Garage interior decoration. Methods for insulating an iron garage The best way to sheathe the walls of a garage

Worth worrying about. In addition to vehicles, the garage often many other important things are stored– spare parts, tools, household utensils waiting to be used.

Sometimes this room plays the role of a huge family storage room. And all the things in it must be kept intact- in the form in which they got there.

Why do you need garage lining inside?

Finishing the garage will keep the room dry and warm. The creation of such conditions is necessary to save things located in the garage, as well as vehicle safe and sound.

If finishing work is not carried out, the humidity in the room will always be high.

Dampness will contribute to the beginning of the rotting process car, the appearance of rust on its spare parts. Tools and other things stored in the garage will also deteriorate.

Finishing work is intended not only to create an aesthetic appearance in the garage, but also to maintain hygienic conditions in it. And working in a warm, well-maintained garage is much more comfortable.

Material requirements

The main requirements when choosing a finishing material are having the following properties:

  • fire resistance;
  • resistance to the effects of substances containing chemical elements;
  • increased strength and durability;
  • the material should be easy to clean even from the most difficult contaminants;
  • resistance to deformation;
  • resistance to absorption of odors.


Like in the garage a lot of work is being done with various chemicals, finishing work must be carried out from exclusively high-quality, proven materials. Let's take a closer look at how you can decorate a garage.


Plaster - began to be used for finishing work less and less, as it is very difficult to work with her, especially if there are no special skills. In damp and cool weather, this material dries completely only after a few days.

Suitable for both wall and ceiling decoration. Make a neat and high-quality finishing plastering yourself will most likely not work and you will have to hire a specialist.

Plaster tends to burst from temperature changes. Over time, the appearance of such cladding deteriorates greatly - the plaster becomes dull and quickly becomes dirty. Getting rid of dirt on plastered walls is not easy.

Plastic panels

Working with this material is a pleasure. Their installation is quite can be done independently without spending additional funds for specialists. The panels can be washed with clean warm water or with the addition of detergents.

They can be used to decorate walls and ceilings, as in the photo, but It is desirable that the garage space be heated, or was well insulated. Just like plaster, plastic panels tend to crack due to temperature changes.

But this type finishing works is the fastest– the garage can be ready for use just a few hours after the start of installation.

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles ideal for wall decoration in the garage. But not everyone can work with this material.

The disadvantage of decorating walls with ceramic tiles is that impressive weight, which not every wall can withstand, but only very stable ones made from high-quality building material.


It is usually used to produce façade lining, which does not apply to flammable materials. This type of cladding board does not allow moisture to pass through and is easy to clean if dirty.

How to do the finishing yourself?

Whatever building material you choose when finishing your garage, you need to know how to work with each of them, where to start and what finishing stage should be next.


Floor preparation is initial stage when carrying out interior finishing work in the garage. For finishing the floor Porcelain tiles are mainly used. But they only lay it on a concrete-filled, perfectly flat, completely dry floor.

The tiles are attached using a special glue that is resistant to temperature changes.

If the concrete used to fill the floor is old and chipped, you can use a leveling mixture to level it. But before that, the floor is thoroughly cleaned of debris and dust, and then cover it with a special primer - it is applied with a roller.

While applying the leveling mixture to the floor All windows and gates must be closed. The mixture is applied using a leveler only after the primer has completely dried.

Watch this video to see how to finish a garage floor with porcelain stoneware:

After preparing the base, you can begin laying the tiles. On a small area of ​​the floor (no more than 1 sq.m.) flat, not glue is applied in a thick layer and level it with a spatula.

Then the tiles are laid one by one, inserting a special cross between each, designed to maintain equal spacing between tiles.

If necessary, the tiles are cut with a special machine, but It is recommended to leave these parts near the baseboard, to the appearance laid tiles looked aesthetically pleasing. In order not to “move” to the side when laying, you can stretch transverse ropes over the floor.


Before decorating the ceiling, you need to make sure that moisture will not penetrate into the room through the ceiling and heat will not escape.

Plastic panels are often chosen for its cladding. The reason for this is lightness of the material, because you have to work with them at heights. They are also economical and practical.

They are attached to the ceiling on a prepared frame. To ensure it is assembled correctly, you need to do the following:

  1. Produce precise markings along the entire perimeter of the ceiling.
  2. If the garage has a slope and all its corners are at different heights, first use a water level to determine the lowest one– it will be counting.
  3. Also, using a water level, this height is marked on the opposite wall, in the same corner.
  4. Received two points need to be connected to each other using a rope and take measurements at the same height in the remaining two corners.
  5. As a result, 4 ropes should be stretched along the perimeter of the ceiling at the same height, along which the frame is attached.
  6. Every wall needs attach guide metal profiles, which are secured with dowels.
  7. The intermediate frame elements are attached to the guide profiles at intervals that will be equal to the dimensions of the panels. But this distance should not be more than 50 cm.

In the following video, watch how to sheathe a ceiling in a garage:

The panels are inserted into the prepared frame with a shim into the groove of the previous element. The most difficult ones to secure are those that should be located against the wall. If necessary, they can be cut to desired size retreating from the side that will join the wall.


The walls can be lined with plastic panels that easy to clean when dirty. They are attached to a pre-prepared wooden or metal sheathing (its base is a metal profile).

Above the floor (departing from it by 2 cm) and above the ceiling attach longitudinal bars or metal profile, the length of which should be equal to the length of the wall. The sheathing is attached strictly level to avoid further distortions.

If vertical cladding with panels is chosen, then markings are made starting from the beam or profile located above the floor. Measure every 50 cm - this is place of fastening of the transverse battens.

After making a few marks using a level measure a straight line and draw a straight line with a pencil from the floor to the ceiling - according to this drawing, the transverse fastenings for the panels are attached.

Under the ceiling and above the floor you can place a trim strip, which will help decorate the upper edges of the panels.

When the sheathing is completely ready, begin fastening the panels. If necessary, they are trimmed with a hacksaw under the desired height. Panels start attaching from the far corner relative to the garage entrance, inserting the top and bottom of each into the sheathing strip.

Every next plastic element they are also first inserted into the upper and lower strips of the sheathing, and then into the groove of the previous panel, while snapping the clamps. For reliability, each panel is secured on the clamping side with several self-tapping screws.


Before you begin decorating the inside of your garage door, they need to be insulated, since most of the heat from the garage escapes through them.

It is better to use polystyrene foam, since its thermal conductivity is minimal, which means it is stronger than other materials retains heat in the room.

The inside of the gate is covered bitumen mastic and then paste them over vapor barrier membrane, then isolon - it is a foil film 2 mm thick and intended to create a hydraulic barrier.

After preparing the gate surface, start installation lathing for future cladding. If this is selected façade lining, then the sheathing can be mounted from either wood or metal.

Guide beams or metal frame profiles are attached approximately 2 cm from each edge of the gate. This is necessary in order to ensure air circulation under the lining. Also, such fastening will help preserve the lining in its original form and will not allow it to change shape.

To the guides intermediate elements are screwed frame. The distance between them should be equal to the size of the lining.

In the spaces between beams or metal profiles attach foam sheets, cutting them under right size if necessary. In order for the foam to hold securely, it is glued to the waterproofing material. polyurethane foam or liquid nails.

Next we move on to the sheathing itself. Each cladding board to the frame fastened with thin nails, which are driven into the grooves. You can also fasten the lining only using clamps, but the option with nails is more reliable.

To choose facing materials for garage interior decoration need to be taken seriously and select them in accordance with firefighters and hygienic requirements. It is also necessary to take into account financial capabilities.

Watch this video on how to insulate a garage door:

Every car enthusiast dreams of a garage, which will become not only a reliable “home” for his favorite car, but also a warm, equipped workshop for work at any time of the year. Decorating the garage inside is one of the most important standing questions, since it should not only give a neat and cozy view this room, but also correspond to the features of the structure, taking into account its operational focus.

Today in the construction market there is no shortage of finishing materials - there is a wide range of wide range with different characteristics and cost levels. Therefore, from this variety it is quite possible to choose an option that is suitable in all respects for decorating a garage space. To decide which finish is suitable for your maximum degree, it is necessary to consider the basic requirements for facing materials for such technical structures. An important selection criterion will be what appearance the garage would like to receive as a result.

Requirements for finishing materials for a garage

For each of the surfaces inside the garage, you should choose a cladding that will be able to withstand a certain load, environmental influences, and the aggressiveness of the technical equipment commonly used in this room.

The requirements for finishing garage surfaces can be characterized as follows:

  • Garage floors must be able to withstand high weight loads.
  • The wall finishing material is highly resistant to mechanical stress, including impacts of varying strength.
  • To cover the ceiling, you need a material that has a certain strength and resistance to various fumes.

General requirements for garage finishing materials consist of the following points:

  • Fire resistance of the cladding, since various flammable substances are usually stored in the garage.
  • Resistance of surfaces to chemical influences.
  • Resistance to any, reduced or critical increased level humidity.
  • Resistance to temperature changes - this is especially necessary if the garage does not have heating.
  • An important criterion is the ease of cleaning of the cladding and resistance to abrasive effects, since fairly heavy contamination in the garage is not uncommon.
  • Long service life of the material.

In addition to the mentioned performance qualities, the finishing should have at least a minimally aesthetic appearance, since it is always more pleasant to work not only in a safe, but also neatly decorated room.

Garage finishing materials

Based on the characteristics mentioned above, you can analyze various cladding options and take into account their advantages and disadvantages.

Concrete finishing

Plastering walls and pouring concrete screed floors are a traditional finish for a garage space. This approach fully complies with most of the criteria discussed above, and the material itself holds up well on walls made of brick, concrete or aerated concrete blocks.

To the positive qualities of such simple finishing These include fire resistance, strength, durability, resistance to mechanical stress, ease of repair if such a need arises, and the ability to achieve the intended look using painting.

Of course, this method also has its disadvantages:

  • These include, first of all, the labor intensity of mixing the solution and leveling it on the surfaces of the walls.
  • To finish walls and floors cement-sand plaster, it is necessary to have some skills as a finisher, since minor defects in such work can appear within a few months, at the first temperature changes - this is usually manifested by the appearance of cracks, swelling, peeling or crumbling of the material.
  • In addition to the laboriousness of applying and leveling the mortar and arranging the screed, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that this is a rather “dirty” process that requires large-scale cleaning upon completion.
  • Having decided to choose this type of cladding, you should immediately take into account the fact that decorative finishing of plastered surfaces will also require expenses, which will extend their service life and give them an aesthetic appearance.

Plastering walls yourself is not an easy task.

Plastering walls requires good work skills and a certain dexterity. Therefore, if you decide to try your hand at finishing garage walls like this, it is recommended that you first familiarize yourself with the “basics” of the technology by following the link to the article dedicated to it.

Concrete garage floor - a reliable foundation

A concrete screed on the garage floor can act as a final covering, or act as a reliable basis for laying other material. How best to arrange it, including with high-quality ventilated inspection hole– read in a separate publication on our portal.

You will also have to level the floor with a screed if ceramic or modular tiles are chosen as the floor covering, the installation of which requires a flat, durable surface. However, for a wooden garage floor, a concrete base will also not be superfluous.

Prices for plaster mixtures

plaster mixtures

Using drywall

Instead of the “wet” plastering method, to level the walls you can use the so-called “dry plaster”, better known to everyone under the name. GVL sheets can be fixed directly to the wall using special glue or on metal frame. The latter option is used in cases where the surface has large distortions or if it is planned to be insulated. True, this will be to the detriment of free space in the garage.

To decorate garage walls, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant plasterboard, designated GKLVO, is usually used - it is classified in the lowest flammability group G1. Sheets of this material are painted gray-green and have red markings on them.

Drywall, like all materials, has its pros and cons.

The first include:

- relatively not heavy weight sheets;

— ease of installation;

— in comparison with the “wet” method of applying plaster, the process of fixing sheets to the wall and ceiling takes place without unnecessary construction debris;

affordable price on the material itself and on installation work;

- with certain preparation, plasterboard can become flexible, and it can be used to cover not only flat surfaces, but also arched structures, as well as two-tier ceilings complex configurations;

- gypsum, located in the sheet structure, tends to absorb excess moisture when high humidity air, and if it is dry, give it to environment;

- you can create partitions from sheets of plasterboard by attaching it to a frame - this is important when you plan to separate the garage small room for changing clothes or for a mini-warehouse or workshop;

- on walls lined with this material, you can attach any decorative finish, ranging from relief plaster and ending ceramic tiles.

The only disadvantage of finishing walls with plasterboard installed on a frame is the low impact resistance of the sheets. If the sheets are lined with durable material, such as ceramic tiles, this drawback will be insignificant.

In the case where the garage is not planned to be insulated, or thermal insulation will be mounted on the outer surface of the walls, and the interior will be finished with plasterboard, then it is better to use frameless installation technology.

Is it difficult to attach drywall to walls without a frame?

In some ways, this is even easier than installing frame sheathing. – read in a special publication on the portal, which describes both the technology itself and the necessary materials.

In addition to leveling and finishing walls, plasterboard is perfect for covering the ceiling. Using it, it’s quite easy to make the ceiling plane perfectly flat and smooth. To create suspended structure, on which the cladding will be fixed, a special metal profile is used.

Drywall prices


Smooth ceiling in the shortest possible time!

This article contains not only instructions for installing frame elements to the permanent ceiling surface, but also for electrical wiring, as well as installation lighting fixtures, built into a plasterboard structure.

Garage finishing with ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles almost perfectly meet the requirements that must be met when choosing a finish for a garage space.

The tile gives neatness to surfaces, it is waterproof and fireproof, and can also be easily cleaned both with dry cleaning and with detergents, and it will not be damaged by small abrasive particles included in cleaning compositions. Properly laid tiles will become a reliable surface covering that will withstand high loads.

For cladding a room such as a garage, it is recommended to use clinker or porcelain stoneware finishing materials, which have high strength and a matte, non-slip surface. Of course, if you want to save money, you can also use ordinary ceramic tiles for the walls, matching them in color to the clinker floor covering. In addition, you can decorate with high-quality tiles only the lower part of the walls, which is more susceptible to dirt and damage, and leave the top plastered and painted, choosing paint to match the tiles.

The disadvantage of ceramic wall finishing is its rather large weight and relatively high price both on the material itself and on its installation. Therefore, before planning a purchase, it is worth obtaining information about the cost of tiles in the region where the garage is located and calculating the required quantity.

The finishing material is mounted on well-plastered surfaces and an ideal screed, so in general such cladding and preparatory activities it won't be cheap.

Want to take on the challenge of laying ceramic tiles yourself?

We will try to help our reader in matters of choosing the optimal tile and calculating its required quantity, with the selection of glue and with detailed description installation work. All these questions are in the portal publication.

Decorating garage walls with clapboard

Another fairly popular group of materials for finishing the walls and ceiling of a garage is lining - made of natural wood or plastic (PVC).

This finishing material (according to its design data) has a number of positive qualities, which include:

— ease of installation on a wall or on a sheathing fixed to a permanent surface;

— the ability to install panels both vertically and horizontally, at the request of the owner;

— the design of the sheathing under the lining allows you to create a gap into which, if desired, polystyrene foam or mineral wool can be installed.

The physical and technical characteristics of linings made from different materials vary significantly. Therefore, before you choose one of them, you need to decide which one is more suitable for finishing the garage.

Wooden lining

Panels made from natural wood, when used as cladding for a garage, have their advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of wooden panels include their following characteristics (provided that the wood has passed high-quality processing protective compounds- and fire retardants):

— frost resistance;

— flame retardants significantly reduce flammability to category G2;

— resistance to mechanical stress;

— durability;

— environmental cleanliness;

- wide selection of natural calming color shades and textured designs.

The obvious disadvantages of untreated wooden lining include:

- high hygroscopicity, and as a consequence - the likelihood of the appearance of mold colonies and further destruction of wood fibers;

— susceptibility to damage by insect pests;

— difficulty in cleaning the surface from oil and gasoline stains;

— high flammability of the material, determined by group G4;

- not too long service life.

Since wood is a natural material, it has a higher cost than PVC panels, regardless of whether it has passed protective treatment or not.

It should be noted that if it is possible to purchase untreated wooden lining high quality, then you can save a lot of money by “bringing it to mind” yourself. For this purpose, a special impregnating composition is purchased, which includes fire retardants and antiseptic components. This product will significantly reduce the flammability of the material, protect it from pests, and also give it a pleasant warm shade. If protective agent If applied in two to three layers, it can even replace a varnish coating. Although, for the terms of use wood paneling in the garage, a layer of varnish will also never be superfluous, as it will protect the cladding from absorbing oil stains and allow for wet cleaning of the walls.

How is wooden lining installed?

Even a novice master who has not previously performed such operations should be able to cope with such a task. It is described with all the details in a special publication on our portal.

You can immediately note that PVC lining, also used for cladding walls or ceilings, is mounted according to the same principle.

Can also be laid on the garage floor plank covering. Tongue-and-groove boards are also connected to each other using the tongue-and-groove principle, but, naturally, they have a greater thickness, which can vary from 35 to 50 mm, since the maximum pressure falls on the floors, taking into account the weight of the car and dynamic loads. The boards are the same as wood panels for walls, must go through a cycle preliminary preparation. However, it must be fairly noted that wooden floor for a garage cannot be considered the best covering option.

Plastic panels

PVC panels, like any building material, have their disadvantages and advantages, which you also need to know when choosing cladding for garage walls.

First of all, it should be noted that for the conditions under consideration, it is recommended to purchase material intended for cladding facades or specifically for the garage, since it has more suitable characteristics, especially considering the fact that most often this room is unheated.

So, the advantages of PVC cladding can be called its following qualities:

— plastic lining is easy to clean from various contaminants;

— the light weight of the panels simplifies their installation, which can be done on a frame sheathing or directly on the wall;

— low hygroscopicity, that is, the finish practically does not absorb water;

façade panels tolerate temperature changes well, except extremely low ones;

— a variety of colors and patterns, including imitation of wooden texture;

- aesthetics of the material;

— does not require additional processing and painting;

— fairly high strength;

— it’s easy to replace single, accidentally damaged lamellas without dismantling the entire casing;

— low cost of finishing;

- Possibility to carry out installation yourself.

The disadvantages of plastic lining are:

- at very low temperatures the material becomes brittle and can break under mechanical stress.

If you plan to install the lining on the sheathing, you need to take into account that the area of ​​the garage will decrease by approximately 60÷70 mm on each side.

Installation of plastic lining is accessible to everyone

The most important operation is to correctly install the frame sheathing, and further actions already resemble a game of children's construction set. Read how installation work is carried out in a separate publication on our portal.

Sheathing walls and ceilings with OSB sheets

Garage walls that are insulated from the inside can also be covered with plywood, or even better, with OSB sheets (oriented strand board), consisting of several layers of thin wood shavings that are relatively large in size.

Manufacturers use different materials as binders for crushed wood - these can be resins coniferous trees and paraffins or formaldehyde resins. In any case, the polymerization of these substances is completed 2–3 months after the sheets are manufactured, and therefore the evaporation harmful substances stops after approximately the same time, and they will no longer pose a significant danger from the point of view of formaldehyde emissions.

Table of permissible characteristics of OSB panels (sheets):

IndicatorsUnit of measurementSheet thickness in mm.
6÷10 10÷18 18÷25 25÷30
Tolerances of nominal dimensions in length and±3±3±3±3
Squareness, maximum deviationsMmm2 2 2 2
Humidity% 2÷122÷122÷122÷12
Density variation within one sheet% ±15±15±15±15
Formaldehyde content according to EN-13986Class E1 maximum 8 mg/100 g;
Class E2 maximum 8÷30 mg/100 g.

OSB (in foreign abbreviation OSB) is divided into several types and have digital designation from 1 to 4. For cladding the walls and ceiling of the garage, you should choose OSB-3 or OSB-4 sheets, since their characteristics best suit the conditions of this room.

OSB-3 is the most used type of material. It has fairly high strength and average moisture resistance, but if the sheets are used in unheated rooms, they must be pre-treated with moisture-repellent compounds.

OSB-4 is the most durable type, which can be used for both interior and exterior decoration. The material perfectly resists external influences and tolerates temperature changes well. True, the price for this type of OSB is significantly higher than the cost of all other varieties.

The positive qualities of OSB-4 also include the following:

— Low level of moisture absorption, so the sheets do not deform, swell or become moldy under the influence of high air humidity.

— Long service life.

- Light weight and... in this regard - ease of installation.

— Good thermal and sound insulation performance.

— Antiseptic additives included in OSB prevent biological decomposition, the appearance and development of microflora and insect nests.

— Affordability, compared to many other types of cladding.

The disadvantages of OSB include the maximum flammability category of the panels - G4, as well as the above-mentioned emission of formaldehyde included in the binders. However, for garage conditions even class E2 will be quite acceptable.

OSB lends itself well to painting, but the panels must be primed first. In addition, walls covered with such material can be lined with ceramic tiles or “flexible stone” mounted with tile adhesive. Such finishing will be for walls additional protection from contamination and will increase overall fire safety.

Video: Another option for cladding garage walls - corrugated sheets

Modular floor covering

Modular garage floor coverings are one of the relatively new varieties finishing materials, which are produced at on a different basis- these can be plates made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and rubber.

PVC floor modules

The practicality of such a coating is undeniable, and this is especially true for PVC panels, since they are designed to withstand heavy loads and any mechanical stress. Moreover, the modules can be laid not only in the garage itself, but also on the site in front of it, of course, if the building is located in a closed area, or the coating will have to be fixed to the surface using special glue.

Modular PVC boards are characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • The material is resistant to high and low temperatures from -30 to +50 degrees.
  • A great advantage is its complete inertness to petroleum products and technical fluids traditionally used in garages.
  • Easy to install and dismantle the slabs - the installation technology does not require special skills.
  • The garage can be used immediately after laying the covering, since it does not require any period of drying and strength gain (except in the case of installing the slabs with an adhesive solution).
  • High strength of the coating – both to static and dynamic and impact loads.
  • This type of coating does not require special training foundation, the main thing is that it is level, stable and durable.

  • The slabs are installed on concrete or wooden base, and the modules can be glued with special glue or even laid without rigid fixation.
  • Modular PVC coating- it's environmentally friendly pure material, therefore it is often used even in children's institutions to decorate the floors of halls or cover outdoor playgrounds.

PVC modules can have a pronounced relief or simply a rough surface. In any case, it does not slip, which is very important for the floor. unheated premises at negative temperatures. Although many slabs have a textured surface, they are easy to maintain using dry or wet cleaning methods.

The variety of colors of modular slabs allows you to create a multi-colored coating, which makes it possible to create an exclusive garage design. Vibrant colors, well matched to each other, will to a certain extent raise and maintain the working mood. In addition, a floor covering made in this way will add neatness and decorativeness to the garage space.

Rubber modules

Rubber modules have characteristics no worse than PVC plates. They are also used for garage floors, as well as sports grounds and even for registration garden paths. Modules may have different connections or fit like a puzzle, like some models paving slabs. Material produced different thicknesses, but any of them fits well even on not entirely flat surface, taking the form of small smooth depressions.

Prices for OSB sheets

OSB sheets

Rubber tiles, depending on their configuration, can be glued to the surface or simply laid by interlocking the modules with special locking connections.

Rubber flooring has positive qualities that also meet the previously discussed requirements for garage finishing:

  • High wear resistance.
  • Environmental safety.
  • Inert to various chemical compounds.
  • Easy to maintain and repair.
  • The safety of the coating, as it does not slip at any temperature.
  • Principles of installation of modular floor coverings

    If it is decided to use PVC or rubber modules for cladding the garage floor, then it is necessary to prepare a reliable, solid base, and most often this role is assigned to a concrete screed.

    With a new screed, everything is quite clear, but in the case when it is planned to cover the floors of a garage that is already in use long time, then you will have to first strengthen and clean the surface well.

    • If old screed If it is painted, or there are oil or gasoline stains on it, it is not necessary to remove them - they will not interfere with the installation of modules in a “dry” way, that is, without the use of glue.
    • In order for the modules to lie flat, it is necessary to remove various protrusions from the surface, and also check for the presence of metal elements protruding from the floor - nails, crutches, pins, pins, etc. They will need to be cut down to the general level.
    • If, after inspecting the screed, significant depressions, notches or cracks are discovered, it is recommended that they be carefully repaired.
    • The next step is to clean the floor surface from construction debris and dust, and this is best done with a powerful construction vacuum cleaner.
    • Since in a garage there is always a possibility of water getting on the surface of the screed, even if there is a floor covering, then concrete surface should be treated with a water-repellent penetrating primer.

    Installation modular coverings, both rubber and PVC, is carried out approximately the same way. To complete this job, you only need a wooden or rubber hammer. If the modules will be mounted with glue, then you need to prepare a notched trowel.

    The laying of modular slabs starts from the corner of the garage, and a gap of 5÷12 mm must be left between the walls and slabs - this is necessary to compensate for the linear expansion of the material during temperature changes.

    After laying the slabs, this gap must be closed with a plinth, otherwise dust and dirt will collect in this recess. To frame the covering along the walls and at the entrance to the garage, you can purchase special additional elements, which also have connecting locks.

    If you decide to make do with a regular plinth, then from the slabs laid in the first row along the walls, you need to cut off the edge on which the protrusions of the connecting locks are located. Such cuts are easily made with an electric jigsaw.

    The shape of the connecting locks may be different, but the protruding parts of one module are always installed accurately, without distortions, into the grooves of another, laid nearby, and then tapped on top with a rubber hammer.

    The entire floor covering is installed in the same way, but if the last slabs do not fit in size, they can also be adjusted by cutting them with a jigsaw.

    Modules can be stacked in different ways:

    • Without displacement, that is, the edge of one of them is attached to the other along its entire length. If this option uses slabs of two colors, it looks like a chessboard.

    • With a half-module offset, when the connection of two slabs of the previous row is located in the middle of the edge of the next slab. That is, in this case the principle is used brickwork- in a dressing.
    • Diagonally across the room. This installation method is more complex, and this installation leaves too much waste, since the outer modules will have to be trimmed.

    Caring for this type of flooring is quite simple. Regular tidying of the floor can be done using a vacuum cleaner, a broom, and also using regular wet cleaning.

    Finally, it should be noted that nowadays there are quite a lot interesting materials, and every year new ones appear that can also be used to decorate the walls and floor of the garage. When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account the criteria mentioned above, the feasibility of its use in the conditions of a particular region and taking into account the specifics of the garage itself. The accessibility of installation work should be assessed on our own, and, of course, your financial capabilities.

    At the end of the article - another video in which the owner of the garage shares own experience finishes:

    Video: Experience of making your own garage

    Many motorists think about appearance garage for car storage. Some people like a regular metal box, while others want to make the room more comfortable and comfortable. It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with how the interior of a garage is finished so that you can arrange everything yourself.

    Before you start finishing, you will have to familiarize yourself with what it includes. Finishing work, based on the location where it is carried out, is divided into two main categories.


    Many people are interested in how to sheathe the walls of a car garage from the outside. TO exterior decoration they take it more seriously than internal ones, since the safety of the structure depends on the quality of the work performed. If you use low-quality material for cladding, it will quickly deteriorate under the influence of temperature changes, sunlight and atmospheric precipitation.

    Before performing exterior finishing of garage facades, you need to familiarize yourself with the nuances of choosing the appropriate material. Experts advise buying products that have the following properties:

    • high degree of resistance to high air humidity;
    • low level of surface abrasion;
    • resistance to mechanical stress;
    • reliable protection from sudden changes in temperature and exposure to sunlight;
    • resistance to low temperatures.

    Experienced builders advise purchasing materials that are used only for exterior work. Often purchased for this wood siding, lining or special moisture-resistant plaster.


    A car garage should not only be safe, but also comfortable, so that a person can stay in it longer. It is for this purpose that interior finishing work is carried out, which will make the room for long-term car storage more attractive.

    The finishing that is carried out inside should be done using the most suitable materials. Therefore, when choosing them, pay attention to the fact that they are:

    • Resistant to chemical and mechanical influences. Such building materials more durable, as they are quite difficult to spoil.
    • Non-flammable. Fire-resistant building materials heat up slightly, thereby reducing the likelihood of fires.
    • Resistant to the spread of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms dangerous to humans. Many motorists spend a lot of time in the garage, and therefore there should be nothing in it that is harmful to health.
    • Unpretentious in care. For the finishing of walls and ceilings, materials that are slightly dirty are selected.

    How to decorate the inside walls and ceiling

    There are various options for materials that are used for DIY interior wall decoration. Therefore, they choose in advance what to paint the walls with, and also determine what is suitable for their cladding.


    Many people prefer to decorate their walls with plaster, as it can last for several decades. Its advantages include heat resistance and low cost.

    Before applying the plaster mixture to the surface, you need to check the temperature inside the garage. It should not be below five degrees, since at low temperature indicators plaster does not adhere well to the wall.

    PVC panels

    Wall panels made of plastic are considered universal, as they are used for external and internal finishing work. The advantages of PVC products include a high level of protection against mechanical damage, as well as ease of maintenance and installation. Such panels can be installed in two ways: on wooden frame or directly to the wall.


    To create an attractive interior inside the garage, its walls are tiled. When arranging a garage, some people use tiles, as they cope with high humidity and temperature changes. The tiles are also easy to clean from dirt and do not become deformed. Its only drawback is considered to be low strength.

    Plywood sheathing

    Builders recommend using plywood only for interior decoration of garages, since the material is poorly protected from high humidity. To increase its moisture resistance, you will have to carry out pre-treatment plywood with special protective agents.

    Wood finishing

    Among the most famous facing materials is wood. For cladding the walls in the garage, choose wood that does not contain toxic substances.

    Before use wooden materials treated with fire-fighting agents to increase heat resistance and an antifungal solution.


    Some use plasterboard systems with increased fire resistance and moisture resistance for cladding. Among the advantages of drywall are its low cost, ease of installation, flexibility and light weight. The main disadvantage of the material is considered to be its poor impact resistance, due to which plasterboard surface subject to mechanical damage.


    When covering the walls of a car garage, some people use clapboards made of plastic or wood. The advantages of this facing material include:

    • possibility of horizontal and vertical mounting;
    • ease of installation of the product on a frame or wall;
    • resistance to temperature changes.

    Made of metal

    The metal profile is considered durable and strong. He also copes with mechanical influences and temperature changes. However, despite all the listed advantages, builders do not advise using the material in high humidity, as it quickly rusts.

    Corrugated sheet

    This good material, which is often used for interior wall cladding in garages. It, like metal, is susceptible to corrosion and therefore cannot be used at high levels of humidity.

    Floor treatment

    When decorating the interior of a garage, not only the walls are treated, but also the floor. Various facing materials are also used to finish the floor surface.


    Wood is often used as flooring for garages, as it has a number of advantages. These include:

    • Environmental friendliness. Wood is an environmentally friendly material with antistatic and hypoallergenic properties. Because of this, many people use it to cover floors in living rooms.
    • Versatility. Wood flooring is universal, as it looks great in any room.
    • Thermal insulation. Wood is considered a good thermal insulation material.

    Disadvantages include rotting due to moisture and susceptibility to insect attack.


    Often in garages they make a concrete floor surface, which has the following advantages:

    • increased strength;
    • wear resistance;
    • resistance to humidity;
    • resistance to oils, fuels and other chemical liquids.

    Among the disadvantages of concrete flooring is the difficulty of creating a floor. It is better to entrust such work to professionals who have repeatedly made concrete floors in car garages.

    Asphalt and ceramic tiles

    Asphalt chips are used to finish the area that surrounds the garage. Some motorists use it to finish the flooring inside the garage. This material is resistant to cold and moisture, and also provides a high level of adhesion of car tires to the surface.

    Not a bad replacement asphalt crumbs Consider ceramic tiles that are resistant to temperature changes and humidity. Ceramic products are divided into five classes, differing in their quality. For garages, class 5 tiles are used, as they are the most wear-resistant.

    Self-leveling floor

    Before you make a self-leveling floor in a car garage, you need to figure out what you can fill it with. To do this you can use:

    • Epoxy products. In the manufacture of such products, resin and quartz sand are used. Coat your floor with epoxy to make it durable and strong. Such coatings are waterproof and protected from chemical elements.
    • Polyurethane compounds. Polyurethane flooring is characterized by durability and strength. They are often used in rooms that are not heated in winter.

    Features of finishing heated and unheated rooms

    Before you get started finishing works inside the garage, you need to understand the peculiarities of working in rooms with and without heating.

    It is no secret that at very low temperatures mold and fungi form on surfaces. They interfere with the work and therefore you will have to clear the walls and floor of them in advance. Then you will have to raise the temperature in the room to at least 10-15 degrees, since finishing is contraindicated at low temperatures.

    If in the future the garage will not be heated, materials resistant to high humidity and low temperatures are used for wall cladding. In this case experienced builders recommend using PVC panels for walls and asphalt pavement for the floor.

    In garages that are equipped heating system, you can use any materials for finishing the floor, ceiling and walls.


    Many car garage owners have to deal with their interior decoration. Before you begin, you need to understand the specifics of choosing and using facing materials.

    For many car owners, the garage is not only a place for storing and repairing them, but also a favorite place for free time. The interior decoration of garages is not so much aesthetic as practical.
    First of all, the garage should be dry and warm, especially if there is a basement in which vegetables and canned goods are stored. In addition, high-quality flooring and wall decoration inside the garage greatly influence its cost.
    And this is a good reason to think about how to decorate the inside of the garage.

    Before finishing the walls and floors, special attention We focus on the garage ceiling. It is from it that water often drips after a good rain.
    In order to avoid this, and not waste future finishing, you need to take care of high-quality waterproofing.

    • This is especially true for those garages that have a flat roof. And this is exactly what it is in standard concrete and brick garages located in garage cooperatives.
    • It is clear that if a person built separately standing garage on the territory of your home ownership, which provides pitched roof, in progress roofing works waterproofing was also carried out.
    • On flat roofs, water can stagnate, which leads to the need for quite frequent replacement of roll roofs. roofing materials, used there. To avoid leaks inside the garage, it is better to take additional measures.
      And this can be done: both in a building under construction and in an operating one.

    • Using a waterproofing compound intended for seams, treat the joints of the floor slabs and the places where they abut the walls, covering the surfaces by 10-15 cm. Next, the joints are glued with reinforcing fiberglass tape.
    • After this, the entire surface of the ceiling should be treated with a universal penetrating primer. If necessary, the same composition can be used to treat both the walls and the concrete base of the floor.
      Such waterproofing is carried out once, and it is enough for the entire life of any building, including a garage.
    • The composition can be ready-to-use, or dry, which will need to be diluted with water, as prescribed by the instructions. The cost of the dry composition is slightly lower; it is better to purchase it if you have to treat both the walls of the garage and basement- that is, a large area.
    • This waterproofing allows you to perform any decorative coating. If there is no need to insulate the ceiling, you can simply trim it with panels.
      The simplest polystyrene tiles will do, but you can choose a more expensive option – ceramics.

    • In the photo above, not only the ceiling, but also the walls and floor are covered with ceramic tiles. Concrete slabs They have a fairly flat surface, so there will be no problems with gluing the tiles.
      With the same success, the ceiling can simply be plastered and painted.

    If the ceiling needs to be insulated, it is better to choose any frame method finishing. After all, it is very convenient to install insulation into the cells of the sheathing.
    Usually in a garage both the ceiling and walls are sheathed the same way. Therefore, we will tell you how and what to decorate the inside of the garage in the next section of our article.

    Wall decoration

    Many garage owners prefer to make do with only rough wall finishing. Most often, this is plastering.
    If you have the skills to do this kind of work, everything is much easier. All that remains is to purchase dry plaster mixture and the necessary tools.

    A metal garage performs many useful functions. Caring car owners park their car inside it for the winter, other people simply store their summer harvest, and still others equip the box for a workshop. All these goals will be successfully realized if the garage is well insulated from the inside.

    The minimum temperature for such a room is considered to be −5 degrees; Otherwise, the vegetables will rot, it will be cold to work there, and condensation will form on the car, causing rust. Therefore, it is advisable to insulate an iron garage from the inside in order to effectively retain heat.

    Suitable materials for insulation

    Traditional materials and new products, the quality of which only a few have been tested, can significantly increase the temperature inside a metal garage. Examples good insulation materials are:

    • polystyrene foam (the most common material, characterized by low cost and ease of use);
    • penoizol (liquid form of the above, with a durability of over 40 years, good water resistance, fire resistance);
    • astratek (another liquid insulation; material applied in a 1 mm thick layer is comparable in quality to a five-centimeter layer of mineral wool);
    • polyurethane foam ( durable material with a minimum service life of 50 years);
    • mineral or basalt wool (soft, inexpensive insulation, second in demand after polystyrene foam).

    The listed materials are almost the same in quality, and the demand for one or another is usually determined by price. Therefore, polystyrene foam and mineral wool are considered the most popular.

    Having decided on the choice of material for insulating the garage from the inside, you can begin preparatory work.

    Required Tools

    It is advisable to insulate the garage in warm time years, but sometimes the situation forces work to be done at sub-zero temperatures. Here there is a need to insulate the box quickly and reliably. To use time efficiently, the following equipment is prepared in advance:

    • electric drill;
    • mask and gloves (protective);
    • welding machine;
    • building level;
    • screwdriver;
    • self-tapping screws;
    • metal scissors;
    • tape measure from 5 m;
    • staples and furniture stapler;
    • wooden blocks for the horizontal crossbars of the sheathing;
    • steel profile.

    If all of the above is present, it’s time to start insulating the garage from the inside.

    Preparatory stage

    For internal lining metal structures First of all, you need to take care of anti-corrosion treatment. To do this, you need to clean off any rust that is present on the surfaces with a metal brush, carry out patch repairs (of a specific small area) if necessary, and then paint the surface with a special anti-corrosion solution.

    Sometimes the right question arises - how to insulate metal garage for a long time if the surface is treated? The second important factor in ensuring comfortable conditions inside the garage is the creation of ventilation. It should remove air from the garage, replacing it with fresh air. Otherwise, the accumulation of gases will cause condensation, which will negatively affect the load-bearing structure garage, car or stored food.

    After waiting for 1-2 days for the applied anti-corrosion solution to dry completely, the insulation of the metal box from the inside begins. It is advisable to carry out the work in the following sequence - insulate the walls, then the ceiling, the gate with a wicket, and, if necessary, the floor.

    Insulation of garage walls and ceilings

    The process is discussed using an example basalt wool. This material has the following characteristics:

    • low thermal conductivity;
    • durability (from 50 years);
    • affordability;
    • preservation of qualities when humidity increases inside the garage;
    • comfort in working with the material;
    • mildew resistance;
    • environmental cleanliness;
    • non-flammability.

    Sequence of internal wall cladding mineral insulation next:

    1. The location of the sheathing is determined, and the amount of material required is calculated depending on the area of ​​the sheathed surface. A steel profile is better suited for the frame, since wood collapses faster when interacting with moisture. Also, the latter material “leads” when slightly wet.
    2. Vertical guides are installed. The distance between them should be 1-2 cm less than the width of the insulation so that it expands and efficiently takes up space. To strengthen the structure, crossbars are placed horizontally every meter, which here can be wooden.
    3. The installed sheathing is surrounded by a membrane or other waterproofing material. The joints are taped, and the film is attached to staples (a furniture stapler will do).
    4. The insulation is placed inside the sheathing from bottom to top. There should be no gaps.
    5. Layer vapor barrier material applied on top of the insulation (roofing material or polyethylene film are suitable).
    6. The final stage is covering the sheathing. Made with non-flammable material; An example is steel siding or drywall.

    It is important to take into account that when covering the garage from the inside, the space narrows. The insulation should not be too bulky.

    When covering with foam plastic, you need to take into account some features of the material. It does not expand like cotton wool, so there is no need to make the distance between the frame guides 1-2 cm smaller. It is better to create the sheathing in blocks, the dimensions of which exactly match the dimensions of the foam. If there are any defects, the walls should be leveled first. It is also advisable to use an L-shaped profile and attach the insulation sheets with glue.

    Working with liquid materials will be inconvenient, so it is better to line the top of the garage with foam. The fixation method is similar to that previously discussed, but there is one caveat - you should take care that there are no holes in the roof of the box. If there are any on help will come welding. As with walls, when insulating the ceiling, a layer of foam plastic is located between the hydro- and vapor barrier layer.

    Entrance trim

    Insulating walls will not be beneficial if cold air enters through the cracks of the entrance gate or wicket. The situation is easily solved by using rigid insulation such as polystyrene foam. First the gates are insulated, then a small front door in them. The sequence is:

    1. The metal surface is treated with protective mastic. Expanded polystyrene is not afraid of moisture, however, when opening the gate, raindrops or snow can get into the cracks between the material and the iron sheet. This should not be allowed.
    2. Attach lathing profiles along the perimeter of the gate.
    3. Lock on assembly adhesive polystyrene plates, it is advisable to apply penofol (foil-based material) on top of them.
    4. Execute wooden sheathing for installation of cladding. Provide a distance of about 30 mm between the future lining/plasterboard/other cladding material and polystyrene foam, so that there is an air gap.
    5. Fix the cladding to the sheathing.
    6. Perform similar actions with the gate.

    Floor insulation

    Sometimes there is a need to insulate the bottom of the garage. For example, if there are large gaps or the importance of the caisson (cellar). A suitable material would be polystyrene foam, on top of which a material is applied that prevents its destruction from human movement. Follow these steps:

    1. Level the surface, remove cracks and holes with putty.
    2. Prime the floor twice if it is concrete.
    3. Make lathing from steel profiles.
    4. Apply a layer of waterproofing.
    5. Apply glue, put foam on top of it, press it to the floor.
    6. Screed the floor special solution. Extracted granules are added to increase strength.

    Carrying out the operations described above will allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside the garage. Even a beginner can master the process, and the result will be the safety of the car, food or other items of value stored inside the box.