Diver 5. Education. II. Additional professional education

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. A lot has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

The professional holiday Diver's Day is celebrated in Russia on May 5. Petitions and petitions from representatives of diving organizations contributed to the Russian government deciding to establish this day.

History of the Diver's Day holiday

This holiday, Diver's Day, was created in 2002. On this day in Kronstadt in 1882, the world's first diving school was opened. This was done by order of Emperor Alexander III.

At that time, there were no analogues of such schools in the world, so foreigners began to come to it. Moreover, studying there was considered very honorable. Divers from Russia were known throughout the world. And, of course, with their work, divers deserve their own holiday, May 5, Diver's Day.

Profession diver

Diver's Day is a great opportunity to talk about the profession of a diver.

Ordinary people know very little about this profession, because... divers are not that common. But everyone understands that this work is not easy and involves great risk. This profession requires courage, endurance and excellent health.

The work of divers is used in a variety of areas; they are engaged in ship repair, rescue work, maintenance of underwater structures, hydroelectric power stations, oil platforms, as well as inspection of natural bodies of water.

Very often, people in this profession have to work in all weather conditions; they are constantly faced with pressure changes when diving.

Modern divers work in comfortable wetsuits, but previously they had to work in uncomfortable suits, in which it was even difficult to move underwater. The diver's profession is one of the professions that has particularly harmful and particularly difficult working conditions.

A diver is a specialist who performs various types of underwater work. By their nature, all diving work can be divided into rescue, ship-lifting, ship, underwater technical, rescue and special.

For a long time, the Russian school was considered the best in the world and trained excellent professionals in their field. Currently, the successor to this school is the Naval Engineering Institute named after. Peter the Great. It was formed in 1998.

Diving in Russia

Diving in Russia existed at the beginning of the 18th century. Mentions of the use of divers in some economic work are found in documents of that time.

In 1861, a decree was issued that all Russian warships that went on foreign voyages were required to have special diving equipment on board.

In 1871, the Society for Providing Relief for Shipwrecks was created. His main activities were the rescue of people and ships, as well as the study of the water resources of our country.

In 1873, an autonomous diving apparatus was designed by naval officer A. Khotinsky. It used oxygen for breathing. Lieutenant Mamota in 1878 created an autonomous diving apparatus used for military purposes.

Thus, the need for professionally trained personnel soon arose. Therefore, the “Diving School for Officers” was opened in Kronstadt. This school has received many awards.

In 1907, not only ships, but also submarines were equipped with diving equipment.

In 1923, the famous EPRON (Special Purpose Underwater Expedition) began operating in our country. This organization has been engaged in ship-lifting, rescue and diving operations for many years. It was its divers in the 30s who were able to dive to the greatest depths.

By the 50s, diving equipment was created that made it possible to dive to a depth of 200 meters or more.

In 1968, an experiment was conducted on long-term stay of people at a depth of one hundred meters. Similar experiments have been carried out for many years and have always been successful.

During this work, a technique for providing assistance to submarines that had suffered an accident was even tested. All this work was carried out using exclusively Soviet diving equipment.

In 1990, our divers learned to descend to a depth of 500 m, staying there for 10 days.

Diver suit

It is believed that the world's first diving suit was invented by August Siebe. However, he was only one of several inventors of the time who were involved in conducting such experiments.

For example, in 1823, brothers John and Charles Dean received a patent for a “smoke apparatus” that was intended for use by firefighters. Based on it, 5 years later they created “Dean’s patented diving suit.” It consisted of a helmet and a heavy suit that could protect against cold water. This suit can be called quite safe, but this only applies to the diver being in an upright position. And when he fell, there was a threat to life, because the helmet began to quickly fill with water. It was very difficult to avoid falls.

August Siebe perfected this "diver's clothing". He tightly connected the helmet to the suit, which reached to the waist.

In 1840, the diving suit was equipped with a release valve. It was from this time that we can talk about the appearance of a full-length diving suit. It was successfully used by the English Royal Engineer Troops during one important operation.

Colonel William Paisley, who commanded it, recommended using August Siebe’s equipment when carrying out all underwater work. This served as good advertising, and soon such a diving suit began to be used all over the world.

Today, divers work on military and civilian vessels, and their work is greatly needed in many industries and scientific research.

Traditions for the holiday

On May 5, Diver's Day, various ceremonial events dedicated to this day are held. They are attended by diving veterans, sports competitions, competitions for carrying and putting on equipment, etc. are held.

It should be noted that diving has become increasingly popular lately. But don’t confuse diving with diving work. Diving is diving for pleasure, and being a diver is a profession.

_________________ (__________)
General Director _________

Diver 5th category

1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a 5th category Diver in ____________________.
1.2. A diver is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the head ____________.
1.3. The diver reports directly to ______________.
1.4. A person with specialized secondary education and work experience as a Diver for at least ___ years is appointed to the position of Diver.
1.5. The diver must know:
- rules of diving descents;
- arrangement of instrumentation and tools used when working under water;
- methods and technology for surveying water areas, laid pipelines and cables;
- technology for searching and lifting objects under water;
- rules for drawing up diagrams, sketches and reports based on the results of surveys;
- methods for developing underwater soil, techniques for filling and leveling underwater beds, straightening and tamping the rail tracks of ship-lifting structures;
- rules for installation and joining of water intake and outlet heads, blocks and arrays;
- methods of obtaining seafood by diving, technology for observing industrial fishing gear, types of seafood and dangerous marine animals and means of protection against their attack;
- rules and sequence of inspection of the hulls of sunken ships;
- methods for measuring holes in hulls and damage to hydraulic structures; methods of metalworking, carpentry and rigging;
- methods for identifying faults and methods for carrying out preventive repairs of diving equipment and means of providing diving descents.
1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Diver, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.
2.1. The diver carries out the following types of work:
Inspection of the underwater part of hydraulic structures, pipelines and cables laid in underwater trenches, searching for them using route finders and determining the depth of their occurrence.
Inspection of stone slopes of canals, locks, dams, dams and other structures for mooring ships, floating signs, track conditions and navigation equipment.
Development of underwater soil using hydro-washing agents for the purpose of deepening and cleaning the bottom.
Rough leveling of underwater stone-crushed stone and sand beds under the foundations of hydraulic structures or underwater objects.
Drilling holes under water, sawing wooden structures, installing tenons on piles, placing wooden plugs in holes and gaskets in gaps in wooden structures, etc. work.
Installation of heads and arrays weighing up to 20 tons.
Laying concrete mixture under water.
Slinging and unslinging objects under water.
Maintenance of scientific research work: carrying out a preventive inspection of the vessel, cleaning the underwater part of the hull, propellers, underwater ways of slips and boathouses from fouling and blockages; performing simple installation, plumbing, carpentry and rigging work under water.
Extraction of seafood, conducting underwater observations of industrial fishing gear.
External examination of the hulls of sunken ships.
Unloading cargo from the hull of a sunken ship that does not require balancing.
Removing sediment from the hull of a sunken ship.
Inspection and cleaning of water areas intended for public recreation.
Carrying out search operations related to the detection and lifting of victims from the water using various types of rescue equipment.
Charging diving equipment with compressed air.
The diver has the right:
3.1. Receive from enterprise employees the information necessary to carry out their activities.
3.2. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.
The diver is responsible for:
4.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of their functional duties.
4.2. Inaccurate information about the status of performance of one’s official duties.
4.3. Failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the General Director of the organization and the immediate supervisor.
4.4. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.
4.5. Failure to comply with labor and performance discipline.
5.1. The Diver’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established in the organization.
5.2. Due to production needs, the Diver may go on business trips (including local ones).

I have read the instructions ___________________

"APPROVED" _____________________________ (manager position) _____________________________ (name of organization) _____________/ _____________/ "____"_______________ ____ Mr. M.P.


Diver of the 5th category


1.1. This job description defines the functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a Diver of the 5th category (hereinafter referred to as the Employee) in “______________” (hereinafter referred to as the Employer).

1.2. An employee is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position in the manner established by current labor legislation by order of the head of the Employer.

1.3. The employee reports directly to ___________________________.

1.4. A person with specialized secondary education and work experience in the position of _________ for at least ___ years is appointed to the position of Employee.

1.5. The employee must know:

Rules for diving descents;

Construction of instrumentation and tools used when working under water;

Methods and technology for surveying water areas, laid pipelines and cables;

Technology for searching and lifting objects under water;

Rules for drawing up diagrams, sketches and reports based on survey results;

Methods for developing underwater soil, techniques for filling and leveling underwater beds, straightening and tamping the rail tracks of ship-lifting structures;

Rules for installation and joining of water intake and outlet heads, blocks and arrays;

Methods of obtaining seafood by diving, technology for observing industrial fishing gear, types of seafood and dangerous marine animals and means of protection against their attack;

Rules and sequence of inspection of the hulls of sunken ships;

Methods for measuring holes in hulls and damage to hydraulic structures; methods of metalworking, carpentry and rigging;

Methods for identifying faults and methods for carrying out preventive repairs of diving equipment and means of providing diving descents;

Labor legislation;

Rules on labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire safety;

Rules for the use of personal protective equipment;

Requirements for the quality of work (services) performed and for the rational organization of labor in the workplace.

1.6. During the period of temporary absence of the Employee, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.


2.1. The employee performs:

2.1.1. Inspection of the underwater part of hydraulic structures, pipelines and cables laid in underwater trenches, searching for them using route finders and determining the depth of their occurrence.

2.1.2. Inspection of stone slopes of canals, locks, dams, dams and other structures for mooring ships, floating signs, track conditions and navigation equipment.

2.1.3. Development of underwater soil using hydro-washing agents for the purpose of deepening and cleaning the bottom.

2.1.4. Rough leveling of underwater stone-crushed stone and sand beds under the foundations of hydraulic structures or underwater objects.

2.1.5. Drilling holes under water, sawing wooden structures, installing tenons on piles, placing wooden plugs in holes and gaskets in gaps in wooden structures, etc. work.

2.1.6. Installation of heads and arrays weighing up to 20 tons.

2.1.7. Laying concrete mixture under water.

2.1.8. Slinging and unslinging objects under water.

2.1.9. Maintenance of scientific research work: carrying out a preventive inspection of the vessel, cleaning the underwater part of the hull, propellers, underwater ways of slips and boathouses from fouling and blockages; performing simple installation, plumbing, carpentry and rigging work under water.

2.1.10. Extraction of seafood, conducting underwater observations of industrial fishing gear.

2.1.11. External examination of the hulls of sunken ships.

2.1.12. Unloading cargo from the hull of a sunken ship that does not require balancing.

2.1.13. Removing sediment from the hull of a sunken ship.

2.1.14. Inspection and cleaning of water areas intended for public recreation.

2.1.15. Carrying out search operations related to the detection and lifting of victims from the water using various types of rescue equipment.

2.1.16. Charging diving equipment with compressed air.


The employee has the right to:

3.1. Providing him with work stipulated by the employment contract.

3.2. A workplace that meets state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions stipulated by the collective agreement.

3.3. Complete reliable information about working conditions and labor protection requirements in the workplace.

3.4. Professional training, retraining and advanced training in the manner established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

3.5. Receiving materials and documents related to its activities, familiarizing itself with draft decisions of the Employer’s management relating to its activities.

3.6. Interaction with other departments of the Employer to resolve operational issues of their professional activities.

3.7. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.


The employee is responsible for:

4.1.1. Failure to perform or improper performance of one's duties as provided for in this job description - in accordance with current labor legislation.

4.1.2. Violation of safety rules and labor protection instructions.

Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety, fire and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the Employer and its employees.

4.1.3. Offenses committed during the period of its activities are in accordance with current civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

4.1.4. Causing material damage - in accordance with current legislation.


5.1. The Employee’s work schedule is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established by the Employer.

5.2. Due to production needs, the Employee may go on business trips (including local ones).

This job description has been developed in accordance with _________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document) AGREED BY: _________________________________________ (person endorsing the job description) ______________/______________________________/ "____"____________ ____ (signature) (full name) I have read the instructions: ___________/_____________/ "____"________ ____ (signature) (full name)

POU St. Petersburg Maritime School RO DOSAAF RUSSIA is a public organization of DOSAAF RUSSIA carrying out educational activities in the basic vocational training programs for the profession of “diver”, additional professional programs for advanced training, training and retraining in areas related to the activities of emergency rescue units and formations.

The right to provide educational services for the implementation of educational programs by type of education, by level of education by profession, specialty, area of ​​training (for vocational education), by subtypes of additional education is granted by the Committee on Education of St. Petersburg, license No. 2119 dated September 01, 2016

Based on this license, the St. Petersburg Maritime School carries out educational activities:

As part of vocational training:

I. For basic vocational training programs

1. According to the professional training program for the profession - “diver”:

1.1. By qualification "4th category diver"

(Rescue and special diving work)

  • Perform rescue diving operations when providing assistance to ships and aircraft in distress, as well as rescue diving operations related to rescuing people, examining and cleaning the bottom of water areas and water bodies for public recreation.
  • Provide first aid to a diver in case of illnesses and injuries associated with professional activities.
  • Perform special diving work to support scientific research, testing new models of diving equipment and work using special-purpose diving equipment.

No work experience required.

1.2. By qualification - "5th category diver"

( Emergency, ship lifting and underwater technical work)

with the requirements for a specialist who has completed training in this program:

  • Perform emergency diving operations related to the elimination of natural and man-made emergencies, not related to the rescue of people and ships.
  • Perform underwater technical diving work during construction, inspection, maintenance and repair of underwater parts of hydraulic structures, laying and repair of pipelines, cables and other communications, dredging, inspection and cleaning of waterways and water areas, as well as when lifting sunken objects.
  • Perform ship-lifting diving operations when inspecting a sunken object, preparing it for lifting, when lifting and setting it afloat (shallow, shore, etc.).
  • Perform ship diving work related to inspection, cleaning of fouling and elimination of damage to the underwater part of the ship's hull and its underwater devices, inspection of the mooring area, as well as work inside flooded compartments when fighting for the survivability of the ship.

No work experience required.

2. According to advanced training programs “diver”:

2.1. "diver from 4th category to 5th category diver"(3rd class diver, 1st-2nd group of diving specialization)

For training under this program, specialists with the qualification “4th category diver” are accepted, as well as divers with qualifications assigned by military educational institutions who have worked under water since the beginning of diving practice at least 300 hours .

2.2. “Diver from 5th category to diver 6th category”(2nd class diver, 1-2 groups of diving specialization, additional qualification diver-carver)

We accept divers who are qualified as “5th category diver” and have worked underwater since the beginning of diving practice.at least 1000 hours.

2.3. “Diver from 6th category to 7th category diver”(1st class diver, 1-2 groups of diving specialization, additional qualification: diver-welder)

Divers who are qualified as a 6th category diver and have worked underwater since the beginning of diving practice are accepted.at least 2000 hours.

2.4. “Diver from 7th category to diver 8th category”– Divers of the 7th category are accepted who have a higher or secondary technical education with a technical profile and have experience working underwater at least 2500 hours .

3. Advanced training programs:

3.1. "Diver, welder, cutter"

We accept divers who have qualifications of at least 5th category diver and have worked underwater since the beginning of diving practiceat least 1000 hours.

3.2 Head of diving operations— the program is intended for engineering and technical personnel permitted by the decision of the enterprise administration to perform the duties of a diving director.

3.3 Head of diving descents– the program provides training for divers of 6 and 7 categories and a diving specialist.

Training of employees and specialists specified in paragraphs. 4.2. and 4.3. labor protection within the scope of job responsibilities in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents is carried outat least once every three years.

"Annual technical minimum."

3.4. According to requirements “Inter-industry rules on labor protection during diving work”, further – “ Rules“, regular testing of knowledge of labor protection, knowledge of these “Rules”, safe work practices and instructions in force at work sites is carried out.

Based on this, the diving qualification commission (DQC) of the Education and Training Center conducts an annual test of theoretical knowledge and practical skills to confirm the qualifications acquired both in the main vocational training programs and in additional professional programs.

  • divers of all qualifications;
  • officials and specialists trained in additional professional programs.



I. Basic vocational training programs:

1. Vocational training programs:

Training course

Form of study

Timeframe for completing the program

Study period

"4th category diver"


210 hours

"5th category diver"

(3rd class diver, 1st-2nd specialization groups)


307 hours

According to a separate plan (by request)

2. Advanced training programs:

Training course

Form of study

Timeframe for completing the program

Study period

"from 4th category to 5th category"

(diver 3 classes 1-2 groups of specialization


250 hours

"from 5th category to 6th category"

(2nd class diver, 1st-2nd specialization groups, additional qualification diver-carver)


"from 6th category to 7th category"

(1st class diver of 1-2 specialization groups, additional qualification diver-welder)



3. Advanced training program:

VPOU SPb Maritime School, in addition to training specialists in the main professional training program, is carried out:

4 “Annual technical minimum”

Training is provided without VAT 18%.

Class schedule: 38 hours per week.

Persons who have completed training at the St. Petersburg Maritime School are issued documents of an all-Russian standard.

1. The number of students in each course is from 5 to 15 people.

2. Information on the procedure for submitting applications for training.

In the application indicate:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of candidates for training;
  • qualifications of divers sent to improve their skill level and the number of diving hours from the beginning of diving practice
  • training course for additional professional development programs, according to the information provided;
  • full bank details of the enterprise (organization);
  • contact person and telephone number for solving organizational issues.

Applications must be submitted no later than two weeks before the start of classes.

3. Information about the availability of documents for candidates upon admission:

3.1. For main vocational training programs:

  • passport;
  • conclusion of a preliminary medical examination in accordance with order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia No. 302n dated April 12, 2012 (Appendix form No. 5);
  • certificate from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries;
  • two photographs measuring 3x4.

3.2. for advanced training programs:

  • passport;
  • travel certificate;
  • diver's personal book;
  • diver's personal medical record;
  • compulsory health insurance policy;
  • certificate from psychoneurological and narcological dispensaries (updated once every 5 years).

3.3. for the annual technical minimum:

  • passport;
  • travel certificate;
  • diver's personal book;
  • certificate (certificate) of graduation from an educational institution in an additional professional program;
  • the diver’s personal medical record with a mark on completion of the annual examination;

5. There is no dormitory at the school. There is a dormitory near the school; the cost of living is 350 rubles per day.

When the front porthole is in place and turned, the diver standing at the signal, with a palm strike on the helmet, lets the descendant know that everything is ready for descent. The diver should not immediately rush into the water, but, holding the handrail of the ladder, descends to the last step and only after acquiring some buoyancy can he release the handrail. After this, the diver standing at the signal leads the descending diver away from the ladder to the side and, as soon as the water covers the helmet, pauses the descent so that the diver checks his equipment again. The diver standing at the signal also carefully examines the lowered diver at this time and, making sure that everything is in order and there is no air leaking anywhere, begins the descent. This moment is recorded in the log as the beginning of the descent.

If underwater lighting is required for work, then the light bulb is supplied to the diver while he is at the side of the longboat, and it lights up only after being lowered into the water. When lowering a diver, the diver standing on the signal etches the signal end, intercepting it “hand by hand.” For beginner divers, the descent speed should not exceed 4 m/min. For experienced ones, it is much larger - 14 m in the first minute, with a gradual increase in subsequent minutes.

Divers should be trained until they reach a descent speed of 55 m within 3 minutes. Through long-term training, you can achieve greater lowering speed. For example, the American Navy recently achieved a diver's descent speed of 61 g within 40 seconds.

The person monitoring the pressure gauge readings must report to the diver standing at the signal about the change in pressure after 1 m.

If the diver gives a signal to stop, the descent must be stopped, after which the diver is raised 1-2 m. Further descent is carried out only upon receiving a signal from the diver to continue the descent; after this the descent is made more slowly. As the diver's depth increases, the air supply must increase accordingly. As soon as the diver reaches the ground, he must inform the diver standing at the signal, otherwise the latter must himself ask him about it.

As soon as the diver reaches the ground, he must listen to see if the air is flowing well and in sufficient quantity, after which he gives a signal that he is on the ground. If air is supplied in insufficient quantities, it requires an increase in supply. If the slightest dizziness or nausea occurs, the diver should request immediate rise. The diver standing on the signal is prohibited from giving too much slack to the signal end in order to constantly feel the diver; he should not be distracted by anything, but concentrate all his attention on the signals given by the diver. If for some reason he needs to change his shift, then, having received permission from the work manager, he must, in the presence of the intervening diver, ask the diver how he is feeling; after this, he passes the signal end to the intercessor and, when he, in turn, receives a response from the diver, he can consider himself free. Air should be supplied to the diver in an amount of 40 l/min. The pump handles must be rotated smoothly, at a speed corresponding to the depth of descent of the diver.

If the telephone connection with the diver is interrupted for some reason, this should be immediately reported to the work manager. The diver standing on the signal asks the diver at the signal end if everything is fine with him, and if there is no response to the double request, he must immediately raise the diver. A diver working on the ground, moving a considerable distance from the place of descent, should not take up much slack in the hose and the signal end, so as not to tangle them in something. If during the work the hose or signal end becomes tangled or pinched, the diver immediately takes measures to clear them. A pinched or tangled signal end can be cut in such a way that the cleared ends can be tied with a straight knot. When the hose and signal end are so tangled that the diver cannot untangle them himself, he should request the assistance of a second diver. When descending, the latter is equipped with a sharp knife and needle-nose pliers. If, through the joint efforts of both divers, it is not possible to free the hose, then, having cleared the signal end, as indicated above, and having filled the shirt with a sufficient amount of air, the diver cuts the hose, stretches and bites the spiral with needle-nose pliers, after which he gives an alarm signal.

Another method is less desirable, but also possible: the diver sequentially cuts the signal end, the tailpiece, the hose and the weight braces and, having thus acquired positive buoyancy, is thrown to the surface, being careful not to bleed off the air from the head valve.

If a forced rapid ascent of a diver is made from a depth of more than 12.8 m, it is necessary to immediately lower the diver again to the previous depth and, after holding him there for one minute, perform the ascent in accordance with existing rules.