How to seal a plastic water tank. Professional repair of plastic containers How can I seal a plastic barrel

The plastic canister is a convenient container for transporting water and other liquids. For their production, in most cases, polyethylene is used. high density(HDPE) - lightweight and durable material.

However, even he is subject to mechanical damage: from hard hit the plastic canister may crack and leak. You can repair a plastic container, the main thing is to choose the right adhesive and repair method.

Many types of polymers have a high chemical inertness, which makes it very difficult to stick together. In this case, to securely connect the parts, use special formulations designed directly for bonding plastics, polyethylene, silicones and other materials that are difficult to bond.

Seal the plastic canister You can use the following types of glue:

  • Loctite 406 for plastics and elastomers(elastic polymers) - universal cyanoacrylate adhesive with ultra-fast fixation. Single component, ready to use. Designed for gluing plastics, suitable for repairing plastic canisters. Bonds Loctite 406 perfectly, but it has one significant drawback - it is expensive. A small bottle of glue with a volume of 20 ml will cost about 500 rubles.
  • Dichloroethane (DCE, ethylene chloride)- aggressive adhesive solvent Russian production which is suitable for gluing different types plastics. EDC melts plastic and should be handled with extreme care. To reduce the activity of ethylene chloride, it is recommended to dissolve in the composition a small amount of material similar to that from which the canister is made. Glue goes on sale in small glass vials with a volume of 30-50 milliliters, it costs around 50 rubles. The main disadvantage of DCE is its high toxicity. In this regard, dichloroethane is not recommended for gluing food plastics. There is one more “but”: if the canister is made of polyethylene, then dichloroethane will not take it.
  • WEICON Easy-Mix PE-PP is a special two-component adhesive based on methyl methacrylate. Designed for gluing polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride and polypropylene. Suitable for gluing all kinds of plastic canisters and containers. It is sold in a double cartridge cartridge, but it costs even more: a package with a total volume of 38 ml costs about 3 thousand rubles. For this money you can buy more than one new canister.

Due to the high cost of purchased glue, we offer you the option of rescuing a canister with gasoline, foam plastic and fiberglass:

  1. You need to pour gasoline into a glass jar.
  2. Next, add the foam to the jar (it will quickly dissolve and turn into a homogeneous mass). Glue is ready!
  3. We clean the place of the crack on the plastic canister sandpaper.
  4. We take fiberglass and cut off such a piece that will close the crack on all sides by two centimeters.
  5. Then we coat the damaged area with glue (the glue should get inside the crack) and apply a fiberglass patch, and coat it carefully too (the glue should soak into the patch).
  6. At the end, let the canister dry.


Fix it yourself - the process of repairing a plastic canister by welding

There is no need to purchase an expensive glue for polyethylene because it is not economically feasible.

There is an easier, more affordable and practical way to restore plastic and polyethylene products. We are talking about welding polymers with a hot tool - a soldering iron or an industrial (construction) hair dryer.

All you need to close a crack in a plastic canister is an electric soldering iron with a suitable tip.

The soldering process itself is not difficult.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. The area to be welded is cleaned of dirt and degreased with alcohol;
  2. The soldering iron tip is cleaned of flux residues, oxides and other contaminants;
  3. The soldering iron is heated to a temperature of 220-240 degrees;
  4. The connected parts of the canister are brought together and sealed in such a way as to create maximum contact;
  5. If the crack is large and the walls of the canister are very thin, then additional filler material will be needed. As it, you can use a regular plastic bag twisted into a wick, or a piece of old plastic. With a hot soldering iron, polyethylene is melted and fills in the missing areas;
  6. The seam is leveled with a soldering iron to give the soldering place a more aesthetic appearance;
  7. Immediately after the seam hardens, the canister is ready for further use.

Important point: HDPE polyethylene is a very elastic material in nature, and if the canister is cracked, this may indicate that the material has lost its original properties (for example, from prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation). In this case, soldering will only temporarily solve the problem.

Can epoxy help us?

A two-component epoxy adhesive, which is prepared by mixing epoxy resin and a hardener, is capable of permanently bonding many types of plastic. However, it is not suitable for gluing polyethylene, polypropylene or Teflon, as these materials have negligible adhesion.

If the canister is made of plastic, which is extremely rare in practice, epoxy can do the job.

Works well with plastic the following types epoxy adhesive:

EDP ​​- classic version epoxy domestic production. This versatile two-part adhesive can be used to repair plastic containers. The kit includes a special hardener and a modified resin, which are mixed in a ratio of 1:10 immediately before starting work. A package of epoxy glue weighing 140 grams costs about 150 rubles.

Moment Epoxylin (Spain)- one of the most modern two-component adhesive compositions from Henkel based on epoxy resin. Packing epoxy glue Moment Epoxylin weighing 48 grams costs about 200 rubles.

Plastic is a unique material. Unlike metal, it does not undergo corrosive processes and decay, therefore it is especially popular and in demand not only in everyday life, but also in production.

Our company is engaged in providing services not only for manufacturing, but also for repair of plastic containers any destination.

To do this, we use a powerful material and technical base, which allows us to eliminate malfunctions of any level of complexity in the shortest possible time.

Professional repair of plastic containers of any manufacturer

When ordering a plastic product from us, you get a guarantee. Our experts travel to any part of the country to promptly eliminate the problem.

However, what if you need plastic container repair another manufacturer?

Our workshop employs a staff of experienced professionals, experience professional activity which are more than 5 years old.

Masters own all necessary knowledge and skills, as well as the nuances of repair for any plastic product.

Repair of plastic containers carried out in the shortest possible time. To eliminate the malfunction, hot air welding technology is used. As a result, no seams or joints are formed, the treated surface looks completely smooth and without a single flaw.

Such a solution allows not only to produce high-quality repair, but also to return the product to an attractive appearance.

If the plastic has cracked, a hole has formed or the surface has burst, we can quickly fix everything.

It is important to understand that most often plastic refers to a specific technical polymer - polypropylene, which does not withstand too low temperatures.

The range of values ​​for its normal functioning ranges from -15 to +120 degrees Celsius.

That is why it is impossible to use cold welding or any other adhesive substances that do not interact well with chemical elements when working with it.

Cooperation with us brings undoubted benefits!

Repair of a polypropylene tank produced on specialized equipment. Our workshop has a significant experience successful activity during which we have become true professionals.

Our experts will be happy to advise you online. For answers to all your questions, please contact us at the number indicated on the site.

Repair of a polyethylene container can be carried out in relation to any plastic product, including:

  • plastic tank from 5 liters;
  • blue, green, white, black and gray containers;
  • gas tank;
  • large volume tanks (up to 50 cubic meters);
  • diesel tanks;
  • septic products;
  • pipes;
  • cellars.

Tank repair- the service is in demand, because if the tank is damaged, you don’t want to throw it away, so it remains only to professionally eliminate the damage that has occurred.

It is especially beneficial in financial aspect, after all, repairs require a much smaller investment than buying a new product.

Plastic is both strong and brittle, and if handled improperly, breakage is inevitable.

With us you get not only professional and efficient repair, but also attractive prices which we make loyal and accessible for you. Call us and get answers to all your questions right now!

Many are concerned about one important question, how to solder a gas tank? Various car breakdowns can catch the driver at any time and most likely you will not even expect it. One of the most serious problems is the breakdown of the gas tank. It needs to be solved very urgently, and at least partially.

In fact, fixing a gas tank is not so difficult for a person who understands at least a little about mechanics and held in his hands blowtorch. If you are unfamiliar with how your car works, you will have to learn, because the problem is really very serious. Many people ask the question: "How to solder the gas tank yourself?". First you need to know where it is. Often it is located in the right corner of the rear sector of the car.

Due to this placement, the gas tank can ensure the safety of the driver and passengers. Find it and examine it carefully.

Your task is to understand what is the cause of the breakdown and where is the hole that needs to be soldered. After all, it is the lower part of the car that most often suffers from physical impact. But here the driving style can also serve as a breakdown factor, if you drive carefully, then most likely this problem will bypass you. The only thing you should expect it from is corrosion and rust. Time will take its toll, especially on domestic cars.

Fast work

How to solder a gas tank if an accident happened on the highway? First, drain all the fuel that is inside. You will need a jack to tilt the car, and then you can drain the fuel using a tube. But even after that, do not start work, you need to wait until the gas tank is completely dry, otherwise it may ignite.

Further, assess the damage to the gas tank and locate the breakage. Your task is to carefully remove it for repair. When the part is removed from the car body, it is necessary to determine whether there are additional holes in the gas tank. The process is quite delicate, so it is better not to rush here. It is necessary to carefully detach the gas tank from the car and carefully inspect it. Only after that you can start working.


There are several types of critical breakdowns of the gas tank, but often they are solved simple way. If the breakdown occurred while driving, and you are on the highway, then it is better to install patches on the gas tank first. This can only be done with a wrench..

Using improvised tools, it is necessary to expand the hole of the hole so that a bolt can be inserted into it. Then put a washer on it with an elastic band or a dense gasket, and then insert this design into the neck.

Also, from the outside of the gas tank, it is necessary to install a special cuff with a washer, which will simply be tightened with a regular nut. This design will help you get to the car service, where specialists will already carry out the main work.

A simple solution

In some situations, you can eliminate a hole in a gas tank using good glue or any analogue. With not very serious damage, this method will be most relevant. All you need is a good piece of cloth that needs to be moistened with glue and applied to the damaged area.

When you see that the fabric is firmly stuck to the place of damage, treat it with nitro paint, this temporary repair will allow you to easily get to to the nearest car service.

After these tips, you most likely will no longer ask: "How to solder a gas tank?". Now you can independently carry out repairs at any time and protect yourself from even greater damage to the gas tank.

Is it even possible to seal a container or gas tank made of plastic?

How to solder a plastic container? In our time, there are many invented methods for welding cracks, holes, burst seams, equipment for such repairs is also diverse from a soldering iron to a hair dryer, whoever is much better. It can be repaired with such tools, but where is the guarantee that it will not leak again. Such repairs will be just decorative and in the future the owner will incur new costs. It takes knowledge of the material and practice. Our masters enjoys professional equipment of a well-known Swiss company and give a guarantee for the repaired container, reservoir, tank, gas tank made of plastic.

Plastic containers are made mainly from materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene, it is almost impossible to stick anything to these materials, due to their chemical characteristics, and trying to seal a container of these materials is a waste of time.

With large volumes of plastic containers from 2 cubes, this type of repair will not help at all, in this case only welding with special equipment will ensure the sealing of the container!

How to seal a plastic tank

How to seal plastic tank?

Usually the problem is solved with a plastic container repair kit, but remember that if you want to use this method for a long time, such a repair will not help you. All capacitive products in 95% of cases are made of two materials - polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), which in turn have very low adhesion, that is, they are very resistant to chemical attack. Almost no glue is glued to them, and more than one patch with glue will not provide a quality repair, professional repair by welding is necessary!

How to seal a plastic gas tank?

How to seal a plastic gas tank is a serious matter, not every car service has specialists who can restore a plastic fuel tank, and also give a sealing guarantee! You can repair it yourself, for this again you need equipment and a simple building hair dryer here it is unlikely to save, where will they give you a guarantee for your repair? Our workshop both repairs and gives a guarantee for the repair of the fuel tank, specialists go to the place of repair, if necessary, by agreement.

Repair of a gas tank of any type without a trip to the service station

A car breakdown is a fairly common occurrence that can catch a driver in the most unforeseen situation. The failure of the gas tank is a serious problem that needs to be at least partially eliminated at the site of the accident. This will allow the vehicle to be transported to the nearest service center where it will be possible to carry out a major inspection and repair. Do-it-yourself gas tank repair is not too difficult for people with some knowledge of such repairs.

Location of the gas tank - lower right corner of the rear sector vehicle. This is due to ensuring safety for the driver and passengers, as well as the formation of the correct center of gravity in the car, which makes it possible to improve its handling. However, the lower section most often suffers from constant physical impact, which leads to repeated damage to all mechanisms located here. The fuel tank is no exception.

Crack in car gas tank

Causes of damage to the gas tank and the basics of repair

The breakdown of gas tanks is most often associated with the gradual development of corrosion processes. Their impact on inner part fuel tank. The provoking factor for the appearance of rust is water. It is almost impossible to avoid getting into the tank.

Also, the cause of holes in the gas tank can be a malfunction in the vehicle's power system. A discharged pressure is formed inside the tank, which provokes the formation of an emergency load on all walls of the fuel tank. After some time, it becomes covered with small mechanical cracks.

Rules for repairing a gas tank of any type:

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is required to drain all available fuel from the gas tank. With the help of a jack, the car is installed in an inclined position. Gasoline is drained through pipes. Next, the gas tank should be thoroughly dried.
  2. Determine the extent to which it is necessary to completely remove the fuel tank in order to carry out repair work. It is recommended to take into account the area of ​​damage and the degree of convenience in carrying out repairs.
  3. Determine the feasibility of conducting a full monitoring of the tank for the presence of additional holes.

Gas tank removed for subsequent repair

Methods for repairing a fuel storage tank

There are several ways to troubleshoot. Most of them apply to extreme conditions to avoid wasting additional funds to call a tow truck.

Installing the patch with a wrench and rubber gasket. First you need to use improvised means to expand the punch hole of the tank to a size corresponding to the bolt. A washer with a rubber gasket is put on its narrow part. Then the whole structure is inserted into the hole through the neck. From the outside, a cuff with a washer is installed and tightened with a nut.

The rubber must be petrol resistant. Not every driver has such material stored in the car.

How to repair a gas tank yourself: detailed instructions with video

As a replacement, a camera from any truck is suitable. Such a patch is considered quite durable. At correct installation with an appeal to the service station, you can wait. This method is often used by truckers who spend most of their time on the road. A good patch can last more than five years.

Use to eliminate damage to the glue "Moment" or any of its analogues. The method is relevant for not very serious injuries. To create a patch, you need a piece of dense, but pliable fabric moistened with glue. It needs to be firmly pressed to the site of damage and held for a while. After the main gluing, the patch should be treated with nitro paint from the repair kit. This is a temporary measure that allows you to get to the nearest service station.

On - repair of a gas tank hole:

Temporary replacement of the gas tank for any bottle. The method is suitable for breakdown of the fuel capacity of carburetor-type cars. Plastic or any other container is filled with gasoline, a hose is immersed in it, going from the gasoline pump to the fuel tank. The container should be securely fastened so that it does not tip over and cause negative consequences. This method will easily help the driver to get out of a difficult situation.

Elimination of damage through laundry soap. The method is considered effective only for superficial problems.

Sealing the area of ​​the crack with epoxy glue and fiberglass. The place of gluing must be thoroughly cleaned and dried, gasoline drained. Clean the work area with sandpaper, degrease and dry again. A piece of fiberglass must be glued to the damage site. After complete drying, stick another one of the same patch. The number of layers must be at least three. When gluing the last layer, a plasticizer should be used, which can be aluminum powder.

Repair of plastic gas tanks and metal gas tanks by cold welding. Most universal way fight against holes. Damage is removed with epoxy. The first stage of work is grouting the surface with sandpaper. Then, in a separate bowl, epoxy resin is mixed with a hardener until a homogeneous mass is obtained. If heating is required, the container can be placed on the engine. When performing this method, a fabric patch is also used. Saturate it liberally with the resulting mixture and apply to the hole in the fuel tank. Let dry well. This patch is very strong and can last quite a long time.

The result of repairing a gas tank by cold welding

Soldering as a type of gas tank repair of any type

This method of eliminating the hole is the most stable. Suitable for both metal and plastic fuel tanks. Knowing how to solder a gas tank, you can extend its service life for a long time without buying a new unit in a car shop.

Repair of a plastic gas tank is carried out using a soldering iron, the power of which is 250 watts.

The procedure itself is reminiscent of soldering a plastic bumper. Soldering is done with outside. It is necessary to control the tightness and strength of the structure. If additional donor plastic is used, its type must match the original representative. The marking of the plastic composition is usually present on each part. It can be polypropylene (PP), acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) or polyamide (PA). Fine-pitch metal or copper mesh is used as a reinforcing material. The desired piece of it is applied to the cleaned surface and, using a heated soldering iron, is fused deep into the plastic. The remaining plastic on the surface of the mesh is gently smeared, creating surface layer. The entire operation must be carried out at one time, otherwise it will not be possible to avoid the influx of multiple layers of plastic.

Only a soldering iron with a power of 500 watts is suitable for repairing a metal gas tank. The most ordinary iron can help warm up the body of the gas tank. If necessary, a thin copper sheet can be used for the patch. The solder must be soft. The patch is soldered along the entire perimeter, which contributes to the tightness and reliability of fastening. Before soldering, the work area is treated with soldering acid. This is necessary for the reliability of the connection of solder and metal. From above the imposed patch is covered bituminous mastic with exceptional resistance to corrosion.

The result of repairing a gas tank by soldering

How to restore the gas tank cap

You can pay attention to a malfunction of the gas tank cap if, when it is opened, there is a noise effect associated with air being sucked into the tank.

Repair of the gas tank cap is often associated with malfunctions of the plastic leash. You can replace it with ties that fasten the wires. To work, you need three clamps. Insert one of them into the lug of the fuel tank cap and tighten a tight loop. Already connect the second clamp to it. In the loop of the gas tank flap, do small hole, to which to bind the loop node. The second end of the clamp located on the gas tank cap will be tied to it.

Knowledge of the features of the repair of the fuel tank for the driver is extremely useful. Understanding repair issues, not a single motorist will be taken by surprise, even far from civilization.

How to seal an aluminum tank

What methods are effective and how to seal the gas tank for the possibility of its further operation? These issues will be discussed in this section. After all, this topic is more about used cars, and even then domestic production. Structurally, gas tanks are practically not protected from external damage, unlike foreign analogues. Often, small fractions of gravel, crushed stone, asphalt, bouncing off the rear wheels, gradually destroy the paint and primer shell, causing irreparable damage to the metal. After some time, the metal begins to rust. The driver begins to notice a fuel leak. How to seal the gas tank? Today there are two options for gluing:

Each method is good in its own way. Of course, you can find other ways to fix leaks in the gas tank, but they are less effective than the above. Tools and related equipment

  • Half a liter of acetone;
  • Epoxy resin;
  • Fiberglass.

First, we purchase all of the above materials, carefully read the terms of the instructions for use. Troubleshooting algorithm

  • Degrease the surface of the gas tank with acetone.

    This procedure must be carried out several times, since the quality of the gluing of the fuel tank material depends on how well the degreasing will be carried out;

Preparation stage and epoxy bonding For bonding, it is necessary to use an adhesive of a viscous consistency, otherwise the effect may not be achieved.

  • We cut the patches of fiberglass so that they protrude 1-2 cm more than the perimeter of the crack or other damage. Scraps of fabric are thoroughly impregnated in epoxy;

Each subsequent layer should be slightly wider than the previous one and with an interval of 15-20 minutes. In addition last layer we impregnate additionally with aluminum powder, which can be purchased at a car dealership. After a day, the structure will completely dry and harden. You can process it with fine sanding paper. We proceed to painting or priming, depending on the need. Cold welding is used similarly to the above processes. In spite of Hi-tech in the form of welding, many drivers prefer the old tried and true methods. So, the question of how to seal the gas tank has already been sorted out. You can carry out a similar procedure both in garage conditions and at a car service, depending on your decision.

The causes of damage to fuel tanks can be different, in one case rust, in the other a normal trip on Russian roads. A small blow and almost immediately we begin to smell gasoline in the cabin. The fuel level arrow also tells us that gasoline is leaking. And how difficult is it to repair the fuel tank yourself? If the gas tank is leaking, then driving with such a breakdown is not safe, so do not put off repairing it for a long time. Before starting work, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with:

General rules for repairing a gas tank

  1. To drain the gasoline from the fuel tank, you will need to tilt the car with a jack to one side and use the tube. If the hole in the gas tank is at the bottom of it, then it will be faster to drain the gas through it. Then you should dry the gas tank from gasoline vapors.
  2. Repair of a gas tank without removal or better to dismantle it, they decide depending on the accessibility to the place of damage and the type of repair work.

Folk way to repair a gas tank

Do you know how they used to repair the fuel tank in field conditions our grandfathers? If a small crack appeared in the fuel tank, the hole was rounded with a screwdriver. Next, we selected a bolt of a suitable size for this hole and twisted it, first we put rubber washers on it (from the wheel chamber).

If you look at the old 130th ZILs, you can see that their tanks are completely bolted, which indicates that this method is quite reliable and durable. Currently, this method finds its favor with truckers, but the most popular and all affordable way repair the gas tank, we will analyze further:

Gas tank repair by cold welding

This method for this moment remains the most popular section of motorists. It is based on a material called " cold welding", which can be found in any household store. The meaning of this tool is that when mixing the two components, the resulting plasticine-like mixture hardens in 10-30 minutes, which is ideal for patches. If the damaged surface is first cleaned of dirt and dried, then the repair by cold welding will be quite durable, and it is unlikely Do you ever come back to this damage. However, if you try to fix a hole in the gas tank without pre-training, then such treatment will be temporary.

Repair of a gas tank by soldering

For this method, you will need a soldering flux (fat, rosin) and a hammer soldering iron (200W). We clean and degrease the space around the damage site, and thoroughly rinse the tank itself with water.

We process with 20% phosphoric acid and solder two galvanized patches (flux-hydrochloric acid with zinc, solder pos-40). The landing surfaces of the patch and the tank should be cleaned and tinned.

Do-it-yourself gas tank repair

Such a repair of a punctured gas tank can be called reliable, but the disadvantage is the mandatory dismantling of the tank.

Fiberglass and epoxy gas tank repair

Another way to fix a gas tank leak. In this case, fiberglass and epoxy will act as a patch. Similarly, we clean the surface, and then apply a layer of fiberglass, which we impregnate with resin. After drying, apply the second layer in the same way. The final step will be anticorrosive treatment. Gas tank repaired in 4 hours! In the field, instead of epoxy and fiberglass, Moment glue and any material (rag, rags) are used. The layers are alternately impregnated and superimposed on the site of damage. Such a temporary solution allows you to easily reach the nearest service station.


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How to glue a plastic tank

Feb 9 2004
A tank burst from a material very similar to that from which washer tanks are made for cars (white fragile plastic).

How to repair a fuel tank. Do-it-yourself gas tank repair

Crack 10-12mm.
This infectious plastic is not taken by any glue ...
Who glued, tell me what???

(moscow, russia)
Feb 9 2004
It's most likely polyethylene or something similar. The only solvent is a soldering iron.
Feb 9 2004
You need a heat gun and a hair dryer. We expand the crack to 2mm, the edges are chamfered.

We apply a smooth metal plate from the outside, heat the tank around the crack with a hair dryer - so that it does not drip yet, but is already hot, from the inside we fill it with a thermal gun from the inside. Cool down, cut off the excess. We insert the plate from the inside, heat it with a hairdryer from the outside, Fill it with a thermal gun from the outside.

Rods for a thermal gun of different colors, with different properties, explain to the seller where this tank is used, pick it up.
Easier: without a hair dryer and pour on one side.
Generally elementary: buy a new tank.

(Volzhsky, Volgograd region)
Feb 9 2004
This rubbish is utter plastic tank... Plastic gets old from time to time (your thorn is most likely the first sign), as a result, it can burst at the same time along the entire height with pouring the contents onto the floor. This is exactly what happened to a friend - she was good at home, she heard the whistle of water from the valve.
Feb 9 2004

It won’t work from the inside 🙁 The throat at the tank is 5 cm in diameter.

> Even simpler, without a thermal gun: We turn a plastic bag (which is thin, without a pattern) into a thin, tight tube, light it, drops begin to fall from it.

Wow, I'll try this now. But it will stink...

> Generally elementary: buy a new tank

No, not easier, it is specific, from a sprayer. I watered them with wallpaper, primed the walls ...

Hello, Alexander!!! :-)

> Utter rubbish this plastic tank...

Maybe yes.

> Plastic ages over time...

No, it’s new, it’s not even a month old yet, but it burst, an infection. I think I hit him with something.

(Samara, Russia)
Feb 10 2004

Buy a stick of hot melt adhesive and use a soldering iron or just a hot nail (like a spatula) to cover the crack with it. Only, initially, it is necessary to degrease the surfaces of the crack - it can be done with acetone.

Best regards, Sergei

Feb 11


Thanks everyone for the advice.

Gluing was done with a heat gun. Only here is the nuance: there were 2 rods - one transparent, the other matte. The first did not stick together, the second patched tightly!

With respect, Nicholai.

Feb 12 2004
Late of course, but ... It is desirable to drill the ends of such cracks. To not spread further.

How to seal a gas tank? 2 time-tested ways

What methods are effective and how to seal the gas tank for the possibility of its further operation? These issues will be discussed in this section. After all, this topic is more about used cars, and even then domestic production.

Structurally, gas tanks are practically not protected from external damage, unlike foreign analogues. Often, small fractions of gravel, crushed stone, asphalt, bouncing off the rear wheels, gradually destroy the paint and primer shell, causing irreparable damage to the metal. After some time, the metal begins to rust. The driver begins to notice a fuel leak.

How to seal a gas tank? Today There are two adhesive options:

  • Using cold welding to seal cracks and holes;
  • Epoxy glue or popularly called fiberglass. It is better to buy a two-component.

Each method is good in its own way. Of course, you can find other ways to fix leaks in the gas tank, but they are less effective than the above.

Tools and related equipment

  • Several sheets of sanding paper;
  • Half a liter of acetone;
  • Epoxy resin;
  • Fiberglass.

First, we purchase all of the above materials, carefully read the terms of the instructions for use.

Troubleshooting algorithm

  • We drive the car to viewing hole or overpass;
  • We outline the place of leakage with chalk;
  • We dismantle the fuel tank from the car;
  • Pour out the remains of gasoline or diesel fuel;
  • Dry on outdoors necessarily, since chemical reagent vapors are explosive;
  • Using a rag and a soapy solution, we externally clean the gas tank from tar residues, dirt, and other impurities;
  • For cleaning hard-to-remove chemical compounds use coarse sandpaper;
  • Degrease the surface of the gas tank with acetone. This procedure must be carried out several times, since the quality of the gluing of the fuel tank material depends on how well the degreasing will be carried out;

Preparation stage and epoxy bonding

For gluing, it is necessary to use glue of a viscous consistency, otherwise the effect may not be achieved.

  • Cut pieces of fiberglass so that they protruded 1-2 cm. larger than the perimeter of a crack or other damage. Scraps of fabric are thoroughly impregnated in epoxy;
  • Carefully apply fiberglass to the surface of the gas tank so that there are no air bubbles left, otherwise eliminate the shortcomings;
  • Using a rag, remove excess glue and resin;
  • Smoothes the glass strip with a small piece of plastic to flatten the platform;
  • After that, we proceed to the imposition of the second ball, we carry out a similar procedure. Depending on the degree of damage to the gas tank, it is determined with the number of fiberglass balls. Accordingly, minimal damage will require a minimum number of fiberglass balls, deeper damage zones will require more balls.

Note to the driver, it must be remembered that the quality of the rest of the structure depends on how the first layer is laid.

Each subsequent layer should be slightly wider than the previous one and with an interval of 15-20 minutes.

In addition, we impregnate the last layer with additional aluminum powder, which can be purchased at a car dealership.

After a day, the structure will completely dry and harden. You can process it with fine sanding paper.

We proceed to painting or priming, depending on the need.

Cold welding is used similarly to the above processes. Despite advanced technology in the form of welding, many drivers prefer the old tried and true methods. So, the question of how to seal the gas tank has already been sorted out. You can carry out a similar procedure both in garage conditions and at a car service, depending on your decision.

First steps to take if a leak is detected
Use of sealant and epoxy glue for plastic pipe
How to seal a hole with duct tape
Crack repair by cold welding

Modern household communications are increasingly equipped with plastic pipes: this is especially true for sewer and plumbing systems, mostly consisting of polypropylene or PVC products. Like any other plumbing, these systems need periodic repairs.

First steps to take if a leak is detected

If there is a leak on the heating or high pressure pipe, you must immediately shut off the system with shutoff valves. To solve the problem of how to close a hole in a plastic pipe, you can use a clamp. Such designs are characterized by a very simple use, which consists in putting on a damaged area and tightening the bolts.

More old way is to use rubber: in this way heating and water pipes. This involves wrapping a piece of rubber around the damaged area, for which you can use an old car tire.

For clamping, use a clamp, thin wire or a strong cord. Ordinary oil paint is also used, which is smeared on a fabric previously wound over a leak (read also: "How to fix a leak in a plastic pipe - options for sealing a leak"). All these methods have only a temporary effect, since the leak will definitely make itself felt later. The best option how to close a crack in a plastic pipe is to completely replace the problem area, especially since in the case of plastic pipes this is not difficult to do.

Use of sealant and epoxy glue for plastic pipe

The appearance of cracks or leaks in plastic pipeline a number of factors can contribute. These are mistakes made at the stage of system installation, and violation of operation. And the plastic parts themselves may be defective.

If the size of the resulting crack is small, then it is not necessary to change the entire pipe. You could try sealing it first. silicone sealant especially when it comes to non-penetrating damage.

How to seal cracked plastic in the refrigerator?

Most often, sewer systems are repaired in this way.

In this case, you need to act like this:

  1. Clean up and expand the damage. This is done for deeper penetration of the sealant.
  2. Carry out degreasing and drying of the repaired area.
  3. Apply the desired layer of sealant and allow it to dry well.

However, it happens that the pipe receives through damage. How to seal the sewer plastic pipe in this case?

This is done using a two-component epoxy composition, in compliance with the following sequence of work:

  1. The place where the damage appeared must be cleaned, degreased and dried.
  2. To prepare the bandage, you will need fiberglass or another dense and flexible material.
  3. The crack itself and the place around it are wrapped with a prepared bandage, with a good margin. Wrap the material around the pipe at least 5 times.
  4. At the final stage, epoxy glue is applied.

In addition to sewer systems, water pipes and heated towel rails can be repaired in this way.

How to seal a hole with duct tape

With this modern material it is possible to qualitatively eliminate small leaks on the pipes located in the bathrooms. Outwardly, it is an adhesive fabric impregnated with special substances. Most often, joints and connecting elements are sealed with sealing tape. As for straight sections, they can also be repaired in this way.

When using sealing tape, it is important to follow the following sequence of work:

  • The damaged area must be thoroughly cleaned and dried.
  • After stretching a small piece of tape, it is wrapped around the pipe. It is important that this procedure is accompanied constant voltage in the tape, otherwise wrinkles will occur.
  • When winding, each new round should be laid on half of the previous one. It is best to pack the pipe with two layers of sealing tape.

The main disadvantage of this method is the lack of stability repair material to the rays of the sun. To achieve a good service life, the wound tape is coated with additional protection.

Crack repair by cold welding

At present, specialized stores offer special cold welding for sewer pipes. It is made specifically for repair. plastic products used in the organization of water pipes, cooling systems, heating communications.

With the help of cold welding, damage of almost any degree of complexity can be repaired. In this case, thermal exposure is not required, since a chemical reaction is used to bring the constituent components into working condition.

The work itself to repair a damaged plastic pipe has the following sequence:

  1. It all starts with surface preparation, for which the entire problem area is treated with an emery cloth. This is followed by degreasing the base with alcohol-containing liquids. If this procedure is neglected, the applied patch will serve many times less.
  2. It is necessary to calculate exactly how much material is required for quality termination. For this, a simple visual inspection is usually enough: the main thing here is that the repair mass can cover the entire problem area.
  3. The substance must be taken in hands, on which protective rubber gloves are first put on, and begin to knead. This procedure is continued until the material is stained in a specific brown shade. Another sign of the readiness of the material is the mass reaching the state of plasticine.
  4. The finished plastic material must be well repaired damage by pressing it with a tourniquet. Then a pause is made in the work, for about an hour: during this time, the repair mass solidifies. It must be made so strong and dense that any drilling, cutting and other influences on its surface are completely safe.

It is important to take into account the presence of components harmful to the human body in the composition of cold welding. For safety reasons, it is recommended to get protective gloves and goggles in advance. To speed up the process of solidification of the plastic mass, some experts recommend acting on it warm air using a building or regular hair dryer.

Cold welding for sewer pipes is suitable for repairing damaged plumbing. For example, if a piece of material has broken off from a sink or toilet bowl, cold welding will help glue it back with high quality. Buying it universal remedy, it is necessary to check its expiration date, features of the composition and the availability of a quality certificate.

How to solder a plastic container

Is it even possible to seal a container or gas tank made of plastic?

How to solder a plastic container? In our time, there are many invented methods for welding cracks, holes, burst seams, equipment for such repairs is also diverse from a soldering iron to a hair dryer, whoever is much better. It can be repaired with such tools, but where is the guarantee that it will not leak again. Such repairs will be just decorative and in the future the owner will incur new costs. It takes knowledge of the material and practice. Our craftsmen use professional equipment from a well-known Swiss company and give a guarantee for the repaired tank, reservoir, tank, gas tank made of plastic.

Plastic containers are made mainly from materials such as polyethylene and polypropylene, it is almost impossible to glue anything to these materials due to their chemical characteristics, and trying to seal a container from these materials is a waste of time. With large volumes of plastic containers from 2 cubes, this type of repair will not help at all, in this case only welding with special equipment will ensure the sealing of the container!

How to seal a plastic tank

How to seal a plastic tank?

How to fix a crack in plastic?

Usually the problem is solved with a plastic container repair kit, but remember that if you want to use this method for a long time, such a repair will not help you. All capacitive products in 95% of cases are made of two materials - polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene (PE), which in turn have very low adhesion, that is, they are very resistant to chemical attack. Almost no glue is glued to them, and more than one patch with glue will not provide a quality repair, professional repair by welding is necessary!

How to seal a plastic gas tank?

How to seal a plastic gas tank is a serious matter, not every car service has specialists who can restore a plastic fuel tank, and also give a sealing guarantee! You can repair it yourself, for this again you need equipment and a simple building hair dryer is unlikely to save here, where will they give you a guarantee for your repair? Our workshop both repairs and gives a guarantee for the repair of the fuel tank, specialists go to the place of repair, if necessary, by agreement.

Can a plastic container be patched?

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How and how to close a hole in a plastic pipe - methods proven by masters

I tried to glue, but nothing helped, under the weight of water, the barrel still flows through the holes. What can be done please advise. The container is in the attic, and there is absolutely no need for dampness there.

October 23, 2015
at 18:18 You need to solder. How to solder the same material. The place where the crack / hole is treated as for welding.

October 24, 2015
at 5:53 Place the patches and tighten with bolts

rocksinatahaOctober 25, 2015
at 0:15 You can try dichloroethane, this is an interesting kind of mixture that you need to smear on the surfaces to be glued, wait until the plastic dissolves, then press them together and wait a bit until it sets.

October 25, 2015
at 7:45 If the hole is small. you need to look in construction stores for welding for plastic or liquid plastic in tubes. Welding was tried when two large buckets and a two-bucket basin were reanimated. Now we keep a supply of water in them in case of blackouts. Nothing flows. Only it is necessary to do everything strictly according to the instructions, without deviations.

October 25, 2015
at 9:02 as an option. You can also try soldering the way bumpers on cars are soldered. A heat gun with additives for heat sealing is used and a reinforcing mesh is also needed. Come to the service station and consult with the master. As far as I have seen such repairs, the process is generally not complicated.

October 28, 2015
at 13:50 I have the same trouble, although the container is smaller - only 50 liters - last winter I took in water, pulled the container through the snow and lightly hooked an ice floe - a crack of about 15 centimeters. I think to close up with glue for polyethylene.


October 28, 2015
at 15:07 Maybe a stupid way, but it seems to me that on top of the hole put a cut out plastic circle. Slightly wider holes. And try to solder this circle. As mentioned above, use solder from plastic. It is sold in construction stores. Soldering only the hole will not help. Checked.

October 29, 2015
at 7:09 You can also try. Only now, under the plastic "patch", it seems to me, it is necessary to throw a fine mesh - as a reinforcement. There is one for solder. Then, perhaps, the place of soldering will be kept.

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Repair of plastic tanks can be divided into 2 types: extrusion and bar (soldering with a hot air gun). Other repair methods are not effective (glue, sealant, foam, etc.).

Soldering gasoline and diesel tanks (gas tank) has its own characteristics. The gas tank from special equipment must be removed from the car before repair. Some gas tanks can be repaired directly on the car, it depends on the nature of the damage and the location of the fuel leak.

Polymer water tanks do not require special preparation during restoration, they must be drained, the damage site must be protected from liquid ingress and cleaned of mud deposits (if any).

Extrusion is performed using specialized equipment. Using this method, loaded products are repaired (gas tanks of tractors, trucks and cars, containers with a volume of more than 0.5 cubic meters and pressure vessels). Products after welding do not lose their operational and strength properties - the service life after repair is unlimited.

hot air welding(with hot air gun and plastic additive) less effective method, usually they cook not heavily loaded plastic parts. The service life after soldering is from 1 month (depending on the load). This method, in view of the overheating of the repaired area, is not as durable as extrusion, but its undoubted advantage is its lower cost.

Professional restoration of a plastic tank is carried out in as soon as possible, if necessary, with the departure of a specialist welder to the place of work. Water tanks, fuel tanks, plastic expansion tanks, vertical tanks, storage tanks, plastic containers of large volume, as well as containers for reagents and other chemical compositions.

Most modern cars, tractors, construction equipment are equipped with plastic fuel tanks, which for a number of reasons break through, crack and break. The cost of gas tanks is quite high, plus the order and delivery of the product can take a long time, the price of work allows you to avoid high costs and repair a damaged gas tank with minimal losses. Soldering fuel tanks takes about an hour of your time. An example of welding a fuel tank is the repair of the gas tank of the JCB excavator shown in the first photo, the tank was pierced by iron fittings, after restoration, the properties and shape of the gas tank remained the same, the equipment runs smoothly.

To weld a gas tank (fuel tank), the customer must provide certain conditions - the tank must be drained, dried from fuel (open the neck and other outlets for several hours, keep it open during transportation for the release of gasoline vapors or diesel fuel). We solder gas tanks of trucks and cars, snowmobiles, tractors, trucks, buses, truck cranes and other special equipment.

Self-restoration of polyethylene fuel tanks is impossible if you are looking for something to seal a plastic container with - do not try, there is simply no glue for polyethylene and polypropylene, and manufacturers claiming that glue or sealant can seal a crack in these materials are cunning. Polyethylene or polypropylene are repaired only by welding, if a guarantee and tightness of fuel tanks are needed, then it can be achieved exclusively by extrusion welding. There are no special conditions for soldering a plastic water tank, it must be dry. Wondering - how to seal a plastic tank? - take your time! Due to a number of properties, polyethylene and polypropylene containers do not stick together, sealants, glue and epoxy resins will not help you in solving this problem, and the deterioration of the quality of the surface due to unprofessional repair can increase the cost of subsequent work to restore the product (see photo 3).

A plastic fuel tank is repaired by welding polymers using a welding extruder. Modern plastic containers are made from high quality polymer raw materials. Welding technology allows repairing tanks and gas tanks made from almost all types of raw materials. Polyethylene is usually used as the basis for polymer containers, it is known for its resistance to fuel and chemicals, as well as to shock and external loads. Polyethylene containers are distinguished by their durability in use, storage in polymer containers food products and drinking water safe for the human body, this is due to the fact that polyethylene does not emit toxic substances and practically does not decompose. Due to the unique chemical and mechanical properties of polyethylene and polypropylene, many manufacturers of agricultural, construction and special equipment have adopted polymer capacitive equipment for re-equipment to replace obsolete metal ones.