. Dangerous opponent. Bad news. Instability and indecision. Flattery that can disarm you.

inner meaning. Given to understand the direct position of the map

The Page of Wands of the Tarot can represent either a young man or a young woman, but with all the qualities of a King and Queen. He (or she) is very likely to have a sensitive nature, honest and loyal. The appearance of the Page of Wands tarot card in the layout indicates that you should expect some news or news.

If this card represents a certain person, wait for news from a young friend or relative; otherwise, it will simply be information or an event that will greatly affect your enterprise. There is also the possibility (if the Page of Wands is reversed or unfavorable) that this person will be a rival.

Secrets and mysteries have always attracted people. But, it is one thing to simply unravel or learn something new or interesting, and another to reveal the secrets of your future, to understand the causes of the past.

As a standard, a tarot deck consists of four suits: Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords. Depending on whose deck (who exactly the creator is and what school he belongs to), the names may change, but they do not change their meaning, only it is possible to reveal the meaning of the cards wider than in the classic deck of cards.

One of the images of the suit of Wands is the Page

The Suit of Wands and its Secret

For many, card fortune telling is a game or entertainment. But, not when using tarot. How many types of divinatory attributes can be named that have their own patron, constellation, element? There simply aren't any. As for this so mysterious deck, then each of its cards, each suit must necessarily have all of the above.

The suit of Wands is more than attractive and interesting. Her element is Fire. It has always attracted people with its bewitching beauty. The element and the suit itself are the patrons of aspirations and development. Look at the fire. He strives upward. He does not care where to go, the main thing is to move forward. So the suit of the Wands testifies to the aspirations of the fortuneteller.

Compliance with playing cards clubs, which complements the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsuit and value. There is not a single lasso that does not contain elements of the fire itself. Each under his auspices, only with different meanings.

  • We can say that this is a symbol of growth and a manifestation of the new, an incentive for development, initiatives and all types of vigorous activity.
  • It's an impulse, a passion.
  • It falls out in the layouts of people seeking to discover the new and the unknown.

As for the negative characteristics, this is the inability to wait, to constantly be in an irritated state.

  1. Fire can be kind and warming, or it can show the power of destruction and burn at any second.
  2. Usually, the presence of a suit in a layout speaks of a domineering, intolerant, but talented person.
  3. Dropping out a large number cards of this suit to a question or situation warns to be always ready for active and violent activity. Especially in this moment. It is necessary to learn to wait and endure, which is not characteristic of fiery signs.

The suit, as well as all other tarot suits, consists of digital arcana and images. One of the remarkable and interesting is the Page of Wands in tarot.

The general meaning of the lasso

One of the images of the suit of Wands is the Page. Next to him are the Knight, Queen and King. It is not necessary that in the scenario we will talk specifically about a person and his qualities. The Page of Wands tarot card can reveal both the outer and inner sides of events and the human soul. The suit affects each of its lasso, so if you asked a question about something important, about any business, then the advice would be “only risk”. Taking risks, a person can open up, become more persistent, learn to fight and win. Only with such qualities can victory be obtained and the reward will be yours. The page urges the fortuneteller to start doing some kind of sport. It is a healthy lifestyle, sport that tempers everyone in the face of difficulties.

The card indicates that the fortuneteller is already in the spotlight, events are developing rapidly and guessing right in the middle of everything that happens. His desire is to become great, such that not only contemporaries, but also future generations remember. But dreaming is not enough, you have to act. Otherwise, the fire will consume you. By itself, the Jack of Wands is characterized by stamina, courage, enthusiasm, energy. But, his main advantage is his determination and achievement of heights, since he has a talent for this.

You can decipher it this way: the news brought by a friend or loved one will be positive and successful. Very soon you will have a message or a letter. Any kind of news (SMS, email) will bring benefits and good luck in your business and in life. If you are waiting for an answer about a job or some project, then rest assured that luck is on your side. All undertakings have already been approved from above, and the Page brought you news about this.

Many opportunities and prospects will open up before the fortuneteller. They will not only be interesting, but also bring profit and good mood. But, be that as it may, all this will be in the form of travel, competitions and other interesting events. They will be bright and memorable, leaving a positive mark on a person's life. Everything requires risk and courage, otherwise it will not be easy to achieve your goals. Each risky step will be approved and generously rewarded.

The Page of Wands inverted promises trouble.

The Page of Wands inverted already promises trouble. Like most arcana. Everything that could be positive becomes the opposite - negative. Fire transforms into a monster with all its inherent destructive properties.

So this can be a signal that all your aspirations and hopes are blocked by invisible forces. Even your determination cannot help in this matter. Everything happens for completely independent reasons: illness or natural destructive phenomena. Pleasant messages are replaced by negative ones that will bring pain and trouble. They can relate not only to the personality of the fortuneteller, but also to his family, work and other moments and situations. If they were waiting or were looking for work, then falling out upside down, it signals that everything did not go as planned. Therefore, you can give up hope of finding a normal income or a good stable job. Intrigues are woven behind your back, you are discussed and slandered, but they will not say this in your eyes. So you can expect a dirty trick and deceit (even from friends or relatives).

The lasso can act as a signal or a warning about the haste of making a decision. Recommends not to rush yet and think it over well. Haste promises disappointments and problems in the future, and quite serious ones.

  1. Before deciding on actions, deeds and other risky activities, weigh everything, but as a recommendation, it is better to abandon all ideas and proposals during this period.
  2. But, in working moments, it is necessary to be able to maneuver and be able to act correctly so as not to harm yourself and others.
  3. You need to choose such an option for solving problems so that there is no risk, but also so that your actions are not considered indecisive.
  4. Boasting and making yourself a "king" should not be done, you can harm your reputation.

What is the Page of Wands

The Page of Wands tarot card represents a person who has his own character, thoughts and can act or be inactive. Since in most cases Jacks in tarot indicate childhood or a teenager, it can already be understood that, having such a patron as Fire, the child will have such qualities as:

  • activity;
  • quick wits;
  • speed;
  • full of energy;
  • leader.

Such a person must have talent. He loves to be creative. For example, draw or play music. It is possible that she is engaged in dancing or attends a theater studio.

For such a child, the profession of a teacher or a politician, a salesman or a priest is suitable in the future.

But, there are also such features as narcissism and the use of others for their own purposes. He does this not to mock anyone, but in order to once again prove to himself that he is higher and smarter than the rest.

He has a love for travel, new places and a beautiful vacation right away. As for the zodiac, these are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. For such a person, dark hair is a must.

Let's move on to the provisions

The Page of Wands in the tarot and its direct meaning characterizes a person who always brings good news. He is optimistic and always finds a way out of any situation. Leadership qualities help in life and in business, and courage and energy - for the implementation of plans. For girls, it can mean a loved one (if he has dark hair). If so, then you can't let go of this. Behind such you will be, as behind a stone mountain.

As for the inverted position, here we have a person with the same qualities, only with a minus sign. His favorite pastime is to break the hearts of girls and make them suffer. A sort of Casanova, only selfish, self-confident in his rightness and despotic. There is another option as well. This person wants to harm the questioner, the main task before him - to suppress and humiliate. People with such a lasso are by no means trusted. His frivolity will harm everyone around him and the fortuneteller in the first place. He likes to lie and brag, and is also a big gossip and intriguer.

The last meaning is a harbinger of bad news. And some brown-haired man will bring them.

The Page of Wands in the tarot and the meaning in the layout of relationships also have a certain inversion

What relationship is expected

The Page of Wands in the tarot and the meaning in the layout of relationships also have a certain inversion. Everything that the card will carry in the upright position is the complete opposite of the inverted meaning.

For love and relationships, this lasso promises prosperity, adventure, passion and a sea of ​​exciting events. No matter how long you've been living together or dating, your couple will have a rich relationship (in a good way). If you don’t have a partner yet, it doesn’t matter either. The card carries information about the imminent acquaintance, which will also be exciting and exciting, bright and rich. Gray everyday life will be over, now your life is full of exciting ideas, travels and walks.

And also the card promises an extraordinary adventure, after which the sensations will remain wonderful and good. If the relationship is long, then your partner may decide to move to a new level of relationship (not necessarily a wedding). But even if it's not an important event still won't be disappointed.

If your loved one is at a distance from you and have not seen each other for a long time, then most likely there will be news or a letter from him.

But no matter how positive and wonderful meanings the Page attracts you, he recommends being more careful and not taking risks in vain, as well as taking full responsibility for your actions and actions.

Deeds and deeds

This is the harbinger of new and interesting projects and tasks. If you are looking for a job, then you will not only get it, but you will also be delighted with it. In the layout for work and business, the lasso promises many new interesting proposals that are quite realizable, but require active and decisive action. New opportunities and prospects are now open to the fortuneteller.

The page also considers a promotion or qualification. There is even a chance to find a business proposal that is not quite in the specialty, which promises favorable moments in life and at work. It will be associated with trips and interesting acquaintances.

Be that as it may, but all proposals or projects, contracts promise success and attract with their novelty and possible improvement in career or material terms. Even if it sounds strange and unattractive - rest assured that this is just the beginning. After your consent, everything will change completely and for the better.

Be on the lookout new job, but where did the most severe selection turn? It's okay, Page guarantees success in this difficult matter. You will be chosen for your excellent leadership qualities and ability to work.

Not enough energy and desire - that's what the Jack of Wands says in an inverted position. Your fatigue and pessimism will bring unnecessary anxiety to life and work. When looking for a job, you don't have to wait to find it quickly. And if you find it, it won't work for you.

Look at the nearby

As you might have guessed, the Page of Wands or, if you take Crowley's cards, the Princess of Wands, is a good card if in a straight position. But, we should not forget about the cards in the neighborhood.

  • If it coincides with the major lasso "Chariot", the fortuneteller can go and pack his bags. He is waiting for a trip or a trip abroad.
  • For students, the neighborhood of the Page with the Hanged Man or the Tower is of particular danger. In the first case, the exams will fail, and in the second, they will be expelled from the educational institution.
  • In combination with Swords, all meanings will relate to news, both bad and good. For example, with the Queen of Swords - about a divorce, with a dozen - an order for dismissal or expulsion is ready.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the Page of Tarot Wands is a positive card that can reveal all the secrets about a person and about his future events.

The most traditional meaning of the Page of Wands is a traveler, a messenger, a good friend, an emissary, a foreigner, a long-awaited news, a messenger with news. He is like one who, striking the floor with his staff, announces the arrival of a new guest at a ball. This card speaks of the emergence of a new movement in a situation that seemed to have completely reached a dead end, of the awakening of new interest and enthusiasm, a new look at things. This may be a small situation of “challenge”, temptation, a test for an addicted nature, a test of strength, an unexpected exciting event (other spread cards can indicate the scale), an attractive chance. The Page of Wands brings creative enthusiasm and a desire to go in a new direction. In the period he describes, we are besieged by exciting new possibilities and ideas, eager to develop and implement. In accordance with the suit, they usually relate to business, work, career, promotion, self-realization.

Heralds or Pages personify the inspiring vistas that open up to us on life path. Wands are the element of fire, and the chance that opens up here is in the form of some exciting idea or proposal, which we enthusiastically accept. Usually this is an opportunity to go beyond the usual sphere of interest, an invitation to an adventure that requires courage and a desire to take risks, a bright stroke against the backdrop of gray everyday life. It may well be, for example, participation in a competition, a sports competition, some other opportunity to test your strength, some unusual experiences, a small "discovery of America." This is a period of creativity, change, the spontaneous beginning of something new, an exciting expectation of something. This card may advise you to wait for a stimulus from the outside, some kind of "hot news", important information or an exciting proposal from outside that will influence the undertaking and awaken a new desire to work.

If in the layout there is not a single Figured Arcana older than the Page of Wands, this may indicate that we are not yet ready for active actions in order to fulfill your plan. It is worth waiting for a while, after which it will be possible to again make an attempt to “break through to the goal”. It would be premature to plunge headlong into new events - there is not enough maturity. Neighboring Arcana can tell about a favorable or unfavorable outcome of plans. And first of all, one should be guided by the meaning of the Major Arcana - it is he who describes general position affairs. At positive character such an Arcana (for example, "Star" or "World"), you can take a chance and take on the implementation of your plan. Otherwise, no matter how attractive the offer may be, this is not a reason to immediately blindly agree.

Mischievous and sparkling. Naive and enthusiastic. Spring in the heart, joy of life, spontaneity and inspiration. The card can describe a reckless attitude, good mood, fun and euphoria. In the state described by the Page of Wands, we are ready to rush into the whirlpool of adventure, we are ready to meet the unknown, we welcome freshness and novelty in any manifestations.

Like the Knight, the Page of Wands is impulsive, impulsive, and spontaneous. He is cheerful, open, spontaneous, prone to improvisation, and radiates an exciting and enchanting spirit of liveliness. He does not have such indefatigability and competitiveness as in the Knight, but he also likes to show off and acts without preparation (unlike, for example, the Page of Swords, who will definitely build a system of moves for at least three steps, think over what exactly should lie, so that they believe, and what to keep silent about, so that later they drop it with an innocent look at the right moment). It does not yet have that confidence and power that the Knight of Wands radiates, but there is a seductive youth. These are the primary manifestations of courage, beauty and strength, which will certainly develop into more, if nothing interferes. In spirit, this is a hyperactive teenager who finds it difficult to sit still, he wants to try everything at once, and immediately receive recognition of his exclusivity. The combination of attractiveness and inexperience, seductiveness and immaturity can play a bad joke on him and make him a bait for older people who want to take advantage of him.

The traditional formula that describes this Figure Arcana is: a sane young stranger with good intentions, an honest person loyal to the questioner, a courageous and honest protector of others, a self-confident sensible friend who can be trusted. The Page of Wands is an example of a young man of the type about which it is customary to say: "with good inclinations." It is not yet entirely clear whether these promising inclinations will be realized in something concrete, or whether they will remain undisclosed. This is an energetic inspired beginner, an enthusiast, but with a schoolboy approach and a somewhat infantile attitude to business and life in general. According to tradition, the Page of Wands personifies a creature that is still immature in age or life experience, but with excellent inclinations. A good portrait is a young, dynamic, optimistic, full of enthusiastic willingness to learn new things, a first-year student. He is in a subordinate position, but is ready to make his way to the top, driven by "fiery" ambitions.

Pages in Tarot are not the highest, but the purest energy of their suit. Wands, they are Staves and sometimes also Sceptres, personify the element of fire - yang, masculinity, energy, impulse. It is also a symbol of fertility, prosperity and creative power, associated with the ancient symbols of the lingam and phallus. This is the highest suit, the highest rhythm of life and self-realization of a person, and the Page still only dreams of expressing himself through these energies (in almost all decks he looks at the top of the Staff, studying it and being proud of it). In the esoteric plan, it symbolizes action at the level of pure ideas. It is followed by the color of water. But in simple maps clubs are the lowest suit. This is what distinguishes the sacred from the profane. Here the suit of Scepters is the last in the ladder of suits and its symbol is gaining life experience.

The prototype of the wand is a shepherd's staff, common since ancient times among the Eastern peoples. With such a staff, Moses pastured the flocks in the country of Midian, and the staff of Moses was destined to become a sign of salvation and pastoral power over the people of Israel, and the same power was then associated with the staff of Aaron. Appearing to Moses in Burning Bush(note - the element of fire), the Lord imparted miraculous power to his staff. With a rod, Moses parted the waters of the sea; with a rod, he drew water from a stone. The Wand is associated with spiritual power, wandering and preaching, the power to guide and call. In connection with the biblical tradition, a magic wand appeared in fairy tales.

According to Tony Wolf, the Page of Wands personifies the archetype of the "divine child", both narcissistic and vulnerable, like a god on earth. It is a fragile source of creativity, pouring out joy, light and wonder, and in need of protection.

The Page of Wands - the youngest of the Figured Arcana of the Wands, personifies the fiery energy of life, spring awakening. He has warmth, enthusiasm and other typical fiery characteristics: ambitious, cheerful, creative, enterprising, easily gaining popularity, able to captivate others. At the feet of the King of Wands sits a living salamander - an elemental or spirit of the element of fire. In the case of the Page, it has a symbolic character, turning into an ornament that adorns his shirt. This is a sign of ambition and a desire to be a leader, but so far they manifest themselves mainly through attracting heightened attention against the general background, as to an outstanding bright person (the situation may well take place in kindergarten, sports section or student group). The Page of Wands literally "declares itself", knocking with a wand - I'm not like that, I'm special, look at me! Am I not the best, or can't I be the best?! He passionately wants to get ahead, surprise, become a favorite, a favorite, and for merit and by right, and not out of sympathy or sympathy (which may well be the case in the case of the Page of Cups). If there are not enough rights, merit or talents, he will strive with all his might to charm the elders, using, depending on age, the ability to make laugh and entertain, wit or sexuality.

The Page of Wands is prone to narcissism, so there is a danger of falling into narcissism. He himself creates obstacles for himself, and he still has to overcome them in order to finally correctly evaluate himself.

The Page of Wands is a card that combines Mercury and Venusian influences with a slight Jupiterian touch. This is the childish side of the soul, curious and creative, capable of looking at the world with joy and hope, and contemplating joy, truth and beauty in everything around.

A chance to do something fun. This is a work that opens up new perspectives for creative expression and inspiration, valuable new experience, initial exploration of new spaces. The opportunity that presents itself in the layout through the Page of Wands should be regarded as a step in the right direction. The Page of Wands often speaks of the initial phase of a business and the need for training.

Enthusiasm in work, impulsive enthusiasm for projects, student fresh outlook on life, persistent and enthusiastic willingness to learn new things. beginning, professional education, apprenticeship. Thirst for new experience, the desire to do what you like, the desire to achieve success. Ambition, courage, determination, intelligence, ambition. "Teaching with passion", the beginning of a professional career, business promotion. The search for understanding, the thirst for honest achievement of goals.

The desire for recognition encourages this "earth aspect of fire" to express itself through bodily aspects, for example, through dance, fashion, posing. Dancer, actor, model, travel enthusiast.

Advice: wait for news, new information, new people and new ideas. Explore all the opportunities that open up and learn inspiration from life's prospects. Take the initiative, be the first to reach out to achieve what you want, let you know about yourself and your intentions. The more confidence and inspiration will be invested in the business, the better the result will be.

Card trap: an infantile mood that does not allow you to build either serious plans or normal relationships.

The enterprise and investments have a chance of success, but their potential has not reached its full development, everything is just beginning. The card indicates that you need to be more creative in dealing with issues of well-being and not be embarrassed to learn something new, as well as being in the roles of ingénue, beginner, beginner, journeyman - it will pay off.

One of the traditional meanings of the Page of Wands is a young man from a good family who is looking for a mate; beloved, and worthy of trust. However, modern tarology is somewhat skeptical about the last epithet, rather believing that this is a “one-night lover” (the Knight of Wands will last for a series of nights, but one cannot count on his constancy either).

There is more enthusiasm here than actual love. Crowley points out that in the case of the Page (Princess) of Wands, behind a strong sexual impulse lies an inability to truly exchange, a lack of genuine emotional involvement and sincere dedication. This happens in the case of stormy youthful love, when he himself initial experience seduction is perceived as an achievement and a kind of social victory, almost regardless of who exactly he is associated with. The card describes sexual attraction, passion, excitement, flirting, primary desire, a “spark” that has slipped through, and what of this spark will flare up and flare up, other cards of the layout will show. It is difficult for the Page of Wands to be loyal. Like a newly married or new parent, he does not really realize the full magnitude of the task of marriage or parental duty, despite all his enthusiasm (or precisely because of it). This is a typical state of the neophyte - all the tests are yet to come.

Crowley noticeably shifts the focus of the Page of Wands' quivering readiness for new experiences towards sexuality and passion. This is a spontaneous, childish desire to give free rein to instincts, not caring about feelings (they are still far away). This impulse reaches its maximum development in the Knight of Wands (the next stage), whose insatiable libido literally sweeps away everything in its path, but the ability and art of love comes only to the Queen of Wands (the water aspect of fire finally involves feeling). Like the Knight, the Page of Wands burns with passion exactly as long as a new Great Love meets on its way. He is full of hopes and expectations, open to everything, but does not take any responsibility. His youthful adventurism wins the heart, but his moral qualities lack depth. However, unlike, for example, the Page of Swords, there is no duplicity in the Page of Wands as such - it is simply fickle.

If the Page of Wands becomes the partner's significator, then it represents a young (at least in soul) person who currently lives one day, dreams of seducing the object of his interest and enjoying any sign of attention. He can easily be enraptured, and he is just waiting for this moment.

The action of the reversed Page of Wands can be compared with the action of Saturn afflicted by the unfavorable aspects of other planets. This is a boy with a red beret on one side - an undeveloped character, a weak position, deprivation, a simulation of a firm position based on an ardent desire to develop this position in himself - someone who cannot rely on himself due to dilettantism, negligence, lack of concentration. Egocentricity and arrogance compensate for his feelings of anxiety and inferiority. The fire of this Page is unstable, unbridled and poorly controlled. This is a mannered, superficial individualist, a theatrical troublemaker, emphasizing his superiority and pretending that he has seen everything in the world.

Indecisiveness, inconstancy, confusion, psychological unwillingness to play by the rules, infantilism in actions, childish antics. What was conceived, at some point in time got the wrong move, apparently, the very first step and the first impression made were unsuccessful. Plans, it seems, are not destined to become a reality, and if they still manage to materialize, then with results very far from desired. The same applies to hopes for certain other processes "launched" by someone else. As a rule, these are relatively minor losses and missed opportunities.

Misunderstandings, circumstances that will prevent the implementation of good intentions: illness, strike of transport workers, nature, weather ... Curiosities, predicaments and situations about which one can say: “Anecdote!” One of interesting values inverted Page of Wands - text, legend, chronicle, review, review, story, history.

It is generally accepted that, falling out in a layout in front of a card representing a man, the Page of Wands testifies in his favor, saying that we can trust him and count on him. If the Page of Wands falls next, then the previous male card symbolizes a strong opponent, brave, decisive, extremely ambitious. Perhaps this also applies to "female" cards.

Behind the Chariot is the upcoming journey.

Behind the Court - major acquisitions, purchases.

With Peace - a long journey.

Elena Troyanskaya

Judas Maccabee, who led the Jewish uprising against the Syrians


"Only youth has the right to crown a poet with a laurel wreath"

"Forewarned is forearmed".

"Conscious of your insecurity and youth, trust in your strength, bold conviction in your ideas, your vision."