Ideal space: how the offices of the world's leading IT companies are arranged. Recreation room design Sports corner in the office

The life of an employee of the trading floor cannot be called easy. A person who has never worked in retail does not understand this. Store visitors are not interested in the internal state of the employees of the trading floor, they need to spend money correctly, get advice, and choose goods. And it is right. The buyer should have a pleasant impression of communicating with the employee.

The seller is always kind and easily ready to fulfill any whim. If he looks like a haggard hauler from the picture, exhausted to the limit famous artist, then the visitor will have a desire to leave the tired worker alone. Feelings of guilt may arise eventually. Why torture questions already tortured?

To keep the staff fresh and kind, retail managers take various measures: distribute work in such a way that the team does not get tired, come up with motivation systems, hold fun corporate events so that people are distracted from hard work. There is another way that helps in the fight against chronic fatigue - a rest room for staff.


A person at work must rest every hour, switch. It's easy in the office - stop work program and open solitaire. Or leave the office - drink water from the cooler. The most valuable thing in a short-term vacation is the opportunity to be distracted. It is more difficult for the seller to relax - he is always in shape, “on duty”. Going out into the street, he may run into a buyer who will definitely ask some question, which means that he must smile, keep a friendly expression on his face. Therefore, the first condition that the rest room must meet is to be away from clients.

There is a constant noise in the store, which is not noticed, but causes severe fatigue by the end of the day. When a person performs routine work that does not require attention, the hum does not affect productivity. For example, it does not interfere with the unloading of goods. But when you need to do something more complicated - for example, figure out how to offer a product to a client in order to push them to buy - you need to concentrate, and constant sounds interfere with this. In general, in order to restore working capacity, a person needs to sit in silence. So the second condition is isolate the rest room from noise. For the same reason, you should not turn on the radio or player there to "raise morale." Silence should be a priority. If someone wants to listen to music, this can be done through headphones, since gadgets are now available to everyone.

In the rest room, they usually eat, change clothes, put themselves in order, therefore it is highly desirable that there is a toilet with a shower or washbasin nearby.

Personal space for everyone

In order for a person to really rest, he needs to feel at home. Therefore, everyone should have their own personal corner. But how to organize it if the room is already small? good decision there are individual lockers for clothes, locked with a key. Let everyone equip their personal space the way they want. Let employees stick photos of popular media people or their loved ones on the doors, keep phones, players, notebooks with notes in cabinets, hang calendars, to-do lists. It doesn't matter, the main thing is that everyone in the rest room has a piece of their own world.

Disposable tableware is a wonderful invention of civilization, but it is better if an employee at work has his own cup, spoon, plate. Of course, they must be kept clean.

Comfort - like at home

Living conditions should be close to home. A refrigerator is needed indoors to store food. You should not count on the fact that employees will go to a nearby cafe, so you need a normal table, a microwave oven and a cupboard for dishes and products. There should be enough chairs and disposable tableware in the room. Install a water cooler in the room or equip the water supply with filters.

If you do not interfere, the employees themselves will do the rest - they will bring flowers, pictures, calendar cards, vases and other attributes of comfort. Encourage the desire to make the room pleasant.

Colors for decoration inner space it is advisable to use muted ones - blue, light green, light green, beige. This gamma helps to calm nervous system, gives a person the opportunity to look around, remember himself, put feelings in order.

In no case should you use red, black, bright yellow a. Red stimulates, increases efficiency, whips up, but does not give the necessary relaxation. Yellow also works in a similar way - it cheers up, but tires. Gotta get excited trading floor and relax in the relaxation room. As for the black color, it suppresses, causes a feeling of despondency, and why are there sad sellers in the hall?

You should also make sure that the room is well lit. Ideally, of course, it should be the light of the sun. This is an important part natural environment for the human body. As a last resort, if there are no windows in the room, you can use good electric lamps. But take care that their light is warm, not cold.

Lounge - for relaxation only

Sometimes leaders make mistakes. They bring a working atmosphere into the break room, based on the belief that this way people will remember their duties and perform them better. Seminars are organized in the staff room, schedules for the implementation of the plan, duty schedules, and so on are hung. The apotheosis of workaholism can be considered the holding of working meetings in the rest room.

Should not be doing that. Memos, regulations, corporate wall newspapers should be elsewhere. Yes, it is sometimes difficult to find it, especially when every square centimeter of the area counts, but we must try so that a person gets a break in the rest room, and not a kick. Written orders, company orders, schedules, plans should be posted on the walls in the corridors or in the trading floor.

Store managers should lead by example. When dining in the staff room, talk with subordinates not about work, but about other, "secular" things - the weather, films, music. All working moments - only outside the premises. If someone started talking about the case, you should not cut off the person, it is better to gently ask to discuss the topic later, on the trading floor.

In order for a person to work, he must not only be constantly urged on, but also given the opportunity to gain strength. Create conditions for rest, and the staff will work better.

Evgeny Mamonov

The very idea that at work it is necessary to create conditions for relaxation is quite controversial. For example, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Portland Charlotte Fritz during the study found that breaks spent listening to music, chatting on the Internet and talking on abstract topics reduce performance. while, exchange business information and planning in your spare time allow you to increase concentration and focus.

In Russia, there will hardly be many people who want to replace a tea break with a brainstorm, because discussing pressing issues over a cup of tea has become almost a tradition for us. Alexey Pushkov, head of the information and analytical department of the National League of Governors, is sure that "tea" can become an analogue of rest rooms, because "the Russian mentality is more predisposed to this." Alexei emphasizes that if for countries Latin America sleep for three hours at the height of the working day is normal, then for the Russian people it will be unacceptable - it is unlikely that we will be able to return to our duties after a siesta as if nothing had happened.

National peculiarities of thinking mean a lot, but even they can change in the conditions modern business. Everyone knows the enormous working capacity of the Japanese, who sleep an average of 6.5 - 7.5 hours a day, and devote about 10 hours to work. The Moscow office of the Japanese broadcasting corporation NHK refused both rest rooms and tea rooms, arguing that employees do not like to relax at work. How do those who are still accustomed to devote time to rest spend their leisure time?

What to do during a break?

Undoubtedly, people of creative professions, who are always in search of inspiration, can benefit from a change of scenery. In addition, they are more reverent about. That is why the most original ideas interior design can be seen in companies specializing in design and advertising. For example, employees of the Art. Lebedev Studio, while at work, can visit the Museum of Junk.

Room industrial designers. Collection of antique radios and communications equipment. Photo: Vladimir Korovin

The Moscow office deserves special attention, which was created, according to company representatives in their corporate blog, "with a Russian soul." Office interiors are decorated in Russian style folk tales, familiar to everyone since childhood cartoons and films. In the favorite place of all employees - the Lukomorye recreation area - you can immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a fairy-tale land and sit under a green oak tree while reading a book.

Unusual interiors inspire new labor exploits. But cozy rooms rest is not the only way relaxation, a massage room is at the service of employees.

Photo - from the Google corporate blog

According to corporate trainers, the creation of rest rooms is not a very common practice. There are several reasons: the eternal desire affects Russian businessmen to save money, exorbitant prices for renting premises in the capital play a role, sometimes the personal prejudices of the management serve as a barrier.

AT Russian companies the culture of corporate recreation is limited to holidays dedicated to the birthday of the company or the date of the conclusion of a strategically important contract. Meanwhile, the opportunities to maintain the loyalty of employees and increase labor productivity are much wider. For example, I often advise executives and HR managers who complain about a limited budget to buy intellectual or economic board games - Monopoly, Power Grid, etc. Such games do not require a separate room– employees can arrange tournaments outside of the working day, right in their offices. It's practical and effective method. - Svetlana, business coach at a Moscow recruiting agency

Modern business trends prove that the office is a space where the work process turns into creativity. Here brilliant ideas and ways to solve operational problems are born, here the achievements of one employee grow into collective success, and everyday work contributes to a positive experience.

It goes without saying that in order to create a dynamic, but at the same time not tense atmosphere, it is not enough to competently organize working room. Need to develop creative interior for a comfortable recreation area (lounge), where each employee can get a mental and physical relaxation, communicate in an informal setting with colleagues and dilute the monotony of office everyday life.

Two types of office break room design

Many successful companies for the rest of employees allocate a separate room or hall. Start-up companies are often forced to huddle in rooms of modest size; therefore, for recreation, they allocate part of the working space. In both the first and second cases, this zone can be arranged according to the “sofa” or “coffee break” type of arrangement.

In the "sofa" recreation area, the dominant role is played by upholstered furniture. Sofas, armchairs, soft chairs and padded stools are necessary here so that everyone can feel the atmosphere of comfort during the working day. Complementing this ensemble are often magazine or coffee tables, bookcases and TV panels.

When choosing upholstered furniture for a creative office, you need to remember that it should be different from the furniture in the meeting room or in the reception room. It should not be too formal, but on the contrary - have a bright and creative design to make it easier for the employee to switch from work to leisure.

The principle of "coffee break" involves a radically different approach to the arrangement of the recreation area. Instead of soft sofas and armchairs, employees are greeted by a bar counter where you can drink a cup of invigorating coffee or cooling juice. An exceptionally "standing" type of rest will appeal to those workers who spend all working time in a sitting position.

Decorative elements in the lounge area

Equally important in creating comfortable atmosphere play in the lounge area decorative elements. Paintings, indoor fountains and aquariums contribute to complete relaxation, improvement emotional state and complete recharging of the body. Racks (or shelves) with corporate attributes are always appropriate in such interiors. Attributes such as company logos, official symbols, awards and diplomas clearly demonstrate the result of teamwork.

They make the lounge area more “homely” Wall lights and houseplants. In order to get rid of the excessive formality of the window, it is recommended to decorate light curtains, and leave standard blinds and shutters for the workspace.

Sports area in the office

Sports activities are the key to the physical and emotional health of employees. Even if this is not a big sport, but entertaining, its effectiveness is obvious. Physical activity helps relieve stress, relax your back and free your thoughts from the bustle of work. In view of this, it is not surprising that many companies organize an impromptu gym in the break room.

The sports corner is often decorated with table football or hockey, billiards, ping-pong, mini-basketball or mini-golf.

Large companies play for high stakes and equip a real gym for employees. Here you can find exercise equipment for every taste, as well as modern massage chairs.

stereotype that high performance can only be achieved through colossal mental and physical activity, and rest leads only to the dispersion of attention, debunked a long time ago.

An example is the experience of leading Japanese companies. It’s hard to blame them for an irrational approach to organizing working conditions and low productivity! And, nevertheless, in their offices there are always so-called lounge zones, where employees can have a little rest, relax and simply be distracted from production tasks, relieve stress. A similar practice has been introduced in American and European companies. I am glad that our domestic leaders are also coming to understand the importance of this approach.

The construction company Tertiya offers services for the creation of a turnkey office design project. And the desire of the customer to organize a lounge area for employees will only make the work on the project more interesting. The experience and professionalism of the design team guarantees an excellent result.

Two types of solutions for the office relaxation area

The desire to equip a recreation area is already a clearly progressive step. But each company has different opportunities, from spatial to financial. And this is another reason to turn to professional services. Tertia specialists will select optimal solution based on the capabilities and wishes of the customer.

There are two main types of problem solving:

  1. Equipment private room rest in the office - this can be afforded, as a rule, large companies who have the financial ability and enough space in the office.
  2. Organization of a lounge area directly in one of the parts of the workspace is a solution for start-up companies that rent for the time being small offices and are just starting to develop. To somehow mark the boundaries of this zone, you can use small partitions.

Ideas for decorating a recreation area

If you think that all lounge areas look about the same, and the variety lies only in color schemes, then you are categorically mistaken. The designers of the Tertiya company are ready to demonstrate this clearly by offering at least several solutions. The choice will depend on the customer, who must take into account the specifics of the work, the contingent, age and gender of their employees.

Let's single out a few basic, popular and practice-tested ideas for decorating a recreation area in the office:

  1. "Sofa" zone- creating an environment as close as possible to home comfort and coziness. The main pieces of furniture here will be soft sofas, armchairs, padded stools, ottomans. The furniture should be strikingly different from the office. Concerning color solutions, then variations are possible here - it can be a calm interior, made in soft warm colors or with bright contrasting elements. When using bright colors, the designer must take into account their balance - they should not act as an irritant and catalyst for the nervous system. Shelves or cabinets with books or printed periodicals, a large television panel, an aquarium, decorative, necessarily live shrubs and trees, live songbirds in cages will also be appropriate here.
  2. Coffee break area- implies the presence of a bar where employees can drink a cup of tea or coffee, a glass of juice, get a little distracted, discuss, perhaps even work topics, in an informal setting. This format is very relevant for offices where employees spend all their time sitting, with minimal mobility. In this case, the opportunity to stretch a little, stand up and walk is of particular value.
  3. Sports and gaming recreation area- includes the placement of modern fitness equipment and showers. Cardio equipment is also recommended. However, it is not uncommon for large companies to organize full-fledged gyms, indoor tennis courts, and mini-basketball. AT compact version gym with exercise equipment can be supplemented board games- football, hockey, billiards, ping-pong and other distractions.

Today, many institutions where there is a permanent presence a large number of visitors, it is customary to equip them with special places for a relaxed pastime. It is for these purposes that designers propose to create the interior of a recreation area in the office, the photo of which emphasizes the main characteristics of such an environment.

In the conditions of such a room as a work office, it is extremely important to create an appropriate space in which employees would have the opportunity to spend time outside the office and relax. The need to design such an interior is to increase labor efficiency, as well as to improve relationships between employees. In addition, similar recreation areas are also being created in many hotels, where it is necessary to provide guests, as well as guests, with a place where they can spend time while waiting for their room, for example. Undoubtedly, design of recreation areas in hotels differs from the design of those in the workspace, which is associated with the peculiarities of their purpose.

Characteristic design elements of the hotel's recreation area

Considering character traits of this variant of the premises, the most important in the process of its design is the selection the best option color palette. It should be noted that usually the interior of hotels involves a very discreet decor of the atmosphere for relaxation, therefore, preference is given here pastel colors, as well as saturated and at the same time muted dark tones. Often walls, as well as other surfaces, are finished in brown, such a room also allows the use of unusual accents in the form of colored glass inserts, stained-glass windows, as well as heterogeneous textures. The main rule to be followed hotel lounge design, is the use of tones corresponding to warm colors, which creates an atmosphere of comfort and relaxation.

In the presented form of the interior, lighting plays a decisive role. Here, as a rule, heterogeneous light is used - it can be represented by numerous chandeliers with discreet decor, as well as wall sconces and floor lamps. Furniture is also chosen taking into account the general style of the establishment, with preference given to comfortable sofas, armchairs and tables.

Typical interior design elements for office break areas

In the matter of decorating a place to relax in an office environment, the main rule is the use of bright colors. For example, if the typical design of the manager's office involves the use of a restrained range, then the recreation area, on the contrary, gravitates more towards the combination bright details finishes. Often the walls and ceilings in it are painted in pastel colors, but the emphasis is placed directly on the furnishings. Often the surfaces themselves are decorated bright colors, which creates a proper relaxed environment that is different from the mood of the entire office.

Specially for finishes such as office interior design, typical is the use of simple in their forms and at the same time stylish in decorative design furniture elements. The most harmonious look here are all kinds of colored chairs and bean bags that contrast with the usual office furniture. Lighting for this type of environment is chosen heterogeneous, which emphasizes the presence of separate functional areas in such a space.