Vortex electric field is a phenomenon of self-induction. Vortex electric field. Lenz's rule. Self-induction. Inductance. Law of Electromagnetic Induction

How does electromotive force arise in a conductor that is in an alternating magnetic field? What is a vortex electric field, its nature and causes of its occurrence? What are the main properties of this field? Today's lesson will answer all these and many other questions.

Topic: Electromagnetic induction

Lesson:Vortex electric field

Let us remember that Lenz's rule allows us to determine the direction of the induced current in a circuit located in an external magnetic field with an alternating flux. Based on this rule, it was possible to formulate the law of electromagnetic induction.

Law of Electromagnetic Induction

When the magnetic flux penetrating the area of ​​the circuit changes, an electromotive force appears in this circuit, numerically equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux, taken with a minus sign.

How does this electromotive force arise? It turns out that the EMF in a conductor that is in an alternating magnetic field is associated with the emergence of a new object - vortex electric field.

Let's consider experience. There is a coil of copper wire in which an iron core is inserted in order to enhance the magnetic field of the coil. The coil is connected through conductors to an alternating current source. There is also a coil of wire placed on a wooden base. An electric light bulb is connected to this coil. The wire material is covered with insulation. The base of the coil is made of wood, i.e., a material that does not conduct electric current. The coil frame is also made of wood. Thus, any possibility of contact of the light bulb with the circuit connected to the current source is eliminated. When the source is closed, the light bulb lights up, therefore, an electric current flows in the coil, which means that external forces do work in this coil. It is necessary to find out where outside forces come from.

A magnetic field penetrating the plane of a coil cannot cause the appearance of an electric field, since the magnetic field acts only on moving charges. According to the electronic theory of conductivity of metals, there are electrons inside them that can move freely within the crystal lattice. However, this movement in the absence of an external electric field is random. Such disorder leads to the fact that the total effect of the magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor is zero. This distinguishes the electromagnetic field from the electrostatic field, which also acts on stationary charges. Thus, the electric field acts on moving and stationary charges. However, the type of electric field that was studied earlier is created only by electric charges. The induced current, in turn, is created by an alternating magnetic field.

Suppose that the electrons in a conductor are set into ordered motion under the influence of some new kind of electric field. And this electric field is generated not by electric charges, but by an alternating magnetic field. Faraday and Maxwell came to a similar idea. The main thing in this idea is that a time-varying magnetic field generates an electric one. A conductor with free electrons in it makes it possible to detect this field. This electric field sets the electrons in the conductor in motion. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction consists not so much in the appearance of an induction current, but in the appearance of a new type of electric field that sets in motion electric charges in a conductor (Fig. 1).

The vortex field differs from the static one. It is not generated by stationary charges, therefore, the intensity lines of this field cannot begin and end on the charge. According to research, the vortex field intensity lines are closed lines similar to the magnetic field induction lines. Consequently, this electric field is a vortex - the same as a magnetic field.

The second property concerns the work of the forces of this new field. By studying the electrostatic field, we found out that the work done by the forces of the electrostatic field along a closed loop is zero. Since when a charge moves in one direction, the displacement and the effective force are co-directed and the work is positive, then when the charge moves in the opposite direction, the displacement and the effective force are oppositely directed and the work is negative, the total work will be zero. In the case of a vortex field, the work along a closed loop will be different from zero. So, when a charge moves along a closed line of an electric field that has a vortex character, the work in different sections will maintain a constant sign, since the force and displacement in different sections of the trajectory will maintain the same direction relative to each other. The work of the forces of the vortex electric field to move a charge along a closed loop is non-zero, therefore, the vortex electric field can generate an electric current in a closed loop, which coincides with the results of the experiment. Then we can say that the force acting on the charges from the vortex field is equal to the product of the transferred charge and the strength of this field.

This force is the external force that does the work. The work done by this force, related to the amount of charge transferred, is the induced emf. The direction of the vortex electric field intensity vector at each point of the intensity lines is determined by Lenz's rule and coincides with the direction of the induction current.

In a stationary circuit located in an alternating magnetic field, an induced electric current arises. The magnetic field itself cannot be a source of external forces, since it can only act on orderly moving electric charges. There cannot be an electrostatic field, since it is generated by stationary charges. After the assumption that a time-varying magnetic field generates an electric field, we learned that this alternating field is of a vortex nature, i.e. its lines are closed. The work of the vortex electric field along a closed loop is different from zero. The force acting on the transferred charge from the vortex electric field is equal to the magnitude of this transferred charge multiplied by the intensity of the vortex electric field. This force is the external force that leads to the occurrence of EMF in the circuit. The electromotive force of induction, i.e. the ratio of the work of external forces to the amount of transferred charge, is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux taken with a minus sign. The direction of the vortex electric field intensity vector at each point of the intensity lines is determined by Lenz's rule.

  1. Kasyanov V.A., Physics 11th grade: Textbook. for general education institutions. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2004. - 416 pp.: ill., 8 l. color on
  2. Gendenstein L.E., Dick Yu.I., Physics 11. - M.: Mnemosyne.
  3. Tikhomirova S.A., Yarovsky B.M., Physics 11. - M.: Mnemosyne.
  1. Electronic physics textbook ().
  2. Cool physics ().
  3. Xvatit.com ().
  1. How to explain the fact that a lightning strike can melt fuses and damage sensitive electrical appliances and semiconductor devices?
  2. * When the ring was opened, a self-induction emf of 300 V arose in the coil. What is the intensity of the vortex electric field in the coil turns, if their number is 800, and the radius of the turns is 4 cm?

Electric current in a circuit is possible if external forces act on the free charges of the conductor. The work done by these forces to move a single positive charge along a closed loop is called emf. When the magnetic flux changes through the surface limited by the contour, extraneous forces appear in the circuit, the action of which is characterized by the induced emf.

Considering the direction of the induction current, according to Lenz's rule:

The induced emf in a closed loop is equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux through the surface bounded by the loop, taken with the opposite sign.

Why? - because the induced current counteracts the change in the magnetic flux, the induced emf and the rate of change of the magnetic flux have different signs.

If we consider not a single circuit, but a coil, where N is the number of turns in the coil:

where R is the conductor resistance.


The reason for the occurrence of electric current in a stationary conductor is the electric field.
Any change in the magnetic field generates an inductive electric field, regardless of the presence or absence of a closed circuit, and if the conductor is open, then a potential difference arises at its ends; If the conductor is closed, then an induced current is observed in it.

The inductive electric field is vortex.
The direction of the vortex electric field lines coincides with the direction of the induction current
An inductive electric field has completely different properties compared to an electrostatic field.

Electrostatic field- is created by stationary electric charges, the field lines are open - - potential field, the sources of the field are electric charges, the work of the field forces to move the test charge along a closed path is 0

Induction electric field (vortex electric field)- caused by changes in the magnetic field, the lines of force are closed (vortex field), the field sources cannot be specified, the work of the field forces to move the test charge along a closed path is equal to the induced emf.

Eddy currents

Induction currents in massive conductors are called Foucault currents. Foucault currents can reach very large values, because The resistance of massive conductors is low. Therefore, transformer cores are made from insulated plates.
In ferrites - magnetic insulators, eddy currents practically do not arise.

Use of eddy currents

Heating and melting of metals in a vacuum, dampers in electrical measuring instruments.

Harmful effects of eddy currents

These are energy losses in the cores of transformers and generators due to the release of large amounts of heat.

Electromagnetic field - Cool physics

For the curious

Click beetle somersault

If you tickle a click beetle lying on its back, it jumps up 25 centimeters, and a loud click is heard. Nonsense, you might say.
But, indeed, the bug, without the help of its legs, makes a push with an initial acceleration of 400 g, and then turns over in the air and lands on its legs. 400 g - amazing!
Even more surprising is that the power developed during the push is one hundred times greater than the power that any of the bug's muscles can provide. How does a bug manage to develop such enormous power?
How often is he able to make his amazing leaps? What is the limitation on the frequency of their repetition?

Turns out...
When the bug is lying upside down, a special protrusion on the front of its body prevents it from straightening up to make a jump. For some time he accumulates muscle tension, then, bending sharply, throws himself up.
Before the bug can jump again, it must slowly "tense" its muscles again.

Lenz's rule (1883)the induction current excited in a closed loop when the magnetic flux changes is always directed in such a way that the magnetic field it creates prevents the change in the magnetic flux causing the induced current.

Lenz's experience

Description of the experience:a closed ring is repelled by a magnet if it is pushed into the ring, and attracted if the magnet is pulled out.

The movement of the ring is due to magnetic field of induction current.

Application of Lenz's rule

Example Magnet moves to the right (moves into the circuit)

1. Determine the direction of the external field linesB.

2. Determine whether the magnetic flux increases or decreases through


3. Determine the direction of the induction magnetic fieldB i

If the magnetic flux increases,B i directed againstB, compensating for this increase. If the magnetic flux decreases,B i the same direction asB, compensating for this decrease.

    Using the gimlet rule, determine the direction of the induction current.

Vortex electric field

The reason for the appearance of induced emf in a closed loop when the magnetic flux changes is emergencevortex electric field in any region of space where there is an alternating magnetic field. – Maxwell's hypothesis. Vortex field lines closed.

Let us list the properties of the fields known to us

1. Electrostatic, occurs wherever there is electricity. charges. Lines of force begin and end at charges. Potential, i.e. closed loop work is zero. tension, potential.

2. Current field – magnetic, vortex, work along a closed loop is not zero. The current flows in the direction of decreasing potential. The field acts only on moving charges.

3. Vortex electric field. Works on any charges. Work in a closed loop is equal to the induced emf. The induced emf is determined by Faraday's law.

    1. Self-induction. Inductance

Self-induction is an important special case

electromagnetic induction when changing

magnetic flux causing induced emf,

is created current in the circuit itself.

In any circuit through which current flows,

arises magnetic field. Field lines of this field

permeate all surrounding space, including intersecting the area of ​​the contour itself.

The magnetic flux that is caused by the current in this very circuit is called own magnetic flux.

Since magnetic flux is proportional magnetic field induction, its own magnetic flux is proportional to the current strength in the circuit

Therefore, we can introduce a proportionality coefficient

Proportionality factorLbetween the self-magnetic flux in the circuit and the current strength in it is called the inductance of the circuit.

The inductance of the conductor depends on size, shape of the conductor, magnetic properties of the medium.

The unit of inductance is called Henry

Magnetic flux Ф= BS cos. A change in the magnetic flux through the circuit can occur: 1) in the case of a stationary conducting circuit placed in a time-varying field; 2) in the case of a conductor moving in a magnetic field, which may not change over time. The value of the induced emf in both cases is determined by the law of electromagnetic induction, but the origin of this emf is different.

Let us first consider the first case of the occurrence of an induction current. Let's place a circular wire coil of radius r in a time-varying uniform magnetic field (Fig. 2.8).

Let the magnetic field induction increase, then the magnetic flux through the surface limited by the coil will increase with time. According to the law of electromagnetic induction, an induced current will appear in the coil. When the magnetic field induction changes according to a linear law, the induction current will be constant.

What forces make the charges in the coil move? The magnetic field itself, penetrating the coil, cannot do this, since the magnetic field acts exclusively on moving charges (this is how it differs from the electric one), and the conductor with the electrons in it is motionless.

In addition to the magnetic field, charges, both moving and stationary, are also affected by an electric field. But those fields that have been discussed so far (electrostatic or stationary) are created by electric charges, and the induced current appears as a result of the action of a changing magnetic field. Therefore, we can assume that electrons in a stationary conductor are driven by an electric field, and this field is directly generated by a changing magnetic field. This establishes a new fundamental property of the field: changing over time, the magnetic field generates an electric field. This conclusion was first reached by J. Maxwell.

Now the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction appears before us in a new light. The main thing in it is the process of generating an electric field by a magnetic field. In this case, the presence of a conducting circuit, for example a coil, does not change the essence of the process. A conductor with a supply of free electrons (or other particles) plays the role of a device: it only allows one to detect the emerging electric field.

The field sets electrons in motion in the conductor and thereby reveals itself. The essence of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in a stationary conductor is not so much the appearance of an induction current, but rather the appearance of an electric field that sets electric charges in motion.

The electric field that arises when the magnetic field changes has a completely different nature than the electrostatic one.

It is not directly connected with electric charges, and its lines of tension cannot begin and end on them. They do not begin or end anywhere at all, but are closed lines, similar to magnetic field induction lines. This is the so called vortex electric field(Fig. 2.9).

The faster the magnetic induction changes, the greater the electric field strength. According to Lenz's rule, with increasing magnetic induction, the direction of the electric field intensity vector forms a left screw with the direction of the vector. This means that when a screw with a left-hand thread rotates in the direction of the electric field strength lines, the translational movement of the screw coincides with the direction of the magnetic induction vector. On the contrary, when the magnetic induction decreases, the direction of the intensity vector forms a right screw with the direction of the vector.

The direction of the tension lines coincides with the direction of the induction current. The force acting from the vortex electric field on the charge q (external force) is still equal to = q. But in contrast to the case of a stationary electric field, the work of the vortex field in moving the charge q along a closed path is not zero. Indeed, when a charge moves along a closed line of electric field strength, the work on all sections of the path has the same sign, since the force and movement coincide in direction. The work of a vortex electric field when moving a single positive charge along a closed stationary conductor is numerically equal to the induced emf in this conductor.

Induction currents in massive conductors. Induction currents reach a particularly large numerical value in massive conductors, due to the fact that their resistance is low.

Such currents, called Foucault currents after the French physicist who studied them, can be used to heat conductors. The design of induction furnaces, such as microwave ovens used in everyday life, is based on this principle. This principle is also used for melting metals. In addition, the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is used in metal detectors installed at the entrances to airport terminal buildings, theaters, etc.

However, in many devices the occurrence of Foucault currents leads to useless and even unwanted energy losses due to heat generation. Therefore, the iron cores of transformers, electric motors, generators, etc. are not made solid, but consist of separate plates isolated from each other. The surfaces of the plates must be perpendicular to the direction of the vortex electric field strength vector. The resistance to electric current of the plates will be maximum, and the heat generation will be minimal.

Application of ferrites. Electronic equipment operates in the region of very high frequencies (millions of vibrations per second). Here, the use of coil cores from separate plates no longer gives the desired effect, since large Foucault currents arise in each plate.

During magnetization reversal, eddy currents do not arise in ferrites. As a result, energy losses due to heat generation in them are minimized. Therefore, cores of high-frequency transformers, magnetic antennas of transistors, etc. are made from ferrites. Ferrite cores are made from a mixture of powders of starting substances. The mixture is pressed and subjected to significant heat treatment.

With a rapid change in the magnetic field in an ordinary ferromagnet, induction currents arise, the magnetic field of which, in accordance with Lenz's rule, prevents a change in the magnetic flux in the coil core. Because of this, the magnetic induction flux remains virtually unchanged and the core does not remagnetize. In ferrites, eddy currents are very small, so they can be quickly remagnetized.

Along with the potential Coulomb electric field, there is a vortex electric field. The intensity lines of this field are closed. The vortex field is generated by a changing magnetic field.

How does electromotive force arise in a conductor that is in an alternating magnetic field? What is a vortex electric field, its nature and causes of its occurrence? What are the main properties of this field? Today's lesson will answer all these and many other questions.

Topic: Electromagnetic induction

Lesson:Vortex electric field

Let us remember that Lenz's rule allows us to determine the direction of the induced current in a circuit located in an external magnetic field with an alternating flux. Based on this rule, it was possible to formulate the law of electromagnetic induction.

Law of Electromagnetic Induction

When the magnetic flux penetrating the area of ​​the circuit changes, an electromotive force appears in this circuit, numerically equal to the rate of change of the magnetic flux, taken with a minus sign.

How does this electromotive force arise? It turns out that the EMF in a conductor that is in an alternating magnetic field is associated with the emergence of a new object - vortex electric field.

Let's consider experience. There is a coil of copper wire in which an iron core is inserted in order to enhance the magnetic field of the coil. The coil is connected through conductors to an alternating current source. There is also a coil of wire placed on a wooden base. An electric light bulb is connected to this coil. The wire material is covered with insulation. The base of the coil is made of wood, i.e., a material that does not conduct electric current. The coil frame is also made of wood. Thus, any possibility of contact of the light bulb with the circuit connected to the current source is eliminated. When the source is closed, the light bulb lights up, therefore, an electric current flows in the coil, which means that external forces do work in this coil. It is necessary to find out where outside forces come from.

A magnetic field penetrating the plane of a coil cannot cause the appearance of an electric field, since the magnetic field acts only on moving charges. According to the electronic theory of conductivity of metals, there are electrons inside them that can move freely within the crystal lattice. However, this movement in the absence of an external electric field is random. Such disorder leads to the fact that the total effect of the magnetic field on a current-carrying conductor is zero. This distinguishes the electromagnetic field from the electrostatic field, which also acts on stationary charges. Thus, the electric field acts on moving and stationary charges. However, the type of electric field that was studied earlier is created only by electric charges. The induced current, in turn, is created by an alternating magnetic field.

Suppose that the electrons in a conductor are set into ordered motion under the influence of some new kind of electric field. And this electric field is generated not by electric charges, but by an alternating magnetic field. Faraday and Maxwell came to a similar idea. The main thing in this idea is that a time-varying magnetic field generates an electric one. A conductor with free electrons in it makes it possible to detect this field. This electric field sets the electrons in the conductor in motion. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction consists not so much in the appearance of an induction current, but in the appearance of a new type of electric field that sets in motion electric charges in a conductor (Fig. 1).

The vortex field differs from the static one. It is not generated by stationary charges, therefore, the intensity lines of this field cannot begin and end on the charge. According to research, the vortex field intensity lines are closed lines similar to the magnetic field induction lines. Consequently, this electric field is a vortex - the same as a magnetic field.

The second property concerns the work of the forces of this new field. By studying the electrostatic field, we found out that the work done by the forces of the electrostatic field along a closed loop is zero. Since when a charge moves in one direction, the displacement and the effective force are co-directed and the work is positive, then when the charge moves in the opposite direction, the displacement and the effective force are oppositely directed and the work is negative, the total work will be zero. In the case of a vortex field, the work along a closed loop will be different from zero. So, when a charge moves along a closed line of an electric field that has a vortex character, the work in different sections will maintain a constant sign, since the force and displacement in different sections of the trajectory will maintain the same direction relative to each other. The work of the forces of the vortex electric field to move a charge along a closed loop is non-zero, therefore, the vortex electric field can generate an electric current in a closed loop, which coincides with the results of the experiment. Then we can say that the force acting on the charges from the vortex field is equal to the product of the transferred charge and the strength of this field.

This force is the external force that does the work. The work done by this force, related to the amount of charge transferred, is the induced emf. The direction of the vortex electric field intensity vector at each point of the intensity lines is determined by Lenz's rule and coincides with the direction of the induction current.

In a stationary circuit located in an alternating magnetic field, an induced electric current arises. The magnetic field itself cannot be a source of external forces, since it can only act on orderly moving electric charges. There cannot be an electrostatic field, since it is generated by stationary charges. After the assumption that a time-varying magnetic field generates an electric field, we learned that this alternating field is of a vortex nature, i.e. its lines are closed. The work of the vortex electric field along a closed loop is different from zero. The force acting on the transferred charge from the vortex electric field is equal to the magnitude of this transferred charge multiplied by the intensity of the vortex electric field. This force is the external force that leads to the occurrence of EMF in the circuit. The electromotive force of induction, i.e. the ratio of the work of external forces to the amount of transferred charge, is equal to the rate of change of magnetic flux taken with a minus sign. The direction of the vortex electric field intensity vector at each point of the intensity lines is determined by Lenz's rule.

  1. Kasyanov V.A., Physics 11th grade: Textbook. for general education institutions. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2004. - 416 pp.: ill., 8 l. color on
  2. Gendenstein L.E., Dick Yu.I., Physics 11. - M.: Mnemosyne.
  3. Tikhomirova S.A., Yarovsky B.M., Physics 11. - M.: Mnemosyne.
  1. Electronic physics textbook ().
  2. Cool physics ().
  3. Xvatit.com ().
  1. How to explain the fact that a lightning strike can melt fuses and damage sensitive electrical appliances and semiconductor devices?
  2. * When the ring was opened, a self-induction emf of 300 V arose in the coil. What is the intensity of the vortex electric field in the coil turns, if their number is 800, and the radius of the turns is 4 cm?