Choosing metal-plastic windows - tips and recommendations. Plastic and metal-plastic windows: which one to choose? Metal-plastic structures

When glazing an apartment or private house, the question arises of what type of windows should be chosen. Products made from aluminum, plastic, metal-plastic and other materials are on sale, and each of the systems has its own positive and negative sides.

REHAU Blitz profile with metal reinforcement

In this article we will try to give you as much information as possible about the choice between plastic and metal-plastic windows and present useful recommendations on purchasing a specific option for your home.

Plastic windows and their features

PVC is used to make plastic windows. The material is able to provide a high level of protection against heat loss and noise penetration from the street. They are universal because they can be installed in private houses, apartments and office buildings.

Buyers choose plastic windows, focusing on strength, durability and the above-mentioned advantages. This is a good option in the mid-price category.

Metal-plastic windows and their features

Reinforcing frame - main distinctive feature metal-plastic windows. It is made of metal and built into the profile - from the outside, the design is practically indistinguishable from PVC glazing.

The metal profile has a maximum level of safety, as it is created from galvanized steel, protected from corrosion. Windows are stronger and last longer, but at the same time their weight increases, and therefore the load on the building’s façade.

Comparative analysis

The table below discusses in detail how metals differ plastic windows from plastic ones.

Evaluation criterion Plastic windows Metal-plastic windows
Scope of application Plastic windows are universal - they can be used for glazing office buildings, residential premises, apartments, private houses Metal-plastic windows are suitable for use in glazing residential premises, office buildings and industrial buildings. The main difference is the possibility of use in buildings with extreme conditions, for example, on the upper floors of high-rise buildings
Period of use Plastic windows will last from 20 to 30 years, depending on the type of profile and manufacturer Metal-plastic windows are designed to last more than 50 years
Form The traditional option is a rectangle. Custom shape also possible provided that the angle between the frames is at least 30° The reinforcing profile allows for the implementation of various alternative window shapes - from lancet to round
Price Windows average price segment The price is higher than that of plastic windows

To make your decision easier, you can formulate a number of recommendations for choosing windows:

  • If you are faced with the task of installing plastic windows in an opening that is experiencing severe wind load, it is better to opt for metal-plastic windows.
  • For those buyers who are short on funds, the best option would be to buy plastic windows, as they cost less.
  • If you want to implement a non-standard glazing option in your home, pay attention to metal-plastic windows - there are many more varieties of shaped windows of this type.
  • If you want to rely on the durability of the structure, which is especially important in the field of private construction, windows with a metal frame are a solution that will confidently last for half a century.
  • For glazing rooms in old multi-storey buildings high load on the facade is undesirable, and in some cases completely unacceptable - the choice is clearly up to PVC systems.

A free surveyor’s visit will completely dispel your doubts: a specialist will assess the condition of the building and give a competent recommendation on the choice optimal solution and profile and calculate the cost of the window.

Inventor of PVC material

The history of PVC windows is not so old, but enter our daily life they managed thoroughly. Now we see metal-plastic windows everywhere and in luxury cottages, and in shopping centers, and in ordinary apartment buildings. Because they are of excellent quality, practical and durable at a low cost.

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) from which modern metal-plastic structures are made was obtained by the chemist Regnald in the 19th century. But only a whole century later, in the 50s of the last century, it was established and launched, mass production metal-plastic windows. In the 60s, metal profiles began to be added to structures for greater reliability.

The first who began the production and installation of such metal-plastic structures were the Germans. For the Germans, this was a necessary measure, after the war in the absence of much turnover cash, it was necessary to restore the destroyed state. The search was on for cheap building materials, here PVC came to their aid. At first, the first consumers were wary of this new product, but high strength, good noise insulation and resistance to changing weather conditions quickly and reliably strengthened this technology not only in the German market, but also spread throughout the world.

How to choose metal-plastic windows

When choosing a metal-plastic window, you need to approach it very responsibly. A correctly selected window will serve you for a long time and reliably, and will also save you money. Malok knows that installing a metal-plastic window automatically raises the temperature in the room by 3 degrees. This is mainly due to the tightness of the window.

When choosing, consider:

  • The room where the window will be located.
  • Characteristics of PVC profile.
  • Double-glazed window.
  • Accessories.
  • Additional details.
  • The room where the window will be located

This point is more aimed at saving money. For example, when installing small window in an unheated garage, we do not need a thick PVC profile, with good reinforcement, expensive fittings and 2-chamber double-glazed windows. While in a residential area it is better to observe all these characteristics in order to create a tight insulation of the room from external environment. Also please note special attention when choosing windows for a balcony.

Consider whether it will be just glazing, or whether you have taken the radiator to the balcony and want to keep it warm there. If it is just glazing, then it assumes that there will be another window between the balcony and the room. In this case, the balcony-room window should not have more than durable characteristics, as usual, directly facing the street, because between them there will be an additional air cushion, the width of the balcony.

Characteristics of PVC profile

PVC profile – provides thermal insulation, sound insulation, reliability, strength and durability of the metal-plastic structure. At first glance, all profiles are the same. This is wrong! The difference can be seen by cutting the profile and looking inside. Or you can feel it after several months of use, when the structures begin to be repainted, lose their geometry, and cracks begin to form in them.

There are three quality classes for profiles:

  • CLASS A; The outer wall is more than 2.8 mm. internal walls more than 2.5 mm. Such configurations for frames are considered optimal and are recommended for installation in residential premises.
  • CLASS B; The outer wall is more than 2.5 mm. internal more than 2.0 mm. Configuration data PVC window frames retain heat much worse and, according to research, are 15% more fragile than class 1 frames.
  • CLASS C; Any metal-plastic structures that do not fit the characteristics of classes A and B.

*there is also a so-called “object” profile, outwardly such a window is no different from a regular one. The only difference you may see upon purchase is the “object” sticker on the window frame. Such frames do not retain heat and are very easily deformed; they are installed only in non-residential premises. Some unscrupulous sellers sell such frames under the guise of regular ones, so be careful.

Profile uniformity

The evenness, smoothness and uniformity of the plastic speaks about its quality. By the way, so as not to be deceived and not to buy a fake at the price of branded windows. Pay attention to the markings on inside window frames There must be a mark trademark and a bunch of numbers indicating the month, date, year of production, work crew.

Profile width

There are 3 options for choosing a profile width:

Wall thickness

There are many wall thickness configurations available from different suppliers. The optimal thickness for a living space is the thickness of the outer wall from 2.5 to 3.0 mm.

Number of cameras

There is a correlation here with the profile width. Profile width 58 mm. can have a maximum of 3 cameras. 70mm can have three, four or even five air chambers. But in reality, when jumping into one chamber, for example, between a three or four chamber frame, you will not feel the difference. And 90 mm. The norm for such a PVC window frame is 6 air chambers.

Double-glazed window

In fact, there are two types of double-glazed windows:

  • single-chamber – 2 glasses with air space between them;
  • two-chamber – 3 glasses, air spaces between the first and second, second and third glass.

If there is one glass, then it will no longer be called a double-glazed window. It is impractical to use more than three glasses in one double-glazed window from the point of view of physics, optics and mechanics.

There are double-glazed windows with a thickness from 14 to 44 mm. and even more. It is also possible to introduce gases (argon or krypton) into the chambers between the windows to increase the energy-saving properties of double-glazed windows, (sulfur hexafluoride) to increase sound insulation properties. Also interesting is the fact of the ideal distance between the glasses. It has already been calculated and ranges from 10 to 16mm. It is this distance that is most effective for thermal insulation properties double-glazed windows with the lowest convective heat transfer rate.


This point does not limit you in choosing according to clear criteria for your premises. It all depends on the amount of money you are willing to spend on accessories. We recommend that you buy high-quality and expensive fittings, as they will last for decades. You don't have to spend additional funds and time to troubleshoot. To buy such fittings, we recommend that you contact large construction or specialized stores and purchase fittings from well-known brands.

Additional details

Additional details are a window sill and a window mesh (if necessary). There are no exact criteria to guide your selection. And we mentioned this point only so that you do not forget about these little things and do not waste additional time on a second visit to the store.

Additional element - door closer

Metal-plastic windows sizes

To roughly calculate the cost of metal-plastic windows, you need to take the correct dimensions of the window (including the balcony), you need to measure the width of the opening, then fix the height from the window sill to the upper slope, then select the preliminary shape of the window (i.e. determine: single-leaf, double-leaf, tricuspid, T-shaped, etc.). Determine the opening (in one direction, in two and the presence of an opening function for ventilation) and the type of double-glazed window. Do not be sad if your calculation of PVC windows turns out to be inaccurate, because you are not an expert in measuring windows correctly! Write down all your measurements and notes on paper; for greater accuracy, it is best to make a drawing of each window with its dimensions. When making frames, you need to consider whether you have external slopes so that the frame and glass package do not sink so much that you begin to see the cement of the slope. Need to take into account inner size And outer size to understand what gaps form between the frame and the wall

How to calculate metal-plastic window:
1. Window opening width
2. Left wall
3. Right wall
4. Distance from window to pipe
5. Distance from ceiling to window
6. Window height
7. Window sill height
8. Window sill overhang

Metal-plastic windows installation or installation

Self-installation of metal-plastic windows does not amount to a lot of work. To do this we need: polyurethane foam, wooden blocks (for fixing the window in window opening), hammer, level, spatula, putty.

First, we pull out the old window from the window opening and insert a new one there. PVC frame without double glazing. We fix it with the help of pre-prepared blocks and level it, then insert a double-glazed window into the opening, and again measure the level to see if it is out of alignment. After all measurements have been taken, the gap between the PVC and the window opening can be filled polyurethane foam. Be careful with polyurethane foam; if it gets on any unwanted surfaces, it is very difficult to erase and wash. If, however, foam gets outside the opening, then you should wipe it off immediately before it hardens. After the foam dries, which is about a day. We take out the wooden blocks, fill the resulting cracks with foam, and wait for them to dry completely. We cut off the foam protrusion with a utility knife flush with the window. Use putty to hide the unsightly appearance of the foam.

The window sill, if you also purchased it, can also be placed on foam on the old one already installed. At the same time, do not forget to measure the level.

Wiping the window

Over time, the window sashes lower, and the frame begins to rub when opening and closing. There are two ways to solve this problem. Both are solved using a set of hexagons.

Option 1

At open window, find the adjusting screw, classically it is located at the top of the sash. Turn it in the desired direction using a hexagon, clockwise, it raises the window, counterclockwise, it lowers. If it doesn't help, move on to the second option.

Option 2

Remove the plastic protection from bottom loop, using a hexagon, turning the screw clockwise or counterclockwise, adjust the window.

Metal-plastic windows are blowing. Clear draft near the window

This phenomenon occurs due to loose pressing of the window to the window frame. At the end of each opening window there are so-called “eccentrics”. The “eccentric” is a bolt that is capable of movement and regulates the tightness of the window. Rotate this element left/right, checking the tightness each time, and in this way you will find best option pressing. For example, in summer you can lightly press the window against the window frame to get more air into the room during your absence, with the windows closed.

Cracking and other strange noises in the handle

A sign of a future breakdown for the handle; unfortunately, most handles cannot be repaired. And if it fails, the only solution is replacement.

There are several ways to open metal-plastic windows and each of them has its own disadvantages. Pivot windows can be very inconvenient to use on balconies and loggias due to the fact that when open, the frames take up a lot of space. Folding frames are better in this parameter, but they cannot be installed in loggias only tilt windows– with them the loggia will be almost completely closed. Here the best option is the use of sliding windows, the metal-plastic structures of which appeared not so long ago.

Sliding windows are indispensable on balconies, in small rooms or in narrow and long rooms; such windows are also used for glazing gazebos and terraces. For windows of this type, the same PVC profile, as for ordinary traditional windows. IN sliding windows They install double-glazed windows of a conventional design. Sliding windows for terraces and gazebos differ from traditional ones only in the opening mechanism.

The mechanism of action of tilt-and-turn windows is much more complex than that of sliding windows, therefore sliding systems much more reliable, very rarely break down. Consequently, their service life is longer.

When installing metal-plastic sliding windows, the number of sashes depends on the area of ​​the window. The doors can be movable, which move along the guides, or static, which are stationary. When choosing the design of such a window, you must ensure that when the sashes are open, access to all the others is free. This is the basis for choosing a sliding window design. At the same time, there are no problems with washing windows. In sliding windows, the sashes cannot be opened completely - there is a mechanism for fixing the sashes.

Don’t think that if a window can be easily moved from the inside, it is just as easy to move it from the outside. Metal-plastic sliding windows are equipped with a burglary protection mechanism. These are usually complex locking systems that prevent entry attempts from the outside.

Sliding systems appeared relatively recently, but there are already more modern designs, which combine sliding and folding doors. This is a complex mechanism that may appeal to many buyers. It is called a metal-plastic portal.

Sliding systems can be used not only as windows, but also as doors. They are especially popular now as interior doors. Such doors, unlike traditional ones, save a lot of space and create spaciousness. This good choice for cramped and small apartments. But also in big houses These doors are very popular. An apartment or house with such doors inside looks very modern and stylish.

Regarding mosquito nets, then they are installed on sliding windows as easily as on any other. In these windows, the grids can be moved to any location in the structure.

Metal-plastic sliding structures have many advantages. For this reason, they have appealed to many buyers and are steadily conquering the window market.

An important condition for creating a comfortable microclimate in a residential area is the installation of metal-plastic windows (MPO). The market is represented by a large selection of materials, different types double-glazed windows, among which metal-plastic products are popular.

What is a metal-plastic window

Such windows consist of a profile based on polyvinyl chloride, reinforced with a metal frame. Products made from ordinary plastic can change geometry due to heat changes.

From the transition of the cold season to the warm season, the expansion or narrowing of a window profile made of unreinforced plastic reaches 1 cm depending on the size, which leads to a loose fit of the sash to the frame, as well as to sagging and the appearance of cracks.

Additional rigidity of the structure is provided by metal profile reinforcement. Deformation is prevented, the likelihood of the sash sagging and the possibility of closing the window profile is reduced.

Types of MPO according to:

Type of glazing (one, two, three, four chamber).

  • Properties of glass (heat-retaining, impact-resistant, tinted, sound-insulating).
  • Varieties of valves.

Windows come in one, two, three and four chamber types. The first option is considered the simplest, consisting of two sheets of glass and a void - a cavity between them 14-32 mm thick. This type is obsolete, so it is rarely used in residential premises.

When a window structure consists of two chambers, it means the presence of three glasses, two air chambers between them. The installation depth is 30-58 mm, which greatly reduces the level of external noise. Double-glazed windows thermal insulation characteristics are sufficient for the local climate.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows are used less frequently due to their cost and large weight. This option is suitable for installation in particularly noisy, industrial areas or near railway crossings, stations. Also, this glazing option will better retain heat in the room in cold climates, for example for residents of the North.

Glass designs from four chambers and above are not often used, because according to the main criteria, heat and noise absorption do not differ from their three-chamber counterparts. According to the properties of glass, windows are: heat-retaining, tinted, shock-resistant, sound-proofing.

Heat-saving, retaining heat in the room are based on metallized coating. It conducts visible rays but blocks infrared radiation. With good transparency through such glazing, heat does not leave the apartment in winter, and also does not come from the street in summer.

Glass tinting is the addition of pigments at the production stage, allowing you to obtain different shades glass unit. Impact resistant made of tempered glass(triplex) based on several interconnected sheets. Such products are durable and also safe. If damaged, the fragments do not crumble, but are retained and glued to a special polymer film.

To ensure high degree Sound insulation distances between chamber glasses vary. This characteristic dampens vibrational waves and also reduces resonance. Others are used technological solutions— the chambers are filled with inert gases, the glass is covered with film.

The sashes can be fixed, hinged, rotary or tilt-and-turn. A blind, fixed structure in a living room is mounted along with opening doors. The folding version is used for glazing attics, verandas or for the purpose of safe ventilation with a panoramic version of the balcony. The rotating sash opens more often inward, less often outward, provides a large flow of air, and is easy to clean. The tilt-and-turn version combines the advantages of two types of sashes, therefore it is considered an optimal, more convenient design.

In addition to the main parameters, metal-plastic windows are different colors, forms. In addition to standard rectangular and square ones, round, trapezoidal, triangular and other shapes are also available. There are different shades to choose from, and they can also be laminated with a durable film, for example, to match the texture of wood. Lovers of originality and everything unusual can order stained glass windows, the images of which create real works of art.

Metal-plastic window design

The design is standard, the sealed element is a double-glazed window consisting of several glasses, the distance between which is filled with air or inert gas. The fixed part is the frame - this is a frame mounted in the window opening of the room. The sash is the opening part. The perimeter of the windows is sealed by the manufacturer with special silicone inserts that perform a sound-absorbing function. Locks, hinges, handles determine functionality window design and opening systems.

Manufacturers of metal-plastic windows

With the increase in demand for residential glazing, the number of manufacturing plants has increased sharply. But not all organizations comply with the conditions, so window structures may function differently.

Metal-plastic window frame represents a prefabricated structure, determined by the quality of the components from which the window is assembled.

It is better to choose a manufacturer who does not seek to make money, but works conscientiously and values ​​​​its reputation. Manufacturers known all over the world and operating for decades are a guarantee of quality.

Metal-plastic window: checking windows before installation

During the delivery of windows, the client must perform a visual inspection of each product before installation work. Attention is paid to appearance- integrity of the window, as well as consistency and uniformity of color. No chips, dents or scratches are allowed. The seams must be clean and stripped. This also swings the glass unit. There should be no moisture or condensation effect in the middle of the glass unit. The presence of screws indicates reinforcement.

Installation quality control

After installation, the client checks the reliability of the frame fastenings. The opening window should not wobble, tilt or vibrate. The sash should fit evenly in width to the frame, without deviations. Otherwise, drafts cannot be avoided, even if the other inspection criteria have been met.

It is important to check the operation of the fittings. To do this, open or close the window several times, checking the softness. If any comments arise, you need to ask the technician to adjust or repair it.

Caring for a metal-plastic window

Like any product, a window needs constant, delicate care. The fittings need to be lubricated twice a year; for washing, use soap solutions or special means. Powdery products disrupt the structure of the plastic and injure the surface. When washing windows, carefully wipe rubber gaskets- insulation.

What to consider when choosing metal-plastic windows?

The market is replete with a large selection of manufacturers, but for the right choice a number of factors are taken into account. For example, the characteristics of the room and location are taken into account. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are suitable for such storage facilities or cold glazing of a balcony. Two- and three-chamber windows are suitable for apartments, houses and other residential premises.

For locations on the first floors, protection is installed on the fittings, as well as impact-resistant glass. It is possible to install glass with a special sun protection coating if the room is located on a high floor, not blocked by a neighboring building to cover it sunlight. When in the building high humidity, it is desirable to install built-in ventilation valves in double-glazed windows.

What to base the choice of design on?

The prefabricated structure represents each element separately. For example, ferrous metal is most susceptible to rust and corrosion and is used in cheap options. Quality product consists of a galvanized frame that is moisture resistant.

The sash and frame must be reinforced throughout the frame for rigidity, and not in places. The more glass, the better properties heat retention in the room and sound insulation. The quality of the fittings (hinges, locks or devices affect the properties and duration of use).

What types of PVC windows are there by design?

Metallo plastic profile- this is reinforced PVC, from which a supporting frame is created - frame and sashes. The main characteristics of the profile: heat transfer, profile width, number of chambers. The last type consists of partitions inside a profile, each chamber has its own purpose.

Types of double-glazed windows:

  • Energy saving. The inner glass is coated with silver atoms to reduce heat loss.

  • Tinted.

  • Shockproof.

A popular profile is three-section. One part imparts rigidity, the other drains condensate, and the third is needed for attaching fittings. There are 4 and 6 chamber sections. Their number affects the thermal conductivity of the frame. A double-glazed window is several pieces of glass interconnected by chambers made of air. Glass may also have different thickness. The thicker the glass, the better the insulation. Companies: Rehau, Veka, KBE, as well as Siegenia-Aubi fittings.

Rehau in Russia has own production, which allows you to reduce the cost of goods. Offered to clients wide choice profiles, double-glazed models. Each option has high technical parameters and quality, but prices may be higher than those of competitors.

The next well-known company around the world is Veka. The metal-plastic profile is aimed at preserving comfortable temperature in the apartment. The products of this manufacturer are highly durable, reliable, and the high cost justifies the quality.

A responsible, conscientious company must have a certificate, which is updated annually. A passport is issued for each window, as well as a warranty card.

Basic parameters of popular window profiles

To select the correct profile, compare technical parameters. When installing Rehau windows, the profile width is important - 60-150mm. The wider the profile, the warmer it is. The thickness of the glass unit and the number of cameras directly affect the main functions. Veka windows offer the consumer profiles with a width of 58-104 mm.

Selection taking into account the characteristics of the premises

When ordering windows from a specialized company, the client pays attention to the use quality materials, parts, adhere to the joining technique, seams, and the level of skill of the installers must be high.

Main selection factors:

  • Decent production capacity of the company.
  • Certification of activities.
  • Positive feedback.
  • Long warranty period.

When ordering, the type and size of sections are determined depending on the glazing area and purpose. The number and location of the swing-out doors must provide access to all external surfaces of adjacent blind sections.

Double-glazed windows must be multi-chamber - at least three chambers for residential premises. The shut-off protection must work properly. It is important to choose a conscientious, honest manufacturer. You should not skimp on components or parts. The high cost of the purchase will pay off in the future with cost savings.

Not everyone knows that when we talk about metal-plastic structures, we are talking about ordinary PVC windows. And they are called that because the plastic contains steel reinforcement. Metal-plastic profile may have various shapes and dimensions, that is, it is a universal element that is used in a variety of conditions.

Features of plastic windows

Such designs have become much more widespread than wooden or aluminum counterparts. The main material is PVC. It is a type of synthetic polymer known for its high consumer properties. Such products are absolutely harmless to humans, resistant to environmental influences and corrosion.

Inside the plastic profile is metal frame, which is the basis of the entire structure. WITH outside the product is finished plastic material. Like the rest of its window brethren, this type has a frame, sashes, double-glazed windows. The kit also includes metal braid, hinges and locking elements.

There are air chambers inside the metal-plastic window. Due to their high tightness, these designs differ high level noise and heat insulation. We can say with confidence that a plastic profile will protect your home from drafts and reduce heating costs.

Maintenance of such products is practically minimal. If you decide to install plastic windows, you will no longer have to treat the frame with varnishes and paints, or seal the sashes to insulate the windows for the winter. The material does not peel and does not need to be repainted, and the complete seal does not leak cold air inside the room. These products are also very easy to adjust. The modern window industry offers great variety ventilation options. It is enough to turn the handle at a certain angle to let air into the room.

Why is it even better to install a PVC frame? It is difficult to ignite and prevents the fire from spreading further. That is, such products are fireproof, unlike their wooden counterparts. Good profile is quite strong and durable, so it can be installed either in country houses, and on top floors skyscrapers. Great value It also has a choice of accessories. The ease of use and service life of the entire product depend on these elements. The fittings set includes handles, hinges and their supports, as well as other accessories. All of them are responsible for adjusting the valves, so you can’t save on such little things.

How to install a metal-plastic window?

If you decide to install double-glazed windows yourself, you should understand that the choice quality construction– this is only 50% of success. The remaining 50% of durability, comfort and warmth depends on correct installation. Therefore, we strongly recommend entrusting such installation in a house or apartment to professionals.

To correctly install such a profile, you must strictly follow the instructions, which include a strict sequence of steps:

  1. Measuring the opening.
  2. Dismantling the old product.
  3. Preparing the opening.
  4. Fixing the window in the opening.
  5. Working with assembly seams.
  6. Low tide device.
  7. Installation of sashes, double-glazed windows.
  8. Installation of slopes.
  9. Checking the tightness of the entire structure and the operability of the fittings.

Why is it not advisable to install metal-plastic windows yourself? Errors in measurements, an uncleaned surface, improper fastening of the sashes, failure to use a level during installation - all these and other factors will reduce the work involved in installing the window structure to zero. And only experienced professionals can know about such nuances.

How to properly adjust windows?

As mentioned above, it is worth choosing a window made of plastic, if only because it does not need additional insulation. But when the season changes, it is necessary to adjust the window for winter or summer by setting one or another sash mode. To do this, it is not necessary to contact specialists. It is quite possible to adjust it yourself. How to do this? Read on.

Why do you need to adjust the frame?

When winter gives way to summer or vice versa, it is important to adjust the sashes to a certain position. Initially, the clamp is in a neutral state. However, leaving it in this form may not have very good consequences:

  • drafts even with proper adjustment;
  • loss of heat from the apartment in winter if summer mode is set;
  • constant presence of the valves in summer mode due to strong pressure, the seal quickly fails;
  • violation of the indoor microclimate.

Moreover, an incorrectly set mode may lead to the need to carry out repairs with your own hands or with the help of a specialist. But in any case, this is unnecessary trouble and expense.

In order to put the structure in one mode or another, you must first look at the trunnions (eccentrics) that are located on the side of the sash. If you see holes for a screwdriver or hexagon or an oval-shaped pin, then such a double-glazed window can be adjusted for summer or winter mode. But it is better to clarify this nuance with the company that carried out the sale and installation. To activate desired mode It is enough to simply turn the pins on the sash using a tool to a certain position.

How to choose the right metal-plastic windows?

Before purchasing these types of designs for your home, it is important to understand that you are making a purchase that will last for decades. Therefore, it is better to immediately choose a high-quality and reliable model by ordering installation from a serious company. Which ones are better PVC products? It all depends on various factors:

  • type of house and living conditions;
  • your aesthetic preferences;
  • financial opportunities.

Modern window production offers many options. Each of them is distinguished by the quality of the profile and the reliability of the fittings. To avoid window repairs in the future, give preference to qualified specialists and use the product carefully. For all questions regarding selection, repair and maintenance, you can contact our company!