How and with what to paint gypsum products. Painting a decorative stone from gypsum: the subtleties of the process Paints for gypsum figurines

Gypsum is a material of mineral origin. It is used in medicine and art, not without it in the field of construction. Beautiful details are poured from gypsum mortars to help decorate the interior. Gypsum mixtures can play the role of plaster. But how can the very base of this material be painted when the need arises? Gypsum varnish is one of the options.

Building gypsum is obtained from a special type of stone, which itself consists of gypsum particles. Previously, the material undergoes such procedures as firing, grinding into powder form. Further, the base is simply kneaded until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is better known as alabaster.

The scope of gypsum is really wide:

  • construction and repair work using paint;
  • production of decorative items, for example, figurines;
  • as a binder, at an intermediate stage.

For modeling and stucco molding, it is often the compositions with a gypsum base that are taken. They are indispensable in the production of small architectural forms, pouring decorative tiles, bricks. Iron oxide pigments are also involved in the process.

The mixture itself quickly hardens, begins to set. In order to have time to implement all the ideas, you need to work very quickly. White shade is standard for working substances in this case.

The preparation and use of coloring material for the garden and other places should not cause much trouble. Other advantages include affordable prices, a wide scope for application. The positive aspects include environmental safety. The material “breathes”, as if it maintains a stable temperature level, which is good for gypsum.

For interior decoration, many people prefer to use gypsum compositions. They allow you to create real masterpieces that will look good in any interior. For example, in the variant of gypsum tiles.

The material is endowed with other additional properties:

  • resistance to open fire;
  • light weight, lightness;
  • simple installation, processing;
  • gypsum coloring technology is also simple.

But gypsum bases can manifest themselves in different ways while active exploitation is in progress. For example, the alibaster itself is afraid of exposure to moisture in large quantities. In general, any powder with this material is easy to dissolve if the surface is poured with at least a small amount of water. How to paint plaster, the buyer decides.

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Making plaster stronger

By itself, gypsum is a material that has sufficient strength, but this property will never be superfluous to strengthen and improve. The addition of appropriate effects is permissible at any stage - both when mixing the solution, and after the product is ready. It is enough to cover everything with the necessary composition. For plaster figures - the same procedure.

The first case involves the use in small quantities only of lime, PVA building glue. Ferrous vitriol or zinc sulfate will be needed to color finished products cast from gypsum.

Reducing the proportion of moisture in the solution itself is the easiest solution for those who want to make the gypsum stronger. 7 parts of water to 10 parts of gypsum are the standard proportions that are used in all cases. To create a stronger connection, you need to take the ratio - 6:10. You can paint the plastered surface in any color.

But water should not be too much. Otherwise, it's just crumbly. Adding PVA glue to the composition eliminates additional risks. Acrylic variety of compositions sometimes can not do without them either.

For a medium batch, a couple of tablespoons of thinner is enough to increase the strength of the structure. Individual gypsum particles are easily glued together with the appropriate material. A mixture of gypsum and slaked lime also shows good results. In this case, one part of calcium hydroxide will be enough to obtain the desired effect.

For finished products, several other components are suitable:

  • inkstone;
  • zinc sulfate solution.

They cover many details.

When exposed to zinc salt, you should not worry that the color of the product will change. Only vitriol is able to give the surface a yellow-brown tint, no matter how you decide to paint the gypsum in a given situation.

What varnish to use?

Lacquer is used if it is necessary to improve not only the appearance of the gypsum product, but also its performance. The following types of varnish are ideal for varnishing such a surface:

  • shellac;
  • acrylic;
  • oil.

What are the characteristics of each type of varnish?

Related article: How to paint a fireplace or all about heat-resistant paint for stoves


This type of varnish is more often used in decoupage and finishing works. So, for example, they are covered with gilding, used in the restoration of furniture. Also, shellac lacquer provides a subtle natural polish. The material itself is a solution of shellac and alcohol, it can be of different shades to give a decorative appearance to products. It is also suitable for covering plaster surfaces.


To protect gypsum or a product from it from moisture and other negative factors, acrylic-based varnish is used. Such a composition, in addition to the main functions, also performs a decorative one. They can not only varnish, but also paint. Also, these types of compositions can be matte and glossy. The choice of coverage depends only on your personal preferences. Matte varnish is perfect for processing gypsum tiles, so the imitation of rough stone will be preserved to the smallest detail, but the glossy finish will add shine to the surface.

On the video: the application of acrylic varnish.


These types of varnishes are composed of artificial resins and herbs. In admixture, such components give an oily consistency. Due to its texture, oil varnish creates a thin film on the gypsum surface, which, in turn, after complete drying, is able to protect the material from various mechanical influences and destructive processes.

What else can be covered?

When the gypsum product is ready, it is not recommended to tighten it with painting. After all, over time, such a base loses its very ability to absorb other substances. Thus, for example, the adhesion between the treated surface and the gypsum varnish becomes worse.

Before painting plaster, it must be prepared. It is good if there is an opportunity to carry out additional heat treatment. For this, structures are sometimes heated at a temperature of 250-500 degrees for several hours. The indicator reaches the upper mark gradually.

Paint for gypsum is selected on a water or acrylic basis. On sale are both products intended for painting finished products, and options like tinting pastes - they are added directly to the gypsum mortar before the product is made from it.

But this process is impossible without the use of special equipment. Therefore, most often they manage with ordinary drying, which takes 2-3 days, even if color is used.

Related article: Features of using spray paint and its benefits

Hot drying oil is used if the owners have already noticed that the surface has lost its ability to absorb. After that, the product is dried in a room at room temperature. In this case, you can refuse to paint for the figure; over time, the surface itself acquires an interesting appearance.

Varnishes with wax in the composition are also used to obtain unusual decorative effects. The latter may vary depending on the use of different pigments for gypsum.

In general, the ability to absorb moisture refers to the positive aspects of gypsum. In this case, the intensity of this process can be different. Due to this, veins are formed on the surface, making the texture similar to natural stone. Painting plaster products is not difficult. You can even do without plaster.

Tinting paste, along with water and a brush, is all that is needed for the coloring itself. How gypsum is dyed: a color scheme of one or more shades is diluted in water or white paint, mixed and coated with a product.

Acrylic primer or an appropriate type of paint can be combined with water. It is added in an amount of 30-50 percent of the total volume of other substances. When the first layer is ready, you can use darker shades to go over the rest of the surface. Or use the option where the dye is contained in a concentrated form.

When processing, you can use not only brushes, but also sprayers. Even those that remain from washing chemicals or paints of other types.

Painting gypsum at home is not such a difficult process. And there will be many benefits. For example, such work is easy to carry out at any convenient time, and the effect is obtained exactly as the buyer needs. He can process every tile and every detail, only based on his personal preferences.

What paint to paint plaster figures (1 video)

Gypsum in the interior (25 photos)

An excellent decoration of the interior of the cottage are various decorative elements. Depending on the style of interior design, antiques (a samovar, for example), ceramics or porcelain can be used as such elements. Small gypsum products designed in the appropriate style are suitable for almost any interior.

What are the advantages of gypsum products?

Gypsum decorative elements are distinguished by a variety of shapes and sizes, which allows you to choose the best one for exactly the interior design that seems optimal to you. Besides:

  • Plaster figurines and figurines are fairly cheap;
  • They can be installed anywhere, without special restrictions;
  • Gypsum products can be painted to match any color that dominates the interior;
  • They do not require special care.

What to use?

Acrylic, water-dispersion and water-based paints are well suited for painting gypsum products. The color is chosen based on the features of the figure or interior. Painting is done with a sprayer, brush or cotton (gauze) swab.

Gypsum can be covered with potal (a kind of gilding) or compositions that imitate bronze. This allows you to create elegant and original interior elements that can decorate any room in the country.

Another option for processing gypsum is coating with hot drying oil or shellac varnish. After drying, the surface of the product will resemble aged marble.

In addition to purely design tasks, painting gypsum products helps protect them from various negative factors. For example, gypsum is sensitive to high humidity, but after painting with a waterproof compound, this problem disappears.

How to paint plaster?

Painting should be carried out as soon as possible after the product has dried. Over time, the surface of the gypsum loses its adhesive properties, so the coating will be less likely to lay down.

The gypsum product should be painted in a ventilated area.

One of the most preferred ways to color single-color products is to add pigment when preparing a gypsum mortar. As a result, the product will initially be colored.

The advantage of this method is that the figure will be painted over the entire volume. That is, if a chip occurs, it will not sparkle with the whiteness of gypsum, but will be the same color as the surface. The main drawback of this approach to painting is the monochromaticity and the inability to imitate other materials (gold, bronze, marble).

The use of water-soluble paints for painting will achieve the effect of natural stone. Due to the ability of gypsum to absorb moisture unevenly, the coating forms veins and halftones, very similar to the texture of the stone. With the help of a combination of different shades, you can get a very reliable imitation.

It is most convenient to work with such paints with a cotton swab.

Please note that it is better to paint the figure in 2-3 layers. Thus, a more saturated color will be obtained.

Many parents try to give their kids the best. All girls and boys, regardless of age, love to draw on everything that first falls into their hands. In order for the children to have something to do and at the same time without the slightest harm to the environment, it is best to direct their creativity in the right direction. Therefore, master classes for children are organized.

How to color?

To paint plaster figures, you should stock up on the figures themselves and paints. You can choose a variety of figurines, depending on the age of the child and his capabilities:

  • small;
  • medium;
  • voluminous.

To make it more convenient to paint the figures, it is best to put them in a small amount on plastic plates so that the baby can draw calmly and at the same time not get very dirty. For painting small details, it is best to use thin brushes, but wide ones are useful for varnish. Gypsum figurines are best painted with brushes made of synthetic material. If there are very small details on the figures, then it is best to paint them with paints from small tubes.

When the figures dry, they must be covered with a shiny varnish, and the reverse sides should be cleaned with a metal nail file.

Child development

Painting plaster figures is a very useful activity for children, because with the help of such an exciting and interesting entertainment, the kid learns to be more accurate and accurate. Gypsum figurines are different in complexity and size, so even the smallest baby can safely draw with their parents.

Painting figures from plaster, children not only have fun, but also prepare their hand for mastering writing, form their skills, coordination of movements, muscle memory. Being constantly engaged in painting, children learn to be accurate, and their movements become clearer.

In addition, the child forms his imagination, works with paints. The creative imagination of a child should be formed from childhood, so that he can harmoniously combine different shades, navigate in space and have an idea about three-dimensional thinking.

Painting figurines will be an interesting activity not only for older children, but also for the smallest ones. Starting from the age of 18 months, the baby can be given a brush in his hands and together with him draw and paint figures that will become wonderful toys. This activity will also appeal to adults who love to be creative.

Over time, the originally snow-white stucco, not painted and not protected by a varnish coating, becomes covered with dust, spots appear. Often, with a change in the color scheme of the interior, you want to repaint the gypsum decor. Painting a decorative gypsum stone with your own hands is not at all a difficult task if you choose the right paint and technology in advance.

Methods for coloring gypsum products, materials for tinting, tools

Gypsum has excellent adhesion to a wide variety of paints and varnishes, there are many ways to color it:

Colored solution for painting gypsum products

Consider how to paint a decorative gypsum stone. Gypsum stucco painting can be done with various compositions:

  • acrylic;
  • water-emulsion;
  • pentaphthalic;
  • lime;
  • silicate;
  • silicone;
  • latex.

When choosing how to paint gypsum stucco, focus on the desired texture: acrylic paints and varnishes give a satin finish, water-emulsion - matte, pentaphthalic compositions are glossy, varnish is not required. Silicate, silicone and latex compositions have a rich range of colors, many interesting textures - like stone, velvet, velor, Venetian, form a moisture-resistant film on the floor.the surface of the stone, but their cost is much higher than that of acrylic and emulsion.

Most often, acrylic, lime and water-emulsion compositions are used, as they are more economical. The easiest way to get a metallic effect is to use aerosol car paints. To obtain some types of textures, natural drying oil is required. If you do not plan to frequently change the color scheme of the interior, then paintwork materials should be chosen with a service life of at least 10 years. To increase the adhesion and strength of the product, up to 5% of the volume of PVA glue can be added to the paint.

Copper or iron sulphate is used as an impregnation for gypsum. Copper gives the gypsum a blue tint, iron gives it a yellowish tint. For coloring, tiles or decor fragments are immersed in an aqueous solution of vitriol for 2 hours, while the parts should not touch, otherwise spots of different shades appear on the surface.

When varnishing finished products, carefully choose the composition: a varnish with a high gloss may look kitsch in some interiors due to the shine, so it is better to choose a matte or low gloss finish.

In addition to the spray gun, brushes are used in the work - flat flutes and paneled ones, with a rounded end, with soft or hard bristles. The hair of the panel brushes is kolinsky, squirrel or badger, fluffy. For shading and texturing, brushes with a hard bristle, bristly French knit are used.

Tampovkas made of rags, foam rubber also help to blend the borders of the color scheme, they are made manually from materials that are in every home: most often by tying a piece of sponge or fabric to a wooden stick, and wrapping it with thread or wire.

Painting stucco with small details of the relief at a height requires the construction of scaffolds so that all non-paintings can be seen and not strain your hands.

Paint application techniques

Gypsum in the interior and exterior has been painted for more than one millennium, so many techniques have been developed. Consider the main ones:

  • simple coloring;
  • Multilayer painting;
  • Gilding, silvering, bronzing;
  • Creation of relief;
  • Patination;
  • Application of a coating imitating natural materials - marble, granite, wood, brick;
  • Finishing with decorative plaster.

Before starting work, you need to make sure that the paint has the correct consistency: not too liquid, otherwise streaks will appear, not too thick - this will increase the thickness of the layer and overspending. When painting with brushes, it is necessary to collect not too much composition so that there are no streaks and splashes. The brush should be cleaned of excess paint on the edge of the can. Random hair that has fallen from the brush should be removed immediately with a flute or swab until it has time to dry to the surface.

The second prerequisite is that the gypsum product must be dry and clean, the purchased decor is kept for 2 days at room temperature before painting. Before changing the color, the gypsum must be sanded - a very difficult task, especially with deep relief.

They begin applying the paint layer from the deepest areas of the relief, painting over small details with thin soft brushes. The range of brush numbers is 1-24, depending on the size.

Stucco staining process

Too thick paints are diluted up to 10% with water or up to 5% with a solvent, depending on the composition. Work with paints and varnishes is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. Primer and paint should be combined in composition, it is advisable to purchase them from the same company.

The paint is applied in 2-3 layers, drying every 3-6 hours. Application of the composition, drying time, compatibility of paint and primer is always determined according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Let's take a closer look at the techniques.

Simple basic coloring

For simple coloring in one tone, they take acrylic, lime or water-based paint of the desired color, a primer corresponding in composition, and varnish if desired. When dry, gypsum loses its color intensity, therefore, as well as to protect the surface from damage, it is varnished. Varnish is better to use water-soluble - it has almost no smell, dries quickly.

It is better to do the work not with a brush, but with an airbrush or airbrush - this way the soil and coating will form a more even layer, consumption is reduced, but it is difficult to paint over deep depressions, they will have to be finalized with a brush.

Painted plaster products

How to paint decorative gypsum tiles:

  • a dry, dust- and dirt-free surface is primed. The primer reduces absorbency, reducing the consumption of the basic composition, while at the same time ensuring the adhesion of the layers. It is desirable to tint the primer - this will also reduce the consumption of the main paint, increase the brightness of the color scheme.
  • The primer is dry - a paint layer is applied, on an untinted base it will be necessary to repeat the operation 2-3 times.
  • Dried gypsum is varnished.

When using acrylic paints of a new generation, we get a coating:

  • with lotus effect (as part of wax) - resistant to dirt;
  • the glow effect gives the content of marble dust or quartz sand of the finest grinding;
  • colored and shiny blotches - with fiber or chips.

The latest technology allows you to achieve original effects on the surface.

Multi-layer painting

Painting decorative gypsum stone in several layers is used if the product needs to achieve a smooth transition from one color to another, for example, painting a tile with a three-dimensional decor in the form of an autumn maple leaf or flower.
We take paint 3-4 shades:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • crimson;
  • terracotta.

Painting stucco moldings from gypsum begins with the lightest tone, on a primed base we apply a layer of yellow paint. After it dries, apply an orange tint closer to the edges. We smooth the border of flowers with a tampovka from a soft cloth or sponge. Along the edge of the sheet is a patch of crimson color. We also smooth the border, achieving a smooth transition from one color to another. We paint the background with terracotta and draw veins on the sheet.

Stucco painting

Gilding, silvering, bronze plating

Painting gypsum stucco with gold, silver or bronze paint gives the interior solemnity and aristocracy. This technique is typical for classical styles of architecture from the Renaissance to the Empire. In the classical technique, gilding was performed with thin leaves of gold leaf or gold leaf, now more often they take metallic paint in aerosols.
Traditional gilding is performed as follows:

  • The surface is being prepared - all chips, cracks are repaired, polished with a special machine or sandpaper by hand, the dust is brushed off with a brush or vacuumed, the surface is primed with an industrial compound or glue;
  • A layer of gilding paste mixed with glue is applied over the dried primer;
  • Then, with a brush with a soft bristle, gold leaf or gold leaf is applied and carefully, so as not to tear, smooth it to the base, repeating the relief of the stucco molding.

Gypsum painting under gold

It is much easier and cheaper to use acrylic compositions with a metallic effect in aerosol packages: they dry quickly, almost do not smell, and fit well. Primer and varnish are selected according to the recommendation of the manufacturer.

Painting of gypsum under bronze is carried out on a primer with heated drying oil. Powdered bronze is diluted with varnish, applied with a brush.

Process sequence:

  1. Substrate preparation - cleaning, dedusting, priming;
  2. Surfaces are painted in 3 times - 1 layer is the lightest, the entire product is covered with liquid paint, after drying, the convex areas are processed with a grinder or sandpaper, dust is brushed off; 2 layer is thicker, paint the recesses using paint with the addition of bronze powder; 3rd layer - paint thinned with turpentine, with the addition of beeswax to give a metallic sheen. In order to imitate patina, some raised areas are painted with chromium oxide, or a mixture of bronze and graphite is used. Another option is to apply a solution from a mixture of silver nitrate (10 g), vinegar (100 g), water (300 g) over a painted layer of bronze powder in varnish. Due to oxidation, a patina appears on the bronze.
  3. The painted and patinated surface is saturated with a solution of wax in turpentine until absorption stops, wiped with velvet.

Bronze gypsum painting

Plaster painting under silver

Now the process has been greatly simplified: metallic paint is sprayed from a spray can over the primed surface, the areas of lack of paint are corrected with the thinnest squirrel brush. Often individual elements or edges of protruding parts are trimmed with gilding on the pattern. In this case, it is important to pre-protect areas that do not need finishing. This can be done with masking tape or a portable cardboard screen.

Creation of relief

You can emphasize the reliefs of stucco decoration or plaster tiles using paint of 2-3 shades of saturation. They start with the lightest tone, covering the decor completely with it, paying the main attention to the convex parts - there should be no lack of paint here.

Then they take a darker shade, cover the deep parts of the relief with it, smoothing the transition of tones with a brush with hard bristles without paint: from light to dark. Accidental splashes or incorrectly applied color are immediately removed with a dry brush or cloth.

stucco relief

Lastly, the background or the deepest depressions are covered with the darkest colors, also achieving a gradual transition of color with a hard brush.


If we want to achieve the look of an old authentic finish, gypsum stucco molding is painted with the effect of aging: the base is tinted with primer or natural drying oil in a yellowish tint, then the main coloring composition is applied with fillet brushes. To paint over the sinking areas, we use thin brushes with soft bristles. You can get the transparency of the paint layer by changing the thickness of the paint layer in different areas: a thicker layer is applied with a swab (rag or sponge), a thin one is shaded with a brush with a short stiff bristle.

Intermediate gypsum patination process

You can patinate the product using a grinder, sandpaper or a metal brush: the painted dried surface is polished on the bulges of the relief, depicting scuffs. This technique looks great on stucco molding painted under wood (brushing effect) or coated with metallic compositions.

Applying a coating imitating natural materials - marble, granite, wood, brick

Painting gypsum tiles under a stone - this design technique for decorating gypsum is used to imitate natural stone. Painting gypsum marbled in the traditional technique - involves the use of heated drying oil on a well-dried stone. Uneven absorption of oil by gypsum gives stains resembling marble veins. The dry product is varnished for protection and shine.

To give the gypsum tile the appearance of granite, the spray technique is used: the tile is primed, painted in the main background, then several brushes of varying degrees of hardness and paint of colors that are different from the main background are taken. They pick up paint with excess on the brush and with the help of fingers or a special tablet they achieve splashing of paint on the decor. Brushes of different stiffness and bristle length, paint shades give splashes of different sizes and colors, resulting in a texture reminiscent of granite grains. For the qualitative implementation of this technique, you will first have to practice on an unnecessary sheet of cardboard.

Painting of gypsum under a tree is carried out with a stain that imitates the colors of different valuable types of wood. You can get a characteristic woody pattern by making longitudinal movements with different pressure with a hard flute, this gives an uneven thickness of the paint layer.

Painting under terracotta is carried out with rosin and varnish diluted in technical alcohol.

How to paint decorative gypsum bricks: facing with decorative bricks in different interior styles looks completely different, the painting method is simple or multi-layered.

Gypsum painting under granite

Painting decorative gypsum bricks

Country-styles are characterized by painting gypsum brick tiles in white, cream, or grayish color scheme with a varnish coating that imitates glaze. Gypsum tiles are dipped in paint of the desired tone, dried and varnished.

Painting gypsum tiles for a loft style, when a clinker brick look is needed, requires multi-color staining: terracotta, ocher and blue-black pigment will create a color transition characteristic of hand-made clinker tiles. To imitate hand-made clinker, the surface of the tile is pre-treated with a sandpaper and a brush with metal teeth, adding irregularities typical for hand-made products.

Finishing with decorative plaster

The latest technologies give paints and varnishes that imitate any surface. Now you can buy ready-to-use decorative mineral plaster with quartz grains or marble chips of different fractions, which will give the tile the look of natural stone with a wild, polished or polished surface.

Silicone and latex paints repeat the texture of Venetian plaster, patina, velor or velvet. Without multi-layer staining, with just one spray gun, you can achieve many unique color and texture effects. These same compounds will give the gypsum moisture resistance.

Painting 3D gypsum panels is performed using a variety of techniques, but since their pattern is very active, you should be careful about the idea of ​​​​bright toning. It is best to use basic coloring in one color with light accent tinting of individual details. Decorating is easiest with a spray gun.

Painted 3D panels in the interior


Painting gypsum on your own is possible subject to the basic rules:

  • careful surface preparation;
  • mandatory priming;
  • applying paint in 2-3 layers;
  • varnish coating;
  • the use of compatible formulations;
  • following the paint manufacturer's instructions.

In the absence of skills, it is necessary to perform trial operations on samples until a stable positive result is obtained.

Materials for painting stucco

Painting gypsum with your own hands is possible, but requires certain skills, time and accuracy. Works should be carried out in a dry room with good ventilation, withstanding the drying time of the intermediate layers. And everything will work out!

Gypsum decorative stone is painted not only if its color does not quite match the interior elements, but also when defects appear on the material over time that worsen its appearance. Thanks to the protective properties of the applied paint and varnish coatings, it is possible to provide the tiles with resistance to erosion damage and give the finish an attractive appearance.

For painting artificial stone from gypsum, acrylic, silicate and silicone paints and varnishes (LKM) are used. Most often they are made on a water basis. For painting products intended for finishing external walls, paintwork materials that are resistant to external influences are used. Gypsum tiles can be painted in mass, i.e. the coloring pigment is added to the solution before pouring the molds. The main shade receives the whole product. This method is used when installing in places where mechanical damage to the coating is possible.

For surface application of color, acrylic paint for gypsum is most often used. Ready-made solutions can be purchased at the store or made independently using colored pigments. The combined use of these methods allows you to get the effect of natural materials used for decoration.

In order for the paint to better adhere to the surface, it is treated with penetrating primers, and to protect the material from fungi and moisture, gypsum products are impregnated with water repellents. Their use reduces water absorption by 20-25 times. These solutions are applied after varnishing or painting tiles.

Silicate and silicone paints are mostly used for outdoor work. The binder is liquid glass and silicone resins. The service life of such a coating is about 20 years.

To create a matte or glossy surface of the material, water-soluble varnishes are used. In addition, they protect the surface of the gypsum stone from abrasion during operation. To create a durable coating, the varnish is applied in several layers. It should be remembered that after such processing, the main color of the gypsum product darkens.

Advantages and disadvantages of self-coverage

It is not difficult to paint a decorative gypsum stone with your own hands. The main advantage of such works is the choice of color and materials. Paint for decorative stone should be in harmony with the elements of the interior. Gypsum products can be stone-colored or imitate brick and wood. The tile can have several colors with a smooth transition from one to another.

Indoors, water-based tinted varnishes are used for painting. For this, paintwork materials for gypsum and stone are suitable, and in case of absence - colorless for wood. You can first collect the drawing on a horizontal plane and, if necessary, correct the defects.

For work, brushes of various sizes and shapes are used. Do not use rollers or paint brushes (maklovitsy) for applying decorative paint, because the consumption of paintwork materials increases greatly, and smudges remain on the tile. A spray gun with a compressor is well suited for work. The use of such a tool reduces the consumption of paintwork materials and allows you to cover the tile with an even thin layer of paint.

To darken the relief areas of gypsum stone and eliminate defects, a brush or airbrush is used. The last one can shade the main color and make smooth transitions between tones. However, not everyone has such electric tools, and with large areas, this work takes a lot of time. At the same time, quality always suffers, which is a disadvantage of self-painting.

DIY painting method

Gypsum stone can be colored in several ways. Most often, manual painting is used with a brush. Each tile is painted with a base color, and then a few fragments are highlighted with a darker shade. During the application of paint, it is necessary to ensure that smudges do not form and that there are no unpainted fragments left. This method is laborious and time consuming, so it is used to paint a small amount of tiles and eliminate defects.

Facilitates the use of electric and pneumatic tools. Professional craftsmen are popular for painting gypsum products with an airbrush. To do this, the tiles are laid on a horizontal surface measuring 1x1 m and a base layer is applied with a sprayer. The technology for applying shades is simple: after the tiles have dried with an airbrush or spray gun with a thin nozzle, a layer of paint of a darker color is applied to certain areas.

Some experts believe that it is best to paint the tiles laid on the wall. This makes it possible to arrange darker stones over the entire treated surface. The paint applied to the plaster dries quickly, which helps to immediately identify and eliminate defects. After that, the tiles are varnished. With this surface treatment, the care of the product is simplified, since you can wipe the gypsum stone with a damp cloth without fear of smearing the paint.

Mixing pigments to produce color

Gypsum painting can be carried out both during the manufacture of the product and after. In the first case, the pigment is added to the mixture or directly to the mold, and in the second case, to the paint. It is difficult to pick up the same color of a gypsum mixture in large volumes. Therefore, this method is used in the piece production of a small amount of tiles.

It is easier to prepare paint using dry pigment or liquid color. It is not recommended to mix several colors to obtain the desired shade, because when mixed with paint, color stains may come out. With a large amount of work to get the same color is simply impossible.

If a dry dye is used, then it must first be dissolved in water and then the composition should be added to the paint. Different containers are used to prepare the background and shading mixtures. If the tile is painted like a brick, then the shading color is most often made lighter than the base one. Before applying the next layer, each time it is checked whether the previous one has dried. It must be remembered that after drying the product, its color becomes lighter.