The house is completely on electricity. Where gas is not available, it will save! Heating your home with electricity: the most economical way. Advantages and disadvantages of heating with electricity

Electric heating in a private house can be the main source of heat in the room, or it can be used as a backup. The principle of operation of electrical appliances is to convert electrical energy into thermal energy.

By “turning on” a little logic, we can agree with the theory that the future lies with electric heating systems, since the reserves of natural energy carriers are not endless, and electricity can already be successfully obtained by alternative methods today.

Electric heating at home, regardless of its type, has the following general qualities:

  • Environmental friendliness - since electric energy is used, there is no fuel combustion process that pollutes the atmosphere with combustion products and leaves behind solid combustion waste.
  • High efficiency.
  • "Independence" - such heating equipment is capable of itself (if appropriate automation is available), to control the heating process.
  • Noiselessness - often, in addition to the slight noise of the fan (if there is one in the device), electrical heating appliances do not emit other sounds.
  • Safety - there is no possibility of an explosion or accumulation of carbon monoxide in the room, as, for example, when using a gas boiler. The safety devices of the power supply system at home are able to protect both the structure and the people in it from the emergency operation of electric heaters.
  • Convenience and "multi-mode" operation - the ability to use various operating modes: from the minimum power, which maintains the optimum temperature in the room, to the maximum, used to quickly increase the temperature in the room. The ability to program the system allows you to use electricity efficiently (economically) by setting a weekly heating program for the system.
  • Possibility of establishing different heating modes for different rooms - zone heating.
  • There is no need to equip a room for a boiler room and / or tanks for fuel supply.
  • Low cost installation but high cost operation.
  • If it is necessary to heat a large area, it is necessary to use equipment that consumes a sufficiently large power, and this requires a high-quality and reliable line of electrical input to the house.

Classification of electric heating systems of a private house

Almost all electrical systems that exist today in the topic of heating can be divided into two categories:

  • direct heating with electricity;
  • heating the house with electricity using a heat carrier - an electric boiler is needed.

Direct heating from electricity is realized through the use of convectors (stationary and portable) as well as radiators.

The category of direct-acting heaters also includes electric "warm floors", implemented using a special heating electric cable, located mainly in the screed under the floor covering.

Direct heating is also carried out by infrared heaters. Their peculiarity is the fact that with such radiation it is not the air in the room that is heated, but the objects that have fallen under the IR radiation, and the air masses enclosed in the volume of the room are already warming up from them.

"Direct" electric heating in a private house is easy to install. When installing decorative boxes for laying electrical wiring, installation is possible even “for finished repairs”.

Heating electrical systems of another type use a coolant, which is most often water, less often antifreeze. This type of system is most common among electric heating options for a private house.

This system is more versatile. If there are heating communications in the house, it can be easily converted to a different type of heater - a boiler, for example, gas or liquid fuel.

Heating a country house with an electric boiler can be made more economical if you use a heat accumulator system and provide for a “zonal” meter.


Heating a country house with electricity can be realized using electric convectors. This is usually a wall or floor heating device that uses the principle of natural convection to heat the entire volume of air in the room.

Cabinet design usually assumes flat rectangular shapes, the height of which can vary from 150 mm (skirting options) to tall narrow options used for mounting on narrow walls.

The design of the convector body with a heating element located in its lower part creates a directed air flow. Room air in a cold state enters through the lower openings in the housing, and already heated, it exits through the upper air channels, which ensures fast and uniform heating of this volume of air in the room. This fact already attracts close attention to convectors, and if we also pay attention to ergonomics and safety ...

Convectors from well-known manufacturers can rightly be called safe and optimal electric heating devices in a private house. Modern design solutions for convectors involve the use of low-temperature monolithic heating elements instead of tubular heating elements. The heating time of such an element to operating temperature is less than a minute. And literally immediately such a heating element transfers heat to the air without initially heating the convector body. The efficiency of such devices can reach and exceed 90%.

It is important! Please note that modern low-temperature convectors with a low temperature of the heating element are silent devices that do not dry out the air by burning oxygen, as high-temperature heating radiators do, in which the heating element can heat up to 700 ° C, while burning a large amount of oxygen in room.

We repeat ... When choosing electric convectors, pay attention to models of time-tested well-known manufacturers. Particular attention should be paid to the design solutions for electrical protection and moisture protection - these points are especially relevant if there are small children in the house and / or convectors are located in a humid room, for example, in a bathroom.

A positive aspect of the operation of electric convectors in our "unstable" electrical networks is their ability to function normally with a spread in the voltage supplying them with electric current from 150 V to 242 V, as well as the presence of multi-stage protection in many models of devices of this type.

The low temperature of the body of the electric convector (up to 55 ° C) eliminates the possibility of burns on such a device and allows you to fix them even on wooden walls.

Such devices involve automation of the heating process with synchronization of their operation and programming of the heating mode.

But! These devices also have one big minus! They “eat” electricity with great appetite, taking money out of your wallet in exchange for a cozy pastime in the house.

The power of the convector(s) for the room is calculated based on their area. On average, 100 W of heater power is needed per 1 m 2 of room area. For example, for a room with an area of ​​​​5-6 m 2, a convector with a power of 500 W is suitable, and for a room of 25-27 m 2, 2500 W will be needed in the “face” of one or more convectors.

Electric radiators and oil coolers

An oil cooler is considered a proven and relatively safe heating device. The heater, located inside the metal case of the heater, is immersed in oil. The heat from the heating element is transferred to the oil, and from it to the outer surface of the walls of the oil cooler in contact with the air space of the room. Such radiators have greater inertia than convectors. In some models of oil radiators, the function of forced air circulation through it is provided, which greatly speeds up the process of heating the room.

Mobility, low cost, low heating temperature of the device case - puts such devices in a number of safe household devices.

fan heaters

For temporary heating of the house, it is also possible to use fan heaters - devices consisting of a heating element and a fan that drives air through it. Due to the presence of a fan, such devices are characterized by a high degree of heat transfer.

A negative feature of this type of heating devices is the high temperature of the heating element, which leads to the combustion of dust in the air on it and the drying of the air itself (combustion on the oxygen heater).

Fan heaters are also characterized by low fire safety. Since when it overturns and blocks the air holes, there is a huge probability of overheating and spontaneous combustion. The temperature of this device is controlled by a thermostat. And some models of fan heaters are protected by elements of protective automation that disconnects the device from the network when it capsizes or overheats. (These are the ones to choose from!)

There are also fan heaters with low-temperature ceramic heaters. Their high performance is achieved by a large contact area of ​​the blown air with the surface of the heating element. And the oxygen molecules "burned" by the heater are compensated by the work of the air ionizer built into the fan heater.

Advantages of fan heaters:

  • their mobility;
  • high heating rate.

A fan heater can become an indispensable thing during the off-season, when it makes no sense to start the heating system, and the room periodically becomes cold. And also it will come in handy in the event of a breakdown of the main heating system.

Heating of the cottage with electricity can also be organized using stationary (built-in) thermal fans that provide (some of them) both air heating and room ventilation.

infrared heaters

Infrared heaters are also designed to heat, but they are somewhat different from other heaters in terms of “functionality”.

First, such devices are usually located on top. (Why not the sun?)

Secondly, infrared thermal radiation with a certain wavelength is perceived by objects in the air, and already from these objects the air in the room is heated. Such devices can be used for heating even in open space. Fast, comfortable and hopefully safe.

Underfloor heating systems

A "warm floor" that takes energy from electrical energy involves either the use of a heating cable, or infrared heaters in the form of film materials or ceramic rods.

A warm floor is a comfortable and fast distribution of heat in a room with high-precision automation of the heating process.

Heating a country house with an electric boiler

Heating with an electric boiler of a country house naturally involves the installation of an electric boiler with heating radiators and main pipes in which the coolant (water) will circulate. Yes! Also, a circulation pump with an expansion tank must be installed, with a safety group, air valves ...

How to organize the heating of a private house with your own hands with electricity using a boiler, read the article "Electric boiler: what you need to know?". It considers electric heating boilers, the consumption of electricity during their operation, the connection diagram of an electric heating boiler, hot water supply and heating by an electric boiler,

We hope that the material presented above will help you navigate in such a direction as heating a private house with your own hands with electricity done ...

Heating a private house with electricity is a very promising topic. The main thing is that electricity prices naturally fall, and not artificially inflated, for the benefit of those who “hold” the energy resources of the planet.

For various reasons, home owners sometimes have to make a choice in favor of heating with electricity. Given the fact that this is the most expensive way to heat a home, the question inevitably arises of saving money spent on heating.

We will talk about how to organize electric economical heating in this article.

Types of electric boilers

To begin with, we will consider the types of electric heating devices.

Among them are the following main groups:

  • heating elements;
  • electrode boilers;
  • induction devices;
  • infrared heaters.

Heating elements

This is the most common type of aggregate. The principle of their operation is based on the transfer of heat from a heating element (tubular electric heater) to a heat carrier, which is most often water. But it could also be antifreeze.


  • heating elements do not have electrical contact with water. This allows you to install emergency automation on such devices (various devices for protective shutdown);
  • their power does not depend on the type of coolant and changes only with an increase / decrease in the voltage in the network. This feature allows you to implement step or smooth heating. When organizing economical electric heating at home, this opportunity must be used.


  • limited resource of heating elements;

When buying such a boiler, pay attention to the possibility of replacing heating elements. This will save you money in the future.
Indeed, instead of buying a new heater, you can simply replace the failed heating elements.

  • scale deposition on heating elements, which can lead to their premature failure;
  • measures are needed to reduce water hardness (to increase the service life of thermal elements).

They are much rarer than the previous species. The design is a container with built-in electrodes. Heating occurs through the release of heat when current passes directly through the coolant. Electrolysis does not occur in this case, since the anode and cathode continuously alternate with each other at a frequency of 50 Hz.


  • they are more reliable in comparison with heating elements. The appearance of scale on the electrodes does not lead to boiler failure. And even turning it on in the absence of water in the system will not lead to a breakdown;
  • are smaller (see photo)


  • in the case of using water as a coolant, it is required to carry out its special preparation;
  • when using antifreeze, not any of them is suitable, but only the one developed by the manufacturer.

Induction devices

Their design is similar to a transformer. There are two circuits: primary (magnetic system) and secondary (heat exchanger). In the second circuit, under the influence of a magnetic field, heating occurs, which is transferred to the coolant.


  • lack of heating elements. This minimizes the possibility of breakage of such a boiler;
  • minimal scale formation;
  • high level of electrical safety;
  • wide range of pressure and temperature;
  • the possibility of using any type of coolant.


  • rather high price;
  • large dimensions and weight;
  • problems with smooth power control.

Infrared heaters

Among electric heaters, it is infrared devices that are considered the most economical. Depending on the manufacturer, they can have a wide variety of dimensions, colors and weights. Most have a rectangular oblong body.

Because of this, such devices are often called panels. They are most often mounted on the ceiling or on the wall so that they do not interfere with the movement of people in the room.

The scope of such devices is extremely wide. These are apartments and private houses, as well as offices and industrial premises. In general, they are used where it is necessary to provide fast heating. Such a device copes with this task perfectly.

The principle of their work is very simple. The infrared rays coming from the device heat up all surfaces (floor, walls, objects). They, in turn, give off heat to the air.


  • rapid heating of the room (due to the fact that heat is given off by a large number of surfaces);
  • lack of combustion of air (due to this, the room is comfortable);
  • a pleasant feeling of warmth, similar to the effect of sunlight in summer;
  • the ability to heat the room only from below (this allows you to use electricity more economically than in the case of heating elements);
  • the presence of automation that allows you to adjust the desired ambient temperature and turn off the device when it is reached (moreover, one regulator can be used for several such heaters);
  • do not form combustion products (do not give foreign odors);
  • there is no air circulation, and, consequently, there is no movement of dust;
  • easy to install and maintain (they can be installed and maintained by hand);
  • long service life (25-35 years);
  • fireproof.

The disadvantage, in fact, is one, although it is rather a feature:

  • They do not heat the air, but objects, that is, by turning on this device in a cold bedroom, you will have to lie on a warm bed for some time and breathe cold air.
    But since the room warms up quite quickly, this drawback is not critical.

Organization of economical heating using an electric boiler

Electric heating can be economical.

But for this you need to fulfill the following mandatory points:

  1. Reduce the level of heat output required for the premises. This means that all heat losses must be eliminated and the thermal insulation properties of the rooms must be improved. In other words, you need to insulate the house.

This will reduce the required heat output. That is, to maintain the required temperature in the room, you will need to spend less heat. And this means that there will be less energy consumption.

Such measures will require certain financial costs. But keep in mind that laying and connecting the gas pipeline will require no less expense;

  1. The next step that needs to be done in order to organize economical electric heating is the right choice of heating method.

The one that saves the most will be the right one. For example, in a well-insulated one-room apartment with euro-windows, it can play the role of an addition to the steam heating system used.

If, on the contrary, in a three-room apartment you use such a heater as the main one, then no savings will come of it. In this case, it is worth using other heating devices.

In particular, it is better to take those that have a built-in power adjustment function. They will allow you to create different temperatures in different rooms, depending on the degree of use of each of them;

  1. The use of different types of heaters in each of the premises, or the use of their combinations. Each electric heater has its own characteristics. The correct combination of such devices will save a lot on energy consumption.

For example, an infrared heater is perfect for a bathroom. You only need to turn it on before washing. It will quickly create the desired temperature.

In the kitchen, you can use a combination of an infrared heater and. Instructions for their combined use is extremely simple.

The convector will operate constantly at a low power level. This is necessary to maintain the minimum allowable temperature at a time when no one is at home.

Upon returning home, we turn on the infrared heater and in a short time raise the temperature in the room to a comfortable level. As you can see, electric heating systems are quite flexible and you can easily create the combination you need from them;

  1. Automatic temperature control. Electric heaters can be controlled by thermostatic automation.

It should be set so that the temperature drops significantly when there is no one in the house, and rises when residents arrive. This will help to reduce the consumption of electricity by an order of magnitude.

  1. Use of the night rate. If there is such an opportunity, be sure not to miss it.

As a rule, the price of electricity at such a tariff is several times lower than at a daily one. To use it, contact your power supply company for permission to install a multi-tariff electricity meter.

As you can see, it is quite possible to organize economical heating with electricity. But this requires the implementation of very specific measures. And besides, you have to think carefully about everything.

If everything is done correctly, then the heating costs will not be so big. For greater clarity on this issue, you should watch the corresponding video on our website. In it you will find additional explanations and comments on this topic.

If the power consumption exceeds that specified in the contract for the supply of electricity, then this issue should be agreed with the supplier organization.
This will avoid unnecessary problems in the future. And you can enjoy your safe, comfortable and economical heating.

Owners of country houses quite often visit their dacha in the summer, and in winter they visit several times a month. Therefore, many owners do not consider it appropriate to design a stationary gas heating system in a country house and solve the problem of low temperatures using electric heating. Unlike traditional types of heating, electric heating of a country house has a number of significant advantages, among them:

A solid list of advantages makes owners think about designing heating a country house using devices powered by electricity, such as electric boilers, electric oil batteries, ceramic heating panels, heat guns, inverter batteries, infrared heaters, fan heaters.

A modern electric boiler for heating a summer house is one of the most common types of heaters. It can provide full heating in a country house that is not connected to the gas supply system. By choosing the right electric boilers for heating the cottage in terms of power, you can use one device to effectively heat the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house.

Approximately, ten square meters of area should account for one kilowatt of boiler power.

For example, a 6 kW electric boiler is suitable for heating a dacha with an area of ​​​​about 60 square meters. For large country houses exceeding 85-90 square meters, it is advisable to install an electric heating boiler of 9 kW, which will cope with its functions and will not work at peak performance.

Depending on the design features, there are several models of boilers:

Having picked up a certain design, you can order an electric boiler on the official website of the manufacturer. At the moment, the sale of electric boilers is carried out by many domestic and foreign brands. Therefore, before making the final choice of an electric boiler for heating a house outside the city, you should familiarize yourself with the specifics of appliances from different manufacturers.

Electric boiler Proterm

A brand from Slovakia has been supplying Proterm electric heating boilers to domestic markets for a long time. All equipment is distinguished by good build quality, a high degree of automation and safety. By installing an electric Proterm boiler in the country house, the price of which is about $ 400 for a single-circuit model with a capacity of 6 kW, the owner will solve the problem of heating the house in cold winters for a long time.

If the cottage has a bathroom or shower, then it is necessary to buy a double-circuit electric boiler to provide the house with hot water. A Proterm boiler with two circuits is somewhat more expensive, but the high price is justified by the wide functionality and practicality of the device.

Russian-made boiler Evan

In the assortment of the Russian brand Evan for giving, you can pick up an electric double-circuit wall-mounted boiler, the price of which is about $ 800 for a model with a power of 12 kW. Boilers from this brand have a built-in circulation pump, an expansion membrane, a pressure gauge, a remote room thermostat and an on indicator. Thanks to a successful design, the electric heating boiler Evan is in no way inferior to imported counterparts.

To ensure the safety of the boiler, manufacturers have equipped it with a number of functions:

Electric boiler from the Rusnit brand

The affordable electric boiler Rusnit is also produced in the Russian Federation. Having bought a 9 kW electric boiler in the brand line, the owner will be able to provide efficient heating in a country house, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is approximately 90 squares with a ceiling height of up to three meters. This boiler is characterized by easy installation, compact outer casing and easy adjustment of operation settings.

The boilers from the Rusnit brand are characterized by the following specifics:

  • protection against overheating is provided;
  • has a remote room thermostat;
  • the power indicator function is programmed.

Electric boiler for a summer residence - the final choice

Having decided on the brand, the consumer will have to solve another dilemma, namely, to answer the question: install a 380v electric heating boiler in the country house or give preference to a model that works with a mains voltage of 220V? It should be understood that the first option requires good wiring that can handle high loads. Therefore, it is better for owners of old country houses with poor wiring to use an electric heating boiler 380v for heating, the price of which is about $ 500 for a 6 W model, it is better to refuse.

Summing up the consideration of the option of heating a summer house with the help of electric boilers, a number of nuances can be distinguished.

Device benefits include:

The disadvantages of devices should also be taken seriously:

  • high electricity consumption;
  • a solid investment in the purchase of a quality boiler from a reliable manufacturer.

oil batteries

Electric oil batteries in appearance resemble the usual water radiators, however, the heating of the coolant, in this case, the oil located in the metal case of the device, is carried out through the use of electrical energy. Various models of oil heaters are able to heat the air in a room with an area of ​​10 to 25 square meters. Often they are mounted on the floor and equipped with a number of auxiliary options, such as an operating timer and a thermostat.

Features of oil heaters:

Electric convector

This device is devoid of a number of disadvantages attributed to oil analogues, so at home in the country with the use of a convector it can be a reasonable choice. The convector uses a high-resistance metal coil to heat the air, hidden under an attractive compact body. When heating the lower layers of air, the natural principle of convection of air masses is included in the work and uniform heating of the entire country house is achieved.

Convector specifics:

Ceramic heating panels

More recently, electric heating systems of a country house began to be supplemented with ceramic panels. These devices have demonstrated excellent consumer performance. They have an aesthetic design, neat housing and easy installation. However, the main advantages of ceramic heating panels lie not at all in the competent design of the case, but in the features of operation. These devices are in many ways superior to convectors and oil heaters.

They can demonstrate the following capabilities:

The only nuance that should be studied by the owners of country houses before deciding to buy a ceramic panel is the cost of the appliances. At the moment, the price of panels on the market is quite high, and given that several devices are required for full-fledged heating of the dacha, their purchase will result in a round sum.

Heat guns

In the country, you can use electric heating guns that will help maintain the desired temperature. These devices are environmentally friendly - during operation they do not create harmful emissions and do not pollute the atmosphere. Depending on the design features, the device can use a coil or a heating element for heating and operate both from a two-phase and three-phase network.

When choosing an electric gun for giving, you should give preference to a model equipped with a thermostat.

Such a gun will cost a little more than similar models without a thermostat, but will provide a number of functional advantages:

inverter heatsink

Inverter heating batteries have proven themselves well - they are not afraid of power outages and have greater autonomy, unlike all the devices listed above. These devices have the ability to accumulate electrical energy and consume it in cases of emergency power outages. Such devices are very beneficial to use in regions that have problems with the quality supply of electricity.

Advantages of inverter batteries used for heating country houses:

Disadvantages of devices:

  • high price;
  • the need to comply with certain installation rules recommended by the manufacturer.

Infrared heaters

Owners of dachas who prioritize the creation of economical electric heating will come to the aid of infrared heaters - unique devices that demonstrate impressive energy efficiency. For a long time, this type of device caused skepticism among the inhabitants, and many did not believe in the advertised efficiency and profitability of infrared devices. However, over time, the owners were able to personally check the consumer qualities of devices of this type and highlight a number of advantages and disadvantages.



  • high price;
  • the presence of a characteristic sound during operation of the device.

fan heaters

If the country house has a small area, then an inexpensive fan heater can handle its heating. Among the heating equipment listed in the review, this device has the most compact body and affordable price. However, the use of the device carries a number of features. It should be understood that the device dries out the air and does not contribute to the creation of a healthy microclimate, it requires constant monitoring, since it is a fire hazard and works with a characteristic monotonous sound.

Each country house has its own distinctive features, so the choice of the type of electric heating should be made on an individual basis. The owner of the house can get acquainted with the common types of electric heaters and buy the best device that will become the basis of the heating system of the country house.

There are many types of heating. One of them is heating with electricity. In this case, electrical energy is taken as the main energy converted into heat. Moreover, the transformation is carried out in several ways. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

There are five main types of heating based on the use of electrical energy. The sixth type - the production and use of its own electricity for its own needs by various methods - is a topic for a separate discussion, so we will not consider it in this article.

The main types of electric heating

  1. Electric boilers with heating circuit.
  2. Heating electrical convectors.
  3. System electric underfloor heating.
  4. fan heaters, electric heat guns (curtains) and oil coolers (heaters).

Let's say right away that almost all electric heating systems are considered expensive to operate. This is due the price of electricity. Is it possible to heat with electricity along with other types of fuel and not overpay? Below we will try to find out by considering the features of each type of electric heating.

The principle of operation, the pros and cons of each type

Electric boilers operate on the principle of heating the liquid in an external heating circuit connected to them.

They are of two types:

  • boilers with installed heaters - heating elements;
  • electrode boilers.

Everyone knows the usual heating elements. Such heaters are installed in the body of the electric boiler, where they heat running water. As the water heats up, it circulates even more in the system. Circulation pumps are almost always installed - for better pressure and water circulation. Usually in one boiler, manufacturers mount 3-4 heating elements. Depending on the mode, they are switched on one by one, in groups or all together. The power range of most manufactured boilers - from 3 to 50 kW. There are models that operate on a single-phase (220 V) and three-phase (380 V) network. As a rule, more powerful boilers are connected to a 3-phase network.

The electrode boiler is different in that the electric current passes from one electrode to another directly through the liquid, which is heated as a result. Usually, not water is used as a liquid, but a special antifreeze liquid or antifreeze a certain brand. From domestic manufacturers, electrode boilers of the Galan brand are widely used. The power of boilers of this type - from 5 to 25 kW.

The advantages of all electric boilers are as follows:

  • small overall dimensions;
  • ease of installation and control (push-button switches or electronic unit);
  • accurate and fast temperature control;
  • the ability to connect remote room temperature sensors;
  • silent operation;
  • relatively low cost of boilers;
  • environmentally friendly (as a result of which a chimney is not needed);
  • high efficiency.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • quite large electricity bills during the heating season (the cost of electricity makes itself felt);
  • for heating boilers over time (in a few years) the heating element - The heating element is covered with deposits, scum, and, sooner or later, fails;
  • also, heating boilers in the absence of water (or a small amount of it) in the circuit fail - the heating elements burn out;
  • most boilers need good wiring calculated according to the power of the boiler with a margin for other needs;
  • as a result of incorrect calculations or savings, often electrical boilers can't handle the load- cannot fully provide the house with heat, not to mention water for household needs;
  • boilers do not heat the house immediately, but with some (small) delay;
  • the operation of all electric boilers directly depends on the voltage and power of the electrical network, and electrode boilers, in addition, change their power depending on the composition and temperature of the liquid in the heating system.

Use the heating element as a working element. Only here it is not installed in water, but is enclosed in a ceramic insulator and a beautiful safe body made of aluminum or steel. In other words, the heating comes from the warm body of the device and the air inside it. The heated air begins to rise upward, giving way to colder air, circulation and heating of the air in the room begin.

  • floor;
  • wall-mounted- flat rectangles of different sizes;
  • can be built-in or external;
  • always inside built-in thermostat(or electronic control unit) that maintains the desired temperature.

Such devices can be installed anywhere. They are quite warm rooms quickly of course, if their number and power are accurately calculated. Practically do not demand management: the thermostat will support the chosen mode. Modern models do not dry the air their case is reliably isolated from the heating element, due to which the body parts do not heat up more than 60 degrees and the device can be used in wet rooms.

The disadvantages include low power one convector - a large number of them will be needed to heat the building. The wiring must withstand the total power of all convectors (usually the power of one appliance is from 1 to 3 kW).

Became popular recently. Their principle is to convert electricity into infrared rays (quartz emitter), which, in turn heat up any object just in their path.

Structurally, they can be performed:

  • flat wall or floor rectangles
  • as various devices on legs

The power of heaters of different models ranges from 0.25 to 3-4 kW. Usually there is a step power regulator.

Such heaters can heat the air quickly in a certain area. This is their plus and minus. To fully heat the room, you will need quite a lot of them. For normal heating of the room, there are systems of infrared warm floors or walls. Of course, they are more economical than other types of electric heating, but the total cost of all heaters is still quite high.

The efficiency of infrared heaters is due to the fact that they can be directed only to the desired areas of heating. At the same time, in one room it is possible to make zones with different temperature conditions. In addition, if a person is in the zone of action of the heater's rays, he himself will heat up a little (although the air will not be so hot), and will subjectively feel more comfortable. Such devices more economical than electric boilers by 20−35%.

It is a thin current conductors mounted in the floor.

Structurally performed:

  • cable, laid on the desired areas of the floor (waves, zigzags, stripes)
  • as films with a printed conductor (like printed circuit boards of radio equipment).

The conductor is always made of certain materials, for current it represents a lot of resistance. That's why heats up during current flow. As a result, the floor itself heats up, then giving off heat to the air in the room.

Heating a house with electricity is an effective and convenient way to ensure comfortable living in a private house, as well as the possibility of significantly reducing utility bills. If earlier electric heating systems were not fuel efficient, which is why they were not popular in the market, today, with the improvement of technology, an increasing number of homeowners prefer such cheap heating of the house with electricity, which is both safe, efficient and easy to use. Let's talk in more detail about how to inexpensively heat a house with electricity.

Modern technologies of electric heating in comparison with gas and water systems are practical and economical . Talking about the benefits of heating private house or apartment using electrical technology, the following can be noted:

Undoubtedly, the electric heating systems of a private house cannot be called ideal, since they have there are certain disadvantages. So, for example, in some regions the cost of electricity will be so high that it is much easier and cheaper to heat a house with gas or solid fuel. Yes, and in old apartments it is often difficult to use such electric heating, since it will be impossible to disconnect from the central heating.

In recent years, economical heating of a private house with electricity has become more and more in demand, and an increasing number of owners of private houses and modern apartments are choosing this technology, preferring it to gas and other methods of heating the house.

Varieties of heating systems

To date, there are several common types of heating systems that are suitable for a private house or high-rise apartment. Each of these technologies has its own specific advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at each of these popular today electric heating systems.

Electric heated floor

Similar technologies appeared in the middle of the last century and today are successfully used by both residents of high-rise buildings and owners of private houses. The only nuance of such heating of the house is only that the power of the system is often not enough to consider it as the main method of heating the house. The efficiency of using such structures of electric underfloor heating will largely depend on the observance of the technology when laying the material, as well as the correct choice of floor coverings, which should transfer heat well, performing efficient heating of the room.

Underfloor heating system will be fully controlled by the automation, receiving the necessary data from the room temperature sensors, turning the heating on and off at the command of the automation. This ensures significant savings in electricity, increases the comfort of living in an apartment and a private house. Such underfloor heating is very popular in kitchens, bathrooms and corridors, where ceramic tiles or porcelain tiles are laid, which perfectly transfer heat, ensuring correct and efficient heating of the room.

Organization of economical heating

The homeowner, if he wants to ensure maximum comfort of living in the house, it is necessary to approach the solution of the problem in a complex.

Autonomous solar systems

In recent years, alternative energy technology has been developing by leaps and bounds. using solar panels, which from light generate electricity used for the life support of the house, including for heating. A few years ago, such systems on solar panels seemed to us something from the category of fantasy, but today, with a significant increase in efficiency and a decrease in the cost of such equipment, such an economical way of heating a house is becoming more and more relevant and popular on the market.

There are many different low cost electric home heating systems that use electricity generated by solar panels. Today, technology allows not only the optimal use of the resources obtained from sunlight, but also allows you to accumulate them, subsequently using them to heat the room. Such a house, subject to the correct choice of power and the number of solar panels, will not require connection to hot water, electricity and central heating.

The homeowner will need to properly plan the entire solar-powered autonomous system, determine the future electricity consumption, select high-quality solar panels, batteries and other equipment that will be required to organize the life support of a private house. Such systems may still have a fairly high cost today, however, given the constant increase in electricity prices, solar energy and autonomous heating systems quickly pay off, making the house completely independent of the presence or absence of available energy resources in the form of gas and electricity.

Such heating systems on solar panels are especially popular with owners of private houses who mount receiving equipment on the roof of the house, which allows them, through the use of high-quality panels, to fully cover all the needs of homeownership in heat due to solar energy. Experts note that this technology and the use of solar panels and electric heating systems are the future, since homeowners in this case get the opportunity to save significantly and at the same time ensure the comfort of living in a private house, regardless of whether the building is connected to utilities.