What moon will it be on February 11th? Secrets of the lunar calendar: all about the full moon, its influence, rituals and getting rid of unnecessary things. Waxing Moon in Virgo

The Full Moon is the culmination of the entire lunar month. This is one of the most important days because it contains a huge amount of energy that must be properly directed and used.

February 11 will be another dangerous day, but not so much because the Moon is at its extreme point, but because it will be “helped” by the constellation Leo. This is a rather dangerous combination. Our situation will be further aggravated by the fact that this Full Moon will be accompanied by a lunar eclipse - the first in 2017. Stay calm and follow the advice of astrologers so as not to lose control of the situation.

Finance, business and career according to the lunar calendar

The Full Moon obliges you to be extremely careful when concluding important transactions. This also applies to the financial side - avoid expensive purchases on February 11th. Today, the energy waves of the space around you will change chaotically and erratically, but rationalism and calmness will help you successfully cope with all matters even in this unstable period.

Your money won't go anywhere if you don't throw it away. Today it is better not to borrow or lend money. Astrologers recommend using the help of only the most faithful and trusted people, since hidden competitors will not miss the chance to betray you and profit from your misfortune.

A lion under a full moon is a symbol of the necessary caution. This constellation provokes us into adventures that have no place on February 11th. Leo's philosophy is that if you are lucky, then you should continue in the same spirit. If there is even a small amount of doubt, then there is no need to take risks. The lunar eclipse aggravates the situation. It will be semi-shadow, so its power will not shake the world, but will cause a lot of trouble. Don’t go out of your way and don’t give in to momentary weaknesses on this day, then nothing will deprive you of the minimum necessary luck.

Love and relationships February 11

Leo is quite self-centered, so many people may have a desire to be the center of attention. It is better to resist this feeling: an irresistible thirst for publicity can ruin your luck, because you will find peace and salvation from troubles only in solitude. Don't brag about your achievements or show them off - modesty will be your best way to maintain your luck with people and love.

Because of Leo, quarrels with loved ones and misunderstandings with colleagues, friends, and partners are also likely. Try to build any friendly, family, business and love relationships on diplomacy. If you see a real chance to mend some strained or outdated relationships, then try to take advantage of it. Leo will give you strength and good luck for this.

Full moon and eclipse are not the best times to find your soulmate. Relationships started during such a period are likely to last very short. The point is that if you feel like there is some kind of connection between you and someone else, then it is the full moon that is causing you to go down the wrong path. Try to wait until the next day - if the craving for a person does not fade away, then this really is your destiny and your chance to find love or friendship.

Mood and health during the Full Moon

It's time to talk about how this Full Moon will affect your well-being and mood. On February 11, new, previously unknown ailments may appear. They won't come out of nowhere. You just didn't notice them before. It is during the Full Moon that people realize that they have a toothache or aching bones. Fortunately, no magnetic storms are expected.

As for the mood, it will be unstable. Leo will only make things worse by making you think you will get through this without consequences. To solve this problem on such a dangerous day as February 11, astrologers advise not to set goals that are doomed to failure or require large investments on your part.

An eclipse will make you see only the negative in everything. Learn to look for a share of beauty even in failures and mistakes, because without this our life would be incomplete. Only those who will not accept defeats, but will be able to analyze them and draw conclusions, will be able to become stronger. Tell yourself often that everything is going as it should.

Positive affirmations, which are aimed at creating positive attitudes in your mind, will help you stay afloat. Try to start this day correctly so that later everything goes like clockwork, because it is always easier to do something right right away rather than restore broken hopes. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.02.2017 15:40

Lunar and solar eclipses, from the point of view of the Vedas, have an adverse effect on humans. During the eclipse...

Only in September we worked with the eclipse corridor and now the new one opens its doors a few days before February 11th.

The lunar penumbral eclipse itself will occur on February 11, 2017 at 02:44 Kyiv time (UM+2).

Day of the week: Saturday. Patron Archangel Cassiel.

15th lunar day. Symbol of the day: Jackal, Fire Serpent.

Second full moon of the year. Moon of Protection and Rowan. Goddess Brigid.

27 sunny day. Symbol of the day: Sky.

The motto of this lunar eclipse is:

The desire for implementation is aimed at the future.

Remove what prevents you from seeing your goals and opportunities.

Harmonious relationships with the outside world.

Now let's take a closer look at what to pay attention to during this period.

The lunar eclipse will occur on the 15th lunar day, when the universe tempts us to indulge our instincts and animal nature, testing our readiness for the highest mission of being human. Therefore, despite the riot of instinctive reactions on this day, it is better to show strength of spirit through patience, humility and peacefulness.

It’s good to pay off your debts today, especially if you’ve been asked to do so.

On this day it is better to pray outdoors and look at the stars. Take this into account in your practice.

The assistant stone for this eclipse is lapis lazuli.

If you find a key on this day, then changes for the better and the acquisition of your own home await you.

What nuances in performing practices on this day should be taken into account:

First of all, think in advance to see what limits you in your movement forward in development in all areas. This includes career, personal life and finances.

Pay special attention to where you are tempted by offering dubious deals, not only socially, but also on the level of betraying your dreams. Reflect on where you may be betraying yourself and your path.

When considering the sphere of money, remember that financial flows are needed not only to satisfy your own, sometimes inflated, needs, but to develop and achieve financial independence. Look for new ways in business, think about what people might need in the future and how to implement it.

And show generosity on this day, then the universe will be generous to you.

At the personal level, during an eclipse it will be possible to remove the fear of being oneself, the fear of revealing one’s own individuality and originality.

At the highest level, one can ask for the veil of ignorance to be removed and to be given in return greater wisdom and clarity. Open the way to awakening. But if there is religious and philosophical dogmatism present, then it will work the other way around and close the path.

When removing obstacles to achieving your goal, remember that during this eclipse only high goals will give the support and cooperation of the universe.

In your personal life, you can remove what is blocking the meeting of your “star” partner. But “star partner” does not mean “prince.” This is someone with whom it is easy to follow the path, helping each other in development.

Please note that when performing the practice, a conflict may arise between the will and subconscious motives. Check for truth. Test ahead of time and identify instinctive reactions to make informed choices.

If you are under the influence of a very domineering mother, then now is the time to find a compromise and become independent.

During this eclipse, it is very important to adhere to an ethical and moral code towards other people and towards yourself. Be careful to remove automatic limitations and instinctive reactions. This is one of the most important keys during this period, for Saturn in the first house does not sleep. And any violation can be punished with psychosomatic diseases in the future.

If you teach and teach, this is a great time to share knowledge and pass on information to those who ask for it.

You need to approach practice these days thoroughly, checking in advance the truth of your requests and thoroughly preparing. Clear, precise and scrupulous in form, but based on intuition at the core.

The lunar eclipse on February 11 will bring changes to those born from February 8 to 14 and August 11 to 16. But which ones will depend on the practice of elaboration

Let me summarize:

If you want to keep up with the times, then during this eclipse, remove everything that blocks harmonious relationships in society, including family, relatives and neighbors. Everything that limits business travel, obtaining new information and improving skills.

Allow yourself to see opportunities to change ideals and goals, get a higher education, expand the boundaries that prevent you from realizing your potential and your mission. Throw away everything that prevents you from being a bright individual, aware of your own dignity, but without violating the moral and ethical laws of interaction in society.

And most importantly, this eclipse can help me see and find out WHO I WANT TO BE!

This applies to the whole world.

It is important that it is precisely this corridor of eclipses on February 24 that falls1st of Take advantage of the moment when you can turn to your heavenly helper and protector.

I remind you that in the eclipse corridor, which begins a few days before the lunar eclipse, it is advisable to start keeping a diary. In it, note everything that “hooked” you and aroused strong feelings throughout the entire eclipse corridor. This will be exactly what needs to be removed in the practice of the 30th lunar day before the solar eclipse on February 26th.

Successful practices and awareness on the Path.

Eugenie McQueen © 2016

Today is not one, but 3 important astronomical events!

We are waiting for the February full moon, called the "Snow Moon", a lunar eclipse and a comet. Each of these 3 events is great on its own, but it’s even cooler when they happen at the same time!

A powerful energy shift awaits us all. This is how it usually happens.

The eclipse will be visible from North America, Europe, Africa and much of Asia, weather permitting. During the eclipse, the Moon will be in a thin, silvery darkness as the Earth's shadow falls on it.

Lunar eclipses occur when the Sun, Earth and Moon line up in a specific order. When the Moon passes behind our planet, the Earth's shadow falls on it and it becomes much darker.

However, this will be a penumbral lunar eclipse rather than a total or partial eclipse, so the moon will only be slightly in the planet's shadow.

The February full moon is traditionally called the "Snow Moon" because February is the coldest and snowiest month, with the most snowfalls.

However, even more interesting are the consequences of the “Snow Moon” and the lunar eclipse that occurs in the constellation Leo.

Such celestial events are a great time for change and new beginnings, and the resulting energy shift will greatly impact people's lives. And while this beautiful eclipse may be fleeting, we will all be feeling the effects in the coming weeks and months!

Here's how this lunar eclipse could affect you:

Many of us will set new goals for ourselves and determine which direction to move in.

Eclipses are always periods of major changes, especially if they occur in the sign of Leo. The fiery, passionate, dominant traits of a noble and courageous leader that Leo embodies will manifest itself in even the most timid people.

This will help many people finally gain control over their lives and their future.

Many of us will stop worrying so much about what other people think. We will simply believe in the path we have chosen and move forward.

If in the past we were stopped by the opinions and judgments of other people, now such things will not have a negative impact.

Along with the shift in energy, there will be a shift in our thinking, and we will begin to make decisions on our own.

Many people will become more confident, aware of their choices and begin to listen to their intuition.

This will be possible due to a major reorientation in our self-awareness. We will become more balanced and self-centered. As a result, we will become much happier and more enlightened.

Many of us will find that some things are finally coming to an end.

This is the effect of all lunar eclipses, and it can manifest itself in any area of ​​our lives.

Perhaps you'll end a relationship that has run its course and be able to move on, or finish a project you've been working on for years.

But no matter what ends up in your life, you will feel great and be able to move on to something bigger and better.

Overall, lunar events mark the beginning of a whole series of transformations that will take place in the new year that has just begun!

Plus, we'll finally see the comet this weekend. This particular comet is called Comet 45P/Honda-Mrkos-Paidushakova. It was discovered in 1948 by astronomers Minoru Honda, Antonin Mrkos and Lyudmila Paidushakova.

The comet appears every 5 and a quarter years. This comet is called "New Year's Day" because it began moving across the sky at the end of 2016.

You'll be better able to see her on Saturday. So, don't forget to look at the skies this weekend!

The entire calendar month is accompanied by fluctuations in lunar activity, which, depending on one or another, increases or decreases. The lunar calendar for February 2017 will tell you when the full moon and the waning moon are. It will also help you plan your work and personal life.

February is a great start for those who want to start 2017 in a new way. The lunar cycle will help determine the favorable time for certain things.

When is the full moon in February 2017 in Ukraine, Kyiv time

The influence of the heavenly body is most acutely felt when the Moon is full. In February 2017, the full moon will take place on February 11 at 02:33 Kiev time.

Astrologers say that it is during this period that all the accumulated negativity can affect others. It is extremely important to take control of your emotions. This period is accompanied by imbalance, which can cause rash and, as a result, erroneous actions. The energy of the full moon is so strong that sometimes it seems that everything is literally falling out of your hands, and reasonable and rational thoughts, no matter how much you would like, simply “don’t get into your head.” Therefore, it is better to try to control your emotional impulses, especially on the eve.

Penumbral lunar eclipse in February 2017

On the night of February 10-11, the world will receive the opportunity, which is considered a particularly strong energetic full moon. It is noted that this is the first eclipse of 2017. Experts say that visually this phenomenon will be a penumbral lunar eclipse, which means that the Moon will not disappear from the sky and will not become completely dark.

During the full moon, it is better to reduce physical activity and not engage in other increased activity, since during this period heavy loads cause the opposite effect - you were expecting a surge of energy, but you got fatigue, worsening mood, and the appearance of blues. Therefore, on full moon days, it is better to replace intense exercise in the gym with yoga or swimming.

During the period of the full moon, it is better not to take on complex tasks and not start new ones - this is far from the best moment to show initiative.

When the Moon enters the full moon phase, it is useful to drink more fluids, but not alcohol - water or freshly squeezed juices. It is also better to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet, and it is advisable to refuse meat during the full moon. Fermented milk products also have a good effect on the body at this time.

When is the waning moon in January 2017

The Moon enters its waning phase after the full moon. In February 2017, the Moon will be waning from February 12 to February 25. This time is considered a period of restructuring, internal and external cleansing.

When the Moon wanes, our activity decreases and the desire to engage in any activities disappears. In other words, a loss of strength occurs when you don’t feel like being active at all. Therefore, during this period, astrologers recommend not to rush, but to do your job calmly and measuredly, without sudden fluctuations. Also, do not forget that during this period we spend our energy intensively, so it is better to spend our strength wisely.

Do not neglect the advice of experts, because living in harmony with the “capricious” Moon will allow you to maintain your health and nervous system at a stable level.

Latitude: 55.75, Longitude: 37.62 Time zone: Europe/Moscow (UTC+03:00) Moon phase calculation for 02/1/2017 (12:00) To calculate the phase of the moon for your city, register or log in.

Characteristics of the Moon on February 11, 2017

As of date 11.02.2017 V 12:00 The moon is in phase “Full Moon (coming on 02/11/2017 at 03:34)”. This 15th lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Leo ♌. Illumination percentage Moon is 100%. Sunrise Moon at 18:06, and sunset at 08:08.

Chronology of lunar days

  • 15th lunar day from 16:50 02/10/2017 to 18:06 02/11/2017
  • 16th lunar day from 18:06 02/11/2017 until the next day

The influence of the moon February 11, 2017

Moon in the zodiac sign Leo (±)

Moon in a sign Lion. The Moon in Leo favors all energetic and effective undertakings: from organizing sports or cultural events to a corporate party aimed at uniting the team for fruitful cooperation.

Many people are drawn to communication and entertainment. These days, almost all entertainment establishments receive a stable income. This is especially true for casinos, betting shops and slot machine halls, since the moon in Leo brings a penchant for adventure and increases reckless risk-taking.

For the same reason, it is worth postponing all serious financial matters related to large funds. To avoid losses, you should not formalize transactions with real estate, shares or sign serious contracts. Most people on this day show a tendency to inflated self-esteem and the tendency to flattery becomes more acute than ever.

15th lunar day (−)

February 11, 2017 at 12:00 - 15th lunar day. Day of temptation. Events depend on which path you take, and your reactions to them determine which direction the path of fate will lead you. There is a very high probability of complications in relationships with those close to you.

Full Moon (−)

The moon is in phase Full Moon. The Full Moon has the most significant impact on all life on Earth. The bleeding of wounds increases, chronic diseases remind themselves, and mental disorders worsen.

During the full moon period, the maximum birth rate of children is observed. Excessive impulsiveness in communication appears, and the craving for negative thinking and alcohol consumption increases.

On the other hand, this is the most ideal time to collect medicinal herbs, since their healing properties are maximum at this moment.

Day of week influence (±)

Day of the week - Saturday, this day falls under the influence of Saturn, a planet with strong, heavy energy, in charge of work and learning.

On this day, it is best to start resolving the tasks that have accumulated over the week, making plans for the following days, figuratively speaking, unraveling the knots that have arisen. Estimates of upcoming costs, as well as business plans drawn up on Saturday, most often turn out to be successful.

Try to hold business meetings on Saturday, never postpone them until Sunday.