Methodology for assessing vehicles. Regional information about the subject of assessment

GOLF identification number (VIN) WVWTTT1JZ1W241712 (or registration plate H 789 OT 29)



Valuation object: VOLKSWAGEN GOLF identification number (VIN) WVWTTT1JZ1W241712 (or registration plate H 789 OT 29)

Vehicle being assessed VOLKSWAGENGOLF. The assessment of components, assemblies and equipment with a residual life and the costs of its dismantling was carried out on the basis of Vehicle Inspection Reports “dated 01/01/2001, dated 01/01/2001, and a photo of the vehicle. For further assessment, the following assumption is made: since the vehicle was in a technically sound condition suitable for use before it received damage, all undamaged components, assemblies and equipment are considered suitable for further sale. For further sales, only intact components, assemblies and equipment that are in demand on the market are used.

Conclusion: Taking into account rounding, the cost of disposal residues using the cost approach was

144,290 rub.,

(One hundred and forty-four thousand two hundred and ninety rubles).


Object of assessment

VOLKSWAGEN GOLF identification number (VIN) WVWTTT1JZ1W241712 (or registration plate H 789 OT 29)

Property rights
to the object of assessment

Right of possession, use, disposal

Purpose and objectives of the assessment

Determination of the disposal value of the valuation object

Intended use of assessment results and related

The assessment results are intended to be used to dispute the value of the usable remains of the damaged vehicle.

Type of cost


Valuation date (date of valuation, date of determination of value)

Assessment deadline

Thirty days according to the agreement.

Assumptions and limitations on which the assessment is based

The assessment is based on documents provided by the Customer and Inspection Reports dated January 1, 2001, and November 24, 2010, which are considered reliable

Basis for the appraiser to evaluate the property being assessed



Registered at the address Severodvinsk st. Lenina building 74 Tel. 9-98.

Contractor (legal entity with whom the appraiser entered into an employment contract)

Date of assignment: 01/29/2000

Location: Arkhangelsk, Talazhskoe highway

Member of the SRO "Russian Society of Appraisers", included in the register of members (SRO) on March 5, 2000, registration No. 000; location (SRO): , page 1.

Diploma of professional retraining PP No. 000 dated 01/01/2001 (assessment of the value of an enterprise (business))

The professional activities of the appraiser are insured:
v -insurance company", insurance policy No. 000С5 validity period from 02/25/2011 to 02/24/2012 (limit of liability rub.)

Location of the appraiser: Arkhangelsk, Talazhskoe highway

Information about organizations and specialists involved in the assessment

Inspection reports dated January 1, 2001, and November 24, 2010.


This conclusion is reliable only in its entirety and can only be used in accordance with the purposes of the assessment; individual parts of the Report cannot be independent documents.

The Customer did not provide data, and the Appraiser did not identify any encumbrances regarding the valuation object. Calculations were made based on the assumption that there are no encumbrances on the property being valued.

The Appraiser's opinion regarding the value is valid as of the date of the appraisal. The appraiser does not accept responsibility for social, economic, physical or regulatory changes that may occur after this date and affect the subject property and thereby affect its value.


Laws and standards used

The determination of the salvage value of the valuation object was carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law dated January 1, 2001 No. 135-FZ “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation”.

When carrying out appraisal activities, the Appraiser applied the Federal Valuation Standards (FSO) in force on the date of appraisal: FSO No. 1, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 000, FSO No. 2, approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated 01.01.2001 No. 255 , FSO No. 3, approved by order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 000.

During the assessment, the requirements of the Self-Regulatory Organization of Appraisers, existing principles and methods of assessment were met.

The assessment was carried out taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners” dated 01/01/01 and the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01/01/01 No. 000 “On the organization of independent technical examination of vehicles”.

The assessment was carried out taking into account the requirements of guidelines and methodological documents for the assessment of vehicles.

Applied concepts and definitions

The object of assessment is objects of civil rights in respect of which the legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the possibility of their participation in civil circulation.

Valuation date (date of valuation, date of determination of value) - the date as of which the value of the valuation object is determined.

Market value is the most probable price at which the valuation object can be alienated on the open market in a competitive environment, when the parties to the transaction act reasonably, having all the necessary information, and the transaction price is not affected by any extraordinary circumstances.

List of information sources used in the assessment

Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” dated January 1, 2001 No. 135-FZ.

Federal Law “On compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners” dated 01.01.01

Federal Valuation Standard No. 1 approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 000;

Federal Valuation Standard No. 2 approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 000;

Federal Valuation Standard No. 3 approved by Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia dated January 1, 2001 No. 000;

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 No. 000 “On the organization of independent technical examination of vehicles”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2003 No. 000 “Rules for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01 No. 000 “On amendments to the Rules for compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2003 No. 000”

Vehicle assessment. M., Delo Publishing House, 2002

Assessment of the amount of damage in case of damage to VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099, 2115 cars. M., Obrazovanie Publishing House, 2005

RD 37.009.015 – 98. Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of motor vehicles, taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation (as amended No. 1) (Approved by the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation in 1998) M., NAMI, 1999.

Methodological guide for forensic experts “Investigation of motor vehicles in order to determine the cost of restoration repairs and assessment.” Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, Russian Federal Center for SE, North-West Center for SE. M., 2008

RD 37.009.015 – 98. Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of motor vehicles, taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation (as amended No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6). M., PRICE-N, 2006

Cost of imported and domestic used cars. www. *****www. *****

Prices for vehicles, tractors, car and tractor engines, motorcycles, cranes, forklifts. www. *****www. *****

Cost of standard hours by type of repair work, marketing research for the Arkhangelsk region.

Internet resources on assessment topics.


Documents establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the subject of assessment

Vehicle inspection reports dated January 1, 2001, and November 24, 2010, as well as a photo of the vehicle.

Characteristics of the subject of assessment

Table 6.1 Characteristics of the damaged vehicle


number (VIN)

Mileage, km

Engine power, l. With.

Engine volume, cm3


metallic blue

6. regional information about the OBJECT OF ASSESSMENT

In the Arkhangelsk region there is no market for emergency vehicles, since all emergency vehicles are sold on the black market and the cost of such vehicles is not advertised anywhere.

The cost of 1 standard hour of repair work, the value of which in the Arkhangelsk region is.







The cost of usable remains can also be determined for a specific part according to the price list of one of the stores or, for example, http://*****/.


The cost of serviceable vehicle balances is calculated using two approaches:

Using a comparative approach by determining the cost of vehicles in the emergency vehicle market. In the Arkhangelsk region there is no market for emergency vehicles, since all emergency vehicles are sold on the black market and the cost of such vehicles is not advertised anywhere.

Cost approach, as the total cost of serviceable parts, assemblies and assemblies of an emergency vehicle, suitable for further sale (hereinafter referred to as serviceable spare parts) and the disposal cost of parts and assemblies unsuitable for sale (recycling residues), minus the costs of disassembling the vehicle, troubleshooting and sale of spare parts, as well as the disposal of unsold remains of automatic vehicles.

The income approach is not applied since in this case no income is expected from the valuation object.

Conclusion: When determining the market value of emergency vehicles that cannot be restored, a cost approach is used.

8. DETERMINATION of recycling value

Cost-effective approach

Determination of the cost of emergency vehicles sold in the form of individual parts and disposal residues.

An emergency vehicle, in which operable units, components, and parts remain, can be disassembled and, after troubleshooting, everything suitable for further use can be sold on the used spare parts market. In this case, the cost of usable residues can be determined by the formula:

Sl = Slz + Su - Zp - Zt - Zu, rub., where:

Sl - cost of usable residues, rub.;

Slz - the number of functional parts on the used market

Spare parts or new ones taking into account wear and tear of the vehicle, rub.;

Su - cost of disposal residues, rub.;

Salary - pre-sales costs (transportation, disassembly,

troubleshooting, etc.), rub.;

Zt - trade costs, rub.;

Zu - costs associated with the disposal of vehicles, rub.

The cost of suitable spare parts, disposal residues, pre-sale costs, trade costs, costs associated with the disposal of vehicles are determined based on the market prices prevailing in the region using a comparative approach.

If it is impossible to sell suitable spare parts or there is no economic feasibility in their sale, the cost of disposal residues is taken into account.

Parts suitable for sale and further use (based on inspection reports, as well as photos of the vehicle.



Unit measure(pcs).


Engine assembly

Front right headlight

Front left headlight


Steering rack

Front bumper


For work on equipment removal, a time standard equal to 30% of the time standard for removing/installing equipment was used in accordance with the manufacturer’s standards.


Number of standard hours

Quantity pcs

Standard hour standard. Rub.

The cost of work is rubles.

Engine with gearbox assembly

Front right headlight

Front left headlight


Steering rack

Front bumper



Calculation of the cost of parts suitable for sale, the cost of parts is taken from the Exist online store http://www. *****/.



Unit change


Unit cost

Price. Rub.

Engine assembly

Front right headlight

Front left headlight


Steering rack

Front bumper


Total cost of new spare parts:

Totaltaking into account wear of spare parts 60.9%:

Wear calculation

Type of transport - Passenger car;

Time period (D) - 10.8 (eleven years);

Total mileage (P.6 (thousand km);

The average wear rate per 1000 km is 0.3%;

Average aging rate for 1 year of operation (I2) - 1.15%;

Ie = I1 x P + I2 x D = 0.3 x 161.6 + 1.15 x 10.8 = 60.9%

Operational wear (Ie) - 60.9%.

Due to the insignificant amount of non-ferrous metals present in the evaluated vehicle, we neglect their cost for further calculations.

Weight of vehicle remains (after dismantling equipment intended for sale) – 1.5 tons. Contamination with non-metallic impurities (tires, seats, glass, upholstery, etc.) – 10%

The net weight of scrap metal from the remains of the assessed vehicle will be: 1.35 tons.

The retail price for acceptance of scrap metal of type 5AP (machines, complete machine) is 2,000 rubles as of the valuation date. for 1 ton (Vtormet Arkhangelsk).

The cost of scrap metal for vehicle parts will be: 1.35 * 2,000 = 2,700 rubles.

The cost of transporting and loading scrap metal vehicle parts will be (if you rent a car and a crane for one hour) - 1,500 rubles.

The disposal value of the assessed object will be:

145,393.45 + 2,700 – 2,500 = 144,289.45 rubles.

Conclusion: The cost of disposal residues using the cost approach amounted to 144,289 rubles 45 kopecks (One hundred forty-four thousand two hundred eighty-nine rubles 45 kopecks).


As a result of the calculations, the value of the valuation object was:

Assessment Approach

Cost of the object according to various approaches, rub.

Weight coefficient, %



Not used


Not used

Conclusion: Taking into account rounding, the cost of disposal residues using the cost approach amounted to 144,290 rubles (one hundred forty-four thousand two hundred and ninety rubles).

Appraiser ______________________________/ /

General Director ______________________________/ /

Mandatory Annexes to the report

1. Documents establishing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the subject of assessment.

AGREEMENT N ___ ON VEHICLE EVALUATION ______________________________ "__" ___________ ____ (name of locality) __________________________________________________________________ (name of legal entity or individual _________________________________________________________________, entrepreneur) hereinafter referred to as the "Appraiser", represented by _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (position, surname, first name, patronymic the head of _________________________________________________________________, a legal entity) acting on the basis of the organization’s charter (documents confirming the state registration of an individual entrepreneur), on the one hand, and ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ (legal entity or individual) hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, acting on the basis of ______ _________________________________________________________________, on the other hand , have entered into this agreement as follows. 1. Subject of the agreement 1.1. The Customer instructs, and the Appraiser undertakes, the obligations to evaluate the vehicle: Type _______________________________________________________________ Make, model _____________________________________________________ Category (ABCD, trailer) __________ Registration N ____________ Identification number (VIN): ___________________________________ Engine: model ____________________ N _________________________ Chassis (frame) N ________________ Body (stroller) N ________________ Color: _________________________ Date of issue _____________________ Vehicle passport: series ____________ N _____________ Vehicle owner __________________________________ Owner's address __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 1.2. Purpose of the assessment _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 1.3. The date on which the value of the vehicle is determined (valuation date) ___________________________________________ 1.4. Place of assessment ________________________________________________ 1.5. Basis for concluding the contract ___________________________ 2. Rights and obligations of the Customer 2.1. The customer has the right: 2.1.1. Receive from the Appraiser all the necessary information about the assessment standard used, methodological and information support for the vehicle assessment work. 2.1.2. Get acquainted with the interim and preliminary results of the vehicle assessment work. 2.2. The Customer assumes the following responsibilities: 2.2.1. Provide the Appraiser with a vehicle passport, a vehicle registration certificate, a document confirming the right of ownership (disposition, use) of the vehicle, data on the book value of the vehicle (for legal entities). 2.2.2. Provide the Appraiser, upon his request, free of charge and in a timely manner, with all information available to him, including documented information that may be important for the assessment of the vehicle (document on temporary deregistration or final withdrawal from service, certificates of previous accidents, as well as information about hidden defects, deviations of actual mileage from speedometer data, previously conducted vehicle assessments, etc.). 2.2.3. Pay for the work of the Appraiser in accordance with the terms of this agreement. 3. Rights and obligations of the Appraiser 3.1. The appraiser has the right: 3.1.1. Apply independently methods for assessing vehicles in accordance with assessment standards and current methods. 3.1.2. Require the Customer, when conducting a mandatory assessment of a vehicle, to provide full access to the documentation necessary to carry out this assessment. 3.1.3. Receive from the Customer clarifications and additional information necessary to evaluate the vehicle. 3.1.4. Involve on a contractual basis other appraisers or assessment experts to participate in the assessment of the vehicle. 3.2. The appraiser assumes the following responsibilities: 3.2.1. Conduct an assessment of the vehicle in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, assessment standards, current regulatory and methodological documentation. 3.2.2. Prepare a vehicle assessment report. Ensure the independence, objectivity and evidence of the assessment results when drawing up the report. Indicate the following information about yourself in the assessment report: On civil liability insurance, indicating the serial number of the insurance policy, the full name of the insurance company, postal and legal address, telephones, faxes and other means of communication, banking and tax details, the amount of the insured amount, the insurance period, the territory of insurance and the terms of insurance. On the availability of assessment experts with documents confirming their receipt of professional knowledge in the field of vehicle assessment. On the availability of a certificate indicating the number and date of issue of the certificate, types of certified services, the certification body that issued the specified certificate, the validity period of the certificate (when providing a certified service). On membership in a self-regulatory organization (a professional public association of appraisers or a non-profit organization of appraisers). On the issued license to conduct an assessment of vehicles (if, on the date of drawing up the report, the legislation of the Russian Federation introduced licensing of assessment activities and established the procedure for its licensing). 3.2.3. Submit the report to the Customer in one copy within no more than _____ calendar days from the date of the advance payment under the contract. 3.2.4. Ensure the safety of documents received from the Customer and third parties during the assessment work. 3.2.5. Keep copies of the appraisal report for three years. 3.2.6. Provide the Customer with information about the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on appraisal activities, the charter and code of ethics of the relevant self-regulatory organization, the membership of which the Appraiser refers to in his report. 3.2.7. Do not disclose confidential information received from the Customer during the assessment of the vehicle, except in cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation. 3.2.8. Inform the Customer about the impossibility of participating in the assessment of the vehicle due to the occurrence of circumstances that impede an objective assessment of the vehicle. 4. Additional conditions 4.1. In the case of carrying out work to evaluate a vehicle with an instrumental check of the technical condition and/or with checking the functional characteristics of the vehicle while driving (in road conditions), the person driving the vehicle is responsible for damage to the vehicle. 4.2. The customer has the right to have identified deficiencies eliminated free of charge. If the deficiencies are not eliminated within the specified period, or they cannot be eliminated within the specified time frame, or the elimination itself turns out to be impossible, the Customer may demand termination of the contract or a reduction in the price for the assessment. 4.3. In the event of a violation of his rights as a consumer of vehicle valuation services, the Customer may contact: - the Appraiser’s civil liability insurer; - to the certification body that issued the certificate for the services provided (if the services are certified); - to a self-regulatory organization, if the Appraiser is a member of this organization; - to the licensing authority (if, on the date of preparation of the report, the legislation of the Russian Federation introduced licensing of valuation activities and established the procedure for its licensing). If you disagree with the results of the vehicle assessment, the Customer must notify the Appraiser in writing and return the assessment report to him. 4.4. Preliminary or any other communication by the Appraiser of the interim results of the vehicle assessment has no legal force and does not give the Customer the right to officially refer to them. 4.5. The provision of services to the Customer for support and defense of the vehicle valuation report in courts of general jurisdiction, arbitration courts, notaries, government and administrative bodies, as well as other organizations is carried out by the Appraiser on the basis of an additional agreement to this agreement. 4.6. Disputes under this agreement are resolved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 5. Cost of work, terms and payment procedure 5.1. The total cost of work under this contract is ________________________________________________ rubles. 5.2. After concluding the contract, the customer makes an advance payment in the amount of ____________________________ rubles. 5.3. If the assessment report is not requested by the Customer within 10 working days after the deadline for submission by the Appraiser of the specified report established in clause 3.2.3, the amount of the advance payment is counted as payment for the work performed. 6. Responsibility of the parties 6.1. The appraiser bears responsibility in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. 6.2. In case of failure to comply with the conditions of clause 3.2.3 of this agreement, the Appraiser shall pay a fine in the amount of 0.5% of the contract price for each day of delay. 7. Duration of the agreement, conditions for its amendment and termination 7.1. Validity period: beginning ___________ ending _____________ 7.2. The agreement is amended by agreement of the parties. 7.3. The contract may be terminated at the initiative of the Appraiser if it is impossible for him to participate in the assessment of the vehicle due to the occurrence of circumstances that impede an objective assessment of the vehicle. 8. Legal and payment details of the parties 8.1. Customer: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8.2. Appraiser: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Applications: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Evaluator _________________ Customer ___________________

5.4. Methods for estimating the cost of vehicles.

Professional appraisers in their practical work to determine the value of movable property are guided by document No. RD 37.009 developed by the State Scientific Center “NAMI” together with the Federal Center for Forensic Expertise and agreed with the Ministry of Justice and the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation. 015 – 98 “Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of vehicles, taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation.” Taking into account the requirements of the Law “On Valuation Activities in the Russian Federation” in 1999, and then in 2000. Some technical changes have been made to the methodology for calculating the cost of cars and trucks, their trailers, buses, and motor vehicles of domestic and foreign production, which contribute to a more objective determination of the value of the valuation object. The results of calculations made on the basis of these methodological recommendations make it possible to determine with a sufficient degree of accuracy the residual value of the objects being valued, which is used in determining the sale or rental price, the starting price for an auction, privatization or transfer to trust management, collateral transactions and the resolution of property disputes , calculation of the tax base and other production situations.

The procedure for assessing the value of a vehicle includes the following operations.

1. Drawing up a contract for work to determine the cost of the vehicle. This is an important stage of work, which involves getting to know the customer, determining his authority to order appraisal work, and preliminary tactful clarification of possibly hidden defects and damage to the appraisal object. After notifying the customer about existing market prices for this type of work and obtaining consent to carry it out on the presented object, a corresponding agreement is concluded, which necessarily fixes the subject of the agreement, the duties, rights and responsibilities of the parties, the cost of services and the date for determining the value of the appraisal object.

2. Vehicle inspection.

This stage of performing appraisal services includes several operations. First of all, the appraiser records: firstly, information about the owner of the vehicle or his authorized representative (passport details of a person or details of a legal entity); secondly, the availability of a technical passport (registration certificate) and the main parameters of the technical device; thirdly, the content of the document from the internal affairs body, which records the damage to the assessed object discovered during its inspection at the scene of the incident. Then the appraiser proceeds to directly inspect and determine the technical condition and completeness of the movable property. The inspection report is not a mandatory document, but it greatly simplifies the process of drawing up the report, as well as its study by interested parties, which in turn avoids a large number of unnecessary questions, and therefore increases the degree of confidence in its compiler.

3. Identification of vehicle technical passport data. The passport data of the presented technical device characterizes the object of assessment according to such indicators as year of manufacture, body and engine numbers, mileage and other parameters. For most technical equipment, the year of manufacture is established by the body number, since in connection with the introduction of the VIN - the international identification number of the technical vehicle - into the passport data, according to ISO-8 standards, a unified international numbering system for road transport is used. VIN - number is a combination of 17 numbers and letters, consisting of three parts and individual for each car.

The first part of the number, consisting of three characters, means the manufacturer’s international codes: geographical area, country, manufacturing plant. The second part consists of six characters and indicates the vehicle model. The third part consists of eight characters: the first is a Latin letter indicating the year of manufacture, and the rest are the serial number of the body.

Thus, being able to decipher the body number, the appraiser can reliably establish the characteristics of the vehicle, and sometimes the legality of its origin and the authenticity of the document. The engine number contains information about the model, displacement and serial number of this unit. An important pricing factor in determining the residual value of a vehicle is its mileage.

To establish the reality of the mileage, the appraiser must make sure that the seals on the speedometer are intact and that there are no signs of tampering. Reliable information about mileage is usually contained in vehicle service books and computer databases of service stations.

In doubtful situations, a fairly accurate indicator can be the condition of the interior, body, engine, wear of brake discs and drums, and other parts of the object being assessed. With the same thoroughness, the appraiser checks the presence and technical condition of the vehicle components available for inspection.

Upon completion of the external inspection and completion of the relevant records, the appraiser, if possible, starts the vehicle engine and checks its operation over the entire range of crankshaft speeds, as well as the operation of other components, systems and control devices. Engine operation is checked to identify extraneous noise (knocks), excessive smoke through the exhaust pipe and the oil fill hole.

4. Carrying out settlement operations to determine the cost of a vehicle. The most labor-intensive stage of performing services for assessing the value of movable property is conducting settlement transactions. In accordance with the generally accepted methodology for assessing the cost of a vehicle, all calculations are made in the following sequence.

4.1. As of the valuation date, the retail prices (RP) established by the manufacturer for vehicles that are similar to the object presented for valuation are specified. The information base for these purposes can be the prices of regional dealers; regularly published collections of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation “NAMI”; data from the DAT and SCHWACKE catalog systems, which update their database quite often and contain almost any necessary information on prices for vehicles, spare parts for them, standards for maintenance and repair of equipment. A certificate, invoice, check or other document issued by a trading organization that sells used vehicles, as well as issued when purchasing a vehicle at an auction, exchange auction, etc., cannot be used as the initial price when determining the residual value object.

4.2. The retail price of the vehicle presented for evaluation is specified, taking into account its completeness. So, for example, if the value of the object being assessed is non-standard, its price is reduced (or increased) by the amount of the cost of the missing (or additional) element and the cost of its installation. Depending on what the sign (+) or (-) is placed in formula (5.42):

– retail price taking into account the completeness of the vehicle, rub.,

Retail price of a standard vehicle, rub.

Price of components and cost of work to install them on a vehicle, rub.

When setting the initial price of a discontinued domestic vehicle, you can use the coefficients of reduction to the prices of base models of new vehicles, which are recommended in the methodological manual No. RD 37.009.015-98.

To set the initial price when evaluating a foreign vehicle that has been discontinued, or there is no reliable information about its retail price, you can use the prices of either this object in the last year of production, or the closest analogue in terms of technical parameters.

4.3. The estimated percentage of wear and tear of the vehicle presented for assessment is determined.

The starting point for subsequent calculations of the residual value of the vehicle is the estimated percentage of depreciation (Itr), which is determined by the formula:

Wear indicator by mileage (in % per 1000 km, see No. RD 37.009.015-98),

Actual mileage on the day of inspection (in thousand km, accurate to one decimal place) from the start of operation or after major repairs,

Aging indicator by time factor (in% per year) depending on the intensity of operation (see No. RD 37.009.015-98

Actual service life (in years, accurate to one decimal place) from the start of operation or after major repairs.

The percentage of wear (ITR) can be determined by the wear of individual units and expensive components, if on the vehicle presented for assessment during its operation, their replacement was carried out and documented or actually confirmed. Confirmation of the improvements made may be an entry in the technical passport, a paid order from a car service company, marking of the manufacturer with the date of manufacture of the product, etc. Expensive components include units and components, the cost of which exceeds 3% of the cost of the vehicle.

The individual percentage of wear of replaced units and components is calculated similarly to the percentage of wear of the vehicle itself, only the indicator (Df) and (Pf) correspond to the time of their operation. For example, if the engine of a five-year-old car was replaced two years ago, then the indicator (Df) for it will be equal to two years. At the same time, when identifying the fact of replacing a unit, it matters which units are used as a substitute - new or overhauled; similar, standard or interchangeable with other models (modifications); more expensive or cheaper. All this information will be required when adjusting the residual value of the assessed technical equipment.

Practice shows that when determining the wear of a unit that has been overhauled and installed on a vehicle, an additional 20% premium is added to the percentage of wear obtained by calculation, taking into account the reduction in the service life of the unit after the overhaul. The appraiser needs to remember what is meant by major repairs. This is a repair that includes replacing a basic part of the unit, for example, for an engine - replacing the cylinder block; for a car body - its base; for a passenger car (bus) as a whole – body replacement; for a truck - frame replacement, etc. When, when assessing a vehicle that is in satisfactory condition in appearance and operational characteristics, but has reached an estimated wear percentage of 60% or more, the latter can be reduced to the level of 50%, but not below (except for replacing the body assembly).

In this case, the appraiser must justify the reduction in the estimated percentage of wear by the presence of a document confirming the repair work performed.

4.4. The residual value of the vehicle presented for valuation is determined taking into account the estimated percentage of its wear and tear.

If there are no documented replacements of individual units and expensive parts in the valuation object, then its residual value (RV), taking into account the estimated percentage of wear and tear, is determined by the formula:


Estimated retail price of the vehicle, taking into account its completeness, (rub.),

The amount of reduction in the value of a vehicle due to its natural wear and tear, (rub.). The amount of reduction can be calculated using the formula:


Retail price of the vehicle

– estimated percentage of wear and tear of the vehicle (see formula 5.44)

When determining the residual value of a overhauled vehicle, its estimated price, as noted above, should be reduced by 20%.

If during the operation of the object being assessed, individual units and expensive components were replaced, then their individual percentage of natural wear and tear should be determined and taken into account when calculating the residual value of the vehicle. In these cases, you should use the formula:


Residual value of the vehicle, taking into account estimated wear and tear and replacement during operation of individual units and expensive components, rub.

Costs (including the cost of work) for replacing the i-th unit (product) made during operation, rub.

Estimated wear and tear of the vehicle, taking into account completeness, rub.,

The percentage of wear of the i-th unit (product) replaced during operation,

Number of units (products) replaced during operation, units,

In turn, the cost of replacing the i-th unit (product) can be determined by the formula:

Price of the i-th unit (component) replaced during operation, rub.,

Cost of work to replace the i-th unit (component), rub.

There is another option for calculating the cost of units and expensive components installed on a vehicle during operation. It can be carried out separately, but according to formulas (5.45 and 5.46), adding their residual value to the residual value of the vehicle itself, but in this case, the cost of a separately calculated unit (product) should be excluded from the estimated price of the vehicle, that is, determine the residual value as if an incomplete vehicle.

4.5. The cost of defects in the operation of the vehicle being assessed is determined.

If defects in the operation of the object of assessment are identified, caused by abnormal conditions of storage, use, improper care and other factors, the residual value of the vehicle is reduced by an amount (in units) close to the cost of eliminating the identified defects, including the proposed replacement of units, components and parts , that is

Cost of eliminating existing operational defects, rub.,

Costs for eliminating existing operating defects taking into account the renewal rate, rub.

The approximate nature of the calculations is justified by the fact that when determining the residual value of a vehicle for the purpose of preparing documents for inheritance, donation, etc. Defects are identified not for the purpose of drawing up estimates and carrying out appropriate repairs, but only for the most complete idea of ​​the technical condition of the vehicle and reflecting this condition in the amount of the residual value. Appraisers usually include the following as operating defects:

traces and consequences of corrosion;

fatigue cracks of body elements, frames and other parts;

chips (potholes), tarnishing (loss of gloss), delamination, cracking, stretching of non-metallic parts (materials), paint and other protective coatings, upholstery rupture;

contamination, tearing (not along the seams) of the upholstery, awning;

traces of straightening, straightening, fitting, repair welding of body and frame elements;

unevenness, dents and other mechanical damage caused by violation of operating rules (and not resulting from a traffic accident);

loosening of the fastening of units and components of the vehicle;

leakage of containers and systems, other obvious operating defects.

Some of the operating defects listed above may be the result not only of improper maintenance, but also partly of the natural aging (wear) of the materials used in the design. Therefore, when determining the amount of reduction in the residual value of a vehicle and the presence of operating defects (Vd.e.), from the amount of costs for eliminating operating defects, the appraiser subtracts the part of the costs that, in his opinion, is due to natural wear and tear. Therefore, the elimination of defects taking into account natural wear and tear can be determined by the formula:


Total cost of work to eliminate operational defects, rub.,

Total cost of materials required to eliminate operational defects, rub.,

Total cost of spare parts necessary to eliminate operational defects, rub.,

Renewal coefficient, which takes into account in the costs of eliminating defects the part that falls on eliminating the consequences of natural wear and tear, rub.

If, in the opinion of the appraiser, some identified defects depend entirely on the quality of service of the vehicle, then the funds for eliminating these defects can only be determined by summing up the cost of work, the price of materials and the cost of the parts and components themselves:


When detecting defects in the operation of the vehicle that can only be eliminated by replacing a part - contamination, tarnishing of coatings, etc. (these works, as a rule, are not provided for by the manufacturer), the appraiser, using collections of standard labor intensity and technological processes, other information, takes as the basis of calculation the expected labor intensity of the work and the corresponding cost per standard hour or uses already standardized similar work performed, assessed earlier or for other types of vehicles. The current valuation practice is such that when determining the cost of a vehicle, the renewal coefficient used in formula (5.50) is taken into account only for those objects whose total level of wear and tear is at least 40%.

4.6. The value of the vehicle is adjusted if the object is presented for inspection in an unrepaired condition.

When inspecting a damaged vehicle in an unrepaired condition, the appraiser reduces the pre-accident residual value (S.e.) by the amount of restoration costs taking into account possible renewal (R.e.) and by the amount of the estimated loss of marketable value that will occur as a result of restoration (Uob) , that is, it makes some adjustment to its residual value (Cav):

The amount of costs for eliminating a specific accident damage and the amount of compensation for losses caused may not coincide, since existing methodological recommendations (No. RD37.009.015-98) take into account the partial renewal of a used vehicle when replacing damaged parts with new ones. The imperfection of the repair technology is compensated by the amount obtained when calculating the amount of loss of marketable value that occurred as a result of the accident and subsequent repair actions. Depending on the goals and objectives of the assessment, restoration costs, taking into account possible renewal (Zd.e.) and the amount of loss of marketable value (Vob) of the vehicle, can be calculated separately as independent services.

4.7. An adjustment is made to the residual value of the vehicle if the object is presented for inspection after restoration work following an accident.

In such situations, the appraiser determines the residual value of the vehicle using formulas (5.43–5.46), where the identified traces of repair effects are considered as operating defects. Sometimes, as an exception, at the request of interested organizations and in the presence of official documents revealing the methods, types and costs of restoration work for a specific accident, the appraiser can attempt to determine the technical condition of the vehicle before the accident and calculate its pre-accident residual value using formulas 5.45 - 5.48 , with subsequent correction of the result according to formula (5.51). In this case, it is necessary to warn the customer about possible inaccuracies in the calculation.

4.8. The amount of loss of marketable value (LCV) of the vehicle being assessed is determined.

The vehicle's vehicle's technical characteristics are determined, as a rule, in its damaged form (for example, after an accident and before restoration). This condition can be characterized by premature deterioration of the marketability of the object being assessed, a decrease in the strength and durability of individual parts, assemblies and assemblies due to frequent repairs, and the use of used or repaired spare parts during repair work. The appraiser determines the total value of the reduction in value (DV) of the vehicle due to loss of marketable appearance using the formula:

Cost of repairing removable body parts,

The cost of repairing non-removable body elements that form the body frame or eliminating misalignment of the load-bearing parts of the vehicle,

The cost of full or partial painting of the body (cabin, frame, cargo platform),

The cost of work to replace the body (cabin, frame) of a vehicle or their disassembly with a large volume of plumbing and fittings work, causing a violation of the quality of the factory assembly.

Appraisers do not take into account vehicle technical equipment if vehicles on the day of inspection either had an estimated wear value of more than 40%, or had been completely repainted previously, or had corrosion damage and damaged elements as a result of previous accidents or repairs.

Vehicle technical equipment during repair removable elements of the body, cabin, frame, cargo platform, etc. should be determined by the formula:


The coefficient of change in the value of the technical resistance depending on the method or nature of the proposed repair. (Some values ​​of the coefficient K1 when repairing removable parts without removing them from the vehicle are presented in Table 5.17,

– retail price of the i-th part that is being repaired, rub.,

– the coefficient of change in the value of the technical resistance depending on the degree of wear (for the values ​​of the coefficient K2, see the Appendix of methodological recommendations No. RD 37.009.015-98)

Number of removable elements (parts) to be repaired, units,

Table 5.17

Coefficient of change in the value of the technical resistance during the repair of body elements

The method or nature of the repair effect on the part


Repairing removable vehicle parts without removing them

Elimination of damage to parts in easily accessible places with surface deformation up to 20% - repair No. 1

Elimination of damage to a part using heating (welding) or repair No. 1 of a part with surface deformation from 20 to 50% - repair No. 2

Elimination of damage by partial restoration of the part on the surface over 30% - repair No. 4

Repair of removable vehicle parts with their removal from the site

Elimination of damage to parts in easily accessible places with surface deformation up to 20% - repair No. 1

Elimination of damage to a part using heating (welding) or repair No. 1 of a part with surface deformation from 20 to 50% - repair No. 2

Elimination (correction) of damage with opening of the unit and welding; partial restoration of a part with surface deformation up to 30% - repair No. 3

Elimination of damage by partial restoration of the part on the surface over 30% - repair No. 4

Replacing part of a part (repair insert)

The value of the K1 coefficient used in each specific case is determined by the appraiser independently, based, firstly, on the actual condition of the vehicle being assessed; secondly, the expected influence of the repair impact on the appearance and residual life of repaired parts, connections, decorative and protective coatings; thirdly, the appearance of the repaired property as a whole. When determining the outer body panels, it is recommended to use the maximum K1 value. In the case of minor damage (up to 5% of the area of ​​the part), the technical specification for this part may not be determined. When repairing removable parts, including the body, the maximum amount of additional technical support (Uel.) cannot exceed 70% of the retail price of these parts. In turn, when repairing removable parts of its body (cabin), the total value of the additional vehicle technical support should not exceed the value obtained taking into account the coefficient ni indicated in table. 5.18. The appraiser has the right to charge no more than 50% for newly damaged parts if there are traces of previous accidents or repairs on parts not affected by the accident.

If it is necessary to determine the amount of additional vehicle technical support resulting from the repair of non-removable body elements that form its frame; full or partial painting or replacement of the body (cabin, frame) or their disassembly with a large volume of plumbing and fitting work, the appraiser, as a rule, uses the formula:


The value of the technical resistance for one of the 3 types of repair actions ,

Coefficient of change in the value of the technical resistance depending on the degree of wear,

The coefficient of reduction in the marketable value of a vehicle depending on the type of i-th repair impact, the maximum permissible values ​​of this indicator for all types of vehicles are given in Table. 5.18

– retail price of a new vehicle, taking into account the actual completeness, rub.

The value of the coefficient ni used to calculate the additional technical support when performing work on the repair of non-removable elements forming the body frame (Ukar.), is determined in accordance with the standard labor intensity (Tn) of the work performed, established by the manufacturer, at the rate of ni = 0.0007 x Tn. The calculation is carried out according to the data in table. 5.18 taking into account the restrictions Σ ni ≤ 0.15. The evaluator determines the calculation of eliminating the distortion of the load-bearing parts of the body using the values ​​of n max recorded in Table 5.18.

Table 5.18

The coefficient of reduction in the marketable value of a vehicle depending on the type of repair impact (reference data).

Type of repair impact

(the reason for the decrease in the marketable value of the vehicle).


1. Repair of removable body elements (cabin, frame, cargo platform, etc.)

2. Repair (replacement) of non-removable body elements (cabin, frame, cargo platform, etc.)

3 Elimination of simple distortion

4. Elimination of average skew

5. Elimination of complex misalignment

6. Elimination of particularly complex misalignment

7. Replacement of the body (cabin, frame) or disassembly of the vehicle for complete painting

8. Violation of factory assembly quality

9. Full body (cabin) painting

10 Painting of body parts (cabin, frame)

11. Different colors with partial coloring

12. Overhaul of a complete vehicle

The total coefficient used to calculate the additional technical support when performing repair (replacement) of non-removable elements forming the body frame, and when eliminating misalignment of the load-bearing parts of the body, will have to be equal to

Corresponding to a certain type of body distortion (value from table 5.15).

According to the requirements of methodological recommendations No. RD 37.009.015-98, in cases where there are signs of previous emergency damage to the permanent frame elements of the vehicle, the amount of additional technical support when performing work to repair or replace them can be reduced by 50%.

The value of the coefficient ni used in calculating the additional technical equipment when performing work to replace the body, cab or frame, or dismantling them with a large volume of plumbing and reinforcement work (Ukuz.), is determined in accordance with the standard labor intensity (Tn) of the work performed, established by the plant - by the manufacturer, based on ni = 0.00025 x Tn

The value of the coefficient ni used to calculate additional technical equipment when performing work on full or partial painting of a vehicle (Ukr.) is determined in accordance with the standard labor intensity (Tn) of the work performed, established by the manufacturer, at the rate of ni = 0.001 x Tn. The amount of additional technical support is not determined when performing painting work if the body, cabin or frame of the vehicle was repainted from the outside in the area of ​​emergency damage; the amount of additional TC is reduced by 50% if traces of previous accidents are visible on parts of the body, cabin, or platform that were not affected by a specific accident (TCB based on the difference in tone in this case is not determined)

The value of the coefficient ni used to calculate the size of the additional vehicle when performing work that causes a violation of the quality of the factory assembly of the vehicle and discrepancies in partial painting are constant. To take into account these factors of additional reduction in commodity value, it is necessary to add the corresponding value adopted according to Table 5.18 to the calculated value of the coefficient ni obtained to take into account the impact of major repair work.

5. Drawing up a report on the valuation of the vehicle.

For each service performed, a set of documents is drawn up and issued to the customer, the form and content of which must meet the requirements of the Law “On Valuation Activities”, Methodological Guide No. RD 37.009.015 - 98 and the agreement on the valuation of the vehicle concluded with the customer of the service.

In general, the customer is given a vehicle inspection report and a report containing a conclusion about the value of the object at the time of presentation. The remaining documents (a conclusion on the cost of restoring a damaged vehicle or an estimate of repair work, a conclusion on an additional technical equipment and others) are drawn up and issued to the customer depending on the purpose of the assessment. Documents on the results of the cost assessment, unless otherwise agreed, must be prepared and issued to the customer no later than ten days after the inspection of the vehicle.

In accordance with the requirements of No. RD 37.009.015-98, documents must be drawn up on the letterhead of the enterprise that carried out the order, which must indicate its legal address and information about the issued license to carry out appraisal activities, although in this part the Law “On Appraisal Activities” does not oblige to comply with this form, but in any case they must be signed by the performer or the head of the expert organization and certified with a seal. Copies of issued documents and materials of accompanying calculations are stored in the expert organization for three years and can be issued at the official request of organizations authorized to do so or at the request of the customer.

Among the main requirements for drawing up a report on the results of assessing the value of a vehicle, which are imposed by the Law “On Valuation Activities”, the following should be highlighted.

The report should not allow for ambiguous interpretation or mislead the customer regarding the value of the vehicle presented for assessment.

The report must indicate the basis for carrying out appraisal work, the date of assessment of any type of value of the object, as well as the standards used, goals and objectives of the assessment; other information is provided that is necessary for a complete and unambiguous interpretation of the results of the estimated value.

The report must provide a description of the valuation object, in relation to an object owned by a legal entity - details and book value of the object.

The report may also contain other information that, in the opinion of the appraiser, is essential for the completeness of the reflection of the method used by him to calculate the value of a particular vehicle.

The considered methods for assessing the cost of vehicles and the practice of their application in various situations allow us to draw some general conclusions about the specific features of valuation work in this area.

First of all, when estimating the value of motor vehicles, in contrast to estimating the value of other fixed assets, as a rule, one market approach is used, due to the fact that:

cost approach when estimating the cost of a vehicle, it assumes using the cost of its production as a basic calculated value. Since vehicles are objects of serial or large-scale production and the cost of their production does not reflect the individual nature of the object of assessment, the cost approach is not acceptable in most cases;

income approach is based on determining the current value of the valuation object as the totality of future income from its operation. Based on this fact, it should be borne in mind that the income approach can only be applied to those vehicles that are used for production purposes;

market (comparative) approach is based on an analysis of the purchase and sale prices of vehicles currently prevailing in the primary and secondary markets. Since vehicles are consumer products and the number of purchase and sale transactions is quite large, price information is stable and accessible. If the appraiser does not have information about the market price of a specific brand of vehicle, he can use a market (comparative) approach to estimate the value of the object based on an analysis of market prices of analogues. In this case, the direct sales comparison method is used. In addition, the market approach can use the method of specific price indicators, the method of correlation models and the method of expert assessments. These methods are discussed in sufficient detail when determining the cost of machinery and equipment in the previous sections of this manual.

In addition, the assessment of the value of motor vehicles is clearly regulated by the “Methodological Guidelines for Determining the Cost of Motor Vehicles, Taking into Account Natural Wear and Technical Condition at the Time of Presentation” No. RD 37.009.015-98. This document was amended No. 1 in 1999 and No. 2 in 2000, which expanded the methodological capabilities in determining the wear of various components and assemblies, and also made it possible to adapt the developed and existing cost assessment methods to modern technical parameters of vehicles and their operating conditions .

Let's look at a few examples of using the recommendations described above.

Example #1.

Determine the residual value of the VAZ-2105 car

1. Initial data. A VAZ-2105 Zhiguli passenger car manufactured in 1999 was presented for inspection and determination of value, taking into account the costs of restoration and loss of marketable value, the mileage according to the speedometer trip meter was 48,321 km, the inspection was carried out in January 2006. The inspection revealed that the car was presented with unrepaired emergency damage, confirmed by a certificate from the traffic police and their elimination requires: replacement of the rear panel, repair number 2 of the rear right wing, replacement of the rear right lamp. Reflectors (reflectors) 2 pcs. and the rear left light can be reused. No traces of previous accidents (repairs) or operating defects were found on the damaged body elements. In addition to accident damage, the body has the following operational defects:

Damage to the paintwork of the lower front panel (spot rash) without damage to the metal of the panel (defect 1);

Traces of straightening and spots of surface corrosion on the front left wing (defect 2);

Damage to paintwork 2 scratches 25 cm long without damaging the metal panel on the front left door (defect 3);

Stretching of the upholstery, local tears in the seams of the cushion and backrest of the left front seat (defect 4).

During operation, the following products were replaced (documented):

Tires were replaced in 2004 (marking) - 4 pcs., the spare wheel is old with maximum permissible wear;

The battery was replaced in 2003. (marking);

The windshield was replaced in 2000 (certificate from the insurance company).

2. Calculation of the residual value of the presented car.

2.1. The retail price (RP) of a VAZ-2105 car at the time of presentation is 85,000 rubles.

The inspected vehicle has standard equipment, therefore the indicated price is taken as the estimated price (C′r):

2.2 To determine the percentage of vehicle wear, the following data is established:

Actual mileage (PF) is taken according to the speedometer trip meter of 48,321 km, since the speedometer is in working condition, there are no external signs of opening the device and its drive, the time for replacing the battery and tires corresponds to the average statistical resources, as well as the service life and car mileage

The actual duration of operation (Df) is 6.5 years, taken in accordance with the data of the vehicle’s technical passport

The mileage wear rate (I1) for the VAZ-2105 car is 0.35% per 1000 km. mileage (data from No. RD 37.009.015-98):

The average annual mileage of the presented vehicle is 7.43 thousand km. (Pf / Df), which makes it possible to take the aging indicator (I2) equal to 1.27% per year of operation (data from No. RD 37.009.015-98)

The wear percentage (Itr) of the presented VAZ-2105 car is calculated using formula (5.44), that is:

2.3 For the upcoming calculations, we will determine the individual wear (percentage of wear) of the replaced components (I1)

The percentage of wear of the four replaced tires is assumed to be 25% without calculation. The spare wheel tire has 100% wear (tread height is less than 1.6 mm, a wear indicator is visible), and has no residual value, since according to the terms of the “Rules for the operation of automobile tires” such a tire cannot be restored, and to ensure operational safety (GOST 25478-91) must be replaced

The battery was installed 2 years ago and, in accordance with recommendations No. RD 37.009.015-98, has 50% wear

Wear of the windshield in accordance with amendments to the methodological guide No. RD 37.009.015 - 98 is equal to the general wear and tear of the vehicle, due to the impossibility of determining it without special equipment

2.4 Calculation of the residual value of a car based on its percentage of wear and tear in the presence of replaced (updated) components is carried out using formulas (5.45), (5.46) and (5.47)

The residual value of the car (RV), excluding the costs of replacements, will be:

The cost of the vehicle, taking into account the costs of completed and necessary replacements of components (Siz.), will be:


Costs of carrying out the necessary replacements of components at the time of presentation of the car, rub.,

Wear of replaced (requiring replacement) components at the time of presentation of the vehicle, %,

Number of replaced (requiring replacement) components, pieces.

In this case, the cost of replacing components is:

At the time of inspection:

The price of one tire (Ush) is 930 rubles.

The price of a new battery (Uakb) is 1,400 rubles.

The cost of work to replace a tire (removing/installing a spare wheel, mounting/dismantling a tire, balancing a wheel) with a standard labor intensity of Tn = 0.88 standard hours and an average cost of a standard hour of 280 rubles. will be: With salary = 246 rubles.

The cost of work to replace the battery (removal/installation, preparation and filling of electrolyte, charging) with normal labor intensity Tn = 1.1 standard hours and the average cost of a standard hour is 280 rubles. will be: Sz/akb = 308 rub.

Taking into account the above, we will calculate the total costs of replaced (subject to mandatory replacement) components (cost of work and prices of parts):

costs for the necessary replacement of the spare wheel tire Zsh):

battery replacement costs (Zakb):


The calculation of the cost of the car, taking into account the costs of the performed (mandatory) replacements, does not include four tires that were replaced earlier, but at the time of inspection had reached the same wear as the car, and since they determine its completeness, are fully taken into account in the above calculation.

2.5. Due to the presence of a number of operating defects on the car, it is necessary to adjust its value, that is, find the approximate value of the costs (Vd.e.) to eliminate the identified defects, taking into account their division into fully or partially subjective ones, and subtract this value from the residual value, calculated as a percentage wear (Siz or, if available, Siz).

Let us give a brief description of the defects discovered during the inspection.

Defect 1. Pinpoint damage to the paintwork was detected without damage to the metal of the panel. They can arise for objective and subjective reasons. Therefore, it is legal to attribute 25% of the costs of eliminating this defect to the natural aging of the car (objective reasons). The defect is eliminated by performing external painting work.

Defect 2. Traces of straightening and corrosion spots were found on the front left wing panel. In all likelihood, they were the result of poor quality repairs. The defect is eliminated by repeated straightening and external painting.

Defect 3. Damage to the paintwork (scratches) was detected. Since the damage is a consequence of mechanical action, this defect can be considered a subjective factor. The defect is eliminated by carrying out external painting work.

Defect 4. Stretching of the driver's seat upholstery with multiple tears along the seams should be partially (up to 25%) attributed to natural wear and tear. This defect can be eliminated by replacing the upholstery of the seat cushion and backrest.

2.6 The calculation procedure and the amount of costs for eliminating defects, taking into account the wear and tear of the vehicle and the effect of updating, are set out in table. 5.19. The total cost must be taken into account when adjusting the cost of the car, that is:


Table 5.19

Calculation of the cost of eliminating operational defects (Vd.e.)

Works, materials, spare parts, pcs.

Standard labor intensity, standard hours


Reduced cost taking into account wear and tear, rub. (wear 75%)

1.1. Remove and install the battery.

1.2. Remove and install front bumper

1.3. Removing and installing radiator trim

1.4. Remove and install headlight covers (2 pcs.)

1.5. Remove and install the headlight unit (2 pcs) with adjustable light beam direction

1.6. Remove and install side direction indicators (2 pcs)

1.7. Remove and install hood seal (50%)

1.8. Remove and install the hood (with adjustment to the opening and adjustment of opening and closing)

1.9. Color selection

1.10 Painting the outer lower front panel

TOTAL for defect 1

2.1. Remove and install the antenna

2.2. Remove and install the lower side trim

2.3. Repair of the 2nd left front fender

2.4. Painting of the outer left front fender

2.5. Applying mastic

TOTAL for defect 2

3.1. Seed and install door fittings

3.2. External painting of the front left door

TOTAL for defect 3

4.1. Remove and install the front left seat assembly.

4.2. Removing and installing seat trim

4.3. Removing and installing seat cushion trim

4.4. Removing and installing seat back trim

4.5. Removing and installing the seat slide

TOTAL for defect 4

TOTAL for the entire range of work performed

Spare parts.

5.1. Seat cushion cover

5.2. Seat back cover

TOTAL for spare parts


6.1. Paint, primer, putty

TOTAL by materials


1. Labor intensity standards were adopted in accordance with the recommendations of RD 37.009.027-93.

2. The cost of work is calculated based on the cost of a standard hour equal to 280 rubles.

3. Starting from defect 2, only the work necessary to eliminate the defect in question and complementing the scope of work to eliminate defect 1 was taken into account.

The total cost of eliminating operational defects is

(2066 + 2606 + 2002 + 835) + 891 + 1190 =9590 rubles

The cost of the car, taking into account the costs of eliminating operational defects (Vd.e.), is:

62301 – 9590 = 52711 rub.

2.7 The cost of the car should be further reduced, since the object is in disrepair and requires restoration costs.

Calculation of restoration costs (Rv) and the amount of compensation for losses for the restoration of a damaged vehicle is carried out according to the following scheme.

The costs of performing repair and restoration work on emergency defects are determined (Table 5.20) based on the cost of one standard hour of 280 rubles.

Table 5.20

Calculation of the cost of eliminating emergency defects (Вр)

Name of work

Amount, rub

Remove and install trunk lid seal

Remove and install license plate

Removing and installing the ornament

Removing and installing fuel filler cap

Remove and install rear bumper

Remove and install the trunk lock latch

Removing and installing the license plate light

Remove and install rear lights

Remove and install rear wiring harness

Remove and install buffer (3 pcs)

Remove and install rear wheel aprons (2 pcs)

Repair number 2 of the rear right wing

Replacing the back panel

Rear wings left and right, external painting

External painting of the rear panel

TOTAL cost of work (Vr)

The costs of spare parts (Vd) are determined. For the presented model of the car being evaluated, the cost of spare parts is:

rear panel - 1 pc. 650 rub.

rear right light assembly - 1 pc. 540 rub.

Total costs for spare parts (Vd) - 1190 rubles.

Taking into account the physical condition of spare parts, we take their estimated wear coefficient (ITR) equal to 0.75

The costs of basic materials (Wm) are determined

Initial data for calculation in table. 5.21.

Table. 5.21.

Calculation of costs for basic materials (Wm.)

Name of material

1 kg., rub.


TOTAL materials (Wm)

The total cost of restoring the presented car after an accident will be:

The cost of the car, taking into account the cost of restoration after an accident:

The amount of compensation for losses related to the restoration of a damaged vehicle will be:

in turn,

That is, 288 rubles (10,733 - 10,435) less than the cost of repairs, which is due to the partial renewal of the car - the installation of new parts to replace used ones.

2.8 Determination of the amount of additional technical support as a result of emergency damage and subsequent repair actions.

To determine the total (total) value of the vehicle’s additional vehicle technical support, it is necessary to determine the size of the vehicle’s technical vehicle based on all existing operational defects, accident damage and repair impacts identified during the vehicle inspection. The following defects of the valuation object were discovered, which affect the decrease in its marketable value:

Rear panel deformation (replacement),

Deformation of the rear right wing (repair 2),

Traces of straightening and spots of surface corrosion on the front left wing (repair 3),

Damage to the paintwork of the lower front panel (painting),

Damage to the paintwork (2 scratches 25 cm long) of the front left door (painting).

In addition, the design of the body and the technology of work when performing repair actions to eliminate the listed defects and emergency damages cause an inevitable change in the commercial and technical condition of parts associated with those being repaired, which must be taken into account when determining the range of defects and repair actions that affect the reduction of the overall (total) market value of the car.

To accurately account for the impact of each damage (defect) or repair impact on the value of the additional TC, it is necessary to identify their belonging to the components of the general (total) value of the TC (formula 5.54).

In the case under consideration, to determine the size of the additional control unit in connection with the repair (defects) of removable elements (Uel.), it is necessary to take into account repair 2 of the front left wing. The size of the additional technical support in connection with the repair (defect) of removable elements is determined by the formula:


From the vehicle inspection report, it was determined that one removable body element is subject to repair - the front left fender (m = 1). Since this damage does not relate to the accident in question (it is a consequence of a previous accident), it should be classified as an operational defect and, in accordance with the standard, a TTS of no more than 50% can be charged for it, therefore, K = 0.5 * K1

When performing repair work 2, that is, eliminating damage using heating (welding or repair work 1-part with surface deformation from 20% to 50%), the K coefficient takes on a value of up to 0.6, hence K = 0.5 x 0.6 = 0.3

According to the price list of the car manufacturer, we accept the retail cost of the front left fender Tsplk = 630 rubles.

Thus, the size of the additional technical support in connection with the repair (defects) of removable elements (Uel.), taking into account the repair of the 2nd front left wing, will be:

Since (0.3 * Tsplk< 0,7 * Цплк), то полученная величина может принята в качестве размера УТС в связи с ремонтом (дефектами) съемных элементов (Уэл.).

To determine the size of the additional vehicle in connection with defects (repair, replacement) of non-removable elements or the elimination of misalignment of the load-bearing parts of the body that form its frame (Ukar.), it is necessary to take into account the replacement of the rear panel and the repair of the rear right wing. According to formula (5.52), the size of the vehicle due to defects (repair, replacement, misalignment, full or partial painting) of non-removable body elements will be equal to:


From the inspection report of the car and the calculation of the costs of restoring the operational and consumer properties of the car, it was determined that two non-removable body elements are subject to repair - the rear panel and the rear right fender. Since the car contains traces of previous accident damage and repairs, and in accordance with the norm, a TTC of no more than 50% can be charged on it. When performing car repair work, the coefficient of change in the value of the vehicle, depending on the degree of wear of the car (K2), is taken according to the Methodological Guide No. RD 37.009.015-98. When calculating the percentage of wear of a car Itr = 24.7%, the K2 coefficient is 0.4, that is, K2 = 0.4.

The coefficient of reduction in commodity value depending on the type of repair impact ni, used to calculate the size of additional technical equipment when performing work on the repair (replacement) of non-removable elements forming the body frame (platforms, frames, sidecars) or eliminating the misalignment of load-bearing parts (Ukar.), is determined in accordance with the standard labor intensity (Tn) of the work performed, established by the vehicle manufacturer, at the rate of ni = 0.0007 * Tn.

The standard labor intensity (Tn1) for replacing the rear panel of a VAZ-2105 car according to No. RD 37.009 - 92 is 5.15 standard hours. The standard labor intensity (Tn2) for repairing the 2nd rear right wing of a VAZ 2105 according to No. RD 37.009 - 92 is 3.95 standard hours. Hence,

To take into account the additional reduction in commodity value when performing work that violates the quality of the factory assembly of the vehicle, such as replacing the rear panel, repairing the rear right fender, repairing the front left fender, it is necessary to add to the calculated coefficient n1 obtained to take into account the impact of major repair work add a constant coefficient adopted according to Table 5.18 (clause 8), taking into account the violation of the quality of the factory assembly (nsa. = 0.01). From here

The retail price of a new car, taking into account the build (CR), as is known, is determined in the amount of 85,000 rubles.

Thus, the size of the additional technical equipment in connection with defects (repair, replacement, misalignment) of non-removable elements (Ukar), taking into account the repair work performed on the rear panel and rear right wing, will be:

Due to the presence of traces of previous accident damage and repair work on the vehicle, in accordance with the norm, the vehicle technical assistance is charged at the rate of 50%, that is

Carrying out repair work related to replacing the car body or dismantling it with a large volume of plumbing and fitting work, Ukuz. in the case under consideration is not required, that is, Ukuz. = 0

In accordance with the norms of Methodological Guide No. RD 37.009.015-98, the value of the vehicle technical value due to repair painting (Ukr.) for cars with a service life of more than 5 years is not carried out, but for the completeness of the considered example of determining the general (total) value of the vehicle vehicle, such a calculation is given below, as for a car with a service life of less than 5 years.

To determine the size of additional technical equipment in connection with the implementation of full or partial painting of the body (body parts), Uokr. it is necessary to take into account the following defects, repair impacts and changes in the marketability and technical condition of parts associated with those being repaired:

Damage to the paintwork on the lower front panel,

Damage to the paintwork of the front left door,

Rear panel replacement work,

Repair of 2 rear right wing,

Repair of the 2nd front left fender, painting of the rear left fender.

From the vehicle inspection report and cost calculation for restoring the operational and consumer properties of the vehicle, the technological necessity of applying a repair paint coating (external painting) to the lower front panel, left front fender, rear right fender, rear left fender, front panel, front left door was determined. In accordance with the standard, if there are traces of previous accidents (repair paint, corrosion) on parts not affected by the accident in question, the amount of additional technical resistance is reduced by 50%. TCB is not determined by different tones.

The size of the additional vehicle due to defects (full or partial painting) of individual elements of the car (or the body as a whole) will be determined by the formula:


When performing car repair work, the coefficient of change in the value of the vehicle's vehicle depending on the degree of wear of the object (K2) is taken according to the Methodological Guide No. RD 37.009.015-98. With an estimated percentage of vehicle wear and tear equal to Itr = 24.7%, the K2 coefficient is 0.4.

The coefficient of reduction in commodity value depending on the type of repair impact ni, used to calculate the size of additional technical equipment when performing work on full or partial painting of a vehicle (Ukr.), is determined in accordance with the standard labor intensity (Tn) of the work performed, established by the vehicle manufacturer based on ni = 0.001 x Tn. Standard labor intensity (Tn) is adopted according to data No. RD 37.009.027-92 for the VAZ-2105 car. (The values ​​of Tn and ni for a specific situation are presented in Table 5.22).

Table 5.22.

Initial data for calculating the coefficient of reduction in commodity value.

Type of repair work

Standard labor intensity

standard hour

Product value reduction factor

Exterior painting of the lower front panel

External painting of the left front fender

Front left door exterior paint

External painting of the left rear fender

External painting of the right rear fender

External painting of the rear panel

The retail price (RP) of a new car, taking into account the configuration, is 85,000 rubles. The size of the additional technical equipment in connection with the performance of full or partial painting of the body (body parts) (Wokr) is determined by the formula:

In accordance with the standard, if there are traces of previous accidents (repair paint, corrosion) on parts not affected by the accident in question, the value of the additional TTS is reduced by 50%; the TTS is not determined by color difference. Thus

The total (total) value of the additional vehicle technical support as a result of emergency damage and subsequent repair actions is determined by formula (5.53):

5. The residual value of the VAZ-2105 car, taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation, is:

(forty one thousand one hundred nineteen rubles).

Example No. 2.

Prepare a vehicle inspection report.

A GAZ 3110 Volga car was presented for inspection.

Inspection time 10 hours 00 minutes

The place of inspection is a parking lot at the place of residence.

By me, an expert engineer, Ivanov A.I. A GAZ 3110 Volga car made in Russia was inspected. The car was produced in 1997, state license plate A 777 TN 78, engine number V0034550, body number V2266571, identification number (VIN) 311000V2266571, body color blue, mileage 45,000 km. , technical passport (registration certificate) series AM number 133465. The car belongs to Vasily Andreevich Kozlov as an owner, residing at St. Petersburg, st. Koroleva, 1, bldg. 1, apt. 10.

Upon inspection it was established: Production car, standard configuration, without power steering. There is no additional equipment. Date of first sale of the car: February 4, 1997. The car was operated in the road and climatic conditions of the North-Western region of Russia (operation category 2). The nature of operation is seasonal. The engine number, color and body number, identification number and state registration number placed on the vehicle in question correspond to the entries in the vehicle passport and the traffic police certificate of a road traffic accident (RTA), the nature and list of damage to the car corresponds to the entries in the traffic police certificate of the accident. Damage to the vehicle does not prevent the inspection of the operation of units, components and systems. The second participant in the accident is Smirnov D.D. invited by the owner of the car to participate in the inspection on January 25. 2007 at 10:00 a.m. (notification of delivery of telegram No. 324 dated April 21, 2006.

The vehicle has the following operating defects: no operational defects were found on the inspected vehicle.

The car received the following damage as a result of the accident.

The hood in the right front part is deformed by 35% of the surface area with a violation of the geometry.

The geometry of the hood opening is broken.

The front right fender is deformed over the entire surface area with the formation of sharp folds, metal elongation and a violation of the geometry.

The splash guard of the radiator trim, the upper panel of the radiator trim, the right radiator shield, the right headlight housing, the right reinforcement of the radiator trim frame, the right amplifier bracket, the mudguard of the right front fender are deformed.

The spar of the above-engine right frame is deformed in the front part.

The front right door is deformed in the front part, where the outer and inner door panels meet (there is a slight stretch of metal).

The front plastic bumper, the front right and left bumper bracket, the steering linkage bipod rod, the right headlight, the right front turn signal, the plastic expansion tank, and the radiator trim were damaged.

Present during the inspection were:



Car owner ______________ Signature

Expert opinion: The car is faulty, has lost its presentation, consumer and performance qualities. To bring the car into compliance with the requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations of the Russian Federation, State Standard GOST 25478-91 “Motor vehicles. Requirements for technical condition for traffic safety conditions. Test methods”, it is necessary to perform the following work to restore the consumer and operational qualities of the car:

Hood opening – eliminate distortion (simple distortion),

Front right fender - replacement,

Radiator lining splash guard - replacement,

Upper radiator trim panel - replacement,

Right radiator shield - replacement,

Right headlight housing - replacement,

Right radiator trim frame reinforcement - replacement,

Right amplifier bracket - replacement,

Right front fender mudguard - replacement,

Front bumper (plastic) - replacement,

Right and left front bumper brackets - replacement,

Steering linkage bipod rod – replacement,

Right block headlight – replacement,

Right front turn signal - replacement,

Expansion tank (plastic) - replacement,

Radiator trim - replacement,

Right sub-frame spar – repair No. 3,

Right front door – repair No. 2,

Hood – repair No. 2.

The nature of the damage suggests that there may be hidden defects in the front suspension, cooling system, and lubrication system.

The vehicle was inspected in accordance with the requirements of No. RD 37.009.015-98 “Methodological Guidelines for determining the cost of a vehicle, taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation” No. RD “Acceptance, repair and release from repair of passenger car bodies by enterprises auto maintenance", "Forensic auto technical examination. Part 2. Theoretical foundations and methods of expert research in the production of automotive technical expertise. A manual for experts – auto technicians, investigators and judges.”

The nomenclature of requirements for the technical condition of a vehicle, norms of parameters and a list of works are adopted in accordance with the State Standard GOST 25478-91 “Motor vehicles. Requirements for technical condition for traffic safety conditions. Verification methods"; RD 37.009.026-92 “Regulations on the maintenance and repair of vehicles owned by citizens (trucks and cars, buses and mini tractors”; regulatory, technological and pricing documents: a collection of labor intensity standards for pre-sale preparation, maintenance and repair of passenger cars produced “GAZ” and a collection of prices for spare parts for GAZ passenger cars, issue 11, 1999.

The report was drawn up based on an external inspection.

Engineer-expert Ivanov A.I. (signature)

Example No. 3.

Determine the amount of loss of marketable value (LCV) of the vehicle as a result of damage and subsequent repairs and prepare an appropriate conclusion.

The GAZ 3110 Volga car produced in Russia is presented. Year of manufacture 1997, state license plate A 777 NA 78, engine number V0034550, body number No. V2266571, identification number (WIN) 311000V2266571, body color blue, mileage 45,000 km, technical passport (registration certificate) AM series number 133465. The car belongs to Vasily Andreevich Kozlov, who lives at St. Petersburg, st. Koroleva, 1, bldg. 1, apt. 10

The conclusion was prepared on the basis of the vehicle inspection report No. ... dated January 25, 2007. and traffic police certificate No. 126 dated January 17, 2007.

When preparing the conclusion the following were used:

“Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of vehicles, taking into account natural wear and tear and technical condition at the time of presentation” No. RD 37.009.015-98.

Collection of prices for spare parts for GAZ passenger cars, issue 11,1999.

Collection of labor intensity standards for pre-sale preparation, maintenance and repair of passenger cars produced by GAZ.

Additional data required to prepare a conclusion:

Retail price of the car CR = 105,540 rubles.

The wear and tear percentage of the car is 15.7%.

The coefficient of change in the value of the control unit depending on the degree of wear of parts. For our specific case, K2 = 0.58 (see Appendix to Methodological Manual No. RD 37.009.015-98).

Determination of loss of commercial value (LCV) of the presented car.

1. Determination of the size of the vehicle in connection with the repair of removable body elements forming the frame is made on the basis of the data in table. 5.20 and is calculated using the formula:


Table 5.23

Data for calculating the size of the vehicle in connection with the repair of removable body elements

Part name and

Part price

TCB taking into account restrictions, (rub.)

Front door. Repair No. 2

Hood. Repair No. 2

When calculating the technical value of removable parts, you must keep in mind that there is a restriction according to which the technical value of a removable part cannot be more than 0.7 of the retail price of the part. In this case, this limitation is not achieved and therefore in Table. 5.20 The last column is empty.

2. The size of the vehicle in connection with the repair or replacement of the load-bearing parts of the body that form the frame (Ukar.) is determined using the data in table. 5.20 and formula:


– coefficient of change in the value of the vehicle depending on the degree of wear of non-removable body parts,

– price of the part,

– the overall coefficient of reduction in vehicle technical resistance for work performed related to the repair of non-removable body parts

When calculating the technical resistance from the repair (replacement) of non-removable body elements, there is a restriction on the value of the total coefficient n vol., which cannot exceed 0.15. In this case, this limitation is not achieved.

Misalignment of the body frame also reduces the marketable value of the object. To calculate the magnitude of the reduction, we use the data in Table. 5.24.

Table 5.24

Initial data for calculation


parts or

Limit value of the coefficient of reduction in commodity value n

Labor intensity of work

Total coefficient of reduction in commodity value

Right frame spar. Repair No. 3.

Radiator trim frame reinforcement –

Radiator trim panel - replacement

Side radiator shield - replacement

Right wing headlight housing - replacement

Front right wing mudguard - replacement

Coefficient nob

Body – eliminating simple misalignment

Coefficient nob

When eliminating the misalignment, n = n max and, therefore, the UTS in connection with the repair or replacement of the load-bearing parts of the body that form the frame, and the elimination of the misalignments is determined as follows:

3. We determine the size of the vehicle due to the repair painting, using the data in table. 5.25 and formula 5.64:

Table 5.25

Initial data for calculation.


parts and works

Limit value of the coefficient of reduction in commodity value

Labor intensity of work

Estimated coefficient of reduction in commodity value

Total coefficient of reduction in commodity value

Front door -

Radiator trim splash guard - painting

Hood - painting

Front right fender - painting

Front right wing mudguard –

Coefficient nob

To take into account the difference in tone when partially painting the body in accordance with paragraph 5.10 of Methodological Recommendations No. RD 37.009.015-98, it is necessary to add a constant coefficient of 0.005 to the total coefficient nob:

4. We determine the size of the control unit due to the large volume of plumbing and reinforcement work.

The labor intensity of disassembly and assembly work, according to the conclusion on the cost of repairs, is 26.95 standard hours. Based on this data:

To take into account violations of the quality of factory assembly in accordance with clause 5.10. Methodological manual No. RD 37.009.015-98 it is necessary to add the value 0.01 to the coefficient n:

The total loss of marketable value of the car is:

(four thousand four hundred five rubles thirty-one kopecks).
