Sewerage tank for a private house - which type to choose, advantages and installation. Sewer barrel - do-it-yourself tank selection and installation Cumulative sewerage system

For each house for a comfortable stay, it is required to supply water and equip a sewer to drain it. The most convenient option is to connect a household external sewer to a central system, which is not always possible to do. In this case, sewage tanks are used to collect and treat wastewater.

The storage tank for sewage is a large tank equipped with two holes:

  • entrance for connecting a sewer pipeline;
  • hole for cleaning the container.

In most cases, such a unit is installed below ground level. This allows you to save the aesthetic appearance of the site and space for other purposes.

Types of containers

Storage tanks are used to equip water flow in a modern external sewer system. Installing the device does not require certain skills, but the tank needs timely cleaning, which is carried out.

Depending on the material used for the production, sewer tanks are divided into:

  • metal;
  • concrete.

plastic containers

Tanks made from various types of plastic are the most popular.

Plastic containers for sewage have a number of advantages over units made from other materials:

  • have a relatively small weight, which is important when installing equipment;
  • the most hermetic. This factor is achieved due to the absence of welds;
  • durable, as the material is resistant to corrosion and the negative effects of aggressive substances contained in wastewater;
  • relatively low cost of the device.

metal containers

The second place in use after plastic is occupied by metal containers for sewage.

Such equipment is heavier than plastic. To install it, you will need to use a crane. It is not possible to install a metal container on your own.

Before installation, in order to prevent sewage from entering the ground, it is necessary to carefully treat all connecting seams with a sealant.

In order to protect the equipment from possible corrosion as much as possible, the tank is covered both inside and outside with a protective anti-corrosion material, which significantly extends the service life of the tank. Resistant paint, for example, XB-785 enamel, can be used as such a material.

Concrete tanks

Currently, they are rarely used for sewerage. First of all, this is due to the property of the material used.

Concrete quickly collapses from strong and constant humidity. Accordingly, sewer containers made of concrete last a short time. But the cost of installing such a unit is a lot. Due to the large weight, the tank cannot be installed without the use of special equipment.

Thus, for small private networks, it is advisable to use plastic containers for sewage.

To install a sewer tank yourself, you need:

  • calculate the appropriate amount of equipment and decide on its material;
  • choose the best place for installation;
  • install and test the system.

Calculation of the volume of the sewer tank

Before installing the entire external sewer system, it is necessary to determine the volume of the sewer tank.

The amount of equipment needed depends on:

  • on the number of people living in the house (it is especially important if the capacity calculation is carried out for a country cottage in which people constantly live);
  • on the amount of wastewater (on average, one person consumes about 200 liters of liquid per day);
  • from the expected period of cleaning work.

Specialists have developed a universal formula for calculating the volume of a sewer tank:

V=n*x*Vday, where

  • n is the period between cleaning works, measured in days;
  • x is the number of people permanently residing in the house;
  • Vday - the estimated volume of wastewater per person per day.

For example, 3 people live permanently in a house. It is assumed that the sewage tank will be cleaned every 30 days.

V \u003d 30 days * 3 people * 200 liters per day \u003d 18000 liters, that is, the tank must have a volume of at least 18 m³.

The calculation of the volume of the sewer tank is quite simple. But neglecting this procedure will lead to negative consequences.

Choosing a place to install a sewer tank

At the next stage of the equipment of the sewer system, it is necessary to determine the place where the container for sewage will be located. When choosing a location, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • so that the liquid can flow into the tank by gravity, the latter is located at the lowest point of the infield;
  • for the convenience of cleaning the structure, roads are needed along which specialized equipment can drive;
  • it is desirable that the pipeline leading the effluents to the tank be straight. This will save you from installing additional equipment, for example, rotary wells;
  • it is not recommended to install a sewage tank near the house, as unpleasant odors may occur. Too much distance between the house and the sewer tank will lead to the need to lay a long pipeline.

The most optimal distance from the house to the unit is 6 meters.

Installation of a sewer tank

To independently install a sewer tank, you must:

  • Dig a hole for equipment. The dimensions of the pit should be approximately 50 cm on each side larger than the dimensions of the container.
  • Put a layer of sand on the bottom, creating the basis for the container. If in the area where it is planned to install a sewage tank, clay soils are predominantly present and groundwater is close to the surface, it is more advisable to make a solid concrete foundation under the tank. This will avoid tilting the equipment, in the formation of which the device will quickly fail.

  • Install tank. Plastic containers for sewage must be installed strictly horizontally. If you cannot install the unit yourself, then you need to resort to the help of lifting equipment.
  • Connect sewer line.

  • Check all joints for tightness. To do this, it is necessary to put a large amount of water under pressure into the system.
  • Fill the container with sand on all sides.
  • Close the lid provided for the design of the tank.
  • Bury, leaving a hole on the surface for cleaning the tank.

Properly selected and installed capacity for sewage will last a long time.

The sewage storage tank is a simple solution for domestic systems. Installing the tank yourself is not difficult and does not require special skills.


Since, because of this, the size of the cesspool is limited, it is permissible to use metal barrels only in suburban areas where it is not planned to live permanently, and the amount of drains will be small. A small sewer tank would be out of place in a house where several people live permanently.

The main advantage of metal containers is their high strength, due to which they can withstand severe mechanical loads.

However, they have much more disadvantages, which is why their use is limited:

Advantages of barrels made of polymer materials:

  • resistance to corrosion, due to which the containers can serve 30-50 years;
  • high mechanical strength, which is almost similar to metal products;
  • most types of plastic are resistant to aggressive chemical compounds that are part of sewage;
  • the plastic barrel for sewage is completely sealed, it does not require additional waterproofing.

However, such containers have a significant drawback - despite the large volume, their weight is negligible. For this reason, the tank can be pushed to the surface by groundwater or frost heaving. Therefore, the construction of a septic tank requires that the sewer tank be well fixed.

How to bury a tank with your own hands

Before burying a sewer tank, you need to determine its location. You also need to know in advance how to properly bury the septic tank, so that later you do not have to redo everything. There are certain sanitary standards regarding the distance to residential buildings, water sources, site boundaries. It would not be superfluous to entrust the choice of a place for installing a septic tank to a specialist who will take into account the location of buildings on the site, communications, groundwater levels and other nuances.

A plastic barrel for sewerage is installed in a pre-prepared pit, its dimensions must be larger than the tank. Thanks to this, if necessary, it will be possible to insulate the structure and securely fix the barrel. The depth of the pit should be such that the inlet and the inlet sewer pipe are at the same level.

How to bury a barrel under the sewer, the procedure:

  1. At the bottom of the pit, a crushed stone or sand cushion with a thickness of more than 20 centimeters is created.
  2. After that, the base is concreted, while the frame is mounted with anchors or loops for further attachment of the container.
  3. After 5-7 days, the concrete foundation becomes strong enough, and a barrel can be installed.
  4. The container is attached to the foundation using steel strips or a cable bandage.
  5. If necessary, the septic tank is insulated with polyurethane foam or extruded polystyrene foam (read: "").
  6. Before backfilling the soil, the container must be filled to a certain level. During this work, it is important to take into account the manufacturer's recommendations - depending on what polymer material the barrel is made of, the backfilling features may differ.
  7. The barrel is connected to all inlet and outlet communications, the ventilation pipe, after which it is finally covered with soil.
Currently, containers made of polymeric materials are the most common - this is due to their advantages over metal products. An important role in this is played by their durability and ease of installation.

Do-it-yourself sewerage from barrels is created quite simply, which makes it possible to save on the services of specialists. In the event that the barrel was securely fixed, and all installation requirements were observed, including the manufacturer's recommendations, then the container can last several decades.

The arrangement of a private sewage system (cesspool) in a suburban area is one of the first tasks for a comfortable stay in the house. So, high-quality drainage of wastewater will eliminate the need to inhale the stench and deal with used water using the method of buckets and watering. Therefore, for the installation of a system for collecting and processing wastewater, it is necessary to carefully select containers for sewage, which will take on the “main impact” of wastewater.

Today, owners of private land choose a wastewater tank for a pit, not only depending on its price, but primarily on the type of material from which the sewage tank is made.

Important: before choosing a tank for collecting wastewater in a pit, it is necessary to carefully analyze the composition and properties of the soil on the site. After all, it is the soil that will exert its influence on the capacity from the outside.

Depending on preferences, the owners of summer cottages and private estates can choose a container for drains from different materials. A brief overview of the advantages of certain types of containers for sewage will help to determine more precisely. So, the modern market offers such tanks.

Metal tanks

These can be either standard barrels or containers with holes for supplying pipes of the receiving pipe, or self-welded tanks. Such a container for a cesspool will do its job perfectly, but no more. That is, a metal tank will be a good storage, but, unfortunately, the metal is not suitable for using it to create biological stations for wastewater treatment. Since the metal is subject to corrosion, which means it will affect the chemical composition of the organic matter in the tank. Thus, the process of biological wastewater treatment will be disrupted.

The advantages of a metal container for sewerage are:

  • Comparative cheapness;
  • Sufficient ease of installation;
  • The ability to create a drive from improvised means.

Of the minuses, we note only the tendency to corrosion, which means a short service life.

Important: after 3-5 years, a metal tank for drains will have to be dismantled and a new one installed.

Concrete storage

For a larger volume of drains and for the purpose of high reliability of the drive, many owners also use concrete rings as a material for creating a sewer tank. Concrete tanks in this case live up to expectations, but require a lot of effort for their installation. So, in addition to attracting special equipment for the installation of concrete rings, it will also be necessary to additionally seal the joints with bituminous mastic, as well as concrete the bottom in the pit.

Important: you can avoid processing joints if you use concrete rings with a euro lock. When connecting such elements, the lock closes, forming a tight joint.

The advantages of concrete tanks for sewerage are:

  • Relative durability. Sewerage tanks made of concrete last up to 50 years with proper care.
  • Solidity and immobility of the reservoir due to the large mass of concrete products. Thus, the ascent of the reservoir made of reinforced concrete is excluded.
  • Resistance to aggressive environment, in which there will always be a concrete tank.

The disadvantages of such tanks include:

  • High hygroscopicity of concrete. And this means that over time, the concrete well will be saturated with moisture from the soil and moisture from the inside, which will lead to the inevitable destruction of the walls of the container, or at least the appearance of cracks in it. As a result, you will have to clean the drive and carry out costly repairs.
  • The need to attract special equipment for the installation of rings. And for this it is necessary to ensure the access of cars to the intended place, which is not always possible without prejudice to landscape design.
  • The risk of shifting the concrete structure over time under the influence of heaving soil. As a result, the tightness of the well for drains will be broken, and significant damage will be caused to nature.

brick tanks

This type of tanks can be created independently if there are excess bricks on the site. This type of sewerage tank can be used if the volume of wastewater is minimal and the frequency of use of sewerage is minimized. The fact is that brick, like concrete, is hygroscopic and will accumulate moisture over time. After that, it will begin to conduct it into the ground, and this threatens to infect the soil.

Important: bricklaying for a sewer tank in a country house must be carried out in two rows in order to strengthen the walls of the sewage pit. In this case, the drive will need to be treated with mastic on both sides.

Advantages of a brick drive:

  • Ease of building a pit in the country;
  • The ability to save the budget and make a drive from improvised means;
  • The ability to independently vary the volume of the sewage tank for the needs of the house / cottage.

The disadvantages of such a tank include:

  • The need for additional concreting of the bottom for the tightness of the sewage tank.
  • Short service life. Such a storage tank will remain airtight for 5-7 years at the most, then the walls will crack and runoff will flow into the ground, which threatens to contaminate water in wells or wells, especially if the groundwater in the area is high.
  • The possibility of destruction of brick walls under the influence of moving and heaving soils.

Plastic containers

Plastic septic tanks are one of the most popular tanks today. Such containers for sewerage are presented on the modern market in a variety of designs and volumes. The special manufacturing technology of such tanks makes it possible to create a polymer whose strength withstands high tensile and compressive loads. Therefore, polymer containers are not afraid of any movement of the soil and its heaving.

Advantages of plastic tanks:

  • Maximum lightness of the product. To transport plastic cesspools, even one car is enough.
  • Based on the low weight of the structure, simplifies the installation of the product. So, you can install plastic containers for sewage into the ground with just four hands, inviting a neighbor.
  • The price of the finished product allows you not to think about the maximum cost of sewerage. The cost of a polymer tank is several times less than all those listed above.
  • In addition, plastic sewer tanks absolutely inert to aggressive environment. Thus, the service life of the reservoir can be calculated in tens of years.

Important: the only condition for the high-quality installation of such a storage tank is its anchoring to a concrete slab and the creation of a concrete / clay backfill around the tank. This will prevent the tank from surfacing, which can feel like a float in the ground.

The disadvantage of plastic tanks is their fragility under the influence of low temperatures. Therefore, during installation, it is also desirable to make a backfill from the insulation.

Polypropylene tanks

This polymer composition is many times stronger than even plastic, since emollients have been added to the composition for plasticity. As a result, polypropylene containers for sewage received a number of advantages:

  • Resistant to temperature changes and non-susceptibility to cracking as a result of their impact.
  • The durability of the service of the sewer structure. Tanks made of polypropylene serve from 100 years.
  • The absolute water resistance of the containers allows you not to worry about the state of the sources in the country house or near the country house.
  • Resistance to aggressive media and steam (during sterilization).
  • The presence of thick tank walls from 0.5 to 2 cm. At the same time, the tanks are equipped with stiffeners, which additionally protects the tanks from floating out of the ground.

Containers made of polyethylene

This is the most durable type of wastewater tanks. Such containers for sewerage are made with the addition of fiberglass threads to the composition of polymers. As a result, the walls of the tank perfectly resist heaving of the soil and its shifts. However, it is worth remembering that smooth compression and stretching of polyethylene containers for sewage is permissible and acceptable for the tank, but a sharp blow can damage the plane and lead to a crack.

The advantages of PET waste tanks are:

  • Light weight of the product;
  • Various tank configurations from square to spherical;
  • Long service life (from 30 to 50 years);
  • Resistance to aggressive environments.

Of the minuses of such tanks, only their fragility relative to a sharp mechanical impact.

Important: PET containers for sewerage must also be anchored and covered with concrete.

Principles for choosing a finished tank for drains

In order for the cesspool to remain airtight for a long time and work efficiently to receive wastewater, it is necessary to carefully choose a sewage tank. So, stick to these principles:

  • The sewer tank must have walls at least 1.5 cm thick.
  • It is desirable that the storage tank for sewerage already has ready-made holes for supplying a receiving pipe and draining wastewater.
  • The presence of an inspection hatch in such a sewer tank is mandatory.
  • The volume of the finished tank for the sewer pit should be calculated at the rate of 1 m3 per family member permanently residing in the country / house.

Important: and do not forget about the rules for high-quality installation of the drive (capacity for sewerage). Such a pit will serve faithfully without a threat to the environment.

For each summer resident or owner of a private house, it becomes necessary to install a storage tank for drains.

The product is a waterproof tank, for the accumulation and storage of liquid. Wastewater does not seep into the soil, which means it does not pollute the environment. Therefore, the tank is ideal for places where there is no centralized sewerage.

Storage tank for sewage, buy

You can buy a storage tank for sewage with a different size and shape. For a large capacity, a tank with a large volume is chosen, the larger the volume, the less often it becomes necessary to clean it.

Non-volatile septic tanks

Volatile septic tanks

The principle of operation of the storage tank for sewage is very simple. It has an inlet with a lid through which sewage flows and further purification.

It is buried in the soil, so it is not visible, and the site does not lose its aesthetic appearance. In this case, the location should be taken into account so that the entrance to it is as accessible as possible. Installing a tank will save a lot of money, since the price of storage tanks is affordable.

A variety of materials from which drives are made allow you to choose the option that is suitable for your site. It is necessary to take into account the terrain and the level of groundwater. For ease of operation of the storage tank for wastewater, sensors are installed to monitor the level of liquid in the tank.

For creation materials are used: brick, concrete, reinforced concrete, plastic, metal, glass. Some options are already outdated. Today, plastic and glass storage tanks are popular due to their high waterproofing, easy installation and lack of smell.

Storage tank installation

The specialists of our company AquaFocus LLC will solve the problem with installing the device in a short time, while observing all the established rules and regulations.

Experts will work on:

  1. digging a pit in accordance with the size;
  2. casting the slab to the bottom of the pit, to equalize the load on the tank;
  3. installation;
  4. fixation and fastening;
  5. backfilling of the pit with an installed container with a mixture of sand and cement;
  6. at the end of the work, the remaining soil is buried.

Over time, any container needs maintenance. As it fills up, it needs to be released, for this a sewage machine is used.

In places where there is no centralized sewerage system, special sealed containers are used to solve the problem of collecting and storing domestic wastewater. They are also used in production as accumulators for industrial and chemical waste.

This article will tell you about the features of the structure, installation and operation of sealed sewer tanks.

Most often, containers for sewerage, in order to save space in the local area, as well as for aesthetic reasons, are installed underground. Their size is in direct proportion to the expected volume of wastewater and the planned frequency of emptying the tanks.

Usually, in all modern country or country houses there is a centralized water supply, so the issue of discharging used water and other sewage waste is very relevant. It is best to start sewerage construction at the stage of building a house.

If the laying of the sewer was not started in a timely manner, this will subsequently create some difficulties.

In its structure, the sewer system in a country house is not much different from the one that works in city apartments. The only and main difference is that wastewater is not disposed of centrally, but on its own in private.

Options for arranging the sewerage system

In a private house, the most common sewerage solutions are:

  • storage tank;
  • Cesspool;
  • Septic tank;
  • Local treatment facilities (LOC).

Each of these methods of arranging sewage has its own characteristics. And, choosing the most suitable of them, one should take into account such nuances as the geological features of the area, the parameters of the land plot, the number of drains, as well as the number of residents of the house. septic tank

Helpful information! Of the above methods, the most affordable and for a long time very popular among the population is a cesspool. However, from the point of view of ecology, this is not the best option, since the runoff masses from the cesspool can partially seep into the environment.

The installation of an autonomous sewage system (another name is a septic tank), due to its high price, today not everyone can afford. Moreover, often one such capacity for a full-fledged sewage system is not enough. In addition, the water purified in the septic tank then needs to be further purified in the drainage field.

LOK are miniature analogues of urban wastewater treatment plants. The water purified with their help is suitable for technical and irrigation work on the site. But this cleaning method has its drawbacks - the high cost and dependence of the LOC on electricity.

If the house is located within the boundaries of urban development or the level of groundwater in the area is high, then in this case it is impossible to install sewage treatment plants. The way out in this situation will be the use of sealed containers for sewage. When installing such a container, it is important to choose a place for its location, to which it will be convenient for a sewage truck to drive up for waste disposal.

Arrangement of an individual sewer system in a private house

Installing a sealed storage tank is an excellent solution for arranging an autonomous sewer system in a private house. It allows you to reliably isolate waste and wastewater, thereby preventing their entry into the environment.

The inconvenience of such a sewage system lies in the need to empty it through drain holes. The frequency with which it is necessary to repeat this procedure depends both on the volume of the tank itself and on the effluents entering it.

Advice! If 4-6 residents live in the house, then the optimal volume of sewer capacity for the needs of such a family will be 10-12 m².

In addition to this advice, it is also worth taking into account the individual needs of those living in the house (how much water is spent per day for bathing and other needs).

Cottages and other large houses, as a rule, need storage tanks from 5 to 15 thousand liters.

For ease of use, there are models of sewer tanks equipped with a sensor that controls the filling. When the container is filled to a state close to full load, the sensor signals this.

Often the sewer system is one with the storage tank. A properly installed tank can serve as a sewer for your family for many years. There are two pipes in the tank, one for filling with sewage, the other for draining it.

Moving through the receiving pipe, wastewater enters the storage tank, where it is subsequently stored. The top of the container usually has a maintenance opening through which waste is pumped out as needed.

Sometimes there may be a maintenance well instead of a hole. Sewer water is pumped out of the tank using sewage trucks, special pumps or other auxiliary equipment.

Video footage. Storage tank installation.

Maintenance of storage sewer tanks

As a rule, the only type of maintenance that storage containers need is their timely emptying.

The kit for arranging an individual sewerage system includes:

  1. Storage tank (made of plastic or metal);
  2. Service openings;
  3. Covers for maintenance openings;
  4. Pipes for supply and outflow of sewage;
  5. Technological supports required for tank installation;
  6. Fill level sensor (installed at the request of the customer).

Choosing a place for a storage tank, the main recommendations:

  1. The slope of the terrain should be taken into account and the tank should be installed below the level of the house.
  2. Make sure that there is a convenient access road (4-5 meters wide) to the sewer tank for supplying sewage equipment.
  3. It is preferable to place the tank near the house (distance up to 5 m). If this is not possible, then it is necessary to provide the sewerage system with additional wells that allow technical work to be carried out, for example, removing blockages.
  4. If you have installed a filling control sensor on the container, you need to place a signaling device from it in the house so that you can track its readings and not miss the right moment to pump out sewage water.