How to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth. How to cut down a ceiling plinth - ways. Skirting materials

Repair of the premises and its interior decoration most often end with the installation of ceiling plinths. Although some people prefer to refuse them, but even if the most professional master does interior decoration accurate to the millimeter, the repair will seem incomplete if not glued ceiling plinth. When you do redecorating, most likely, against the background of other questions, there is another problem - how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth?

The ceiling plinth completes the interior decoration, giving the room a neat finished look.

Some Features

At first, everything seems extremely simple. In a real repair, people who are faced with sharp corners discover that everything is not so simple as it seemed at first.

This problem arises because it is impossible to cut the ceiling plinth at an angle of 45 degrees. How to cut the corner of a ceiling plinth if there is no certain knowledge and experience? Let's try to answer this question.

To know the technology of working with a certain material, it is necessary to determine the properties of this material. To do this, we learn, but what do such products consist of? Materials for manufacturing:

For work you will need the following materials:

  1. Miter box. This carpentry tool Sold in all hardware stores. Choose the simplest option so that you can cut at 95 and 45 degrees.
  2. Hacksaw for wood or metal. When choosing this item, take one with small and frequent teeth. AT this case the cut will be even and smooth.

But sometimes there is no way to buy a miter box. Therefore, we consider two options for how to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth:

  • without a professional chair;
  • with a chair.

Cutting the corners of a ceiling plinth with a miter box is as easy as shelling pears!

Trying on the skirting board in place before gluing is a mandatory step quality work for installation of the ceiling plinth.

If you bought a miter box or you already had it, then cutting corners will not be difficult. In order for the corner to turn out to be even, it is necessary to lay the plinth in the miter box in the position in which you will further mount it to the ceiling.

Hacksaw or knife? For wood - only a hacksaw, for the rest you can use a knife, but only on condition that it is sharp and thin. Otherwise, you risk ruining the skirting board.

Once the cut is made, it may be necessary to adjust the angle before installation. This is done with a file - for wood, for polystyrene foam and polystyrene - with a sharp knife.

Cutting a ceiling plinth requires softness, tenderness, fluidity and calmness.

In no case do not apply force, so you can break not only fragile foam, even wood can crack if you press harder than required.

Cutting the corner of the ceiling plinth without a construction miter box is also not a problem!

But it is not always possible to buy a miter box (not in material terms, it is relatively inexpensive). There are cases of repairs in the country, when they initially forgot to buy, and a trip to the city will cost more than the miter box itself. Therefore, consider the following option - how to cut a plinth without a miter box.

  1. For this option, you will need a simple pencil, an eye, a knife or a hacksaw for metal (or wood). Pick up a tray similar in shape to a miter box. It will be analog. You can even choose the angle between wall and floor. To begin with, mark the places on the material where you will make the cuts. Further, the work is similar to working with a miter box. Lay the product in the position in which it will be mounted on the ceiling. Holding the knife (or hacksaw) strictly in an upright position, make cuts according to the intended meters. Tip: Use a protractor or a student's ruler for proper marking.
  2. Another method requires cardboard or thick paper. A template is made of cardboard, a line is drawn in it with a simple pencil - a landmark. After that, take two small boards and assemble them at an angle of 90 degrees. Further, the process is the same as with the miter box. Lay and start cutting the ceiling plinth in the direction of the selected corner.
  3. The third way to cut ceiling plinths is also quite simple. A method similar to the first two is also an analogue of a special construction miter box. Take 3 boards and knock them together in the position that the miter box suggests. Take a student protractor and draw lines of 45 degree angles. Further, everything is as with an ordinary miter box.

Additional rules

With the help of the above tips, it becomes clear that cutting the corners of the skirting board for the ceiling is not difficult. But in order for the result to be of high quality, it is worth familiarizing yourself with some rules:

  1. Before attaching one part, it is worth adjusting the second. Before applying glue and fixing the product directly to the wall, attach both halves of it. In this case, the surface of the wall must be dry. So, you will check for correct connection so that there is no gap and gap. In case of mismatch, trim the joint with a sharp knife.
  2. Don't worry if it doesn't work right away. It's quite normal. Sometimes, for proper cutting, you have to trim the element several times.
  3. It happens that the peaks matched perfectly, and in the middle there is a small gap. Such an angle can be fixed, then putty to close the gap. This is not scary, since the plinth must be painted after installation with water-based paint.
  4. Particular attention must be paid to the length of the strips in the corners. There is such a rule - for the inner corner, the length of the bar is adjusted from corner to corner. For the outer corner, the measurement is taken in the direction of the room from the inner point.

In the course of consideration, it is clear that cutting the corners of the ceiling plinth, when there are only the most basic tools, such as a knife, a hacksaw and a miter box, is quite simple. You can save some money and do without the help of a master.

If cutting is too difficult for you, you can buy ready-made parts to which straight strips are attached. Basically, it all depends on your abilities, skills and, most importantly, patience. Good luck!

Repair is a responsible and costly undertaking. Although you can save a lot if you do the work yourself. cosmetic finish premises is carried out according to certain technologies. You can decorate the interior using a variety of materials.

Today, a very popular technique is the use of ceiling plinths to hide irregularities between the walls and ceiling. In order for the contour to be aesthetic, it is necessary to do the work carefully. How to cut corners on ceiling moldings, tips will help you understand experienced craftsmen construction and repair business. They will tell you how to use various tools to perform the necessary manipulations with decorative finishes of various types.

General characteristics of the finish

When studying the question of how to properly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, you should familiarize yourself with the features of such a finish. Stucco molding between the ceiling and walls is now made of artificial materials. It can be polyvinyl chloride, polystyrene foam or polyurethane. Wood can be used from natural materials.

In the construction business it is called (scientifically) a fillet. Of all the materials from which such trim elements are made, polyurethane is considered the highest quality. Therefore, it is better to choose it. Next, let's try to figure out how to cut a corner. Expert advice will help you do this job well.

Skirting material

Experts agree that polyurethane is best material for the presented finishing products. But even it has a number of shortcomings. These should be taken into account before cutting corners on ceiling moldings. Polyurethane is subject to temperature fluctuations. Therefore, it is not used for decoration in the kitchen or bath. Otherwise, the skirting boards will quickly crack and lose their aesthetics.

Expanded polystyrene has almost all positive characteristics inherent in polyurethane. But it is still more fragile material. It's easy to break.

Skirting boards made of PVC are relatively cheap. But it is very easy to leave dents or potholes on them. Therefore, it is necessary to work with such products very carefully.

Wood looks very beautiful, but not in all interiors. In addition, it is quite difficult for an unprofessional master to work with such material. Would you like to do your own repairs? Then you better still choose polyurethane or expanded polystyrene.

Form, fittings

When studying the question of how to properly cut a corner on a ceiling plinth, attention should be paid to its shape and related products. There are embossed and smooth fillets. Their width and length can vary significantly.

When choosing the size of the skirting boards, the type of interior, as well as the height of the ceilings, are taken into account. For small room, where the distance from floor to ceiling is not more than 2.75 m, wide skirting boards will not work. They will look out of place. For the same reason, a narrow fillet should not be used for high ceilings. In such rooms, a 45 mm plinth looks good.

For installation, you can purchase curly corners from the same material as the fillet. They are external and internal. But quite often the skirting boards are joined without them, directly. In this case, you need to perform a smooth, beautiful trimming of the corners.

Preparatory work

To make the process quick and easy, use a tool such as a miter box. This is a U-shaped template. There are slot patterns in its side walls. They have different angles.

There is another technique that allows you to evenly glue the ceiling plinth. It is possible to cut corners without a miter box. But still, the use of such a tool greatly facilitates the work.

First you need to mark the plinth. If you want to create an external corner, measure the length along the ceiling, internal - along the wall. For fillets, a line slope of 45 and 90 degrees is used. Since this is a fairly small number of slot options, it is quite possible to make a template yourself. All you need is a sheet of paper or cardboard.

If the repairman has considerable experience in carrying out such operations, he can cut corners without additional tools. The master attaches the fillet to the wall, and then makes marks on the product right here. After that, he cuts off the excess. An inexperienced master, most likely, will not be able to cut the first time even corners. Therefore, it is better to use a miter box or close the irregularities with decorative corners.

Inner corner

First of all, it is necessary to consider the technique of how to cut the inner corner of the ceiling plinth. After all, they are in every room. If there are no external corners in ordinary rectangular rooms, then these varieties will have to be cut out anyway.

A plinth is placed at the bottom of the miter box with the side that will adjoin the ceiling. The lower part of the fillet will be pressed against the wall of the tray.

If the material is hard, it is cut with a metal saw. Soft products are easily processed with a sharp knife. The angle should be 45 degrees. If the pressure during cutting is too strong, hooks and chips will form on the plinth. cut in the same way.

Before gluing, they are applied to the wall and, if necessary, correct small irregularities. There should be no gaps between the skirting boards. If this is the first time such work is being done, you can practice in small pieces.

outside corner

Quite often, the contour of the walls in the room has complex shape. In this case, you will need to figure out how to cut the outer corner of the ceiling plinth. To do this, it is laid on the bottom of the miter box in the same way as in the previous version, with the side that is adjacent to the ceiling.

For these corners, other slots are used. They also have a slope of 45 degrees, but are on the other side. Further, after marking and trimming, 2 skirting boards are applied to the corresponding place on the ceiling. An adjustment is being made.

Difficulties may arise if it is necessary to cut the same plinth on one side for the outer corner, and on the other for the inner corner. This is where many make a mistake. First you need to cut the inner corner. Otherwise, a skirting board that is too short will not dock in any place.

Work without a miter box

Polyurethane looks very nice. How to cut corners on such a product so as not to spoil its appearance? And here the advice of experts will help the inexperienced master. Not always at home master at hand there is such a tool as a miter box. You can do without it.

To do this, the markup is performed directly on the wall. First, measure the required length decorative item. It is cut at a right angle. Next, apply each piece to the ceiling. They are outlined with a pencil. This results in an intersection. It is applied to both skirting boards.

From the point of intersection to the edge, draw an oblique line. This is the crop border. It is corrected before gluing by attaching both skirting boards to the corner. It's pretty easy way, but even it requires a good eye and accuracy in work.

homemade tool

Don't have a chair? No problem! You can do it yourself. When cutting for the first time, it is better to use it in your work. This will require plywood board, paper or cardboard.

Wondering how to cut outer corner ceiling plinth, as well as its internal varieties, it is necessary to adopt this approach. Two parallel lines are drawn on the selected material. Then, using a protractor, angles of 45 degrees are made along the edges.

A home-made tool is applied to the plinth, making appropriate notes. The pruning technique is the same. The miter box is not used if the walls in the room are very uneven. When creating an angle of 45 degrees, gaps between the joints are obtained due to such inconsistencies. Therefore, pruning is done in the previous way. Before installation, the edges must be corrected.

Embossed plinth

So, we already know how to cut corners on ceiling moldings. But we considered the procedure for performing work if available simple shapes. Now you should pay attention to the relief varieties. Their installation is subject to increased requirements. Due to the presence decorative elements cutting such products is a little more difficult.

Docking of corners is carried out in those places where stucco or other volumetric elements protrude more above the surface. The angle is then expressive. It is better to take into account the components of the picture and crop it in the appropriate place.

The joints of volumetric ceiling plinths must be carefully glued. When working with relief products, it is allowed to use the tool listed above. It is allowed to make markings on the wall. But with the help of a miter box, it will be easier to cut voluminous skirting boards.

If you do the work carefully, the result will exceed all expectations. Having studied all the intricacies of the technique and figured out how to cut corners on ceiling plinths, you can begin to practice. Do not worry: the process will go easy and fast. This finish will fit into almost any interior. If all actions are performed carefully, gluing the joints with high quality, decorative effect will be amazing. The interior will please the eye for a long time.

Work with a ceiling plinth can be done independently. Their installation is not difficult, but there is one moment that can ruin all the work: namely, cutting the skirting board for the corners. How to cut the ceiling plinth correctly we will analyze in the article.

Ceiling skirting boards differ in the materials from which they are made. price range and appearance vary depending on the material. The choice of a suitable skirting board depends on your financial capabilities and interior design.

  1. Styrofoam fillets;
  2. Styrofoam skirting board;
  3. Gypsum plinth;
  4. Plinth made of wood;
  5. PVC plinth.

Foam skirting board

The most common option. They are sold mainly in white, so they must be painted if another is needed.
Such skirting boards are inexpensive, due to their lightness they can be installed on stretch ceiling. Easy to install, no need to call specialists or friends for help, all work can be done alone.

One of the disadvantages of polystyrene is susceptibility to many substances. Picking up glue is quite difficult. Too weak are not able to hold the panel, and the adhesive with chemicals in the composition can simply corrode the material.

Styrofoam does not hold mechanical influences, therefore, work with it requires accuracy. You can not press on it, you need to cut it with extreme care.

Styrofoam panels look nice, but should not be used with more expensive materials, it will look ridiculous.

Styrofoam skirting board

Differ in a wide range of drawings. You can choose the right one for any interior.

The price for such fillets is much higher than for foam ones. It will depend on the pattern and size. It is much easier to care for them, they are not afraid of wet cleaning. They won't harbor insects or mold.
However, during installation, it is not convenient to work with them: they are very fragile, afraid of any impact.

Glue will have to be chosen for a long time, since the material is easily chemically attacked. It is not elastic, which means that it is quite difficult to install it on a curved section. They are advised to be sure to paint, as over time it is likely that they will turn yellow. Easily ignite. Expanded polystyrene does not apply to environmentally friendly materials, it contains synthetic components.

Gypsum skirting board

By their design, they represent the widest range of choice among ceiling plinths. They look rich, give the room sophistication. They will cost much more than other types.

Gypsum is environmentally friendly pure material They can be installed in any room. They do not support combustion. But in terms of weight, they are ahead of their counterparts. Not any glue can withstand gypsum, you have to use special formulations. During installation, two people will be needed, because the gypsum is poorly attached to the surface due to its weight.
Gypsum panels will not fit into any interior. More they fit classic style. Their use in modern styles doubtful. You can make a drawing to order, but still the material limits the design.

PVC skirting board

Differ in durability and a variety of options of registration. Plastic is not afraid of moisture and fire. Easy to care for, can be cleaned with detergents.
The cost of PVC fillet does not exceed the cost of other synthetic skirting boards. However, plastic tends to turn yellow, but it cannot be painted.

Wooden plinth

The most expensive. Prices for them will vary depending on the type of wood, but even the cheapest ones will cost a pretty penny.

Wooden panels used much less frequently than others. Fitting them into the interior of the apartment is quite difficult. They are used mainly in private homes.
Their installation requires certain skills. In addition to using glue, it is recommended to additionally use nails, self-tapping screws. It is impossible to do the installation alone. Of course, you can choose any design, in the carpentry workshop you can get a unique carving according to your own sketches, but then the cost will at least double.

tree remains natural material which means that it is absolutely safe. Pay attention to the impregnations that were used in the processing of fillets. They should not contain toxic substances, otherwise it makes no sense that the tree is environmentally friendly. Wood is the most durable material, to damage it you need to try.

Necessary tools and materials

First you need to prepare the panels themselves. Depending on the material you will need different instruments in order to properly cut the fillets.

PVC fillets are not as brittle, but still prone to denting. You can cut them with a construction knife or a hacksaw. Styrofoam is more brittle than PVC. It may just fall apart when cut. Well-sharpened tools must be used. fit sharp knife or a hacksaw for metal. When working, do not press hard on the material. Polyurethane panels are easy to cut and do not crumble. They can be cut with a knife. It is most convenient to cut wooden panels with an electric saw or a hacksaw. The teeth must be small.
What else you may need while working:

  1. Miter box;
  2. Knife, hacksaw or electric saw for cutting panels;
  3. Paper and pencil for drawing and marking;
  4. Ruler and square.

A miter box is a special tool for cutting panels at a certain degree. It is inexpensive, so it makes sense to buy it for better work. You can make it yourself or draw a layout on paper in its likeness.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

With the help of a chair

The corners in the apartment are distinguished into external and external. Cutting technology will be slightly different. How to cut skirting boards for an inside corner.
The fillet is installed at a corner. Mark a cut line on it right along the corner of the wall. The markings on the opposite plinth are done in exactly the same way, only on the other side.

The panel is installed in the miter box, the side that is attached to the ceiling should be from below. Set the end at an angle of 45 degrees into a special hole. The panel should fit snugly against the wall of the miter box. Smoothly cut off the unwanted edge. The adjacent part is also cut off in a mirror image. After you have cut it, check the joint of the skirting boards by applying them to the corner. If the joint is uneven, you will have to cut it again.

If you are performing the procedure for the first time, then you can first practice on small unnecessary pieces, so you will fill your hand.

The cut for the outer corner is made in the same sequence, only in the opposite direction. The side that is attached to the ceiling should be on top. Cutting occurs from right to left for the right side of the corner and vice versa for the left.


When cutting corners, the miter box makes the process easier, but you can get the job done without it.

Then you can markup directly on the corner or make its layout.
If you decide to mark up directly on the ceiling, then attach the panel to the corner. Draw a line on the ceiling along the baseboard, do the same with opposite side. A mark is placed along the right line on the left bar at the place of their intersection. On the right bar, the mark passes at the intersection with the left line. Connect the line marks to the end bottom side plinth. Now cut the plinth according to the markup.


You can make an imitation of a miter box on paper. On the sheet, draw two lines parallel to each other. Using a protractor, connect them at an angle of 45 degrees, the line should go to the left. Step back 10 centimeters to the left and draw a line at a 45 degree angle already going to the right. Now, just instead of setting the panel in a cut, attach it to the lines on the paper and cut it off.

If you have uneven corners at home, then this is also not a problem. Measure the angle and divide the resulting number by 2. This will be the desired degree for cutting. Then draw lines to simulate a miter box at the same angle.
If you can’t cut it correctly or don’t want to bother, then you can buy ready-made skirting board corners. They are inexpensive.

Finishing the ceiling with skirting boards allows you to hide wall irregularities and curved edges of the wallpaper, but you can also install skirting boards in such a way that they will spoil the whole look of the walls. This is especially true for corners. You can cut and join them unevenly. In this article, we will just analyze how to make a corner on a ceiling plinth.

Depending on the cutting method, you may need:

  • Miter box. This is a carpentry tool that is used to cut various products at an angle of 45° and 90°.
  • Knife or hacksaw.
  • Pencil and ruler.
  • Square.

Preparation for work

Before you start trimming, you should decide what your skirting boards are made of. Various materials require a specific approach. Somewhere you need to use force, and somewhere, on the contrary, extreme accuracy.

Polyurethane fillets. They are highly durable, resistant to moisture and elastic, but subject to high or low temperatures. It is not recommended to install them next to the tiles. When cutting, you must act carefully, otherwise there is a risk of curvature of the material.

Polystyrene. Very fragile material. Cheap. But because of their fragility, they do not tolerate strong impact. You need to cut with a knife or hacksaw very carefully.

PVC fillets. They are not durable, when working with them, strong pressure should be avoided, as dents may remain on the material. Making a corner will not be so easy. But because of this, manufacturers began to produce ready-made corners, which can greatly facilitate the work.

Wooden. The strongest of all, so much so that it is very difficult to saw off a part. You need to cut with a hacksaw with small teeth, large ones can leave traces. Such skirting boards are not attached to glue, but to nails.

For a more accurate cut, use an electric saw. She will cut as if the baseboards are only from the store. Simple cost is more economical hand saw or a hacksaw. But there is a possibility that the material will begin to crumble or deform, so be careful. At all economical option, which is not suitable for a tree - construction knife or just a sharp knife. These tools can be used, many do, but your hands must be straight. It is very difficult to cut straight with a knife, usually they only cut uneven edges.

No matter which cutting tool you use, there is general views work required before cutting.

The fillet needs to be marked. There are several ways. One of them is designed for angles of 90 °. On the plinth mark the corner of the wall, on the short edge of the plinth. Then it is cut on a miter box at an angle of 45 °.

The second way: a plinth is applied to the junction of the wall and ceiling and the outer edge is marked, on the other hand, a fillet is also applied and the edge is marked. Where the marks stopped is the outer edge. And the corner of the walls is internal. On the plinth mark the place of the outer and inner, and then cut off.

How to cut a corner on a ceiling plinth with a miter box

The corners on the ceiling are divided into internal and external, with the latter often causing problems. How to mark them has already been given above. Now it's time for the cut.

To make a plinth for an inside corner, the plank is installed in the miter box, just as it was located on the ceiling. Press the baseboard firmly against the wall of the miter box and free hand insert a hacksaw into the hole at a 45° angle and cut. The other part is installed in the same way, only mirrored. Fillets for the outer corner are made identically, only the markings on the plinth will be on the other side.

You can make an imitation of the miter box yourself, using improvised materials. Take a piece of plywood or a plank and draw a rectangle on it and mark 45 ° on its sides, connect the opposite lines with each other. According to this template, you can cut the skirting boards, as indicated above, only you need not insert them into special holes, but place them on the lines.

How to cut a ceiling plinth in the corners without a miter box

If you don't have special tools for trimming, you can use the usual corner and ruler. Measure the angle with a charcoal ruler, just install it on the ceiling in the corner, if it is 90°, then it is even without deviations. If it is not equal, then the installation will be more difficult. Attach a ruler to the baseboard at an angle of 45 ° and mark with a pencil.

Cut off the unwanted part with a hacksaw or utility knife. Then attach the cut skirting boards to the corner, if there is excess, then they can be removed with sandpaper, if not enough, you will have to cut it again. If the wall angle is not equal to 90°, then divide its degree by two and this will be the degree at which the plinth is cut with a ruler.

Use of decorative corners

This is the easiest way, but it is only suitable for fillets made of polystyrene, polyurethane or PVC, because only ready-made corners are made for them. Just fit the corner to the corner and attach the skirting board to it. If the angle is large, then it can be cut with an ordinary clerical knife.

Installation of skirting boards in corners

Nowadays, corners in houses can be uneven or even rounded, so joining can be a very difficult process. Before gluing the skirting boards, you should once again check whether everything fits together everywhere.

If you have already glued the skirting boards, and left the corners for later, or, conversely, glued the corners and don’t know how to calculate the length of the skirting boards now, then everything is simple - always leave 10-15 cm just in case. With such a balance, even if you mess something up, you will have plenty of space left. BUT still the correct sequence of installation - first the corners, then everything else.

Glue or liquid nails are applied to the inside of the skirting boards and along the edges. Do not apply too much, otherwise the excess will stain the wallpaper later. Attach the smeared planks to the wall and press lightly. Remove excess glue immediately with a napkin or rag.

A few tips for installing skirting boards:

  1. Best not to cut by eye. It rarely comes out of it. If this is your first time doing this type of work, then buy a miter box, it is not so expensive. Or the neighbors probably have it, it is an inexpensive tool, and they will gladly lend it. His failure is also an unlikely outcome.
  2. Before cutting, try to practice on unnecessary parts. This will greatly increase your chances of cutting the base material.
  3. When cutting, first check the sharpness of the tool. No need to cut with a knife. Just buy a new one or sharpen it.
  4. Installation of skirting boards occurs only after the walls and ceilings are completely finished in the room.
  5. Do not press on the foam, it is easily deformed. At the time of gluing to the walls, it is better to gently press it several times in different parts than pressing hard once.
  6. When joining the inner corner, the cut on the skirting boards is made from the front side, and the outer corner, on the contrary, from inside planks.
  7. To get rid of imperfections in the cut, use sandpaper.
  8. Before applying the skirting boards, always check first whether the skirting boards fit exactly. Just attach them and then glue.

Installation of a ceiling plinth only at first glance seems to be a very simple task. In fact, you can encounter small and not very problems that can not only exhaust you, but also completely discourage the desire to make repairs. One of these problems is the joining of the ceiling plinth in the corners.

A lot of copies were broken by ordinary residents of apartments about the question of how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, because it cannot simply be cut at an angle of 45 °. What to do in this case? Let's turn to professionals for advice.

How to make a corner of a ceiling plinth, how to properly join and cut a plinth

Yes, the main and most insidious nuance in the technology of installing a ceiling plinth is how to properly cut the plinth and dock it at the inner and outer corners. The fact is that, unlike conventional skirting boards, ceiling baguette it is attached to the base at an angle of 38-45 °, which is why it is problematic to make a classic 45 ° cut at the joints. On the inside, the cut edges do not meet, leaving gaps.

But this is all complex professional lyrics. And how to make a corner of the ceiling plinth at home? The easiest way to work with foam accessories. First of all, measure the angle between the walls. If it is 90° or so, cut the edges at a 45° angle. Do the same with the second cut. With uneven joints between the walls and the ceiling, the radius of the corner is divided by two. Do not confuse the details with each other: the baguette that will be pasted on the left should have a cut on the right side, and the right fillet on the left.

To create the inner corner of the skirting board on the ceiling, its lower part should protrude above the upper one, for the outer corner the opposite is true. Due to the soft and pliable texture, it is not necessary to fit polystyrene foam fillets to each other, but you will have to tinker with plastic or wooden ones. Having made side cuts, try on the planks to the ceiling and, if necessary, cut them in accordance with the direction of accession of the accessory to the surfaces.

After rough joining the ceiling plinths, screw or glue the fillets to the ceiling and wall, and then seal the seams.

How to cut the corners of a ceiling plinth, tools for trimming and cutting corners

To cut the corner of the ceiling plinth, you will need certain tools. If you want to make joints no worse than a venerable repairman, then an electric Miter saw or stool. With the help of these devices it is possible to achieve high precision cut. In this case, no effort is required. You just need to set the necessary parameters and lower the sharp saw blade onto a plastic or wooden surface.

You can cut the ceiling plinth even more economical materials such as a hacksaw or a hand miter box. A simple saw is very cheap, and it is extremely simple to work with it. The only drawback of such a device is rudeness. There is always a risk of spoiling the material. If you bought plastic or wood Bad quality, then during operation the product may begin to crumble or delaminate into fibers.

To make a corner on the ceiling plinth without burrs, a jigsaw will help. The advantage of this tool, in addition to high accuracy and efficiency, is also ease of operation. You can set the jigsaw in any direction of movement and make the highest quality cuts.

But these are all products that help solve the problem of how to join a ceiling plinth made of wood or PVC. To work with foam plastic, it makes no sense to use such a complex technique. An ordinary construction knife will do here. The main thing is that it has a well-sharpened blade, then you will be able to make a high-quality cut without tearing and delamination of the material.

You still have not decided how to cut the ceiling plinth? No problem. In stores you can find fillets already prepared for docking in the corners. In this case, the opposite principle applies. When working with such a skirting board, you need to make not oblique, but only straight cuts for the front connection of parts. True, the cost of such accessories is higher compared to the classic ones.

In order to start cutting the corners of the baseboard, you need to acquire such a tool as a miter box. This attachment adjusts the desired cutting angle mounting knife or spatula. Its dimensions depend on the complexity of the work being done. For mounting plastic construction it is enough to use miter boxes with low inclinations up to 90 degrees. The most difficult moment here is, perhaps, the docking of all the elements so that there are no gaps between them. First you need to make a sketch. The plinth is placed directly on the wall. If the miter box is not at hand, you can get by with an ordinary stencil. The photo shows the process of cutting a small piece of foam with a knife.

How to make a corner on a ceiling plinth

In order to make a corner on the ceiling plinth, you need to acquire two important elements. This is the material with which you will glue the ceiling, as well as a measuring ruler with which you can measure the angles on the ceiling. If the wall is flat, then, as a rule, there are no special problems with measurements, but if there are gaps on it, then you can’t do without improvised means. It is better to pre-treat the corners with a sealant, sometimes it may need to be painted. It is important to remember that you first need to determine the angle of the product, and then carry out the following operations, such as, for example, cutting ceiling corner. On the diagram you see a hint on how to make corners correctly.

Ceiling baguettes

Ceiling baguettes - special decorative strips for the ceiling, which can be framed in various elements. Such a product can give the surface a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most often, the baguette acts as a cornice and is used in theaters and other buildings of cultural education. However, now in stores you can buy its varieties for home use. Most often, the product acts as additional element. Its execution may vary inside corner plinth, and outer corner plinth. Baguettes are recommended to be installed by experienced repairmen.
The figure shows one of the varieties of ceiling baguettes.

How to cut ceiling moldings in corners

In order to cut ceiling moldings in corners, you need to have a few important building materials with you and follow certain important rules:

  1. With a pencil, measure the required length of the ceiling in which you are going to lay the plinth.
  2. using a miter box, you need to measure the length to which you will lay the corner of the plinth and cut the corner.
  3. make an approximate layout with length indications and cut it directly with a mounting knife.

Chairs can be purchased at any hardware store your city.
In the figure, mark the area whose corner needs to be trimmed.
See the video for more details:

Ceiling fillets

Ceiling fillets are now gaining wide popularity due to their ease of installation. To proceed with the installation, you need to measure the perimeter of the room using a regular ruler. We divide the area by about 2, depending on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room itself. You need to decide how many fillet strips you need to take. There are two ways to glue them: with glue or putty. In the first option, you need a flat surface of the wallpaper, for the second we cut corners pvc skirting boards with a clerical knife, and then we strengthen the products with putty.

How to cut a ceiling plinth

In order to cut the ceiling plinth, you need to use a miter box. If you resort to professional repair, then you can buy the simplest option with a narrow range of corner radii, from about 45 to 90 degrees. In order not to be mistaken in how to cut the plinth, draw a layout. This can help, for example, when installing a plastic product. It is cut off already by the very edge of the miter box, if there are uneven edges, they are sawn with a mounting knife. In plastic baseboards, it is advisable to measure several pieces of stucco molding, and then deal with their separation. You can use a regular saw to cut the ceiling plinth.

What are the corners for the ceiling plinth

Corners for a ceiling plinth or, as they are also called differently, baguettes are special pieces of plastic that have a decorative finish. In everyday life, you can still find such a name as ceiling cornices. Initially, they were used for decoration in buildings of cultural importance, but over time their use has expanded to simple finishes at home. For corners, it is also necessary to first measure the length of the ceiling. Corners are most often made of polystyrene and have a dense texture and structure. In order to install such baguettes, concentration and care are needed. Installation is slightly different from the usual ceiling finish.

Corners for skirting boards are various forms. Their main feature is decorativeness and protection of the outer corner.

How to dock a ceiling plinth

We will give you some tips on how to properly join the ceiling skirting boards. And it doesn’t matter if you have a narrow or wide ceiling plinth. In order to start joining each piece, you need to set one piece foam baseboard on the diameter of the wall and draw a line with a pencil to the other corner. This way you can measure the joint of the ceiling plinth and its gusset. Next, you need to attach the fillet directly to the corner (not to the mark!), And cut it with a regular clerical knife. For a successful connection, you should use bars with sandpaper. The corners are assembled directly already in a monolithic structure and of the same color.

What is a wooden ceiling plinth

Wooden ceiling plinth - a variety decorative finishes for the ceiling, which allows you to hide the visible irregularities of the wall and add attractiveness to your room. In addition to standard plastic products, there are also wooden ones. You can get them at the warehouses of logging plants, or in a regular hardware store. You should choose only the one that will match the decoration of your home. Be sure to purchase nails or self-tapping screws to hold the wooden ceiling cornice. Installing these elements takes some time, but the installation process itself is not as complicated as it seems.

It is necessary to carefully file the pieces, cut out the corners, and process the places of future joints. You will need various tools and tools for cutting wood. The docking technique is practically no different from other types of similar products. The main thing is to carefully read how to calculate and how to fit all the joints. Then the connection will pass without problems.

How to join skirting boards

In order to start the process of docking skirting boards, you need to prepare several tools:

  1. measuring pencil;
  2. docking stationery knife.

First, measure the length and perimeter of the ceiling and mark with a pencil. If your surface is flat, you can get a regular miter box. The device is used when laying skirting boards at small angles, approximately 90-120 degrees. One plank of the product is placed under the miter box and cuts are made with the help of a knife in order to form grooves for the layout. A docking clerical knife is used if the corners of the ceiling are not even.

What is foam plinth

Polystyrene has long established itself as a good construction material due to its ease of installation. Found for ceilings wide application It's a foam board. Such products are now readily available, and they can be bought in absolutely any building market. Polystyrene foam has good decorative properties. Such a skirting board is usually delivered in particles. To secure it, several items are used, such as a miter box, a clerical knife. In order to measure the length, you can do with an ordinary well-sharpened pencil

How to cut a corner for a ceiling molding

How to cut a corner? In order to proceed with the installation of ceiling plinths, you first need to know how to cut the corner of the ceiling plinth. Angles are measured using goniometers and a marking pencil, through which you can calculate which side of the corner we need to apply a piece. If we have a flat surface, we do it with a miter box at small angles, and then, using a clerical knife, we cut out the designated corners. If this is a plastic plinth, you need to draw an approximate diagram in order not to make mistakes in the joints of the elements. Circumcision must be done carefully

How to cut a skirting board

In order to know how to cut the plinth during the installation process, you must have a miter box with you (for flat surfaces) or a clerical knife, which is used for uneven corners. If you have plastic product, it is best to use a special hacksaw for metal, then trimming will be much easier. It is necessary to cut the baseboard carefully, without pressing hard on the knife or saw, so as not to cut your hand instead of the corner of the baseboard. The miter box is used only for flat surfaces. The product is cut most often at small angles, at a distance of up to about 90 degrees. Stationery knife protrudes one-stop solution. When cutting, it is advisable to avoid places where there are gaps.

What is a miter box for a ceiling plinth

The miter box for the ceiling plinth is essential tool for processing skirting boards in the ceiling. It is distinguished by the presence of cutting tips on both sides at different angles from 45 to 90 degrees, which are located, as a rule, on the left and right sides. Using these tips, the plinth is clamped on both sides and sawn off cutting tool. In order to attach parts of the plinth, it is necessary to draw with a pencil desired angles for matching. The marked product is inserted into the miter box so that it stands steadily on its surface. The plinth is held with one hand, and the second, from the other angle, you need to cut the material.

How to glue a ceiling plinth

In order to know how to glue a ceiling plinth, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. always start from the corners of the room, they are the easiest, and then you can proceed to the rest of the room (you need to glue the corners so that no gaps form);
  2. at plastic plinth for leplin use finishing putty.

Places for fastening are moistened with soil or plain water. After the putty has dried, it is recommended that the surface be sealed with cracks. For their smearing, sealants of various contents are used, but it is best to take the substance on acrylic base. For a small room, one package is enough. Sealant installation is similar to putty.