Measuring space and time. First dimension: Existence Connecting sensors to multiphase AC circuits

According to superstring theory, fifth and sixth dimensions arise in the same place as the concept of possible worlds. If we could see in the fifth dimension, we would notice that that world is slightly different from ours, and would have mechanisms to measure the similarities and differences between our world and another possible one.

In the sixth dimension, we would see a plane of possible worlds on which we could compare and arrange all possible Universes that began with the same initial conditions as ours (that is, with the Big Bang). In theory, if you could master the fifth and sixth dimensions, you could travel back in time or choose a different future.

In the seventh dimension you have access to possible worlds that started with different initial conditions. If in the fifth and sixth the initial conditions were the same and only the subsequent actions were different, here everything will be different from the very beginning of time. Eighth Dimension again gives us a plane of all possible histories of the Universe, each of which begins with different initial conditions and branches out indefinitely (they are called infinities, obviously).

At nine In measurement, we can compare all possible histories of the Universe, starting with all possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and in the last dimension we come to a point where we can embrace everything possible and imaginable. Beyond these limits we mere mortals cannot imagine anything, this is a natural limitation of what we can comprehend in dimensional terms.

The existence of these extra six dimensions, which we cannot perceive, is necessary for string theory to be a candidate for a fundamental explanation of the interactions in nature. The fact that we can only perceive four dimensions of space can be explained by one of two mechanisms: either the extra dimensions are compact and located on the smallest scales, or our world lives in a three-dimensional submanifold corresponding to the brane, which will be bounded by all known particles except gravity ( brane theory).

If the extra dimensions are compact, then the extra six dimensions should be in the form of a Calabi-Yau manifold (in the image above). Imperceptible to our senses, they may have determined the formation of the Universe from the very beginning. Therefore, scientists believe that by peering into and detecting the light of the early Universe using telescopes (which was emitted billions of years ago), they could see how the existence of these extra dimensions may have affected the evolution of the cosmos.

Like other candidates for a grand unified theory - a "theory of everything" - the proposal that the universe consists of ten dimensions (or more, depending on the model of string theory you base it on) is an attempt to reconcile particle physics with the existence of gravity . In short, it is an attempt to explain how all the known forces in our Universe interact and how other possible Universes might work.

The world exists as it is perceived by living beings inhabiting their habitat. And this is considered the Truth. We live in such a “truthful” world, despite the fact that we understand that it is not whole, because... is open to us only in part. We understood this from observations of nature, determining that everywhere there is a range of perception of the same area of ​​space, which is different for different living beings.

Despite the fact that this range has its differences for many, we are all united by the fact that we are born in one Common space, which is planet Earth.

All that remains is to understand what the space in which we live is. Today.

In fact, everything is completely different, and the three-dimensionality of things reflects the still invisible Third Dimension. And we live in the Second Dimension, as indicated by all the phenomena of our life and the things themselves.

Both the length and width of something are on the same plane, forming an ANGLE. The height of a thing is not very different from the length and width, because... with one of them the height can be in the same plane.

Imagine the floor in your room, which can be in the form of a square or rectangle. One wall from the floor has the same dimension in length, although this dimension is not limited in height (it can be any). Next to this wall there is another wall adjacent to it in a different plane, which forms an ANGLE with the first wall, but not the one formed by the length and width of the floor. This Angle has a certain extent in height. On the floor we have a “Flat Angle” from its length and width, and between the walls there is a “Volume Angle”, i.e. we have two Corner. The angle symbolizes the number 2, because composed of two lines (two units). So we have two types of Angles. In the Russian alphabet, under the number 22, there is the letter “F”, indicating with its outline the specularity and duality. And our GOD, as a word, has the number 22 (“B” 2 + “O” 16 + “G” 4 = 22).

These two types of angles create the visible three-dimensionality of things in space, but this is not yet the Third Dimension of space itself. One(1) floor and two(2) walls created three planes connecting at one place. This can be considered the “Composite Three” from the union of numbers 1 + 2 = 3. The Three itself, which follows the number 2, can be considered two such “Composite Threes”, because Three planes (1 floor + 2 walls) are reflected, like a Double, from the opposite side of the room. It turns out that our room can be more perfect with two such compound angles, i.e. the sum of the numbers 1 + 2 and 1 + 2 = 3 and 3, = 33, = 6. The number 6 is the number of Perfection not only in mathematics. Thus, we will consider the Third Dimension double three plane, or a six-rayed figure (STAR ​​in alphabetical order this word = 33). In Geometry, this is the figure of the Cube. In the number 3, which stands in its place after the mirror Two, the number 6 is “hidden”, which arises from the union of the first three numbers, i.e. 1 + 2 + 3 = 6. We do not live in the Cube, considering it a dimension of space, but in a half cube, and it looks like a HUT - the word mirrors duality. On one side of the cube you will get two squares, and on the other two triangles. A square base connects one half cube to another.

Transferring this example with a room to the Space of the Universe, and to a living entity, you will need to understand that two the adjacent walls of the room (similar to SHALASH - a mirror word) are the world of the Earth and our Body. Land having two directions of movement (around the Sun and around its axis) and the Bodies of earthly people who have two sexes (male and female) reflect the Second Dimension of Space and Time. The word EARTH and the word MIRROR have the same number - 75. The floor in the room is the world of our satellite the Moon, and for living beings these are our invisible Bodies, which we call Souls. The World of the Moon and Soul is the First Dimension of Space and Time.

The established Partnership (LIBRA) of two dimensions, and therefore Body and Soul, will lead us to the Third Dimension of Space and Time of the Universe, which now exists on the Sun-star, where living beings are located with their developed light Body, which we know as Spirit.

Living on Earth, we lose sight of our Soul of the First Dimension, which we can only feel or assume. Only the earthly Body of the Second Dimension becomes visible. At some moments in life, a “Remembering” of one’s cosmic origin comes, or a belief in the Soul may arise. Man understands his immortality, meaning his Soul, and his mortality of the temporarily existing earthly Body. The concepts arise: “Circle of lives and deaths”, “Incarnation of the Soul into the Body”, “Wheel of Samsara”. There is also a desire for “Salvation” from such a cycle, because... the imperfection of the world, its incompleteness, is understood.

You can “be saved” if you receive Knowledge about the world, changing your consciousness from the perception of the Second Dimension to the perception of the Third. But it is very difficult to gain the consciousness of the Third Dimension here on Earth, because... bipolar perception of everything that exists in the earthly world inclines us to one or the second pole to express our opinion, perception, judgment... - which is CHOICE. First we need to understand everything that concerns the Second Dimension, the dimension in which we now have to live.

Time is not the Fourth Dimension of Space, as many people believe today. This category is inherent only in the first three dimensions, but not in the Fourth. The fourth is considered to be Eternity, which reflects the Simultaneous perception of Three-Dimensional Time. Time has Three dimensions, according to Space. So the First Dimension of Time exists for our Souls living on the Moon as the PAST. The second dimension exists here on Earth for our physical Bodies, as a moment of the PRESENT. The third dimension of Time exists on the Sun for the spiritual Body, as the FUTURE.

Time is the movement of Eternity, the flow of events flowing from it, weaving the plots of Fate.

A person needs to understand that living by Fate is very difficult, because... it comes from the Future Time, i.e. from the Third Dimension. Living in the Future means that a person has no desires, he accepts an unknown Fate, even if it does not suit him. If there are desires, then the person lives in the Past, because everything that is thought already lives in the past tense. This should be understood not as Fate, but as Karma, when a person desires something according to the scenario existing in the Soul. It turns out that karmic life is formed in the First Dimension. In union with the earthly Second Dimension, the “ILLUSION OF THE FUTURE” is obtained, and the FUTURE itself remains unlived. This all determines repeated incarnations, because there is no movement towards the Third Dimension.

The two-dimensionality of the perception of Time is expressed for earthly man in the rotation of the planet around its axis and around the Sun. The number of daily and annual revolutions can be considered only as a dimension of Time, but not as Time itself. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, centuries... - all this is the infinity of the unit-second. For the convenience of counting, we combined seconds into other types of names, otherwise we would not be able to calculate life (it would not be convenient).

The two-dimensionality of the perception of Time can be described as movement in a closed circle, which implies two semicircles. The starting point and the ending point, meeting, ultimately have 86400 unit-seconds, or 14400 minutes, or 24 hours, or 1 day.

As you can see: it is more convenient to use days, although everything is the same measurement: the sum of seconds. For the Earth, this circle is its equator (or any imaginary circle whose axis would pass through the center of the Earth).

The time of the Third Dimension passes into our dimension of space (second), becoming two-dimensional.

Our luminaries: the Sun and the Moon, according to the same duality, are alternately present in the sky, but sometimes, striving towards the Whole, i.e. to the next dimension, appear together. An eclipse is a union of two luminaries that are opposite in terms of the illumination of the Earth, pointing at that moment to the Third Dimension, because The Earth, Moon and Sun are lined up along one line.

The Earth receives from this union a Destiny for itself from the Third Dimension (i.e. Future Time), which will later be realized by every living living being and by us in our Second Dimension.

Such eclipses in the “Science of Numerical Symbolism and the Sacred Word” (Numerology and Numberology) are called “Sacred Marriage”. The same thing happens in people.

The desire for spirituality implies, or is first felt (intuition), that one’s other half is necessary for life (spiritual, cosmic, or earthly - depends on the level of consciousness).

The connection of opposites gives acceptance and awareness of the Third Dimension, your future. Otherwise (before the connection is made) there will be a run in a circle (the Zodiac). This run means the next birth of a repeatedly repeated life in the physical body.

Thus, spirituality is a Third Dimensional concept. Spiritual improvement means living Fate from the Future, and not from its projection, or its opposite, i.e. from the Past. If the future does not come to life because a person desires what the Soul desires, then Karma arises, because. The soul lives in the First Dimension, where Past Time exists. What once “passed” is in the memory - the Soul, and you want to repeat it if there was something pleasant. Or repeat after a person who has something pleasant, and you want to have this pleasant thing yourself.

The desire to change Fate ahead of Time gives rise to an extension of Fate and the Future. Living according to Destiny means shortening the Future. This refers to the number of subsequent incarnations, not the length of this life. The measurement of the time of earthly life is similar to units of seconds (years). This is movement in a Circle. Exit from the Circle is exit from incarnations, i.e. This is a movement across the circle, which can mean movement along a radius, or the expansion of the Circle. The expansion of consciousness, thus, is the main indicator for a person who has entered into connection with what is Time.

This is carried out by the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac - Ophiuchus. But its influence is also dual (good and bad), because the process of expansion and contraction occurs along the same radii. The direction is important: centrifugal or centripetal.

Also, time has two directions: for the physical perception of the body - from the Future to the Past (i.e. we live due to the existence of the Future, what we call Fate, until it passes, becomes the past, the past); for the Soul - from the Past to the Future (i.e., according to desires and actions, the Fate of the Future is determined).

The two states of consciousness of the Second Dimension: waking and sleep are not yet continuous consciousness of the Third Dimension. Life after the birth of the body and after death is also a duality that determines the cycle from life to life through death and conception.

The second dimension of space lies in two states of consciousness: wakefulness and sleep. The division of life into sleep and reality is inherent in this dimension. The connection between life phenomena and dreams, which has not been fully studied by science, does not provide a complete picture that answers the questions posed in this area.

The answers will come when the Third Dimension begins to be perceived, because... our activities in all spheres are divided into three parts (can be considered as the names Faith - Hope - Love), of which only two are perceived (the Second Dimension). So the first part is the questions posed that arise due to information coming from outside. “What’s going on?”, “Why is this like this?” and others: they do not provide an understanding of what is happening, because the first part (Faith) is only Contemplation, perception by the organs of the body, a set of information, both general and specific on the issue of interest.

The first part is the Game.

The second part (Hope) is hints of answers through logical thinking, analysis and synthesis, the method of analogy (etc.), which will lead to a single answer in the Future time (in the Third Dimension). The second part is Study, Knowledge.

The third part (Love) is finding the answer that was formed by the second part, the end of study, searching and gaining an understanding of knowledge. The third part is Reason, Creativity.

The three dimensions of consciousness and space are the basis for the perception of the Fourth and further the Fifth dimensions. The main dimension for a person, which he is able to achieve (in perception) in the near future, is the Third, then the Fourth.

The first dimension has the status “Multiple”. Every person is right according to his opinion.

The second dimension is “Conciliarity”. People begin to receive opposite answers, which they also agree with if consciousness has moved to the second part of perception - synthesis, the desire to unite different opinions on one issue.

The third dimension is “Unity”, the implementation of a common view in knowledge. This is what the people, scientists, all people are striving for at this time. This is the unity of views that is inherent in the Third Dimension and will be the basis for the perception of the Fourth Dimension.

The fourth dimension is “Completeness”. This is the addition of Unity, Mirror, symmetry, the connection between the visible and the invisible. Two three-dimensional dualities: the visible three-dimensional is like one triangle, and the invisible three-dimensional is like the second.

The square (2 x 2 = 4) is already the area of ​​the son of Sophia the Wise (Mother of Peace and daughters of Faith, Hope and Love) whose name is Glory.

The fifth dimension is “Integrity”, the symbol of the Circle, it is Sophia herself (Mother of the World.) Whole perception can be achieved in the Fifth Dimension, which after the Eternity of the Fourth becomes the Divine Kingdom. Only in the Fifth Dimension do we perceive everything truly.

[In mathematics there is the number “Pi” (3.14...), named after Pythagoras. This number contains the essence of the Circle of the Universe. The Circle is the first number 3. Next comes a breakthrough beyond the Circle - the numbers after the decimal point, they indicate the fourth and fifth dimensions (3.1415...)].

Continuing to consider the topic of the duality of consciousness: wakefulness and sleep, I will try to show this in connection with cosmic objects. The main cosmic bodies for the Earth are: the Moon - a satellite and the Sun - a star. Planet Earth itself occupies a dual position: having a satellite near it, it itself is one, but in relation to the Sun.

Being born into the world of the Second Dimension, where the physical Body is present, the First Dimension remains, because the number “two” is obtained by adding two units (1 + 1 = 2). The first dimension has the body of the Soul. Living alternately in two dimensions (First and Second), we have dreams and reality (although everything is reality).

Thus, wakefulness is the life of the physical Body. But one Body is terrestrial (planetary), and the other is lunar (satellite). On Earth we are awake for three parts of the day (morning, afternoon and evening), according to the universal trinity. And on the Moon, living in a dream, we also seem to be awake. And we also dream in three parts: either morning events, or afternoon, or evening events. A dream in a dream means the depth of consciousness and a breakthrough into the fourth perception of space, which may not be a dimension, but only four-dimensionality.

Waking like one state of consciousness has three phases (three dimensions of all things).

A dream, as one thing, also has three phases.

Both the first and second states of consciousness exist alternately only on planet Earth. Although when we are awake, our still undeveloped body of the Third Dimension (Spirit) is present (so far externally) on the Sun, and the body of the First Dimension (Soul) is present on the Moon.

While living on Earth, when we sleep, we find ourselves on the visible side of the Moon, which also has three phases: waxing, full moon, and waning. During life after death, we find ourselves on the far side of the Moon, which is why we cannot see it now. The Moon coincides in its rotation with the Earth not only as a physical random reality, it is also a psychological fact, because refers to our invisible Body and our feelings of the Soul.

Two states of life are two realities that exist equally, but in parallel, like two sides of one thing: the face and the back.

Thus, what we refer to as the Third Dimension of Space turns out to be a continuous state of solar consciousness. The sun-star is our spirituality. Striving towards the Sun, we move against the flow of radiating energy of its rays. That is why it is so difficult to live in the Future time, the time of the Third Dimension, your Destiny. Such people can be called saints (light) great martyrs, because... they lived (are living) not according to desire, but according to the Fate prepared for them, which was formed from past lives. The sun simply does not accept anything into itself, and you can only get there by the Spirit.

The development of Body, Soul and Spirit has its own stages.

To gain spirituality, it is necessary to free yourself from the earthly consciousness, then from the lunar one, and this liberation is given only under the condition of knowing your habitat. Therefore, the process of studying the World is very important for all people, because... first of all, self-knowledge occurs.

I also want to say about one important phenomenon: just as the Earth, Moon and Sun are perceived by us visible, so our three bodies (Body-Soul-Spirit) are visible. Invisible bodies and the invisible Universe are the next step of humanity on the path of Knowledge. And today's conversations about Soul and Spirit are still the visible space of three separate dimensions, which have their own separate and common perception.

Only after each person on Earth has acquired spirituality will the perception of space change, another type of which exists here. It will seem to us that the world, our habitat, has changed.

And the moment in life will come when there will be a leap in the development of the Earth, because... the union of three dimensions (1 + 2 + 3) is the number Six (6), which will be forced to turn over into the number Nine (9). Both numbers are a copy of each other. This revolution is carried out by the numbers 7 and 8 (intermediate), which you can also become familiar with by studying number theory (Numerology). How many people are enough to carry out this action? How many will be ready at the time of the coup? What if someone doesn’t have time to be ready, what will happen to them? Does the coup mean some kind of global catastrophe?

These and similar questions can arise only in two-dimensional space (question-1, answer-2), because know– this is the Mind of the third dimension, spirituality. Spiritual people are not afraid of change, because... The future is the activity of time (the Sun), leading to Eternity.

The past is passive (Moon). The earth is between two times, and not even in the present time, but only in its moment, which is considered the present.

Speaking about the dimension of Time, we cannot help but say that the duration of residence in the Second Dimension of our body does not depend on the Third Dimension. Even before our birth, when our souls are in the First Dimension of Space, in past time, the prerequisites for the formation of a future Destiny appear. This happens on the basis of past life experience, if any, because... A wasted life exhausts a person’s energy information collected by the soul, which looks in the Second Dimension as illnesses of the body.

At the time of conception, just as the Sun and Moon are united during an eclipse, and the Earth is on the same imaginary line with them, a “sacred marriage” occurs, and the child’s Fate is determined. The Future tense enters, which becomes the MASTER of the life of the body, determining the time of residence on Earth. And the count began in the measurement of time in the form of seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years.

The ultimate goal of life is death, which allows you to return back to the First Dimension, or move forward into the Third Dimension. The exit from the Second Dimension is decisive, because... only from life, from our knowledge, does the transition take place. Only Knowledge determines the possibility of evolution and movement forward. The life allotted by the MASTER of time (Fate) is exhausted for everyone at a certain year of life. Those who gain knowledge of the Third Dimension can extend the years allotted to life for a longer period. In one birth you can be reincarnated twice, three times. This is called superbirth.

Usually talented people live less, because... from the energy information collected in the past incarnation, everything that is available for life is exhausted, and if there is no flow of receiving the NEW (from the Third Dimension), then death lurks more quickly. If the coefficient of the past is equal to, say, the number 7 (out of 10), then 3 units of measurement are allocated for the future. And only new 10 units can give new superbirths, prolonging life. The union of two dimensions: the First and the Second (“sacred marriage” of Soul and Body) gives rise to the Spirit. This is why the issue of spirituality is very important. The Birth of the Spirit displaces into the Past all existing diseases of the body (into the First Dimension, where it is better not to return), which torment a person during life, and Fate leaves.

The Crucifixion of Fate is a change of position when the person who conquered Time becomes the MASTER.

To the question: “Where can I get such knowledge that comes from the Third Dimension?” – the answer can be expressed in the following lines:

And there is no end to knowledge,
Like a series stretching into the infinity of numbers,
Where each number has its own outfit -
The Veil of Eternity is destined.
How much Knowledge, but how little you need to know:
Only ten numbers, but what combinations?...
Know their essence, and to all your quests
The end will come, because you will learn to read.

The language of numbers is a Universal language, and by learning the “alphabet of numbers” you can achieve a lot. Just as the letters of the alphabet give rise to words, phrases, sentences and texts, so do numbers. Through the Word we receive Knowledge that we can doubt. There is no lie in the number, because... mathematics is an exact science.

Numberology is the union of Word and Number, therefore the birth of the Third (understanding) occurs. Numerology, which is currently known, is a messenger only of the Word, but it is the predecessor of Numberology, broadcasting about Number. And if someone is already interested in numbers and their connection with a person, then the day and hour is not far off when the decisive moment of READINESS will occur: the Student will meet the Teacher. They will find each other, because... The law of esotericism says: “When the Student is ready, the Teacher comes!”


In the First Dimension, the movement of objects occurs along a Line - this is the aspiration of the Soul to the Future, but the distance traveled behind (increasing points is the distance traveled), which is the Past, can turn this aspiration and movement back (involution), which most often happens, like attraction to the Beginning, to the Source.

Line is the basis of movement and in the First Dimension it is a symbol of the number 1, and there is only one Line (1).

Second Dimension Movement is Angularity added to Line because... The second dimension does not exist without the first. Due to the fact that the Line tends to infinity, which looks like a Straight line on a plane going into the distance, the Angle attached to it does not allow it to continue this infinity along the Straight Line. A movement arises in a closed Circle, which remains that infinity that is visible in the celestial satellite of the Earth in the physical world of the Second Dimension. The Moon is a First Dimensional object, so its linear motion appears to be one that is aligned with the Earth's Second Dimensional Angle. Therefore, we cannot see the far side of the Moon, because... the movement coincides (the line of the First Dimension coincides with one of the angle lines of the Second Dimension), and during sleep we find ourselves on the visible side, and after death - on the invisible, opposite side. The Earth seems to be “dragging” the Moon along with it.

The Earth itself, as an object of the Second Dimension, has a Double, Angular motion, known to us as an Orbit around the Sun (one direction) and rotation around its axis (the second).

An angle is a symbol of the number 2, therefore in the Second Dimension two Lines (2) already form a figure - an Angle. But this Angle lies in one plane, so the orbit is planar.

We know the movement of the Third Dimension in visible stellar objects, and the closest star to us is the Sun. These objects have a triple movement, which can be geometrically represented as connected by two types of movements: the First and Second dimensions, i.e. An angle with a Line superimposed on it, i.e. flat Angle and third Line, like Height, giving rise above the plane and Volume. The movement is directed along three Lines.

A Triangle, a symbol of the number 3, is formed on the plane, and in the Third Dimension already Three Lines (3) form a Triangle - the first closed figure on the plane and a Pyramid of Triangular faces in volume. The word STAR = 33 shows this with its Threes: one Three is a Triangle on a plane, and the other indicates their presence in volume (in the amount of three triangles).

Movement acquires the property that we know as a state of relative rest. It seems like there is no need to strive for anything, because... the space is “pulled” inside the created volume. Resilience, which we know as, emerges. here and everywhere(space) and now and always(time). At this Time on the planet-star there is no dependence on the space of the Second and First Dimensions, and the existing new Form allows us not to lose the existing Content. Nothing comes from the stars, because A triangle is a closed figure. These objects live by their inner Light. Our Second Dimension and First Dimension for the Star are inside their volume (i.e. we are inside the Sun, although we cannot perceive this and our perception may be - outside, or for Sun). Everything we can see and count as LIGHT- this is a reflection of the energy-substance of its Two dimensions, which have no Forms and fill their lives with what returns from sources of the Third Dimension, in particular the Sun and stars.

The science of Astrology is built on this. We both fill and lose - this is our bipolar life, in which the figure of the Angle has in the symbolism of Everyday life the form of a Cup, from which we have to draw energy for life, and if we do not fill it (the desire for Knowledge is filling), then the form is collapsing(a person is exposed to illnesses and bad events of Fate) until he leaves for the First Dimension (and the transition to it is death). The first dimension cannot be filled due to lack of form.

The Third Dimension preserves what was received during the period of the Second Dimension, during life in which a person filled himself with Knowledge to the Limit of the Second Dimension and to the foundations of the Third Dimension. This is Renunciation of the World, when the whole world is concentrated in a person. This becomes alien to him aging the world is ready for new. But getting there means: leave All dual, i.e. balance two strength, two opposites, achieve friendship. This only chance, which will lead to a place where everything is available and you don’t need to acquire anything.

This is a world of Quality, as opposed to our Quantitative world. All Stars are United in the Third Dimension, but in our Quantitative world we see their Multitude. We need to renounce Quantity, everything that will delay our entry into the Third Dimension (and since we are already in it, we just need to prepare for a new perception by receiving Knowledge).

The Third Dimension will give us a state of consciousness - always Awake, as opposed to sleeping in the First Dimension and alternately changing from sleepy to awake in the Second Dimension.

This is not like our waking life, which is subject to slump (fatigue leading to a state of sleep) due to the Quantitatively perceived world. There is already a different wakefulness - a quality type, and fatigue does not occur.

And only the Fourth perception in the Fourth Dimension of space will plunge us into the state of Eternal Sleep - Quality Time, which is Eternity. In the Third Dimension Time is the Future, i.e. this is a constant stay in the Present time, and not in a moment between the Past and the Future, as we now have in the Second Dimension. In the Fourth Dimension, we will plunge into a state of Eternal Sleep, where the entire past Evolution in different types of bodies, not only human ones, will pass before us in Memory. Death after that existence will be awakening after Eternal Sleep, sort of like Death from all Deaths.

With awakening, we will find ourselves at the threshold of the Fifth Dimension - the Kingdom of God, where the Quantity of the Three Dimensions is united with the Quality of the Fourth (for now, for us, Quality is the Third Dimension that we can achieve).

It is advisable not to miss Time, because... The future eludes us, it is difficult to accept it without balance. It's easier to live in the past. It is easier to spin around the Circle, it is more difficult to go across it, along the RADIUS (74) to the CENTER (83), bypassing many levels that reflect this Center in NUMBER (83).

About the Devil.

I should also say about the devil, of whom people who consider themselves to belong to the light category are afraid. Light – shines in darkness, and for Darkness. Love extends to everything around us and to what seems bad to us. When the Whole is divided into two, into two opposites - this is not bad and not good (which is true only for us) - this is a necessity.

The Circle is part of the Common Ball. If a line cuts this circle in half, you will get two semicircles. The line is called diameter (divides in half). Word DIAMETER = 74 (11). TIME = 74 is formed. Two diameters reflect duality, because one line is 1 (there must be 2 to reflect the duality of the two: division). It turns out to be a Cross (four phases), and in terms of time it is morning, day, evening and night (the circle is a day).

Diameterdia And meter: 16 and 58 = 7 and 4. Diameter fluctuation is a wave, and wave = 48. First syllable: dia= 16 (from diameter), and the first syllable: ox(from the wave) results in a new word DEVIL = 16 + 32 = 48 (equal to the number of the wave and the word SECRET, something invisible). The modern word DEVIL has the meaning: devil = 68 (the number of the word CHILD = 68) + ox 32, and in total 68 + 32 = 100. We go through what we call the DEVIL to the number of the Whole value 1 (100 = 1), the number 68 = 14 = 5 and the number 32 = 5, i.e. 5 and 5 (10 = 1). CIRCLE = 55 (10 = 1). Win the devil is to gain spiritual vision, Wholeness. Then there will be no talk about the fear of the devil, which appears in communication between people today. “It’s all from the devil,” you can hear even from believers who are far from any teaching. For them, prayers and mantras, observance of rituals, fasts and commandments are more important. They believed and stopped.

But we need to go on the WAY (88), we are called by the FUTURE (88), which attracts people to itself through Numberology, giving rise to interest in NUMBER (83). Therefore, to break away from the Circle (and the signs of the Zodiac) means to break away from the usual gyre life and accept the TEACHING (= 83). This is Spiritual Baptism.

We need to become a Wanderer who is always on the Path, and the word Wanderer = 110, helping to be in balance. This does not mean that you need to leave your houses, apartments and travel. The wanderer is our consciousness, receiving new impressions from the Path of Knowledge along which it goes step by step.

  • Tutorial


Hi all! After completing the cycle on sensors, there were various questions about measuring the consumption parameters of household and not very electrical appliances. Who consumes how much, how to connect what to measure, what subtleties there are, and so on. It's time to reveal all the cards in this area.
In this series of articles we will look at the topic of measuring electricity parameters. There are actually a very large number of these parameters, which I will try to gradually talk about in small series.
So far there are three series planned:
  • Electricity measurement.
  • Power quality.
  • Devices for measuring electricity parameters.
During the analysis process, we will solve certain practical problems on microcontrollers until the result is achieved. Of course, most of this series will be devoted to measuring alternating voltage and may be useful to all those who like to control the electrical appliances of their smart home.
Based on the results of the entire cycle, we will produce some kind of smart electricity meter with Internet access. Completely inveterate fans of controlling the electrical appliances of their smart home can provide all possible assistance in implementing the communication part on a base, for example, MajorDomo. Let's make OpenSource a better smart home, so to speak.
In this two-part series, we will explore the following questions:
  • Connecting current and voltage sensors in DC devices, as well as single-phase and three-phase AC circuits;
  • Measurement of effective values ​​of current and voltage;
  • Power factor measurement;
  • Total, active and reactive power;
  • Electricity consumption;
By clicking below you will find the answers to the first two questions of this list. I deliberately do not touch upon the issues of accuracy in measuring indicators and from this series I am only happy with the results obtained with an accuracy of plus or minus a bast shoe. I will definitely devote a separate article to this issue in the third series.

1. Connecting sensors

In the last series about voltage and current sensors, I talked about the types of sensors, but did not talk about how to use them and where to place them. It's time to fix it
Connecting DC Sensors
It is clear that the entire series will be devoted to AC systems, but let’s quickly go over DC circuits, as this may be useful to us when developing DC power supplies. Take for example a classic PWM buck converter:

Figure 1. PWM Buck Converter
Our task is to provide a stabilized output voltage. In addition, based on information from the current sensor, it is possible to control the operating mode of inductor L1, preventing its saturation, and also implement current protection of the converter. And to be honest, there aren’t really any options for installing sensors.
A voltage sensor in the form of a resistive divider R1-R2, which is the only one capable of operating at direct current, is installed at the output of the converter. As a rule, a specialized converter microcircuit has a feedback input, and makes every effort to ensure that this input (3) has a certain voltage level specified in the documentation for the microcircuit. For example 1.25V. If our output voltage matches this level, everything is fine - we directly apply the output voltage to this input. If not, then set the divider. If we need to provide an output voltage of 5V, then the divider must provide a division factor of 4, i.e. For example, R1 = 30k, R2 = 10k.
The current sensor is usually installed between the power supply and the converter and on the chip. Based on the potential difference between points 1 and 2, and with a known resistance of resistors Rs, it is possible to determine the current value of the current of our inductor. Installing a current sensor between the sources and the load is not a good idea, since the filter capacitor will be cut off by a resistor from the pulse current consumers. Installing a resistor in the gap of the common wire also does not bode well - there will be two ground levels with which it will be a pleasure to tinker.
Voltage drop problems can be avoided by using non-contact current sensors - such as hall sensors:

Figure 2. Non-contact current sensor
However, there is a more clever way to measure current. After all, the voltage drops across the transistor in exactly the same way and the same current flows through it as the inductance. Consequently, the current value of the current can also be determined by the voltage drop across it. Honestly, if you look at the internal structure of converter chips, for example, from Texas Instruments, then this method is as common as the previous ones. The accuracy of this method is of course not the highest, but this is quite enough for the current cutoff to work.

Fig 3. Transistor as a current sensor
We do the same in other circuits of similar converters, whether boosting or inverting.
However, it is necessary to separately mention transformer forward and flyback converters.

Figure 4. Connecting current sensors in flyback converters
They can also use either an external resistance or a transistor in its role.
This is where we are done with connecting sensors to DC converters. If you have suggestions for other options, I will be happy to supplement the article with them.
1.2 Connecting sensors to single-phase AC circuits
In AC circuits we have a much larger selection of possible sensors. Let's consider several options.
The simplest is to use a resistive voltage divider and a current shunt.

Figure 5. Connecting resistor sensors
However, it has a couple of significant disadvantages:
Firstly, we will either provide a significant amplitude of the signal from the current shunt by allocating a large amount of power to it, or we will be content with a small amplitude of the signal and subsequently amplify it. And secondly, the resistor creates a potential difference between the network neutral and the device neutral. If the device is isolated, then this does not matter, but if the device has a grounding terminal, then we risk being left without a signal from the current sensor, since we will short-circuit it. It might be worth trying sensors that operate on other principles.
For example, we will use current and voltage transformers, or a Hall effect current sensor and a voltage transformer. There are much more possibilities for working with equipment, since the neutral wire has no losses, and most importantly, in both cases there is galvanic isolation of the measuring equipment, which can often be useful. However, it is necessary to take into account that transformer current and voltage sensors have a limited frequency response and if we want to measure the harmonic composition of distortion, then it is not a fact that it will work.

Figure 6. Connecting transformer and non-contact current and voltage sensors
1.3 Connecting sensors to multi-phase AC circuits
In multiphase networks, our ability to connect current sensors is slightly less. This is due to the fact that it will not be possible to use a current shunt at all, since the potential difference between the phase shunts will fluctuate within hundreds of volts and I do not know of any general-purpose controller whose analog inputs can withstand such abuse.
Of course, there is one way to use current shunts - for each channel you need to make a galvanically isolated analog input. But it is much easier and more reliable to use other sensors.
In my quality analyzer I use resistive voltage dividers and remote hall effect current sensors.

Figure 7. Current sensors in a three-phase network
As you can see from the figure, we are using a four-wire connection. Of course, instead of Hall effect current sensors, you can use current transformers or Rogowski loops.
Instead of resistive dividers, voltage transformers can be used, both for four-wire and three-wire systems.
In the latter case, the primary windings of the voltage transformers are connected by a triangle, and the secondary windings by a star, the common point of which is the common point of the measuring circuit

Figure 8.Use of voltage transformers in a three-phase network

2 RMS value of current and voltage

It's time to solve the problem of measuring our signals. Of practical importance for us is, first of all, the effective value of current and voltage.
Let me remind you of the equipment from the series on sensors. Using the ADC of our microcontroller, we will record the instantaneous voltage value at regular intervals. Thus, during the measurement period we will have an array of data on the level of the instantaneous voltage value (for current everything is similar).

Figure 9. Series of instantaneous voltage values
Our task is to calculate the effective value. First, let's use the integral formula:
In a digital system we have to limit ourselves to a certain quantum of time, so we move on to the sum:
Where is the sampling period of our signal, and is the number of samples during the measurement period. Somewhere here in the video I start talking nonsense about the equality of areas. I should have gotten some sleep that day. =)
In the MSP430FE4252 microcontrollers, which are used in single-phase Mercury electricity meters, 4096 counts are made over a measurement period of 1, 2 or 4 seconds. We will rely on T=1c and N=4096 in what follows. Moreover, 4096 points per second will allow us to use fast Fourier transform algorithms to determine the harmonic spectrum up to the 40th harmonic, as required by GOST. But more on that in the next episode.
Let's sketch out an algorithm for our program. We need to ensure stable launch of the ADC every 1/8192 seconds, since we have two channels and we will measure this data alternately. To do this, set up a timer and the interrupt signal will automatically restart the ADC. All ADCs can do this.
We will write the future program on arduino, since many people have it at hand. For now, our interest is purely academic.
Having a system quartz frequency of 16 MHz and an 8-bit timer (so that life doesn’t seem like honey), we need to ensure that any timer interrupt operates at a frequency of 8192 Hz.
We are sad that 16 MHz is not divided as we need it and the final operating frequency of the timer is 8198 Hz. We close our eyes to the error of 0.04% and still read 4096 samples per channel.
We are sad that the overflow interrupt in arduino is busy calculating time (responsible for millis and delay, so it will stop working normally), so we use the comparison interrupt.
And we suddenly realize that the signal coming to us is bipolar, and that msp430fe4252 copes with it perfectly. We are content with a unipolar ADC, so we assemble a simple bipolar to unipolar signal converter using an operational amplifier:

Fig 10. Bipolar to unipolar signal converter
Moreover, our task is to ensure that our sinusoid oscillates relative to half the reference voltage - then we will either subtract half the range or activate the option in the ADC settings and get signed values.
The Arduino has a 10-bit ADC, so we will subtract half from the unsigned result in the range 0-1023 and get -512-511.
We check the model assembled in LTSpiceIV and make sure that everything works as it should. In the video material we further verify this experimentally.

Figure 11. Simulation result. Green is the source signal, blue is the output signal.

Sketch for Arduino for one channel

void setup() ( autoadcsetup(); DDRD |=(1<

The program is written in the Arduino IDE for the ATmega1280 microcontroller. On my debug board, the first 8 channels are routed for the internal needs of the board, so the ADC8 channel is used. It is possible to use this sketch for a board with ATmega168, but you must select the correct channel.
Inside the interrupts, we distort a couple of service pins to clearly see the operating digitization frequency.
A few words about where the coefficient 102 came from. At the first start, a signal of various amplitudes was supplied from the generator, the effective voltage value was read from the oscilloscope, and the calculated value in absolute ADC units was taken from the console.

Umax, V Urms, B Counted
3 2,08 212
2,5 1,73 176
2 1,38 141
1,5 1,03 106
1 0,684 71
0,5 0,358 36
0,25 0,179 19

Dividing the values ​​of the third column by the values ​​of the second we get an average of 102. This will be our “calibration” coefficient. However, you can notice that as the voltage decreases, the accuracy drops sharply. This is due to the low sensitivity of our ADC. In fact, 10 digits for accurate calculations is catastrophically small, and if it is quite possible to measure the voltage in a socket in this way, then using a 10-bit ADC to measure the current consumed by the load will be a crime against metrology.

At this point we will take a break. In the next part, we will consider the other three questions in this series and will smoothly move on to creating the device itself.

You will find the presented firmware, as well as other firmware for this series (since I shoot video materials faster than I prepare articles) in the repository on GitHub.

Ecology of knowledge: The biggest problem for theoretical physicists is how to combine all the fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong) into a single theory. Superstring theory claims to be the Theory of Everything

Counting from three to ten

The biggest problem for theoretical physicists is how to combine all the fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong) into a single theory. Superstring theory claims to be the Theory of Everything.

But it turned out that the most convenient number of dimensions required for this theory to work is as many as ten (nine of which are spatial, and one is temporal)! If there are more or less dimensions, mathematical equations give irrational results that go to infinity - a singularity.

The next stage in the development of superstring theory - M-theory - has already counted eleven dimensions. And another version of it - F-theory - all twelve. And this is not a complication at all. F-theory describes 12-dimensional space with simpler equations than M-theory describes 11-dimensional space.

Of course, theoretical physics is not called theoretical for nothing. All her achievements exist so far only on paper. So, to explain why we can only move in three-dimensional space, scientists started talking about how the unfortunate remaining dimensions had to shrink into compact spheres at the quantum level. To be precise, not into spheres, but into Calabi-Yau spaces. These are three-dimensional figures, inside of which there is their own world with its own dimension. A two-dimensional projection of such a manifold looks something like this:

More than 470 million such figures are known. Which of them corresponds to our reality is currently being calculated. It is not easy to be a theoretical physicist.

Yes, this seems a little far-fetched. But maybe this is precisely what explains why the quantum world is so different from the one we perceive.

Dot, dot, comma

Let's start from the beginning. The zero dimension is a point. She has no size. There is nowhere to move, no coordinates are needed to indicate the location in such a dimension.

Let's place a second one next to the first point and draw a line through them. Here's the first dimension. A one-dimensional object has a size - length, but no width or depth. Movement within one-dimensional space is very limited, because an obstacle that arises on the way cannot be avoided. To determine the location on this segment, you only need one coordinate.

Let's put a dot next to the segment. To fit both of these objects, we will need a two-dimensional space with length and width, that is, area, but without depth, that is, volume. The location of any point on this field is determined by two coordinates.

The third dimension arises when we add a third coordinate axis to this system. It is very easy for us, residents of the three-dimensional universe, to imagine this.

Let's try to imagine how the inhabitants of two-dimensional space see the world. For example, these two people:

Each of them will see their comrade like this:

And in this situation:

Our heroes will see each other like this:

It is the change of point of view that allows our heroes to judge each other as two-dimensional objects, and not one-dimensional segments.

Now let’s imagine that a certain volumetric object moves in the third dimension, which intersects this two-dimensional world. For an outside observer, this movement will be expressed in a change in two-dimensional projections of the object on the plane, like broccoli in an MRI machine:

But for an inhabitant of our Flatland such a picture is incomprehensible! He can't even imagine her. For him, each of the two-dimensional projections will be seen as a one-dimensional segment with a mysteriously variable length, appearing in an unpredictable place and also disappearing unpredictably. Attempts to calculate the length and place of origin of such objects using the laws of physics of two-dimensional space are doomed to failure.

We, inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, see everything as two-dimensional. Only moving an object in space allows us to feel its volume. We will also see any multidimensional object as two-dimensional, but it will change in amazing ways depending on our relationship with it or time.

From this point of view it is interesting to think, for example, about gravity. Everyone has probably seen pictures like this:

They usually depict how gravity bends space-time. It bends... where? Exactly not in any of the dimensions familiar to us. And what about quantum tunneling, that is, the ability of a particle to disappear in one place and appear in a completely different one, and behind an obstacle through which in our realities it could not penetrate without making a hole in it? What about black holes? What if all these and other mysteries of modern science are explained by the fact that the geometry of space is not at all the same as we are used to perceiving it?

The clock is ticking

Time adds another coordinate to our Universe. In order for a party to take place, you need to know not only in which bar it will take place, but also the exact time of this event.

Based on our perception, time is not so much a straight line as a ray. That is, it has a starting point, and movement is carried out only in one direction - from the past to the future. Moreover, only the present is real. Neither the past nor the future exists, just as breakfasts and dinners do not exist from the point of view of an office clerk during his lunch break.

But the theory of relativity does not agree with this. From her point of view, time is a full-fledged dimension. All events that have existed, exist and will exist are equally real, just like the sea beach is real, regardless of where exactly the dreams of the sound of the surf took us by surprise. Our perception is just something like a spotlight that illuminates a certain segment on a straight line of time. Humanity in its fourth dimension looks something like this:

But we see only a projection, a slice of this dimension at each individual moment in time. Yes, yes, like broccoli in an MRI machine.

Until now, all theories worked with a large number of spatial dimensions, and the temporal one was always the only one. But why does space allow multiple dimensions for space, but only one time? Until scientists can answer this question, the hypothesis of two or more time spaces will seem very attractive to all philosophers and science fiction writers. And physicists, too, so what? For example, American astrophysicist Itzhak Bars sees the root of all troubles with the Theory of Everything as the overlooked second time dimension. As a mental exercise, let's try to imagine a world with two times.

Each dimension exists separately. This is expressed in the fact that if we change the coordinates of an object in one dimension, the coordinates in others may remain unchanged. So, if you move along one time axis that intersects another at a right angle, then at the intersection point the time around will stop. In practice it will look something like this:

All Neo had to do was place his one-dimensional time axis perpendicular to the bullets' time axis. A mere trifle, you will agree. In reality, everything is much more complicated.

Exact time in a universe with two time dimensions will be determined by two values. Is it difficult to imagine a two-dimensional event? That is, one that is extended simultaneously along two time axes? It is likely that such a world will require specialists in mapping time, just as cartographers map the two-dimensional surface of the globe.

What else distinguishes two-dimensional space from one-dimensional space? The ability to bypass an obstacle, for example. This is completely beyond the boundaries of our minds. A resident of a one-dimensional world cannot imagine what it is like to turn a corner. And what is this - an angle in time? In addition, in two-dimensional space you can travel forward, backward, or even diagonally. I have no idea what it's like to pass through time diagonally. Not to mention the fact that time underlies many physical laws, and it is impossible to imagine how the physics of the Universe will change with the advent of another time dimension. But it’s so exciting to think about it!

Very large encyclopedia

Other dimensions have not yet been discovered and exist only in mathematical models. But you can try to imagine them like this.

As we found out earlier, we see a three-dimensional projection of the fourth (time) dimension of the Universe. In other words, every moment of the existence of our world is a point (similar to the zero dimension) in the period of time from the Big Bang to the End of the World.

Those of you who have read about time travel know what an important role the curvature of the space-time continuum plays in it. This is the fifth dimension - it is in it that four-dimensional space-time “bends” in order to bring two points on this line closer together. Without this, travel between these points would be too long, or even impossible. Roughly speaking, the fifth dimension is similar to the second - it moves the “one-dimensional” line of space-time into a “two-dimensional” plane with all that it implies in the form of the ability to turn a corner.

A little earlier, our particularly philosophically minded readers probably thought about the possibility of free will in conditions where the future already exists, but is not yet known. Science answers this question this way: probabilities. The future is not a stick, but a whole broom of possible scenarios. We will find out which one will come true when we get there.

Each of the probabilities exists in the form of a “one-dimensional” segment on the “plane” of the fifth dimension. What is the fastest way to jump from one segment to another? That's right - bend this plane like a sheet of paper. Where should I bend it? And again correctly - in the sixth dimension, which gives this entire complex structure “volume”. And, thus, makes it, like three-dimensional space, “finished”, a new point.

The seventh dimension is a new straight line, which consists of six-dimensional “points”. What is any other point on this line? The whole infinite set of options for the development of events in another universe, formed not as a result of the Big Bang, but under other conditions, and operating according to other laws. That is, the seventh dimension is beads from parallel worlds. The eighth dimension collects these “straight lines” into one “plane”. And the ninth can be compared to a book that contains all the “sheets” of the eighth dimension. This is the totality of all the histories of all universes with all the laws of physics and all the initial conditions. Period again.

Here we hit the limit. To imagine the tenth dimension, we need a straight line. And what other point could there be on this line if the ninth dimension already covers everything that can be imagined, and even that which is impossible to imagine? It turns out that the ninth dimension is not just another starting point, but the final one - for our imagination, at least.

String theory states that it is in the tenth dimension that strings vibrate—the basic particles that make up everything. If the tenth dimension contains all universes and all possibilities, then strings exist everywhere and all the time. I mean, every string exists both in our universe and in any other. At any time. Straightaway. Cool, right? published

The first dimension is existence itself. To exist, an object must have a location or position in time and space. The total sum of all positions in the Universe constitutes the first dimension. It can be visualized as a line or path in infinity.

Second dimension: Size

The second dimension is defined as size or distance. There is a distance (straight or curved) between each first density position in the Universe. The total sum of all distances between two or more specific positions in time and space constitutes the second dimension. It can be visualized as a plan (plane) at infinity.

Third Dimension: Depth

The third dimension is the dimension with which we are most familiar. This is the dimension visible to the physical senses. It is the total sum of all dimensions or planes of existence in the physical Universe. It has its own set of laws and principles, including gravity, attraction, polarity, and so on.

Fourth Dimension: Time

The fourth dimension will be discussed in more depth. Physicists often define the fourth dimension as time. Time is an aspect of the fourth dimension because it exists anywhere in the Universe where there is movement. Movement can occur at a location, over a distance, or within a plan. It can also occur in the intangible realm, in the form of a “thought.” The two main characteristics of the fourth dimension are thought and time.

There are two types of time. Physical time is the measurement of relative motion between two celestial bodies in the physical universe. We use a clock to measure relative motion. If there is no movement, there is no physical time. On Earth, physical time exists because the Earth and the Sun have relative motion. As the basic unit of time, we arbitrarily decided to use one revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Physical time is changeable, as Einstein demonstrated with his theory of relativity. When the speed of objects moving relative to each other approaches the speed of light, time begins to slow down. There is a theory that objects moving faster than the speed of light would move backwards in time.

There is another type of time, which Krishnamurti called “psychological time.” This is our sense of time, our sense of time. It is controlled by thought and memory. Psychological time is also changeable. I'm sure you remember a time when you were very busy with something, and it seemed to you that time was flying. And when you are bored, time seems to crawl like a turtle. Psychological time is a function of thought, so if you don't have a thought, you don't have psychological time. The experience of timelessness is one of the keys to higher awareness, because by stepping out of the dimension of time and thought, you can enter the fifth dimension.


The fourth dimension is much more than just physical and psychological time. One could say that the fourth dimension is the sphere of creativity. It is a universe created by the mind and possessing matter in the outer world. If thought is the ruler of the fourth dimension, this dimension must be enormous. In addition, we think continuously, so we must constantly create. There is no such thing as idle thoughts. There is no doubt that some thoughts are stronger than others and have a greater ability to manifest themselves in the outer world. But every thought and every mental image exists in some part of the fourth dimension.

Mental Plane

The field of activity of the mind is the mental plane. The mental plane is a sub-dimension of the fourth dimension. It is there that all mental activity takes place. The mental plane consists of the collective reality of each individual's mental world. Also on the mental plane resides the collective subconscious, Jung's term for the collective reality consisting of all the individual subconscious minds.

The collective creations of the mind make up several realities, all of which are part of the fourth dimension. If you look again at the model of the mind (the hourglass shape in Figure 5.1), you will see that it is open at both ends. There is no real separation between individual minds. The open space above (superconscious) and below (subconscious) is where the minds come together - in the vast sphere of the mental plane.

All ideas, concepts, images, symbols and thought forms reside in the mental realms. However, this is not just storage. It is an active, changing laboratory of Creation, where elements merge and emerge in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is the creative source of the four lower worlds, the “Mayan” planes, as they are called in Eastern philosophy.

The key to the ascended worlds of the fourth dimension is faith. “You will experience what you believe in. What you sow is what you reap. You create your own reality.” Ernest Holmes called all these expressions the “Law of Mind.”

The fourth dimension is the realm of metaphysics, the prevalence of mind over matter. This is where inner and outer realities begin to meet. This is the bridge between the worlds of matter and the worlds of spirit. It is also a bridge between linear and instantaneous time.

In the fourth dimension there are what we called parallel worlds. These spheres do not vibrate higher than ordinary fourth-dimensional time and space, and exist simultaneously with ordinary reality in the form of a “parallel dimension.” The most famous of these is the astral plane, described below.

How can you tell the difference between a parallel world of the fourth dimension and something from the fifth dimension or higher? This question has led many seekers to a dead end on the path to the truth. Some have confused the more beautiful aspects of the fourth dimension with Heaven, Nirvana, or Divinity. There are several litmus tests that reveal b O bigger picture.

First, the fourth dimension is relative. This means that each person perceives it in his own way, according to his beliefs. If I believe in poverty, that is what I will create. Many religious people see images of their God. Because their faith is so strong, it creates this reality. In most cases, in fact, they do not see the true essence of the entity. They see a mental or astral image - an entity or thought-form created by the mind. For them their God is very real, but for an atheist he does not exist.

Secondly, the fourth dimension is the sphere of phenomena. This is the sphere of extrasensory perception, intuition and dreams. This is a creative imagination toy store, a magician's desk. Also, this is a passage to the astral plane - into the vast sphere of indefinite characters - “beautiful and absurd” creations of “disciple gods”.

Astral Plane

The astral plane, also known as the astral world, is a sub-dimension of the fourth dimension. It can be thought of as a storehouse for the creations of the minor gods. The best analogy would be an artist's sketchbook. Every “ugly creation” or “mistake” is cast into the astral realms. The astral plane is divided into subplanes, each subplane being filled with creations whose vibration matches that of their creator. Some have called the lower astral plane the “sink” of Creation because it is the home of all unwanted creations. All rejected thought forms, if they are not demanded and not brought into consciousness, gradually end up here. Like all 4D entities,

low astral creations are real in the minds of their creators and within their limits, but have no power above the fourth dimension.

Like the dream state representing the higher astral realms, the lower astral is unique to each soul, that is, no two souls share the same astral space in the same way. One person's monsters may not exist in another person's astral space. Despite the fact that each astral world is unique to its creator, souls can share astral space, “dialing” the same frequency. It's like a networked computer with a password. If more than one user has a password, the same programs and files may be accessible.

On the astral plane, while you have your monsters in your thoughts, you cannot “dial” the same frequency with another soul and its monsters. Therefore, his/her monsters will be unreal for you. However, if you believe strongly enough, you can create your monsters, but most conscious creators prefer to create something more pleasant.

In the higher astral spheres live fragments of desires and astral “sleeping” bodies. Also, these are the realms of imagination, the “practical panel” of the creator gods. Each soul has an individual astral body and an individual astral “sacred space”. (See the Glossary for a more complete definition of these terms.)

Sleep states

While asleep, you can have several types of dreams. Below I have listed the four main types of dreams in order of commonness and level of awareness. The most common type is “subconscious reuse,” when in a dream the subconscious of the sleeping person works on daytime problems. Such dreams are usually earthly and in fact the actions take place more on the mental and subtle levels than on the astral plane. The characters in such dreams are subconscious images, and not real astral entities.

The next type of dreams are symbolic dreams. They can occur on the mental or astral level, but tend to involve only the sacred space of the sleeping person, and not the collective astral plane. In symbolic dreams, events and actions provide life lessons and information for the soul. And, like the first type of dreams, the characters are projections of the subconscious, and not real astral entities.

The third type of dreams is lucid dreaming. Here we begin to see a bridge from the personal astral to the collective astral. Essentially, the lucid dreamer awakens from the realm of subconscious projection and enters the real astral realm. In this state he can be fully aware and seek astral experiences. The images here are clear and vivid. Such dreams can be shared with other astral entities or dreamers, although this requires a very conscious state of mind. A lucid dreamer is aware of his astral body and often uses it to fly. I studied my astral body and found that it was waxy and some kind of rubber. When viewed in a mirror, the astral eyes are almost pupilless and appear shimmering and waxy in the etheric light of the astral plane.

The fourth type of dream is metaphysical or interdimensional sleep, when the sleeping person actually transfers his astral body to other dimensions using a “silver cord”. This is a true out-of-body experience and is extremely rare for most people. Unlike the first three types of sleep, interdimensional dreams can occur during trance, meditation, or during normal sleep.

Discarnate entities

When a soul experiences physical death, depending on the level of consciousness at the time of death, a number of things can happen to it. If the soul has not aligned its will and spirit (and most souls whose bodies die have not), the will is unable to ascend to higher realms and instead goes to the astral plane. She becomes a disembodied entity, a fragment of the soul. The remaining part of the soul (spirit) can ascend to a higher level, that is, splitting occurs. The will then awaits the incarnation of the spirit in order to reunite with it. But often, the will can fragment or join another soul that is in physical embodiment. This process is described in more detail in Chapter 20.

Fragments of Will

Will fragments are aspects of the emotional body that are separated from the soul and physical body at the time of death, and are expelled or projected from the body during “binding,” a type of psychic attachment between two or more souls. When two or more souls interact, their wills (emotional bodies) mix and merge. Pieces of the will of one soul can attach to another soul. When two souls are separated, it may happen that not all fragments of will return to their original state. For example, I may have fragments of your will, and you may have fragments of mine. Fragments of will can be separated from the body due to denial. If they are not attached to another body, they can wander on the astral plane. Fragments of will are one explanation for ghosts and apparitions. Although physical death is the most common way of fragmentation of the will, ghosts of people still living have been known to exist.

Thought forms

Thought forms are energy impulses that are emitted from souls into the ethers (ethereal spheres) and mass consciousness (collective subconscious). They are the building blocks of fourth dimensional creation and the way things are brought into manifestation. Without emotion, will, desire and energy, thought forms have very little ability to leak into external reality. Instead, they wander aimlessly in the mental realms and, if not strengthened, then gradually dissolve into static energy fields (after being imprinted into the Akashic Records).

Over and over again thoughts tend to crystallize into stronger thought forms, just as a tiny snowflake (one drop of water) crystallizes into a larger cluster containing many frozen droplets of water. Gradually the thought-form becomes sufficiently material to seep into outer reality, just as a snowflake becomes heavy enough to seep down through the atmosphere.

The actual mechanics of leakage involve subatomic particles, neutrinos, and quarks. It is too complex to be discussed in detail now. Suffice it to say that as a result of subatomic research, physicists have already discovered the basic units of consciousness. These quanta (particle-energy packets) behave exactly as scientists expect, because

In fact, scientists are actually peering into the consciousness of quanta leaking into the laboratory environment.

Consciously or unconsciously, thought forms can be projected from one person to another and appear in the eye of the mind (third eye) of the recipient as an image, symbol or entity. Holographic mental projection is a technique developed by some aliens and advanced humans where an image of a being is projected onto someone else at another time or place. If the recipient is clairvoyant, the thought form may appear as the sender's body, "materializing" in the room, at least to the internal vision. In some cases, the mental projection may be visible to the physical eye.

Laws of the fourth dimension

The law of karma (or cause and effect) is the highest law of the fourth dimension. Above this dimension, the concept of karma is meaningless. Karma is not a punishment, nor is it something that needs to be expiated. In fact, it is a synthesis of two other laws of the fourth dimension - the law of mind and the law of reflection. The main difference between karma and reflection is that in the case of karma, there is usually a time delay between the intention to create and the actual creation. The Law of Reflection states that you will see in the outside world what you believe. The law of the mind says: thought is creative. In fact, the law of reflection is “instant” karma; that is, you create an image in your mind of how things should be, and that is what you see when you look into the world.

If you are a creative thinker, it will take time for your thoughts to manifest in your life. There are many reasons for the existence of a time delay. They are too complex to go into detail now. However, the biblical phrase “what goes around comes around” is a good metaphor for the law of karma, as it resembles plowing a field. You plant seeds (thoughts) that then grow into food (manifestation). Undoubtedly, this process takes time. If you want to change the crop, you should change the seeds. If you want to change the results in your life, you must change your thoughts.

One of my favorite analogies is a movie script (you can judge this for yourself, since I use this analogy throughout the book). You are sitting in a cinema and watching a film called “My Life”. Let's say you don't like the movie. Now imagine how stupid it would be to run out into the aisle, run up to the screen and try to drive the characters off the screen with your hands just because you don’t like the way they act. This is exactly how most people behave in relation to their thoughts.

If your mind is a projector, then the film is your thoughts and beliefs, and the screen is your life. To change the screen (your life), you must change the film (your thoughts and beliefs). Of course, you can always leave the theater (the branch), and sometimes that's the best move, especially if you're hopelessly caught up in the drama and unable to see that you created it. But sooner or later you will have to learn to control your mind and become a great writer and director of a film.

The topics we've covered are vast, and I recommend seeking out metaphysical books and seminars that delve deeper into time, thought, and the mind. Now let me continue my journey through dimensions.

Fifth Dimension: Love

The fourth dimension is a bridge between the worlds of matter and the worlds of spirit. Crossing the bridge and entering the fifth dimension, we leave the worlds of duality and enter a qualitatively different world - the world of love and unity.

The fifth dimension begins with the etheric plane - the invisible sphere located above the astral and mental levels, and the road to the heart.

Ethereal Plane

The etheric plane is the electromagnetic ether that envelops and permeates the physical Universe. The etheric body is a general term that describes the electromagnetic field (EMF) or aura around the physical body. The etheric body is similar to the emotional body, but contains more than just emotional energy. The emotional body occupies space in the etheric body, and individual emotions are stored in different parts of the auric field. The etheric plane is less dense than the physical plane; it can be measured with physical instruments and felt physically. All physical objects have an auric field that extends from the center of the object into the distant spaces of the Universe.

The etheric plane is a vast sea of ​​energy containing all the auric fields of every object and entity. The Akashic Chronicles are imprinted into each field. These prints contain templates or diagrams of physical objects, much like a mechanical blueprint contains all the data needed to build a house.


An aura is an electromagnetic field surrounding objects or people. It is easily seen by clairvoyants and sensed by clairsentients. The aura consists of gross and subtle vibrations of EMF, extending infinitely far from an object or person. As distance increases, EMF weakens. EMF around a person is usually not detected by scientific instruments even at a distance of a meter from the body. However, your auric field extends throughout the Universe in all directions. Therefore, truly there is no place in Creation where you are not. But if you move a kilometer away from the body, the auric field is so thin that even the most powerful psychics cannot detect it.

Using frames, pendulums and other devices, you can measure the intensity and polarity of the auric field. Stand in front of the person, initially at a distance of 90 cm, and slowly approach him, holding the frame straight in front of you. When the frame turns, it means that you have reached the end of the gross auric field. For all practical purposes of this book, we will be interested in the gross field or area that psychics and frames typically detect.

The auric field expands and contracts, depending on the person’s consciousness. If a person seems to be “away” and indulges in undirected thoughts, the aura becomes larger than when a person focuses on a specific thought or sensation. Using grounding techniques (explained in the Appendix), you can reduce the size of the auric field. People with strong charisma tend to have large auras that envelop many people. The auras of introverted people tend to stay close to the body.

The colors of the aura tell a lot about a person’s state of consciousness. Typically, bright, vibrant colors indicate good health, while dull and washed-out colors indicate illness. The aura has many shades, nuances and layers. The auric field of most people has several

layers or “shells”. The inner layers correspond to more physical levels of the essence, and the outer layers correspond to more subtle ones. Most people have alien energies embedded in the outer layers of their aura, often the energies of family and friends. And the people closest to a person (lovers, children, and so on) can have his energy in the inner layers of the aura.

The following information describes the generally accepted meaning of the different colors in the auric field as they are seen by clairvoyants:

Table 10.1 – Aura colors


Bright red Passion, sexuality, energy

Dark Red Anger, mood swings

Orange Sociability, love of company

Yellow Intelligence, abstraction

Bright green Love, heart energy

Dark Green Life force, healing, nature

Turquoise Healing from spirit guides

Light Blue Healing specific areas of the body

Dark blue Expansiveness, high awareness

Indigo Deep concentration, intuition

Purple Transformation, intensive cleaning

Pink Love, compassion

Blue-white Purification, metaphysics

White Christ, purity

Silver Energy of the Divine Mother

Golden Energy of Heavenly Father

Brown Confusion, confusion

Black Closedness, denial

Gray Lack of vitality, low energy

Bright color with black spots or stripes

Bright color with black or brown layers

Color next to white or gold

Psychic connections or attachments to others; demands placed on others

Taking on the burden of others, guilt, condemnation

Invoking Divine Protection

Mixed colors Confusion, lack of individuality

Blue colors with red spots or stripes

Recycled Anger; intense emotional healing


Chakras are vortexes (areas of concentration) of electromagnetic energy in the etheric body. Many books have been written about chakras, so I will keep it short. I like the rainbow analogy, so I'll use that. Along the vertical axis of the body there are 12 main chakras, several

The smaller chakras are located on the arms and legs. The twelve main chakras correspond to the twelve densities:

First chakra: (Red is the base of the spine) – The first chakra grounds the physical body. It deals with survival and reproduction.

Second chakra: (Orange - Genitals) - The second chakra is primarily concerned with sexuality and social interaction, including emotions related to sexuality and the need for approval from others.

Third chakra: (Yellow color - solar plexus) - The third chakra is the seat of will, intuition and desire, it deals with issues of personal power and competition.

Fourth chakra: (Green – Heart) – The fourth chakra is located in the etheric heart and represents balance and vitality. The spiritual heart emits a pink color and is sometimes considered a separate chakra.

Fifth chakra: (Blue - Throat) - The fifth chakra centers on the mental and conceptual area and deals with expression and communication.

Sixth chakra: (Indigo color - third eye - forehead) - The sixth chakra is the center of extrasensory perception and inner vision, represents the higher mind.

Seventh chakra: (Purple color - crown) - The seventh chakra is the passage between the physical and higher dimensions, it represents inspiration from spirit.

8th-12th chakras: (White color – above the crown) – The 8th to 12th chakras represent the subtle bodies and their connection with the spirit.

Healthy chakras emit natural colors and rotate like wheels in a clockwise direction. Unhealthy chakras are dull and do not rotate, and if they do rotate, it is counterclockwise. Chakras are focal points of energy in the etheric body, roughly corresponding to certain physical organs. For example, a problem in the third chakra is usually associated with the stomach and abdominal discomfort. If there are unresolved emotional problems, the solar plexus chakra is often not healthy, and diseases of the abdominal organs arise. To heal a disturbance in the etheric body, one must enter the subtle vibrations of the fifth dimension and cross the bridge to love.

Bridge to love

If the fourth dimension is the dimension of time and thought, the fifth dimension is love. Love begins in the fifth dimension, but is not limited to it. Time takes on a radically different meaning. Individuality still exists in the fifth dimension, but it is released through the creations of the mind. This is the sphere of the heart in which the expression: “I am your guardian brother” takes on meaning. Here it is clearly seen that all life is a reflection: I am in you, and you are in me. Our problems, our fears, our visions are shared by everyone, but we still remain unique multifaceted beings. We are still experiencing life, but we are not completely one with this experience.

A Course in Miracles4 calls the fifth dimension the “real world.” This is the world created

love and reflecting the higher heavenly spheres. Like the disciple gods, the love gods have their own playground - a happy and joyful place full of abundance and experiences shared by all.

Heart Opening

4 Helen Shakman. A Course in Miracles. Publishing house The Foundation for Inner Peace, 1999.

The culmination of earthly knowledge resides at the summit of the fourth dimension of the mind. Here all means of personal growth are mastered, all life experiences are explained, and all paths of time and space are seen from the perspective of mental understanding. Here live those who mastered time and space: great scientists and mathematicians. Here resides an educated and talented intellect, highly refined and aligned with psychic, intuitive and artistic abilities.

There comes a point in every soul's evolution when he or she moves into 4.99 density, the highest stage in the mental realm. But the leap into dimension 5.00 - fifth density (corresponding to the fifth dimension) - requires an opening of the heart.

Against the background of the big picture, this is a tiny leap, but stuck in the mind or time it seems so huge, since neither the wisdom of the Earth nor the exalted thought can touch love. Before the presence of love can gently lift the soul above karma, cause and effect, and all fourth dimensional phenomena, the ego and rational mind must disappear or become receptive.

True Unity

Unity of the heart is the inner unity of personal alignment and integration. You are still an individual soul evolving into a deity. True unity is only possible when you reach the fifth dimension. Up to this point, the process of evolution occurs more as a stripping and purification of the layers of the self until only the true essence remains.

Love has no formula, no magic wand, no method. The path to a quantum leap in the heart opens only when the soul gains purification and understanding.

The heart is the center. When you are centered and all parts of the self are aligned, it is finally realized: your eternal soul is an individual spark of God. And in the love, light and bliss of the fifth dimension, a new song is heard, a song of songs, a song from the realm of timelessness, where words can never reach.

The transition from the fifth dimension to the sixth is soft and rapid. Suddenly, time takes on a completely different meaning, and the memory of eternity returns. This is accompanied by the realization that eternity never left, only your awareness of it left.

Sixth Dimension: Plane of the Soul

The sixth dimension is often called the plane of the soul because it is the true home of the soul. This is where eternity begins. Without beginning and without end, a sea of ​​love spreads throughout the Universe, calling everyone to join the union and unity. There is no ego or personality in the sixth dimension. This is one Self, one soul, immersed in the world of dance, vibrating light and pure consciousness. “You” and “I” still exist, but not in the sense of separation. Everything is connected to everything.

The plane of the soul is the highest level of individuality. In this realm, the pure essence, the Self or soul, develops into a larger and larger universe. Gradually she learns to create new universes.

Although the soul can and often does merge with other souls, it remains a complete, unique reality within itself, a holographic image of God. A fully developed soul can create an infinite variety of life forms, each of which is a holographic representation of that soul.

Causal Plan

The causal plane is the collective creation of individual souls. It contains the Akashic Records and the building blocks of the etheric plane. Artist-seers see it as a crystalline world of perfect beauty. Causal spheres resemble a control panel for the worlds of time and space. A tiny adjustment in the crystalline structure of the causal plane can create radical shifts throughout the entire time-space continuum. This plane contains the very fabric, the very essence of evolution.

It is to the causal plane that highly evolved souls come between incarnations to reconsider their progress in evolution. In this vantage point, the entire timeline of evolution stretches out before them. They can decide where on the timeline to incarnate next, depending on the lessons that still need to be learned in time and space.

Spiritual guidance comes from the starry spheres above him. These are spheres of enormous intelligence and wisdom, the home of the oversoul. But before we look at the oversoul, let me touch on another topic dear to my heart.


For me, music is the way to the soul. Certain passages of music can immediately lift me above time and space and even above the heart and take me to the essence of timelessness of life itself - to the plane of the soul.

Before my current incarnation, I existed in the aura of the planet Venus and attended the mystery schools and initiation temples located there. This is one of the places where individual souls come between incarnations to receive guidance from higher dimensions. I still remember the music of Venus and the incredible beauty of the worlds of the sixth dimension, and this inspires my music.

Today I have several recordings of music coming from the plane of the soul. Every time I listen to one of them, the love and ecstasy of Venus comes back and fills my heart. I included this music in the Appendix.