Attic space. Insulation of a cold attic in a private house. Why is mineral wool used for attic insulation?

Over time, every owner of a private house thinks about attic insulation. After all, every year the materials lose their original qualities, which leads to the loss of heat that escapes through the attic.

Thermal insulation of the house is a priority that must be addressed before the onset of cold weather. So, as everyone knows that warm house- this is far from the one that is well heated, but the one that does not let all this heat through.

It should also be noted that the insulation of the attic of a private house with polystyrene foam or any other insulation will make it possible to significantly reduce heating costs.

That is why the question of how and with what to insulate the attic becomes as relevant as possible.

As a standard, this kind of insulation is necessary in underused rooms. It is also important to note that they must necessarily be equipped with properly equipped roof ventilation.

The attic, together with its ceilings, performs a very important function, namely, it acts as a boundary between heat and cold. Here it accumulates a large number of condensation and this happens as a result of intense exposure to moisture in the attic. And this must be taken into account when warming your private house.

Many firms and companies offer similar services, but it often happens that the prices for their services are too high and many people think about insulating the house on their own. You can insulate your house with your own hands. However, for this it is important to take into account all the features of the installation of a particular insulation.

The following describes in more detail all the materials that can be used as insulation for the attic. Here, all the advantages will be considered, as well as their disadvantages, and everything so that in the end you can choose the best option for yourself.

But first you need to determine the main types of heaters:

  • bulk;
  • slab;
  • roll;
  • sprayed.

It should be noted that each of the options has its own characteristics and can be used as a heater for the attic. It is important to understand that only the main materials that have been collected are indicated here. the largest number positive feedback.

Warming with mineral wool, ecowool

Mineral wool, perhaps, is by far the most popular material for warming the mountain. This is a classic in the construction industry. After all, it is used by both professional teams and people who decide to deal with the issue of insulation on their own.

Such a wide popularity of mineral wool was achieved due to its excellent performance characteristics. Especially if you take into account basalt mineral wool. It is non-flammable and easy to install.

It is also worth considering some of its other advantages, which include:

  • Simplicity in the process of operation, while working with mineral wool absolutely no problems arise, even for those who insulate the attic on their own.
  • It has a "breathing effect" and it is due to this that a good microclimate is created.
  • Not amenable to combustion.
  • Allows you to create good sound insulation.
  • Ecologically pure material.
  • Many note its property not to lose shape even for long term use.
  • It has a relatively small weight, which in no way affects the main structure.
  • Rodents and other pests will not be able to spoil it.
  • The minimum level of thermal conductivity.
  • One of the cheapest materials that is suitable for insulating the attic of a private house.

It should also be said that mineral wool is sold both in rolls and in slabs. And this makes it possible to choose the most suitable option which will be easier for you to install.

Important! If you decide to insulate the attic with mineral wool, then you should take care of both waterproofing and vapor barrier. This is due to the fact that this material is afraid of moisture. And if you ignore this moment, then after a while the mineral wool will lose its original view and their performance characteristics.

Attic insulation with polystyrene foam

Everyone who is wondering how to insulate the attic has the idea to use polystyrene foam. And this is not at all accidental, since this material is even more common than mineral wool. It is also used by professional builders in their work, and for independent work it fits perfectly.

The main feature that polystyrene has is an acceptable price. It is actually the cheapest building material that can be used as attic insulation.

It is also important to note that expanded polystyrene is much denser than cotton wool, and therefore it is a pleasure to lay it, since it is an “obedient” material. It can be easily processed and laid in the right place.

In addition, there are a number of other advantages:

  • Perfectly keeps its original shape.
  • Not affected by moisture.
  • Low thermal conductivity, an order of magnitude lower than that of mineral wool.
  • The ability to create excellent sound insulation.

But along with large quantity Pluses, this material has significant disadvantages, which include the following indicators:

  • Highly flammable, just one spark is enough for the foam to begin to smolder.
  • It does not let steam through, and therefore it is impossible to achieve the effect of "breathing walls" with this insulation.
  • If you do not additionally protect the polystyrene foam, then the rodents will gnaw it “with pleasure”, and therefore you can end up without attic insulation.

Despite all its shortcomings, polystyrene still remains one of the leaders in the field of attic insulation. After all, fires do not happen so often, from rodents you can use additional protection material, but the "breathing effect" is not so important on the mountain.

Therefore, we can conclude that for such a low price, this is just a great option.

Insulation for the attic

A similar method of warming the mountain in a private house is the most fashionable today. It is used by almost all companies that offer such construction services.

The main advantage that this attic insulation has is that it independently fills all the space, voids and at the same time creates a uniform and continuous layer. You no longer need to cut blocks in order to close up all the holes.

In Russia today, two blown heaters are used: blown wool and ecowool.

The latter consists of 80% cellulose fibers. They are also made from the most ordinary waste paper, but the remaining 20% ​​are a wide variety of additives, which can be boric acid, acting as an antiseptic and snowstorm as a fire retardant.

Blown cotton wool consists entirely of standard minerals which are designed for thermal insulation. It is important to note that it is highly crushed.

Insulation with bulk materials: expanded clay

If you are still thinking about how to insulate the attic in a private house, then you should pay attention to expanded clay. This is one of the most simple ways insulate the attic and at the same time without turning to specialists.

Expanded clay is balls that are poured onto the floor, trying to distribute them as evenly as possible. As you already understood, they can only insulate the floor, the ceiling will not work, in no way.

The advantages of the material include the following:

  • Not flammable.
  • Resistant to low temperatures.
  • Has high strength.
  • Creates excellent sound insulation.
  • Environmentally friendly material that does not affect human health in any way.
  • Has a long service life.
  • Provides good thermal insulation.

The material is poured over the roofing material, minimum layer must be at least 15 cm. In order to be able to walk in the attic, you will need to make a concrete screed.

Sawdust as insulation for the attic

The technical characteristics of this material are in no way inferior to modern synthetic insulation.

Important! Sawdust for insulation is used extremely rarely, since there is big choice other materials that are much easier to work with.

Sawdust Benefits:

  • Sawdust is an environmentally friendly material.
  • Low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • To create such a heater, you do not need any special equipment or a special tool.

polyurethane foam

This material occupies a leading position in the table environmental safety so you can buy it with confidence.

Important! This material shows excellent adhesion, and therefore can be used with absolutely any materials.

Characteristic properties of polyurethane foam:

  • not susceptible to moisture;
  • high level of sound insulation;
  • practically incombustible.

Stages of attic insulation

In order for the insulation to serve for a long time and there are no problems with it, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology. This is the only way to be sure of the quality of the insulation.

Attic preparation

The first stage is the preparation of the attic.

And first of all, it is necessary to put things in order in it, by this we mean:

  • cleaning of all unnecessary items;
  • all wooden details should be pre-processed special composition, which protects the material from decay, as well as from the formation of fungus;
  • if there are metal surfaces, then they should be taken care of, or rather, treated with a special primer or anti-corrosion compound;
  • from all cracks should be removed old insulation, rags, as well as sawdust.
  • if cracks are found in the attic, then they need to be repaired mounting foam.

The second stage - waterproofing

When insulating the mountain, this stage is one of the most important, since many materials do not tolerate moisture well and may even lose their original characteristics. That is why it is necessary to take care of the good. Also, waterproofing helps to avoid the appearance of corrosion on metal floors.

The third stage - laying insulation

Depending on the chosen insulation, we begin to distribute it evenly over the floor, as well as the walls and ceiling, unless, of course, it is expanded clay or sawdust.

It is important to ensure that all layers are the same, and there is no gap between the heaters. At this stage, you need to be as careful as possible.

Fourth stage - vapor barrier

Vapor barrier is prerequisite, both for and for reinforced concrete. It must be laid directly on the ceiling, only in this way can it protect the insulation from the resulting vapors that can accumulate in the heat insulator, passing through the ceiling.

Fifth stage - counter-lattice

After the previous stages have been completed, you can begin to complete the wall (roof) decoration. For this you can use various materials: lining, drywall or plywood.

The sixth stage - insulation of engineering communications

To do this, you can purchase mineral wool and wrap it around the pipes, and then wrap everything with roofing felt and secure it with wire. This is the easiest way to insulate communications.

As you can see, there are no special difficulties in warming the attic. The main thing is to carefully follow the instructions and do everything consistently, and then you will be able to do this procedure no worse than professionals.

After all, now you can choose the most suitable material as a heater.

Organization of a comfortable place of work/recreation by expanding living space is not an easy task, but relevant for both residents apartment buildings and private property owners. If you live on last floor apartments, then the question of arranging the attic for you, as well as for residents country houses and small country houses- the task is feasible. Most often, the attic is not used for any specific purpose. Usually this is a dark, dusty room, littered with useless rubbish. How to turn it into a bright and cozy place? From this article you will learn the secrets of how to make a room in the attic.

If you decide to use the attic with benefit, then you need to immediately decide on the purpose of the future premises. Uninhabited attic can turn into a bedroom, living room, library, nursery, billiard room and even a greenhouse. If you plan to arrange a recreation area in the attic, then having thought over the interior and equipment of the room, you can spend time here not only reading books, but also playing games. board games or exercising in the gym.

If you have a large attic, then by zoning it correctly, you can organize several rooms in it. for various purposes. This can be done, for example, with the help of light-transmitting partitions. So, you can organize, say, a play area and a relaxation room.

On a large attic area, you can make rooms with capital walls. But as a rule, in attics they equip a bedroom located under a gable roof. At the same time, it is important to follow the basic rules for planning an attic space.

If the attic of your house is small, then it is best to organize a bedroom in it by setting a double bed in the center, and along the walls there can be mezzanines for storing bed linen, etc. If two beds are installed in the attic, then they need to be placed in part attic with descending ceilings, while leaving the center free.

But, design can be done along the way, and at the planning stage it is enough to simply determine the purpose of the room. This is important, because the location of the windows in the attic and the conduct of communications, such as air conditioning and ventilation, depend on it. Further in the article, each stage of the arrangement of the attic will be considered in detail.

To avoid unnecessary problems, it is important to have a clear plan of action. Draw a loft plan on paper or make a project on a computer using your imagination and skills. The end of a job is better than the beginning, so figure out your budget right away. Better highlight more funds for the arrangement of the attic of a private house than to be without money halfway through.

Then you should purchase all the material and the missing tool for arranging the attic. If you just need a summer recreation area, then you will need a minimum amount of materials, but if you plan to make a full-fledged living room, then you will have to buy thoroughly.

Before the beginning construction works a dusty, dark and cluttered attic will have to be removed. Be very careful not to injure yourself while doing this. If the area is ready for development, then double-check your plan / project and the dimensions of the room.

Inspect the structure for damage. If they are, then eliminate them. At this stage, the roof, beams and battens, as well as the floor, should be repaired. At the same stage, windows should be installed in the attic.

If a living space is provided in the attic, then it is necessary to carry out light, heating and ventilation in it. Before starting the main work, ventilation ducts, cables and pipes should be laid in the thickness of the walls. Then you can proceed to the insulation, interior decoration of the attic and the arrangement of space.

If you do not have a good staircase to the attic, preferably stationary, then it is important to do it. Otherwise, how are you going to get into the room? Let's look at an example of how to calculate the number of steps and the size of the stairs to the second floor.

  1. Measure the height from floor to ceiling. So, you will find out the height of the ceiling. In our case, it will be, say, 2.7 m.
  2. Now you need to calculate the number of steps, despite the fact that the average step height is about 180 mm. So, divide the height of the stairs, in our case 2700 mm, by the width of the steps, i.e. 180 mm. As a result, you will get the number 15 - this will be the number of steps.
  3. Determine the length of the projection of the stairs on the floor. To do this, you need the number of steps, in our example - 15, multiplied by the average width of the steps - 250 mm. So, you get a projection that has a length of 3750 mm.
  4. Imagine a staircase in the form of a triangle, where the height of the stairs, in our example, is 2700 mm and the projection length flight of stairs on the floor, this is our last value, equal to 3750 mm - these are the legs. Now we need to apply the Pythagorean Theorem. Calculate Square root from the sum of the squares of the legs. So, you will define the hypotenuse, which is, in fact, the length of the stairs. Our value is 4620 mm.

After carrying out the calculations, it will not be difficult to calculate the amount of materials and make steps and railings, and assemble them.

After receiving free access to the attic through the manufacture and installation of a stationary staircase, you can proceed with the installation of windows. You can place them on the gable or directly on the roof. Be that as it may, before making window openings, you need to buy double-glazed windows. This will allow you to make an opening in accordance with the size of the window + a margin of 100–150 mm.

If you will install a window in a roof slope, then it is important to consider that the frame under it must be strong enough to withstand the weight of the entire structure and snow load on the roof in winter.

The frame should be installed between rafter legs, which means that the width of the windows must be ordered taking into account this distance and the thickness of the timber for the frame. Such windows are called dormer windows, they differ from their standard counterparts. Their kit includes a drainage gutter, a contour, a salary and a waterproofing apron. Such a window will provide your room with light and protect it from moisture penetration.

If you install a window in the gable of the house, then everything is simple here. Make an opening, make a frame from a bar, insert a window, foam the gap between the frame and the window. Then cash out and the window is ready.

If the roof is simply covered with roofing material, then it should first be waterproofed. After the frame is installed, the roof and walls of the attic are insulated. Ordinary mineral wool, polyurethane foam, expanded polystyrene can serve as a heater. Then a vapor barrier is carried out, and then the frame is sewn up with drywall.

If the roof slope is large, then frame beams should be installed every 20 cm. In this case, you can securely fix the drywall. After installing the frame and insulating the roof, it is important to install the wiring, as well as install switches and sockets.

The gaps formed between windows and walls should be insulated. It is better to foam the window in the wall, and seal it in the roof slope.

To be able to use attic space year-round, it is necessary to make heating here. There are several options for solving this problem:

  • Use a stationary heating system. To equip it, you need to bring the pipes to the attic and install required amount radiators, corresponding to the area of ​​​​the room.
  • Make a fireplace in the attic.
  • Use electric heaters.

Although the fireplace will create a special touch of comfort and privacy in the attic, with practical point view, it is best and easiest to make an additional branch that you can connect to an existing heating system. But for maximum efficiency, heating system you will need to install a more powerful feed pump that will cope with the increased load.

If you decide to make a fireplace, then take care of the place in which you can store solid fuel. It is also important to correctly make a smoke exhaust system, and this will entail additional financial costs. If as heating appliances electric heaters will be used, remember that they must be powerful enough. Simple fan heaters entail high energy costs, dry the air and are fire hazardous.

From an economic point of view, an autonomous heating system is the most profitable. Although the attic is insulated, it will need to be heated more intensively than the whole house. When using a standard heating system, it will be necessary to increase the heat output for all rooms in the house. If you install autonomous system heating, you can increase the heating of the attic room without increasing the temperature of the heating of the house. Although at high-quality insulation attic space, it can be heated on a par with the house.

It was previously mentioned that electric wires should be laid even at the stage of installation of the frame for cladding walls and ceilings with gypsum board. It is worth noting that for wiring in the attic it is better to use copper wires laid in a metal hose.

After the insulation of the walls, ceiling and floor, as well as their finishing, you can proceed to the choice of the main stylistic concept, as well as the design and arrangement of furniture. It is better to decorate the bedroom in the attic in folk motives or in romantic style. Also here suitable decoration rooms in the style of Provence, Chalet or Country. The attic space in the Loft and Classic style looks no less attractive. As for the Loft style, it is in harmony with a large area. If you do not have one, then it is better to abandon this stylistic decision.

The attic living room can be made in a minimalist style. Eclectic, retro, or styles with strong oriental spicy notes are also suitable.

As a rule, there is not much space in attic spaces, so it is better to decorate them in light colors. At the same time, you need to perform an important design task - to correctly decorate the room so that it does not become faded.

Reach desired effect it is possible by painting the sloping walls in light colors, and the vertical ones in more saturated ones. The combination of wall colors with the colors of curtains or a blanket looks very impressive.

Light brown, light grey, white, peach and beige shades will help you visually enlarge the space, making it lighter.

For a full-fledged design, it is necessary to think over and implement not only color design and stylistic concept, but also the optimal arrangement of furniture. Only then can you create harmonious interior in the attic.

Wooden furniture is suitable for arranging the attic at the right time. However, overly massive pieces of furniture should not be used, as they will reduce the volume of the room. Chest of drawers, bed and bedside tables should be fairly compact in size.

If you left the ceiling open wooden beams, then it would be good if their shade matches the shade of the color of the furniture. The bed can be installed near an inclined wall, fencing it off from the main room with a light curtain.

If you install a fireplace in the room, then with its help you can create a special atmosphere. This, of course, is not always possible or cost-effective. However, you can replace it by installing a false fireplace with your own hands. This way you can create the illusion hearth and hide small flaws walls in the room.

A spacious room should be arranged in accordance with all the rules, taking advantage of available area. Here there is a place for upholstered furniture, and for coffee table, and for TV, and even for bookshelves.

Don't forget about this harmonious combination materials: light natural wood and the stone is either light or dark, will allow you to create a homemade, cozy atmosphere, which can be supplemented with live plants in decorative tubs and pots.

The symmetry of interior items will make the room more attractive. So, the balance and balance in the room will be preserved. We are talking about symmetrically installed lamps, a sofa and chairs with the same upholstery, along with a lot of living plants. Such a living room will look harmonious and elegant.

We hope that this article will help you transform an unsightly attic into a cozy and inviting space in accordance with the needs of your family. If you want to comment on all of the above, then write your notes at the end of the article. You can ask questions to the expert working on the site.


This video goes into more detail about the intricacies of organizing work. living space in the attic:

A photo

In the photos you can see the options for decorating a room in the attic:

As a rule, in dachas, and even in private houses, the attic serves as a place where they go to long years old furniture, rags and other junk. However, from it you can make exactly that room or useful square meters, which the owners always lack. We've rounded up 17 attic living room design ideas that will inspire you to act right now.

1. Bright living room

Cozy living room in scandinavian style with a simple light finish, a small white sofa, hanging chair and laconic wooden details.

2. Place for creativity

Workplace in modern style with a large table by the window and capacious systems storage along the walls is a great example of the competent use of the attic space.

3. Rest corner

A cozy place for relaxation and solitude, organized in a small attic, with wood trim and a small functional bed.

4. Modern bedroom

Stylish bedroom with low furniture that does not disturb the proportions of this non-standard space, and wooden shelves up to the ceiling, which have become an interesting detail of the interior.

5. Provence

Charming Provence style bedroom with white and pink walls, classic bed, hanger and wonderful decorative details - a perfect example of arranging a tiny attic space with sloping roof.

6. Natural materials

Bright attic bedroom, in which the spirit of happiness and freedom hovers, with a makeshift bed made of pallets, two simple pedestals and a charming hanging chair.

7. Game

A small attic can be turned into cozy room for video games and watching movies. To do this, you need to paste over the walls with any dynamic wallpaper, put a couple of tables, chairs, a TV and speakers.

8. Children's

High-quality wall and ceiling finishes, two built-in beds with shelving, a small sofa by the window and a dull attic will turn into a wonderful bedroom for children or teenagers.

9. Cinema hall

Calm interior of a small attic room with a bright semicircular sofa, a round table and a large plasma TV on the wall.

10. Informal space

Tiny lounge in the attic with a bright orange wall, a soft mattress, an abundance of colorful textiles and well-chosen decor.

11. Modern

Fantastic loft with OSB boards on the walls, round window, an elegant table with a light textile upholstery, two classic armchairs and a soft carpet in a pleasant coffee shade.

12. Cabinet

A magnificent office, equipped in a small attic, with a classic desk, vintage floor lamp and comfortable chair.

13. Rustic chic

Atmospheric bedroom with wooden finishes that create a warm feeling, two beds, a simple bedside table, a vintage rug and a garland to create a cozy and festive atmosphere.

14. Eclectic

Attic in the style of "blinded from what was", with bare brick walls, a mattress under a bright blanket, wooden shelving, a wicker bedside table and an abundance of various decorative details. It should be noted that despite the lack of a single idea, the room turned out to be quite cozy, harmonious, and most importantly, original.

15. Territory of comfort

Atmospheric space in Scandinavian style.

A unique space with rough wood beams, a panoramic roof, soft plaid and an abundance of sofa cushions- a fantastic example of arrangement cozy place for relaxing in the attic without much investment.

Video bonus:

If you have not yet decided what can be done with your attic, then we continue the topic

I decided to dedicate this article to those people who want to insulate the attic of the house on their own without large financial costs. Next, we will get acquainted with heat-insulating materials suitable for these purposes and the nuances of their installation.

Stages of work

Insulation of the attic in a private house is conditionally divided into:

Floor insulation

Floor insulation can also be divided into several steps:

Preparation of materials

First you need to make a choice thermal insulation material. There are quite a few options. However, our task is to insulate the ceiling with minimal financial costs.

  • sawdust - thermal conductivity is 0.07 - 0.095 W / mºС. The main advantage of sawdust is that if there are woodworking enterprises nearby, they can be purchased very cheaply or even for free.

The only thing to keep in mind is that before using the sawdust, it is necessary to dry it and also treat it with an antiseptic composition. Also, to protect sawdust from biological influences, you can use slaked lime mixed with carbide.

If sawdust has traces of fungus damage, they cannot be used for insulation;

  • reed is another natural material which can be obtained for free. The thermal conductivity of the reed does not exceed 0.042 W / (m.K).
    Reeds for thermal insulation are harvested in late autumn with the onset of the first frost, when the stems remain almost completely without foliage. Moreover, only mature plants can be used. Such stems are easily identified by a light yellow tint.

  • penoizol - is a modified foam that is applied to the surface in the form of foam. Within a few days, the foam hardens.
    Penoizol has a lower thermal conductivity than all the materials described above - 0.028 - 0.040 W / (m * K). In addition, penoizol is not subject to biological influences, does not burn and is not afraid of moisture.
    The disadvantage of this material is that the insulation of the attic with foam insulation requires certain equipment. Accordingly, it will not be possible to cope with the work on your own. The cost of the material with the work of specialists is 1450-1500 rubles per cubic meter.
    True, you can use dry penoizol in bags, but in this case its price will increase to 2000-2300 rubles per cubic meter;

  • expanded clay is an environmentally friendly and fireproof natural material that is sold in the form of durable granules. The cost starts on average from 1000 rubles per cubic meter, which allows it to be classified as budget heaters.
    The disadvantage of expanded clay is a higher thermal conductivity of 0.1 - 0.18 W / (m * K). That's why for high-quality thermal insulation of the ceiling, expanded clay must be poured with a layer of at least 20 cm.

  • mineral wool is also an environmentally friendly and fireproof material with low thermal conductivity (0.038 to 0.055 W / m * K). As a rule, mineral wool is sold in the form of mats or rolls. Its main disadvantage is the rather high cost - from 2300-2500 rubles per cube of basalt mats.
    True, you can use stone wool in rolls, the cost of which starts from 1500 rubles per cubic meter. But, this material is less environmentally friendly than basalt wool.

AT recent times cellulose-based insulation - ecowool - has become widespread. This material is treated with an antiseptic and flame retardant, therefore it is fireproof and not subject to biological influences. The cost of ecowool is 1200-1500 rubles per cubic meter.

Everyone should choose the best way to insulate the attic in a private house, depending on the needs and availability of a particular heat insulator.

In addition to thermal insulation, you will need other materials:

  • vapor barrier membrane;
  • boards, OSB sheets or other material that can be laid on floor beams;
  • antiseptic impregnation for wood.

Floor preparation

It is possible to start warming the attic floor only after the following preparatory work has been completed:

  • if there is flooring on the floor beams, it must be dismantled;
  • then the wooden beams must be processed antiseptic impregnation. Instructions for the use of such compounds are available on the packaging;
  • if there is no roll-up (filing) of the overlap, it must be done. To do this, boards can be nailed to the beams with inside, i.e. from the side of the room.

This completes the preparation.

Floor insulation

Insulation of the attic floor is carried out as follows:

  1. a vapor barrier membrane must be laid on the logs and the roll. The stripes should overlap each other. For reliability, the joints should be glued with adhesive tape;
  2. Now the insulation is being installed. Mineral mats must be positioned so that they fit snugly against the floor beams and against each other. The same applies to roll material;

  1. on top of the floor beams and thermal insulation with their own hands, another layer of vapor barrier is laid and glued with adhesive tape;
  2. then boards or other material are laid on the floor beams. If the attic will be used as a living space, you can install logs to level the surface and lay a subfloor on top.

If the house has concrete floor, for its thermal insulation of the attic, you need to lay mineral mats or extruded polystyrene foam on the slab, and pour the screed. At the same time, the insulation on both sides must be covered with a waterproofing film, especially if mineral mats are used.

I must say that the ceiling can be insulated not only from the outside, but also from the side of the room. True, in this case, the choice of insulation is limited, since using bulk materials will not work.

As an example, consider how to insulate the ceiling in a private house with an isover, i.e. mineral mats:

  1. First of all, you need to dismantle the reel. In this case, it is desirable to lay boards on top of the beams and fix them;
  2. then a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the beams and boards. To fix it, you can use a stapler;
  3. now mineral mats should be laid in the space between the beams. To fix them, you can use slats located across the beams. Also, nails are often nailed to the beams, between which threads are pulled;

  1. after that, you need to attach another layer of vapor barrier to the beams;
  2. at the end of the work, you need to roll up, after which you can deal with the arrangement of the ceiling.

Roof insulation

In most cases, roof insulation is not required. But, if you are going to use the attic as a living space, then this procedure is indispensable.

Do-it-yourself roof insulation in a private house can also be divided into several stages:

Preparation of materials

Since it is inconvenient to use bulk materials for roof insulation, you can use mineral mats. To save even more, you can make mats from reeds.

In addition to the insulation, you will need the following set of materials:

  • vapor barrier;
  • nails and threads;
  • wooden slats;
  • antiseptic impregnation.

Roof preparation

Before proceeding with the insulation of the roof, you need to perform some preparatory work:

  1. inspect first truss system for its integrity. If any parts are cracked or rotten, they must be replaced or repaired.;
  2. if the thickness of the insulation exceeds the thickness of the log, they must be increased. To do this, nail bars or boards of sufficient thickness to them;
  3. then all wooden structures must be treated with an antiseptic composition to protect them from biological influences.

Roof insulation

Do-it-yourself roof insulation in a private house is carried out as follows:

  1. The vapor barrier membrane must not touch the roof waterproofing. To provide space between these materials, nails must be nailed to the rafters, and threads must be pulled in a zigzag pattern between them;

  1. then fix the vapor barrier membrane to the rafters with a stapler or small nails. Let me remind you that the smooth side of the vapor barrier should face the insulation. Glue the joints of the film with adhesive tape;

  1. now you need to lay the insulation in the space between the rafters. To ensure that there are no cold bridges in the thermal insulation, place the mats close to the rafters and to each other . If the cracks are nevertheless formed, they need to be filled with scraps of insulation..
    To fix the thermal insulation between the rafters, you can also nail carnations and pull threads between them;
  2. after laying the insulation, you need to fix another layer of vapor barrier on the rafters;

  1. at the end of the work, you need to complete the crate using slats or boards about 2 cm thick, to which finishing materials can be attached.

Warming of gables

Now it remains only to insulate the gables, if, of course, they are available. I must say that it is more expedient to insulate them from the outside in parallel with the insulation of the entire facade. However, if the facade is not insulated, then thermal insulation must be made from the inside.

To do this, we need the same materials as for finishing. The only thing besides them is to prepare bars or boards. Their width should correspond to the width of the insulation.

Insulation work resembles the thermal insulation of ordinary walls:

  1. to provide a ventilation space between the walls and the insulation, you need to fix the slats on the gables in a horizontal position. The vertical step should be about half a meter, and horizontally - a few centimeters.

Keep in mind that the slats should form a flat vertical plane. Therefore, if the gables are uneven, the rails must be aligned during installation;

  1. further, a vapor barrier membrane is attached to the rails. During installation, make sure that the film does not sag;
  2. then vertical racks (beams or boards) are installed. To fix them, you can use self-tapping screws and metal corners. Make the distance between the racks a couple of centimeters less than the width of the mats;

  1. now the space between the racks must be filled with insulation. If the racks are installed correctly, the mats will go in tightly, and their additional fixation will not be required;
  2. then attach a vapor barrier to the racks;

  1. at the end of the work, mount the crate.

Now all that's left is finishing. Choice finishing materials depends on the purpose of housing and the attic itself. If, the house is used for permanent residence, and the attic will be heated, you can sheathe it with drywall and use any finishing materials.

Finishing a cold attic should be done with materials that are not afraid of low temperatures. Therefore, from the use of wallpaper and plastic panels better to refuse.


Insulating your own attic, as you can see, is not at all difficult. Therefore, you can safely get to work, the only thing I recommend is also to watch the video in this article. If any nuances are not clear to you, please contact me with questions in the comments, and I will be happy to answer you.

To make the roof space of a private house warm and even residential, it is necessary to insulate the attic from all sides - along the gables and roof slopes. This business is rather difficult and troublesome, given the slopes of the attic walls, to which the insulation will have to be attached. Here it is important to withstand the technology, so that the heat-insulating "pie" has served for more than a dozen years and at the same time retains heat well. Therefore, the question is how to properly insulate with your own hands cold attic, is worth considering in more detail.

Insulation options

Before considering the list of materials, it makes sense to clarify what the concept of "insulate the attic" means, since the choice of insulation depends on this. Some homeowners invest in this concept the insulation of the ceiling and the hatch to the attic in order to reduce the heat loss of the house, and the under-roof space itself will remain cold. Others mean the thermal insulation of the roof slopes from the inside with insufficiently insulated ceilings, as was done in old houses with clay.

Still others want to make the attic space exploitable and warm, for which, again, it is necessary to insulate the walls of the attic, which are roof slopes and side gables. It is about such thermal insulation that will be discussed in detail later. If we are talking about warming the floor of a cold attic, then the choice of materials here is quite large:

  • expanded clay;
  • wood waste (sawdust);
  • glass wool in rolls (such as ISOVER or URSA);
  • plate or rolled mineral wool (ROCKWOOL, KNAUF);
  • boards made of foamed polymers (foam plastic, extruded polystyrene foam).

Note. The list does not include options for insulation with polyurethane foam and ecowool due to their high cost, but we have given the most popular materials for the attic floor. In addition, insulating the attic floor with sprayed polyurethane foam with your own hands will not work without special equipment.

Now, from the list above, we single out those heaters that are most often used to insulate sloping attic walls. At a cost, foam plastic is the cheapest, and its thermal resistance is high, as is the ability to repel moisture. One problem - the material is flammable. Therefore, for those homeowners who are worried about fire safety your home, it is better to buy mineral wool based basalt fiber. Only mineral wool absorbs moisture well, so it will be necessary to provide for its removal, which will be discussed later.

A few words about glass wool, which is also quite suitable for thermal insulation of the attic. It doesn't burn either, but high temperature will not be able to withstand, the material is charred at 200 ° C or more. If it is planned to make the attic room residential, then glass wool does not belong there at all, it is harmful to human health.

Warming with mineral wool

As mentioned above, mineral wool is a porous material and is able to absorb moisture, as well as pass vapor through itself. Even if this insulation is protected on both sides with a vapor-proof film, then due to the temperature difference in the street and inside the house, a dew point will appear in the thickness of the wool. As a result, condensation will begin to form from the air that is already in the open pores of the material.

When insulating the attic with mineral wool with your own hands, you need to learn one rule: the insulation is isolated from moisture only on one side - the inside, and the outside is definitely needed ventilation gap(air). Thanks to him, moisture from the cotton wool will be removed, thereby maintaining its thermal insulation properties.

Also, glass - and mineral wool is afraid of direct contact with water, which is why it instantly gets wet and ceases to be a heater. This means that from the side of the street it must be protected from wind and precipitation, while providing access to the same side of water vapor. That is why it is more difficult to insulate the attic with mineral wool than with foam plastic, which has a vapor barrier. The diagram below shows the correct "pie" of thermal insulation of sloping attic walls from the inside:

As can be seen in the diagram, the insulation is laid in the openings between the rafters, but at first it is laid between the rafter boards and the roofing. waterproofing film- diffusion membrane. It is she who protects the mineral wool from direct moisture, passing all the vapors out, into the air, from where they are carried away ventilation air. The air must be arranged under the entire plane roofing, as shown in the diagram:

Since the diffusion membrane is also a protection against water that can enter its surface from the outside through the slots in the slate, the film sheets must be laid out horizontally over the rafters, starting from the bottom. The canvases are laid with an overlap of 100 mm, and the joints are sealed with adhesive tape. When it comes to warming an old house, where the slate is nailed to the boards of the crate without a membrane, you will have to mount it in strips vertically between the rafters.

Important. It is necessary to fasten the membrane strips to the side surface of the rafter board using a stapler and as often as possible, leaving a 5 cm wide air gap on top.

The next stage is the laying of the insulation by surprise in the gap between the rafters, for which it is cut into strips, whose width is a couple of centimeters more than this gap. By the way, mineral wool manufacturers make plates with a width of 600 mm, and rolls - 1200 mm, adjusting to the standard pitch of the rafters. In this case, additional fastening of the insulation is not required; vapor barrier film and mounted interior decoration.

Like the sloping walls of the attic, the gables also need to be insulated. But here the composition of the "pie" depends on building material this roof element. If it is made of brick or timber, then it would be more correct to insulate the pediment of the attic from the outside, guided by the following scheme:

It is clear that such thermal insulation implies external insulation of the whole house, which is not always possible due to different reasons. Then we continue to insulate the attic from the inside, vertically installing on brick wall wooden bars for further installation of insulation. Before that, do not forget to lay a diffusion membrane under the bars. The same is done if the pediment has an old design, - wooden frame with outer cladding. The "pie" of insulation then looks like this:

Note. The same "pie" is used for internal insulation brick gable attic. Masonry plays a role here outer skin from the boards shown in the diagram.

Foam insulation

It should be noted that it is somewhat easier to insulate the attic with foam plastic than with mineral wool. First of all, because of the vapor impermeability of this insulation, so it is not necessary to arrange an internal vapor barrier. But a diffusion membrane and air are needed in any case, because wood also participates in the “pie”, which must also give moisture somewhere. So the first stage of do-it-yourself attic insulation is repeated as described in the previous section.

Styrofoam with a density of 25 kg / m3 is cut in such a way that it can be tightly inserted between the rafters. Then all joints should be blown out with polyurethane mounting foam, due to which air circulation through the cracks is excluded and additional fastening of the insulation is provided. Then everything is simple: the interior trim of plasterboard or other facing material is attached to the rafters.

In the same way, the gables are thermally insulated. It should be noted that this technology can also be used when insulating the attic with extruded polystyrene foam (foam foam). This modern heater has more high rates than polystyrene, including strength. If there will be a need to lay foam in 2 layers, the second can be attached to the first with ordinary self-tapping screws and glued with polyurethane glue.

Insulation of ventilation pipes in the attic

In modern private houses, the attic is often technical floor where are located ventilation units and pipes for moving air - air ducts. If the temperature there is significantly lower than in the premises, then the air ducts must be insulated without fail, and here's why:

  • the air passing through them is heated by energy carriers paid by the homeowner. It is unacceptable for the air to lose heat in a cold attic for nothing;
  • due to the temperature difference inside and outside the air ducts, condensate will constantly be released.

The cheapest way to insulate ventilation pipes is to buy rolled mineral wool and wrap the air duct with it, fixing it with twine.

After that, a layer of mineral wool is covered with a special foil to prevent moisture from entering. But in compressed form, thermal resistance roll insulation decreases, so it is better to use ready-made foam shells. They are put on the air duct on both sides and fixed with a knitting wire.

Rectangular ventilation pipes are most conveniently insulated with self-adhesive polyethylene foam material. This is an excellent vapor-tight insulation, in which one side is coated with a sticky layer that adheres well to the metal surface.


In fact, there are more materials and methods for insulating the attic, but we have brought the most affordable of them for do-it-yourself work. For example, a layer of polyurethane foam does not require any “pie” at all, but it can only be applied if special units are available. So on this moment polystyrene with mineral wool remain the most popular heaters, as well as the technology of their application.