Short curtain for a narrow window. How to choose curtains for narrow windows. Rules for the selection of curtains for small windows: adjusting the proportions of the window

Curtains on a narrow window should not only provide protection from sunlight and prying eyes, but also harmonize perfectly in the interior. Windows of classical sizes are much easier to decorate, and when decorating a narrow window opening, it is necessary to take into account a number of your characteristic ones.

Vertical narrow curtains can visually make the room narrower. They are called chip windows or ribbon windows. This type of window appeared recently.

The most impressive are panoramic windows-chips. They can be horizontal, vertical or diagonal. Horizontally, such curtains will visually make the space wider, and their diagonal position adds futurism to the modern style of the room. They saturate the kitchen and bathroom with natural light.

In order to visually make the window wider, you need to choose multilayer curtains, curtains, curtains with lapels, various lush details in the decor. In addition, fabrics with ornaments or horizontal stripes will make the window opening wider.

Rules for decorating narrow windows with curtains

  1. Avoid floral material in a room with floral wallpaper. They should be used only with plain walls.
  2. Heavy bulky curtains are undesirable.
  3. Give preference to curtains that have even, strict tailoring.
  4. To expand the window opening, you need choose a cornice as wide as possible.
  5. It is permissible to combine curtains and light curtains.
  6. When choosing a fabric, consider how it transmits light, whether it drapes well and whether it harmonizes with the colors of the interior.

Options for decorating narrow windows with curtains in different rooms:

  • Kitchen. Often you can find kitchens with narrow openings. For this room, it is better to choose short fabrics that are suitable in width. It is desirable to combine the color with the color of the wallpaper or furniture. Curtains of a straight cut, roller blinds or Roman blinds will be appropriate here.
  • Living room. For a living room decorated in a classic style, you need to use the cloth to the floor, having the shape of a rectangle. In addition, soft and hard lambrequins are suitable. On the tape openings of the window, airy translucent curtains and draped curtains look beautiful. An excellent option would be asymmetry and a combination of a number of plain canvases that are tied up in the form of a "bishop's sleeve" or falling freely down.
  • Bedroom. The method of selecting window decoration for a given room has slight differences from the selection of curtains for a living room. The most important thing is to provide protection from the sun's rays, especially when it comes to the children's bedroom. Types of curtains will also depend on the overall design. They have a wide range. French curtains with many folds look quite impressive.
  • Bathroom. Quite often, chimney windows are installed under the ceiling here, and curtains are not used, but if this room has a design in a particular style, types of lifting curtains are acceptable. These include Roman and roll.

Narrow and tall, as if directed upward windows, characteristic of many old buildings, are increasingly found in modern buildings. Their popularity is easily explained: they give the room a personality. At the same time, it is very important that the curtains for narrow windows are chosen correctly, and not only fulfill their main purpose, protecting the room from light and views from the street, but also emphasize the non-standard advantages of the window opening.

Features of the design of narrow windows

Narrow window openings look unusual, stylish, but, as a rule, are characterized by two drawbacks: they let in little light and visually narrow the space. Therefore, when decorating a narrow window with curtains, you first need to think about how to smooth out these shortcomings.

The design of a narrow window will only look appropriate if it resonates with the style of the interior of the room.

Interior designers advise:

  • A long cornice will help to visually expand the window. In order for the effect to be noticeable, its length must exceed the width of the window by at least 40-50 cm. When open, the curtains should be at the very edges of the opening. Thus, the glazing will be completely open, the light flux will enter the room to the maximum and it will seem that the window is wider than it actually is.

  • A room with high ceilings can be decorated with narrow curtains with a horizontal pattern. This technique will also help visually expand the opening. It must be remembered that horizontal prints not only visually expand the space, but also shorten its height, and it is not recommended to use them in a room with low ceilings.

  • A lambrequin will help to hide the extra space above a window that is too low. It is important that there is no distance between it and the upper part of the opening, otherwise such a technique will not look very aesthetically pleasing.

  • When the window sill is high, short canvases will not work. In this case, it is better to hang long curtains. The ideal option is narrow curtains with gradient colors with a smooth transition from bottom to top from dark to light. This technique will visually reduce the distance from the window to the floor. You can enhance the effect by painting the wall under the windowsill in the same color as the bottom of the curtains.

  • To emphasize the non-standard configuration of a narrow opening will help long curtains that go down to the floor or creep along it, hung on a cornice fixed just under the ceiling. If they are sewn from vertical striped fabric, the windows will appear even narrower and the ceilings higher.

  • If there are several narrow windows on one wall, they can be combined with a common cornice or lambrequin. In this case, it is better to hang only one curtain for each window and collect them with pickups or decorative bundles during daylight hours. Such a solution will look beautiful and harmonious.

To decorate a narrow window, you can use not two, but one panel, that is, half the set.

How to choose curtains for a narrow window in the bedroom, living room and kitchen

The subtleties of the design of the room directly depend on its functional affiliation, because what is appropriate for a bedroom or living room in the kitchen will look like a foreign element. This rule also applies to the design of curtains for tall and narrow windows.


This room does not need bright light and small openings are not its disadvantage. The main condition for choosing curtains for a narrow window in the bedroom is style matching with the interior. In a classic setting, floor-length canvases are appropriate. They can be combined with lambrequins or Austrian curtains, as in the photo above.

For other interiors, in addition to classic curtains, Roman curtains are suitable for an opening or opening. They can also be combined with floor-length curtains or hung as a stand-alone decor.

Living room

Curtains on a narrow window into the living room should correct the shortcomings of the opening and emphasize its individuality. If the living room is designed with narrow windows, then there are usually several, at least two. When the walls between the windows are small, one curtain per opening is enough.

Roller blinds and Roman blinds on high and narrow windows in the hall look modern and stylish. If, due to the specific configuration of the opening, such a design will seem too ascetic, you can supplement it with tulle or other light long curtains.


The problem of choosing curtains for a narrow window in the kitchen is relevant for many, since such openings are not uncommon in the kitchen in a modern apartment. When designing them, safety is a priority. It is better to hang compact short curtains or light filters on a kitchen window located near the stove.

Well, if there is no fire hazard, you can experiment with long curtains, using the tips above.

flight of stairs

Curtains on a flight of stairs and in the corridor are often almost the only design element, so when choosing them, you can forget to give free rein to your imagination, of course, without forgetting about the sense of proportion. Their purpose is to decorate the interior, so there is no need for dense fabrics or blackout curtains.

In addition, the canvases on the flight of stairs do not have to be curtained or curtained, they can hang statically, and it becomes possible to create the most incredible and intricate draperies.

It is not so difficult to choose curtains for narrow windows, but it is necessary to take into account the nuances that will help to avoid visual errors. If everything is done correctly, a non-standard window will turn from an inconvenient detail into an ornament that gives the room a personality.

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Recently, in interior design, people are increasingly striving for bright rooms, the windows in which are becoming larger. But tall and narrow windows have their own specifics in design. Curtains for them should be selected with great care, so as not to spoil the whole original idea in any case.

On the other hand, it is not so difficult to give such windows sophistication and a special charm. Curtains for narrow windows are most often sewn in a noble, classic style that emphasizes all their sophistication and beauty, but there are other solutions that we will consider below.

Timeless "classic"

If the entire interior in your room is designed in a strict classical style, then the curtains on the windows should fully comply with it. And in order to avoid mistakes during design, you need to know a few basic features inherent in the classical style:

  • shape - it must necessarily be rectangular, and the curtains themselves are made sliding;
  • It would not be superfluous to provide for the presence of additional decor, such as lambrequins, pickups, and so on;
  • the length of the curtains - it always reaches the floor, and maybe falls on it;

  • a mandatory attribute is a curtain - a solid curtain made of light and transparent fabric, such as, for example, organza, tulle or veil. Its length may well be arbitrary.

To better understand what is meant, look at the photo of ready-made curtains for narrow windows. They clearly show that a dense curtain is an even cut, gently draped in folds, and the curtain, or rather its lower edge, can be of different shapes.

Always beautiful "Italy"

A feature of curtains for narrow windows in the Italian style is their versatility. This style was formed back in the days of the Roman Empire, but even today it remains in demand due to its ability to fit into absolutely any style of the room. Curtains in the Italian style will be appropriate in combination with a strict classic interior, and with modern hi-tech or minimalism. It is easy to distinguish this style from others. The edges of the fabric for them are processed in a special way:

  1. They are collected in a special way in folds that overlap each other.
  2. A special lifting mechanism is installed.
  3. Also, special slats are installed on them, which help to make the folds perfectly even.

As a result, when folded, Italian curtains have neat folds in their upper part, which are clearly visible in the photo, and when unfolded, they resemble a flat and dense screen that effectively protects from sunlight during sleep, and from prying eyes, and from casual drafts.

Austrian style in curtains for narrow windows

The fashion for this type of curtains and curtains has come into modernity since the eighteenth century and still continues to decorate the luxurious interiors of the living rooms of modern apartments and houses. They give a special charm to narrow windows. Their second name is scalloped curtains. They received it for the fact that in an elevated state, lush and beautiful folds form along their lower edge, which create a festive mood among those around them, enveloping the hosts and guests with the warmth of home comfort and, at the same time, luxury.


Of course, there are many more options for curtains for narrow windows than we could list in this article. But these can be safely called the main ones. And, as you can see, they all add extra chic, charm, comfort and beauty to the interior. Just looking at the photo, you can feel how you plunge into this amazing atmosphere.

Unlike owners of standard apartments, owners of private houses are not limited in their choice of shape, size and design of window openings, at least at the planning stage of construction. If you are planning to build a house or rebuild a particular room, then the question of choosing the design of window openings will arise sooner or later.

Windows are usually called the eyes of the house, and this is not surprising, because both the exterior and the interior of your home largely depend on the design of the window. Window openings create the character and individuality of the building, form its appearance. This is what concerns the facades of buildings. If we talk about the interior of the premises, then the windows often occupy almost the entire wall in the room, and very part of this wall is opposite the entrance, which means that it inevitably affects the perception of the external appearance of the space.

Well-designed windows can transform the simplest interior design. As well as inappropriately shaped windows can spoil the efforts of designers. After all, windows allow you to control the atmosphere of the room, the level of illumination and even the color palette.

At the same time, it cannot be said that there is a universal version of the window suitable for any interior and exterior of the building. Each time, homeowners, together with designers and architects, create a unique image of the home, mixing different elements, designs and details, using more and more modern technologies.

We hope that an impressive selection of interiors of private households, which depict various rooms according to the design and construction of window openings, will help you choose your ideal window design for your own home.

panoramic windows

The latest trends in architecture and interior design are leaning towards the use of large panoramic windows. Wall-to-wall glazing, or glass walls at all, is not only an opportunity to let the maximum possible amount of natural light into the room, but also a way to radically change the appearance of the room, its character and essence.

Perhaps due to the mentality, which is influenced by the climatic features of our country, most of our compatriots believe that more panoramic windows are not for Russia, that it is “too cold”. Out of fear of freezing in the middle of the harsh Russian winter, many homeowners limit themselves to enjoying the sun as much as possible during the day. And we are talking not only about private and common rooms, but also about utility rooms. In our country, it is rare to see a bathroom in a standard apartment with a window. The same goes for utility rooms.

But modern energy-saving technologies allow us not to worry about frost, a large and bright window can be warm and functional. But this does not mean that the rule "the larger the window, the better" applies in all situations. Of course, it is necessary to consider the size and design of the window opening, based on the general concept of the entire room.

Panoramic glazing can radically transform your bedroom, for example, by erasing the boundaries of space. If there is a beautiful view outside your window, then why not let it get inside the room? Thanks to modern technology, owners of private houses, mansions and cottages can afford the luxury of waking up with the first rays of the sun and watching the sunset from their own bedroom or living room.

This is the name of several consecutive glass blocks, which are located one after the other and from the side resemble a transparent tape. Obviously, for certain rooms, the height and length of such tapes can vary significantly. Tape glazing can add light and air to a strict modern design.

Recently, in kitchen design projects, one can often notice tape glazing, which serves as an apron (or part of it), located above the working surfaces of the kitchen space. Among the obvious advantages of such an arrangement of window openings, one can note a high level of illumination of the most important areas of the kitchen, not to mention the fact that cooking a delicious meal or washing dishes is much more pleasant if you have the opportunity to look at a great view of nature outside the window.

Glazing can occupy the entire wall above work surfaces or occupy only a narrow strip. It all depends on whether you planned to place the top tier of kitchen cabinets in your cooking space.

There is an option to create parallel strip glazing, in which there will be no need to sacrifice the upper tier of kitchen storage systems. Of course, this option of enriching the kitchen with natural light is suitable for rooms with fairly high shelves.

Of course, strip glazing can be used not only in kitchens. Living rooms, offices, dining rooms and even bedrooms are able to harmoniously fit into their interior a series of glass blocks, going one after another.

At present, in addition to the standard rectangular shape for all, it is possible to make an energy-saving window of any configuration - round, oval, triangular, trapezoidal and in the form of a rhombus. The unusual shape instantly changes the appearance of the building and affects the interior of the room. Of course, making a non-standard window, or, more simply, not a rectangular shape, will take more time, and the cost will be higher. But the time and financial costs will pay off when you can see the image of your home from the outside and inside.

The original element of the interior of the room can be round windows - portholes. To do this, it is not necessary to decorate the room in a marine style, traditional furnishings or modern style will harmoniously look with round window openings.

A window with a curved top can transform any interior. It will take more time to manufacture and install it, but you will enjoy the excellent illumination of the room and the excellent appearance of the room for a very long time, so that the costs will have time to justify.

The arched window perfectly emphasizes the classic lines of the interior and can alone transform the appearance of the room. The contrasting design of the window slabs in dark colors against the background of the light finish of the room instantly makes it the center of attention, around which the whole concept of space design is built.

Not so long ago, designers around the world began to use this interesting constructive technique, with the help of which two windows are connected at right angles, forming a glass corner. If the windows are large enough, then the line between the external environment and the interior of the room is practically erased, creating the impression of the presence of a portal to nature.

Swing and tilt windows

As a rule, rotary and folding structures have small windows. Often these window models are used in utilitarian areas such as corridors, bathrooms, pantries and laundry rooms, sometimes in the kitchen.

Pivoting windows in a dark contrasting frame serve not only as a source of light and fresh air, but also as an element of the decor of the room, successfully harmonizing with the decoration of the stairs.

Hinged windows are often found in bathrooms. Even small window openings can provide you with the necessary level of lighting. In addition, for rooms with high humidity, the ventilation function comes first. It's great if you can organize an alternative option for natural ventilation, in addition to an electric hood.

And this is a variant of a hinged window with latches, thanks to which you can keep the window open without effort. An excellent solution for a private house - you can eat outside, admiring the sunset, and transfer food directly from the kitchen, through the counter window.

Windows for attic rooms

Attic and attic spaces are not an easy place to organize living rooms. The design of the roof, assuming windows in the original version, is not common. Therefore, it is better to decide at the planning stage of the building whether you will use the attic or the attic and what kind of premises you want to place there, the number and scale of window openings will depend on this.

Obviously, when arranging an office, library or nursery in the attic or attic, it is necessary to provide the room with a sufficiently high level of illumination. In our country, there is a certain stereotype about attics - this is a dark, dirty and non-residential room, where, as a rule, the owners put any unused (or rarely used) belongings. But these are additional square meters that can be rationally used by increasing the number of living rooms or utility rooms. After all, no matter how big a private house is, there is still not enough space.

Material, color and texture

Undoubtedly, plastic energy-saving profiles can now be safely called the leader in the window market, but this does not mean that wood has ceased to be used as a material for the manufacture of window frames. Especially when it comes to window openings of private and country houses, which are often decorated in country style or using certain elements of country style.

But at present, laminated profiles with a polymer film have been actively used, which is able to imitate any texture. Of course, "wooden" surfaces are most often ordered from manufacturers of window profiles. And this is quite obvious, because the fashion for wooden surfaces never goes away.

Using a polymer film, you can create a visual reproduction of almost any material, such as metal, stainless steel.

Even in a standard white plastic window, there is an option to show individuality by ordering not a black seal, which is located between the frame and glass, but, for example, gray. In this way, you can smooth out the contrast, not to mention the fact that lighter tones in the design of the window visually increase it.

Contrasting, dark window frames can become the focal points of spaces, drawing all eyes. Of course, such windows do not need to be decorated with textiles, acting as full participants in the formation of the image of the room.

Examples of glazing rooms in a private house

One of the most important premises of an urban private house or a country household is the living room. As a rule, this is a fairly large room, which boasts a whole set of windows of impressive size.

With the help of narrow high windows, you can give the interior a touch of European style. Usually in English design projects similar models of window openings are used.

In private homes, bathroom spaces can boast impressive dimensions, unlike their urban counterparts, enclosed within the framework of urban standard apartments. And the consequence of this is, first of all, the possibility in principle to install a window, and sometimes not one, and quite a big one.

In rooms where active work, creative work, reading will be carried out, it is necessary to provide a high level of illumination, sometimes for this it is necessary to resort to additional installation of windows.

For children's bedrooms and playrooms, in addition to the issue of sufficient illumination and the possibility of ventilation, the issue of safety is quite acute. Currently, manufacturers of window profiles offer many options for "secret" locks that young children are unable to open on their own.

A small window makes the room bulky and uncomfortable, but with the right curtains, you can transform the interior of the room, bringing a special homely atmosphere. Curtains will help to correct the shape and size of the window, emphasize its interesting and unusual design.

Which windows are considered small: norm and deviation

Standard window sizes are specified in GOST. They are calculated on the basis of building codes and regulations for each dwelling separately, depending on the level of lighting, the total area of ​​the rooms and the architectural ensemble as a whole.

According to GOST, the width of the window can be from 870 mm to 2670 mm, and the height - from 1160 mm to 2060 mm. The most common window size is 1300 mm high and 1400 mm wide.

Windows with a height of less than 1300 mm and a width of less than 1400 mm are considered small, having specific features and a characteristic design. Window openings with a width of 600 mm or more are considered narrow, and window openings with a height of 560 mm or more are considered low.

General rules for choosing curtains for small windows

Curtains for a small window must be chosen, starting not only from the size of the window opening, but also from the general style of the design of the room.

You can visually enlarge a small window with the help of a cornice, which is 20 cm wider than the window opening on each side. But you don’t need to choose a cornice that is too wide - when you open the curtains, part of the wall will be visible, and this does not look aesthetically pleasing.

In rooms with a small area, you do not need to hang long curtains on the floor, it is better to stop your choice on shortened models, with a slightly blurred vertical pattern - the room will be more spacious.

On small windows, curtains up to the window sill look beautiful, made of plain light fabrics in pastel shades.

When choosing curtains for a non-standard window, you need to avoid a large number of layers, draperies and ruffles, and if you want something original and elegant, you can opt for asymmetric air curtains.

Low ceilings can be visually raised using long curtains.

Types of curtains for a small window

  • Classic

Even a small window can be decorated with curtains in a classic style: transparent short or dense long, combined with airy tulle. Especially chic will be added by lambrequins, which are also able to visually correct the window opening, but excessive decor and slickness, large ornaments and patterns should be avoided.

  • Hinged curtains

Hinged curtains can be either long or short, and the hinges for this type of curtains are made from the same material as the canvas itself. Most often, these curtains are used to decorate window openings in country-style interiors, as well as modern neutral ones. They are especially convenient to use in a children's room or bedroom, as they move along the eaves quite silently, moreover, they form beautiful even folds.

You can hang different types of curtains on the hinges, which are attached to the cornice: classic long or short, French or London, Italian or cafe curtains.

  • French

French curtains are a real find for small windows. They are a canvas, collected in lush horizontal or vertical folds, which is attached, using a lifting mechanism, at the desired height.

French curtains are best combined with simple plain curtains, for example, an ornament is simple and discreet. They are suitable for decorating a window opening in a spacious room, and it is better not to use a small room, they make the interior design heavier.

  • Roman

Roman blinds are versatile and suitable for both large and small windows. They are a canvas that, rising up, forms beautiful folds.

Roman blinds can be combined with light tulle and classic curtains, because they are simple and concise, stylish and elegant. For their manufacture, both light airy and dense fabrics are used.

  • Japanese

Japanese curtains can make a small window visually large. They are fabric panels that slide smoothly along horizontal guides. Their adjustment is carried out by cords.

This type of curtain is simple and sophisticated at the same time, it can be combined with flowing curtains or transparent tulle.

  • London

London curtains are a fabric canvas that is tightened on both sides with cords, forming a beautiful wave in the middle, and on the sides there are deep folds like a fan. When making small windows, they can be combined with Roman or roller blinds.

  • Italian

Italian curtains are special curtains, which for the most part carry only a decorative load, because they do not close the window from prying eyes from the street. They look luxurious and pompous, elegantly gathered into folds and flounces, which are fixed with hooks. With their help, a small window can be made wider.

  • Grandma's curtains

Grandma curtains or cafe curtains look good on small window openings. By design, this is one or two curtains with small floral patterns, which are hung on a mini-cornice in the middle of the window. They will decorate the interior in the style of Provence, country or modern rustic.

  • Hourglass

The hourglass is perfect for small windows, making them look sophisticated. They are a canvas, tied in the middle with a cloth, ribbon or bow. This type of curtains make the design of the room cozy.

  • Rolled

Roller blinds are suitable for almost any window, they protect well from bright sunlight, they are very simple and practical to use. Roller blinds are a straight sheet that gathers into a roller, making it convenient to adjust their length. They are mounted both on the window opening and on the cornice and can be combined with air curtains to decorate a tiny window.

  • Without cornice

To make the interior lighter, many designers prefer not to use cornices for decorating small windows. Their function is performed by all kinds of hooks, decorative clothespins or metal holders, as well as fishing line or thin wire.

  • Blinds

Blinds protect well from bright sunlight and prying eyes from the street; they are most often made of plastic plates, less often - of wood. This type of curtain is most often used in non-residential rooms, such as a bathroom, pantry or toilet, when the window needs to be closed especially tightly.

  • Curtains for two windows

If there are two windows on the same wall, then it is more expedient to arrange them together, combining them with a cornice or lambrequin into a single whole. This is especially beneficial when the window openings are small, because as a result the room will become visually more spacious.

General features of the choice of fabric and colors

The color of the curtains should be in harmony with the color scheme prevailing in the room.

Tulle, a tone lighter or darker than curtains will visually increase the size of the window. Bright and catchy colors when decorating small window openings are best avoided, with the exception of Japanese, roller or Roman blinds.

Your choice must be stopped on light fabrics - mixed or natural. The ideal option is white translucent textiles.

Rules for the selection of curtains for small windows: adjusting the proportions of the window

  • Wide low window

A wide, low window can be pulled up with the help of a ceiling cornice, which should not protrude beyond the boundaries of the window opening. It is better to choose curtains that are heavy, plain on the floor or just below the window sill and hang them using eyelets or decorative rings. You can not use large ornaments and vertical stripes, a light textured pattern looks good on such windows.

In the bathroom or toilet, blinds or roller blinds can be used.

narrow long window

In order to correct a narrow window, you need to hang a cornice longer than the window opening by 25 cm on each side. Necessarily with curtains, it is necessary to use tulle, the length of the products should be up to the window sill or slightly lower. Straight light curtains from one canvas are suitable - Japanese, Roman or rolled. Do not hang the cornice too high - this will further lengthen the window. Also, a straight lambrequin with a horizontal pattern, or a translucent tulle with dense straight curtains on the tiebacks, will help to slightly align the window opening.

Custom beveled windows

In order to make a beveled window beautiful, you should hang the curtains on a special inclined cornice. You can visually enlarge a small window with the help of long light and plain curtains.

The shape of the beveled window opening itself is beautiful and original, therefore, one should not focus too much on the curtains. Roman blinds are well suited, as well as French or Austrian ones.

Curtains for bedroom

In the bedroom, light short curtains made of translucent material in combination with Roman or roller blinds will be appropriate. As well as simple long sliding curtains in combination with translucent tulle. You can visually enlarge the window with the help of a ceiling cornice and a multi-layered lambrequin of their tulle or organza.

For the living room

When choosing curtains for small windows in the living room, it is better to avoid curtains of deep and saturated colors, and opt for cold light shades that will visually enlarge the space. It is necessary to avoid stickiness and layering as much as possible, a good option is single-layer curtains with garters, combined with translucent curtains and lambrequins.

To the kitchen

In the kitchen, curtains, first of all, should be practical, so you need to opt for short curtains in combination with a shortened tulle or an airy lambrequin. You can also experiment with Austrian or English curtains in combination with roller or Roman curtains, cafe curtains will be very appropriate. It is very practical to use various pickups and clamps.

Original curtains for a country house

For a country house, products made from light natural or mixed fabrics in light colors, such as cafe curtains, Roman or roller blinds, are suitable. It is important not to overload the room with decorative elements and make the composition of curtains and tulle simple and natural. The main thing is to correctly combine the length and density of materials.

DIY curtain decor

You can decorate curtains with tiebacks and garters, which you can either buy ready-made or make yourself - this will bring individuality and originality to the design of the room.

From scraps of curtains or tulle, you can sew batons and decorate them with beads, tiebacks from chains also look beautiful, especially if you string various decorative objects on them.

Even simple hooks and clips can be turned into works of art by gluing shells, pebbles, flowers or other little things on them that will emphasize the overall interior. Even with ordinary buttons of different shapes, colors and sizes, you can create unique compositions.

In order not to clutter up a small window with unnecessary decor, you can sheathe the curtains themselves with openwork lace, fringe or tassels.

The photo gallery below shows examples of decorative elements that anyone can make.

Non-standard windows can be transformed with the help of the right textile design, masking flaws and bringing its proportions closer to standard ones. Using curtains made of materials of different densities and colors, you can fill the room with additional light, as well as adjust the height of the ceilings. The design of the window opening is able to change the proportions of the room, emphasizing its advantages and hiding its flaws.

Photo gallery


This video presents current trends in the design of small windows in different interiors.