Plastic windows lg hausys (chem) (lg hausys-chem). Plastic windows LG High rates of weldability. Plastic windows and doors made from LG Hausys profile systems are reliable during installation. Manufacturability

Ranking first in the Southeast region and third in the world in terms of polymer production, the chemical concern (South Korea) has an industry-leading research and development center, where the best chemists - technologists from around the world are gathered. The long-term work of this division has been embodied in a recipe that is balanced in all respects, which maximally corresponds to the harsh Russian conditions, in many respects exceeding the requirements of GOST.

Of course, at the own production of one of the world's largest chemical concerns, there are no procurement, transport, storage, customs, salary costs for the entire staff related to raw materials, which does not increase the cost of the profile and, of course, there are no interruptions in the raw materials and fillers themselves, and means loss as a profile.

LG Hausys, as a guru of the PVC industry, was in no hurry to enter the Russian market, but, realizing all the responsibility for its performance, for 10 years watched how European colleagues, with traditional Teutonic tenacity, made bumps on the Russian expanses.

Such prudence, traditional for the Asian mentality, has degenerated into a comprehensive program for the development of the Russian market, namely:

Plastic profile LG Hausys L-600 specially designed to meet consumer demand for high-quality plastic windows with excellent durability, heat saving and reasonable prices. The L-600 plastic profile system provides increased thermal insulation and complete absence of noise thanks to a 4-chamber structure with a construction depth of 60 mm, created using LG Hausys technologies in accordance with the highest requirements.

Plastic profile LG Hausys L-700 with unique indicators of heat saving and sound insulation, it is able to satisfy the highest requirements of the most demanding customers. Plastic windows from the L-700 profile can be used in areas with the most severe climatic conditions. The design of the plastic 5-chamber L-700 profile with a construction depth of 70 mm, thought out to the smallest detail, transforms any plastic windows into an ultra-modern finished look.

LG Hausys L-600 system - door. Especially for the manufacture of plastic entrance doors, the L-600 system has been developed - a door system. Due to the increased strength of welded joints in LG Hausys profiles and the use of well-proven additional inserts that provide a second (additional) welding circuit, a technical solution with a large margin of safety is obtained. Plastic doors LG Hausys L-600 - the best solution for use in residential and office buildings.

All profile systems are specially adapted for increased thermal insulation.

Based on many years of experience in the production of PVC profiles for Canada and the northern regions of the United States (including Alaska), LG Hausys made a fundamental decision to bring systems with enhanced thermal insulation properties to the Russian market.

For example, no system even provides for the possibility of using a cold bay window and corner connection. Additional and stand profiles have a three- or four-chamber section. And even the overlay for the steel strip has chambers around the perimeter in its section!

Fundamental refusal to reduce the cost of systems by reducing the wall thickness.

LG Hausys fundamentally does not follow the beaten path, which, unfortunately, is characteristic of many well-known European manufacturers. Reducing the thickness of the outer walls by 5-10 percent is, on the one hand, a generally accepted method for reducing product prices, while not contradicting the requirements of GOST, but, on the other hand, significantly worsens the overall strength, static and thermal performance of the finished window. This path is unacceptable for LG Hausys, which does not seek compromises in terms of quality.

The general principle of the company is to supply a high quality product at competitive prices!

When developing the design and designing the profile, computer simulation data and laboratory research results were taken into account. The profile structure has 4 air chambers, and the thickness of the outer wall is at least 3mm, which ensures minimal heat loss. The diagram obtained on the basis of experimental data clearly confirms the high thermal insulation properties of the L-600 series profile.

Thanks to the 20-degree bevel of the outer panel of the L-600 profile and the total width of the frame and sash in the finished product, equal to 114 mm, the glazing area has been increased. As a result, plastic windows from the LG Hausys profile of this series let in more light, increasing visibility and meeting modern design requirements.

Surface treatment by special methods makes it possible to achieve a special degree of glossiness, which in turn has a positive effect on the appearance of the euro-window, reducing the degree of contamination of the profile due to the deposition of natural dust on it. Which is especially important due to its quantity, characteristic of our urban conditions.

The results of sanitary and epidemiological tests of the LG Hausys profile confirm the right to install window products, both in residential and industrial premises. With the help of plastic windows from the LG Hausys profile, it is possible to glaze preschool and educational institutions, medical and medical facilities, industrial and domestic facilities.

Since 2001, in Russia, the requirements for PVC window profiles have been regulated GOST 30673-99 “polyvinyl chloride profiles for window and door blocks. Specifications".

Qualitative characteristics of LG Hausys profiles fully meet the requirements of this GOST, which is confirmed by certificates for the LG Hausys profile. There is an opinion that PVC and products based on it pose a danger to the environment and human health. The main complaints are made about the presence of chlorine and lead compounds in the polymer (when used in the production of lead stabilizers).

Objectively, the presence of any chemical element in the composition of a complex compound is not a basis for concluding that it is environmentally hazardous or safe. For example, chlorine, which is the most toxic gas in its free state, is the main component in the composition of ordinary table salt (NaCl). As for lead compounds, they are securely closed in the polymer structure.



Lead-stabilized plastic pipes for drinking water have been in operation in Germany for over 40 years and have not been shown to adversely affect human health. We all use PVC kettles in everyday life, we drink boiling water from them every day, and we don’t lick or bite plastic windows even when they are cold.

The modern technology for the production of profiles used by LG Hausys eliminates the emission of toxic and poisonous substances and harm to the health of production personnel, since the processes of mixing, melting and molding take place in hermetically sealed cases, the components of the raw materials go into production and are loaded packaged in special packaging.

Published research data from the Vienna University of Economics show that the production of PVC window profiles is less energy-intensive and less polluting than the production of similar profiles from other materials.

Products from the LG Hausys profile can be installed up to 100 meters above the ground, as the existing system of various reinforcing profiles allows them to withstand the highest wind loads.

Why plastic windows from LG Hausys profiles are an interesting offer on the Russian market:

  • The profiles are powerful, with a large wall thickness, without the harmful savings inherent in many profiles of domestic production;
  • Profiles have an excellent uniform bright white color and high-quality glossy surface, pleasant to the touch;
  • Profiles are characterized by high plasticity, high impact strength, i.e., unlike analogues, they do not crack;
  • For the extrusion of profiles, LG Hausys uses only virgin PVC of its own production, without the use of recycled materials;
  • The L-600 profile, with the dimensions and price of standard domestic profiles (such as KBE, Veka, Rehau, Proplex, etc.), has 4 air chambers, which determines better thermal insulation performance than 3-chamber analogues;
  • The price of windows from LG Hausys profiles is not higher than the prices of windows of the lower price segment from domestic profiles. At the same time, the characteristics and consumer qualities of such products are much better. This pricing policy is determined by the desire of the LG concern to occupy a significant share of the Russian market.

Profile plastic windows LG Hausys offered by our company Eurostyle- today is really the most profitable option in terms of "PRICE / QUALITY" ratio! Now you can also decorate your life with comfortable and modern euro-windows from the profile.

1. Plastic windows and doors made from LG Hausys profile systems are the warmest on the market of translucent structures:

A specific function of a window, unlike other enclosing elements of building structures, is to provide light transmission. This forces the use of appropriate materials in its design, the task of which, first of all, is successful light transmission. But at the same time, thermophysical characteristics are significantly reduced, in comparison with other enclosing elements of the building.

Through the windows, which usually do not occupy the largest part of the building envelope, up to 50% of all the heat that the building loses leaves. Therefore, one of the main requirements for windows is their ability to retain heat inside the room. This ability characterizes, in accordance with GOST RF, the reduced resistance to heat transfer.

The reduced heat transfer resistance for the main profiles of the 4-chamber L-600 system, which has a system depth of 60 mm, is at least 0.74 m2 x deg C / W, which significantly exceeds the performance of all similar systems from other profile manufacturers and corresponds in value to 5 -ti chamber systems with a system depth of 70mm.

The main profiles of the 5-chamber 70mm L-700 system have a reduced heat transfer resistance value of 0.91 m2 x deg C / W and generally have no analogues among similar products from competitors.

(Attention! The values ​​of the reduced heat transfer resistance are given taking into account the installed steel reinforcement!).

2. Plastic windows and doors made from LG Hausys profile systems are the most reliable in terms of mechanical characteristics:

In the process of manufacturing, delivery, installation and operation, plastic windows withstand significant mechanical stress. And on how successfully the profile withstands these loads, ultimately depends on the successful operation of window structures. An important indicator of such properties is Charpy impact strength.

The Charpy impact strength for the LG Hausys profile is 50 kJm2, which is more than 3 times higher than the requirements of GOST RF (15 kJm2). Thus, plastic windows from this profile have a high safety margin of mechanical properties.

3. Plastic windows and doors made from LG Hausys profile systems work equally well in the widest temperature range, from the lowest to the highest:

An important requirement for plastic windows and doors is their ability to function successfully during the summer heat at high (+30 - +45 degrees C) temperatures. An indicator of this ability is the Vicat softening temperature. The higher this indicator, the less the mechanical properties of the profile change in the range of +30 - +45 degrees C compared to its properties at +15 - +20 degrees C.

The Vicat softening temperature for LG systems is 91 degrees C, which significantly exceeds the requirements of GOST RF (75 degrees C) and RAL (81 degrees C), as well as the corresponding indicators of similar competitive systems. This characteristic indicates that plastic windows and doors made from the LG Hausys profile practically do not lose their mechanical properties even at temperatures of +40 - +50 degrees C. This allows them to be successfully operated without any problems in any summer heat.

At low temperatures, the main problem is associated with a decrease in the plasticity of the profile, which can lead to mechanical damage to window structures during their operation in such conditions. The verification of these profile properties is a test for resistance to impact at a negative temperature, carried out in accordance with GOST RF and RAL.

When testing for resistance to impact at a negative temperature, not a single destruction of the test samples was revealed. And this despite the fact that the requirements of GOST RF and RAL allow the destruction of one out of ten tested samples.

Thus, we see that plastic windows and doors made from LG Hausys profile systems work equally well in the widest temperature range, from the lowest to the highest.

4. High rates of weldability. Plastic windows and doors made from LG Hausys profile systems are reliable during installation. Manufacturability:

The greatest load during the installation of plastic windows and doors falls on the welded corner joints of the box. Therefore, this structural element is checked especially carefully. There is a special method for checking the reliability of welded joints.

The tests carried out by us during certification in the subdivisions of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation showed that the margin of safety of the welded joints of the box is more than 2.5 times compared with the requirements of GOST. Thus, plastic windows from LG Hausys profile systems do not have problems with the destruction of the weld during installation.

In addition, the good weldability of the profile allows, without compromising the quality of the welded joint, to clean it at automatic cleaning stations, where the cooling time after welding is less than on conventional production lines. Those. The LG Hausys profile is the best match for today's most advanced processing methods.

5. The durability of LG profile systems significantly exceeds the requirements of GOST. In all respects, the LG Hausys profile can successfully work even after the required 40 conditional years of operation:

When a client chooses plastic windows and doors, durability is the most important requirement. What basic properties can change in a profile during its long-term operation? These are, first of all, mechanical properties and color change.

Naturally, over time, the mechanical properties of the profile decrease and the color gradually changes. How long these parameters remain within the acceptable range determines the durability of the profile.

Consider the mechanical properties. In accordance with GOST 30673-99, the tensile strength of the profile after 40 years of conditional operation can change from the control parameters by 40%. The corresponding change in LG profiles is 9.8%. The allowable change in Charpy impact strength is 50%, and for the LG test specimens it is 14.2%.
The allowable color change after 40 years of conditional operation is 3 steps on the gray scale threshold, and for LG profiles this parameter is 2.

Thus, we see that even after 40 years of conditional operation, the profiles retain a large margin both in terms of mechanical properties and color. This allows our structures to work successfully for a long time even after the stipulated 40 conditional years of operation.

6. High accuracy of the geometric parameters of the profile is the key to the successful operation of window systems:

An important parameter for the profile is also the accuracy of the geometric dimensions of the profiles. Since plastic windows consist of many elements that match in a large number of sizes and surfaces, the accuracy of manufacturing the profiles themselves is the most important condition for creating a high-quality window unit.

The determining factors here are the recipe, which we will discuss below, the quality of the extrusion equipment and the experience of the personnel providing the extrusion process.

LG Hausys has been producing window profiles of a modern type for 30 years, having accumulated vast experience in this area. Naturally, the personnel involved in production also have extensive experience and qualifications.

The large production volume (more than 190 lines) and the widest range of products used in completely different markets also contribute to the accumulation of experience. At the same time, our equipment suppliers are European companies Weber (extruders) and Greiner (dies) - leaders in the market of extrusion equipment.

The combination of the above reasons makes it possible to ensure the accuracy of extrusion of LG window profiles with tolerances that are an order of magnitude more accurate than the requirements of GOST RF. Where GOST requires a tolerance within 1mm, our tolerances do not exceed 0.1mm, and often they are even lower.

7. Reasons that allow LG Hausys to produce PVC profile with unique technical characteristics:

What is the reason for the unique technical characteristics of LG profile systems? We note right away that all the above properties of the profile are primarily related to the recipe that our profiles have. Here LG Hausys has the potential to be incomparably greater than that of our competitors.

The quality indicators of the profile are highly dependent on the so-called additives, or additives. It is they that give it the specified physical and chemical properties (strength, plasticity, color stability). If the technological production cycle is disturbed, the chemical composition of the mixture changes, or an increased content of recycled PVC is used, the quality of the profile suffers greatly (over time, plastic windows turn yellow, freeze and deform in winter). Therefore, when choosing a window, the guarantees and reputation of the manufacturer are so important.

LG Hausys is one of the largest PVC manufacturers in the world. At the same time, we, of course, use raw materials of our own production in our profile systems, selecting the most optimal PVC brands for profile systems, taking into account the requirements of those regions where plastic windows from our profile will then work. The same goes for additives, most of which we also produce ourselves. Having experience in the creation and production of not only profiles, but also the raw materials for its production, independently creating the product during the full production cycle, we can really give PVC window profiles the properties that are optimal for this product. If necessary, it is possible to quickly make the necessary changes both in the design and formulation of window profiles, as well as quickly create new products required by our customers.

These are our profile capabilities, which our competitors do not have, and determine the uniqueness of the technical properties of the magnificent window profile from which plastic windows are made for you by our Eurostyle company!

LG profile system

LG Chem began its historical development in 1947 under the name "Lucky Chemical Industrial Corporation".

  • In 1962, one division for the production of PVC products was separated from the staff of the Lucky Chemical Industrial Corporation and this division was officially registered under the name "Lucky".
  • In 1982, the expansion of the plant for the production of PVC products was completed,
  • In 1987, a plant with a production capacity of 300,000 tons of PVC was put into operation,
  • In 1995, a decision was made to change the name of the company to LG Chemical Ltd,
  • In 2000, the plant "Hyundai Petrochemical"s" was acquired for the production of PVC products in the United States.
  • In 2001, production volumes were further increased by 90,000 tons of PVC products,
  • In 2003, a decision was made to increase the production of PVC products to 500,000 tons at the plant in Yesu (South Korea).
  • In 2004, a decision was made to enter the Russian market with PVC profiles produced in Chongchju (South Korea).

To meet consumer expectations as closely as possible, LG Chem has developed its internal quality management system, which should significantly change the balance of power in the production, management and marketing of its products around the world, with the main goal of increasing the range of products, improving their quality and timely delivery to the consumer. Not satisfied with the requirements of ISO 2001, along with companies such as Motorola, DuPont, General Electric, LG Chem is one of the ideologists of the SixSigma management system, aimed at building enterprise management in terms of quality improvement. Six Sigma is a target that corresponds to the level of excellence possible in meeting customer requirements.

State-of-the-art powerful and high-performance extruders and mixers
For the production of PVC profiles, for the last 20 years, LG Chem has been purchasing the highest quality and high-performance extruder plants from the German company "WEBER", a recognized leader in its field. Currently, LG Chem uses more than 200 extruder units with a total capacity of more than 300,000 tons of profiles per year in the production of profiles. To realize the full potential of the formulation, LG Chem uses state-of-the-art metrology and mixing equipment, keeping track of the latest developments in the field.

Own machine-building production of tools for extrusion
For carrying out preventive and repair work on extruders, as well as for the production of high-precision dies used in the production of PVC profiles, under the same roof with the production of PVC products, there is a machine-building workshop for the manufacture of tooling. Thanks to the successful development of LG Chem, the annual increase in the sales of PVC profiles produced by it around the world, the staff of the company almost does not change, and thanks to these specialists, the quality of the profile is stable, constant and has the best ratings as experts in this field. and end users of finished windows.

LG Chem window properties:

  • Stylish modern window design LG Chem
    The rounded shapes of the glazing bead and the outer bevel of the frame and sash give LG Chem windows an unusually attractive look.
  • High thermal insulation of LG Chem windows
    4, 5-chamber structure, specially selected PVC composition, open reinforcement all this gives high performance in terms of thermal insulation.
  • High sound insulation of LG Chem windows
    Width of double-glazed windows up to 42 mm, excellent tightness (double-circuit seal around the entire perimeter) provide excellent absorption of street noise.
  • High strength and reliability of LG Chem windows
    Impact strength is three times higher than the requirements of GOST. LG Chem windows freely withstand significant wind loads, do not break or sag.
  • Long-lasting whiteness and brilliance of LG Chem windows
    Thanks to the even glossy profile treatment, dirt and dust do not penetrate the surface, so LG Chem windows are easy to clean and do not turn yellow.
  • Guaranteed quality of LG CHEM windows
    LG Chem shares the responsibility for the quality of our products. There is a certificate of the manufacturer and seller of windows LG Chem.
  • LG CHEM window profile is environmentally friendly
    The LG Chem profile meets the highest environmental standards. Thanks to its unique formulation, it is chemically inert, durable and resistant to environmental influences. LG Chem windows are of high quality, beautiful and safe for your health.
  • Easy maintenance of LG CHEM windows
    Due to the well-thought-out design, LG Chem windows are easy and pleasant to care for. Thanks to their smooth, even surface, they are easy to clean without the use of special detergents.

Plastic windows LG Hausys can be installed both by point installation method and by tape method in horizontal and vertical planes. Since the existing system of various reinforcing profiles allows LG Hausys plastic windows to withstand the highest wind loads, they are successfully used in high-rise construction.

Plastic windows LG Hausys are installed in buildings at a height of more than 100 meters. Our plastic windows of the L600 system with a construction depth of 60 mm have 4 chambers, which in principle for windows with this construction depth is a rather rare and pleasant advantage over 3-chamber plastic windows with a similar construction depth. The presence of a whole group of glazing beads of various shapes and sizes makes it possible to install insulated double-glazed windows with a thickness of 4 to 32 mm into LG Hausys plastic windows. Moreover, both single-chamber and multi-chamber insulated double-glazed windows can be installed in windows. The design and shape of our plastic windows meet all the requirements of modern building codes for strength, rigidity, reliability and functionality.

The results of sanitary and epidemiological tests of our plastic windows confirm the right to install LG Hausys windows, both in residential and industrial premises. With the help of these products, it is possible to glaze not only the apartments of private buyers, but also preschool and educational institutions, medical and medical facilities, industrial and domestic facilities.

Plastic windows LG Hausys are certified in Russia and can be successfully used not only in areas with normal operating conditions for similar products, but also in the northern building climatic zone at temperatures down to minus 55 degrees Celsius for at least forty years.

The main types of LG window profiles:

LG 600 profile system(LG - 600)

LG-600 provides increased thermal insulation and complete absence of noise thanks to a 4-chamber profile created using LG Chem technologies in accordance with the highest European quality standards.

The L600 profile system is specifically designed to meet consumer demand for high-quality plastic windows with excellent durability, heat savings and affordable prices.

The system of plastic window profiles L600 provides increased thermal insulation and complete absence of noise due to the 4-chamber structure with a construction depth of 60 mm. Created using LG Chem technologies, the L 600 PVC profile system complies with the highest European quality standards.

LG 600 profile system(LG - 700)

The LG-700 features elegant shapes with rounded edges. 5 chambers with a depth of 70 mm reliably retain heat indoors and provide complete protection against noise and dust. L-700 profiles are the real quality of modern window technologies.

The L700 profile system with unique heat saving and sound insulation indicators makes it possible to produce plastic windows for customers even with very high quality requirements. Due to its heat-saving properties, L700 belongs to the elite profile systems and provides maximum thermal insulation and protection from external noise.

Plastic windows from the L700 profile can be used in areas with the most severe climatic conditions. The design of the L700 plastic five-chamber profile with a construction depth of 70 mm, thought out to the smallest detail, will give a finished modern look to any plastic window and, with it, to the entire building.

All plastic windows must fulfill their functions, therefore, window structures are designed in accordance with all requirements. But quite often, as it turns out during installation, not all windows reliably perform their functions. The reason lies in the fact that the sample of windows may differ from the production batch. Also, it can be errors made during installation or errors in production. But are you looking for reliable windows that you want to be 100% sure of? Then you should pay attention to LGHAUSYS windows.

Plastic windows LG - high quality and manufacturing technology

LG PVC windows are an excellent choice if you want high-quality windows at a low price. The technology of manufacturing windows, as well as high hermetic characteristics, will make it possible to produce windows at the highest level. The quality of the windows will not depend on the manufacturer itself, as well as on the installers who will install the windows. In addition, LG windows have some other advantages:
1. Environmentally friendly materials. All profiles have a hygiene certificate, which confirms this. Moreover, the certificate is issued for all materials from which plastic windows are made.
2. LG windows have additional special seals. This allows you to protect the house from the most severe frosts, from wind and drafts. Windows are perfect for our region.
3. High degree of weldability of windows ensures longer service life. Windows can last for decades.
4. The high quality of the windows allows them not only to be used for a long time, but also to preserve the original appearance of the windows. They will be the same color as when you bought them, they do not need additional care.

Would you like to order LG plastic windows?

Then we can help you! We are manufacturers of plastic windows, we have a certificate for the production of windows of this brand. We can provide all certificates of hygiene, as well as the official manufacturer. We have a low price for our products, as we are a manufacturer and work without intermediaries! If you have additional questions, call us, we will always help you!

LG has vast experience in polymer development. Six research institutes of the company are constantly working to improve the quality of products and their consumer properties. Unlike most window companies, LG Hausys uses a complete production cycle, from the manufacture of PVC resin and other raw materials. This allows you to achieve high quality products at an affordable price. Thanks to this approach, LG Hausys window systems quickly gained recognition around the world, and the company became one of the leaders in terms of output and quality of PVC profiles.

LG Hausys L-600 is one of the best PVC profiles in its class. The window system was developed specifically for Russia, taking into account our climatic features. With a standard 60 mm width of the window system, the number of air chambers has been increased to 4, which favorably affects the soundproofing properties.

Special attention deserves the plastic from which the PVC profile is made. Excellent rigidity and viscosity, perfect white color with a matte tint, plastic resistance to extremely low and high temperatures. Affordable price of PVC profile will pleasantly surprise you.

LG Hausys L-700S (ElGee L-700S)

  • External wall thickness: 3 mm
  • European class A
  • Number of air chambers: 3
  • U-shaped reinforcement in the frame
  • Sound insulation class: up to 44 dB (VDI 2719)
  • Heat transfer resistance: up to 0.71 m2°С/W

When developing the PVC window profile LG Hausys L-700S, the focus was on the unusual and interesting design of the window system. The original shape of the sash with wide bevels and an antique-style glazing bead. Metal-plastic windows from the LG Hausys L-700S profile will be an excellent solution for houses of the old stock and houses of "Stalinist construction".

Like all LG Hausys window systems, the L-700S metal-plastic profile is equipped with an EPDM rubber seal. Compared to a conventional seal, it is more resistant to aggressive environmental influences and has an extended service life. The contours of the seal made of EPDM rubber remain elastic for a long time and provide a tight hold of the sash to the frame, which helps to avoid drafts and blowing.

LG Hausys L-700 (ElGee L-700)

  • Construction depth of the profile: 70 mm
  • External wall thickness: 3 mm
  • European class A
  • Number of air chambers: 5
  • Max. glazing thickness: 42 mm
  • U-shaped reinforcement in the frame
  • Burglar resistance class: 3 (DIN V ENV 1627)
  • Sound insulation class: up to 50 dB (VDI 2719)
  • Heat transfer resistance: up to 0.78 m2°С/W
  • EPDM sealing contours
  • German fittings: Siegenia AUBI Favorit
  • Certification RAL, ISO, DIN, Rostest

Five-chamber window profile with increased sound insulation and energy saving. Despite the fact that the window system belongs to the premium class, it has a fairly reasonable cost. The LG L-700 metal-plastic profile is perfect for glazing private country houses with their own heating, where the issue of energy saving plays an important role.

LG Hausys windows specifications. Comparison table of plastic windows LG Chem.

Characteristic LG Hausys L-600 LG Hausys L-700S LG Hausys L-700
Construction depth of the profile, mm 60 60 70
Number of air chambers 4 3 5
Maximum glass thickness 32 42 42
Heat transfer resistance coefficient, R0pr 67 71 78
Sound insulation class, VDI 2719 II - IV class, up to 40 dB II - IV class, up to 44 dB II - IV class, up to 50 dB
Hardware group Siegenia AUBI Favorit (Germany)
Guarantee Warranty for metal-plastic profile 40 years from the manufacturer
Certificates Certification Ral, DIN, ISO, Rostest certification

Compare plastic windows LG:

The South Korean company LG Chem is the parent company of the world famous concern LG. By the way, LG Chem is not only windows! The company operates in several directions and produces chemicals, electrical goods, manufactured goods, polymers and other products. Today, it employs more than 10,000 people, and its products are sold in many countries: in Japan, Turkey, the USA, China and India. Literally 5 years ago, LG Chem products appeared in Russia.

And speaking of windows...

One of the directions of the company is the production of PVC window profiles. The assortment is represented by two types of profiles: windows LG Chem L-600 and LG Chem L-700. They differ in the depth of the PVC profile, which in the first version is 60 cm, and in the second - 70 cm.

All LG Chem profiles are made from quality materials that have been developed based on the company's own research. LG Chem Ltd has its own research and development center, which is engaged in the introduction of modern technologies and constantly improves the competitiveness of products. As a result, LG Chem windows are undemanding in operation and are suitable for installation in any regions of Russia. They perfectly tolerate both extreme heat and frost. Despite the fact that the windows were developed in sunny Korea, they are ideal for our harsh climatic conditions.

Advantages of the LG Chem window:

  • The climate of Russia is usually called "harsh", and not every window will endure the test of Russian frosts and winds. LG Chem windows are perfect for both the southern and northern regions of our country. They are not afraid of sudden temperature changes that occur in some of them.
  • LG Chem windows can be equipped with anti-burglar fittings and. In combination with a special profile design, it makes the window truly impregnable. All LG Chem profiles have a fitting eurogroove, the presence of which makes them compatible with fittings from most manufacturers.
  • Thanks to the four- and five-chamber profile, LG Chem windows perfectly retain heat in the room. In addition, with such windows you will forget what a draft is!
  • With PVC windows LG Chem in the house or office will become even cleaner. After all, LG Chem windows do not let dust and dirt into the room.
  • Of course, the windows of LG Chem "protect the ears of the owners" from street noise. Now the sounds of your hometown will not bother you during the day, but at night.
  • The fold straightener, located horizontally, reduces the time for the selection and installation of the lining under the double-glazed window. Due to the fact that the lining of the simplest form is suitable for LG Chem windows, it turns out to save a little on its cost.
  • The outer part of the LG Chem profile has a 20-degree slope. Thanks to this structure, drops of moisture do not linger on it - rainwater does not penetrate inside, due to which its service life is significantly increased.

And that is not all!

As you can see, LG Chem profiles have a lot of advantages. But, most importantly, that's not all!

LG Chem profiles can be painted in any shade you like. Love classic white? - Please. LG Chem windows in classic white design are very beautiful. Or maybe you want the color of your windows to resemble the texture of natural wood? - There is nothing easier. Laminated windows LG Chem outwardly practically do not differ from natural wooden ones. Red, pink, yellow or, for example, lilac - you can choose the shade of the window that best fits into your interior.

LG Chem windows are very good. But we have not named their main advantage. And we are talking about low cost. Low price + high quality + excellent consumer properties. Does a good window need anything else?

Almost 40 years of experience, strict quality control and continuous improvement of its products - all this speaks in favor of LG Chem. Choose windows from a global manufacturer, and you won't regret it!