How to insulate a metal door frame. How to insulate an iron door with your own hands. Insulation with foam plastic panels, foam rubber. Thermal insulation of the door leaf and frame. Insulating the front door with foam rubber

At this stage we will carry out a number of works that will be required when you are in your house or apartment. Let's start with the fact that we need to fill the voids in the door frame, this is necessary both to improve the sound insulation qualities of the front door and for thermal insulation. You can do this work in two ways:

  1. The first method is to fill the voids in the door frame using soft insulation, such as mineral wool.
  2. The second method is to fill the voids in the door frame using a cement-sand mixture with the addition of alabaster.

If the entrance metal door is installed in wooden house or in brick/stone without using a cement-sand mixture, then the void in the door frame can be filled, for example, using mineral wool insulation, as shown in the photo:

Note:Installing metal front door in my house, I used exactly this method to fill the void in the door frame.

As shown in the photo (1) entrance door frame metal door has voids around the entire perimeter, so we need to fill them. To do this, take mineral wool insulation and cut it into strips, as shown in photo (2). The width of the mineral wool insulation strips should ensure the density of its installation in the void door frame.

When required quantity strips are prepared, we begin to lay them in the door frame. If your fastening to the doorway will be carried out through the holes that are made in the door frame (photo (3, A)), then these holes do not need to be covered with insulation yet. Why? The insulation will interfere with marking and drilling holes in the doorway, as well as installing fasteners. After installing and fastening the door frame, the insulation can be pushed into the door frame through these holes and then closed with plugs.

Now let's look at the second method of filling voids in a door frame using a cement-sand mixture and alabaster. This method is more labor-intensive than the first and is used much less frequently, but still we will look at the main points of filling voids in a door frame using this method.

If you are installing a door in a stone house or in an apartment using a cement-sand mixture, then in this case you first need to seal the surfaces of the door frame on both sides using construction paper tape.

Next, we need to prepare a cement-sand mixture. Take the dry mixture, add it to a container (for example, you can use a bucket with a capacity of at least 10 liters), then add water and use a mixer to mix everything thoroughly. The mixture should be of medium consistency and should not be runny.

When the mixture is ready, pour it out of the bucket onto the prepared place (you can use plastic film) and add alabaster. The proportion of alabaster relative to the cement-sand mixture can be in the range of 1:5 or 1:8, depending on the viscosity of the initially prepared CPS. Why add alabaster, you ask? Alabaster is added to the CPS as a catalyst, that is, when adding a small amount of alabaster, the cement-sand mixture will harden faster, which is what we need in this case.

After preparing the DSP, place it in the door frame and compact it thoroughly. This operation can be carried out without the use of tools, we install it with our hands, but do not forget to wear protective rubberized gloves:

If the door frame will be fastened through the holes made in it, then measures must be taken to ensure that the holes are not bricked up by the DSP. To do this, you need to close the holes; to be precise, you need to insert either fastening material (bolts, cuttings) into them. metal rod), or wooden plugs, the main thing is that the holes are completely protected along the entire length of the passage through the door frame.

The closer the cold weather comes, the more apartment owners worry about drafts and the temperature in their home. According to statistics, about 30 percent of heat energy is “lost” due to cracks and insufficient thermal insulation. The most problem areas- This windows and doors. The first ones are easy to figure out: metal-plastic windows with double glazed windows protect the apartment from drafts and frost. But how can you prevent cold from entering from the front door? This issue is especially relevant for those people who have metal doors installed. Everyone knows that metal has excellent thermal conductivity. This means that valuable heat disappears without a trace. And although an iron door protects your home from burglars and thieves much better than a wooden one, it cannot cope with frost. To improve insulation, you need to take care of insulating the front door.

What is needed to strengthen an iron entrance door?

The main problem that apartment and house owners face is that this task seems very difficult. In fact create an additional layer on already finished door enough Just. Even a person who does not often do this kind of thing can cope with this work. In addition, they are not needed for insulation special tools and materials. Everything you need can be found at your nearest hardware store. If you don't know how to insulate iron door, then prepare work tools from this list.

And, of course, to you will be required following materials:

  • Fibreboard, MDF or chipboard (depending on personal preference),
  • sealant,
  • insulation (expanded polystyrene, polystyrene foam or mineral wool),
  • screws,
  • polyurethane foam,
  • liquid nails.

How to insulate an iron door from the inside: instructions

Most easy way to create the house is warm and cozy atmosphere and get rid of the cold forever - insulate the door from the inside. First you need a metal door remove from hinges. It will be much easier and more convenient to do this work if the door is in a horizontal position. The metal sheet is always secured with self-tapping screws. Carefully unscrew them and examine the interior. Using a tape measure and pencil take all measurements and write them down. This must be done in advance to prepare warm insulating materials. Inside you will notice profile pipes, which divide the space into small cells. It is this design that makes the door durable. But you can drill small holes in the pipes to fill them with foam. Choose a drill, slightly thicker than the thickness of a foam canister tube. Then carefully lay out the blanks of heat-insulating material, pre-cut to the desired shape. Make sure that the lock and peephole remain freely accessible.

The insulation is best mounted on liquid nails to ensure its immobility. But cracks formed between different pieces of material, you need seal with foam. Leave no gaps to achieve maximum effect.

After completing the rough work, you can begin finishing. The lining of even expensive doors is very often not made from a single sheet of fiberboard. We recommend replacing the questionable material with a new and thick sheet of fiberboard (do not forget to adjust it to required sizes). It is attached using ordinary screws.

And only after this can you begin the final assembly. Metal sheet returns to its place and secured with self-tapping screws. Then carefully examine the resulting door. All possible cracks need to be sealed.

How to insulate an iron entrance door with your own hands?

But it is not always possible to insulate the door from the inside. In this case, care must be taken to conserve heat energy another way. Insulation is not attached inside, but outside. How to do this? After all, this part does not provide recesses for laying insulating materials.

This method will require a little more time and effort. You need to start with manufacturing special door frames. Remove the door itself from its hinges and carefully measure its sides. The frame will require regular wooden slats . They must be smooth (curved and deformed will not work). It is advisable to use materials with a thickness of about 20 millimeters and a width of no more than 30 millimeters.

Created wooden frame should go along the perimeter of the door itself. Increase strength designs will help cross slats. It can be secured using ordinary self-tapping screws. This way you create an internal cavity yourself. You can fill out foam or mineral wool. It is best to attach the insulation to the same liquid nails.

All gaps between pieces of foam plastic (or other insulation) it is necessary blow out with foam. Try not to miss even small voids. Leave the door until the foam is completely dry.

Now we need to get busy finishing, which will hide the insulating materials. If you want to know how to insulate a metal door, then take a sheet of fiberboard or MDF and adjust it to the size of the door. This layer must be attached with special care. To do this, first try the sheet on the door, and only then start screwing in the screws. We recommend making holes in the metal in advance so that the screws can be screwed in without much effort.

How to insulate an iron door in a private house?

The problem of a private house is that between the there is not a single barrier between the door and the street. IN apartment buildings The entrance door separates the front door from the cold and frost. The temperature there is always several degrees higher. This means that heat and cold do not collide on both sides of the same sheet of metal. In a private house the iron door is often covered with frost. The whole point is that the temperature in the hallway is positive when negative temperatures prevail outside. It will not be possible to get rid of this problem with the help of insulation. Best way to save heat energy in such a situation - make a small “dressing room”, for example, glaze the veranda.

How to insulate an iron entrance door: video

Main purpose steel door– protection of the home from burglary. However, in addition to its main function - “guard”, a well-insulated metal door makes a significant contribution to the overall energy efficiency of the house. Heat loss through a drafty and freezing doorway, an uninsulated door and an ineffective ventilation system without a recuperator can reach up to 20%. Based on this, the importance of installing a reliable and high-quality steel door becomes clear. This article discusses how to insulate a metal door.

Why is there a vestibule at the entrance?

To entrance group has become energy efficient, you need to install two doors - an outdoor steel one that opens outward, and a second one - an internal one, a simple wooden one that opens inside the house. In this case, an air gap is formed between them, and air, as is known, is the best heat insulator. Such a tandem will keep the house warm, and will also protect the inner door from freezing and fogging in severe frosts.

However, homeowners do not always have the opportunity to equip a full-fledged vestibule.

Also, due to lack of funds, inexpensive doors are often installed at the entrance group, which do not differ high quality manufacturing. Result: such a design and a metal frame freezes from the inside of the room in cold weather, until ice forms, and seeps through from the cracks between the door leaf and the frame.

Accordingly, the money spent on heating goes down the drain. A way out of this situation could be self-insulation metal door and, no less important, the door frame.

Step one - choose a seal

In any business, to obtain a high-quality result, you must first develop a plan. This thesis is especially relevant when conducting construction work. Therefore, before taking on insulation, first of all we inspect the doorway. With a low-quality door, due to a loose seal between the door leaf and the frame, cold street air from outside enters the house.


You should not chase the large thickness of the door and, accordingly, the size of the insulation layer inside it. The main thing is how to insulate a metal entrance door – this is the clear geometry of the “frame-door” assembly, which depends on the thickness of the leaf and stiffening ribs. Street frost passes to a greater extent through the junction unit (the gap between the leaf and the frame), and not through the door leaf. Best performance are achieved by installing a double box with two sealing circuits.

Even the number of locks and their locations affect the tightness of the fabric to the rubber seal. Optimally when door locks(2 pcs.) located slightly below and slightly above the middle of the canvas.

From the point of view of frost resistance, best type The lock device is a lock with a lever (pack of plates) type of mechanism.


On inexpensive doors, the wind often blows between the door leaf and the frame. To eliminate this, you need to lay a high-quality self-adhesive seal around the entire perimeter.

The main purpose of the seal is to seal the junction of the door and the door frame. This prevents frost, extraneous noise, dust and wind from entering the room.

If, as a result of examining the seal, it turns out that it does not fulfill its function: it is damaged, has lost its elasticity, or is laid incorrectly, then it must be replaced. Before you go to the store to buy a sealant, you need to:

  • select seal material;
  • determine the thickness of the seal;
  • select the shape of the seal profile.

The seal can be made from:

  • rubber;
  • silicone;
  • polyurethane;
  • plastic;
  • foam rubber.

Most often, to seal the door-frame junction, they are used rubber seals. They are characterized by durability, resistance to adverse weather conditions, and low cost. Silicone sealant has similar qualities. Polyurethane self-adhesive seals have become widespread due to their ease of installation.

It is also important to choose a seal required thickness and profile. To do this, you need to measure the size of the gap between the door leaf and the frame. As a guide, you can adhere to the following rules:

  • If the gap does not exceed one to three mm, then you can choose a rectangular seal.
  • If the gap is 3 mm, you can choose a seal with C, K, or E-shape profile.
  • When the gap is from 3 to 5 mm, a seal with a P or V profile shape is used.
  • If the gap is more than 5 mm, then a seal with a profile shape O or D is installed.

If the seal sticks silicone glue, then before applying the glue, the surface must be cleaned of old sealant and degreased. Special attention When gluing the seal, it is necessary to pay attention to the corners, because When cutting the seal, gaps may remain in them.

Step two - insulate the door frame

Many novice developers believe that it is enough to buy and install a well-insulated metal door, and the entrance area will become energy efficient. Often overlooked is such a factor as the most powerful bridge of cold, which is a metal door frame.

Warm and dry User FORUMHOUSE

I “looked” at the door frame through a thermal imager and was surprised at how much it stood out in color against the general background of a well-insulated door. I had previously assumed that the metal froze strongly, but now I am convinced of how great the heat loss is in this unit. The box needs to be insulated. The only question is how to do it.

IN lately are gaining popularity metal structures with thermal break. In this case, the inner and outer surfaces of the canvas and the box are separated from each other by a material with low thermal conductivity. As a result, the cold bridge is eliminated.

Using the principle of thermal break, you can modify the metal door frame of a cheap door. To do this, the metal (metal box) is insulated from warm room. This can be done by installing an additional wooden frame and platband. As an option, glue the outline first metal box thermal insulation strip isolon.


The insulation inside a steel door is more needed for sound insulation than for thermal insulation. Therefore, in the fight for energy efficiency, it is necessary to close all metal parts of the door from inside a warm room. This is exactly what we do, closing and isolating the metal circuit (door frame) with a wooden panel with a rubber seal.

What such a knot looks like can be clearly seen in this figure.

Also, a wooden box, due to the texture of the wood, ennobles the entrance area.

In addition to the above-described method of how to insulate an iron door, an option for insulating a door frame is often proposed, such as foaming its internal cavity. To do this around the perimeter steel frame Holes are drilled through which polyurethane foam is injected from a can. Let's conduct an experiment to understand whether this method is justified. Let's take any metal pipe, fill it and put it out in the cold. Let's leave it for a while and then touch the metal with our hand.

Polyurethane foam, when expanded, can lead to deformation of the door frame or stain the door leaf. You also need to remember that polyurethane foam can get into the deadbolt cavity and, when dry, jam the crossbars and damage the lock.


I decided to insulate the metal entrance door at the dacha by foaming the door frame with polyurethane foam. Foamed from the heart. As a result, foam got onto the crossbars through small cracks and froze. Trying to open the door, I first broke the key, then I decided to drill out the lock or even break the door open with a crowbar. Having calmed down somewhat and thought, I opened the box with a grinder and, sticking my hand in, pushed the bolts out with my fingers. The foam, which had not completely hardened, flowed out of the slot. In order not to spoil the canvas, I had to seal itit with cellophane and construction tape. Then I waited for all the foam to dry so that it could be removed from the crossbar cavity with a chisel.

Conclusion: you need to be careful when foaming the box!

Andrey 203 User FORUMHOUSE

Foaming the box improves sound insulation to a greater extent than serves the purpose of insulation. This should only be done with the door open and then, before closing it, wait until the foam has completely hardened. After that, the holes for the crossbars need to be cleaned with a drill, or a narrow chisel or other tool.

Step three - insulate the door leaf

Having completed the previous two steps, we proceed directly to insulating the door structure. There are two options here:

  1. Internal insulation of the door cavity. Why does the door need to be removed and disassembled?

  1. If the door cannot be disassembled, then it will have to be insulated along the surface of the leaf.

In the first option, we do the following:

  1. We're filming.
  2. Dismantling decorative panel.
  3. We insert foam plastic or extruded polystyrene foam into the cavities (between the stiffening ribs).
  4. We foam the cracks and install the decorative panel back.
  5. Let's put it in place.

A door insulated in this way can be covered with clapboard, artificial leather glued on, and finished with a brushed board. There is a wide scope for creativity here. You should not drill holes in the door leaf and try to foam it from the inside or pour granular foam into the cavity through these holes. If you insulate a metal entrance door blindly, such an upgrade can lead to jamming and failure of the locking mechanism.

If the metal door leaf cannot be carefully removed without destroying it (it is rolled), then the insulation will have to be mounted on top of the door.


The forum member did this - first he drilled holes and foamed it carefully door frame, which ensured its 100% sealing and increased sound insulation. The outer part of the door was covered with advertising film. Then on this film using liquid nails glued extruded polystyrene foam 2 cm thick.

Sticking the film on the door will allow you to dismantle the insulation in the future without the time-consuming operation of removing glue from the door leaf. The film comes off easily if you heat it with an industrial hair dryer.

Also, as a temporary option, for emergencies or emergencies, you can temporarily “insulate” the entrance to the house in this way.

From the inside, in the doorway, a thick and heavy fabric is hung, which is folded to the side when leaving or entering the house. It should look like a curtain or curtain. The fabric is not hung close to the door, but at a short distance from it (5-10 cm). If the depth of the opening allows, then you can hang two curtains, also at a short distance from each other. It turns out to be a mini vestibule. Due to air gap heat from the house will not escape outside.

The microclimate of a living space is a complex process that is influenced by many factors. The smallest cracks in windows and doorways can significantly reduce the indoor temperature. Especially important detail is a metal entrance door that can let in the cold.

Many owners believe that installing a new entrance door will solve problems with cold in an apartment or house, but for complete thermal insulation you need to know how to insulate a metal entrance door with your own hands and completely stop the passage of cold air.

Material selection

  • Mineral wool – the fibrous base provides high level thermal insulation. It has a negative attitude towards moisture, so when using cotton wool, you need to take additional care of the moisture insulation system.
  • . Has high performance thermal insulation. Does not lose properties upon contact with moisture, but actively reacts to high temperatures– melts and emits acrid smoke.

Before you insulate a metal entrance door and get rid of drafts, you need to decide on the material. The decision is a choice between moisture isolation devices and fear of fires.

Pay attention!
Mineral wool shrinks easily, but polystyrene foam is difficult to compress - take these properties into account when choosing the thickness of the material.

In modern construction stores presented wide choice, both foam plastic and mineral wool - wool thickness from 5 cm and above, foam plastic - from 1 cm and above.

Door insulation

When deciding how to insulate a metal door frame, you can’t do without a sealant

Before starting work, you need to understand that the door leaf is not the only place that can let cold air. In addition to the door itself, you need to take care of the insulation of the slopes doorway, places of contact of the door to the opening and places of contact door leaf to the box.

To insulate the doorway and frame, the following instructions are used:

  • The fit of the door frame to the opening - this gap is filled with mounting foam or cement-sand mortar with alibaster. It is necessary to check the area for the presence of gaps and cracks, and if they are identified, fill the defects with the used filler.
  • Opening slopes - performed plaster compositions or PVC, must be excluded open areas opening.

At the door installation stage, use a vapor barrier film, one edge is glued to the door frame, the other to the slope wall - the use of the film will prevent drafts, even if the defects between the door and the opening are not eliminated.

  • The adhesion of the canvas to the box is insulated with a conventional seal. Either rubber or foam rubber on adhesive tape is used (the second option is more convenient). The seal is attached at the junction of the canvas and the box around the perimeter.

Having completed these steps, you can move on to the door leaf. But before you completely insulate the metal doors, they need to be removed and disassembled.

The canvas is available in two types:

  • Detachable design - doors consist of two parts - front and inner. There is a free distance between them.
  • One-piece - the structure is not divided into two parts or consists of one continuous sheet.

Its further insulation depends on the design of the fabric.

Detachable design

The classic design of such doors consists of three parts - two sheets of metal and a frame connecting them. Middle part acts as a base with stiffening ribs, the sheets are attached using self-tapping screws.

During the work you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Foam plastic or mineral wool slabs- as the main insulation.
  • Liquid nails – for fastening materials.
  • Polyurethane foam - for filling spaces left without insulation.
  • Soundproofing material is a thin film that is often used when insulating a loggia or balcony. Time-tested brands are, Guerlain and Liplett.

The laying of material into the fabric structure is carried out as follows:

  • The door is removed from its hinges and placed in a horizontal position (if this is possible, if the doors are not removable, proceed to the second point).
  • The screws securing the inner sheathing sheet are unscrewed and the sheet is removed.
  • On the front page with inside Liquid nails are applied and soundproofing material is glued on. This material, in addition to sound insulation, also affects thermal insulation - it is especially recommended to use it when insulating a door in a private house or on the first floor of an apartment building.
  • The main insulation is cut into required dimensions, using liquid nails, the entire space of the canvas is filled with material.
  • The joints between the insulation are filled with polyurethane foam, and the excess is cut off.
  • Last layer - vapor barrier tape(especially necessary when using mineral wool).

When all the steps are completed, the inner sheathing sheet is put into place and secured with self-tapping screws. The canvas is hung on hinges, the integrity of all materials - insulation and seals - is checked.

One-piece design

If the canvas is entirely metal sheet or a one-piece structure of a certain thickness, insulation is carried out by covering the fabric with material. This changes completely appearance doors.

As in the first case, the canvas is removed from the hinges, laid in a horizontal position, the work is carried out using the following technology:

  • A frame is placed on the metal sheet around the perimeter - wooden planks or metal profiles of round or square cross-section.
  • The frame is fastened - the profiles are welded, the strips are screwed onto screws.

When using wooden planks, the screws must be recessed by 1-2 mm, the caps must be covered with putty and painted over - otherwise rust may appear.

  • In preparation interior lining– fiberboard sheet. There is a hole in it for the peephole. The sheet is tightly attached to the canvas, holes are made for self-tapping screws - the fiberboard and frame are drilled. The drill is used with a smaller diameter than the size of the screws used.
  • Sound insulation, basic insulation, seams are filled in layers, and a vapor barrier film are laid into the frame layer by layer. Each layer is glued with liquid nails.
  • A fiberboard sheet is applied and secured.
  • Before installing the sheathing, you can lay a thin layer of sealant on the frame or coat it with sealant. The ends of the door are painted to match the tone of the main panel.

If the price of materials does not really matter, you can apply a layer of leatherette to a sheet of fiberboard, thus decorating the front side of the door. The material can be glued to the fiberboard with glue or a layer of foam rubber can be placed under it.


To summarize the above, it can be noted that insulation is carried out in two stages:

  • Working with the doorway - laying seals and vapor barrier films, installation of slopes. When is insulation carried out? plastic windows, similar materials are used, so you can safely ask for window materials in hardware stores.
  • Work with the canvas - laying foam or polystyrene foam boards. Construction of frame and cladding for permanent structures.

This article's accompanying video and illustrations provide additional visual information on the topic of the article - pay attention.

As you know, there is nothing superfluous in insulating a home. The floor, ceiling, walls, windows - everything is subject to careful thermal insulation if you want your apartment to be cozy. And insulating the door in this situation is an equally important concern.

Drafts coming from the front door can cause a lot of trouble. Any structure: wooden, metal, in itself does not save you from the cold. Therefore, additional door insulation is necessary.

We will tell you in this article how to do all the work correctly so that the door faithfully serves to preserve warmth and comfort in your home for many years.

Ways to insulate entrance doors

If the manufacturer has provided thermal insulation for the door, then you will not have to make much effort, because the insulation layer is already inside the structure. But most often we purchase an ordinary, standard door leaf, since it is much cheaper.

How tightly you need to insulate your door depends on what material it is made of. As a rule, doors are:

  • metal;
  • wooden;
  • plastic.

Insulating plastic blocks requires tools and special skills; in this case, it would be better to turn to the services of professionals. But a wooden or metal door can be easily finished and insulated with your own hands.

The best insulation option may be to install a second door. This creates a small vestibule with an air cushion between the entrance and internal doors, which will slow down the loss of heat from the room, and at the same time keep the cold out.

In addition, any cracks around the door frame should be sealed - it is through them that the cold penetrates into the room. To do this, just use polyurethane foam.

You will also need to use a sealant. The greater the load it can withstand, the better, because the doors have to be opened and closed often. This material is presented on the construction market in wide range. Sellers will help you choose the most suitable one for your door.

If your apartment is on the ground floor, it is better to immediately ensure that the entrance door closes automatically. To do this, you can install a door closer. An agreement with the neighbors regarding the intercom will solve this issue thoroughly.

Insulating the front door with foam rubber

If you want the insulation of your front door to not take up a lot of time and money, use the most familiar, widespread material -. It is not suitable for sealing the sides of the door frame, but it can be sewn onto wooden door on both sides.

To work you will need the following:

  • Foam rubber;
  • Upholstery fabric;
  • Glue;
  • Threshold board;
  • Slats made of wood and plastic.

Please note: upholstery for the door must have water-repellent properties. The optimal solution there will be dermantine, artificial leather or sackcloth.

    1. First of all, cut off the outdated covering from the door and get rid of any remaining insulating materials. Wash the surface thoroughly.
    2. After the door is dry, stick it on the inside and outside layers of foam rubber, cut strictly to size. If necessary, pieces of foam rubber can be glued together in 2-3 layers (for example, if the material is thin, or you think that additional insulation will not harm).
    3. Now stretch the upholstery material over the foam, securing it to the door with nails or a staple gun. You can decorate the surface with a pattern of wallpaper nails. Do not overdo it: the nails press and press in the insulation, because of this its heat-saving properties are lost.
    4. Now it's the turn of the door frame. Stuff slats around the perimeter of the door, which were previously covered with foam rubber and fabric. At the same time, control the position closed door: It should fit tightly, without gaps.
    5. The last stage is setting the threshold. The threshold board should completely cover the gap under the door, but not interfere with the door leaf opening and closing.

Instead of foam rubber, you can use materials such as polystyrene foam (2 to 5 cm thick) or polyethylene foam. In terms of their heat capacity, they surpass any traditionally used materials.

So simple and economical way will help you quickly insulate the door, further protecting you from extraneous noise.

Insulation of metal doors

Metal doors can create so-called cold bridges. Frost creeps through them into the room, even if the door leaf is completely sealed and closes tightly. Therefore, the purpose of insulating a metal door is the following:

  • increasing door sealing;
  • insulation of all metal parts of the product, except for the door handle;
  • placing insulating material inside the door leaf.

The design of almost all metal doors is hollow. Thanks to this, it is very easy to place inside mineral wool or a foam board as insulation material.

Note: if you have chinese door, then you should know that its tin box is welded at the factory. In order to disassemble such a structure, contact the services of a specialist who, after completion insulation works welds the structure.

So, the process of insulating metal doors will look like this:

  1. Carefully remove locks and door handles;
  2. Disassemble the box (if the fastening is carried out using welding seams, they must be removed with an angle grinder);
  3. Lay the insulation inside the empty box;
  4. Collect door structure to the starting position.

If you chose polystyrene foam to insulate the door, then between the sheet and the fastening and fixing metal profiles Gaps will appear. In order to ensure, fill these spaces with polyurethane foam.

If you have a non-demountable door, it can be insulated using an additional internal lining. To do this, remove the door from its hinges, remove handles, locks and other adjustment fittings. Screw a beam with a diameter of 10 X 10 mm around the perimeter of the door leaf from the inside, stretch the upholstery for the entrance doors and secure it to the beam with special nails.

What to do if additional insulation is not enough?

Well insulated external door It should not allow a single gram of cold air into the room, nor should it let heat out. But you may encounter the fact that you seemingly did all the work correctly, but the expected result was not achieved. What could be the reason?

First of all, pay attention to whether it was positioned correctly during installation and whether there are any gaps left in the polyurethane foam. Both reasons equally lead to a violation of the sealing of the entire structure.

To determine the quality of foaming and find the gap, use the traditional folk method: light a candle and slowly move it along the joints of the door frame. Even the smallest draft will begin to oscillate the flame, thereby pointing you to the remaining gap.

In order to properly adjust the door leaf, you will need a set of hex keys and socket wrenches.

The adjustment is carried out using canopies, of which there are usually 4-5 pieces on the door. Each canopy is secured with a locking nut and four bolts. Adjustment work is carried out as follows:

  • lower the adjusting nut on all hinges;
  • lower the bolts using a hexagon and align the blade;
  • tighten the bolts and secure their position with a nut.

Tip: There is a simple way to determine the required thickness of the seal. Roll out a roller from plasticine, wrap it in plastic and place it in the gap between the frame and the door. After you close the door, the plasticine will take the required form, which you need to navigate when choosing a material.

Insulation work using a sealant is carried out quite simply: remove the protective film and glue the sealant around the entire perimeter of the canvas. If your seal doesn't have an adhesive backing, use liquid nails or silicone.

Don't forget to check the integrity and condition of the door frame. If it is rotten, replace it before you start insulating it. If you mounted the box on polyurethane foam, check whether it has crumbled.

As you can see, even a beginner can insulate almost any door independently. Share yours with us and other readers practical experience in such work, ask any questions you may have, and we will be happy to discuss all comments and suggestions. Warmth and comfort to your home!