The tile is foam plastic. Foam ceiling panels: size, types. Installation of foam tiles on the ceiling

It's no secret that in our time in almost any industry there is a huge amount of materials that compete with each other for the greatest distribution and popularity. And the sphere of construction and repair is a clear proof of this. Both stretch and suspended ceilings, as well as those made from other materials, are popular here. If you are interested in ceiling tiles, foam will be one of the best materials. It is about him that we will talk today.

We will discuss why foam plastic ceiling tiles are popular now and will not lose their relevance in the near future, consider their manufacturing technology and some of the disadvantages. We will also make sure that foam plastic ceiling tiles have not lost their relevance.

Distinctive features and diversity

Sticking ceiling tiles in most cases means making your ceiling more modern and attractive. Styrofoam ceiling tiles, although not the most common type of ceiling finish, are still not going to lose ground and have the same market share as before.

Ceiling tiles happens different types, and the features of each depend only on. First of all, it is distinguished by its shape.

Styrofoam ceiling tiles can be:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • diamond-shaped;
  • hexagonal.

The most popular products are square shape, which have become, figuratively speaking, the standard of all materials for pasting the ceiling. Indeed, it so happened that it is the square shape that is one of the most natural for a person, without distracting him from work and other activities.

It is also divided into several types according to the type of front surface:

  • simple;
  • laminated;
  • waterproof;
  • embossed;
  • painted under the texture of wood, leather or stone;
  • with imitation of carving or stucco.

The type of surface is individual for each room and depends on its purpose. For example, in a bathroom, nothing can replace waterproof tiles, otherwise moisture will seep through the surface of the ceiling and spoil the materials inside it. In the kitchen, laminated tiles will look good, which will enhance the shades of the applied paint.

And yet the tile differs in the way it is made:

  • stamping method (stamped);
  • sintering method (injection);
  • and extrusion method (extruded).

Basically, the first two types differ in their thickness. Stamped tile has a thickness of 6-7 mm, injection - from 9 to 15 mm. By the way, it is worth noting that the injection tile itself is almost waterproof. Extruded tiles are approximately equal in thickness to stamped tiles, but can sometimes be even thinner. They are very reliable and varied, but their cost leaves much to be desired. More details on each of these three types we will look at below.

Production technology

Stamped tiles are cut from expanded polystyrene blocks, and then, using a special press, acquire their final thickness and density. This simple manufacturing method does not require special costs, so the final cost of the product is low. On the other hand, he does not have special positive properties. We can say that simplicity is the main motto of stamped tiles.

Injection tiles is made in a mold of high-quality raw materials from self-extinguishing polystyrene foam. Due to this, the granules of the material are not destroyed and remain intact. As a result, the injection tile has good sound insulation and virtually waterproof. And the fact that its thickness is greater than all other types allows you to create a variety of relief forms and make a small strip along the edge invisible.

Extruded foam ceiling tiles are made from polystyrene (not to be confused with polystyrene foam!) By extrusion (forcing at high temperature through a forming hole) of its melt. Then it is covered with a film using a press. The extrusion process makes the material very strong and dense. It is issued in different colors which makes it easy to match it with the design of the room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Now let's move on to the point that clearly shows the ratio of positive and negative properties material. The pros and cons allow you to find out whether it would be appropriate to glue the ceiling with foam tiles specifically in your circumstances.

Let's first look at positive sides:

  1. The surface for pasting can be absolutely any. The result of the work does not depend on the type of the previous ceiling.
  2. Extruded tiles can be installed near a radiator or radiator, even if the temperature of the latter sometimes reaches 80 degrees Celsius. Although it is unlikely that you will ever heat your house with such temperatures ...
  3. Used under normal conditions, the material is able to last for several years, or even decades.
  4. Styrofoam ceiling tiles do a good job of keeping noise and cold out of your home.
  5. Since the foam tiles are lightweight, it is not necessary to look for the highest quality and most expensive glue. This will save on the purchase of fastening materials.
  6. Installation themselves will not take much time, since when using the right tools they cut very easily.
  7. Styrofoam is not bad in terms of environmental friendliness. It does not contain toxic substances or gases.
  8. Compared to other finishing materials, the cost of most is small and insignificant. And this is another factor that helps to save money.
  9. And finally last advantage foam tiles is good combination with interior elements.

But at the same time, foam plastic delivers a number of inconveniences that you should pay attention to:

  1. The cheapest models have the unpleasant property of turning yellow over time. But this is easy to fix by regularly painting the surface with water-based paint.
  2. One of the biggest downsides to foam ceilings is vapor tightness. It is this property that creates the effect of a thermos in the apartment. It will accumulate moisture. If, however, they are used vinyl wallpapers, then condensation will accumulate on the surfaces, and in especially humid places a fungus will begin to form, poisoning the human body. And such consequences will be difficult to minimize by simply regularly airing the room.
  3. Although Styrofoam is fireproof, it melts easily. Therefore, those tiles in which it is used as a base should not be placed in the immediate vicinity of a powerful light bulb. The optimal distance is 25-30 cm. As mentioned above, in other warm places, for example, near pipes and radiators, this danger does not threaten your ceiling (read: "").
  4. It should also be remembered that polystyrene is a very easily injured material. Take this into account both when transporting it and when moving other large items. Irrelevant, sharp corners the object or not - you can spoil the tile with a slight touch in any case.

Calculation of the amount of purchased material

Now we finally come to the practical part. We hope that those photos that will accompany the process of its description will help you better understand the essence of the ongoing processes. If you have exactly decided on the choice of material, and you are attracted by foam plastic tiles for the ceiling, then you can proceed to the first step of installation work. It consists in calculating the surface on which the tile will be glued. The amount of purchased material and other calculations will depend on this.

First you need to measure the width and length of one room. Multiplying them, we get the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. If you plan to carry out repairs in several rooms, perform the same calculations in them, and then add up all the numbers received. Now you need to divide the resulting number by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bone tile of the material. It depends on the type you choose, the dimensions of which are usually indicated on the packaging. Now we divide the surface area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the sheet and round the number up. Be sure to add one tenth of it and round up again. The resulting integer will be the number of sheets needed.

Adhesive selection

In order for the foam ceiling tiles to be exactly on the ceiling, and not remain lying in the corner, we need an adhesive that can attach the material to the surface. The squares are usually glued with Moment glue. “Liquid nails” glue is best, as it is quite viscous, but hardens within 15 minutes. You should not buy Chinese Dragon glue, as it is not viscous enough and does not stick well. If you're not a masochist, then you won't like to stand more than an hour holding on outstretched arms overhead each ceiling tile.

On average, each square takes a little less than 20 ml of glue. It is most profitable to buy it with a capacity of 450 ml, and then there will be enough glue not only for the ceiling, but also for other elements of the apartment.

In case you have an uneven base ceiling, you should not bother too much with props, spacers, etc. Of course, it is absolutely impossible to glue on such a surface, otherwise one fine day the fruits of your labor will begin to peel off proper place. But you can correct this situation by just leveling the cavities with a solution finishing putty mixed with PVA glue.

The solution is first prepared without the participation of glue: Water is gradually added to the dry putty and stirred to the desired consistency. Then, for each kilogram of putty, 200 g of glue is added. Stir again, after which we carefully eliminate all the shortcomings.

Required Tools

To finish the ceiling with foam tiles, you do not need to purchase a whole set unique instruments. Moreover, some of them are sure to be found in your home.

So, you need 7 items:

  1. A paint cord that will help draw the axis of the ceiling.
  2. The most common scissors or assembly knife, with whose help we will cut the sheets if necessary.
  3. A medium-sized spatula or their set for applying a putty solution.
  4. Measuring tools for determining the dimensions of some elements of the ceiling and delineating them on a sheet of foam tiles.
  5. Fly brush, needed mainly for applying glue.
  6. A set of rags for wiping the pasted material from excess glue.
  7. And finally, a pencil, beloved by all builders.

By preparing these tools and taking the right materials, you most likely will not have to interrupt your work in search of something important, because everything you need will be at your fingertips. But still, it will not be superfluous to have one of your friends or family nearby as an assistant.

How to glue ceiling tiles, in detail on the video:

Ceiling surface preparation

Foam ceiling tiles can be glued to any surface that is free of debris and old finishes. Cleaning must be done carefully so that subsequently the adhesive can firmly adhere to the base. But before performing the next step of work, it is also necessary to open the surface with a deep penetration primer in order to protect against the side effects of the glue. In this case, especially pay attention to the protrusions and depressions that will interfere with the normal fixation of the ceiling.

Marking the ceiling for sheets of foam tiles

For this step, we need a marking cord. Its device is very simple - it is an ordinary rope, which is tinted with powder dye. These materials are sold in hardware store or in the market.

Before marking, decide how the tiles will be located on the ceiling: in longitudinal rows or diagonal. If you do not want to complicate the installation process, then a longitudinal arrangement is quite suitable, and if you desperately need to visually expand the room, then you should sacrifice your convenience during work for a better appearance later.

The initial marking of the ceiling should be carried out with the participation of your friend or family member. The marking cord must be pulled from one corner of the ceiling to the one that lies opposite, that is, draw a diagonal. You need to do this with a little effort, and after pulling it, pull it a little from the ceiling and release it. Do the same for the other two corners. After drawing both diagonals, find the point of their intersection, which will show the center of your ceiling.

After that, at a certain equal distance from the center, leave marks along the diagonals of the ceiling. After that, connect them with lines using a marking cord. After this operation, a square or rectangle should form. opposite sides should not differ by more than 5 millimeters, otherwise you will have to re-mark and connect them.

If everything went well, then use the tape measure to find the middle of the sides and make the axes along which the tiles will be glued with a marking cord. All these steps are applicable for the longitudinal arrangement of sheets.

Now let's talk about diagonal markings. The axes along which it is necessary to glue the tiles must be placed at right angles to each other and pass from one corner to another (if the room is rectangular, but not square, then the axis will not fall exactly into the second corner, it will intersect one of sides). If the 90-degree angle is fuzzy, then in the midst of work, a failure may occur, as a result of which all work will go down the drain.

Glue application

Depending on the adhesive used, its application may be different, but general principles remain unchanged. For example, glue is applied either in a dotted line or in a solid line on small ledges with inside products. If there are none, then it is applied in the corners and in the center.

Putty or glue is best applied directly to the tile so as not to block the markings on the ceiling. This is best done with a comb used for tiling. If there are irregularities up to a centimeter on the surface, use a comb with a large tooth from 11 millimeters. In the event that you see that the applied glue will not be enough, you can gently smear the ceiling. This must be done in such a way that the drawn axes are not erased, and the direction of spreading the glue on the ceiling and on the tile is opposite. For example, if you spread glue on the tile towards the door, then on the ceiling you need to spread it in the direction away from the door.

Special glue, such as ELTITAN, needs to be glued differently. Since it is necessary to wait 15-20 minutes before laying, you can save your own time if you apply glue to a whole batch of tiles at once - 3-5 at a time.

How to glue ceiling tiles: installation features "). Check the alignment with the axes and that the corner of the sheet is in the center. It is on this corner that you will be guided by gluing the rest of the sheets. There should be a joint of four sheets in the center of the room, and the next should be glued parallel to the previous ones .

The last pieces to be glued may not fit in the remaining space, so don't be afraid to cut them off. But do it carefully, measuring the length to the nearest centimeter. The same should be done if it is necessary to cut a place for any fasteners that cut into the base ceiling. But we should not forget that in this case it will be more difficult to determine correct position sheet, so pay attention to this part of the work. During gluing, the tile should be firmly pressed against the ceiling, although not to such an extent that dents remain.

But do not glue all the tiles at once. It is advisable after each glued batch, the dimensions of which you have determined earlier, to remove the remnants of the glue so that it does not dry out. The gap between the wall and the glued tiles should be closed with a ceiling plinth.

Sealing seams between sheets

To avoid accidental failures due to some factory dimensional errors, the sheets must be placed at a distance of 1-2 mm from each other. Then it executes ordinary putty or sealant. After that, remove excess residue and paint the surface with a water-based emulsion.

Installation of the frieze

The final stage of work on your ceiling will be the installation of a frieze. There are an unimaginable number of them - the most different sizes, shape, color and design. Choose the option for yourself according to the size of the room and its design. It is not necessary that in different rooms with the same tiles there were also the same friezes. Create diversity and be unique!

Although you can stick the skirting boards before starting work, it will be much calmer for you to stick them after the tiles are installed. Then you do not have to adjust each sheet to the nearest millimeter and be afraid to make a mistake by a hundredth of a degree. The plinth should be the element that will save you if something goes wrong.

So don't be afraid to make mistakes. Panic can only hurt. Try to do your job well and know that any deficiency can be eliminated, but it all depends on what price it can be done. Be successful and all the best to you!

For the purpose of decorating ceiling surfaces, there is a wide range of materials. It can be plastic, vinyl wallpaper or even ordinary plaster.

One of the solutions is to be foam ceiling tiles. They are affordable, but at the same time practical and very attractive.

Features of Styrofoam Ceiling Tiles

The fastest and budget way to make the ceiling in the house beautiful is the purchase of foam ceiling tiles. This kind of material will help decorate any room.

It is suitable for offices, living spaces and even restrooms. If a question arises how to paint foam ceiling tiles, then the answer is simple - any paint.

It is an environmentally friendly material. The main advantage of tiles is compliance specifications and prices. Designers around the world noted that such a tile good helper in the design of the apartment. It behaves well in rooms with high humidity and temperature changes.

Now on the construction market there are a huge number of tile modifications. You can choose an ornament for every taste. A big plus is that it lends itself well to painting and visually smoothes the ceiling. Styrofoam ceiling tile size depends on its type.

One of the advantages of ceiling tiles is that the pattern is uniform, but with large quantity seams. Plates are installed very quickly. All these qualitative characteristics make this kind of material in demand.

If you do not like the seams on the ceiling, then you can use a different type of tile. They are called seamless. The price for them will be higher, but the result is worth it. Panels of this shape look good in large rooms and office space. All tiles of this plan will be only snow-white shades.

There are 3 ways to produce foam tiles:

  • pressing method;
  • injection method;
  • extruded.

The pressing method involves compression in the manufacture of foam using a press. Such plates will have a thickness of about 0.7 centimeters. In the future, the products are compacted and a pattern is applied to them.

In order to obtain thicker products, there is an injection method. In this case, the plates are cast in a mold at high temperatures. The resulting products will be the most expensive. The slabs obtained by extrusion have the smallest thickness.

Types of foam tiles

Diversity ceiling tiles makes this material very popular. The shape of the foam tiles is:

  • square;
  • Rectangular.

As a rule, plates are made square. This is done for comfort in their gluing. But in recent times it is also possible to find rectangular slabs. They are more practical to use when decorating ceilings in large rooms. They will help to reduce the consumption of materials.

By the size of the plate can be:

  • small;
  • Large.

The most popular size of plates is 50*50 centimeters, but there are also plates - 30*30. Depending on the method of production, they are:

  • stamped;
  • Injection;
  • extruded.

The first slabs will be the most readily available in price. They will be grainy in type and usually white color. Due to this type of production, the boards are not very durable and the seams are very visible. In the manufacture of plates, there are errors, so when gluing the plates, gaps may appear.

When injected, the plates are obtained High Quality. The main characteristics of the products will be: the correct shape, barely noticeable seams and big number plate design.

In the manufacture of the injection method, the plates turn out to be off-white in color, so they are subsequently covered with a special film. This kind of material will be the most durable, but also quite expensive.

When finishing the surface can get:

  • Mirror;
  • laminated;
  • Seamless.

The most popular of them is laminated. After gluing the plates, the material is covered with a film. This greatly increases the quality characteristics of a single material. Such foam ceiling tiles in the kitchen, will look more than attractive.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam ceiling tiles

Like any construction material tile has its pros and cons. The pluses include:

  • High soundproofing properties;
  • Light weight;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Low price;
  • Variety of invoices;
  • Huge color palette;
  • Hides defects.

Styrofoam tiles have high thermal and sound insulating qualities, and also weigh little. This makes it possible to carry out installation without the help of third parties.

It is also distinguished by its own decorative effect and a large number invoices. Each buyer can buy styrofoam ceiling tiles perfect shape. The ceiling, which is covered with such material, is not afraid of moisture and high temperature.

You can glue such a tile yourself without the presence of a master. However, despite a large number of advantages, the material has a number of disadvantages:

  • Rapidly flammable;
  • fragility.

Over time, such plates tend to turn yellow, especially in the kitchen and bathroom.

The disadvantages of foam tiles can be considered its fragility and softness.

Styrofoam tile laying

Installation of plates includes a number of stages, namely:

  • Calculation of the number of plates;
  • The choice of glue;
  • Surface preparation;
  • markup;
  • Sticking.

First of all, before starting work, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material that will be needed. To do this, it is enough to understand the length and width of the room.

Multiplying these characteristics, you get the area of ​​​​the room. But buy plates according to this calculation. It is necessary to take about 15% of the total calculation in reserve. The shape of the ceiling in many apartments is not ideal, so the calculation can be wrong!

Styrofoam Ceiling Tile Adhesive must be chosen carefully. The service life of the plates depends on it. So, several types of advice when choosing glue:

  • It is necessary to choose an adhesive with thick consistency, it will not roll off the plates. Well suited for these purposes "Moment" or liquid nails. Plus, this kind of adhesive quickly sets to the surface, which saves time. On average, 1 square meter will require about 6 milliliters. It turns out that a medium-sized room needs about a tube of glue.
  • The next favorite among consumers is Titan glue. It grabs and dries quickly. He has one drawback: after applying to the tile, it must be applied to the place of gluing and removed again. This is done in order to fill the gaps with air and the glue has a good grip on the surface;
  • If the choice fell on more budget adhesives, then these may be adhesives from Chinese manufacturers. They will be less viscous and not so quickly glue the surfaces of the plates to the ceiling.

In order to glue the tiles you need a tool. It needs a little, and it is quite accessible to any person. It:

  • Cord for marking;
  • Scissors;
  • Roulette and pencil;
  • Brush;
  • roller;
  • Putty knife.

Before you start gluing the plates, you need to prepare the ceiling. So, the old coating can not be removed if it is smooth, if the surface is not even, then it must be cleaned.

Important! If the ceiling is to be whitewashed, then the whitewash must be removed, the tiles will not stick to it! If there are gaps or holes, then they are puttied. In order for the adhesion of the plates and the ceiling to occur, it is primed. The primer must dry for at least 3 hours.

Next, the ceiling is marked and the center is determined. Diagonals are drawn from the corners of the room and their intersection is found. This is done in order to determine the number of plates needed. If the ceiling is uneven, then you need to buy more plates to fill the gaps.

Wall gluing can be done parallel to the walls or diagonally. The adhesive is applied to the slab and the laying starts from the corner of the wall. The tile must be pressed well and wait about 3 minutes.

If there is excess glue, it can be easily removed with a sponge. All subsequent slabs are glued to the junction of the previous ones. The ceiling will dry for about a day. How to glue foam ceiling tiles clear, it remains to disassemble the painting.

For painting foam ceiling tiles, the following paints are suitable:

  • Water emulsion;
  • latex;
  • Acrylic.

All these types of paints dry quickly and lay down evenly. If the tile was subject to lamination, then it is not worth even trying to paint it. The paint will drain and the result is unlikely to please.

If the surface of the tile is rough, then it is better to use an airbrush so that there are no smudges or gaps left. Joints must be sealed with sealant. Then apply and let it dry.

It is advised to choose paint well-known manufacturers and must meet the following requirements:

  • Moisture resistant;
  • Dense structure;
  • High adhesion;
  • Should not fade from direct sunlight.

As for the choice of color, it should harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

Price and reviews of foam tiles

Styrofoam ceiling tiles price varied and varies from $1 per square meter. It concerns conventional products. If the tile is obtained by extrusion, then the price of the products will be about $ 12, but the service life is an order of magnitude longer.

Many consumers note that such material behaves very well in any premises. And of course, a big plus when choosing is the price. From a wide range of finishing materials, foam tiles are inexpensive. Of the negative: over time, it may turn yellow and burst.

Average term the service life of this material depends on the manufacturer and varies from 5 to 15 years. Great importance has a room in which the tiles were glued. If this room is in high humidity, then its operational properties the material will lose sooner than in a dry room.

the main / Types of ceilings / From ceiling tiles / Pros and cons of seamless ceiling panels

For the design of ceilings, many different methods and materials are used. Below, we will talk about such a type of finish as seamless ceiling panels and find out what features, disadvantages, and positive qualities they have.

All coatings of this type are thin parts made of expanded polystyrene. The material is very light and strong enough to create the details of the coating from it. The parts themselves are square, and less often - rectangular shape and thickness from 3 to 14 millimeters.

The word in the name of such coatings “seamless” does not mean at all that the surface will not have joints or seams, simply, thanks to the special configuration of the edge, the parts are interconnected without gaps, creating the illusion of a continuous surface. Regarding the designation "ceiling", we can only say that it indicates the place of application of materials of this type.

The advantages of such a finish

There are many advantages to such a solution. There is no particular need to consider them in detail - everything will be clear even without this, although we will talk about some points in a little more detail. The most significant benefits will be as follows:

  • Lightweight tiles. They will not create an additional load on the ceiling and can be mounted by one person, without the involvement of assistants.
  • Coating appearance. After finishing, the ceiling will turn out to be even, beautiful and, if necessary, will either have a certain pattern, or will be almost smooth. You have the option to choose a layout.
  • Tiled floors are easy to clean and wash with soapy water. You should not be zealous with pressure - you can damage the surface of the tile.
  • Ease of installation - the room can be arranged in a few hours.
  • Health safety. Despite the fact that the main material from which the parts are saddles is expanded polystyrene, it does not emit any harmful components into the atmosphere.
  • Ability to hide some flaws base surface. After sticking the tiles, the floor will look beautiful and small cracks or other similar defects will be covered with a new coating.


There are practically no cons, seamless ceiling panels, but it is worth mentioning those disadvantages that still exist. So, the most significant negative points are:

  • The panels will not hide significant defects, such as bumps or shells in the ceiling surface. The sinks will have to be repaired with putty or plaster, and the bumpy places need to be leveled - without such preparation, it will not work to assemble a solid plane without visible seams.
  • Malaya mechanical strength details. In case of careless handling, non-glued tiles can be broken, and already glued coating requires careful handling.
  • Some types of such coatings may turn yellow over time. This is typical for the cheapest and not very high-quality panels.

How to stick

With gluing, there are usually no problems if the surface of the overlap is initially prepared a little.

The essence of the preparation is to remove all the dirt, clean the flaking or crumbling areas of old coatings and prime the surface. If there are large irregularities, the ceiling will have to be leveled. Then everything will be simple:

  • The center of the room or the point that will serve as the starting point for finishing is determined.
  • The first panel is pasted. It will serve as a guide for all other details, therefore, preliminary marking should be made.
  • The second, third and fourth parts are glued along the borders of the first panel. They should form a kind of square.
  • The rest of the details are glued along the boundaries of the resulting figure.

In those places where it will be necessary, the panels are trimmed to the desired size. This is done with a simple clerical knife and is not difficult.

One of the good options for finishing the ceiling in a residential area (house or apartment) are foam boards. They provide a very competitive alternative to popular options such as hanging and stretch pvc ceilings, and competent styling able to radically transform appearance your ceiling for the better.

Ceiling tiles as finishing material have a number of advantages, in addition - their installation is quite simple so as not to contact the masters, but to undertake this work on their own. That is why in this article we decided to pay close attention to the technique of working with this material.

Ceiling tiles through the eyes of professionals

What is a ceiling tile?

Most boards that are used for decorative finishes ceilings are made of polystyrene foam and expanded polystyrene. According to their characteristics, these materials are quite similar, therefore, within the framework of this article, we will consider only foam boards. The characteristics and technique of working with expanded polystyrene tiles are almost identical.

Modern industry produces foam boards of several varieties:

  • Pressed boards – up to 7 mm thick
  • Injection plates - up to 14 mm thick. Plates of this type are produced by casting the material into a mold and subsequent heat strengthening (sintering).
  • Extruded boards are produced by pressing strips of extruded polystyrene. In the future, extruded polystyrene tiles can be painted or covered with a decorative film.

In shape, foam boards are most often square (50x50 cm) or rectangular (100x16.5 cm)

As for the surface design, from this point of view, ceiling tiles are very diverse. You can find both smooth slabs with no pattern at all, as well as slabs with a pronounced texture, as well as slabs with extruded bas-reliefs. Such a wide choice makes it possible to "play" with the design of the room, decorating the ceiling in exactly the style you want.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam ceiling tiles

Ceiling tiles made of expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam have a number of advantages that make this material very attractive to craftsmen:

  • Foam tiles are lightweight, so they can be used to finish almost any ceiling, regardless of their load-bearing capacity.
  • The foam tile ceiling has high rates heat and sound insulation, and the tile itself is not afraid of external influences (primarily moisture)
  • High-quality foam and polystyrene tiles are made from practically non-combustible raw materials, so they can be used even in the immediate vicinity of stove heating pipes.

Note! Under the influence of high temperatures, polystyrene and polystyrene may begin to melt, therefore, foam tiles cannot be used where open powerful lamps affect the ceiling.

Styrofoam slabs are easy to cut, so fitting the finishing tiles to the dimensions and configuration of the ceiling is not difficult. And in general, the installation of ceiling foam tiles is quite simple - as you can see by reading the following sections and applying the recommendations received in practice.

Of the shortcomings of foam boards for finishing the ceiling, only a few deserve mention:

  • Foam boards for long-term exposure sunlight may turn yellow
  • Some (although this applies only to very cheap models that do not differ in quality) foam boards do not tolerate moisture well

However, you can safely turn a blind eye to these shortcomings, because the ease of installation, together with the budget cost of the material, more than covers them.

Below we will tell you how to finish the ceiling using this material.

Finishing the ceiling with foam boards

Finishing preparation

Styrofoam and polystyrene ceiling tiles are quite "unpretentious" material and are attached to almost any surface.

And yet, in order for the new ceiling to be of sufficient quality, it is necessary to perform a number of simple steps:

  • A few hours before gluing the tiles, open the package. This allows the tile to "get used" to the temperature and humidity in the room where the finishing will be done.
  • Remove tiles before gluing ceiling old finishes - wallpaper, paint or whitewash (see Can I glue ceiling tiles on whitewash?).
  • If there are deep potholes on the ceiling, we putty the ceiling, but the tile itself will hide small defects.
  • Immediately before gluing the tiles, we process the ceiling with a primer. This will ensure reliable adhesion of the surfaces to be glued.

Ceiling markings

With the help of proper placement of elements, you can significantly transform the ceiling of foam boards, organically fitting it into overall design premises. That is why, before starting to finish the ceiling with tiles, it is necessary to carefully consider its layout.

Ceiling tiles can be placed in the following ways:

  • in rows
  • Razbezhke - each next row is shifted by half a tile
  • Diagonally.

To adjust the placement of tiles on the ceiling, you must draw the following lines:

  • Diagonals - connect opposite corners of the room
  • Main lines - connect the midpoints of opposite walls

Ideally, the intersection points of the diagonals and the main lines should coincide (in a rectangular room), but this is not always the case. Having found a shift in the intersection points, you need to shift the markings so that the change in the pattern on the ceiling is minimal (read also about the installation features of Armstrong ceiling tiles).

When the markup is applied, you can start gluing the tiles.

Installation of foam tiles on the ceiling

Before starting work on pasting the ceiling with foam tiles, prepare the adhesive mixture (if required). We start pasting the ceiling from the center of the room, or from the location of the chandelier.

Pasting is done like this:

  • The first stage is the application of glue. We apply glue both on the ceiling itself and on special ledges on the tiles.

Note! Some brands of adhesive require the adhesive to be left on the tile before gluing. In this case, we apply glue to several tiles and only then proceed to gluing.

  • We lay the first tile in such a way that one of its corners coincides with the center point. If there is a chandelier in the center of the ceiling, we cut the corner a little. We align the laid tiles according to the markup, carefully pressing them to the ceiling. We continue laying tiles until we reach the wall.
  • As a rule, when docking with a wall, foam boards require trimming.
  • The next tiles are laid, focusing on the first row. We remove excess glue with a sponge immediately after gluing, otherwise the tile will be damaged when the glue is removed.

Completes the work on facing the ceiling with foam tiles, covering the seams. We fill the seams with white silicone sealant, and remove the excess with a damp sponge.

This technology allows you to quickly mount foam boards - and as a result, get a smooth and beautiful surface. At the same time, the low cost of the material makes this finishing method very attractive.



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Finishing the ceiling with decorative ceiling tiles is often used as the most affordable and low-cost repair option. Often foam ceiling tiles become great solution for rough repair housing, finishing a room for rent, or just a way to get a very nice texture of the ceiling for little money.

A nice bonus to sticking foam ceiling tiles is huge selection various patterns and textures of the material.

Styrofoam ceiling tile options

The history of finishing ceiling surfaces with foam tiles goes back several decades. Initially, slabs of multilayer foam massif were used as a heater and sound insulator in production shops. During this time, expanded polystyrene finishing material has become safer, more durable, which made it possible to use foam plastic ceiling tiles already for decorative purposes in residential premises.

The modern market can offer three types of foam tiles, differing in surface texture, density and production method:

  • The tile material made of extruded polystyrene foam, the most durable and rigid, characterized by a grayish porous surface, which is almost always covered decorative coating PVC film or rolling texture imitating natural stone, wood;
  • Cast foam tiles, they are obtained by injection of the melt into a closed mold with exposure and slow release of pressure. In this way, a ceiling decor with a deep relief pattern and an almost smooth surface is obtained;
  • Pressed material with a fairly simple pattern, large sizes and almost perfect plane of the tile, the average thickness of the decor is 7-9mm.

Note! Pressed and cast ceiling tiles always have casting scars and flash, which must be cut exactly according to the template before sticking.

For finishing walls and ceilings, square tiles are produced with a side of 250, 300 and 500 mm. Individual varieties ceiling decor can be produced in the form of a rhombus, pentagon or hexagonal honeycomb. The outer surface can be made in the form of a relief pattern, an ordered geometric pattern, or stylized for various architectural styles, a photo.

A separate category is the so-called seamless ceiling materials from foam. In this case, the ends of the tiles are made in such a way that when laying the cladding, the joint is as inconspicuous as possible. With a relatively flat ceiling and good quality surfaces after gluing the tiles visually gives the impression of a monolithic foam plane.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam ceiling decor

Sticking foam tiles is not the best the best option ceiling finishes, primarily due to the production method, which uses quite toxic substances, ethylbenzene and styrene. High quality extruded foam is generally the safest, low density molded or injected grades are best avoided in bedrooms and children's rooms.

The second disadvantage of foam ceiling trim is its high flammability. As a rule, the tile does not have an additional coating of non-combustible materials, so even a short-term contact with the heated body of an incandescent lamp leads to deformation or even destruction.

It is believed that foam tiles are very sensitive to solar ultraviolet radiation, therefore, for finishing brightly lit rooms with large window openings it is best to use ceiling laminated materials.

Note! The main advantage of the ceiling tiles is its extremely low weight. One 50x50 cm styrofoam ceiling tile weighs no more than 100 g.

One square meter, respectively, will have a load of up to 400 g, the ceiling covering of a room of 30 m 2 will be only 12 kg. This quality will be appreciated by everyone who had to glue wallpaper or decor on the ceilings.

In addition, foam finishing materials:

  1. Practically do not burn out and do not degrade under the influence of atmospheric oxygen;
  2. They do not contain substances and compounds capable of serving nutrient medium for fungus or microorganisms;
  3. Any contamination can be easily removed with a regular gentle washing;
  4. Partially muffle the noise and sounds in the room;
  5. At correct installation and the use of high-quality adhesives are able to hold out without changing the quality of the ceiling finish for at least 10 years.

The surface of the tile is perfectly painted with acrylic water-based paints. At the same time, the quality and depth of the pattern or relief pattern practically do not change. Usage foam panels for ceiling decoration, in fact, is ideal solution for rough repairs, when the house is still subject to shrinkage, and the premises need to be put in order in order to live or rent.

The use of tiles is not limited to rough or temporary repairs. If desired, with the help of tiles, you can perform a complete ceiling decoration on the very high level quality, photo.

The technology of laying foam on the ceiling surface

The method of installing tiles depends on the quality of the ceiling surface. The smoother the surface of the ceiling, the easier technology mounts. By using existing materials Styrofoam tiles can be fixed in one of the following ways:

  • Stick directly on concrete surface ceiling using quick-setting glue brands;
  • Pre-level the ceiling surface with plasterboard sheets;
  • Lay the tiles on the mounting frame made of galvanized profile.

The last two methods are the most time-consuming and expensive, and are used mainly for finishing large rooms e.g. cafe, trading floors stores, in a word, wherever a large area and ceiling height allow you to finish with a maximum decorative effect.

For home conditions, the easiest way is to stick foam ceiling tiles directly on concrete slab overlap.

Laying foam tiles on a concrete slab

Initially, you will need to perfectly clean the ceiling from all kinds of deposits, whitewash residues, lime, glue, wallpaper. If the ceiling slabs are not completely flat, then the protruding parts of the concrete can be cut a little with a grinder.

After cleaning comes the stage of priming. To improve adhesion, concrete is treated with a deep penetration primer, preferably in two or three layers. Despite the low weight of the ceiling tiles, it is not so easy to glue the foam to clean concrete.

At the intersection of the diagonals, the geometric center of the ceiling is found and parallel lines are drawn for precise positioning of the foam tiles when sticking. The glue dries quickly, so you need to get used to laying the material on the ceiling surface on the first try.

Experienced craftsmen recommend first laying out a row of foam tiles on flat surface, for example, on glass or a large sheet of plywood. In this case, you can carefully fit and cut the joints before the foam material goes to the ceiling.

The glue is applied with a brush on the reverse side of the tile in the form of narrow parallel stripes; you should not apply a large amount of adhesive mass close to the edge, as the excess will be squeezed into the joints and spoil the appearance of the finish.

For stickers, polyurethane glue is perfect, "liquid nails" on acrylic resin, but most often use the universal "Titan" or "Dragon". Both adhesive composition based on polyurethane perfectly adhere to foam and concrete, are transparent, have sufficient strength, odorless, do not turn yellow over time and do not shrink, like PVA.

Of course, glued ceiling tiles will not stick to concrete immediately, it will take at least 10 minutes until the bond is strong enough to hold the foam on the ceiling. It is difficult and uncomfortable to hold the cladding with your hands raised above your head, therefore, all kinds of fasteners are often used for fastening. homemade devices, from a mop to a pair of telescopic rods.

If drops of glue still appear in the seam line, do not try to immediately remove it. It is more rational to wait until the glue hardens, and then just cut off the excess sharp knife. An exception is the gluing of a foam board end-to-end in a seamless way. In this case, the glue is allowed to dry only a little, and then the protruding drop is carefully cut off with a wet blade from a safety razor. After hardening, the joints must be sealed with sealant.

decorative trim

Foam trim pasted on the kitchen or bathroom ceiling requires additional decorative finishing, such as coating acrylic varnish or paint with water-based emulsion. Initial white surface very quickly absorbs vapors and loses its original whiteness, so painting the decor to match the walls will only add expressiveness.

An excellent solution is to use laminated tile options, such material is more expensive, but much more resistant, and can be used to finish the ceiling, from the kitchen, living room, loggia, ending with the corridor or bathroom of the apartment.

Repair is a costly undertaking. In addition, it usually takes a lot of time to fully update the interior. What to do in the case when funds are limited, deadlines are running out, and repairs need to be carried out, at least temporarily?

It is necessary to choose relatively cheap, easy-to-use materials, wall cladding with which will occur as quickly as possible. Under this obvious solution, among other things, foam plastic (polystyrene foam) tiles on the ceiling are ideal. She has obvious benefits which are described below.

Advantages and disadvantages of foam ceiling tiles

As the name suggests, foam ceiling tiles are made from lightweight synthetic material such as expanded polystyrene. Its advantages:

  1. thermal insulation properties. This is especially true if the ceiling is on the top floor of a house, private or multi-apartment.
  2. Soundproofing. Protection from external noise is necessary not only in cities, but even in remote villages.
  3. Moisture resistance. Styrofoam is practically not susceptible to moisture, and even prolonged use of tiles from it in the bathroom or in the kitchen will not lead to damage to the cladding. In extreme cases, the glue will suffer, and then only if it is chosen incorrectly.
  4. Repair and replacement. If the tile on the ceiling has deteriorated or peeled off for some reason, replacing it will be completely easy.
  5. Wide selection patterns. It is possible to choose any pattern you like, or, more correctly, embossing on foam tiles. The offer available on the market will allow you to arrange an imitation of high quality stucco.
  6. Manufacturability. Finishing the ceiling with such tiles consists of marking and gluing. All these stages are not particularly difficult even for those who have never done repairs before. In addition, the foam is easily painted with almost any paint.
  7. Price. Foam tiles are very cheap, the cost of acquiring it will be minimal.
  8. The weight. Facing material, specific gravity which is extremely small, will not create any noticeable load on the ceiling.

Like any other building material, foam tiles have a number of disadvantages that limit its use. These include:

  1. Unnaturalness. Styrofoam is a fully synthetic product, with all the ensuing consequences. For example, during combustion, not only harmful, but sometimes toxic substances are released from it.
  2. Low resistance to fire. Styrofoam will not withstand strong heat, it will melt and catch fire. Therefore, it is not recommended to place it close to heating appliances, as well as to bring it closer to the incandescent lamp ceiling trimmed with such tiles. high power. For example, a chandelier with horns pointing upwards is absolutely contraindicated with such a finishing material.
  3. Low mechanical resistance. Ceiling foam tiles are very soft and easily damaged. You have to rely only on the fact that no one will do this on purpose, and accidentally hitting something on the ceiling is possible, but very problematic.
  4. Low resistance to sunlight. If a Styrofoam tile is exposed to direct sunlight, it, like many other plastics, will take on a yellowish color after a while.
  5. Low aesthetic properties. Whatever the pattern on such a tile, it will not be possible to create a rich interior with its help. This is the main quality of foam tiles, which makes repairs with its use temporary.

Ceiling foam tiles are classified based on the technology used in their manufacture. Depending on the production method, some characteristics of the tiles vary significantly:

  1. Tiles produced by pressing (stamping). From a large piece of expanded polystyrene, a blank is cut out, from which a tile with one or another pattern is stamped. The thickness of the finished product is up to seven millimeters, the color is white matte. Its main advantage is its low cost, which allows you not to be afraid of high costs both during finishing and with a possible partial replacement of tiles. The pressed tile well perceives practically any paint. The main disadvantage of such a tile is fragility. Careless handling, both during laying and during transportation, will lead to inevitable damage to the material. In addition, there is an edge in the pressed tile, if it is even a little defective, it will be very noticeable.
  2. Tiles produced by sintering or injection. It is made from high-quality polystyrene raw materials in molds, under the influence of high temperature. Its thickness reaches fourteen centimeters, and the color is about the same as that of pressed tiles. Injection tiles are not afraid of moisture and even water, and also have good soundproofing qualities. In turn, a large thickness allows you to create an image of great depth, and the presence of a very small edging makes the tile joints almost invisible.
  3. Extruded tiles. Its color is not very attractive, so it is necessary to cover it with a special film. Extruded tiles are the most durable, with a small thickness it withstands much better mechanical influences. The main disadvantages are the relatively high cost and rather large deviations from the given dimensions. Inaccuracies in geometry appear during installation, so extruded foam ceiling tiles require more care when gluing than any other.

Finishing the ceiling with foam tiles has, as already mentioned, an advantage over other materials in manufacturability. This statement also applies to preparatory work, which will not be too capacious and tedious. After all, such a finishing material well hides various cracks, tubercles, holes and other surface imperfections that do not have to be addressed separately.

However, some preparatory work needs to be done. If there is chalk or lime on the ceiling, they must be washed off. In the presence of various kinds of tatters, they must also be removed. The surface of the ceiling requires a primer in order for the adhesion to the adhesive to be strong enough. As a primer, you can use a ready-made mortar, which is sold at any hardware store.

Usually tiles on the ceiling from different types of foam are produced square, with a side length of fifty centimeters. Before gluing, carefully measure each side of the ceiling. It is each, because the difference between the seemingly identical sides may well be several centimeters. If this is not taken into account, the gaps in the installation will be too noticeable and difficult to close.

After measuring the ceiling, you should calculate the number of whole tiles. All partial tile inserts should be carefully measured and cut using a cutting tool. Large deviations in such preparatory work are also undesirable, all for the same reasons of possible losses in the quality of the installation.

In order for the installation accuracy to be high enough, lines must be drawn on the ceiling. No need for precise marking surfaces for each tile, it is enough to draw control lines through each meter both along and across. Then it will be almost impossible to make a mistake by any noticeable amount.

tile sticker

After the ceiling is marked with control lines, the tile is prepared, there is glue and tools for its application, you can proceed with the installation. If preparation is carried out on good level, this stage will not present any particular difficulties.

For gluing polystyrene foam tiles, you can use polyvinyl acetate glue (PVA) or special formulations, for example, glue "Dragon". They are good when the surface of the ceiling is perfectly flat. If there are some irregularities that are hidden only as a result of installation, it is recommended to use a mixture of PVA glue and a solution of gypsum in water. Such a composition will reliably stick the tile to the ceiling, while its sticker can be adjusted in height in a certain range.

The gluing technology itself is more than simple. The tile along the edges and in the middle must be smeared with glue, attach it to the ceiling, aligning it with control lines, along the walls and adjacent tiles and press down a little. After pressing, it is worth holding the tile for a minute or two so that the glue has time to grab onto the surface of the ceiling. Everything should be done quite carefully, remembering that the foam tile is very light, and it is easy to move it from the place of gluing. If the tiles do not fit tightly to one another, the error can be corrected with the same PVA glue mixed with a gypsum solution. After painting, such finishing of the surface will be invisible.

At the edges, the ceiling, lined with polystyrene foam tiles, is usually finished with a ceiling plinth, or, as it is often called, a baguette. Ceiling plinth consists of the same material as the tile, so it must be glued with the same glue.

The last step in decorating the ceiling with tiles is painting it with acrylic or other paint. There are no special technological methods for this. Unless, you should remember about the relief surface, which cannot be painted with a roller. To work, you must use paint brush, preferably a small width.