Autobiography sample for work examples. Autobiography: example of writing when applying for a job. What are the rules for writing an autobiography?

Autobiography is a document in which a person talks about the main facts of his biography and indicates personal information.

There are no strict rules for writing, but there is a general document structure that should be followed. Sometimes, an enterprise, institution or educational institution draws up its own form. The first impression of a future employee depends on how much.

An autobiography is submitted when applying for employment, to educational institutions, when changing citizenship, or moving to another country for permanent residence (permanent residence).

This is a mandatory document when entering the civil service, local governments, armed forces, and law enforcement agencies.

Autobiography requirements for employment:

  1. The full name of educational institutions is indicated, exact date of training. Information about additional education in the specialty.
  2. We briefly and consistently state the names of enterprises, institutions, and the position where you worked. We indicate their names as accurately and correctly as possible.
  3. Decipher the abbreviation, with the exception of generally accepted symbols that are used in documentation. The names indicated should be clear to the person who will study the autobiography.
  4. Be sure to tell us about your experience working abroad. Sometimes this is a prerequisite (for example, when applying for a government job).
  5. If there are government awards for scientific discoveries, achievements - indicate them.
  6. If there were problems with the law, there is no point in hiding. Persons who have not been convicted indicate - not convicted (a). If you have a criminal record, we indicate the date and article under which you were convicted, as well as the period of serving the sentence.
  7. Men should provide information about their military service, perhaps acquired an additional specialty.
  8. Women, so there are no unnecessary questions, regarding the “white spots” of the biography, can indicate the period of being on parental or maternity leave.

Common mistakes:

  1. Presence of spelling and grammatical errors.
  2. The chronology of the events described is broken.
  3. False information provided.
  4. Lots of lyrical digressions.

Sample document

Autobiography I, Malyuga Petr Vasilievich, was born on October 14, 1972, in the city of Yuryevsk, Khabarovsk Territory, into a military family.

1978 – moved to Vitebsk with his parents.

From 1980 to 1988, he studied at Vitebsk secondary school No. 28, where he received a certificate of general education.

After graduating from school, in 1988, he became a student at the Minsk Electrotechnical College. He graduated from it in 1992, received a diploma in mechanical engineering and adjustment of computer-controlled machines.

September 1996 - entered the Faculty of Law of Minsk University, majoring in Jurisprudence, from which he graduated on April 25, 2003. Received a higher education diploma and qualified as a lawyer.

2009 – 2010 was a student at the international business school “VIP – MINSK”, and completed the “Executive MBA” course.

2010 – student of the “HR – Manager” course at the international school of business and law “VIP – MINSK”.

2011 – took the “General Marketing” course at the international business school “NIMA”.

Since October 2015 I have been completing the program of the Scandinavian Institute of Management

IFL Develop Your Business, in Russia.

From January 10, 1994 to September 30, 2001, he worked as a commercial director at the industrial and commercial company Rost.

Since September 2001, he has been accepted to the position of Chairman of the Board of Uspeh CJSC.

From September 25, 2002 to September 14, 2008, he worked as Director for Foreign Economic Affairs of Uspeh LLC.

From September 2008 to the present, I have held the position of Director for Foreign Economic Activity of LLC Industrial and Commercial Company “Success”.

Family composition:

  1. Wife – Malyuga Lyudmila Antonovna, born April 27, 1978. Works as a teacher at the Minsk State University of Internal Affairs. Candidate of Philological Sciences.
  2. Son – Malyuga Evgeniy Petrovich, born September 1, 2005.
  3. Daughter – Malyuga Anastasia Petrovna, born December 21, 2008.
  4. Mother - Alexandrovskaya Irina Yuryevna, born August 8, 1954, pensioner.
  5. Father - Vasily Aleksandrovich Malyuga, born November 14, 1948, works in the Vitebsk District of Hydraulic Structures and holds the position of chief of the ship's watch - the access service.

He did not serve in the military.

I and my family were not convicted and were not under investigation. September 14, 2016 P.V.Malyuga

How is it compiled?

As a rule, an autobiography is written by hand in neat, legible handwriting on a white A4 sheet.

Depending on the employer's requirements, a printed version of the document can be provided. At the same time, the requirements of office work should be taken into account.

When typing text on an electronic medium, adhere to the following basic rules:

  • font style – Times New Roman
  • font size – 14 or 12, lowercase;
  • selection - no selection;
  • width – across the entire width of the page;
  • line spacing – one and a half;
  • page margins – top and bottom not less than 20 mm, left not less than 30 mm, right not less than 10 mm;
  • paragraph indentation is the same and equal throughout the text - 1.27 cm;

When writing an autobiography, a strict chronological sequence is observed. Each new information begins with a paragraph. The style is strictly business. There is no need to number sections.

Document structure:

  • Title of the document (Autobiography). The word is written in the center of the sheet. When typing text on a computer, highlight the word in bold and do not put quotation marks.
  • Last name, first name, patronymic.
  • Date of birth.
  • Place of birth.
  • Information about education.
  • Information about work activity.
  • Information about public work (if such practice exists).
  • Awards (if any).
  • Brief information about family composition (father, mother, husband, wife, children):
  • When indicating the details of close relatives, we write their full name (in full), date of birth, you can indicate the place of work, study; if the parents are deceased, write their full name (in full), date of death; if the marriage is dissolved, indicate the status – divorced.
  • Information about your criminal record.
  • Date of writing.
  • Personal signature.

  1. Write your autobiography in advance, check for errors.
  2. Please indicate the name of the organization correctly, enterprises where they previously worked. If the data is distorted or inaccurate, this will spoil the opinion of you.
  3. The document must be submitted on a blank sheet of paper, without blots or greasy stains.
  4. Sentences should be short. Without complex adverbial phrases or technical terms.
  5. Try your life and professional path put it on a maximum of two sheets. In the printed version, preferably one.
  6. Photo optional, but if this is the employer's condition, take a photo. At the same time, you need to maintain a business style in clothing and hairstyle.
  7. Don't overdo it, describing your achievements (especially participation in small seminars and conferences). The employer may not like your boasting. Suddenly you find yourself smarter than the manager.
  8. Entering public service, provide as accurate information as possible. Otherwise, you risk ruining your reputation. All data is checked by the internal security service.

Writing an autobiography will be useful to any person, since not everyone knows what data needs to be reflected in it. This is understandable: it’s not every day that you have to face such a task. As a result, questions arise: how to write an autobiography correctly, what must be reflected in it, and what writing rules should be followed?

Basic rules for writing an autobiography

It should be said right away that there are no special requirements for writing autobiographies. Therefore, it is necessary to compose an autobiography based on the general requirements for writing business letters.

  1. Your autobiography does not have to be very voluminous. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of writing should not be more than 1-2 sheets of text. As practice shows, long “essays” will not help you reveal yourself in the eyes of the reader - they will most likely have the opposite effect.
  2. What is written should not contain errors, the general form of presentation is business style. When reviewing your autobiography, the reader will pay attention not so much to what is written, but to the form in which it is done. For this reason, competent speech will allow you to score “extra points.”
  3. All events described by you must be presented in chronological order, logically and consistently. That is, you cannot immediately after talking about school move on to work, skipping other educational institutions, or first talk about your place of work and then mention the education you received.
  4. The information about you contained in your CV must be genuine. Including erroneous or inaccurate information may prevent you from getting the job you want (or achieve another goal) and create a bad business reputation.

Autobiography writing sample

Download a sample CV

To make it easier for you to compose your autobiography, here is an example of how to write it:

“I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was born on January 1, 1990 in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory. In 1997 he entered secondary school No. 1. In 2007 he graduated from school with a gold medal. In the same year, he began studying at the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Journalism. In 2012 he graduated with honors. From August 2012 to this day I have been working as a journalist in the newspaper “Vestnik Vladivostok”.

We don't judge.

Married to Ekaterina Pavlovna Ivanova, born May 5, 1991. Born in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, st. Komsomolskaya, 15, apt. 5.

No children.

Additional information:

Mother: Olga Semenovna Ivanova, born on February 2, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an accountant. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. Not convicted.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, born on March 3, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an engineer. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

Brother: Petr Ivanovich Ivanov, born on April 4, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok, currently studying at the Far Eastern Medical University with a degree in Therapist. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. We don’t judge.”

Any other autobiography is written according to the same scheme with adaptation to a specific case. For example, if a schoolchild needs to write an autobiography, then the text must focus on academic achievements and participation in additional educational events (olympiads, competitions, exhibitions). You can also reflect sports activities and talk about achievements in sports.

Don't know your rights?

If we talk about a student’s autobiography, then it would be useful to include in the text information about conferences, student competitions, and scientific papers that were prepared during study. If a student is engaged in additional work in his specialty, then this experience requires reflection in his autobiography. You can talk about the internship you have completed, including industrial practice. For a student, the most important thing is to reflect an active life position, easy learning, as well as a good level of theoretical training. If a student, in addition to studying, is involved in sports and represents his university in competitions, then this information should also be included in the biography.

Autobiography for work

We have already discussed the general form of an autobiography above. In principle, an autobiography for work is not much different from these requirements. Although there are some differences:

  • an autobiography for applying for a job should reflect as much as possible the qualities that the employer needs. This is exactly what you should focus on, as this will not only save time when processing the document you sent, but will also advertise you as an applicant;
  • do not hesitate to describe the projects in which you took part and which were successful - experience is always valuable. In addition, such examples demonstrate flexibility of thinking, the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them, and the applicant’s ability to work in a team;
  • pay enough attention to reflecting the education you have received, but do not focus the employer’s main attention on this (unless, of course, you are a young specialist with no work experience who has nothing to tell about professional success yet). List all the places you studied and the qualifications you received, but do not dwell on the specifics of the training, the papers written, and so on. The employer is unlikely to be interested in this - and if he is, he will ask about it himself during the interview;
  • immediately reflect your wishes regarding future work. For example, if you prefer to work independently, then it is better to say so right away, without wasting time or breaking yourself while building relationships in the team. Remember that not only are you interested in the job, but the employer is also interested in you. Feel free to indicate the desired salary and other working conditions that you consider important for yourself. Think about the possibility of business trips: are they acceptable to you? It is quite possible that you need a quiet schedule, without travel, since you have a small child, so do not hide this initially - this will save time for you and the potential employer;
  • evaluate your business qualities, indicating your strengths. If you are sociable, creative, responsible, efficient, etc., then why not draw the employer’s attention to such characteristics?

Sample of writing an autobiography for work

Now let's look at a sample of writing an autobiography for work according to this scheme. It should look something like this:

“I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was born on January 1, 1980... (then you write everything according to the same model that we gave above, until the moment of employment).

From August 2012 to this day I have been working for the newspaper Vestnik Vladivostok. I wrote a number of articles that caused a great resonance in society, in particular: “Getting ready for school”, published in the 7th issue of the newspaper dated 09/01/2014 and “Let’s protect our native land”, published in the 10th issue of 10/01/2014. During my working life, the creative team under my leadership developed and implemented a new project, “Specialist’s Answer,” organized for the official website of the newspaper editorial office.

Monitoring traffic to the project page and a comparative analysis of sales for 4 months of the current year with the same period last year allowed us to draw certain conclusions. For example, the implementation of the project increased the popularity of the newspaper among the population and increased its sales by 10%. In addition, thanks to the project, the newspaper took 1st place in the annual competition “Best Printed Publication of 2014” and was awarded an honorary prize.”

This example clearly shows how you can talk about your professional achievements and advertise yourself on the labor market without unnecessary pomp.

It should also be noted that in autobiographies for work it is customary to reflect not only one’s skills and achievements, but also the reasons for leaving the last job. At the same time, you can limit yourself to the phrase “for family reasons” only if you left your job precisely for this reason. It is better to clearly answer such a question, while trying to remain tactful and sensitive. For example, if the reason for leaving was a conflict with management, then you should not say that an ungrateful and stupid director asked you to vacate your position - it is better to describe it in a slightly “streamlined” way, but in such a way that you cannot be accused of lying, rudeness or bad manners . For example: “The reason for leaving my previous job was a change in working conditions that made further work in the organization unsuitable for me.” If you are asked at an interview what exactly has changed, you can say that the new manager changed the internal policy of the enterprise, which entailed a change in the amount of work (responsibility, freedom, benefits, etc.), and for you the new state of affairs is unacceptable.

What else do you need to know about an autobiography?

An autobiography, which is compiled when searching for a job, is most often called a resume (For more details, see How to correctly write a resume/CV for a job 2019-2020 (sample example form)?). The difference between a resume is that it does not need to indicate information about your parents, as well as disclose in detail information about spouses and children.

The main task of a resume, unlike an autobiography, is not to tell a story about your life as a whole, clearly demonstrating the most important aspects. Here you need to talk about your professional level, indicate what career stage you are at, allowing the employer to assess your potential as a specialist in your field.

Today it is considered very fashionable and correct to support your autobiography with a photograph. There are no requirements for photography, but, of course, you will have to maintain a business style. That is, in the photo you should be in business clothes, with a neat hairstyle, the background should be neutral.

If we talk about a resume, then you can refer to the characteristics from your last place of work and recommendations given to you, if this is practiced and welcomed in your professional field. For example, the recommendations will be useful to teachers, specialists with a narrow specialization, and almost all humanities scholars.

It is also appropriate in the document to mention military service (for men) and periods of maternity leave (for women).

At the very end, put the date the autobiography was written and your personal signature.

It has long been believed that only noble people needed an autobiography. They thought that many people should know about their life. Today, every person must know, a sample of which will be discussed in this article. Basically, it is needed to provide basic information about your person, for example, at or at work.

Basic Concepts

An autobiography is a document that is drawn up in any form and is necessary to provide basic information about life and the main difference from a regular questionnaire: the data is described in more detail, which makes it possible to find out everything that is most important and necessary. The autobiography sample is standard; a person simply enters his data into it and supplements it with information that he considers important. Then it is signed and stored in the personal file along with other documents.

Important aspects

An autobiography is a free description of a person’s life, and there are no regulations or specific forms. You need to write it on regular A4, where there are no columns, no questions, or anything else. A correct autobiography, a sample of which will be discussed below, is compiled taking into account certain standards. It must be written by hand using a pen with blue ink. Any corrections or blots are not allowed. Thanks to an autobiography, a person can clearly and concisely present all the necessary information.

Rules and sample autobiography

All information must be presented in chronological order:

Main points

The autobiography should set out the main blocks of information, which include information such as:

Other information

In addition to the main points, a sample autobiography may contain the following information:

  • presence of children;
  • marital status;
  • period of maternity leave;
  • participation in any important events;
  • presence of business and other activities.

The autobiography ends with your home address, contact phone number and the date the document was written. It is also necessary to sign. There should not be any other signature or seal on the autobiography. If any changes occur after submitting documents for work, this will be reflected in a separate application.

To apply for a job, many organizations require you to provide a curriculum vitae. By the way, some enterprises have simplified forms with questions. You need to find out about their availability in the HR department.

It is important to remember that this is not a 5-page essay. The autobiography should not exceed one page in length. Therefore, do not write too much. An autobiography should not look like narcissism. This is a document that allows you to find out the main information. It has been observed that employers do not spend more than 3 seconds reading such documents. Remember that the CV must meet the requirements and purposes for which it was compiled, so indicate only what is included in the basic requirements.


Many people are interested in how to write an autobiography. The sample below will help you do this quickly and easily.


Father - Safonov Anatoly Stepanovich, born in 1957 - private entrepreneur.

Mother - Safonova Anna Borisovna, born in 1960 - administrator of a beauty salon.

From 1991 to 2003 she studied at secondary school No. 17 in Moscow. Upon graduation, she received a certificate with honors and

In 2003 she entered them. M.V. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Journalism, upon completion of which in 2008 I was awarded the qualification of a specialist in the specialty “Television and Radio Control” and was awarded a diploma with honors. During her studies, she completed an internship at the newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda.

From 2009 to 2011 she worked at the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, quitting after the contract expired.

Since 2011 I have been working as a leading journalist on Channel One.

Married. Husband - Petrov Sergey Vladimirovich, born in 1954, private entrepreneur.

There is a son - Petrov Maxim Sergeevich, born in 2010.

Home address:

119027, Moscow, st. Nasosnaya, 2, apt. 96.

Personal signature


As you can see, there is nothing complicated in writing an autobiography; the most important thing is to succinctly outline your life, its main stages and achievements. It is important not to lie or embellish anything, since all the information presented in the autobiography can be easily verified with official documents, such as a certificate, diploma, work book, etc. If you still cannot decide what exactly to write, then it is recommended to draw up several options, and then ask the company’s HR department which one is suitable.

Writing an autobiography is considered the most important part of the employment procedure. This document provides an opportunity to get a complete picture of the candidate for the vacancy.

Autobiography sample

An autobiography is a free-form description of life stages by the author. In most cases, this document is drawn up during the hiring process, as well as admission to service or study. It is necessary to inform the organization about the major milestones in the life of a potential employee or student. Most often, this document describes the entire period of life. But there are exceptions that involve describing a specific life stage that lasted several years.

Many people confuse an autobiographical certificate with a questionnaire. However, this documentation has significant differences. First of all, they concern information content. In autobiographies, it is customary to indicate more complete information about a person’s life. For example, this document may contain information about the reasons for leaving a previous job, justification for the desire to work in this particular company, etc.

Compiling a curriculum vitae is an integral part of the employment procedure.

Pay attention! Before writing an autobiography, you need to know that this document does not have any regulated forms. It is filled out on a blank A4 sheet and does not contain any columns, questions or other prompts. However, when filling out this document, you must adhere to a number of rules.

Rules for writing an autobiography

When wondering how to write an autobiography correctly, you need to know that it should be as concise and succinct as possible. The optimal size should be 1-2 sheets. It is worth understanding that overly long narratives do not arouse much interest and are often simply unreadable.

Before compiling such a portfolio, you should remember that there are several required blocks (full name, date and place of birth, education, marital status, contact information, date of compilation, signature). In your autobiography, you must additionally fill in information about your parents, wife (husband) and children. Men must indicate the period of military service, women - information about maternity leave.

Just a note. Another important rule of writing is business style. This document should not contain errors, since it is often used to form an impression of a person.

Despite the fact that an autobiography does not have regulated requirements, when compiling it you still need to adhere to certain writing rules. First, the title is always written in the middle of the line. Secondly, each new block must begin with a paragraph. Thirdly, the date of composition is always indicated on the left under the text, the signature is on the right.

Don't forget the importance of chronological order. The author should not jump, for example, from a story about school to a description of work activity, missing the period of study at the university. In general, when drawing up this document, you must adhere to the following order:

  • date and place of birth;
  • period of schooling;
  • period of higher education;
  • other information about education;
  • labor activity (from the first place of work);
  • achievements;
  • hobby;
  • information about personal life.

It is also worth recalling that all information provided must be truthful. If inaccurate data is detected, the author will receive certain problems (for example, loss of reputation). Mistakes can also be an insurmountable obstacle to getting the job you need.

How to write a short autobiography about yourself

To prevent mistakes when writing this document, it is recommended that you first study an example of an autobiography. Studying the template will give you a general idea of ​​the design of this document.

Below is a sample autobiography. Following this example, the autobiography will follow all the basic rules of formatting.

Example of a short autobiography

Autobiography when applying for a job

During the employment process, one of the main requirements of the employer is to write a curriculum vitae. This requirement is due to the fact that the choice of employees is made, not least of all, on the basis of their human qualities, determination, temperament, motivation and initiative. Experienced hiring managers are able to evaluate all of the above parameters immediately after reading a detailed biography of a potential employee. Based on this document, conclusions can be drawn about the emotionality of a potential employee, his attitude towards other people and his ability to present his strengths.

Additional information! The structure of writing an autobiography for work is practically no different from the standard version. The only thing worth remembering is that an autobiography for work does not require a description of your childhood years before entering school.

Before you write your own autobiography for a job, a sample of which is given below, you should familiarize yourself with the basic rules for drawing up this document. An autobiographical certificate for an employer should cover in detail the author’s previous work activities. He must list all jobs in chronological order. In addition, it is necessary to indicate the circumstances that contributed to getting into a specific place of work and subsequent dismissal. It is also necessary to indicate bonuses and awards received as a result of previous work activity. Additionally, you can focus on your attitude towards work and career growth.

How to write an autobiography for work - sample

Below is a sample CV when applying for a job. This example focuses on professional performance and achievements in the workplace. When writing a CV, a delicate point is the relationship with previous employers. The author should understand that if a conflict arose at a previous place of work that led to dismissal and termination of the contract, the autobiography does not need to report how unfairly he was treated. All information must be presented in a tactful manner. The author of the document should not present himself as a scandalous person.

Example of an autobiography for an employer

What should you indicate to a person with work experience?

An employee with extensive work experience must first of all demonstrate his existing professional skills in a specific field of activity. The autobiography form of such a person must also contain:

  • detailed display of periods of work experience;
  • successes and achievements of a specialist;
  • information about completing advanced training courses;
  • information about education;
  • information about maternity leave indicating the period when it took place (relevant for women).

When applying for a job in the police and other law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, a potential civil servant must indicate a detailed description of army service. An author who wants to get a job in the civil service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office, or guardianship authorities should also emphasize the absence of a criminal record and persecution by law enforcement agencies.

Example of an autobiography for the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In general, competent preparation of a curriculum vitae can help its author receive priority when applying for a job.

What is social origin in autobiography

Before writing your autobiography, it is also worth knowing the importance of indicating your social background. This concept was relevant during the period of Soviet power. Then, after the date and place of birth, the professional status of the family was indicated - “born... in a family of workers (employees, doctors, military, etc.).” Today, this concept refers to the social status of the author (unemployed, student, individual entrepreneur, pensioner, etc.).

What else you need to know about an autobiography

When studying a sample of writing an autobiography, it is worth noting that today this document is often supported by a photograph. Moreover, there are no special requirements for photos. However, it must be consistent with business style. The author should be photographed against a neutral background, with neat hair and business attire.

To summarize, we should emphasize that writing an autobiography is a responsible process that requires preliminary preparation. The author must think in advance about the sequence of presentation of the main events of his life. This is necessary in order not to get confused in the facts and their sequence. When writing, you should also exclude any grammatical and punctuation errors.