Amulet arrow meaning. Arrow symbolism. Spirituality and subtle matters

ARROW is a symbol of solar energy, the rapid penetration of light, love and death. An arrow can represent both war and peace. Peace, i.e. the end of the war is symbolized either by a broken arrow or several arrows tied into a bundle.

The arrow represents masculinity and masculine virtues, as it is associated with images of hunting, war, warrior, strength, accuracy, and the ability to use weapons. The arrow is an obligatory element of many of the coats of arms of famous military leaders in the past, who sought to emphasize their affiliation with the army and their victories on the battlefield. In the East (China, India, Indochina) newly born boys were given a bow and arrows, thereby marking their original identity as hunters and warriors.

In mythology bows and arrows appear to be attributes of many gods, although they can be depicted in different ways: some celestials hold weapons in their hands, while others have arrows in a quiver behind their backs. The eagle of Jupiter clutches the thunderbolts of the Thunderer in its talons; the arrows of the Egyptian goddess Neith, the patroness of Sais, are crossed on her shield.

Purpose divine arrows also different: some bring fiery love to people, others - instant, inevitable death. Cupid always carried two arrows in his quiver: one symbolizes love, the possibility of a love marriage, the second - a quarrel between lovers, a marriage of convenience. The mischievous winged Greek god Eros (Roman Cupid or Cupid) has two types of wonderful arrows in stock: gold ones contain a powerful charge of love, while lead ones extinguish the strongest passion. Apollo's arrows are a symbol of the sun's rays, which, however, can not only warm a chilled traveler or saturate fertile land with life-giving power, but also burn all living things, dooming humanity to suffering. The arrows of Diana and Mithra are symbols of all-pervading light, symbols of earthly beauty, peace and tranquility, grace and silence.

The arrow is directly related to the symbol of lightning. It’s not for nothing that there is such a thing as “thunderbolts.” Places where lightning struck were considered sacred, and they were credited with performing all sorts of miracles. However, shooting an arrow into the sky was considered a sign of witchcraft, a desire to anger the gods, provoke their anger, bring trouble to the heads of ordinary people, provoke natural disasters such as floods, drought, hail, heavy rains, etc.

In world religions the arrow carries both positive and negative symbolism. In Hinduism and Buddhism Its phallic symbolism comes to the fore. In Islam the arrow represents the wrath of Allah, and in Christianity it is seen as a sign of martyrdom or death by lightning or plague.

An arrow is a way sign standing at crossroads. As a symbol of the movement, it is included in the emblems of tourist groups and travel companies.

The most common symbol in popular usage of the heavenly Father and the fathers of humanity, the parental principle, the direction of thought. The arrow is close to the symbolism of the sun's ray, the fertilizing element of nature. The symbolic meaning of the arrow is explained very well by the words of the psalm: as are the arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are his sons. Happy is the man who fills his quiver.

The arrow contains the image of take-off, embodies overcoming boundaries, going beyond the limits of a (certain) sphere of being, understanding and feeling the world. Therefore, the bow and arrow are identified with the creative and destructive male and female forces, destroying limits and at the same time creating new worlds. In an allegory: DEATH is sometimes depicted with an arrow instead of a scythe. An arrow piercing the heel (the five senses are the basis of perception of the world) of ACHILLES was the cause of his death.

In classical stories, the arrow, together with the bow, is an attribute of CUPID and thus also of VENUS and PUTTI. According to Ovid (Met., 1:468 ff.), Cupid's arrows were of two kinds: golden (kindling love) and lead (killing it). The bow and arrows are an attribute of APOLLO, as well as the huntress DIANA and the MOON, with whom Diana became identified.

The arrow is a symbol of the penetration of light, death, love, both human and divine. Graphically, the arrow represents energy, purposeful order, and the transcendence of space. The arrow is a solar symbol; it is used by the deity of love Cupid and other gods of love.

Like a spear and a sword, it is a solar symbol, meaning the rays of the Sun. Thus, an arrow piercing a snake symbolizes the Sun piercing the dark clouds of the humid element with its rays.

No less important is the phallic symbolism inherent in the arrow, which can be traced not only in the Indian tradition (for which it is extremely important), but also in other cultures. Arrows cause a “sweet wound” to the deity of love (Greek Eros, Latin Cupid, Indian Kama).

Basic values

solar symbol, rays;

takeoff, ascent to the heavenly - flight of an arrow

male principle, phallic principle, masculinity;

lightning, rain, fertilizing element of nature, fertility;

strength, war, hunting;

actions whose consequences cannot be changed - those fired from a bow;

retribution, inevitability, purposefulness;

spiritual weapon

penetration - light, death, love (both human and divine);

energy, overcoming space;

martyrdom - Christianity;

world - broken or tied in a bundle;

impulse, speed, threat.

Penetrating, masculine principle. Means penetration, phallic origin, lightning, rain, fertility, masculinity, strength, war. The flight of the arrow symbolizes the ascent to the heavenly. An arrow flying straight is a straight path - between heaven and earth, a symbol of the course that we must follow. Never stray from what is true. Arrows shot from a bow mean actions whose consequences cannot be changed. Among the American Indians, arrows are the rays of the Sun. Among the Greeks, Apollo's arrows can be either beneficial and fertile, or burning and harmful. The arrows of Eros, in turn, are piercing darts of love. A heart pierced by an arrow symbolizes union. Arrows are an attribute of Diana, as a sign of light. Homer uses arrows as a symbol of suffering and disease inflicted on humanity by the gods, especially Apollo. For Hindus, this is an attribute of Rudra, the god of the earth, lightning and storms, who kills people and animals, causes pain and misfortune, but also brings fertility and healing rain. It is an attribute of Indra as the god of Heaven; his arrows symbolize both the rays of the Sun and lightning. In Mithraism' is the emblem of Mithra as the god of light. It's the same in shamanism. A feathered arrow means the flight of a bird to Heaven, the transition of the earthly state.

The Egyptians have two crossed arrows on their shield - a symbol of the goddess Neith as a warrior. As the mother of Ra, she was sometimes described as the "Great Cow who gave birth to Ra", and also as the "Divine mother who gave birth to Ra before anything was born", which meant that she was the first deity from whom the world came gods and people. At the same time, she also acted as the mother of the worst enemy of the god Ra - the huge serpent Apophis, who was born from Neith spitting into the waters of Nun. She was also considered the progenitor of all snakes and crocodiles. In the inscriptions from the Pyramid of Unas (the very first Pyramid Texts) she is called the “nurse of the crocodiles.” There are images of her in which the goddess breastfeeds two small crocodiles. Paradoxically, in myths, Neit herself protects Ra from snakes and crocodiles - her own creations. Two crossed arrows - The intersection of defining meanings, in this case the creation of the earthly and the heavenly. Neith feeds (the heavenly cow of the god Ra) - the heavenly, and breastfeeds snakes and crocodiles - the earthly, by the way, if a snake is in the hand, then it is a staff that helps on the path of ascension, if on earth, then the path is lost.

Spiritual meaning

And now I will give examples of the Spiritual meaning of symbols (briefly), perhaps this will help someone to consider mythological symbolism in more detail:

Question: Why is the symbol of love a heart pierced by an arrow, because a wounded heart must die?

A heart pierced by an arrow is a generally accepted symbol of a love affair. Cupid's heart and arrow symbolize Zivug (the union of the divine and the human).

The image of the heart, familiar to everyone, is two connected symmetrical halves that are connected together, at the top - forming a bend in the form of a concavity under the throat of the body of the First (Arich Anpin is the first image of likeness: “And God said: Let us make man in Our image, in Our likeness ..."), like two forearms, from which two hands come out (right and left) and are joined together at the bottom, like two palms with their fingers pointing down. (The right hand - receiving from above, gives to the poor, in relation to the light. The left hand - is considered poor, has the intention of bestowal, therefore it receives - those connected together have the property of bestowal - mercy). Note The head of the first is in an endless source. The Source is infinite and cannot be known except through the body - the Vessel (remember Christianity: to eat flesh from the body of Jesus Christ). The vessel is an internal part in relation to the world. The world is the external part in relation to the vessel.

Figuratively, it is a vessel from the shoulders of the First, (i.e., Christ) to the level of His foreskin, where the birth (of King David) took place into merciful hands (Mercy - has a reception for the flawed, in comparison with him. It carries two properties. Receiving to give which passes on to another, making him the same). The right side symbolizes the masculine principle, i.e. Zakhar, left - feminine - Nukva. And together they symbolize the heart (Vessel) - either love or a place of holiness, the fusion of two opposites. And if you draw a middle line between them with the arrow pointing upward, you will get a bow drawn with the arrow pointing upward. Where the amount of tension of the “string” corresponds to the thickness of the Aviut (AVIUT - (Hebrew thickness), size, amount of desire and desire to receive light.) and this is the limit on bestowal. And an arrow pointing upward (to the heavens) symbolizes bestowal, i.e. reflection of the Light of Hochma (HOKHMA - the Light of life, which carries within itself all the wisdom and knowledge of the creator) on the force of tension. And after bestowal, from above, under the pressure of Echida (the light containing everything, it is outside the vessel), filling occurs into the left female part of the vessel. Those. the reflected Light of Hochma, clothed in Hassadim (mercy) from the right and above enters the Nukva - the feminine (the arrow seems to return from heaven, so we do not know when our heart will be pierced by Cupid's arrow), and upon entering the pure left vessel it pierces the hymen of virginity on the left side, which means: Zachar - the male enters the Nukva or Zivug - intercourse.

This is not a wounded heart, but a fertilized one, which in the old Russian language means the word “feret”, and hence “tiferet” (beauty) - you are fertilized. The heart and arrow of Cupid symbolize Coitus (Zivug) or beauty - harmony.

Beauty is something you can’t tear yourself away from, that’s why there is a force that holds you back from receiving pleasure into yourself. Strength - carries within itself the power of resistance against the desire to receive for oneself. Therefore, a vessel that includes the feminine principle (receiving), also has a masculine principle - strength, resistance to receive for oneself, this is a sacrifice, a kind of death of egoism, this is fertilization, for the birth of a new one or resurrection in a new property, all receiving is for bestowal, and this harmony - according to your needs, and everything to maintain harmony and peace.

Thus, a shooting target is like many circles enclosed within each other. These circles mean that it is impossible to approach the goal at will (earth - receiving). This is the same as the moon (receiving for bestowal) approaching the earth (only receiving or, on the contrary, only bestowing, in general, different properties with the moon). We can only rotate according to our orbits (properties) like planets. After all, sin (missing the goal) is like a centrifugal force that keeps us at a distance of a certain radius from the central axis according to our properties.

You can approach only according to the will of the Most High, which is love. This is the force of gravity that pulls us to the center, right to the target. Therefore, the path with the Heart is simple and direct and is like an arrow that hits the HEART.

LIMITATION – parts of the spiritual vessel located parallel to the light limit its spread.

DISTRIBUTION - parts of the vessel located from top to bottom contribute to the spread of light into the vessel.

LIGHT OF LIFE OR WISDOM - has one property, giving.

The Light of Grace is the reflecting light of life.

Light of Death - Sacrifice

Receiving the light of life into a vessel without grace leads to death. Called the bad death or the death of Adam. Has no resurrection.

Receiving the light of life into a vessel and expelling it from it is called a good death. Has resurrection to new life.

The sacrifice of Jesus is the ejection of the light of life from all five parts of the body.

The light of mercy, or grace upon grace, arises from the combination of the giver from above and the reflector from below. Having now two properties in itself, receiving and giving. Intertwined with two properties inside, it comes out. Light presses from above and below, forming inhalation and exhalation. Holy Spirit through the mouth. And in the form of hands as mercy. That is why it is called Holy Tongue and Holy Hands.

Light of revelation - A vessel filled with light has the property of giving to receive for bestowal. Final corrected state. Therefore, everything is open to him from below and when rising from above.

ETERNITY - the immovable properties of the source, as completely giving and therefore has no lack.

VICTORY for a warrior - the transition from death to eternal life - is an arrow hitting the target.

On May 27, 1997, the City Duma decided to legalize the coat of arms of Izhevsk. It should be recalled that the city’s coat of arms is a heraldic shield: on the white and blue field of the shield there are ticks of variable colors, on top of them there is the same arrow, behind the ticks there are two green rowan branches with red clusters. Artists Sergei Bekhterev and Nikolai Bykov worked on it.

We have been working on this project for almost seven years,” the city administration quotes the authors of the coat of arms. - The competition was announced by the Izhevsk City Council of People's Deputies. The idea of ​​trinity - the unity of man, his production activity and nature - matured in our country right away. I understand that it is not entirely customary to see what is depicted on this coat of arms. But our coat of arms has a deeply civil character. He is eternal; reflects the past, present and future of our city, since as long as nature exists, man also exists. Please note that the pincers on the coat of arms are unclenched. Imagine what will happen if they are compressed: the rowan tree will break, the juice will flow out of the fruit, nature will die, and man will die along with nature. Our coat of arms has a deep meaning - a person’s responsibility for the fate of his city.

What does all this mean?

Ticks- a symbol of iron production, which became the source of the formation of the Izhevsk plant; when opened, they mean the openness of the city.

Arrow- a symbol of weapons production. An arrow pointing upward means striving for heights. The arrow was on all types of products. The very first one was drawn after the order of June 10, 1846. Then there were arrows with a bow and an eagle, around which was the name of the plant. In addition, the arrow indicated that the Izhevsk factories belonged to the Vyatka province. Her coat of arms also included an image of an archer.

Two green rowan branches with red clusters indicate the geographical location of Izhevsk. Also, for a long time, Izhevsk residents were called “field ash”. There are many versions about the meaning of the nickname. Someone says that this was the name given to the influential Old Believers in the village who wore crosses made of rowan wood. Someone refers to the fact that rowan was loved, often planted in the front garden, and dried in attics. Also, the rowan branch symbolizes unity.

And what about that?

Before the townspeople saw today's coat of arms, there were many variations. Even in Soviet times, souvenir badges with the emblem of the city of Izhevsk were issued: on the shield, in the colors of the state flag of the RSFSR (blue and red), a gear was depicted, and inside it was a tower with a spire. This composition was also depicted on envelopes of the City Executive Committee and was used to decorate houses. To some extent, it can be called the unofficial Soviet coat of arms of Izhevsk. After this, a variant of a souvenir badge with symbols appeared.

In the azure-scarlet dissected shield there is a silver gear with a high-rise building in it, burdened with a black car and motorcycle - such a description was given by Yu. Kalinkin.

Through the efforts of local historian Igor Kobzev, a “comic coat of arms” of Izhevsk appeared in the form of a crocodile. The appearance of this image is associated with the nickname of the gunsmiths of the Izhevsk plant. Gunsmiths were awarded green caftans - “Izhevsk crocodiles” as a distinction. According to Kobzev, the image of a crocodile finds parallels in the mythology of the Udmurts (the image of a water lizard). However, according to experts, images of underwater monsters are not found in Udmurt mythology and folklore.


2 million for a coat of arms!

Last year, it was reported that the coat of arms of Izhevsk would appear on the main square of Bryansk, in the hometown of the first president of Udmurtia, Alexander Volkov.

The corresponding order was placed by the housing and communal services committee of the city administration on the public procurement website. In addition to the Izhevsk coat of arms, 8 more sister cities will be represented: Orel, Severodvinsk, Mogilev, Omsk, Lithuanian Akmyane, Latvian Auce, Bulgarian Dupnitsa. The coat of arms of Bryansk itself will be installed in the form of a stele.

The cost of the work is estimated at approximately 2 million rubles. According to the order, the base of the coat of arms should be made of red granite, the frame should be made of cast iron, the coat of arms itself and the name of the city should be made of bronze.

The most common symbol in popular usage of the heavenly Father and the fathers of humanity, the parental principle, the direction of thought. The arrow is close to the symbolism of the sun's ray, the fertilizing element of nature. The symbolic meaning of the arrow is explained very well by the words of the psalm: as are the arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are his sons. Happy is the man who fills his quiver.

The arrow contains the image of take-off, embodies overcoming boundaries, going beyond the limits of a (certain) sphere of being, understanding and feeling the world. Therefore, the bow and arrow are identified with the creative and destructive male and female forces, destroying limits and at the same time creating new worlds. In an allegory: DEATH is sometimes depicted with an arrow instead of a scythe. An arrow piercing the heel (the five senses are the basis of perception of the world) of ACHILLES was the cause of his death.

In classical stories, the arrow, together with the bow, is an attribute of CUPID and thus also of VENUS and PUTTI. According to Ovid (Met., 1:468 ff.), Cupid's arrows were of two kinds: golden (kindling love) and lead (killing it). The bow and arrows are an attribute of APOLLO, as well as the huntress DIANA and the MOON, with whom Diana became identified.

The arrow is a symbol of the penetration of light, death, love, both human and divine. Graphically, the arrow represents energy, purposeful order, and the transcendence of space. The arrow is a solar symbol; it is used by the deity of love Cupid and other gods of love.

Like a spear and a sword, it is a solar symbol, meaning the rays of the Sun. Thus, an arrow piercing a snake symbolizes the Sun piercing the dark clouds of the humid element with its rays.

No less important is the phallic symbolism inherent in the arrow, which can be traced not only in the Indian tradition (for which it is extremely important), but also in other cultures. Arrows cause a “sweet wound” to the deity of love (Greek Eros, Latin Cupid, Indian Kama).

Basic values

solar symbol, rays;

takeoff, ascent to the heavenly - flight of an arrow

male principle, phallic principle, masculinity;

lightning, rain, fertilizing element of nature, fertility;

strength, war, hunting;

actions whose consequences cannot be changed - those fired from a bow;

retribution, inevitability, purposefulness;

spiritual weapon

penetration - light, death, love (both human and divine);

energy, overcoming space;

martyrdom - Christianity;

world - broken or tied in a bundle;

impulse, speed, threat.

Penetrating, masculine principle. Means penetration, phallic origin, lightning, rain, fertility, masculinity, strength, war. The flight of the arrow symbolizes the ascent to the heavenly. An arrow flying straight is a straight path - between heaven and earth, a symbol of the course that we must follow. Never stray from what is true. Arrows shot from a bow mean actions whose consequences cannot be changed. Among the American Indians, arrows are the rays of the Sun. Among the Greeks, Apollo's arrows can be either beneficial and fertile, or burning and harmful. The arrows of Eros, in turn, are piercing darts of love. A heart pierced by an arrow symbolizes union. Arrows are an attribute of Diana, as a sign of light. Homer uses arrows as a symbol of suffering and disease inflicted on humanity by the gods, especially Apollo. For Hindus, this is an attribute of Rudra, the god of the earth, lightning and storms, who kills people and animals, causes pain and misfortune, but also brings fertility and healing rain. It is an attribute of Indra as the god of Heaven; his arrows symbolize both the rays of the Sun and lightning. In Mithraism' is the emblem of Mithra as the god of light. It's the same in shamanism. A feathered arrow means the flight of a bird to Heaven, the transition of the earthly state.

The Egyptians have two crossed arrows on their shield - a symbol of the goddess Neith as a warrior. As the mother of Ra, she was sometimes described as the "Great Cow who gave birth to Ra", and also as the "Divine mother who gave birth to Ra before anything was born", which meant that she was the first deity from whom the world came gods and people. At the same time, she also acted as the mother of the worst enemy of the god Ra - the huge serpent Apophis, who was born from Neith spitting into the waters of Nun. She was also considered the progenitor of all snakes and crocodiles. In the inscriptions from the Pyramid of Unas (the very first Pyramid Texts) she is called the “nurse of the crocodiles.” There are images of her in which the goddess breastfeeds two small crocodiles. Paradoxically, in myths, Neit herself protects Ra from snakes and crocodiles - her own creations. Two crossed arrows - The intersection of defining meanings, in this case the creation of the earthly and the heavenly. Neith feeds (the heavenly cow of the god Ra) - the heavenly, and breastfeeds snakes and crocodiles - the earthly, by the way, if a snake is in the hand, then it is a staff that helps on the path of ascension, if on earth, then the path is lost.

Spiritual meaning

And now I will give examples of the Spiritual meaning of symbols (briefly), perhaps this will help someone to consider mythological symbolism in more detail:

Question: Why is the symbol of love a heart pierced by an arrow, because a wounded heart must die?

A heart pierced by an arrow is a generally accepted symbol of a love affair. Cupid's heart and arrow symbolize Zivug (the union of the divine and the human).

The image of the heart, familiar to everyone, is two connected symmetrical halves that are connected together, at the top - forming a bend in the form of a concavity under the throat of the body of the First (Arich Anpin is the first image of likeness: “And God said: Let us make man in Our image, in Our likeness ..."), like two forearms, from which two hands come out (right and left) and are joined together at the bottom, like two palms with their fingers pointing down. (The right hand - receiving from above, gives to the poor, in relation to the light. The left hand - is considered poor, has the intention of bestowal, therefore it receives - those connected together have the property of bestowal - mercy). Note The head of the first is in an endless source. The Source is infinite and cannot be known except through the body - the Vessel (remember Christianity: to eat flesh from the body of Jesus Christ). The vessel is an internal part in relation to the world. The world is the external part in relation to the vessel.

Figuratively, it is a vessel from the shoulders of the First, (i.e., Christ) to the level of His foreskin, where the birth (of King David) took place into merciful hands (Mercy - has a reception for the flawed, in comparison with him. It carries two properties. Receiving to give which passes on to another, making him the same). The right side symbolizes the masculine principle, i.e. Zakhar, left - feminine - Nukva. And together they symbolize the heart (Vessel) - either love or a place of holiness, the fusion of two opposites. And if you draw a middle line between them with the arrow pointing upward, you will get a bow drawn with the arrow pointing upward. Where the amount of tension of the “string” corresponds to the thickness of the Aviut (AVIUT - (Hebrew thickness), size, amount of desire and desire to receive light.) and this is the limit on bestowal. And an arrow pointing upward (to the heavens) symbolizes bestowal, i.e. reflection of the Light of Hochma (HOKHMA - the Light of life, which carries within itself all the wisdom and knowledge of the creator) on the force of tension. And after bestowal, from above, under the pressure of Echida (the light containing everything, it is outside the vessel), filling occurs into the left female part of the vessel. Those. the reflected Light of Hochma, clothed in Hassadim (mercy) from the right and above enters the Nukva - the feminine (the arrow seems to return from heaven, so we do not know when our heart will be pierced by Cupid's arrow), and upon entering the pure left vessel it pierces the hymen of virginity on the left side, which means: Zachar - the male enters the Nukva or Zivug - intercourse.

This is not a wounded heart, but a fertilized one, which in the old Russian language means the word “feret”, and hence “tiferet” (beauty) - you are fertilized. The heart and arrow of Cupid symbolize Coitus (Zivug) or beauty - harmony.

Beauty is something you can’t tear yourself away from, that’s why there is a force that holds you back from receiving pleasure into yourself. Strength - carries within itself the power of resistance against the desire to receive for oneself. Therefore, a vessel that includes the feminine principle (receiving), also has a masculine principle - strength, resistance to receive for oneself, this is a sacrifice, a kind of death of egoism, this is fertilization, for the birth of a new one or resurrection in a new property, all receiving is for bestowal, and this harmony - according to your needs, and everything to maintain harmony and peace.

Thus, a shooting target is like many circles enclosed within each other. These circles mean that it is impossible to approach the goal at will (earth - receiving). This is the same as the moon (receiving for bestowal) approaching the earth (only receiving or, on the contrary, only bestowing, in general, different properties with the moon). We can only rotate according to our orbits (properties) like planets. After all, sin (missing the goal) is like a centrifugal force that keeps us at a distance of a certain radius from the central axis according to our properties.

You can approach only according to the will of the Most High, which is love. This is the force of gravity that pulls us to the center, right to the target. Therefore, the path with the Heart is simple and direct and is like an arrow that hits the HEART.

LIMITATION – parts of the spiritual vessel located parallel to the light limit its spread.

DISTRIBUTION - parts of the vessel located from top to bottom contribute to the spread of light into the vessel.

LIGHT OF LIFE OR WISDOM - has one property, giving.

The Light of Grace is the reflecting light of life.

Light of Death - Sacrifice

Receiving the light of life into a vessel without grace leads to death. Called the bad death or the death of Adam. Has no resurrection.

Receiving the light of life into a vessel and expelling it from it is called a good death. Has resurrection to new life.

The sacrifice of Jesus is the ejection of the light of life from all five parts of the body.

The light of mercy, or grace upon grace, arises from the combination of the giver from above and the reflector from below. Having now two properties in itself, receiving and giving. Intertwined with two properties inside, it comes out. Light presses from above and below, forming inhalation and exhalation. Holy Spirit through the mouth. And in the form of hands as mercy. That is why it is called Holy Tongue and Holy Hands.

Light of revelation - A vessel filled with light has the property of giving to receive for bestowal. Final corrected state. Therefore, everything is open to him from below and when rising from above.

ETERNITY - the immovable properties of the source, as completely giving and therefore has no lack.

VICTORY for a warrior - the transition from death to eternal life - is an arrow hitting the target.

Articles from drafts. A lot of information has disappeared, so I'm leaving them unfinished. Notes in the margins.

12.04.16 And I was right. Oh yes, you don't know yet. When I found out that in the reign of the Spanish ruler Franco there were blue shirts whose emblem was 5 arrows, I thought about the blue shirts of the POLICE-MILIA. The task of the Police-Militia is to restore order. Of course, I went looking for the logo. And I found it.

The arrows were red on a black background. The background says it all and the arrows are RED.

And since the Rothschilds are not red at all, but BLUE, I began to look for similar coats of arms. And I started with the coat of arms of Sumarokov-Elston-Yusupov

Why them? On the heads of these people were the stolen jewelry of the woman they killed. And he has coat of arms crossed swords. I have already written a little about them. What was unexpected for me was the discovery of two icons similar to each other like Nikolai and Georg

Has the thought ever occurred to you that England and Russia are brothers? Britain or Brotherhood from the word hermano-hermano-brother. It’s true that Nikolasha was killed, but Gaucher was allowed to rule (on paper, in a literary novel by historians). Russia was killed, and England rules. But Russia as such did not exist. There was fraternity from the word hermano - Germania-Germany. Do you understand? In the person of Nikolasha, who came from HERMAN-Brotherhood, they figuratively killed Germany (Herr Mann).
And who killed? Hunters with arrows.

There is such a biblical king Nimrod.

Nimrod (Nemrod, Nemrod; ancient Hebrew.נִמְרוֹד‎ — letters “let us rise”) - in the Pentateuch, aggadic traditions and legends of the Middle East, a hero, warrior-hunter and king.

According to the genealogy given in the book of Genesis, he is the son of Cush and the grandson of Ham. Referred to as "a mighty hunter before the Lord"; his kingdom is placed in Mesopotamia (Gen. 10:9,10). Various legends emphasize the image of Nimrod the tyrant and fighter against God; he is credited with the construction of the Tower of Babel, extreme cruelty, idolatry, persecution of Abraham, and rivalry with God.

Babylon in biblical tales was the only place where people, the descendants of the surviving Noah and his family, lived after the Great Flood. This tale contains a little about real events: there was a FLOOD. Caused by war. And it was a WAR IN HEAVEN that spread to Earth, causing various types of disasters on it, including a shift in the earth’s axis and climate change: seasons appeared. And this was quite recently, about 200 years ago.

The Tower of Babel building is located in Strasbourg, and the Temple of Ham and the city with the same name XAMon the territory of modernGermany. And the persecution of the descendants of Abraham also took place on the territory of Germany-Nimrod.

And what did Nimrod hunt/hunt with? ARROWS.

Arrow symbolism:strength, war, hunting;actions whose consequences cannot be changed - fired from a bow.Do you understand? They were not persecuted, but they were persecuted. And so that they would not be suspected, they came up with a myth about the persecution of the “Jews,” which they themselves were.
They later tried to convince the world in their legends that the arrows of the banker’s sons had as their goal a strong commonwealth. To hold the world in their hands, they needed people like Nimrod, i.e. legal authorities, and these are POLICE, MILITATION, PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE.

And for this you need to graduate from an appropriate higher institution of this type

Police University


These crossed swords are familiar symbols.

This is the first of the Saxon ERNSTs painted. And this coat of arms is called Kurschwert - KURSHVERT.

The black and white ones are Russia, and the red ones are Russia with its red October, China with its dragon, well, if you want, Elizabeth the 2nd also has a red dragon. True, they still took white and green flags.

Green, if you remember, these are hunters, and also border guards and military personnel. I’m not talking about Muslims with their green flags, because the Russian Orthodox Church is also green, and everyone together plays the role of border guards-hunters. For thoughts, look at the links "What do masks hide?" And "The tracks lead to Coburg. Green."

And, most importantly, green clothes. Well, yes, it's easy to hide in the grass. Like this

A partially green baldric is present on the coat of arms of the Egyptian priests,from among whom was Ernst of Saxony

Together with crossed swords-crosses (politics and religion are inseparable). Oh, and just a minute, what's the date at the top?

558? 58 years after the coup. And this is 1853 + 58 = 1911. What did England have there in 1911?
Before organizing any society, i.e. if it is necessary to take control, the events that caused this need are necessary. Therefore, we look at what happened at least a year earlier.
Died in 1910

- May 20 - The Chinese government signed an agreement with a consortium of English, French, German and American banks, transferring all railway construction in China into the hands of foreigners. In the country the "protection" movement began railways"

October 22 elections for the new Langtag in Alsace-Lorraine. By that time, it was no longer Clovis who was the governor of our places, but Ernst 2 of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. At the same time, something happened to the Hohenlohe joint stock company.
- December 20 Gustav Gustav Landauer's call for socialism in Deutschland (
Gustav Landauers Aufruf zum Sozialismus erscheint in Deutschland). I am not writing to Germany, because the whole world was still Germany at that time, and the territory of modern Germany was p-bo-Russia.
Also interesting is the message about the wedding of the future King of Austria, Charles 1 (according to my observations, if the king is sure to be called CARL)

- On June 22, the British couple George V. and Maria von Teck were crowned at Westminster Abbey

- Mexican Revolution and the founding of the Republic of China

- In Japan king assassination plot

- In London assassination attempt Churchill, in particular, was attended by the Russian revolutionary, one of the founders and first leaders of the Cheka. In his autobiography, compiled in 1928 upon joining the All-Union Society of Old Bolsheviks, Peters indicated that he was the son of a farm laborer, from the age of 8 he had to look for food and herd cattle from neighboring farmers, and from the age of 14 he began to work for hire with a neighboring landowner together with farm laborers. However, in 1917, Peters, in a conversation with American journalist Bessie Beatty, said that he was the son of a “gray baron”

- Active movements in Portugal and around the world.

A year full of revolutions and disturbances. Therefore, security guards, police, and banks were needed that could control all thisand finance

That's why The bank and police authorities are the same.
Committed a crime - fine. In the state the treasury, which contains the army, the police - the cycle.

The world had to be kept under a tight rein, and for this purpose such organizations were created

First the world was poisoned, distorted, forced to believe in a frame-up, and then handcuffed.If you remember, Nikolasha, as one of the representatives of the Coburg group, also had such a symbol, like the entire Red Army. Only for this purpose have they now created a new religious and military-patriotic direction of the “neo-Slavs”, who have found justification for these symbols and their place of origin - Coburg.


The swastika is the ancestral totem of the house of Gottorp (Romanov) of Schleswig Holstein -Andrey Kuptsov

In world history, the origin of the sword is hidden under the impenetrable thickness of centuries. Since ancient times, swords of various shapes have been known: short and long, wide and narrow, straight and curved, light and heavy, two-handed. In the Bronze Age, swords were made of bronze; in the Iron Age, they were made of iron.
In the Middle Ages in Western Europe and Japan there was a real cult of the sword. The main weapon of the knight and samurai gradually acquired ritual and ceremonial significance. The symbolic birth of a knight was accompanied during initiation by the sword touching the candidate's shoulder three times.
The knight’s entire subsequent life was inextricably linked with the sword: in battle, the sword served him as a weapon; on the way, the cross-shaped handle of the sword stuck into the ground became a symbolic crucifix. The sword was an instrument of justice during the “divine judgment” and an instrument of retribution during the execution of death sentences. From the 13th-14th centuries, the sword, as a symbol of the supreme military power of monarchs, became one of the royal, imperial and princely regalia.

The sword is one of the most complex and most common symbols. On the one hand, the sword is a formidable weapon that brings life or death, on the other hand, it is an ancient and powerful force that arose simultaneously with the Cosmic Balance and was its opposite. The sword is also a powerful magical symbol, an emblem of the witchcraft craft. In addition, the sword is a symbol of power, justice, supreme justice, all-pervading intelligence, insight, phallic strength, light. The sword of Damocles is a symbol of fate. Broken sword - defeat.

In emblems, the sword usually acted as a sign of retribution or justice. The emblem of the “spiritual sword”, used by Christian missionaries who spread the “word of God” among the pagans, was a sword engulfed in flames. However, the pagans, who were in no hurry to renounce the faith of their fathers, often repelled the spiritual sword of the preachers, and then the military sword came to the aid of the spiritual sword. So,to pacify Bishop Albert founded the rebellious Livs in 1202Order of the Swordsmen, whose emblem was crossed red swords . Relying on this armed force,German feudal lords, under the plausible pretext of Christianizing the population, carried out a methodical seizure of foreign land.



In our country, the “punishing sword of revolution”, placed by Lenin in the hands of the Cheka employees, then passed to the GPU and the NKVD. During the Stalinist era, this sword, having lost all connection with the principle of socialist legality, turned into a weapon of mass terror.
Before the Great Patriotic War, the emblem of a sword cutting a snake adorned the chevron of military counterintelligence officers “Smersh” (“Death to spies!”). In the post-war period, the emblem depicting a shield with two crossed swords became the distinctive sign of employees of the Ministry of Justice.

Today, 04/12/16, is St. Stanislaus Day

The eternal conflict between kings and bishops

Cross and crown

So. KUR - Fürsts wear KUR-hats and have KUR-swords. And the Rothschilds also wrote in one of their legends that once upon a time, when they were still BAUERS, they lived under the sign with CHICKEN-Henne. True, some mistook the chicken for a rooster-Khan.This is because in another legend, a group under the pseudonym “Rothschilds” or Shield of the Reds, Shield of Rot, wrote - their distant ancestor was Isaac Khan-Hahn, which in German is translated as ROOSTER. Is it clear now about the KHANS? or CANAAN?

And what is all this for? But to this

So the OWL appeared. Yes, yes, a symbol of wisdom, and also of Tartary. It’s somehow strange that all the historians seemed to be in a conspiracythe entire 20th century: they didn’t say a word that there was such a civilization, but only modestly called it after the SOVE - SOVIETS, the SOVIET Union.
As the wiki shows, there were not only Three Fat Men, but also

Three Palms

Three swords

Three husbands

Three carnations.
Yes, yes, the Gvozdik Conspiracy, which was given a flowery name, actually existed. Only they had the German name Nelken-Nelken
and they weren’t shit at all h savages, but carnations or arrows.
Yes, they told me that a carnation has 5 petals. Just like the Rothschilds had five arrows, Franco had 5 arrows, another coat of arms had 5 arrows, and on a blue background.

11.04.16 How can I tell my children that we live in a concentration camp? The world is a criminal camp and the world is ruled by criminals under the most terrible article, which is called RED - MURDER!
The rulers themselves came up with the death penalty for the death of their criminals - “an eye for an eye.”

Yesterday morning I walked through the park and remembered what stories came to my mind and how many questions arose when I was left alone. I was not just abandoned by those who were still alive in this world. I was betrayed and my children were taken hostage. Some say it's my own fault for being gullible. This is said by those who themselves in this world were, to one degree or another, a criminal and betrayed others. This is not in my internal Charter. Whenever possible, I always went to help and protected. I learned to protect others. I saw crime in different forms both in the USSR and in Germany. Prest
n nicknames in the position where it would seem possible to get help - COURTS, PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE. I am a small person and I did what was required in modern Germany. And the demands here are like pincers - you can’t take an extra step without being laid down. So how do I tell my kids so they understand where this all started? Who was the one who turned our planet into a camp of criminals?
Returning from the park, I looked at the hunched grandmother who was getting into the car. 9.00
o'clock in the morning . At this time many people go to church. Thoughts flew by about how my aunt forced me to believe in God and scared me of the devil. And for the first time I saw the picture, looking at yesterday’s grandmother, how scared they were. Children of the war years. And now I know why. Bthat moment I just felt it, as if I was for a moment in that past.

"And there was war in heaven." Yes, it was and we cannot imagine what kind of war it was. That war moved to Earth, it was already a war between heaven and earth. People saw this, they experienced the horrors of that war. This was so ingrained in their memory that there was nothing left to do but please the invisible god and pray to him for help not only for the living, but for the dead too. Neither who knows what really happens to the dead.
And yesterday I received a continuation of information about signs with swords. One could no longer be surprised when the logos of many establishments had symbols of coats of arms. However, at some point I was stupefied that there were no similar symbols in England and Germany. There are plenty of them in Russia. When I saw them, I realized that many coats of arms are like a brand that was burned not only on cattle, but also on people.

Many people know the story of Milady, on whose shoulder a lily was allegedly burned. Even in this they showed a lie. It wasn't LILY. LILY is a symbol of the VIRGIN, but she had to be plowed and humiliated. Because LILY is a symbol of supposedly French kings. Yes, that’s what historians called them. They were so indoctrinated that people believed them and the last witnesses, on pain of death, were branded not to tell their children that this was a symbol of the “French kings” of the Army of Angels who fought in that war - “and there was war in heaven.” The Internet is now buzzing about the Grays, the Anunnaki, the reptilians, but only one person began to blow the lily trumpet so that his sound could be heard by the remaining children of those Angels.

Is it possible to recognize those who fought against the Army of Angels and captured the earth, turning it into a concentration camp? Just as a dog marks its territory, so they marked the captured territory with symbols - brand-stamp - tauro-tattoo, which were imprinted on the coats of arms.

Not all coats of arms became their property. Therefore, it was necessary to introduce interpretations in order to mislead generation after generation and instill their own criminal terminology.

After exposing the Coburg group, which was a literary hoax that collected repeated stories of various literary rulers of the world with an extended literary history, I approached those writers who wrote and are writing the history of the world, scripts of the so-called kings, kings, emperors.

We will return to the Order of the Flowers. How interesting it is that I wrote about this Order in an article where I cited the icons of two organizations that seemed to stand on opposite sides, but performed the same job - the destruction of witnesses and children of the Army of Angels of the KaRUS. Yes, in their stories they threw out this full name KARUS and left Conde and RUS, who over time were turned into “Russians”. Those who say anything about “Russians” are immediately branded Russophobes. How do such people differ from the so-called Jews and neo-Slavs, who also complain about persecution by “Russophobes”?


They were the ones who seized power on the planet - the Elston-Sumarokovs. They became so conspiratorial under their numerous legends that their descendants still laugh at us. But, as it is written - BY THEIR DEEDS YOU WILL KNOW THEM, let's look at their markings.

The criminal world is recognizable by their marks on the body. Here we look at some of them.

The sword, sword and spear are the most ancient types of bladed weapons. They gained popularity already in the era of the Copper and Bronze Ages. And when man learned to smelt steel from ore, swords, swords and spears from this metal turned into the most formidable weapons. In the Middle Ages (mid/late 19th century), the sword and spear were the main weapons of criminal knights. Since the life of its owner depended on the weapon, a real cult of weapons arose among the knighthood of criminals, when swords and spears were treated as living people, giving them names. It is not surprising that the symbolism of weapons has penetrated into many types of fine art, including tattoos. In the world of distorting mirrors - on the contrary - from the world of criminals with tattoos-brands-brands - into the world of fine art.

The sword tattoo is a symbol of the opposition between life and death. In addition, the cultures of many nations give the sword the meaning of a symbol of supreme justice. In Christianity, including in the traditions of chivalry, the sword was associated with another capacious symbol - the cross. The combination of a sword and a cross in a tattoo gave the former the meaning of a symbol of fidelity to God and the overlord, alliance and unity.

The short edge of the sword means impulsiveness, a person’s susceptibility to the influence of instincts. And the sword, depicted with a long edge, is a symbol of the spiritual, corrupted power of the owner of the tattoo. A sword sheathed symbolizes moderation (limitation of one’s actions), balance and prudence - this is absent among criminals. A broken sword means defeat. A sword tattoo on a man's shoulder often indicates that he wants to emphasize his courage and is ready to fight for justice. Justice between a criminal and a murderer?

Of course, a tattoo of a sword, sword or spear symbolizes military honor and strength and is an exclusively masculine sign. The exception is the image of a sword entwined with flowers or ivy - such tattoos are made in memory of someone who died in battle, a lover or a loved one
Are you wondering why tattoos are so fashionable right now?

Leviticus 19:28 - “You shall not make any cuts in your flesh or write marks on yourselves.”
These words were written by the Levites. Yes, yes, those same priests who knew perfectly well that the mark is a sign of the owner.

Prison bars, rose and dagger. The owner of the tattoo served time for hooliganism in a correctional labor colony. Apply to the forearm or shoulder. If the dagger and rose are without bars - “Blood for treason”

15. A skull pierced by a dagger, a rose, a snake entwining a dagger. Thief symbol. "Our life is a struggle." A crown over a snake indicates a tattoo of a thieves' authority - a thief in law, a ruler, an observer. It is found on the shoulder, less often on the chest.

22. Eight-pointed star. Tattoo of camp authorities - thieves in law, denied, godfathers. Apply under the collarbone.

25. Crossed arrow and key. Symbol of an apartment thief - a burglar. Apply to the forearm or thigh.

27. Star of David entwined with a winged snake. The owner of the tattoo is a Jew and belongs to the winged camp authorities.
And there are also thought forms

PEACE - shooting will correct me.

ORVEA - The October Revolution is the greatest Jewish adventure.

RULES - the government decided to arrest everyone and deprive them of amnesty.

SS-KGB - sons of bitches - codla of state bandits.

For a criminal octopus, any world is small. The octopus invades foreign territory, which it considers to be “the land of unafraid idiots.” It's time to get scared. In 1993-1994, police departments in European countries and the United States began to hastily create or strengthen existing departments to combat crimes committed by immigrants from the countries of the former USSR. The police of France, Germany, and Austria even turned to some universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a request to train future police officers for them at their own expense. Because sometimes only a Russian police officer can understand a Russian criminal.

And since the world belongs to criminals, they also made criminals out of people. True, some criminals got out of control and the world was divided once again.

Branding of criminals - the imposition on the body of the criminal of indelible marks, in the form of emblematic images or initial letters indicating the crime or the sentence imposed (French la marque, brand, stamp, indicating signs), this should also include some additional self-harmful punishments (cutting off the ear, tearing out the nostrils).The goal is to prevent escapes and separate criminals from civilians . In Russia it was finally abolished in 1863.

Many nations used branding of criminals.

In the East, brands have a more symbolic meaning. Thus, in India, the thief of gold from a priest was branded with the image of a dog’s leg, the murderer of a Brahmin - with the image of a beheaded man.

The Romans burned the letter "F" (lat. "fugitivus" - "runaway") on slaves who were on the run; the stigma was also imposed on criminals sentenced to work in the mines. Constantine the Great ordered that brands be placed on the arms, shoulders and calves, but not on the face, created in the image and likeness of God.

*fugitiv-us fugitive - pugitive from the word “to scare”, i.e. frightening, refugee, vagabond, fragile, i.e. cannot be relied upon.

In the Middle Ages, the branding of criminals was in great use and was supported by canon law and inquisitorial practice.

In Switzerland, blasphemers were branded on their lips with a hot iron.

In France, the marking of convicts on the right shoulder with the letters “TF” (French “travaux forcés”) was retained even by the Criminal Code of 1810 and was abolished only in 1832.
In our upside-down world, this was a very convenient means for recognizing “our own” who had become “strangers” to this world.

Yes, we are used to it and shy away when we see a branded person, knowing somewhere inside that he is a criminal. But not only the human body suffered, our spoken language also suffered. How did all this happen?

For continental Brandenburg, which was cut off from sea routes by powerful Swedish squadrons, the army was primarily important. It was she who could give the country an increase in living space due to a victorious war with some weak neighbor (like Saxony). Therefore, the “soldier king” Friedrich Wilhelm demanded from his ministers and generals not only an increase in army personnel, but also its high combat readiness and training. The army had to not only march well in parades, but also shoot accurately, bayonet and cut with sabers.

The program was simple -
relying on brute military force. The soldier king passed this political testament on to his son, Prince Frederick, the future king, who would receive the nickname Great and become famous in the history of Germany.
The Prussians did not disdain any methods to replenish their regiments.
Recruiters kidnapped people in taverns and taverns, grabbed travelers on the roads and dragged them to fortresses and soldier training centers. Recruits were simply purchased in Russia and Saxony, in France, like cattle. Finally, soldiers were simply exchanged for art and gold. For example, in Saxony two regiments of cuirassiers were exchanged for vases of fine porcelain. The service was not easy. Drill, hikes, training marches. And all this over the course of 20 years. Such was the lot of the Prussian soldier.
Not a Prussian soldier, but a stolen man, torn from his family, who in the eyes of the thieves had nothing of a human face. Remember how in one of the stories I wrote about the gift of Nicholas II to 100 people? He himself was given 100 Siamese cats, and he - people...