Disadvantages of metal-plastic windows. Comparison of plastic and metal-plastic windows: which to choose? Thermal and sound insulation properties

/ Metal-plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages /

Metal-plastic windows: advantages and disadvantages

Metal-plastic PVC windows are currently the most popular type of windows both in Russia and throughout the world. Nine out of ten people who want to buy a window make their choice in favor metal-plastic construction. Such huge popularity of PVC windows is explained by the fact that they have a number of advantages. Long term service life measured over decades, reliability, excellent heat-saving characteristics, high degree sound insulation, immunity to atmospheric influences, ease of care, ease of use and of course aesthetic appearance– all this makes plastic windows very popular in modern world.

Windows are made from a material unique in its properties - polyvinyl chloride (PVC), which is characterized by high strength, relative cheapness and ease of operation. In addition, PVC is a highly flammable and self-extinguishing material. Don't forget that there are different colors PVC options profiles obtained by painting according to RAL, as well as lamination, for example, wood, etc.
As you can see, ordinary wooden frames cannot compete with plastic ones, since they do not have such impeccable characteristics. This is why many people decide to buy metal-plastic blocks instead of wooden ones.

As for the disadvantages of PVC windows, these include the complexity of repairs and strict installation requirements. Installation must be carried out by qualified personnel with good experience. It goes without saying that installation work must be carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of modern building standards(GOST). Compliance with all rules will guarantee that the purchased product will last for many years and will not require replacement. In addition, if you decide to buy a plastic window, you need to make sure that the one you choose profile system has all the necessary certificates confirming the quality of the product and its compliance with the necessary physical and mechanical properties.

Thus, there are many reasons to buy metal-plastic windows. However, you should take your choice of manufacturer seriously, since not all manufacturers make high-quality products. Plastic windows are complex design, and their durability depends on the quality of their assembly.

It is no longer a secret to anyone that metal-plastic products will enter our lives very firmly and for a long time. Truly, the twenty-first century can be called the plastic century.

Old wooden windows and doors are being replaced by new ones - metal-plastic ones. Moreover, they come into fashion quite quickly, which in principle is not surprising. After all, every day the well-being of people increases, and accordingly their needs also increase.

However, along with the new metal-plastic ones, their predecessors, wooden windows and doors, also remain popular.

Many people are undoubtedly concerned about the question of whether to choose wood or metal-plastic.

A look at this problem should include a multifaceted analysis of both wooden and metal-plastic products. In this article we will look at the advantages and disadvantages metal plastic windows and doors. Let's take a closer look at all aspects of this problem.

Modern metal-plastic windows and doors are made from polyvinyl chloride (PVC). This is a type of heavy-duty plastic that is obtained from natural raw materials. PVC is durable and cheap material, it is reliable and easy to operate. It is thanks to these characteristics that PVC window profiles are superior in many respects regular windows made of wood. To produce plastic profiles, various auxiliary additives are added to PVC, which improve color quality (light fastness), surface quality and resistance to precipitation. Important feature PVC profile is that it is a highly flammable and self-extinguishing material.
And also:

  • All metal-plastic windows effectively retain heat, this is due to the use double-glazed windows and corresponding multi-chamber profile design.
  • High tightness. Dual circuit system seals using a special frost-resistant polymer seal reliably insulates the heated room. The window does not see through or siphon even in the most severe frost and blizzard.
  • Due to the use of special additives in PVC, the color of the profile remains unchanged for many years.
  • Plastic windows are very durable and reliable. Inside plastic profiles there is a metal supporting frame. This frame is made of galvanized steel, which prevents it from corrosion.
Of course, we can talk a lot more about the advantages, but the overall picture would not be complete if we did not consider the downside, and therefore the disadvantages. And certainly the opinions of experts in this field come down to one thing. The main problem of quality and durability of maintaining high performance characteristics is related to the production of the products themselves and the implementation installation work.

Quality modern materials no one doubts it, but the build quality is sometimes far from ideal. This is all unfortunately the influence of human factors.

One of the most important aspects This is the quality of installation work. Even a well-made window is not a guarantee of its long-term operation. This often happens due to the lack of professionalism of the installers. It happens that people even without special training they carry out installation and these are not isolated cases. This happens mainly when the buyer tries to save money on purchasing windows. Remember one truth, usually the cost of installation work is not so high (about 5-10% of the cost of the window) to take risks. Right installed window or the door will retain warmth and comfort and will last for many years.

I have witnessed more than once how excellent windows were installed in a very obscene manner. Misalignment of the profile often leads to a loose fit of the profile to the seal. And this, as you know, is a draft. And metal-plastic windows “howl” worse than wooden ones. You inevitably ask yourself the question, why then change wooden ones and throw away a lot of money.

So what should you do if you are still planning to replace old windows? Be sure to consult at least two companies, this will give you an idea of ​​the prices for these products. The more options you look at, the more likely you are to save money. Sellers often inflate prices when the quality of goods and services is equal.

The first thing you need to ask the seller is whether there are quality certificates for the product, and even better, for the material from which the product is made. The second is the availability of licenses to perform installation work. Availability of warranties for the product and installation. The completion of installation work must be accompanied by a certificate of completion and a guarantee for this work.

Preference, of course, must be given to a company with the presence of all necessary documents. As a rule, the price may be higher. But is it worth the risk? If a company selling metal-plastic windows and doors is ready to provide you with the entire package of documents, then you can safely sign the contract.

A reputable installation company always values ​​its reputation, so if problems arise, they try to solve them in a timely manner, which often cannot be said about private offices or randomly hired workers.

In the next article we will look at the advantages and disadvantages of wooden windows.

Metal-plastic or, as they say more often, plastic windows are one of the most popular types window designs for the modern consumer. This increased demand is explained by the optimal price-quality ratio, excellent performance characteristics plastic windows.

The structural design of plastic windows is as follows: they consist of frames made of PVC profiles, double-glazed windows and are additionally equipped with special mechanisms for opening and closing the sashes. Designs are always made according to individual measurements.

We’ll talk more about the design of plastic windows, their properties and characteristics below and also find out all the pros and cons of designs that are important to know when planning to purchase PVC windows for your home or apartment.

Materials for the manufacture of plastic windows

The main material for the production of plastic windows is polyvinyl chloride (PVC) - special kind thermoplastic. In its pure form, thermoplastic is a powder to which various stabilizing, modifying substances are added during the manufacture of windows, coloring pigments and other necessary additives. Additional components are needed to purchase a ready-made window profile row technical characteristics. In particular, on what additives will be used in production process, the following qualities of the finished PVC profile will depend:

  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environmental factors;
  • Color;
  • Surface quality;
  • Indicators of weldability, resistance to mechanical damage, wear resistance.

Traditionally, lead is used as a stabilizing substance, but the safest and most environmentally friendly are designs in which the stabilizing properties are provided by a compound of zinc and calcium.

Modifiers and other additives are used in the production of PVC profiles in minimal quantities (no more than 1 mg per 1 kg of profile) and therefore they are not released into the environment during any type of processing profile material. IN finished form polyvinyl chloride - a material that is highly flammable and resistant to external factors And aggressive environments and at the same time harmless to human health.

To make sure that the PVC profile offered by a particular manufacturer is safe and environmentally friendly, always ask the company’s representatives about the availability of a hygienic certificate for the product.

There are no restrictions on the installation of plastic windows: they can be used in residential and commercial premises.

Ventilation is an important aspect

Metal-plastic structures are absolutely airtight and, on the one hand, this is a significant advantage, since such a window will not allow cold, dampness, or drafts into the house. On the other hand, the tightness of the structure negatively affects the process of complete air exchange in the room. A lack of fresh air flow creates stuffiness and can cause condensation to form on double-glazed windows and walls, which can lead to the appearance of fungus or mold in the room. Therefore, the issue of ensuring normal ventilation when installing plastic windows must be given maximum attention.

Of course - the most simple solution will constantly open the doors of the structure for micro-ventilation, but it cannot be called convenient. Therefore, you can initially select the window option with already organized by the system ventilation. The main options will be:

  1. Design with a window. The option is simple, effective, but not budget-friendly. A PVC window with a window will cost more due to the complexity of the design. In addition, the presence additional elements in the frame negatively affects the flow of light into the room.
  2. Self-ventilated windows. This type designs involves the use of profiles with holes made for air intake. Holes are made in the upper and lower outer parts of the frame.
  3. PVC windows with combs. These types of designs initially have a built-in regulator that allows you to open the window in different modes.

Another modern version plastic window with ventilation - these are structures with ventilation valve. If the valve is of high quality, the room will be ventilated constantly, which will ensure complete air exchange in it.

Thermal and sound insulation properties

Heat and sound insulation are the most important characteristics for high-quality plastic windows. If these indicators are at the proper level, the house will always be warm and calm. The sound and heat insulation properties of metal-plastic window structures depend on a number of factors, which are worth talking about in more detail.

On thermal insulation characteristics window design will be influenced by the following indicators:

  • Type of glass unit. For external structures, it is recommended to choose windows with double glazing, consisting of three glasses and an air cushion. To increase thermal insulation properties Argon filling may sometimes be used.

Do you want to reduce your heating costs? Order a double-glazed window with energy-saving glass. They are more expensive than usual, but the costs will quickly pay off due to the overall reduction in energy costs.

  • Number of chambers in a PVC profile. This element of the window structure may consist of different numbers cameras - from one to six. It is advisable to install profiles with one or two chambers indoors; for outdoor installation it is better to use products with three chambers or more.

Sound insulation rates in plastic windows depend on the same factors as the thermal insulation of window structures, but there are also additional parameter, which improves the quality of sound insulation is the thickness of the glass. The thicker the glass in double-glazed windows, the less noise will penetrate through them.

Environmental friendliness and safety

Environmental friendliness and safety are key qualities for structures that are intended to be used in residential premises. Despite the fact that the windows are made of plastic - a material of synthetic origin, they meet all the requirements of environmental friendliness and safety for human health.

Polyvinyl chloride used in the production of quality window profile also used by many companies food industry and must undergo the state certification procedure.

Plastic, although flammable, belongs to the category of highly flammable materials; it does not emit toxic and allergenic substances into the air, and therefore structures made from it can easily be installed in premises intended for habitation and permanent residence of people.

Pros and cons: summing up

Having learned what metal-plastic windows are, what they are made from and what indicators for structures are of fundamental importance, you can summarize and draw certain conclusions about the pros and cons of plastic windows.

The advantages of PVC window structures include the following qualities:

  • Durability, reliability and strength. However, a small remark should be made here: the indicated characteristics will depend almost 100% on the quality of the profile, and therefore it is important to choose a reputable manufacturer for the manufacture of structures;
  • The tightness of plastic windows will not allow cold, draft, or dust to enter your home. The design will reliably protect the home from the penetration of street noise;
  • By design, you can order windows of almost any configuration - vertical, horizontal, with a window, solid, with two or more sashes;
  • The structures have significantly less weight than their wood and metal counterparts. Light weight is an indicator that is of fundamental importance when large area glazing;
  • Plastic does not require special care - any dirt from it can be easily washed off with a regular soap solution or a special household chemicals for the care of plastic windows.

Plastic windows have much higher fire safety compared to wooden structures. During the production of profiles, special antipyretic substances are added to polyvinyl chloride, and plastic frames are not afraid of moisture and are resistant to deformation processes and mechanical damage.

Despite a significant number of advantages, PVC windows still have disadvantages. These include:

  • An increased coefficient of expansion of plastic during temperature fluctuations, which leads to fairly rapid wear of the sealing elements;
  • Absolute tightness, which prevents full air exchange in the room, but this disadvantage can be eliminated by initially ordering a design with ventilation.

Also, the disadvantages of plastic windows include the impossibility of their restoration and repair. If cracks, chips or scratches appear on the frame, they cannot be eliminated and you will have to order a new profile.

Comparing the number of minuses with the number of pluses, it can be noted that window structures have much more advantages. Among the advantages of choosing windows made of metal-plastic, you can also write down their aesthetic modern look and the ability to choose a product to suit any stylistic and color scheme interior

When choosing quality manufacturer and accordingly - a high-quality profile, the finished plastic window will be reliable and robust construction, capable of serving you flawlessly for many years. Aesthetics, durability, ease of use, affordable cost - these are the arguments in favor of choosing plastic windows for your home.

When the choice is between plastic and wooden windows, then victory remains with modern technologies.

Most consumers appreciated the convenience and beauty of PVC products. They have many advantages, but they also have their disadvantages.

Before you buy windows http://www.okna-petrov.ru/, you need to familiarize yourself with their characteristics. A comparison arises with traditional wooden structures.

Advantages of plastic windows

Plastic windows are durable: unlike their wooden counterparts, they do not lose their appearance for several decades.

If you choose a high-quality profile and install the product correctly, then its properties will not change during its entire service life. Thanks to double-glazed windows, they will provide good sound insulation and protection from dust and dirt.

Plastic windows, unlike wooden ones, are sealed. Accordingly, they allow you to better retain heat in the house. IN hot weather On the contrary, such products provide a comfortable microclimate and temperature.

The disadvantage stems from the same advantage. Due to good sealing, the apartment can be stuffy if a ventilation system is not provided.

Main advantage

The most important advantage of plastic is fire safety. It contains substances that do not support combustion. Also, the products do not deform, rot or get wet under the influence of moisture and temperature changes. PVC windows are lighter in weight than wooden ones, which is extremely important when glazing balconies.

Cons of plastic windows

The disadvantages include the fact that plastic windows expand more due to heat and contract due to cold than wooden ones. Accordingly, there is a need to change the sealing elements over time.

Another disadvantage is the impossibility of repair: scratches or cracks that appear on the plastic cannot be repaired. However, in general, the advantages of PVC windows are much greater than the disadvantages. This is what determines their popularity.

Which PVC profile is better? Secrets of choosing and installing plastic windows. Glazing of balconies and loggias.

You need to decide which ones to install conveniently and economically. Many people become familiar with this issue, because there are now quite a few types of windows. The most widely known of them are metal-plastic and wooden windows.

Plastic windows are most often installed; they are easy to use, their structure is stable and reliable. It also protects against noise and perfectly retains heat in the house. These designs were used for office premises and personal homes. The advantage of plastic frames is their pleasant appearance and the fact that they are very easy to clean. In winter, we usually glued the windows to keep out the cold, but plastic warms the house perfectly without any additional effort. In this case, it is better to give preference to double glazing; it retains temperature well. With such a wealth of advantages, plastic windows also have their disadvantages. Since they are hermetically sealed, winter period this is a big plus summer period they serve as protection against dust, but when the window is always in closed position, then the air in the room is musty. We need to watch this and let it go fresh air. Another disadvantage is the dryness of the room. Also, plastic according to its production technology is made artificially. That is, when the plastic is exposed to sun rays, its chemical materials are distributed through the air. The main disadvantage is that window repair is impossible, due to its complex and integral design, damage to plastic and glass cannot be removed in any way, you can only replace them, which cannot be said about wood.

Wooden windows and the reasons for their breakdown

The wooden material used to create windows has remained popular since past centuries. This window structure “fits” quite well into any interior of the house. Windows made of wood are carpentry and European-style. The first option is much more profitable because it is cheaper. These are the same windows from wooden frames, as before, only slightly improved. This window is easy to use, the vents are self-contained, and a special insulation prevents them from being sealed in the winter. Due to its natural properties, wood “breathes” and at the same time promotes the transfer of air when the doors are closed, resulting in no dryness. Regarding negative aspects in use wooden structures, in windy weather, it is better not to open the windows. The wind will slam them, and there is a possibility broken glass. Repairing such damage is expensive. Of course, wood is environmentally friendly, but if poorly processed, the wood can crack and even develop gaps. Cleaning windows will take a lot of time, since you need to wash more than one sash and from all sides, plus there are places where dirt accumulates, which also cannot be avoided.

Wooden Euro window. Pros and cons

There are few negative aspects to using European wooden windows. Their composition has natural properties, durable glass and excellent fittings. They can be opened from both sides to easily ventilate the room. There is no stuffiness observed when the frames are closed. Compared to plastic, window repair similar type possible Damaged areas of wood can be removed using putty, in this way we remove the following scratches. This is also a disadvantage, because you need to constantly update the paint. But if a serious window breakdown occurs, for example, with the replacement of fittings, then you cannot do without expensive repairs and, of course, without skillful hands.

When planning a window replacement, you need to take into account some nuances. First, decide which windows will be more profitable and practical, and then select them based on quality and other properties. And remember that window repair is a fairly labor-intensive process, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Participant contribution:

The article was prepared by Vasily Moroz, an employee of the Company