How to glue wallpaper in the corners: a master class on pasting corners with wallpaper. How to glue wallpaper in the corners - the secret to perfect wallpapering Wallpapering on uneven corners

Decorating walls with materials such as wallpaper is the most common way when it comes to updating the interior. It is convenient, but not necessary, to invite specialists to wallpaper the premises. It is enough to be willing to carry out such repairs yourself.

Process features

If there is no extra money to pay professional finishers, you can handle wall pasting yourself. But there are problems with how to carefully glue the wallpaper in the corners. Before getting down to business, it is better to learn some building rules.

It does not matter from what place to start wallpapering the room with wallpaper, if all the corners are even. If this is not the case, it is better to choose the angle, after wallpapering, on which it will be possible to avoid skewing the stripes on a flat surface. In any case, it is better to start work from an angle that is not conspicuous, or at least in the future will be blocked by furniture. It is certainly not necessary to choose a protruding corner for pasting with the first canvas.

You should not use a whole wallpaper at the junction of two walls, especially considering that some are very wide. Even on the most even and neat-looking turn, the wallpaper wrinkles and slightly warps, shrinking after drying.

If there are switches or sockets near the corners, it is better to interrupt the supply of electricity before starting work, remove the casings of these devices. The protruding parts of the electrical system can simply be glued with wallpaper, and after completion of work, carefully cut out the places of sockets and switches. So you simplify your work and the result will be of better quality.

Surface preparation

So that wallpapering the walls at the first turn does not turn into torture, you need to carefully prepare the walls for decoration in advance.

The corners on closer inspection may turn out to be crooked, rounded, sometimes they have noticeable depressions and bumps. Therefore, experts advise to spare no effort and time to putty an uneven surface, and maybe even plaster. Stucco corners will be a good helper in this matter.

They are leveled and glued with the same plaster or putty. There are corners for inside and outside corners. When the fresh putty is dry, it needs to be rubbed with sandpaper to make the surface smooth. Then the corners should be carefully primed and wait until the excess moisture leaves the primer.

All these measures will make the process of pasting the corners easier, and you will be satisfied with the result.

If it is not possible to achieve absolute evenness or there is no time to do this, you need to carefully approach the choice of the wallpaper itself. For pasting curved surfaces, loose finishing materials are suitable, since they will have to be glued with an overlap, and from the side of the place where the canvas is applied to the canvas, they should not be noticeable.

A good choice in this case would be non-woven wallpaper with a small pattern or plain. Also, the curvature of the corner can be hidden by non-smooth decorative materials, or even fiberglass for painting.

Sticking step by step:

  • Before you start pasting, you need to prepare all the tools and materials.
  • Make a calculation of the area to be pasted over and buy the required number of wallpaper rolls.
  • Choose the appropriate wallpaper paste and dilute it according to the instructions.
  • Stock up on a tape measure, a plumb line, a pencil, a long metal ruler.

  • Prepare a construction knife, roller, brush, sponge or clean rag.
  • Bring a stool or stepladder to reach the top edge of the wall during work.

Stepping back from the junction of four or five centimeters, we draw a line perpendicular to the floor with a pencil along the wall, focusing on a plumb line. Most modern wallpapers are glued end to end. Therefore, on how correctly you draw this line and stick the first canvas, it depends on whether the subsequent strips will lie strictly vertically or skewed.

For fidelity, it is better to make pencil guidelines for each of them.

Wallpaper strips are cut with a margin of 2 centimeters, since after drying they become shorter. Since the wallpaper is sold in round rolls, which are also quite wide and heavy, it is inconvenient to apply them to the wall every time. So it is better to cut a decorative canvas on the floor on a surface prepared for rolling wallpaper.

The wall must be carefully glued with glue. Particular attention should be paid to the corners, because it is in these places that the probability of lagging behind the decorative layer is greatest. The rule of glueing the wall applies to all cases: when you finish the walls with paper, non-woven, and vinyl wallpaper. And in the case of using heavy vinyl wallpaper, it is necessary to coat them with glue as well. In the process of work, if you hesitated and the glue in the corners had time to dry, be sure to repeat the gluing again.

The technique of working when pasting corners has long been worked out. There are techniques for pasting both external corners and internal ones.


When decorating walls, convex surfaces are especially striking, so the quality of pasting the outer corners will largely determine the perception of the room as a whole. If the corners are even, it is enough to wrap the wallpaper around the corner of a centimeter three to four from the protrusions and glue it. If the wallpaper begins to wrinkle, you will have to carefully trim it in places of folds. The next strip can be glued to the wall in the same way as it is done on a plane.

If the outer corners are crooked, the problem cannot be easily solved. When you decorate walls with materials that practically do not shrink after drying and fit butt-to-butt, the canvas on the corner must be glued in such a way that it protrudes five centimeters beyond the turn. When gluing another canvas, it should run a little over the previous one. A neat cut is made in the middle along the ruler.

Excess material from above and below remains to be removed. The fabric should be smoothed and pressed as tightly as possible to the surface.

If you are dealing with paper wallpaper, there is no need to rush to cut the overlap. Double-check the correctness of the sticker with a plumb line. If the deviations are very large, obviously extra wallpaper can be carefully cut along the intended line.

To complete the design of the outer corner and so that over time the wallpaper does not fray on the ledge, it is better to use plastic corners for wallpaper, matched to them in color. It is necessary to calculate in advance how many of them will be required for work. Glue the corners on liquid nails or with silicone sealant.

The outside corner approach is also used on ledges around doors and windows. Beams and other similar elements with external corners are glued separately in a similar way using scraps of wallpaper that remain after gluing the paintings on the walls.


In order to correctly dispose of the next canvas in the corner, you need to measure the distance from the extreme pasted strip to the joint and add two more centimeters to the resulting figure. The wallpaper strip must be cut with this in mind and attached to the wall, previously lubricated with glue. With proper trimming, a narrow strip of wallpaper should be on an adjacent strip behind the junction line. Smooth the canvas with a roller and a rag to release all the air between the wall and the future decorative coating.

If such a bubble does not want to disappear, experienced people recommend piercing it to release air, and using a syringe, pour a little glue under the wallpaper, and then smooth it with a roller.

If the corner is uneven and wrinkles appear on the strip during gluing, with scissors, as in the case of the outer corner, it is necessary to make neat cuts towards the fold and glue the canvas.

The neighboring strip must be glued on the second wall with an overlap of a couple of centimeters on the previous one. Check the quality of your work with a plumb line. When smoothing the second sheet, do not press the edge of the required allowance against the wall.

Then, along the ruler, you need to cut through the layers with a construction knife, remove the extra top layer, and then the lower segments. Coat the wallpaper in the corner again with glue and press it against the wall so that no air bubbles remain.

If everything is done carefully, you will get an even seam.

The subtleties of working with a picture

There are certain difficulties in order to beautifully glue wallpaper with a pattern in the protruding and inner corners. Using a decorative coating with a clear, pronounced pattern, you will have to try not to distort it at the junction. It is necessary to foresee this task in advance when selecting materials in the store.

Distortion is especially noticeable on wallpaper with vertical stripes. If the pattern is horizontal, it may look skewed relative to the ceiling and floor.

You can avoid this only if you glue the corners with an overlap. The edge of the canvas should be glued strictly along the plumb line. The adjacent strip must be carefully cut along the edge of the corner. Moreover, pasting the wall with paper wallpaper, all these manipulations must be carried out not only carefully, but also with maximum speed. Otherwise, the coating itself will spread and you will ruin more than one wallpaper strip.

To make the irregularities hardly noticeable, it is recommended to hide the resulting joint in the upper part of the corner. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid a certain shift in the pattern, but with a competent approach, it will be so invisible that the eyes will cling to the joints only for those who themselves performed this repair.

The easiest way to update the interior of an apartment is to wallpaper the walls. However, while doing the work, many face some difficulties. The greatest difficulty is gluing wallpaper in the corners. In these places, when carrying out repairs, many make mistakes that spoil general view of the updated finish. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the algorithm, which suggests the correctness of such actions, and such problems will no longer arise during subsequent repair work.

Wallpapering in corner areas

The main difficulties that apartment owners face when pasting walls with finishing materials are uneven external and internal corners, often having uneven geometry. All this not only complicates the process of gluing decorative material, but also significantly increases the repair time, which is hardly included in the plans of any person.

Ultimately, the owners of the premises are forced to additionally process the surface of the walls. At the same time, even the subsequent use of high-quality materials is not a guarantee that the corners will be perfectly even. This gives the impression that the work is done unprofessionally and spoils the overall look of the room.

Few people know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners of a room. In order to properly perform this process, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions. Before doing this, remember the following:

As the work approaches the next wall joint, the strip of wallpaper is trimmed so that it is only a few inches pasted onto the adjacent wall. Then the wall treated with adhesive. After the strip is fixed on the wall, it must be ironed with a rubber spatula or pressed with a roller. It is important that there are no folds at the junction of two walls, even if an uneven bevel of the edge of the strip is obtained on the adjacent wall. If the material is very dense, then shallow cuts can be made from the inside of the finishing paper material. In this case, the canvas will be better adjacent to the interface of the walls.

Then, on the wall, where there is a smaller part of the wallpaper strip, a straight line is drawn from floor to ceiling using a level or plumb line. In this case, you should retreat from the corner by the width of the roll. Next, the glue is applied to the wall, and a strip cut is applied to the existing line. At the same time, its edge will overlap the uneven edge of the previous piece of wallpaper.

When both bands are fixed, it is necessary to determine the place of the smallest overlap. It should be divided in half and draw a straight line from the middle along the entire height of the corner, then cut it with a sharp knife or blade.

The upper piece of material must be carefully removed, folded over and the cut off part of the lower strip removed. Then both edges of the wallpaper are smeared again glue, close and gently smooth out with a roller. The result should be a perfectly even angle, and there will be no sags or gaps at the junction.

Carrying out wallpapering in the corners, it is necessary to wait some time after fixing them on the wall. Otherwise, the material wet from the adhesive composition cannot be cut evenly. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process if you follow the algorithm


Such corners are much less common indoors. Wallpapering them works in a similar way:

It must be remembered: even in the case of perfectly even corners, one should not strive to wrap the whole canvas. This is most often leads to wrinkles and irregularities, as well as a high probability that the material will swell and bristle ugly. As a result, it will be necessary to carry out repair work again, which requires financial costs. The whole canvas is wrapped only when wallpapering on window or door slopes.

Cutting off part of the canvas will not lead to a large consumption of wallpaper, so gluing wallpaper on the corners will not require an increase in spending. In general, the work is not difficult, but there are small nuances. If you take them into account, everything will be done correctly in accordance with your own requirements. If there is no self-confidence, it is better to entrust the work to professionals.

If all surfaces were perfectly even, it would be so simple and easy to paste wallpaper on the wall! However, things are not so simple when it comes to wallpapering corners. In this case, every little thing matters. In this article, you can get invaluable information on how to glue the outer and inner corners, and you can confirm your book knowledge by watching the video tutorials we have prepared.

Even a beginner can stick wallpaper on the wall. With the right glue, appropriate for the type of wallpaper, you can easily cope with a flat wall, devoid of various bends and angles. However, for many, the corners of the rooms cause difficulties, and here all sorts of difficulties associated with the task begin. How many masters, so many opinions on the question of how to glue wallpaper in the corners.

How to glue the inner and outer corners of the room

Internal: Every standard room has at least four corners. From what angle to stick the wallpaper? If you are new to the world of renovations, particularly wallpapering, then start in a corner that is not in the most visible place. We recommend that you practice in inconspicuous places in your home.

In order to achieve an ideal result, it is necessary to glue the wallpaper in the corners so that the wallpaper glued to the wall goes onto the adjacent surface by no less than 3 cm, otherwise there is a chance of peeling off the wallpaper in the room after drying, and no more than 5 cm, otherwise the adjacent strip will wrinkle.

The bend and turn of the wallpaper on the adjacent plane must be carefully lubricated with glue, firmly pressing the canvas for a more reliable fixation. The further algorithm of actions is simple: you must measure the width of the adjacent canvas located on the adjacent wall. As a rule, it is about 53 cm. The mark for the allowance of the glued strip of wallpaper should be fixed at a distance of approximately 2 cm from the corner, draw a vertical line through it using a plumb line. This mark will be the edge of the glued canvas.

Outdoor: If your room has external corners - be it all kinds of niches, ledges in the walls, then information on how to glue the outer corners with wallpaper will come in handy. There are two pasting methods:

The process of wallpapering with trimming in the corner of the room video tutorials

  1. Making sure that the outer corner has a perfectly even texture and does not need additional alignment and puttying. First you need to put wallpaper on this place. With the help of a level, it is necessary to measure the edge of the strip so that subsequent canvases are evenly glued.
  2. By analogy, the inner and outer corners of the room must be glued with wallpaper as follows: first, the strip should be brought around the corner by 4-5 cm, and the next strip should be overlapped on top. With a paper knife, using a ruler (preferably an iron one - it is harder and will not move to the side), we make a vertical cut of two layers of material.

How to glue corners with vinyl wallpaper

Vinyl sheets are very attractive, however, in order to glue them, you should learn about the characteristic features of this type of material.

Secondly, during pasting, you should not bend the entire panel at the junction of the walls. In order to glue wallpaper in the corners with high quality, vinyl wallpaper experts advise not to bend the entire panel for pasting at the junction of the walls.

A characteristic feature of vinyl is the undesirability of combining two solid panels in one corner. The best option for this is to stick a continuous strip with an overlap of 3-5 centimeters.

How to glue the corners of a room with non-woven wallpaper

How to glue wallpaper in the corners, if your choice fell on a material such as interlining? In order to properly paste over the inner corner in the room, you need to cut off the canvas that enters it with an allowance of 1-1.5 cm, which should overlap on the adjacent wall. will fit tighter if small cuts are made along the edge along the entire length and at an equal distance after 4-5 cm, and the canvas is pressed tightly against the wall.

The adjacent wall can be pasted over from the opposite corner, and when all the strips are pasted, the last strip must be cut off with an overlap of 2-3 mm, gluing it with an overlap.

The subtleties of wallpapering video tutorials

The peculiarity of how to glue the outer corners is that the wallpaper strip adjacent to it must be cut so that the distance between the seam and the corner is approximately 1.5-2 cm, which will need to be rolled around the corner. Along the edges, as in pasting internal corners, make cuts, and the next strip of wallpaper should be glued on top, applying the edge to the corner.

If you are, then both strips should be cut with a sharp knife along the corner, and after gluing along the joints in the corner part, you need to walk, and only then paint.

Angles and pattern

The easiest way is with wallpaper without a pattern. However, how to glue wallpaper in the corners of the room with the selection of a pattern, if your choice fell on canvases with a pattern? It is important to think about everything in advance before purchasing wallpaper. Such an important factor as the unevenness of the walls in the room should be taken into account, as it can have a significant impact on the final result. The easiest material with a vertical pattern, however, if you have uneven walls, this will only emphasize the curvature of the walls. It is not advisable to give preference to canvases with a pattern - large and small flowers, as well as complex ornaments.

How to glue wallpaper in the corners with a pattern? Do not rush to cut the wallpaper at random into strips of the required height. Take the time to match all the patterns, and only then start trimming. To preserve the integrity of the pattern, the strip following from the corner must be adjusted, cut to match the pattern of the finished wall.

To have a more visual representation, you can watch the video on our website. They will help you understand all the intricacies of repairing walls and wallpapering corners, both external and internal.

How to trim an inner corner video tutorials

A certain logical completeness of your repair will depend on how carefully you decorate the corners of the room. Stick to the tips given in this article and you will never have problems with vinyl and non-woven wallpaper, and the thought of how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners will not take you by surprise.

In the manufacture of non-woven wallpaper, non-woven cellulose is used.

The advantages of the material are easy wet care, hiding the unevenness of wall panels, attractive appearance for a long time and a fairly simple pasting process.

Due to the obedience and non-pulling of the material, even such a stage as gluing non-woven wallpaper in the corners passes without the formation of “bubbles”.

This finish is not made of paper, but of interlining. This is a non-woven type gasket material based on cellulose fibers.

These cellulose fibers can be sized or not, modified or not.

There is a purely non-woven version using up to 70% long cellulose fibers and special additives.

Pluses - air and vapor permeability of the material, smoothing of wall irregularities and reinforcement of microcracks.

Pasting is carried out without the presence of bubbles, without shrinkage of the longitudinal and transverse.

There is an option with non-woven base instead of paper. They are classified as vinyl. The surface of such material can be smooth, foamed and embossed, for painting.

Minus - the airtightness of the material. Pros - the effect of leveling and reinforcement, the possibility of wet cleaning using detergents.

If you want to update the finish, the top layer of material is removed from the wall, and the non-woven base remains, acting as a reinforced base for new wallpaper.

Pasting features

This material is considered quite "obedient" and, following the step-by-step instructions, there will be no problems when gluing large strips of canvas and how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners.

For this type of finish, special glue is sold, and the walls are pre-primed for better laying of the material on the surface of the wall panels.

The technological difference of this process is the absence of the need to spread the canvases themselves. The adhesive composition is processed only wall ceilings.

The cutting of the material is carried out taking into account the pattern and with an upper and lower allowance of 1.5-2 cm to the length of the web.

Pasting is done end-to-end according to the markup. The glued canvases are leveled with a roller to release air and excess glue from under the canvases to the seam.

The glue is removed with a damp sponge to preserve the aesthetic appearance of the finish.


  • For even pasting, a plumb line or building level;
  • Long tape measure from 3 m;
  • For smoothing a roller with a long pile material;
  • Brush and plastic spatula;
  • Sharp knife, pencil and grid;
  • Containers for adhesive and water;
  • Narrow spatula made of metal;
  • Sponge.

Work progress

Technically, gluing wall panels with non-woven fabrics is carried out in 3 stages: preparatory work and wall marking; cutting wallpaper; the direct process of their gluing.

Overlapping wallpaper is glued starting from the wall panel perpendicular to the window and moving deeper into the room.

Thus, the light will help smooth out the seams. But the non-woven version is glued only end-to-end.

Additional related video:

The quality of the edge edges of the wallpaper strips allows pasting without visualization of the joints. For the success of the pasting process, it is better to start from the corner of the room.


Having chosen the angle of the start of work, 1 m is measured from it, for meter-long wallpaper, on adjacent walls. The standard width is 0.53m or 1.06m. 0.06m will be used for the corner overlap.

For pasting wide wallpaper must be absolutely even.

Having made a measurement at 1 m from all corners of the room with a plumb line or level, a vertical line is drawn on the meter marking.

You can use strokes in increments of 40 cm.

Cutting cloths

The volume of all canvases is prepared immediately, taking into account the fit according to the pattern. Plain fabrics are easier to cut and there is so much finishing material left.

The strips are cut in such a way that when they are combined, there is no need to glue individual strips on top or bottom.

For the cutting process, polyethylene is spread on the floor, on top of which a wallpaper roll is rolled face down.

The cutting of the 1st strip is made along the length of the walls + 10 cm for allowances. A notch is made with a knife, along which the canvas is bent: the edge of the bent strip must coincide with the edge of the main canvas.

An angle of 90 ° is formed and the wallpaper is cut along the fold.

The rolling of the next sheet starts from the same place, observing the cutting direction.

It is necessary to check for pattern compatibility, and mark the top of each strip, which are rolled face inward from bottom to top.

Pasting inside corners

You can not paste over the corner with a solid panel. Steps:

Measurement of the distance from the edge of the last strip to the corner with an allowance of 5 cm.

With a curved angle, the measurement is made at 3 points: bottom, middle and top of the wall panel. For calculations, the largest value is taken.

The wall surface and the corner are carefully smeared with glue. After sticking the strip, it is carefully smoothed out in the corner opening and on the next wall.

When wrinkling the wallpaper, horizontal cuts are made in increments of 5-10 cm.

The curvature of the corner opening can affect the variance in the width of the wallpaper overlaps. Therefore, in the narrowest place, markings are made with an indent of 1 cm from the edge of the strip towards the corner.

From this point, the distance in the width of the material is measured and a vertical is drawn with a plumb line. From this place the next lane will go. Gluing is carried out with an overlap.

External corners

The distance to the corner protrusion from the last strip is measured and the next one is prepared so that it wraps around the corner up to 5 cm.

From the nearest point, the distance for the next strip is measured in the width of the material minus 1 cm.

Pasting is carried out with an overlap on the inversion. Next, the seam is trimmed and the excess removed.

Another video

Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

- the most common type of decorative wall decoration. The technology of the process from the outside does not seem complicated, because even a beginner can apply glue to the wallpaper and stick it to the wall. Therefore, many owners decide to do such work on their own.

A beginner can easily handle wallpapering if the wall surface is sufficiently even and without obvious defects. However, the surface is not always properly prepared and leveled for finishing work. And also, often before lovers the question arises of how to properly glue the wallpaper in the corners. Here it is important to monitor the match of the selected pattern, if it is present. Therefore, in this article we will talk about a special technique for wallpapering in the corners.

Material selection

Wallpaper remains the most popular material for wall decoration in an apartment or office space. They are able to transform the room beyond recognition, hide the flaws of the interior and emphasize the dignity. What you need to know when choosing wallpaper for an apartment:

In the store, modern wallpapers are represented by a wide range of models that differ in texture, color and composition. The rarest type is liquid wallpaper, sold in the form of a ready-made solution in plastic buckets. However, we will consider the more common roll type. There are several types of wall coverings, the most popular of which are:

Each profession has its own tricks, if followed, you can achieve the fastest and highest quality results. Sticking wallpaper in the corners is a laborious process that requires compliance with some nuances:

  • The corners in the room should ideally be straight and located strictly along a vertical line. However, often the rooms do not have the correct geometric parameters, so the corners must be aligned.
  • For curved corners and walls, it is better to choose voluminous canvases made of vinyl or non-woven. The pattern should be uncomplicated, and the shade should be matte. You need to glue such wallpapers in the corners of the room to mask all the flaws.
  • If you have uneven corners, thin paper sheets, or 3D covers with large, intricate patterns that need to be adjusted all the time, will not work for you.
  • It is best to start gluing from the window, gluing the very first sheet strictly vertically.
  • If your room has even corners, it will be enough for you to process them with putty, masking minor minor irregularities.
  • Align the corners with the help of special plastic corners, which are easy to find in any hardware store. They are securely attached to the wall with putty.
  • It is necessary to align the corners at the stage of finishing puttying of the walls.
  • If you decide to glue paper sheets without using an additional layer, it is worth considering the capriciousness of this material. Gluing must be done quickly so that the paper does not have time to absorb moisture from the glue.
  • If there are sockets or switches in the gluing area, turn off the electricity in the apartment for the duration of the work. So you will avoid unpleasant situations and undesirable consequences.
  • Do not glue the corners with a solid canvas. Before starting work, you need to make accurate measurements and cut the wallpaper into strips so that one canvas comes to the next surface by at least 20 centimeters. For example, it is quite difficult to glue non-woven wallpaper even in even corners with a solid canvas.
  • Do not forget to coat all walls and corners with glue before starting pasting. Glue must be distributed over the entire surface, and in the corners with special care. It is believed that it is in the corners that the wallpaper most often begins to peel off and move away. Using a roller, the adhesive can be easily distributed over the entire area and perfectly prepare the surface for further finishing.
  • In hard-to-reach places, apply glue with a special brush.